Tocharian linguistic Connections1
The Tocharians were redhaired,
fair-skinned and had plaid
garments similar to those of the
Celts and Latvians. They may have
migrated from the Baltic region to
the Tarim Basin (Xinjiiang, China)
via two routes, across Asia
between the Ural Mountains and
the Kazakhstan desert to the Altai
Mountains and Lake Baikal region,
and into the Tarim Basin. This is an
area where many linguistic groups
mixed together.The other route
would be along the Silk Road which
leads from Syria over the Khyber
Pass to China.
The Tocharians appear to have
arrived in China about 2,000 BCE,
in as much as the graves of the
Gumugou Culture which are
Europoid date from 2,000-1,500 BCE. Graves of the Keremchi Culture at the foot of the Alatai Mountains
resemble the Afanasevo Culture and also date around 2,000 BCE. Other cemetaries are listed that date
~1500 BCE. This being said, the Tocharian language is believed to be the second oldest (Hittite being the
oldest) Indo-European language, with two, possibly three dialects, A, B, and C. The language is a
conglomerate, like English, with interesting elements resembling English, Hittite, Akkadian, Armenian,
Welsh, Latvian, Sanskrit, Avestan, Altaic and Chinese, etc.2 This document was compiled from “Eurasian
Linguistic Connections,” by Mel Copeland. The Hittite, Akkadian, Armenian and Sanskrit connections to
Data in this document from Eurasian Linguistic Connections, by Mel Copeland
[https://www.academia.edu/41657214/Eurasian_linguistic_foundations_Update_9_29_21_611_pages], and
Etruscan_Phrases Indo-European Table 1 (Update 11.10.21), Part 1 of 11 Parts:
Image of Tocharians from Wikipedia.org, Pinterest, etc. The had plaid clothing and red hair, fair skin, and occupied
the Tarim Basin, China.
See “Linguistic and Archaeological Insights on the Migration of the Proto-Tocharians,” by Andrew Wigman
uploaded to academia.edu for a detailed history and discussion on the Tocharians.
Tocharian are of particular interest, since their connection suggests the Tocharians took the southern
route to China. Wiggans suggests that the Tocharians split into two or three groups, one of which fled
from the Tarim Basin from the Chinese to Bactria. The Tocharians of the Tarim Basin and adjacent
mountains is of interest from their burial practices, both in mounds and timber-lined graves. Some
caskets of the dead were hollowed out of trees and because of the desert environment mummified. Like
the British, the Tocharians were divided into separate ethnic groups, Welsh, Irish, English, etc., so the
name Tocharian does not appear in Tocharian texts, but possibly in Chinese accounts about them.
Wiggans points out that the Tocharians also resembled the Afansievo Culture which was in Siberia,
north of the Tarim Basin.
By about 600 A.D. the Tocharians had become Buddhists and painted murals in caves, most
importantly the Kizil Caves, “’The Thousand Red Houses', also romanized Qizil Caves, spelling variant
Qyzyl; Kizil means 'red') are a set of Buddhist rock-cut caves located near Kizil Township (克孜尔乡,
Kèzī'ěr Xiāng) in Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. The site is located on the northern
bank of the Muzat River 65 kilometres (75 km by road) west of Kucha. This area was a commercial hub
of the Silk Road. The caves have an important role in Central Asian art and in the Silk Road transmission
of Buddhism, and are said to be the earliest major Buddhist cave complex in China.” [Wikipedia.org].
While Akkadian and Hittite correspondences may apply, there is a substantial correspondence among
Latvian, English and Tocharian. Note however, that Hittite has a high correspondence with English, as
seen in our “Eurasian Linguistic Connections.”
As we compiled this document it became quite apparent that a separate document like this should be
prepared showing the Traditional Chinese linguistic connections, as there are more than one would
suspect. However, the prevailing theory of the Indo-European movements is that the early groups ended
up in about the same area in Siberia and the Altai Mountains, between the Olb and the Irtysh Rivers, and
mixed with others who were there, including the Chinese. Nearby in the Altai Mountains were copper
and bronze mineral sources. While we can speculate that early Bronze Age peoples moved from
easetern Europe to the Altai region, following their herds, we can conclude that they were also in search
of copper (and tin, tin produced higher quality bronze) to make bronze implements and weapons. A
stopoff, as It were, was in the Ural Mountains where the Sintashta Culture ended up, who were
previously from Syria, who formed fortified cities in the shape of a wheel.
Just south of the Urals on the edge of the Kazakhstan desert was Samara, which had communities that
mined both copper and tin. This area, we may point out, was like a funnel, forcing migrations through
the narrow gap between the Urals and the Kazakhstan desert. The mining in this area was so great that
the area around Samara was deforested, since wood was needed in the process of melting copper (or
sulphuric copper) and tin to make bronze.
