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The primary goal of this project is to make it easier for users to control appliances wirelessly via remote controls and voice commands, as well as to include safety features in the event of gas leaks or fires. This concept has two components: wireless home security and home automation. The controller, which is presently being built as a prototype for this project, continuously senses the sensors and takes the necessary action in the event of a home security breach. The Controller then controls the relays depending on commands received via the Internet from the User in the case of home automation. Using the Internet of Things (IoT), we can remotely connect and monitor objects in the real world. In addition to making our home smarter, safer and more automated, it can also be effectively incorporated into this concept. An IoT project aims to build a safe and secure wireless home system.
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
The use of smartphone technology as a tool for communication is ever-increasing, and this technology shows no sign of decline. Moreover, since the era of social networking, smartphones have become a significant entity that humans cannot do without. Internet of things has now opened a new era where we can keep contact data, surf the internet, exchange messages, take notes, carry files and documents, etc. Besides, we can now control hardware like lights, fans, air conditioners, etc. This research aims at designing home security systems to keep selected space safe from intruders and detect gas leakage. The methodology integrated GSM module, ultrasonic sensor, Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR), and gas detectors to implement the wireless remote home security technology. This system adopts the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) technology for optimal functionality and is programmed to respond rapidly as intrusion or gas leakage is detected. The GSM module alerts the homeowner via p...
Internet of Things (IoT) conceptualizes the idea of remotely connecting and monitoring real world objects (things) through the Internet]. When it comes to our house, this concept can be aptly incorporated to make it smarter, safer and automated. This IoT project focuses on building a smart wireless home security system which sends alerts to the owner by using Internet in case of any trespass and raises an alarm optionally. Besides, the same can also be utilized for home automation by making use of the same set of sensors. The leverage obtained by preferring this system over the similar kinds of existing systems is that the alerts and the status sent by the wifi connected microcontroller managed system can be received by the user on his phone from any distance irrespective of whether his mobile phone is connected to the internet. The microcontroller used in the current prototype is the TI-CC3200 Launch pad board which comes with an embedded micro-controller and an onboard Wi-Fi shield making use of which all the electrical appliances inside the home can be controlled and managed.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
Smart homes are gaining popularity these days as a way to provide a convenient, comfortable, and safe living environment. For the urban people, security and safety have always been a basic requirement. There is a lot of promise and scope for remote access, control, and monitoring of network connected appliances with the usage of the Internet and its applications. The project entails.. With the use of Internet and its applications, there is muchSmart homes are gaining popularity these days as a way to provide a convenient, comfortable, and safe living environment. The project includes a PIR module which constantly monitoring the home or work space to be monitored.This report deals with discussion of different intelligent home automation systems and technologies from a various features standpoint. The main attraction of any automated system is reducing human labor, effort, time and errors due to human negligence. The System will inform the owner about any unauthorized entry or wheneve...
Technology is a big and very rapidly growing process. We can able to design a product using the current technology that will be beneficial to the lives of others is a huge contribution to the community. This paper presents the design and implementation of a low cost but yet flexible and secure home automation system. The design is based on an Arduino board and the home appliances are connected to the input/ output ports of this board via relays. The communication between the mobile phone and the Arduino board is wireless. system is designed to be less cost allowing variety of devices to be controlled with minimum changes to its core. Password protection is being used to only allow only home people users from accessing the electronic devices at home.
The life of every person is getting simplified by the continuous development of different technologies. The age of using manual systems is gone. Now, everyone is dependent on automatic systems. For this, nowadays, the Internet of thing (IoT) is playing a vital role in making things easier and simpler for us. It acts as a developing network by considering a number of objects which can share information among each other and fulfill our work. A huge number of applications are coming forward in this technology. One of the applications of IoT is home-automated system. IoT works more efficiently to save electric consumption. It uses many wireless devices for controlling the functioning of wireless devices used in it. All the gadgets or nodes used in home automation are controlled remotely. All the home appliances were controlled using this automation technology. A large number of wireless sensors are used to detect the room temperature, leakages of gas, short circuit, etc. All these senso...
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2022
As a result of the rapid increase in the number of users in internet of things (IoT) technologies, IoT becomes one of the most important technologies that play an important and essential role in various areas of human life, it provides service over 24 hours. In this paper, the proposed system relies on the implementation of a set of sensors for the Internet of things, which accomplish tasks inside the home automation, for example, controlling the main door, boiler and lock, as well as the ability to control lighting and air, internal temperature sensors, it based on the Arduino, to collect multimedia data, and remote-controlled sensors. The proposed system provides an efficient way to control and monitor the various devices in the home for security and safety purposes, and through sensors that rely on wireless technologies. The results show the abnormal alarm notification for heathcare/security purposes with the distance as 27 cm, smoke carbon monoxide on indoor air quality as 10211 degree Co as 6256 degree, Liquefied petroleum gas as 5097 degree, the delayed 3.4 ms and network latency as 0.0012 seconds of alarm notification with long distance as 60 m and high packet delivery ratio as 98.7%.
