Rheumatoid Arthritis
Etiology and Naturopathic Treatments
Chris D. Meletis, N.D.,
and Ben Bramwell
heumatoid arthritis (RA) is a complex, multifactorial disease that
affects approximately 1 percent of
the United States population. Across all
age groups, RA predominates in females
over males in a ratio of 2–3:1, although, in
reproductive years, the ratio may be as
high as 5:1.1
Within joints, the autoimmune mediated course of RA is characterized by four
stages: (1) inflammation of the synovial
membrane and joint capsule; (2) formation of a pannus (granulation tissue) that
first covers and then invades cartilage
and bone; (3) fibrous invasion of the pannus; and (4) calcification of the fibrous tissue. It is important to view RA, however,
not only as a disease process that affects
the joints, but as a systemic disorder that
may include vasculitis, rheumatoid nodules in the pleural space, and blood-clott ing abno r mal it ie s. M o re o ve r, so m e
common comorbidities of RA include cardiovascular disease, infections, malignancies, gastrointestinal (GI) disea se, and
osteoporosis.2 In fact, a prospective study
has indicated that the average life span
for patients with RA is shortened by 7
years in men and 3 years in women. 3
There are various factors that may precede the clin ical mani festation of RA
and/or exacerbate the clinical course of
RA in a susceptible indiv idual. Such a
multifactorial disease process lends itself
comfortably to a naturopathic plan of
treatment that is also multifactorial and
includes dietary modification, botanical
support, couns eli ng, and appropriate
physical medicine.
The Complex Etiology and
Pathogenesis of RA
This review focuses on several factors
t hat may p red isp o se a pat ient to the
develo pment of RA and/ o r intens ify
symptoms that are characteristic of the
disease, specifically, gut microflora influences, hormonal alterations, impairment
in regulation of T-cell subsets, chronic
exposure to environmental toxins, genetic
influences, and total levels of oxidative
Gut Microflora Influences
As discussed by Kjeldsen-Kragh, 4 there
are several ways in which the ecology of
the gut flora may make an impact on the
course of RA. For example, the bacteria
Proteus mirab il is, a no rmal intest inal
species that can also give rise to urinary
tract infections, contains in one of its surface-membrane proteins a sequence of 6
amino acids that is only 2 amino acids different from a sequence found on several
types of human leukocyte antigen (HLADR) associated with RA. Antibody activit y a g a i n st a s y n t h e t i ca l l y p r e p a r e d
peptide containing the sequence from
Proteus was increased in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis compared to healthy
cont rols o r p atient s w ith ankylosing
spondylitis.5,6 In addition, the sequence
occurring on the HLA has been shown to
be the target of elevated levels of autoantibodies in a study of Japanese patients
with RA. 7 Moreover, when patients with
R A f as t ed fo r 1 w ee k a nd t he n w e re
placed on a vegetarian diet (see sections
on treatment) there was a signi fic ant
reduction in anti-Proteus immunoglobulin
G activity am ong the sub jects wh o
responded most to the diet, which correlated with a decrease in the activity of the
patients’ disease. 8 No such changes were
seen in the level o f antibody activity
against Escherichia coli.
P. mirabilis, however, may not be the
only floral species with the potential to
contribute to the pathogene sis of RA.
There are several studies demonstrating
that injection of cell-wall fragments of
Eubacterium aerofaciens or Bifidobacterium
breve in rats results in a form of arthritis
tha t is similar to RA. 9 In add ition, an
increase of Clostridium perfringens in the
bow els of pat ients wit h R A has been
shown, although this effect might also be
attributed to the effects of treatment with
anti-inflammatory drugs.10–12
It is perhaps not surprising that, among
the numerous possible species of bowel
microbes living along the thin epithelium
separating outside world from gut-associated lymphatic tissue, there exists an antigen ic po tential to trigg er an immune
response that may become misdirected at
t h e s e l f. T h e p r e s e n c e a n d e f fe ct o f
mycoplasma on the pathogenesis of RA
should also be considered within the confines of the clinical presentation.
