Dynamical electronic nematicity from Mott physics
S. Okamoto,1, ∗ D. Sénéchal,2 M. Civelli,3, † and A.-M. S. Tremblay2, 4
arXiv:1008.5118v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 15 Nov 2010
Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA
Départment de Physique and RQMP, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada J1K 2R1
Theory Group, Institut Laue Langevin, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France
Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Very large anisotropies in transport quantities have been observed in the presence of very small
in-plane structural anisotropy in many strongly correlated electron materials. By studying the twodimensional Hubbard model with dynamical-mean-field theory for clusters, we show that such large
anisotropies can be induced without static stripe order if the interaction is large enough to yield
a Mott transition. Anisotropy decreases at large frequency. The maximum effect on conductivity
anisotropy occurs in the underdoped regime, as observed in high temperature superconductors.
PACS numbers: 74.20.-z, 71.10.-w, 74.25.Jb, 74.72.-h
Nematics are translationally invariant but spontaneously break rotational symmetry. They have been
observed long ago in the field of liquid crystals. In
the last decade, quantum analogs of these phases have
been discovered in electron fluids. Quantum-Hall systems and many strongly correlated electron materials with very small structural anisotropy in the plane,
such as Sr3 Ru2 O7 , cuprates and pnictides, display very
large anisotropies1–3 in properties such as dc (Ref. 4)
and infrared conductivity,5 spin fluctuations,6 or Nernst
signal.7 Microscopic intraunit-cell nematicity in cuprates
has also been observed.8
Much attention has been focused on whether nematic
symmetry breaking in correlated electron materials, such
as the cuprates, originates from the electron fluid or not.
In fact, symmetry breaking in the electron fluid necessarily implies symmetry breaking in the structure and vice
versa.2 Recent studies show that a small band-structure
anisotropy can lead to amplification of the anisotropy in
low-energy excitations, even when spontaneous nematic
symmetry breaking does not occur in the electron fluid.
Slave-boson mean-field theory9 calculations, for example, suggest that the anisotropy in the magnetic excitation spectrum6 can be enhanced by the proximity to
a correlation-induced Pomeranchuk instability. Another
recent paper proposes an enhancement of anisotropy due
to relaxation of frustration on the Kagome lattice which
originates from the renormalization of the band structure
near the correlation-induced metal-insulator transition,
known as the Mott transition.10 Both these studies focus
on the renormalized shape of the Fermi surface or on the
electronic dispersion relation.
Using quantum cluster methods, here we find instead
that a small orthorhombic distortion of hopping in a
model for cuprate superconductors leads to a large nematic anisotropy of the self-energy at small doping and
large enough interaction strength. The large anisotropy
that we find also decreases when frequency is too large.
For all these reasons the name dynamical nematicity is
appropriate. The self-energy anisotropy dominates over
the Fermi-surface deformation and appears in the pseudogap regime4 at low temperature as a finite-doping sig-
nature of the Mott transition.11 No additional spontaneously generated one-dimensional structures that could
also break translational symmetry, such as stripes, are
needed. This explains why the anisotropy that is easily
observed in transport quantities is often hard to associate to static stripes (as in YBa2 Cu3 Oy ), even though
such stripes are observed in some materials.1 Our results
are in qualitative agreement with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) (Ref. 12) and conductivity measurements4 in highly underdoped YBa2 Cu3 Oy .
There, large conductivity anisotropies are observed without major contributions from the CuO chains4 and at
temperatures above the appearance of quasielastic incommensurate peaks.13
We consider the two-dimensional Hubbard Model as
the simplest one that exhibits the physics of electronic
X †
tij d†iσ djσ + U
di↑ di↑ d†i↓ di↓ .
Here, diσ is the annihilation operator for an electron with
spin σ at site i and U is the screened repulsive Coulomb
interaction. The band structure part is described by tij
which includes the transfer integral for i 6= j and the
chemical potential µ for i = j. The next-nearest-neighbor
transfer integral is t′ and the band anisotropy is introduced via the nearest-neighbor transfer integral t along
the x and y directions as tx,y = t(1 ± δ0 /2). We neglect small kinematic effects associated with anisotropy
in lattice constants and take orthorhombicity into account only dynamically through hopping.
