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The protection of the magnet powering system for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) currently being built at CERN is a major challenge due to the unprecedented complexity of the accelerator. The Powering Interlock System of the LHC will have to manage more than 1600 DC circuits for magnet powering, different in their structure, complexity and importance to the accelerator. For
The LHC is a complex machine requiring more than 7400 superconducting corrector magnets distributed along a circumference of 26.7 km. These magnets are powered in 1446 different electrical circuits at currents ranging from 60 A up to 600 A. Among the corrector circuits the 600 A corrector magnets form the most diverse and differentiated group. All together, about 60000 high current connections had to be made. A fault in a circuit or one of the superconducting connections would have severe consequences for the accelerator operation. All magnets are wound from various types of Nb-Ti superconducting strands, and many contain parallel protection resistors to by-pass the current still flowing in the other magnets of the same circuit when they quench. In this paper the performance of these magnet circuits is presented, focussing on the quench behaviour of the magnets. Quench detection and the performance of the electrical interconnects will be dealt with. The results as measured on the entire circuits are compared to the test results obtained at the reception of the individual magnets.
A total of 44 CERN designed cryogenic electrical feedboxes are needed to power the LHC superconducting magnets. The feedboxes include more than 1000 superconducting circuits fed by high temperature superconductor and conventional current leads ranging from 120 A to 13 kA. In addition to providing the electrical current to the superconducting circuits, they also ensure specific mechanical and cryogenic functions for the LHC. The paper focuses on the main design aspects and related production operations and gives an overview of specific technologies employed. Results of the commissioning of the feedboxes of the first LHC sectors are presented.
this …, 2000
In the LHC about 6500 superconducting corrector magnets will be powered either in stand-alone mode or in electrical circuits of up to 154 magnets. Single corrector magnets are designed to be self-protected in case of a quench. The protection scheme of magnets powered in series depends on the energy stored in the magnet and on the number of magnets in the circuit. A quench is detected by measuring the resistive voltage of the circuit. The power converter is switched off, and for most circuits part of the energy is extracted with a resistor. Some magnets may require a resistor or possibly a diode parallel to the magnet in order to avoid overheating of the superconducting wire or an unacceptable voltage level. Experiments have been performed to understand quenching of prototype corrector magnets. In order to determine the adequate protection schemes for the magnet circuits the results have been used as input for simulations to extrapolate to the LHC conditions.
During hardware commissioning of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), 8 main dipole circuits will be tested at 1.9 K and up to their nominal current. Each dipole circuit contains 154 magnets of 15 m length, and has a total stored energy of up to 1.3 GJ. All magnets are wound from Nb-Ti superconducting Rutherford cables, and contain heaters to quickly
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been delivering data to the physics experiments since 2009. It first operated at a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV and 8 TeV up to the first long shutdown (LS1) in 2013-14. The 13 kA splices between the main LHC cryomagnets were consolidated during LS1. Then, it was possible to increase safely the centre of mass energy to 13 TeV. During the training campaigns, metallic debris caused short circuits in the dipole diode containers, leading to an unacceptable risk. Major interventions can only take place during multiyear shutdowns. To ensure safe operation at higher energies, hence requiring further magnets training, the electrical insulation of the 1232 dipole diodes bus-bars will be consolidated during the second LHC long shutdown (LS2) in 2019-20. The design of the reinforced electrical insulation of the dipole cold diodes and the associated project organisation are presented, including the validation tests, especially at cryogenics temperature. Dur...
Journal of Instrumentation, 2012
The paper describes power switching converters suitable for possible power supply distribution networks for the upgraded detectors at the High Luminosity LHC collider. The proposed topologies have been selected by considering their tolerance to the highly hostile environment where the converters will operate as well as their limited electromagnetic noise emission. The analysis focuses on the description of the power
2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2007
The Large Hadron Collider operation relies on 1232 superconducting dipoles with a field of 8.33T and 400 superconducting quadrupoles with a strength of 220 T/m powered at 12kA, operating in superfluid He at 1.9K. For dipoles and quadrupoles as well as for many other magnets more than 1700 power converters are necessary to feed the superconducting circuits. A sophisticated magnet protection system is crucial to detect a quench and safely extract the energy stored in the circuits (about 1GJ only in one of the dipole circuits) after a resistive transition. Besides, in such complex architecture, many technical services (e.g. cooling and ventilation, technical network, electrical distribution, GSM network, controls system, etc.) have to be reliably available during commissioning. Consequently, the commissioning of the technical systems and the associated infrastructures has been carefully studied. Procedures, automatic control and analysis tools, repositories for test data, management structures for carrying out and following up the tests have been put in place. This paper briefly describes the management structure and the tools created to ensure safe, smooth and rapid commissioning.
Revista del ancianato, 2024
Recursos y orientaciones para líderes de iglesia Julio-Septiembre 2024 Fa Familia Ét Ética PO Polémica El liderazgo El abuso sexual Jesús, sí; comienza en casa de menores Biblia, ¿no?
Verbum Vitae, 2024
This essay is an attempt to explore different contexts of the phrase "you are the salt of the earth" found in Matt 5:13, one of the most confusing expressions used in the whole of the New Testament. The author deals with its original meaning, exposing in the process the earliest layers of transmission of Jesus' sayings. Versed in the Hebrew scriptures, Jesus combined the meanings of MLḤ in Exod 30:35 (incense salted is potent/good/pure/holy) with that in Isa 51:6 and Jer 38:11-12 (something MLḤ might vanish away/wax old/become rotten) and put it in a new context. Jesus' pun-loaded with multiple layers of meanings and shades of meanings-was lost in translation as simply "salt."
David Publishing Company, 2024
Alice Munro, the first short story writer in Canada to receive the Nobel Prize laureate in 2013, applies the unconscious to the portrayal of characters and the construction of engrossing stories. Based on the unconscious theory of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, this article focuses on one of Alice Munro's short stories, Open Secrets, by analyzing the unconscious of representative characters, to explore their power conversion through the conflicts triggered by their unconscious mind. Via uncovering their unique personalities and values, as well as displaying their power against each other through conflict, this article reveals that the relationship between characters is sophisticated and changeable, and their power against each other has been a state of change in continuous conflicts. Behind the unconscious displays a thoroughly different comparison of forces: the strong who behaves violently and arrogantly actually shows weakness; in turn, the obedience and endurance of the weak strongly manifest a tenacious resistance.
Psico-USF, 2016
Jurnal Explora, 2013
Revista História e Cultura, 2024
Northeast African Studies, 2022
Revista de Estudios Colombianos, 2024
Jornal de Psicanálise, 2023
Leidschrift. Historisch tijdschrift 15 nr 1 (2000) 36-63
2024. Gonzalez Venanzi et al. First records of pre-Colonial dogs in Central Chile, 2024
Learning, Media and Technology, 2024
Journal of the Society for Information Display, 2007
ASEG Extended Abstracts, 2004
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2000
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, 2014
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017
Chemischer Informationsdienst, 1972
Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, 2017