Hormonal Alterations
Another lens through which to view the
pathophysiology of RA is to explore the
significance of changes in glucocorticoid
and sex hormones both before and during
the course of RA. This area is exceedingly
complex as resea rchers try to decipher
which changes may actually be causes of
RA and which changes may be secondary
to the already established inflammatory
process of RA. A review by Masi et al.,13
published in 1995, analyzed collective
results of controlled trials measuring sex
hormones in patients with RA who had
not been previously treated with glucocor347
In one study, serum testosterone levels were consistently
decreased in the men with rheumatoid arthritis versus the controls.
ticoids. The finding s did in dicate that
dehydroepiandroste rone (DHEA) sulfate
w a s s i g n i fi c a nt l y d e cr e a s e d i n p r e menopausal and postmenopausal women
with RA, although the magnitude of difference was more pronounced in the premenopausal subjects (a 39-percent
decrease in premenopausal versus a 19percent decrease in postmenopausal subj e ct s ). A m o n g t h e m e n , t h e cl e a r e s t
finding was that serum testosterone levels
were consistently decreased in the men
with RA versus the controls.
Perhaps one of the most valuable hormonal studies of patients with RA is one
in which serum was actually collected in
subjects 4–20 years before any of the subjects had developed RA. 14 For each subj e c t t h a t e v e n t ua l l y d e v e l o p e d R A ,
samples from 4 controls matched for race,
age, and m enop ausal status at study
entry were included. This study found
significantly lower levels of DHEA-sulfate among the youngest group of prem eno p aus al w o me n w ho yea rs lat e r
developed RA compared to controls who
did not. This youngest group (mean age
of 29 at study entry with a mean onset of
RA at 41 years) also showed a significant
dissociation between DHEA sulfate and
cortisol levels, a dissociation that was not
seen among the older subjects who also
went on to develop RA. The interpretation of these results was that dysfunction
of the adrenal cortex may be a long-term
marker for RA in a minority of women or
that such dysfunction may actually lead
to RA onset in some younger women.
Other hormonal alterations may occur
both at the o ns et and thro ughout the
course of RA. For example, while research
in dicates that, in patien ts with recent
onset of RA (less than 1 year), cortisol levels are actually elevated compared to controls,15 there is also evidenc e that
“normal” cortisol levels seen in othe r
studies of patients with RA are, in fact,
inadequate considering the amount of
chronic inflammation. 16 In addition, it
has long been observed that pregnancy, a
time of increased estrogen and cortisol, is
a time during which many women experience rem issio n of RA sym pt om s. 1 7
These hormone changes of pregnancy are
associated with increased level of antiinflammatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-4
and IL-10 and a decrease in production of
proinflammatory cytokines interferon-g
and IL-2, as reviewed by Østensen. 18
Regulation of T-cell subsets
An imbalance between subsets of Tcells, with a resulting loss of immunologic
tolerance to self, is another perspective
from which to view RA.19 In fact, RA may
be considered a disease process in which
an immune response based on the action
of T 1 cells predo minates over T 2 cells,
characterized by an increase in levels of
i n t e r f e r o n - g a n d a c e l l u la r i m m u n e
response. 20 There continues to be debate
over the precise role and ultimate significance of this theory. In one recent study
that may open new avenues of research in
this area,21 researchers found a decrease
of a regu latory subset, Tr1, which produces the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10 , in t h e bl o o d o f p a t ie nt s w i t h R A
compared to controls. The reduced levels
of Tr1 were inversely correlated with lev-
els of Th1 cells in the synovial fluid, with
C-reactive protein levels, and with a score
of disease activity.
Environmental Toxins and Genetic Predisposition
While still controversial, there are several studies link ing exposure to crys t alli ne sil ica wi th R A. 2 2 , 2 3 T he m os t
recent of these is a study by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration,
examining a cohort of 4626 workers in the
industrial-sand industry. 24 By examining
available death records of workers, which
may have mentioned multiple diseases on
a death certificate (RA is often listed as a
contributory cause or other signif icant
condition), a standard mortality ratio was
calculated by comparing the cohort with
the U.S. population. The standard mortality ratio (SMR) of arthritis in the cohort
was 4.36 (95 percent; confidence interval
(CI) 2.76–6.54). Also, this data demo nstrated a positiv e correla tion between
cumulative silica exposure and the incidence of RA.