We employ the cellular dynamical-mean-field theory
(CDMFT) (Refs. 14 and 15) and the dynamic cluster
approximation (DCA) (Refs. 16 and 17) at zero temperature T ; these methods are capable of capturing the full
dynamics (i.e., the frequency dependence of the spectral
function) and the short-ranged spatial correlations beyond the single-site dynamical-mean-field theory. Both
the CDMFT and DCA map the bulk lattice problem onto
an effective Anderson model describing a cluster embedded in a bath of noninteracting electrons. The shortranged dynamical correlations are treated exactly within
Nα X
α=1 Kσ
4 X
tcij d†iσ djσ + U
ij=1 σ
K cαKσ cαKσ +
N = 0.62
N = 0.81
d†i↑ di↑ d†i↓ di↓
α †
diσ cαKσ + h.c.
The first two terms describe the interacting sites on
the cluster. For CDMFT, tcij = tij while for DCA,
tcij = π4 tij for nearest-neighbor hoppings and tcij =
In both cases,
π 2 tij for second-neighbor hoppings.
tii = µ and the interaction term is the same as in
Eq. (1). The third and the fourth terms represent
bath-orbital levels and cluster-bath hybridizations, respectively. Bath orbitals (α) are classified by the cluster momenta K = (0, 0), (π, 0), (0, π), (π, π) (Refs. 18
and 19) and the impurity-bath hybridization reflects the
α iK·ri
. The Anderson model,
symmetry as vKi
= vK
Eq. (2), is solved using the Lanczos exact diagonalization technique.20–22 This technique limits the number of
bath orbitals (Nα = 2) but allows us to access the dynamical quantities directly on the Matsubara, iωn , or
real-frequency axis ω + iη.
The Anderson model is subjected to a self-consistency
condition, relating itsR one-particle cluster Green’s funciωn τ
hTτ di (τ )d†j (0)i to the lattion Gimp
ij (iωn ) = − dτ e
tice Green’s function of the original model as
Z 2
e iωn ),
Ĝimp (iωn ) = Nc
e iωn ) = (iωn + µ) Iˆ − t̂(k)
e − Σ̂(iωn )
, (4)
where Σ̂(iωn ) = Ĝimp
− Ĝimp (iωn )−1 . Here,
U=0 (iωn )
e)·(ri −rj )
e = N −1
εK+ke describes the
tij (k)
hopping between the clusters covering the original lattice
e are wave
with ϑ = 1 for CDMFT and ϑ = 0 for DCA,17 k
vectors in the reduced Brillouin zone, εk = −2(tx cos kx +
ty cos ky + 2t′ cos kx cos ky ) the non-interacting dispersion
relation of the lattice, and Nc = 4 for our 2 × 2 plaquette.
The self-consistency Eq. (3) is solved by iteration, recomputing the bath Green’s function Ĝimp
U=0 , and thus new
bath parameters, at each iteration by minimizing with
a conjugate gradient algorithm a distance function that
includes frequency dependence on the discrete Matsubara frequency ωn = (2n − 1)π/β, with the small energy
cut-off βt = 50, a frequency weighting |1/ωn |, and a large
frequency cut-off of 10t.21,23
The cluster self-energy Σ̂ (iωn ) enters a CDMFT late iωn ) with larger unit cell.
tice Green’s function Ĝ(k,
From the self-energy functional point of view24 it is
natural to focus on diagonal quantities. This corresponds to Green’s function periodization G(k, iωn ) =
Hclust = −
the cluster. In DCA the embedded cluster is, in general,
translationally invariant but not in CDMFT.
