Teachers addressing HIV&AIDSrelated challenges resourcefully
Tilda Loots, Liesel Ebersöhn, Ronél Ferreira and Irma Eloff
University of Pretoria
Teachers, in their relationship with children and their families, face challenges
related to cumulative risk, including HIV&AIDS. In this paper we use Sense of
Coherence to explain why teachers are able to address such barriers by using assets.
We explore the way that teachers (N=28) in four South African schools opted to
tackle the cumulative risk associated with HIV&AIDS, following participation in an
asset-based intervention (STAR – Supportive Teachers Assets and Resilience).
Data sources include six years’ longitudinal Participatory Reflection and Action
(PRA) data. Observation-in-the-context-of-interaction data was documented in
research diaries, field notes, visually as photographs and audiovisual recordings.
Informal conversational interviews, unstructured face-to-face interviews and focus
group interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. In the thematic analysis
HIV&AIDS-related barriers emerged as a socio-economic challenge that teachers
addressed by mobilising identified resources. Teachers’ experiences of barriers were
interwoven with narratives of confronting barriers by establishing school-based
support structures. This study provides empirical evidence for the theoretical
supposition that schools are well placed to function as intersections of care and
support in communities by theorising that teachers’ use of asset-based
competencies results in their experiencing eustress (rather than distress) when
faced with HIV&AIDS-related barriers, as they feel equipped to mediate the effects
of ongoing HIV&AIDS-related risk.
Key words: Teachers, HIV&AIDS challenges, asset-based approach, Sense of
Coherence, resilience, psychosocial support, HIV&AIDS as cumulative risk
The growing number of challenges related to cumulative risk, including HIV&AIDS,
has devastating effects on individuals, families, schools and communities (Meintjies
Loots, T, Ebersöhn, L, Ferreira, R and Eloff, I. (2012) Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges
resourcefully. Southern African Review of Education, 18(1): 56-84.
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
2009; Meintjies, Hall, Marera and Boulle 2009; Smit and Fritz 2008), forcing people to
find ways in which to address these adversities (Ferreira 2008). Meintjies (2009) found
that the total number of AIDS orphans had increased significantly in the past five
years, with approximately 700 000 more orphaned children in 2007 than in 2002, and
a noticeable increase in the percentage of children who had lost both parents between
2002 and 2006 from 2% (357 000 children) to 4% (660 000 children) (Meintjies et al.
2009). Research indicates that schools and teachers could act as potential protective
resources to promote resilience by providing school-based psychosocial support to
vulnerable individuals (Dass-Brailsford 2005; Ebersöhn and Ferreira 2011; Lewis
1999; Mampane 2010; Morrison and Allen 2007; Reis, Colbert and Hebert 2005;
Rutter, Maughan, Mortimore and Ouston 1979; Theron 2006; Zimmerman and
Arunkumar 1994). Rutter et al.’s (1979) research over three years in 12 secondary
schools in inner London demonstrated that schools could act as external protective
South African education literature often focuses on the valuable role that teachers
could play in promoting resilience in children. Theron, Geyer, Strydom and Delport
(2008) introduced Resilient Educators (REds), with the aim of empowering South
African teachers to cope more resiliently with the stressors and adversities related to
HIV&AIDS. REds focuses on themes of health promotion, the psychosocial impacts of
the HIV pandemic on educators and learners, psychosocial support and resilience,
stigma and discrimination related to HIV as well as HIV-related education policies
(Theron et al. 2008). Similarly, Dass-Brailsford (2005) identified relationships with
teachers and other role models as potential protective resources in the context of
resilience with regard to academic achievement amongst a group of young people in
Ebersöhn and Ferreira (2011) elucidate how teachers in schools may function as
protective resources to foster resilience despite the prevalence of HIV&AIDS
adversities. Their findings highlight three themes: teachers utilising resources to
support resilience in schools; teachers establishing partnerships and networks to
foster resilience in schools; and vulnerable individuals utilising school-based support.
This suggests that teachers are well positioned to act as resources for building
resilience in schools. Similarly, Mampane (2010) found that schools could act as
protective resources for influencing the resilience of middle adolescents in township
schools by the establishment of a supportive and safe learning environment. However,
Mampane (2010) adds that children from the two black-only secondary schools in the
Mamelodi (Gauteng, South Africa) township in her study differed in their
acknowledgement of the school’s influence on their resilience. It is therefore important
to acknowledge that although teachers and schools are potential protective resources,
these resources need to be optimally mobilised and utilised.
Within the context of a risk and resilience perspective the authors argue that one way
in which to address adversities related to cumulative risk is through the implemen-
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
tation of the asset-based approach. They posit that by using assets, teachers can
address challenges and use school-based psychosocial support as a protective resource. In addition, based on the Sense of Coherence (SoC) concept as a theoretical
lens, they posit that when teachers use asset-based competencies they will experience
eustress (rather than distress) when faced with HIV&AIDS-related barriers, enabling
them to mediate the effect of ongoing HIV&AIDS-related risk.
Contextualisation and conceptualisation
Asset-based approach
From a positive psychology perspective, scholars are interested in the origin of people’s
strength and psychological well-being (Peterson and Seligman 2004; Saylor, Graves
and Cochran 2006; Seligman and Czikszentmihalyi 2000; Seligman, Steen, Park and
Peterson 2005). The asset-based approach (Kretzmann and McKnight 1993 1997,
1999) presents an alternative to the needs-based approach. The needs-based approach
focuses on deficiencies, needs and problems, which prevents communities from
recognising their strengths, capacities, assets and resources. This one-dimensional
image has generated an industry of social-service providers who see a community in
terms of the extent of its problems and needs. Communities in these circumstances
may become consumers of services instead of producers of solutions (Cordes 2002;
McNulty 2005; Saylor et al. 2006).
The point of departure of the asset-based approach is a belief in the presence of assets
in individuals and resources in systems. The asset-based approach focuses on assets,
strengths, resources, capacities and skills. Fundamental asset-based principles include joint ownership and responsibility, practical solutions, a caring and supportive
environment, building on individuals’ strengths, and enablement, together with
collaboration and establishment of partnerships and networks (Kretzmann and
McKnight 1993, 1999). Asset identification refers to the framework of discovering and
focusing on assets and resources, with the aim of asset mobilisation (Ebersöhn 2006a).