A final factor that may influence the
severity of the clinical course of RA is that
of genetics, specifically HLA-DBR1 alleles. It is interesting to note, however, that
while twin studies do indicate a significant increased risk for one twin acquiring
RA if the other twin is exhibiting symptoms, these studies also suggest that the
maximum level of genetic contribution to
the concordance rate of twins with RA is
about 15 percent.25 Indeed, genetic contribution is one significant factor, but there
are still other factors, such as those outlined above, which also deserve careful
While still controversial, there are several studies
linking exposure to crystalline silica with rheumatoid arthritis.
attention, and that, at this time, may be
more amenable to therapeutic intervention.
Oxidative Stress
In a recent review by Darlington and
Stone, 26 an overview is provided of the
pro-oxidative scene present in RA. Of key
importance is the production of nitric
oxide (NO), which can generate peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radicals. Hydroxyl radicals generated via this or other
mechanisms can then break hyaluronic
acid down, interfere with proteoglycans,
and limit the functioning of proteinase
inhibitors.27,28 In addition, the synovial
fluid of patients with RA may contain
iron, which is capable of catalyzing the
production of hydr oxyl radicals from
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. The
activated macrophages and neutrophils
present in the pannus are themsel ves a
source of pro-oxidants that lead to joint
damage. 29
An epidemiologic study inv olving a
Fi nnis h co ho rt o f 18, 709 s ubject s, o f
whom 122 developed RA, found that both
low selenium and a-tocopherol could be
risk markers for RA. 30 The interest ing
findings showed that low selenium was
probably a risk factor specifically for Rf
negative RA, while low a-tocopherol levels probably represented a risk factor that
was independ ent of Rf status. An addi-
*Human frame refers to human tissues, mind,
and spirit.
tional report on 1400 people whose levels
of the key antioxidants beta-carotene,
vitamin E, and selenium were measured
before any of the volunteers had symp t om s of RA indicat ed a signi fi ca ntly
red uced ant io xi dant s tat us in the 14
patients who later developed RA.31
Overall Naturopathic Approach
It is of fundamental importance when
dealing with any autoimmu ne cond ition to address, as completely as possible, the und erl ying causes that allow
sufficient disturbance to homeostasis to
occur and result in a self-attack being
trigge red. Nevertheless, this limited
review of factors contributing to the etiology and pathogenesis of RA partially
demonstrates the complexity of the disease process. It may even be the case
that, while one individual’s RA is based
largely in adrena l cortex dysfunction,
another patient’s RA may develop after
an imm une resp o nse t o Proteus, and
still ano the r patien t’s RA may result
from prolonged exposure to silica. And,
even when etiologic factors are identified, we still must consider the issue of
susc eptibility; after all, not every one
with some adrena l dys function, some
exposure to Proteus, or some time working in the industrial-sand industry will
develop RA. Thus, the overall aspect of
health and human f rame* mu st be
addressed and a naturopathic approach
including clinic al nutrition, botanical
medicines, counseling, and appropriate
phys ical medic in e ha s a good deal to
Yucca (Yucca glauca) has a rich history of use
as an antiarthritic.
Clinical Nutrition
There is some evidence that, for many
patients, a week of fasting followed by a
vegetarian diet will reduce the symptoms
of RA over the course of a year.32 During
the fasting period of the study cited, subjects were allowed to eat garlic, vegetable
broth, a decoction of potatoes and parsley, herbal teas, and the juices of carrots,
beets, and celery. (Note that, in addition
to potentially suppressing the immune
system because of hypocaloric intake, this
Addressing gastrointestinal integrity and
ecology is essential when autoimmune-modulated
responsiveness to potential antigens can serve as triggers.
fasting diet also provides an excellent
source of phytochemicals that assist in
detoxification and is itself rich in antioxidants.) Following the fasting, subjects
introduced new foods one at a time, discontinuing them if any increase in pain,
stiffness, or joint swelling was noticed. If,
after a week of waiting, reintroduction
resulted in a repeat exacerbation, then
that item was removed for the rest of the
st udy p erio d. Ne w fo od i tem s bein g
introduced excluded gluten, meat, fish,
eggs, dairy foods, refined sugar, citrus,
salt, strong spices, preservatives, alcohol,
tea, and coffee for 3–5 months. After that
time, dairy products and gluten were
allowed to be introduced one at a time.