In this study, the 2 × 2 plaquette coupled to bath orbitals is parameterized as
N = 0.89
N = 0.93
1.0 0.0
FIG. 1: (Color online) Spectral function at the Fermi level
A(k, ω = 0) in the first quadrant of the Brillouin zone obtained with CDMFT, U = 10, t′ = −0.3t. The self-energy is
computed directly in real frequency with a small imaginary
part iη with η = 0.1t. The carrier density is (a) N = 0.62,
(b) 0.81, (c) 0.89 and (d) 0.93. The maximum of the spectral
intensity Amax is given by (a) 0.9, (b) 0.6, (c) 0.4, and (d)
0.3 in units of 1/t. The thin white lines indicate the location
of the maxima of A(k, ω = 0) that define the Fermi surface.
The band anisotropy is δ0 = 0.04.
Nc−1 ij e−ik·(ri −rj ) Gij (k, iωn ).25 Other periodization
schemes have been proposed such as cluster cumulant26
and self-energy27 periodizations. In DCA, the conductivity can be computed including vertex corrections and
without restoring the translational lattice invariance of
the self-energy.28 We will show that the results we find
with CDMFT and Green’s function periodization are
qualitatively consistent with DCA. This validates our
approach. In CDMFT, a general procedure for vertex
corrections has not been developed yet.
We use t′ = −0.3t and U = 10t, as parameters that
are appropriate for cuprates. The U dependence of the
results for the conductivity anisotropy will be given to
illustrate the physics. We take as intrinsic orthorhombic anisotropy in the nearest-neighbor hopping δ0 = 0.04
which is small, like in most cuprates.4,9 For δ0 = 0, in
agreement with previous quantum cluster calculations,29
we do not find spontaneous breaking from C4 to C2 symmetry. In other words, we do not find a nematic instability. This kind of spontaneous symmetry breaking is also
often referred to as the Pomeranchuk instability or effect.
It is possible that in larger clusters, spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs at the van Hove doping, as found at
weak coupling.30 Indeed, near this doping, (N = 0.727
at δ0 = 0) we had difficulty in obtaining well-converged
solutions when δ0 6= 0.
Figure 1 illustrates the strong anisotropy in A(k, ω =
0) = − π1 ImG(k, ω = 0) that emerges as one approaches
half filling. The results are displayed in the first quad-
N = 0.81
0 .3
0 .0
U/t = 12
U/t = 10
U/t = 8
U/t = 6
U/t = 4
-0 .3
N = 0.93
0 .3
0 .0
-0 .3
(0,0) (π2 , π2 ) (π , π )
FIG. 3: (Color online) Anisotropy in the CDMFT conductivity δσ = 2 [σx (0) − σy (0)] / [σx (0) + σy (0)] as a function of
filling N for various values of U and η = 0.1t, δ0 = 0.04.
(π ,0)
(0, π )
(π , π )
FIG. 2: (Color online) Angle-resolved spectral function
A(k, ω) near the Fermi level obtained from CDMFT with the
same parameters as Fig.1. (a) N = 0.81 and (b) N = 0.93.
Spectral intensity is given in units of 1/t. The Fermi level
ω = 0 is indicated by a broken line. In the insets, the vertical
axis near the Fermi level is blown up.
rant of the Brillouin zone. The Fermi surface, defined as
the location of the maxima of A(k, ω = 0), is shown as a
thin white line in Fig. 1. It is not strongly anisotropic,
in other words the real part of the self-energy is not
strongly affected. On the other hand, if we define overdoping as N < 0.85 and underdoping as N > 0.85,22
then in the latter regime the spectral intensity shows
strong directional anisotropy; at N = 0.93, for example, the spectral weight near (π, 0) is suppressed by as
much as 54% compared with that near (0, π). In other
words, the pseudogap that normally appears symmetrically near (π, 0) and (0, π) is now much more strongly
anisotropic than the 4% band anisotropy. This reflects a
strong anisotropy in the self-energy. Recent ARPES experiments on YBa2 Cu3 Oy have shown similar anisotropy
in the lightly doped regime.12
Let us now turn to the finite frequency regime. In
Fig. 2, we present the angle-resolved spectral function
A(k, ω) for the overdoped (a) and the underdoped (b)
regimes. The blow up of the region near the Fermi level in
the insets shows that the anisotropy is most pronounced
in the underdoped regime, N = 0.93. The anisotropy
also extends to progressively higher frequencies as the
system is underdoped. The strong anisotropy essentially
disappears at high frequency, reminiscent of recent observations on the spin-fluctuation spectrum.6 This indicates
that the nematicity here is a dynamical phenomenon as-
sociated with the electronic response near the Mott transition as N → 1.