Linguistic Correspondence
After, There, Then
Akkadian, annittān, then, this then, Hittite, handa, then, consequently, Persian, âyande, adj., afterward,
later, subsequently, Kyrgyz, анда, anda, then, Tocharian, antuṣ (adv.), therupon, afterward,
Again, Likewise
Tocharian, oki, like, as it were, somehow, Lycian, ãka, like, as,
Agrarian Land, Earth, Land, Soil, World
Hittite, tēkan, tegan, tgn, tekan, earth, tgantespa, goddess of the earth, Luvian, tiam(i), tgam, earth,
Armenian, տեղանքով, teghank’ov, terrain, Tocharian, tkam, [B kem], earth, tkaṃ ākāś, the earth and
Latvian, augsne, soil, ground, earth, land, terrain, Tocharian, tkaṃ ākāś, the earth and atmosphere,
Alas!, Woe
Tocharian, oy, alas!, Etruscan, ei,?,
Alien, Enemy, Hostile, Sacrifice
English, alien, [<Lat., alienus], Etruscan, alis, Tocharian, ālaśi (adj.) [B aletstse*], alien, not related,
indifferent, ālu-ypeṣi (adj.), from another country,
Alive, Life
Greek, ΖΩ, zoi, life, Irish, saol, life, Tocharian, s'ol, s'aul, life,
And, Also, Now
Hittite, nu, and, but, now, Hurrian, -mu, and, but, now, English, now, [<OE nū], Tocharian, nu, [B no],
then, namely,
Antler, Horn,
Hittite, kraur/kraun, horn, antlers, Akkadian, garnu, horn, qarnu, horn, cusp of the moon, pincers of a
scorpion, etc., qarnānû, qarnû, adj., horned, Sanskrit, kūṇikā, the horn of any animal, Romanian, corn,
horn, corn de cerb, antler, hartshorn, Latin, cornu-us, horn, Welsh, corn, horn, cyrn, antler, gorn, chorn,
horn, corn, trumpet, chimney, antler, drinking-horn, French, corne, horn, English, horn [<OE], Tocharian,
kror, [B. kroriya], horn, Etruscan, cornas (CVRNAS),
Arise, Remain, Stand, Stay, Static, Endure
Akkadian, kalû, to remain, to come to an end, to be finished, to stay, keep in custody, to keep, to stop,
to do something without ceasing, without delay, immediately, etc., Tocharian, käly- [B käly-], to stand,
Turkish, kalmak, to stay, Kazakh, қалу, qalw, to stay, Uzbek, qolmok, to stay, Kyrgyz, калуу, kaluu, to
Army, Battle, Soldier, Warrior, War
Hittite, kururiyahh-> to make war, revolt, kururiiahh, to wage war on, kororiah, wage war, hostility,
KARAŠ, army, troops, kururiyah-, hostile, hostility, enemy, enmity, Akkadian, gerû, to make war, to
quarrel, to start a lawsuit, to be hostile, to open up hostilities, karašu, campaigning army, army
expeditionary force, army encampment, camp, kaṣāru, to set up a battle array, assemble, collect,
compose a text, etc., ašarittu, crack troops, kiṣirtu, contingent of soldiers, ridge wall, tablet, Sanskrit,
kṣattṛ, charioteer, kṣatam, hurt, wound, Finnish-Uralic, soturi, warrior, Tocharian, kṣatri* [B kṣatriye],
warrior, nobleman, Lycian, zxxa-: 3rd pl. pret. zxxãte, inf. zxxãna, to fight zxxaza: Gpl. zxxazãi, DLpl.
