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How, despite the non-specificity of the ghazal's semantics, can its rhythms contribute to intellectual history? This essay proposes an answer to this question with reference to sixty of the almost three thousand Persian ghazals composed by ʿAbd al-Qādir "Bīdil" (1644-1720) of Delhi. These sixty are distinguished by the fact that their meters are rare or unprecedented in Persian but common in either Arabic or Sanskrit-Hindi or both. Building on the rare aural commonalities between these sixty Persian ghazals and Arabic and Sanskritic poetry in corresponding rhythms, this essay argues that Bīdil used them to multiply and complicate relations between the ghazal's speakers and its addressees by amplifying hypotaxis; and to subsume the devotional mood of prosodically identical but paratactically simple Hindi hymns to a monist imagination. It concludes by suggesting that his Sanskrit-Hindi-enabled hypotaxis and rhythms in Persian were stylistic imitations of God's hierarchized self-disclosures.
المجلة العربية للارشيف والتوثيق والمكتبات , 2020
إن هدف هذه الدراسة النظرية هو مراجعة الأدبيات المتعلقة بمفهوم الوعي المعلوماتي، وأهم النماذج والمعايير التي تناولت تطبيق هذا المفهوم، ولقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن نماذج الوعي المعلوماتي المتوفرة لم تتناول دور المكتبات المتخصصة في الوعي المعلوماتي في أماكن العمل، كما لم يتم ربط عناصر الوعي المعلوماتي بالمفاهيم والممارسات في أماكن العمل. ولقد قدمت الدراسة نموذجا لم يتم طرحه من قبل ليكون أساسا لأبحاث ودراسات في مجال الوعي المعلوماتي الموجه للمكتبات المتخصصة في أماكن العمل وتعزيز دورها كأداة مناسبة لتطبيقه. The objective of this theoretical study is to review the literature on the concept of information literacy, and the most important models and standards that applied to the application of this concept. The study found that the models of information literacy available did not address the role of special libraries in information literacy in the workplace. The study presented a model that was never put forward to serve as the basis for research and studies in the field of information literacy directed to special libraries in the workplace and to enhance its role as an appropriate tool for its implementation.
Comptes Rendus Des Seances De L Academie Des Inscriptions & Belles-lettres, 1999
The past decade has seen significant advancement in the field of consumer electronics.
In this article we advocate the methodological feedback loop in the study of the dynamical self at the crossroads of performance philosophy, (artistic) performance, and the philosophy of science. We point to the importance of the dynamics of methodology transfer between arts and sciences and the “interactive continuum” proposed by Newman & Benz in 1998. In the first part of this paper we give a comparative review of the research context relevant for our field of study, and we explain our research hubs in approaching the concept of “performance”. We suggest the possibility to define our filed of research in three equally legitimate ways: as philosophy-of-performance, philosophy-as performance and performance-as-philosophy. In our recent work we are primarily interested in artistic performances that incorporate elements of artistic practice in the methodology of research output (Frayling 1993), as well as in the potentials of performative aspects of scientific praxis and methodology. However, the conceptual background relevant for this paper is in the field of process philosophy and its relation to science (Birkhard’s “interactivist model” 2009; Campbell’s “process-based model for an interactive ontology” 2009). We attribute particular importance to the notion of “autopoietic feedback” (Maturana and Varela 1974; Luhmann 1990). The second part addresses the issue of transcending identity in the representations of the self and the other; the relationship between Theory-Theory (TT) and Simulation Theory (ST), as well as some recent attempts at combining different theories of mind (e.g. Barlassina 2013). We also deal with the notion of “embodied praxis” (Gallagher and Meltzoff 1996); we mention some neuroscientific insights into the similar phenomena, and – commenting on the importance of the dialogue between neuroscientists and philosophers (Changeux and Ricour) – we give an example of an enactive approach to understanding acting (Zarrilli 2007). In the third part of this article, we critique the notion of “interpassivity” (Žižek 1997; Pfaller 2000). In the concluding part we mention the importance of exploring the concept of “expanded self” (Gallagher 2000; Jeannerod 2003; Kim and Johnson 2013). Being aware of the impossibility to reach final conclusions in the scientific approach to the dynamics of the self, instead of a formal conclusion, we offer a quote from Yeats’ poem “Balloons of Mind”.