The link with Mott physics is seen most clearly in the
anisotropy of the dc conductivity σx(y) that we consider
now. For the CDMFT results, we use the Kubo formula
with the periodized Green’s function to compute
Z 2
ImG(k, 0) .
σx(y) (ω = 0) =
This formula neglects vertex corrections. The conductivities σx(y) extrapolate to infinity like 1/η as the
small imaginary part η tends to zero, as expected in
a pure metal (Drude peak) at T = 0. We have
checked however that σy /σx reaches a limit. Nevertheless, we use η = 0.1t in Fig. 3 to avoid uncertainties in extrapolating the conductivity anisotropy δσ =
2 [σx (0) − σy (0)] / [σx (0) + σy (0)]. With smaller η the
anisotropy is generally larger.
As a function of filling N and for all U , there is a
peak around N ∼ 0.8, not far from the non-interacting
δ0 = 0 van Hove singularity at N = 0.727. This is a
band-structure effect since the Fermi surface opens up as
if the system had a tendency to be quasi-one-dimensional
[see Fig. 1 (b)]. We found little η dependence of δσ near
N = 0.8 because of the large imaginary part of the cluster
self-energy for that filling.18
The most interesting results occur close to half filling. For values of U below the critical Uc1 for the Mott
transition,31 the anisotropy takes small values consistent
with the small orthorhombic distortion. At U = 6t, the
anisotropy in conductivity is largest and not monotonic
close to N = 1. This U is just slightly above the critical
Uc1 ∼ 5.25t for the Mott transition obtained for CDMFT
with exact diagonalization and t′ = 0.32 The abrupt
and large increase of the anisotropy at a finite doping
close to half filling for all larger values of U is similar
to the experiment.4 The CDMFT results are consistent
with the existence of a first-order transition between two
tained from DCA calculations that include vertex
corrections.28,33,34 The value of Uc is about 4.5t for
DCA at t′ = 0.36 It is above this value that the large
anisotropies are present. The critical filling where the
anisotropy increases does not depend strongly on δ0 .
Anisotropy scales like δ0 at small δ0 and is linked with
the pseudogap so it should appear at comparable T .37
Other interesting physics has been found in DCA at
U > Uc ,35,38 including a critical filling similar to ours
at U = 8t beyond which a local bond-order susceptibility
diverges at T → 0.39
U/t = 12
U/t = 10
U/t = 8
U/t = 6
U/t = 5
U/t = 4.5
U/t = 4
FIG. 4: (Color online) Anisotropy in the DCA conductivity
for δ0 = 0.04 as a function of filling N for various values of U
and η = 0.1t. Open symbols do not include vertex corrections,
filled symbols do.
kinds of metal found recently for U larger than Uc2 at
finite doping.11 The metal closest to half filling displays
a pseudogap and we have shown in Figs. 1 and 2 that in
this metallic phase it is extremely sensitive to small orthorhombic distortions. The anisotropy in occupancy of
K orbitals, at most 12%, does not suffice to explain the
anisotropy in conductivity. The imaginary part of the
self-energy plays a prominent role since replacing it by a
constant in the optical conductivity formula removes the
large anisotropy. The fact that the enhanced anisotropy
occurs far from the van Hove singularity suggests that it
is not simply a weak-coupling effect like the Pomeranchuk
The above results are confirmed by Fig. 4, ob-
[email protected]
Present address: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides,
Univ. Paris-Sud, CNRS, UMR 8502, F-91405 Orsay Cedex,
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