Asset mobilisation refers to the utilisation of available assets and resources that have
not yet been fully utilised in an individual or system (Ebersöhn 2006a). Asset management refers to the responsibility for maintaining and sustaining initiated actions
(asset identification and asset mobilisation), by means of re-evaluation, revision and
effective management.
STAR research intervention
The reported study forms part of the STAR (Supportive Teachers Assets and
Resilience) study, which the University of Pretoria commenced in 2003 (Ebersöhn and
Ferreira 2011). Within the context of the asset-based approach, the starting point in
STAR is that each teacher possesses assets and each school community has resources.
At a practical level, STAR aims at equipping teachers (as potential protective re-
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
sources) with asset-based knowledge to mediate the effect of barriers, and thus
promote resilience in schools (Ferreira, Ebersöhn, Loots, McCallaghan, Mnguni and
Odendaal 2009). This ongoing study commenced with an initial pilot phase with ten
teachers from a primary school in the Eastern Cape (Ebersöhn 2006a, 2006b, 2007;
Ferreira 2006, 2008; Ferreira et al. 2009), involving several interrelated studies
(Ebersöhn 2006a, 2006b, 2007; Ferreira 2006, 2008; Loots 2005, 2008; Loots and
Mnguni 2008; McCallaghan 2007; Mnguni 2006; Odendaal 2006; Olivier 2009). In a
second phase (2005), STAR was replicated in three schools (two primary schools in
Gauteng; one secondary school in Mpumalanga) (Ebersöhn and Ferreira 2011). Dissemination research followed in 2007-2010 to determine fidelity of implementation.
Teachers from the first two phases were trained as STAR facilitators and trained
teachers in six neighbouring schools (two schools per province). In this article the
authors report on phase two of STAR.
The intervention phase consisted of seven STAR intervention sessions (see Table 1),
integrating the practical application of the asset-based approach with PRA principles.
The overall goal of Sessions 1 to 3 was to gain insight into (i) each specific community,
(ii) the challenges that the community faced, and (iii) resources and potential
resources within the community. The participating teachers’ knowledge of their
unique systems played an integral part in this information-gathering phase. Sessions
4 and 5 focused on taking responsibility in planning and initiating school-based
psychosocial support projects. During this phase, the participating teachers prioritised areas of asset mobilisation and accordingly formulated potential community
initiatives. Sessions 6 and 7 focused on the monitoring of projects and revision of
action plans and strategies to reach goals (Ebersöhn and Ferreira 2011).
Table 1: STAR intervention sessions (Adapted from Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Loots 2008).
Mapping the community as well as the resources within the community
Identifying assets/resources, potential assets/resources and challenges in the community
Identifying needs and potential ways of addressing them
Prioritising school-based initiatives
Developing action plans for projects/initiatives
Monitoring and evaluating support
Sustaining STAR
Psychosocial support and distress
Psychosocial refers to the psychological, emotional and social aspects of life (Mohangi
2008a). For the purpose of this paper, psychosocial support is therefore referred to as
actions that are aimed at facilitating psychological, emotional and social well-being
amongst vulnerable individuals (Ebersöhn and Ferreira 2011). According to Kekae-
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
Moletsane (2008), psychosocial distress might comprise anxiety, loss of parental love
and nurturing, emotional deprivation, depression, grief and separation of siblings
among different relatives to spread the economic load. Giese, Meintjes, Croke and
Chamberlain (2003a) found that HIV&AIDS is associated with a wide range of
psychosocial stressors, including the loss of loved ones, stigma, secrecy, discrimination
and social isolation. Furthermore, caregivers’ reluctance to speak to children about
HIV&AIDS and death often increases the psychosocial effect on the children. The
psychosocial impact of HIV&AIDS is likely to intensify as children experience the loss
of multiple caregivers, and as relatives become less able to support orphaned children.
Resilience is a complex concept and is context-bound (Dass-Brailsford 2005; Luthar
2006). In STAR, asset-based competencies are seen as pathways to enable resilience.
It is thus argued that resilience constitutes both the process and outcome of how assetbased actions buoy resilience.
Cumulative risk (challenges, barriers)
Risk implies the presence of stressors, challenges and barriers to wellness. Cumulative risk implies that a variety of risks co-exist. The number and severity of risk
factors play a role in each individual’s ability to mediate the effects of such risks by
resilience-promoting processes. South African communities are confronted with
cumulative risk as various situations and challenges enhance the stress experienced
by individuals. This paper focuses on HIV&AIDS as one risk factor characterising
South African communities as cumulative risk environments (Ebersöhn and Ferreira
HIV&AIDS as a risk factor
Current literature shows the manifold challenges in the education sector because of
HIV&AIDS. More AIDS orphans are dropping out of school, as they are compelled to
look after their siblings and take on the role of breadwinners. The death of their
parents often leads to major changes in their lives. Furthermore, AIDS orphans often
experience discrimination, stigmatisation and rejection at school (Coombe 2002c;
Giese 2001; Kekae-Moletsane 2008; Mohangi 2008a, 2008b; Mvulane 2003). Because
they fear discrimination, AIDS orphans are usually silent about their parents’ illness
and grieve in silence (Foster and Williamson 2001).
Owing to the high HIV&AIDS rates in Africa, many studies in Africa have been aimed
at addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges in communities through the asset-based
approach. The Child Protection Society of Zimbabwe (1999) aims at mobilising
communities in Zimbabwe to support AIDS orphans and suggests the valuable role
that community members and organisations can play in building networks to support
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
AIDS orphans. Similarly, Lucas (2004) steered a community-based intervention
programme in Zambia, focusing on the facilitation of community action and building
upon existing individual and community resources to support community members
affected by HIV and AIDS. Cook (1998) implemented the asset-based approach to
establish community care for orphaned children in Malawi.
Locally, Campbell, Foulis, Maimane and Sibiya (2005) conducted a case study in a
rural South African community in KwaZulu-Natal for facilitating contextual changes
that strengthen HIV&AIDS management and develop AIDS-competent communities.