IJCSIS Vol 18 No. 7 July Issue, 2020
Abstract—Competition between the e-learning platforms (LMS) adopted by educational institutions, especially universities, including Qassim University (QU), make these institutions confused to choose the best one, by resorting and filtering too many technical, procedural, and financial standards, the institution chooses one of the famous platforms with a reputation. Therefore, if we dealt with these platforms as manufactured products, has its own criteria with quality standards as products and businesses, here we will get an excellent choice of better services, regarding the reality of the actual needs of the educational institution and its employees. COVID-19 pandemic imposed the educational institutions to use efficiently one of these platforms. QU using the Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) as an e-learning platform for students. Thus, this study came to put the Blackboard platform under quality standards according to the technology of the quality function deployment (QFD) and to implement the house of quality analysis on it, studying the students' requirements off and determine their satisfaction level towards these requirements through quality characteristics taking into account technical specifications of the Blackboard. Keywords-E-learning; Blackboard; QFD; House of Quality (HoQ); Learning Management System (LMS); Qassim University (QU).
CHI'97 extended abstracts on Human …, 1997
Music is a rich communication medium, and there are some similarities between the job of a music composer and that of an HCI designer (although their objectives may be different). Whilst sound has been used in interfaces, its use has mainly been at a primitive level, often involving realworld sound. Since music offers a highly structured set of mechanisms for communicating, it is surprising that there have been so few attempts at exploring its possibilities. Our current activity involves investigations into the use of music in algorithmic audiolisation and program debugging.
Culture Study, 2024
This paper explores the evolving role of religion in shaping identity and ethics in modern human communities. It begins by defining religion in contemporary contexts, distinguishing between traditional beliefs and personal spirituality. The historical influence of religion on identity formation and ethical frameworks is examined, highlighting its significance in pre-modern societies, national identities, and the transition to secularism and pluralism. The paper further investigates the intersection of religion with personal identity, considering factors such as gender, race, and the rise of spiritual but not religious (SBNR) identities. Additionally, it analyzes the role of religion in shaping ethical standards, addressing modern dilemmas, and the tension between religious ethics and secular humanism. The impact of globalization, technological advancements, and cultural shifts on religious practices and communities is also discussed, alongside case studies from various cultural contexts. Finally, the paper emphasizes the importance of interfaith dialogue and cooperation in addressing future ethical challenges, reflecting on the potential for continued transformation in religious roles as societies evolve.
This paper investigates how, in the condition of postcolonialism, claims of political and cultural identity depend on the understanding of humanity, and how this understanding ultimately relates to historical agency. I understand postcolonialism as the condition that aims at the decolonization of thought of formerly colonized and former colonizers together – a condition that is global. I will construe my argument by discussing the following au- thors: Frantz Fanon, Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze, Amilcar Cabral, Achille Mbembe and Michael Onyebuchi Eze. Fanon for his criticism of modern Western philosophy as dehumanizing the other; Emmanuel Eze for his in-depth critique of Kant and Hegel’s ideas of humanity and the racialised and racist frames of thought they left behind and both Fanon and Eze for their proposals to understand humanity as a project under construction; Amilcar Cabral for his views on the interrelatedness of political and cultural identity in a situation of the building of new nations. Achille Mbembe because he showed the relations between the former colo- nizers and the formerly colonized to be characterized by conflicting temporalizations and Michael Eze for his understanding of historical agency in the condition of postcolonialism. Through this discussion I will disentangle the relations between identity (political and cultural) and humanity in the postcolony, and arrive, after a critique of the racist Enlightenment, at an inclusive, instead of an exclusive, understanding of humanity and historical agency
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MemoriasXVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC). Grupo GT 5: Comunicación y Salud, 2022
2015 18th International Conference on Information Fusion (Fusion), 2015
Studia Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2020
Applied mathematical sciences, 2023
Childhood, Youth Identity, and Violence in Formerly Displaced Communities in Uganda, 2018
Postcolonial Studies, 2020
Putri Miftahul Jannah, 2020
Revista Portuguesa de Clínica Geral, 2016
Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2005
Cuerpo, Cultura y Movimiento
TNU Journal of Science and Technology
Human Psychopharmacology-clinical and Experimental, 2012
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2000