Over the course of the year, the group
of 27 dieters noted statistically significant
decreases in pain, duration of morning
stiffness, number of tender and swollen
joints, sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein (CRP), and white-blood-cell count,
compared to the 26 controls. The magnitude of the difference between the two
groups at the end of the study was appreciable. For example, the dieters reported
an average duration of morning stiffness
of approximately 1.5 hours compared to
more than 2.5 hours reported in the control group. The average CRP at the end of
the year was roughly 30 mg/L in the control group and less than 20 mg/L in the
A m o r e r e ce n t s t ud y o f fa st i n g b y
patients with RA also has produced some
interesting results. 33 Specifically, after a
week of vegetable-juice fasting, this study
found significant decreases in sedimentation rate, CRP, and tender-joint count, as
we ll as expe riencing a 37-percent
decrease in the proinflammatory cytokine
IL-6. In addition, there was a significant
increase in DHEA-sulfate levels, which
was also seen in patients that were placed
on a ketogenic diet.
One of the ways in which this dietary
approach may have been benef icial to
dieters was via the alteration of their gut
flora. Stool samples from the 27
fasting/vegetarian subjects and 26 controls were analyzed for their content of
various fatty acids, which are components of the cell walls of intestinal bacteri a. S ig ni fica nt ch an ge s w e re fo und
between the fatty-acid profiles of dieters
who were “high-responders” to the diet
and those who were “low-responders.” 34
Hence, addressing GI integrity and ecology is essential when autoimmune-modulated responsiveness to potential antigens
can serve as triggers. From a nutritional
perspective, the prudent clinician must
scrutinize GI health closely, for the alimentary tract is the most crucial boundary between the external macro-world
and the well-defined and well-ordered
and sometimes precariously balanced
internal micro-world.
With regard to the study, there were no
significant changes seen within the control group throughout the year. Within
the dieting group, changes in fatty-acid
profile , and thus changes in gut flora,
were apparent at each of the stages of the
diet when major changes were made, i.e.,
the fasting period versu s the period of
food introduction versus the lactovegetarian period of study. Given the potential
for fasting and strict diet to alter bowel
flora in ways correlating with improvement in the course of RA, and the possibility that, in some cases, flora may be
play an causative role in RA, it make s
s en s e t o d i sc us s t h i s a p p r o a ch w it h
patients who are considerin g clini cal
Hormonal Support
Because adrenal dysfunction may play
an underlying role in RA development, it
seems logical, in some cases, to provide
support with the androgen DHEA. The
reasons for DHEA supplementation are
based at this point in an idea that arose
from viewing several sets of study results.
First, as already reviewed, androgen hormo ne s we re co mmo nl y decre ased in
women and men patients with RA
(DHEA in women and testosterone in
me n). Second , the res ults of recen t
re search s ho wi ng th at p at ient s w it h
chronic RA experien ced sign ificantly
increased levels of cortisol and
epinephrine under the very acute mental
stress of a presurgical setting and that
these levels were significantly depressed
under general anesthesia. Such a pattern
was not seen in controls with osteoarthritis. 35 This pattern suggests to us that, at
least in some patients with RA, attempting to deal with stress creates an
increased demand for glucocorticoids,
which, even if successfully met, may be
incompletely coordinated with the control
o f and ro gen secre tio n. As a result , a
healthy relationship between these two
groups of hormones is not maintained.
Moreover, whether such events are pri-
Several trials have
demonstrated benefit for patients
with rheumatoid arthritis who consumed fish oils.
mary or secondary to the development of
RA, it would seem that such supplement at io n co ul d ha ve b ene fit be ing t ha t
DHEA-sulfate has been shown to
decrease the expression of the gene coding for the proinflammatory IL-6,36 high
levels of which predispose patients to a
worsening course of RA.