Louw (2008) assessed the needs of families infected and affected by HIV and AIDS
respectively within the Eldorado Park community, to make recommendations for
asset-based support. Mohangi (2008a, 2008b) focused on children’s positive emotions
and feelings of well-being in contrast with the adversities associated with HIV&AIDS.
Theoretical framework
Antonovsky, a medical sociologist, proposed the concept of ‘salutogenesis’, referring to
the study of the origins of positive health or wellness (Pretorius 2004). The
‘salutogenic model’ focuses on the relationship between health, stress, and coping.
Antonovsky (1987, 1993) also introduced a theoretical explanation of SoC, which
provides a central explanation for the role of stress in human functioning. He showed
how an SoC, or a way of making sense of the world, is a fundamental factor in
determining how well a person manages stress and stays healthy (Antonovsky 1979).
As a dynamic aspect of a person’s personality, SoC comprises three interconnected
components (Antonovsky 1993), namely comprehensibility, manageability and
meaningfulness. Comprehensibility includes the extent to which a person perceives
internal and external stimuli as information that is structured and constant. Stimuli
are regarded as understandable and making cognitive sense. Life events are therefore
viewed as less stressful (Antonovsky 1987, 1993; Muller and Rothmann 2009;
Schreuder and Coetzee 2006; Wolff and Ratner 1999). Manageability refers to the
degree to which someone experiences occurrences in life as conditions that are
controllable and manageable, including the ability to mobilise available resources to
meet encountered stressors (Antonovsky 1987, 1993; Muller and Rothmann 2009;
Schreuder and Coetzee 2006; Wolff and Ratner 1999). Meaningfulness refers to the
degree to which a person feels that life makes sense and has meaning emotionally,
enabling the motivation and commitment to cope with encountered stressors
(Antonovsky 1987, 1993; Muller and Rothmann 2009; Schreuder and Coetzee 2006;
Wolff and Ratner 1999).
Methodologically the authors followed a PRA approach framed within interpretivism.
They report on data of teachers in four conveniently selected school cases (Creswell
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
2005; Donmoyer 2002; Merriam 1998). Table 2 provides
a summary of the context of
each case and the rationale
behind the convenience sampling of each. The photographs alongside illustrate
the context of each of the
school cases: all of the school
settings are characterised by
poverty, the presence of HIV
infection and AIDS-related
illness, high unemployment
of parents/caregivers and low
literacy levels. A limitation of
convenience sampling, namely homogeneity of groups,
implies that findings are
delimited and are not necessarily transferable to the
greater population (Denscombe 1998).
In STAR, school principals
directed purposive selection
(Babbie and Mouton 2001;
Strydom and De Vos 1998) of
teachers who, to their knowledge and experience, were
appropriate to drive school
support initiatives related to
HIV&AIDS needs. Purposive
School 1 (top): Informal
settlement primary school in
Eastern Cape
School 2 (centre): Rural
secondary school in
School 3 (bottom): Urban
primary school in Gauteng
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
Table 2: Summary of the rationale behind the convenience sampling for each case
How cases were selected
School 1 (Pilot
Primary school in an informal
settlement, Eastern Cape
This school partnered with researchers for the first
STAR phase. Therefore, access and consent and
relationships existed.
School 2
Secondary school in remote
One of the teachers at this school contacted the
STAR principal investigator enquiring about
possible collaboration.
School 3
Urban primary school, Gauteng
A STAR co-researcher had an existing relationship
with teachers in this school.
School 4
Urban primary school, Gauteng
A STAR co-researcher met one of the teachers at
this school at the University of Pretoria’s Unit for
Distance Education. The teacher expressed the
school’s need for an intervention because of
HIV&AIDS-related challenges.
selection is subjective and biased (Babbie and Mouton 2001; Strydom and De Vos
1998), again delimiting transferability. Ten teachers per school were selected as
participants. Attrition reduced the total to 28 participants. Table 3 presents a
summary of the initial number of participants in each STAR school and the
purposively selected participants. Table 3 also provides a summary of the number of
participants in each school at the end of 2008 and the reasons for attrition. Table 4
provides demographic information on participants, including home language, age,
gender and qualifications as well as the grade and learning areas that they teach.
The six-year longitudinal PRA data sources include observation-in-the-context-ofinteraction data (Angrosino and Mays de Pérez 2000) documented in research diaries,
field notes, photographs and audiovisual recordings (Schurink, Schurink and
School 4: Urban primary
school in Gauteng
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
Table 3: Summary of the selection and number of participants in each case (all teachers
were initially purposively selected by the relevant school principal)
Initial number of
school (2005)
Number of
school at the end
of 2008
Reasons for participant
settlement primary
school, Eastern
Female, 9
Male, 1
Female, 8
Attrition of one female and
one male teacher; left due to
illness and time constraints.
Another female teacher joined
the group.
Remote secondary
Female, 6
Male, 3
Female, 3
Male, 1
Attrition of one male teacher
who passed away; one male
and one female teacher
accepted positions at other
schools; one female teacher
due to time constraints; and
one female teacher due to
unmet expectations.
Urban primary
school, Gauteng
Female, 9
Male, 1
Female, 7
Male, 1
Attrition of one female teacher
due to a career change. One
female teacher left the group
due to time constraints.