Zxxaza + of a warrior zxxazi(je)-: DLpl. zxxazije, warrior, Georgian, ჯარისკაცი, jarisk’atsi, soldier, BalticSudovian, karja, battle; kar'aut, to battle, karas, war, Latvian, karš, war, kareivīgs, warlike, Basque, gerra
egitea, to wage war, gerra, war, Italian, guerra, war, warfare, French, guerrier, warlike, guerre, war;
guerroyer, to wage war,
Sanskrit, sārathiḥ, kṣattṛ, charioteer, Akkadian, ālik sēri, a type of soldier, ašarittu, crack troops,
Tocharian, kṣatri* [B kṣatriye], warrior, nobleman,
Latvian, cīņa, fight, battle, wrestling, kauja, battle, fighting, combat, Tocharian, kuñaś, fight, conflict,
Arrest, Cease, Stop, Halt,
Hittite, rae, stop, to rein in, to overpower, arāi-, to halt, revolt, to revolt, to rise, Tocharian, āra- [B
āras], cease, stop, to make an end to, Belarusian, арыштаваць, aryštavać, to arrest, Polish, aresztować,
to arrest, Latvian, arestēt, to arrest, Romanian, a aresta, to arrest, Albanian, arrestoj, to arrest, Welsh,
arestio, to arrest, Italian, arrestare, to arrest, French, arrêter, to arrest, stop, switch off, English, arrest,
[<OFr arester],
As, Where, When
Akkadian, innanu, conj., when, after, Hurrian, inna-, when, Armenian, հենց որ, hents’ vor, conj.,
whenever, Welsh, ers hynny, although, Tocharian, äntā-ne (conj.) [B ente], when,
English, as, {<OE ealswā], Tocharian, āśśi < ā-aśśi, where then
Ashes, Burn, Scorch, Cremate
Urartian, am-, to burn, am-(ašt-), am-, to burn, to kindle, Tocharian, omlyi (n.fem.) [B emalya], burning,
Ask, Demand, Pray, Beg, Lament
Persian, xâstán, خواسـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـto ask wish, desire, demand, require, etc., Basque, eskatu, to ask for,
eskatzeko, to demand, English, ask [<OE ascian], Tocharian, ākāl, [B akālk], to desire, wish, Mongolian,
асуух, asuukh, to ask, inquire, query,
Sanskrit, prayāc, to ask for, beg, solicit, request, to ask for, beg , solicit, request, prach, pracchati (te), to
ask, question, inquire, entreat, invoke, Baltic-Sudovian, preivaket, to call, summon, Greek, παρακαλώ,
parakalo, ask, please, beg, Latin, precor-ari, to beg, entreat, pray, priere, supplication, prayer book,
ritual, French, prier, to beg, English, pray, [<Lat. precari, to entreat], Etruscan, prec, prek, prece, precer,
PRII, Tocharian, prak, pärk, prek, to beg, pray,
Hittite, rkuae, to plead, pray, Armenian, yerg, song, carol, canto, Basque, erregutzea, to beg,
Tocharian, Yark, [B. Yarke], worship, Turkish, rica etmek, (rica, demand), petition, ask, beg,
Sanskrit, prach, prcchati (-te), to ask, question, inquire, rach.h, to form, Belarus, raicca, consult, ask,
Romanian, RĂCNI, to speak loudly, to roar, Armenian, հարցրեք, harts’rek, inquire, Italian, raccontare,
ricontare, to tell, French, raconter, to relate, narrate, tell, recount, English, recount [<OFr. reconter],
Etruscan, rac, RAKaR, Tocharian, rake, reki, to speak,
Assemble, Come, Come Together, Unite
English, group, [<It. gruppo, of Gmc. origin], Tocharian, krop-/kropa- [B kraupā-], to gather, kroplune,
Sanskrit, (gam), to come, Greek, έρχομαι, erchomai, come, to come to, Scots-Gaelic, còmhla, to come
together, unite, English, to come [<OE. cuman], to be descended?, Tajik, ҷамъ кардан, çam'' kardan, to
assemble, Tocharian, käm- (vb.) [B käm-], to come,
Axe, Divide, Part, Separate, Hoe, Mattock, Weed
Latin, puto-are-avi-atum, to think, suppose, think over, to reckon, count money, to settle, to prune a
tree, Tocharian, putk, to divide, to distinguish,
Akkadian, aḫzu, eḫzu, a thin hoe, ḫaṣṣinnu, axe, Tocharian, w ätk-, to separate, Greek, αξίνα, axina,
mattock, pickaxe, hoe, Basque, aitzur, hoe, aizkora, axe, Latin, ascia-ae, axe, mason's trowel, Italian,
ascia, axe, adze, French, hache, axe, English, axe, [<OE, æx], hatchet, {<OFr. hache, axe, of Gmc. origin],
Bad, Evil, Unholy