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
It is needless to say the importance of automation and security systems in the present era. In this paper we propose simple solutions for automation of electrical appliances and home security. We propose to control automatic turn on and turn off of electrical appliances like electric bulb, Air conditioner, electric fan etc.; with respect to the human motion detection rather than using manual switch on/off system. Another solution is controlling the Air conditioner temperature depending on the room temperature. We propose another function to provide security. In all these applications, the Arduino Uno processing unit is used, along with 3 different sensors. To detect the human presence PIR (Passive Infrared) Sensor is used, temperature sensor (LM35) is used to detect the room temperature and Ultrasonic (HC-SR04) sensor is used to detect the presence of objects. If there is any human movement it is detected by the PIR Sensor and the lights will turn on. If the room temperature is above the given temperature set, it is detected by the temperature sensor and the Air conditioner will turn on directly. If there is any object that is detected by the ultrasonic sensor it is detected by the sensor and a buzzer is set that starts emitting sound.
The GRAIL is a treasure that serves as an important motif in Arthurian literature. Different traditions describe it as a cup, dish or stone with miraculous powers that provide happiness, eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance, often in the custody of the Fisher King. The term "holy grail" is often used to denote an elusive object or goal that is sought after for its great significance.
Oxford Studies in Epistemology 7, 2022
On a common way of thinking about epistemology, it's about when a belief counts as knowledge or what the rational response to certain kinds of evidence is and why. Recent trends in virtue epistemology, however, have approached epistemology in a different way and in doing so have raised new questions about what it means to be a good knower and what kinds of skills are important for getting it right about the world. C1.P2 A central analogy that has emerged in examining these new questions is that of the archer. A skilled archer is one who hits her target not just by accident, but because she has developed a skill and uses it well. Her skill has a variety of aspects: she is strong enough to pull the string back, focused enough to avoid distraction, and calm enough to avoid getting flustered by the task. In the same way, a good knower is one who does "hit the truth" but doesn't get things right just by accident, but by examining evidence carefully, double checking for errors, being open-minded, and so on.¹ C1.P3 But skill, especially in difficult tasks, rarely means perfection. Even when an unpredictable gust of wind blows the arrow off course, the archer is still a good one. Someone might be quite skilled at responding to the evidence they have, but still get it wrong about how the world really is. Being a good archer doesn't mean hitting the bullseye every single time and being a good knower doesn't require always getting at the truth. The philosopher Bimal Matilal, for example, uses the analogy on behalf of the Nyāya epistemologists of classical India, to draw a distinction between epistemic skill and infallibility: "a cognitive episode. .. is a knowledge-episode when it hits the truth. Knowledgeness consists in its truthhitting character, and not in its indubitability. .. Even an archer cannot always hit ¹ Sosa (2015: 96) talks of competence, meaning that one is disposed to succeed when one tries. Though Sosa focuses on attempts and trying rather than success, he still sees epistemic life as centered on goal-directed voluntary activity.
Debido al rápido desarrollo de las tecnologías de comunicación e información, la traducción ha dejado de ser una tarea solitaria de individuos aislados. Por el contrario, las competencias interpersonales resultan fundamentales para el traductor, tales como la capacidad para trabajar y negociar con los demás, ya se trate de colegas, clientes o iniciadores, gestores de proyecto, revisores, entre otros. El aprendizaje colaborativo se revela como el más adecuado para la adquisición de esas competencias y para el desarrollo de la autonomía de los alumnos. Este artículo se basa en las respuestas obtenidas en dos años lectivos consecutivos (2012-13 y 2013-14) a un cuestionario dado a los alumnos de la UC de traducción técnica español-portugués de la titulación de Asesoría y Traducción de ISCAP, después de que estos completaran un proyecto de grupo hacia el final de un período de dos semestres de formación. Este proyecto de grupo intentó replicar lo más posible condiciones de trabajo reales...
Revue Internationale de Philosophie, vol. 70 No 277, 2016
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L'Europa al bivio. Tra radici e sfide, 2024
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المشكاة في الاقتصاد التنمية و القانون, 2019
Attachment & Human Development
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