Urban primary
school, Gauteng
Female, 10
Female, 8
Attrition of two female
teachers due to time
Table 4: Summary of the particulars of participating teachers in each case
Grade and learning
area of teaching
Junior Primary Teacher’s Diploma;
Remedial and Special Education
Grade 2: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Junior Primary Teacher’s Diploma;
Remedial and Special Education
Grade 1: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Junior Primary Teacher’s Diploma;
Remedial and Special Education
Grade 3: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Junior Primary Teacher’s Diploma;
BTech Degree
Grade 2: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Junior Primary Teacher’s Diploma;
BCom Degree
Grade 3: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
Junior Primary Teacher’s
Grade 2: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Senior Primary Teacher’s
Diploma; BEd
Grade 5 and 7: Nature
Study, Arts and Culture,
Life Orientation
Management and
Grade 7: Mathematics,
Arts and Culture
Standard Teacher’s Diploma; BA
Higher Education Specialist
Grade 11-12:
Mathematics, Biology
BA Degree
Life Orientation
Standard Teacher Diploma, BEd
Business Sciences
Standard Teacher Diploma
Business Economics,
Junior Primary Teacher’s
Certificate; Secondary Education
Diploma; NCS Economic and
Management Science; OBE
Technology; ACE Special Needs
Grade 4-6: English,
Management Science
Junior Primary Teacher’s
Diploma; FDE in Sexuality
Education; BEd Hons in
Learning Support
Grade 4 and 7: Life
Orientation; Grade 6:
Mathematics, Natural
Junior Primary Teacher’s
Diploma; ACE Special Needs;
BEd Hons
Grade 2: Literacy,
Numeracy, Lifeskills
Senior Primary Teacher’s
Diploma; ACE Application
Grade 4-5: Natural
Science, Technology;
Economic and
Management Science
Diploma in Secondary
Education; End User Computing
(NQF Level 3)
Grade 6: Social Science,
Life Orientation; Grade
7: English
Diploma in Secondary Education
Grade 4: Social Science;
Grade 5-6: Life
Orientation, Arts and
Senior Primary Teacher’s
Grade 6-7: Mathematics,
Technology; Economic
and Management
BEd; BEd Educational
Grade 3: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
Grade 5: Afrikaans
Grade 2: Literacy,
Numeracy, Life skills
Grade 1: Literacy;
Numeracy; Life skills
Grade 3: Literacy;
Numeracy; Life skills
Learning Support
Grade 6 Mathematics
Grade 6 Mathematics and
Life Orientation
Poggenpoel 1998; Walsh 2007). Informal conversational interviews, unstructured
face-to-face interviews and focus group interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed. Data sources were thematically analysed and synthesised following constructivist grounded theory principles (Charmaz 2000).
The authors used PRA activities and focus groups to facilitate spontaneous
discussions regarding participants’ experiences (Anderson 2002; Mayan 2001; Parker,
Dalrymple and Durden 1998). Focus groups were usually conducted in staff rooms and
lasted between 90 and 120 minutes. Initial baseline focus groups resulted in data on
each school’s context, community, needs and initiatives prior to the STAR intervention. Focus group PRA-directed activities formed part of each of the STAR sessions
(refer to Table 1).
The intervention and data generation were conducted in English as all participants
were familiar with English as a language of teaching and learning. Temple (2002) and
Shklarov (2007) emphasise the importance of being aware of the implications of crosslanguage research. Temple (2002) refers to the potential challenge of concepts often
having a different meaning across different languages and losing their meaning when
translated. In this regard, a co-researcher who was proficient in the participating
teachers’ home languages assisted with potential language barriers (Temple and
Young 2004).
The authors attempted to present a credible study through the discovery and
representation of human experiences as they are lived and viewed by the participating
teachers (Dixon-Woods, Shaw, Agarwal and Smith 2004; Golafshani 2003; Lincoln
and Guba 2002; Poggenpoel 1998; Terre Blanche and Durrheim 1999; Seale 2002). To
heighten credibility the authors defended their claims and explanations by comparing
cases with one another as well as with other documented studies. This process
included the search for negative cases and the consideration of alternative explan-
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
ations for findings (Mason 2002; Seale 1999; Silverman 2000; Spencer et al. 2003:78).
As part of PRA they used member checking in each intervention phase to enhance
credibility (Seale 1999). In addition, prolonged engagement in the research field
enhanced credibility, as they guarded against quick conclusions and continued
fieldwork until the data was saturated (Patton 2002). To acknowledge and reflect on
researcher bias, they made use of research journals to reflect on their experiences,
perceptions and assumptions. By providing visual data on the schools they wanted to
provide a reader with some understanding of each unique case. For the purpose of
transferability, such a comparison could assist a reader in deciding the extent of
similarity between the research fields and other similar contexts (Janesick 2000;
Patton 2002).
Using an audit trail (Janesick 2000; Seale 1999), the authors attempted to achieve
dependability and confirmability in the current study. Original audio recordings and
verbatim transcripts of each session, research journals and field notes contributed to
depth and rigour. This auditing process resulted in a dependable report and true
reflection of the research process (Mason 2002; Seale 1999; Silverman 2000; Spencer
et al. 2003). As part of the research team discussions and researcher journals, the
strategy of reflexivity was also employed to reflect on the research process, in order to
enhance the confirmability of the current study.
Following thematic data analysis, various barriers amongst which those related to
socio-economic factors emerged. Socio-economic barriers included the presence of HIV
&AIDS; financial constraints due to poverty and unemployment; and child abuse. For
the purpose of this paper, the authors focus on barriers related to HIV&AIDS as a
single socio-economic challenge that teachers addressed by mobilising identified
assets and resources. The following subcategories were identified as underpinning
barriers related to HIV&AIDS acknowledged by teachers:
The growing presence of HIV&AIDS
HIV&AIDS as a barrier to learning
Changing roles of individuals
Beliefs and traditions with regard to HIV&AIDS
HIV&AIDS discrimination and stigmatisation
Teachers also demonstrated the ability to address HIV&AIDS-related barriers as a
further subcategory. For each subcategory, verbatim quotations from teachers during
focus groups are used to strengthen the results obtained.
HIV&AIDS as a risk factor
Teachers experienced the growing presence of HIV&AIDS and the increased num-
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
ber of AIDS orphans in their school-community contexts as a challenge they needed to
deal with on a daily basis. Teachers reflected on the growing presence of HIV&AIDS in
the various school-community contexts: In our school we have 220 orphans in the
school ... 70% of the parents died because of AIDS as I have mentioned before, the
number is increasing yearly (School 1 – PE Seminar, Participant 21 (female), Line
365-367); HIV is escalating each time ... there are more orphans, especially in our
school (School 2 – PE Seminar, Participant 24 (male), Line 649-651); We have a
number of orphans ... we have so many, more than a 100 (School 3, Participant 12
(female), Line 28-30).
Teachers reported on HIV&AIDS challenges as a specific barrier to children’s
learning. The following verbatim quotation from one of the teachers refers to
HIV&AIDS as a barrier to learning for children affected by the pandemic: … and as
the AIDS educator, the remedial educator, I normally deal with these kind of learners
who are affected by the situation and you will find that the learners are not performing
well because they are so affected because we’re not sure but affected by the situation,
consequently you will find that the learners are developing some kind of barriers
(School 3 – PE Seminar, Participant 23 (female), Line 342-347). Teachers also referred
to HIV&AIDS as a barrier to learning for infected children: So they even send kids who
are HIV positive and normally you get them being too sick here at school and we don’t
even know what to do with them, because even this year we had a case of a child who
was HIV positive (School 3, Participant 13, Line 231-234). Subsequently teachers
reported on the influence of children’s absence (often because of HIV&AIDS) on their
learning: ... she is having a child in her classroom who is infected. This child has been
in and out of hospital. One time this child was absent for quite a long time ... (School 1,
Participant 3 (female), Line 606-608).
Teachers referred to changing roles because of HIV&AIDS. Grandparents often
had to adopt the role of parents (who had died as a result of AIDS): ... they have adopted
this child after she lost her parents. She is also infected. After speaking to this lady, I
went inside and spoke to the grandmother (School 1, Participant 23 (female), Line
617-619); Grannies and grandfathers are left with the burden of raising the kids
because the parents died of the AIDS pandemic that is prevailing within our society
(School 3 – PE Seminar, Participant 21 (female), Line 363-365). The fact that
grandparents’ roles are changing as a result of HIV&AIDS poses additional challenges
within a family context.
Teachers reported on the challenge of traditional beliefs and customs with
regard to HIV&AIDS in their community contexts. Teachers indicated that parents
in their community did not speak to their children about HIV&AIDS: You know what,
our parents are very much traditional, they are backwards, they don’t talk about these
things (School 1, Participant 3 (female), Line 257-259). Teachers also reported that
many of their community members still engaged in witchcraft and did not believe in
the scientific existence of HIV&AIDS, as evident by the following verbatim account:
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
HIV is escalating each time and I must indicate that in our area you know, we are not
going to give statistics of people who are HIV positive because of the fact that most of our
people still believe in witchcraft. So if somebody is sick there, it is never reported, even if
you would be checking around you won’t find the exact cases in our area. We have a
clinic but you find the exact cases because it ends up viewed as being natural death in
the process, because the people do not consult more in the clinic. They go to inyangas
(traditional African healer) and all the stuff. So I won’t be able to give the statistics
right now, but from the point of view, we are aware that as deaths are increasing, there
is relatedness to HIV (School 2 – PE Seminar, Participant 24 (male), Line 652-666).
Teachers experienced HIV&AIDS discrimination and stigmatisation as a
challenge, as stigmatisation often prevents people from disclosing their status and
accessing support and medical care. People prefer to keep quiet on their HIV&AIDS
status, as they fear discrimination from others: The other lady from my group, my
group also came to me this morning, telling me that there is a parent who came this
morning and disclosed about her grandchild but she said she wants this to be kept
secret, not tell everybody (School 1, Participant 4 (female), Line 646-648); Like the
people with HIV and AIDS, normally they don’t want to disclose or be outspoken about
it, they don’t discuss or disclose with people (School 3, Participant 13 (female), Line
226-236). Being associated with HIV&AIDS-related activities often give the
impression that these people are HIV positive, as reflected in the following verbatim
quotation: If you still remember Mr X came to our school to talk about HIV, you know,
the teachers didn’t want to go there as if they are there we will think they are HIV
positive (School 1, Participant 6 (female), Line 274-276).
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS challenges
Even though the teachers experienced such a range of HIV&AIDS-related barriers,
they consciously opted to address barriers by means of: 1) HIV&AIDS education
awareness; 2) HIV&AIDS support at a material level; and 3) HIV&AIDS support at an
emotional level.
Teachers focused on HIV&AIDS education and training for both children and
teachers, as well as parents and community members. Firstly, teachers in all four
schools focused on equipping children with HIV&AIDS knowledge and skills.
Teachers emphasised that HIV&AIDS education needs to be a continuous process: ...
it’s not a once-off, you see, it must be ongoing ... this is in a curriculum, for instance
there is an LO (Life Orientation), it’s a learning area recently, a life skill... teach the
children in their classroom every day, ay they will be motivated to teach it you see. To
teach this life skill, HIV&AIDS in their classroom it’s whereby most of the teachers
would be involved in this group (School 1, Participant 2 (female), Line 200-208).
Teachers aimed to obtain role models to teach children how to protect themselves
against HIV and AIDS: We are also trying to get to a few learners ... role models to these
learners ... to give them an idea of how to protect themselves in things
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
that are related to HIV and AIDS (School 1 – PE Seminar, Participant 20 (female),
Line 278-283). In addition, teachers invited external people to address HIV&AIDS
awareness and education in their schools: And then this year also we had certain
weeks, like a few weeks ago we had a woman’s week, where we invited different people
from the communities, guest speakers to inform the children again about HIV and
AIDS and stuff, it was very good because it was people from the community that the
children could relate to ... (School 4, Participant 16 (female), Line 186-191).
Teachers also focused on increasing their own and their colleagues’ competencies and
knowledge about HIV&AIDS. Teachers invited experts to present training sessions
and transfer HIV&AIDS-related knowledge amongst each other at an informal level.
Teachers actively attempted to enhance their own and their colleagues’ knowledge
and skills with regard to HIV&AIDS: HIV and AIDS ... Then we talked and talked, I
then asked ‘at the university here, which section can I approach to get help so that they
come down and help us’ (School 2 – PE Seminar, Participant 24 (male), Line 517-522);
... calling people in to come and highlight or give us more knowledge about HIV and
AIDS (School 3, Participant 13 (female), Line 171-172); And then also the teachers ...
also organised a workshop where the teachers went and they received certificates also
about HIV&AIDS (School 4, Participant 16 (female), Line 191-193).
Lastly teachers targeted parents’ and community members’ knowledge and skills
regarding HIV&AIDS. They invited experts to raise community awareness of
HIV&AIDS and shared their acquired knowledge. Teachers attempted to enhance
parents’ and community members’ knowledge and skills regarding HIV&AIDS: ... they
(parents) were trained in various aspects, to put a few, they were trained on HIV&AIDS
and counselling (School 1 – PE Seminar, Participant 20 (female), Line 187-188); You
know, we had a lesson that is preparing them for the 1st of December of which they
acknowledge that day as the day of, an AIDS day, so when we are preparing them for
the lesson, you find that some of them they do know, some of them don’t and some of
them they do have booklets in their bags, whereby they, during break times they read the
stories and empowering one another with HIV because their parents are sick. When
somebody comes from outside and gathers their family and tell them, immediately that
information does not stay in that house, they take it out earlier (School 1, Participant 3
(female), Line 942-949); ... address HIV and AIDS, create more awareness (School 2 –
PE Seminar, Participant 24 (male), Line 685).
Teachers provided material support to children, parents and community
members infected and affected by HIV&AIDS. Material support included providing
food parcels (generated from different school-based food schemes), as reflected by the
following verbatim quotation: You will see more people they will come to school and
disclose their status so that they can get food, help you see, from the school is whereby
the support group, support will get people from them (School 1, Participant 3, Line
132-134); Make it possible for the orphans and then the parents and the learners whose
parents are not working can be fed for the day, can give them some food, parcels to take
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
home with so that they can be fed when they are at home (School 3, Participant 14, Line
Teachers initiated school-based vegetable gardens: We want this garden to help
HIV&AIDS learners ... that is the aim (School 1, Participant 1 (female), Line 74); We
have got people who are infected and affected by the epidemic virus, we thought that
maybe if we could just have a small garden where we could just plant vegetables so that
the people around the community will not go and buy the green stuff from the market,
they can just plant and come and have the vegetables in the garden (School 2,
Participant 9 (female), Line 58-63); When we harvest we will give the vegetables to the
orphans (School 3, Participant 12 (female), Line 29). These vegetable garden
initiatives provided nutritious vegetables to both infected and affected children and
community members.
Material support also included medical treatment by providing medicine: We had
three parents who disclosed... just parents that have HIV&AIDS... we had seven
learners then and now we have got 23, they are all receiving ARVs (anti-retroviral
medication) through our school (School 1 – PE Seminar, Participant 20 (female), Line
291-295). Teachers made parents aware of additional material support (such as
government grants) that they could qualify for: Today there was a parent who came to
me because we talked about the grant they qualified for, that can give her support so
that she can buy medicine and all those things. It’s moving, it’s coming okay, that’s
what we are doing to them you see, so that they must know we are of help to them (School
1, Participant 7 (female), Line 438-442).
Teachers also provided emotional and spiritual support to children, parents
and community members infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. Teachers took turns
to visit infected and affected children, parents and community members at their
homes, as reflected by the following verbatim quotations: Why are we going to visit
them, to give support as you have seen we are a support group, to pray, to give them
hope, to give them courage so that they must know that there are some people who care
for them (School 1, Participant 7, Line 840-845); We managed to support families,
socially, emotionally and as well as the support group. All of them they used to go to
visit homes, to give a prayer, to give emotional support (School 1 – PE Seminar,
Participant 20, Line 119-122); I think some of these learners, the affected children ...
visit them at their homes frequently enough and I think that we need to nourish that
bond – sometimes we need to visit them with their families, an hour or two (School 3,
Participant 12, Line 490-494). Teachers networked with church organisations to assist
with HIV&AIDS support on an existential/spiritual level: On the side of HIV support
group, we managed to organise a pastor for us who can assist us with a group of people.
There are kids who ... after school every day, they go to a place of safety where they get
food, they get ... they worship, they pray and they play some games thereafter, they also
assist them with their homework (School 3, Participant 13, Line 51-57).
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
Re-contexualising results against current research
HIV&AIDS-related barriers acknowledged by teachers
Within the education system, Smit and Fritz (2008) found that teachers often
experience HIV/AIDS to be a challenging factor. Taggart (2008) reports on teachers’
emotional distress and frustration with regard to the various challenges associated
with AIDS orphans in their classrooms.
Giese et al. (2003a) found that children increasingly experience the loss of multiple
caregivers and that the capacity of relatives to support orphaned children is often
reduced. Many agree that increasing numbers of AIDS orphans drop out of school, as
they are compelled to look after their siblings and take on the role of breadwinners
(Bennell, Hyde and Swainson 2002; Coombe 2002a; Foster and Williamson 2001;
Giese 2001; Kekae-Moletsane 2008; Mohangi 2008a, 2008b; Mvulane 2003; Taggart
2008; Van Dyk 2001a).
Others have also found HIV&AIDS to be a barrier to learning. The emotional (e.g.
mourning, grieving, stigmatisation, distress) and physical status (e.g. physical weakness can influence concentration and ability to learn) of children infected and affected
by HIV and AIDS can influence many skills and capacities that are needed in order for
learning to be productive and successful (Coombe 2002b; Giese 2001; KekaeMoletsane 2008; Mohangi 2008a, 2008b; Mvulane 2003; Ogina 2007).
Like the authors, others (Airhihenbuwa and Webster 2004; Campbell et al. 2005;
Coombe 2000, 2002b; Hunter and Williamson 2000; Kekae-Moletsane 2008; Loots and
Mnguni 2008; Lubbe and Mampane 2008; Morrell 2003; Subbarao, Mattimore and
Plangemann 2001; Van Dyk 2001a; Visser, Mundell, De Villiers, Sikkema and Jeffery
2005) agree that HIV&AIDS-related stigma and labelling challenges wellness, as
people often find it difficult to disclose their HIV-positive status, fearing rejection and
discrimination by their family, friends and community. Freeman (2004) investigated
the mental health of South Africans infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. He refers
to the stigma associated with HIV&AIDS as one of the principal causes of stress in
HIV&AIDS-affected communities. Likewise, Cook (1998) is of the opinion that the
psychosocial impact of stigmatisation and discrimination is a potential area of stress
to HIV&AIDS-affected families and communities.
Similarly, both the authors and others (Airhihenbuwa and Webster 2004; Bennell et
al. 2002; Campbell et al. 2005; Freeman 2004; Hoosan and Collins 2004; Kondrat and
Juliá 2005; Leclerc-Madlala 2002; Moll 2002; Schensul 1999; Shisana and Simbayi
2002; Van Dyk 2001b) have found that parents and caregivers are reluctant to speak
to children about sexual and related HIV&AIDS issues or often provide their children
with incorrect information (Campbell et al. 2005; Giese et al. 2003a). Participants in
their study indicated that churches and schools might undermine efforts to put HIV
prevention strategies in place (Campbell et al. 2005).
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
The way in which teachers addressed HIV&AIDS-related barriers –
supporting what is known
From existing literature we know that barriers associated with HIV&AIDS often place
a huge strain on community relationships (Freeman 2004; Smart 2001, 2003; Van Dyk
2001a). As a result, many studies have focused on the question of how communities
might deal with these barriers and subsequently find ways to support HIV&
AIDS-affected communities to better deal with challenges (Foster and Williamson
2001; Kilmer, Cowen and Wyman 2001; Smart 2003; Child Protection Society of
Zimbabwe 1999). Many studies also emphasise the essential role that schools could
play in caring for and supporting orphaned children and HIV&AIDS-affected
households, but also in introducing support initiatives (Giese, Meintjes, Croke and
Chamberlain 2003b; Loots and Mnguni 2008; Richter 2003).
The authors’ finding that teachers use education to raise HIV&AIDS awareness to
address HIV&AIDS-related challenges in their school-community contexts reflects
existing knowledge on the importance of HIV education and lifestyle training as a
strategy to (a) prevent the spread of HIV&AIDS, (b) promote safe behaviour (Bennell
et al. 2002; Coombe 2002c; Schensul 1999; UNAIDS/UNICEF/USAID 2004; Van Dyk
2001a), and (c) reduce ignorance and the stigma associated with HIV&AIDS
(Campbell et al. 2005).
In the same way in which the authors found that teachers invited experts in the field of
HIV&AIDS to their schools in an effort to raise HIV&AIDS awareness amongst
children, parents and community members, Bennell et al. (2002) refer to AIDS clubs
that were found to exist to a greater or lesser extent in each of the three countries
(Uganda, Malawi and Botswana) that participated in their study. Young people in this
study (Bennell et al. 2002) expressed their need to participate in their own HIV&AIDS
education, to be given the opportunity to debate issues, and not only be lectured.
Like the authors’, Taggart’s study (2008) also found that teachers provided material
support in the form of clothes and food to AIDS orphans in their classes. Bennell et al.
(2002) confirm the importance of material support based on the finding that the
Botswana government introduced a comprehensive programme of material support
for disadvantaged orphans. In a similar way, Airhihenbuwa and Webster (2004) found
that financial and material support is often provided in communities. These authors
refer to burial societies that often provide financial support for families that cannot
afford to bury their loved ones who had passed away because of AIDS.
In terms of emotional and spiritual support, Lubbe and Mampane (2008) also found
that compassionate and caring teachers, who are involved at an emotional level, could
fulfil an important role in contributing towards children feeling more positive about
the future and enhancing their self-worth. Similarly, a growing number of theorists
(Ebersöhn and Maree 2006; Folkman and Moskowitz 2003) view positive emotions and
a sense of self-worth as active ingredients in coping and thriving despite adversity.
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
The authors’ findings on barriers associated with HIV&AIDS and the manner in
which teachers dealt with such challenges show similarities with a study conducted by
The Farm Orphan Support Trust of Zimbabwe (Walker 2002). The authors’ findings on
material support also mirror the study by Bhana, Morrell, Epstein and Moletsane
(2006) on teachers’ pastoral care in the context of HIV&AIDS. Participating teachers
in this study started feeding schemes out of their own pockets and collected clothing
for vulnerable children.
The way teachers addressed HIV&AIDS-related barriers – contradictions
The authors found some contradictions in existing literature about the manner in
which participating teachers dealt with barriers encountered. Whereas the teachers
in their study adopted an open approach in transferring their HIV&AIDS-related
knowledge to children, parents and community members, Bennell et al. (2002) found
that teachers in their study, particularly in Botswana, were reluctant to speak to
children about HIV&AIDS-related topics. Furthermore, Harper, Bangi, Contreras,
Pedraza, Tolliver and Vess (2004) refer to one of the barriers experienced in their
collaborative research as being a lack of communication between various participating
role-players. A possible explanation for this contradiction could be the longitudinal
PRA methodology approach, where relationships between teachers and between
teachers and researchers evolved over time in terms of openness, trust and honesty.
This methodological hypothesis requires further exploration.
Whereas the authors found that communities are able to deal with HIV&AIDS risk
daily by relying on available local resources and assets (see also Ferreira 2008), Smart
(2003) is of the opinion that communities’ mechanisms for dealing with barriers such
as HIV&AIDS are already optimally used and cannot be stretched further. Similarly,
Subbarao et al. (2001) found that communities at ground level are often not able to
deal efficiently with the challenge of looking after the increased number of AIDS
orphans. Existing literature generally points out that teachers are not always
sufficiently trained with the necessary competencies and skills to provide successful
HIV&AIDS education and support (Bhana et al. 2006; Hall 2004; Jansen and Christie
1999; Ogina 2007). Bennell et al. (2002) found poor delivery of the HIV&AIDS
curriculum and pre-service teacher training in Botswana, Uganda and Malawi.
Correlating with the authors’ finding, Visser (2004) argues that teachers possess the
potential for providing the necessary education and support, as long as they receive
the necessary training. Ogina (2007) emphasises that teachers have to be empowered
with the necessary competencies and knowledge to successfully play a supportive role
in terms of HIV&AIDS-related challenges in their school-community contexts. During
the intervention stage of the study, participating teachers were introduced to skills
and competencies to better deal with barriers. Such skills and competencies included
mapping the community and its resources; identifying assets/resources, potential
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
assets/resources and challenges in the community; identifying needs and potential
ways of addressing them; initiating school-based initiatives; developing an action plan
in terms of the identified projects and initiatives; and monitoring the progress of the
projects and planning the way forward. According to Parker (2003), many higher
education institutions have already developed and submitted revised programmes
and qualifications to enable teachers to cope with adversity.
Within the context of SoC, this paper provides insight into the way teachers could
promote resilience in schools to counter the effects of HIV&AIDS, by means of an
asset-based pathway. The figure below illustrates this process. Teachers were first
introduced to the asset-based approach through an intervention process (STAR),
providing an opportunity to acquire knowledge of the asset-based approach. When
teachers were confronted with barriers (risk factors) in their school-community
contexts, they adjusted positively to the barriers – teachers mobilised themselves,
others and resources to address them. Their response to stressors was therefore
characterised by eustress as opposed to distress.
Promoting resilience in schools to bolster against effects of HIV&AIDS: Asset-based
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
The concept of eustress can be defined as a positive psychological reaction to a
stressor, which is evident by the presence of positive psychological states (Muller and
Rothmann 2009; Simmons and Nelson 2005). Schreuder and Coetzee (2006) describe
eustress as a type of stress that provides challenges which motivate individuals to
work hard to meet their goals. Teachers in the current study adapted positively to
barriers (stressors) encountered in their school-community contexts, regarding barriers as challenges that could be addressed in a resourceful manner. In contrast, distress can be defined as a negative psychological reaction to a stressor, which is evident
by the presence of negative psychological states (Muller and Rothmann 2009;
Simmons and Nelson 2005). SoC (Antonovsky 1987, 1993) is seen as a broad
characteristic that influences an individual’s perception and ability to cope (Muller
and Rothmann 2009; Nelson and Simmons 2003; Semmer 2003). Teachers displayed a
strong SoC, as they perceived barriers in their school-community contexts as making
cognitive sense, as being under their control and being meaningful (Antonovsky 1987).
Based on findings in the study the authors argue that teachers’ comprehensibility (the
extent to which they perceive internal and external stimuli as information that is
structured and constant) was favourably affected by an awareness of risk co-existing
with resources. Teachers could view HIV&AIDS-related life events as less stressful
(Antonovsky 1987, 1993; Muller and Rothmann 2009; Schreuder and Coetzee 2006;
Wolff and Ratner 1999).
With regards to manageability it is posited that, cognitively, teachers were able to
experience HIV&AIDS-related cumulative stressors as controllable and manageable.
Their ability to mobilise available resources to meet encountered stressors
(Antonovsky 1987, 1993; Muller and Rothmann 2009; Schreuder and Coetzee 2006;
Wolff and Ratner 1999) meant that they were able to frame barriers in their
school-community contexts as challenges that are manageable.
Lastly, meaningfulness was apparent inasmuch as teachers felt that at an emotional
level life made sense and had purpose. Rather than feeling that they were passive,
helpless and victims because of stressors, teachers were able to use existing resources
themselves to mediate the effect of risk. Meaningfulness also denotes the teachers’
perseverance in sustaining support strategies, indicating motivation and commitment
to cope with stressors encountered (Antonovsky 1987, 1993; Muller and Rothmann
2009; Schreuder and Coetzee 2006; Wolff and Ratner 1999). Teachers regarded
barriers as challenges worthy of engagement and commitment.
Although many variables and complex factors may influence a person’s reaction to
barriers or stressors (risk factors), Weissbecker, Salmon, Studts, Floyd, Dedert and
Sephton (2004) confirm that SoC could be enhanced through intervention, as with
teachers’ participation in STAR. The distress of teachers because of an incapacitating
focus on barriers and needs was reconfigured into an invigorating agency by focusing
on opportunities, assets and strengths. The asset-based approach is therefore likely to
Teachers addressing HIV&AIDS-related challenges resourcefully
enable teachers and school communities to generate positive and significant change
from within (Ashford and Patkar 2001; Cordes 2002; Kretzmann and McKnight 1993;
Mathie and Cunningham 2003; Roos and Temane 2007; Saylor et al. 2006; Tibaijuka
2003). It is therefore concluded that an asset-based approach could lead to enhanced
eustress and SoC when teachers are faced with cumulative barriers. More research is
of course indicated to explore this theoretical supposition.
Against the background of education settings with scarce resources and cumulative
risk, as signified by HIV&AIDS-related challenges, the authors attempted to demonstrate how teachers’ implementation of the asset-based approach is a novel way to
address such challenges. Within the context of mobilising assets to address barriers,
they highlighted the potential interconnectedness of the asset-based approach and an
SoC. Findings suggest that teachers’ use of the asset-based approach to address ongoing risk may potentially result in their enhanced eustress (Simmons and Nelson
2005) and SoC (Antonovsky 1987, 1993).
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Notes on the authors
Tilda Loots is a part-time lecturer at the University of Pretoria and a registered educational
psychologist in private practice. She recently completed her PhD on teachers’ implementation of
an asset-based intervention for school-based psychosocial support. Tilda received the award for
the best completed doctoral research at the University of Pretoria, Faculty of Education
Research Indaba in 2011. Her research focuses on asset-based psychosocial support, schoolcommunity partnerships and resilience in dealing with stressors.
Liesel Ebersöhn heads the Unit for Education Research in AIDS, University of Pretoria, where
she is also a full professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education.
As a National Research Foundation-rated researcher she interrogates resilience as collective
and sustained transactional-ecological processes within resource-scarce education environments. She has supervised close to 53 postgraduate studies to completion. She has been both
principal and co-investigator in several international and national studies. She is a Past
President of the Education Association of South Africa and she serves on the council of the
World Education Research Association (2010-2013). Her research is disseminated in more than
44 peer-reviewed articles, several books (editor, co-edited and co-authored) and invited
conference presentations. Liesel is the Editor of the South African Journal of Education.
Ronél Ferreira is head of the Department of Educational Psychology, as well as theme leader of
the Institute for Food, Nutrition and Well-being, at the University of Pretoria. Her current
research focus areas are psychosocial support within the context of vulnerability, psychological
well-being of children and communities, HIV&AIDS, asset-based psychosocial coping, and the
use of action research in intervention studies that could facilitate community development and
well-being. Ronél’s research accomplishments are signified, amongst others, by her being a
rated researcher with the South African National Research Foundation and recipient of the
Samuel Henry Prince Dissertation Award of the International Sociological Association (2009).
Prof Irma Eloff is the dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria. Irma is an
Loots, Ebersöhn, Ferreira and Eloff
NRF-rated researcher and a registered psychologist, and she has received several awards for
her research in Education and Educational Psychology. Her research focuses on positive
psychology, education and vulnerable children. She is currently the Chair of the Education
Commission of the SA Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. Irma has published more than 55
academic articles and book chapters. She has also co-authored the book, Life Skills & Assets
and she is co-editor of the book Keys to Educational Psychology.
Address for correspondence
[email protected]