Avestan, akha, bad, evil, Albanian, i akuzuar, defendant, Irish, eucoir, crime, Tocharian, akuśal* [B
akuśal], adj. evil, inauspicious, English, accuse, [<Lat. accusare] a person; culprit,
Luvian, paratasata, bad quality, Sanskrit, praharati, to strike, pratyarthin, defendant, mahaparadha,
great crime, Romanian, pârât, defendant, Tocharian, umparäñ*, adj., evil, bad, Gujarati, િતવાદી,
Prativādī, defendant,
Bait, Food, Meal
Persian, ğazâ, غذاfood, Belarus, ,jeza, food, meal, Polish, jedzenie, food, Albanian, hajë, eat, Latin, escaae, food, Italian, esca, bait, Etruscan, esa, Tocharian, ek, fodder,
Bathe, Beach, Rub, Wash
Hittite, uarpiie/a, warp, uarp, warpzi, to wash, bathe, warputsi, bathing article, Croatian, oprati, to
wash, Tocharian, Yar, to bathe,
Sanskrit, layati, to wash in lye, wash or cleanse, Romanian, LĂUT, washing, bathing; LĂUA, LĂIA, to
bathe, Greek, λούω, loúo, bathe, wash, Armenian, լվանալ, lvanal, to wash, լողանալ, loghanal, to
bathe, Albanian, laj, wash, sponge, llyej, dye, Latin, lavo, lavare, lavere, lavi, lautum or lotu or lavatum,
to wash, Scots-Gaelic, ionnlaid, to bathe, Italian, lavare, to wash, bathe, French, laver, to wash,
Tocharian, lik-[A/B], to wash, Etruscan, laues (LAFES), lavo, lauo (LAFV), laos, laus (LAVS), lavan, lauan
(LAVAN), Lavo (LAYO), lavo or lago?,
Bind, Connect, Fix, Fasten, Yoke, Loosen, One
Hittite, iukan, a yoke, yug/yuga, yoke, pair, Sanskrit, yuj.h, to yoke, yukte, being yoked, Romanian,
pentru jug, to yoke, JUG, yoke, INJUG, to yoke, Latin, iugo-are, to bind, Welsh, ieuo, i iau, to yoke,
English, yoke, [<OE. geoc], Etruscan, iuc, ioc (IVC), iuce, ioce (IVCE), iuces, ioces (IVCES), iuci, ioci (IVCI),
iucie, iocie (IVCIE), knight?, iuco, ioco (IVCV), iuka, ioka (IVKA), Tocharian, yuk, horse, yakwe, knight,
Gujarati, યokeક, Yaokeka, yoke, Tajik, юғи, juƣi, yoke, Mongolian, уях, uyakh, to bind, Traditional
Chinese, 緊固, Jǐn gù, to fasten, attach,
Birth, Bear, Create, Do, Cause, Make, Plead, Pretend,
Sanskrit, prajat, adj., born, jāyate, to be born, jātaḥ, born, Avestan, zâtanãm [zâta], born, Persian, zâde,
زادهadj., born, Basque, jaiotza, birth, jaio, born, hazi, seed, Welsh, hadau, seed, Tocharian, jāti [B jāti]
Armenian, ծնունդը, tsnundy, birth, Tocharian, oñant (n.) [B auñento, beginning,
Blind, Black, Dark, Hide, Night,
Sanskrit, chada, pp. channa, to cover, veil, hide, conceal, keep secret, Belarusian, схаваць, schavać, to
hide, Belarus, chavac, to hide, Albanian, fsheh, të fshehtë, to hide, Welsh, cuddio, to hide, conceal,
cloak, mask, Tocharian, ksā-, blind,
Latin, Orcus-i, Pluto, the lower world, the infernal region, dearth, Tocharian, orkämnu (adj.), gloomy,
dark, orkäm, darkness, gloom, Etruscan, orcos,
Body, Flesh, Meat
Serbo-Croatian, trup meso, flesh, Albanian, trup, body, flesh, frame, Akkadian, mīšu?, a cut of meat,
mīšertu, meat portion provided at Ŝamaš festival, Persian, mâhiče , ﭼـ ــﻪیم ـ ــاهflesh, muscle, Belarus,
miasa, flesh, Serbo-Croatian, trup meso, flesh, Croatian, meso, flesh, Polish, mięso, meat, BalticSudovian, mensa, flesh, meat, Latvian, mīkstums, flesh, Armenian, ﬕս, mis, meat, Albanian, mish,
meat, mërshë, flesh, Tocharian, mísa, meat, flesh, Etruscan, mers, merso (MERSV), mersos (MERSVS)?,
(probably to immerse), Mongolian, мах, makh, meat, махан бие, makhan biye, flesh (biye, body),
Body, Face, Man, Person, Personify
Hittite, tuekka-, body, personally, Armenian, կոճ, koch, torso, Tocharian, auk, ak, wide, broad body,
Persian, kas, ﮐـ ـ ــﺲanybody, person, individual, bitch, Tocharian, kektseñe, a body,
Body, Torso,
Hittite, tuekka-, body, personally, Armenian, կոճ, koch, torso, Tocharian, auk, ak, wide, broad body,
Boil, Steam, Water, Wet,
Hittite, wida, weten-, wet, water (root of water), wadr/widen, wida, wātar, wētt-, #watar (gen. sg.),
wetenaš, water, (A), wedanda (instr. sg.,), water, widār, water, irrigation, Luvian, wida, wet, Tocharian,
wär-, water, Sanskrit, udakam, water, English, water, [<OE, wæter],
Sanskrit, apah, water, Avestan, âpa [ap] water, Persian, âb, آبwater, Baltic-Sudovian, apis, river,
Latvian, upe, river, Romanian, apa, water, Tocharian, āp* [B āp], water, river, Greek, για να πιω, gia na
pio, to drink, Basque, ibai, river, Latin, aqua-ae, water, Italian, acqua, water, Etruscan, ap, apa, ape,
apen, api, Palaic, #aku-, to drink, hapna, hapa/i, river, Luvian, hapi, a river, hapina/i, little river, stream,
Hittite, egw,ēgw- , hu, drink, ekw-, akw-, ekuzi, eku/aku, eku/gu, gu,#ekw, akw, to drink, hapas, hapa,
Bone, Meat, Mouth, Eat
Romanian, OS, bone, OSOS, bony, Greek, οστό, ostó, bone, Latin, os, ossis, bone, ossuis, adj. bony,
Italian, osso, French, os, bone, Etruscan, os (VS) bone, or mouth, osa (OSA), Mount Osa?, OSAIE
(VSAIE), (possibly a name), OSUIS (VSFIS), bony, Tocharian, āy (n.masc.) [B āy], bone(s),
Romanian, gură, mouth, Albanian, gojë, mouth, Welsh, ceg mouth, Tocharian, koy* [B koyn], mouth,
Traditional Chinese, 口, Kǒu, mouth, opening,
Boundary, Finish, Limit, End, Choice
Persian, âxer, آخرend, final, terminous, ultimate, Croatian, kraj, end, Uzbek, oxiri, end, Tajik, охир, oxir,
end, Tocharian, āk [B āke], end, ākessu (adj.) [B akessu] final,
Bowl, Cup, Vessel, Kettle, Vase
Hittite, tahukappi, a vessel, DUGkappi-, pot, Akkadian, kappu, bowl, usually of metal, Sanskrit, kumbhaḥ,
vase, Belarusian, кубак, kubak, cup, Croatian, kupa, cup, Polish, kubek, cup, mug, tumbler, Romanian,
cupă, cup, bowl, goblet, beaker, Finnish-Uralic, kuppi, cup, pan, beaker, Greek, κύπελο, kypello, cup;
κούπα koupa, cup, mug, beaker, tankard, tsoukali, pot, Albanian, kupë, cup, goblet, torine, tumbler,
Basque, kopa, cup, Irish, cupán, cup, Scots-Gaelic, cupa, cup, Welsh, cwpan-au, cup, mug, goblet,
chalice, Tocharian, kump*, pot, English, cup [LLat. cuppa, drinking vessel], Uzbek, kubok, cup,
Bramble, Catastrophe, Destroy, Ruin,
Akkadian, karmu, ruined?, karmu, ruin, heap, karmūtu, ruins, to fall into ruins, Persian, xarob, خ ـراب
ruined, khâr, خارbramble, kharâbi, ruin, kharâb kardan, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ــردن خ ـراب, to destroy, raze, ruin, etc.,
Armenian, կործանում, kortsanum, to ruin, Tocharian, kärṣtā [B kärstā-], to destroy, cut off, Kazakh,
құрту, qurtw, ruin, to ruin Uzbek, xarob, ruin, xarob qilmoq, to ruin, devestate, Tajik, хароб, xaroʙ, ruin,
Kyrgyz, кыйроо, kıyroo, ruin, кыйратуу, kıyratuu, to ruin,
Bright, Lamp, Luminous, Shine, Light
Hittite, luk-, brightness, to set ablaze, to light, to get light, to light up, dawn, lukk, to get light, #lukkái, to
light, to shine, luke/is, light, to become light, lukkanu, luknu, to mskr light, laluke, to be luminous,
laluke/isnu, to give light, laluke/is, to become luminous, illuminate, lalukke, to become luminous,
lalukewant, adj., luminous, lalukima, light source, lalukkiuwant-, light, splendid, Sanskrit, las, lasati, to
gleam, glance, sound forth, appear, rise, shine, glitter, Akkadian, elliš, brilliantly, in pure fashion,
Romanian, să strălucească, to shine, Finnish-Uralic, loistaa, to shine, Albanian, lustër, sheen,
glaze, Latin, luceo, lucere, luxi, to be bright, shine, glitter, clear, evident, Welsh, i fod yn llachar, to be
bright, llachar, adj., bright, brilliant, flashing, luminious, Italian, lucidare, to polish, French, luire, to
shine, English, lucid, Etruscan, lus (LFS), (region of the Piacenza Liver), los (LVS), los (LOS), losa (LVSA),
losan (LVSAN), Tocharian, luks, to illuminate, Lyokat. [A], it dawns, light,
Bronze, Copper, Tin, Iron
Sanskrit, kuśī, wrought iron, ka.nsya, made of copper or iron, Persian, kasidan, to make iron, Croatian,
kositar, tin, Baltic-Sudovian, kasaje, brass, Greek, σίδερο, sidero, iron, κασσίτερος, kassíteros, tin,
Arabic, qasdayr, ﻗﺼ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﺪﻳرtin, Tocharian, kśāñ, [B kuśāne*] copper coins, Gujarati, Kānsya, કાં ય, bronze,
Akkadian, ahuš’u, poetic expression of copper, Sanskrit, ayasah, wrought iron, Persian, âhah, اهــنiron,
Tocharian, añcwāṣi, (adj.), ancu, [B incuwo], iron,
Sanskrit, bhratar, bhraatr^i bhraatah, brother, Persian, barâdar, ب ـ ـ ـ ـ ـرادرbrother, Belarusian, брат, brat,
brother, Belarus, brat, brother, Serbo-Croatian, brat, brother, Baltic-Sudovian, brate, brother; bratrikai,
brothers, Latvian, brālis, brother, Armenian, եղբայր, yeghbayr, brother, Irish, bràthair, pl. bràithrean,
bràthaireil, brother, Scots-Gaelic, bràthair, brother, Welsh, brawd (brodyr), brother, Breton, breur,
breudeur, brother, Illyrian, bra', brother, Tocharian, pracar, brother, Hittite, pranekna?, half-brother,
step-brother, (Hittite, nekna, nene/i, negna-, brother, neknadr/neknan, brotherhood, neknahh,
brotherly, to regard someone as a brother, neknah, brother, to make someone a brother), English,
brother [<OE, brothor], Etruscan, BRATER (8RATER), BRATeR (8RATeR), BRATRO (BRATRV), BRATROM
(8RATRVM), BRATROS (8RATRVS), BRATEI, (8RATEI), Gujarati, ભાઈ, Bhā'ī, brother, Tajik, бародар,
ʙarodar, brother,
Bull, Cow, Ox
Hittite, GU₄, kuau, cow, kuauli, like a cow, (GU4), substitute ox, expiatory sacrifice of a bull or ox,
Sanskrit, gava, bull, cow, Avestan, gao [-], cattle, Persian, gâv, ـ ـ ـ ــاوcow, gav nr, ﻧ ـ ــﺮ ـ ـ ـ ــاوbull, Latvian,
govs, cow, Armenian, կով, kov, cow, Gujarati, ગાય, Gāya, cow, English, cow [<OE cu), Tajik, гов, gov,
cow, Tocharian, ko, [B Ke], keu, [B ko] cow, kowi (adj.) [B kewiye], of a cow,
Georgian, ხარი, khari, bull, ox, Belarusian, карова, karova, cow, Croatian, krava, cow, Polish, krowa,
cow, Tocharian, kayurṣ [B kauurṣe], bull,
Call, Name, Summon, Call by Name
Sanskrit, naama, naaman.h, nāmadheyam, name, Avestan, nãma [nãman], name, Persian, nâm, امن,
name, nâm, امن, name, nâmidan, to call, designate, cite, name Romanian, NUME, name, a numi, to
name, Finnish-Uralic, nimi, name, nimetä, to name, Greek, όνομα, ónoma, name , ονομάζω, onomázo,
to name, Latin, nomem-inis, name, Italian, nome, name, per nominare, to name, French, nom, prénom
name , nommer, to name, Tocharian, ñom, ñem, name, Tajik, ном, nom, name, English, name [<OE
nama], Etruscan, nomem (NUMEM), namo (NAMV)?,
Latin, accio-iare -ivi -itum; to call, summon, Tocharian, kāka- [B kākā-], to call, Etruscan, ACA,, ACE,
Care, Senate, Curia,
Sanskrit, anyacinta, thought or care of some one else, Tocharian, āneñci (adv.), carefully, distinctly,
Carry Away, Ravish, Seize, Take,
Akkadian, ekēmu, to take away by force, absorb, Irish, chun éigniú, to rape, Scots-Gaelic, gu
èigneachadh, to rape, Tocharian, entsa- [B eṅk-], take for oneself, grasp,
Cereal, Corn, Grass, Grain, Herb, Seed, Flour,
Sanskrit, dhānyam, corn, millet, Persian, dâne, دانـ ـ ـ ــﻪgrain, seed, spore, Turkish, tane, grain, Kazakh,
дән, dän, corn, Uzbek, don, grain, corn, cereal, seed, Tajik, ғалладона, ƣalladona, cereal, Kyrgyz, дан,
dan, grain, cereal, Tocharian, táno, grain,
Sanskrit, asti, grain of seed, Finnish-Uralic, ateria, meal, Tocharian, āti (n.fem.) [B obl.sg. atiyai], grass,
Kazakh, астық, astıq, grain,
Chief, King, Lord, Leader, Head, Queen, Prince
Hittite, GAL, chief, great, Belarusian, галава, halava, head, Belarus, halava, head, Croatian, glava, head,
Latvian, galvu, head, Tocharian, kälā-, to lead, to bring,
Hittite, alwu, magic, Georgian, უფალო, up’alo, lord, Latin, aule, lord, prince, Etruscan, avle, avles,
aule, (AFLE), auli, (AFLI), Tocharian, wäl, walo, prince, Lydian, alus', priest, Phrygian, alu, priest,
Chief, Lord, Prince, Master
Kazakh, мырза, mırza, lord, Kyrgyz, мырза, mırza, lord, Tocharian, kākmart [B kamarto*], kākmärtik [B
kamart(t)ike] master, sovereign,
Georgian, უფალო, up’alo, lord, Latin, aule, lord, prince, Tocharian, wäl, walo, prince, Lydian, alus',
klave, priest, Phrygian, alu, priest, Etruscan, avle, avles, aule, (AFLE), auli, (AFLI), lord,
Clean, Propitiate, Sacred, Sacrifice, Pure, Expiate, Soap, Temple
Akkadian, iṣāru, temple complex, eštaru, aštaru, ištartu, goddess of love, fertility and war, Tocharian,
āṣtär, (adj.) [B astare], pure clean, clear,
Albanian, për të pastruar, to clean, purify, pastroj, to cleanse, Tocharian, āṣtär (adj.), pure, clean, clear,
Club, Shaft, Stick, Stem
Armenian, բխում, bkhum, stem, Tocharian, kom [B kaume], sprout,
Cremate, Ashes, Burn, Scorch
Urartian, am-, to burn, am-(ašt-), am-, to burn, to kindle, Tocharian, omlyi (n.fem.) [B emalya], burning,
Crowd, Group, Four
Georgian, ჯგუფი, jgup’i, group, Belarusian, група, hrupa, group, Polish, grupa, group, Latvian, grupa,
group, Romanian, grup, group, Albanian, grup, group, Irish, grúpa, group, Italian, gruppo, group,
French, groupe, group, English, group [< Ital. gruppo; of Gmc. orig.], Turkish, grup, group, Tocharian,
krop [B krewpe, kraupe], crowd, heap, herd, flock, okrop (adv.), in a crowd,
Sanskrit, catur, four, Avestan, cathru, cathware, four, Belarusian, чатыры, čatyry, four, Croatian, četiri,
four, Polish, cztery, four, Latvian, četri, four, Albanian, katër, four, Latin, quattuor, four, quartus-a-um,
adj., fourth, Irish, ceathrar, four, , Scots-Gaelic, ceithir, four, Italian, quattro, four, French, quatre, four,
Etruscan, catra, katres, katro (KATRV), katrom (KATRVM), Tocharian, çtwar, four, cāturdiś (adv.),
towards the four regions,
Crowd, Citizen, People, Race, Man
Lycian, atla-/atra-: A atrã/atru, D atli/etli, DLpl. atla, G adj. A atlahi/etlehi, D atlahi, DLpl. atlahe, person,
Mylian, atla-/atra-: D atli, G adj., atlasi, person, Tocharian, ātäl, man, male,
Cry, Weep, Mourn, Wail, Hail, Lament
Persian, nolah, ناﻟ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﻪlamentation, wail, Uzbek, nola qilmoq, to lament, Tajik, нолидан, nolidan, to wail,
Tocharian, nu-, [A/B], to cry out,
Cultivate, Plow
Latin, aro, -are, -avi -atum, to plow, cultivate, Scots-Gaelic, àr, plowing, tilling, cultivating, Italian, arare,
to plow, Tocharian, āre*, plow, Etruscan, ar, ara, arai, aras, ari, aro (ARV), aros (ARVS),
Cultivate, Column, Neck,
Akkadian, unqu, neck meat, Finnish-Uralic, niska, neck, Tocharian, kñuk, neck, English, neck? [<OE
Cup, Vessel, Bowl, Kettle, Vase
Hittite, tahukappi, a vessel, DUGkappi-, pot, Akkadian, kappu, bowl, usually of metal, Sanskrit, kumbhaḥ,
vase, Belarusian, кубак, kubak, cup, Croatian, kupa, cup, Polish, kubek, cup, mug, tumbler, Romanian,
cupă, cup, bowl, goblet, beaker, Finnish-Uralic, kuppi, cup, pan, beaker, Greek, κύπελο, kypello, cup;
κούπα koupa, cup, mug, beaker, tankard, tsoukali, pot, Albanian, kupë, cup, goblet, torine, tumbler,
Basque, kopa, cup, Irish, cupán, cup, Scots-Gaelic, cupa, cup, Welsh, cwpan-au, cup, mug, goblet,
chalice, Tocharian, kump*, pot, English, cup [LLat. cuppa, drinking vessel], Uzbek, kubok, cup,
Sanskrit, ghaṭi-, bowl, pot, Georgian, კონტეინერი, k’ont’eineri, container, Belarusian,, кантэйнер,
kantejnier, container, Croatian, kontejner, container, Latvian, konteiners, container, Finnish-Uralic,
kontti, container, Armenian, կոնտեյներ, konteyner, container, Italian, contenitrice, container, English,
container, <Lat. continere, to contain], Tocharian, unti [B kunti, kuntiśke], bowl, pot,
Care, Curia, Senate
Sanskrit, anyacinta, thought or care of some one else, Tocharian, āneñci (adv.), carefully, distinctly,
Chariot, Cart, Wagon, Coach
Sanskrit, sārathi-, charioteer, Tocharian, kṣatri* [B kṣatriye], warrior,
Albanian, koçi, chariot, Italian, cocchio, chariot, coach, French, coche coach, English, coach [<Hung.
kocsi], Hungarian, kocsi, cart, Gujarati, કોચ, Kōca, coach, Tocharian, kukä, [B kokale] chariot, wagon,
Akkadian, assāru, charioteer?, Tocharian, āśant, charioteer, leader,
Cloud, Sky, Heaven, God
Irish, spéir, sky, Scots-Gaelic, speur, sky, Tocharian, eprer [A/B], heaven, eppreṣi* heavenly, celestial,
Cry, Wail, Mourn, Hail, Weep, Lament
Persian, nolah, ناﻟ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﻪlamentation, wail, Uzbek, nola qilmoq, to lament, Tajik, нолидан, nolidan, to wail,
Tocharian, nu-, [A/B], to cry out,
Cut, Cut off
Akkadian, maqātu, to strike down, attack, swoop down, etc., Sanskrit, ucchedaniya, to be cut off,
Persian, cidan, zadan, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ــردن ﮐوت ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــاهto cut, qat' kardán, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ــردن ﻗﻄـ ـ ـ ــﻊ, to cut, cut off, Belarusian, каб cυτ
ад, kab cyt ad, to cut off, English, to cut [<ME cutten], Tajik, qut kirin, to cut off, Tocharian, kost, cut,
Cut, Kill, Murder, Sword, Knife, Slaughter
Romanian, cuţit, knife, chisel, Latin, culter-ri, knife, razor, cultelles-i, small knife, English, cutlass, a short,
heavy sword with curved blade [<Lat. cultellus, dim. of culter, knife], cutlery, cutting instruments and
tools [<OFr. coutel, knife], Mongolian, хутга, khutga, knife,
Akkadian, qatālu, to kill, slaughter, cause to slaughter, Persian, qat' kardán, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ــردن ﻗﻄـ ـ ـ ــﻊ, to cut, cut off,
axe, shear, etc., English, cut [<ME cutten], Gujarati, કતલ કરવી, Katala karavī, to slaughter,
Hittite, ŠUKUR, spear, Akkadian, šuršurru, knife or part of a knife, Tocharian, kṣur, knife, cutting, kṣurṣi,
of a knife, cutting, Sanskrit, śarah, arrow, Armenian, սուրը, sury, sword, English, sword [<OE, sweord],
Gujarati, છરી, Charī, knife,
Turkish, kılıç, sword, blade, saber, Kazakh, қылыш, qılış, sword, Uzbek, qilich, sword, sabre, Kyrgyz,
кылыч, kılıç, sword, Akkadian, kilullû, massacre, English, kill [<ME killen], Tocharian, kāw- [B kau], to
kill, kolune, killing,
Dance, Turn, Whirl, Jump
Hittite, tar(k)u, tarku, to dance, tarueskla, dancer, Sanskrit, tark, to turn, Romanian, a intoarce, to turn,
Latin, torquo-, torquere, torsi, tortum, to twist, wind, curl, wrench, to distort, to hurl violently, whirl, to
rack, torture, torment, plague, try, test, Tocharian, [B, tark,], to twist around,
Hittite, dutrita/i, daughter?, female functionary, Sanskrit, duhitṛ, duhitaa, daughter, Avestan, dukhdha
[duxdhar], daughter, Persian, doxtär, دخـ ـ ـ ـ ـ, daughter, Belarusian, дачка, dačka, daughter, Belarus,
dacka, (pl.), docki, daughter, Polish, corka, daughter, Baltic-Sudovian, dukte, daughter, Lithuanian,
dukter, daughter, Finnish-Uralic, tytär, daughter, Greek, θυγατέρα, thygatera; daughter, Mycnaean
Greek, tukate, daughter, Armenian, դուստրը, dustry, daughter, Tocharian, ckácar, [B tkácer], daughter,
Lycian, cbatru, kbatra, kbatri, daughter, Luvian, tuwatra/i, daughter,
Dawn, Goddess of the Dawn, Morning, East
Uzbek, sharqda, east, Tajik, şarq, east, Tocharian, ksär, adv., in the morning,
Dawn, Light, Sun, Day
Hittite, upp, sunrise, of the sun to come up, Sanskrit, upari, upward, Persian, oftob, آفت ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــابsunlight, the
sun, , âftâb, فت ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــابآsun, sunlight, Uzbek, oftob, sun, Tajik, офтоб, oftoʙ, sun, Latin, Ops, goddess of
plenty, English, up, [<OE up, upward, uppe, on high], German, auf, up, Tocharian, opärkā (adv.), in the
morning, at sunrise, Gujarti, પરો., Parō, dawn, sunrise,
Welsh, huan, the sun, Tocharian, koṃ [B kauṃ] day, sun, koