Comment on Are Pisces prone to by Ramiro Sofronie

to Comment on “Are Pisces prone…” by Ramiro Sofronie Astrology is a science as is shown by the paradigm logy. It is an esoterical science and has no connection with the universe.  The names of the five planets, Mercure, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were used just to hide its true objective: Human nature.  For that purpose, the rules of mathematical statistics and the theory of probability were used.  The creator of astrology was the mathematician, priest, and king Hammurabi (1810-1750) BC who reigned in Babylon for 42 years. After the fall of Babylon, due to its scientific value,  astrology was used for predictions. The twelves signs of the zodiac were such chose to be all equally equilibrated. There is no privileged sign. This is why, in the probability field, wouldn’t be elegant to assume that one sign would be more schizophrenic than another.