Supplemental Antioxidant/
Anti-Inflammatory Support
There is certainly theoretical support in
several ways for the use of omega-3 fatty
acids, s uch as eico sape ntaeno ic acid
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
in the treatment of patients with RA. Not
only do om ega -3 acids comp ete with
omega-6 acids for metabolism by lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase, the former
can become included in phospholipid
membranes at the expense of arachidonic
acid. 37,38 Several trials, some open and
others contr olled, have dem onstra ted
benef it for patients with RA who consumed fish oils, with dosages of EPA in
the range of anywhere from 2 to 20 g per
day , fo r le ngt hs o f t ime fr o m 6 to 24
weeks. 39–43
A reasonable therapeutic trial may be a
dose of from 3 to 6 g per day of fish oils
p ro v i di ng a na t ural mi x o f E PA a nd
DHA, stabilized with vitamin E and/or
the fat soluble form of vitamin C, ascorbyl
palmitate. Other oils, such as olive oil, glino len ic acid (G LA), and L yp rino l ®
(Tyler Encapsulations, Wilsonville, Oregon) may also provide anti-inflammatory
benefit for patients with RA.44–46 Particularly noteworthy and reflective of the
potential benefits of essential fatty acids,
GLA has been positively highlight ed in
research for its therapeutic benefit.
Not only may therapy with fatty acids
be helpful in the treatment of RA, there is
also evidence that regular consumption of
fish reduces the risk of developing RA.
Epidemiologic res ea rch su gge sts that
baked or broile d fish consumption, at
least 2 servings per week, was associated
with a significant decrease in the risk of
RA (odds ratio, 0.57; confidence interval,
0.35–0.93) compared to less than one serving per week.47
Given the ongoing oxidative stress present in RA, there is certainly a rationale for
supplementation with the common antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and E. In fact, levels
of retinol and its binding protein have
been shown to be lower in patients with
RA than in matched controls.48 In addition
to being an antioxidant, vitamin C is also
required to hydroxylate proline and lysine
in order to produce collagen. In one double-blind study of subjects given 600 international units of vitamin E, 2 times per day
for 12 weeks, there was a small, but significant analges ic effect com pare d to
controls.49 While the extent of the analgesic effect attributable to vitamin E is
clearly not as great as that derived from
no ns teroidal anti-in flammatory dru g
(NSAID) use, it should be remembered
that one of the comorbidities of RA is cardiovascular disease. If vitamin E is included in treatment for this reason alone, its
use would be justified and, if it also provides some pain relief without the side
effects of NSAID use, so much the better. It
would also seem that selenium, which is
reduced in the serum of patient s with
RA,50 and is a required coenzyme for glutathione peroxidase, would be beneficial as
a supplement. In this case, however, longterm (26 weeks) supplementation failed to
increase the depressed activity of glutathione peroxidase found in patients with
Botanical Medicines
One of the most supportive botanical
medicines for the patient with RA may
well be circumin or turmeric (Curcuma
longa). Notable for its ability to act as an
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, 52–54
curcumin seems well suited for treating
this condition. More recent research suggests that curcumin is a potent inhibitor
of the signa ling pathway utilized by a
specific type of IL-6, called oncostatin
M. 55 If not inhib ited via this pathway,
oncostatin M signaling results in the transcription/translation of metalloproteinases and thei r inhi bito rs. An imbala nce
between metalloproteinases and thei r
inhibitors may represent one of the mechanisms of joint damage in RA. To be able
to slow metalloprotein ase expression
down ma y represen t o ne of the many
recently discovered mechanisms of efficacy of an ancient herb.
A second botanical op tion recently
reported in the botanical literature is the
Ayurvedic herbal combination Maharasnadhi Quathar (MQR). In a 3-month study
that involved 45 patients with this herbal
combination and a second group treated
with another traditional preparation, the
patients in the MQR-treated group demon-
Oleoresin gum extracts of boswellia, with 37.5–65
percent boswellic acid, exert potent anti-inflammatory
actions via inhibition of proinflammatories such as leukotrienes.
strated significant increases in the activity
of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.56 Another finding of the study was
that lipid peroxidation was reduced by 34
percent in the MQR-treated group. MQR is
a combination of 26 herbs, with the bulk
(70 percent) of its composition accounted
for by alpinia galangal (Alpinia calcarata),
but also including a variety of other plants,
such as ginger (Zingiber officianale), tropical
almond (Terminalia chebula), tribulus (Tribulus terrestrin), ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and coriador also called Chinese
parsley (Coriandrum sativum).
Oleoresi n gum extracts of boswellia
(Boswellia serrata), with 37.5–65 percent
boswellic acid, exert potent anti-inflammatory actions via inhibition of proinflammatories such as leukotrienes. The
recommended boswellia dose is 150 mg 3
times per day.57 Bromelain, a commonly
used proteolytic enzyme, has direct clinical
application for treating RA, as do other
enzymes. Select results have yielded
upward of 73-percent positive results,
ranging from good to excellent.58 Ginger
extracts have demonstrated benefit as well,
with good pain relief, with proposed mechanisms conjectured to include one or more
of the following mechanisms of action:
thromboxane synthetase inhibition and
prostacyclin agonists and prostaglandin
synthesis inhib ition. 59 These herbs and
numerous others show promise for alleviating symptoms and potentially modulation of pathophysiologic changes. Other
select herbs that have been used in the
treatment of RA include: cayenne (Capsicum frutescens), feverfew (Tanacetum
parthenium), devil’s claw (Harpagophytum
procumbens), stinging nettle (Urtica dioica),
thunder god vine (Tripterygium wilfordi),
and yucca (Yucca glauca).
such as abdominal breathing, may help to
reduce the load placed on a beleaguered
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
Physical Medicine
While many general practitioners will
not have the same level of counseling skill
as a trained psychologist or counselor, this
is an area that deserves greater attention
in the treatment of a patient with RA. In a
preliminary, controlled study of group
therapy sessions with patients of RA, in
which the patients decided on their own
topics of discussion in a series of 12 weekly sessions, the area of greatest concern
was that of lost self-esteem. 60 Patients
reported feeling unable to meet self-set
expectations of productivity and rewards
in their relationships with others, and
reported difficulties in communicating
adequately regarding the problems they
faced with those around them, including
their families and physicians. It is noteworthy that, within the group of patients
participating in group counseling, there
were significant improvements in scores
of self-concept, specifically in the categories of self-satisfaction and family-self.
Developing and implementing quality
communication skills, such as restating a
patient’s concerns, asking if there is anything else that needs to be discussed, and
expressing empathy appropriately will
help to create an atmosphere in which
both the patient and physician are understood and honored. In addition, assisting
the patient in identifying stress triggers
and teaching stress-reduction techniques,
A final therapy of benefit to patients with
RA is hydrotherap y (defined here as the
combination of water immersion and exercise). In a study of 139 patients with chronic
RA, subjects were randomly divided into
groups receiving hydrotherapy, seated
immersion, land exercise, or progressive
relaxation. 61 Subjects attended two 30minute sessions per week for 4 weeks and
were assessed using the Arthritis Impact
Measurement Scales 2 questionnaire. The
group showing the greatest improvement
(although all the therapies were somewhat
help ful) was the hydro therapy-treated
group, with subjects reporting significant
reductions in joint tenderness and improved
knee range of motion. Some patients may
also find benefit from the application of
alternating hot and cold compresses.
Patients with RA experience the symptoms of a disease process that is exceedingly complex. There are a number of possible
etiologic factors, perhaps some as yet
undiscovered, and the exact causes of the
autoimmune-driven inflammation characteristic of the disease may vary from one
susceptible individual to another. The presen ce and effect of my copla sma on the
pathogenesis of RA should also be considered within the confines of the clinical presentation. A comprehens ive treatment
Effective treatment tools from clinical nutrition,
botanical medicine, counseling, and physical medicine,
should significantly help many patients with RA to live with less pain.
strategy using effective treatment tools
from clinical nutrition, botanical medicine,
counseling, and physical medicine, together, should significantly help many patients
with RA to live with less pain and with an
increased sense of well-being.
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Chris D. Meletis, N.D., serves as the dean of
naturopathic medicine/chief medical officer,
National College of Naturopathic Medicine,
Portland, Oregon. Ben Bramwell is a thirdyear medical student at the National College of
Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon.
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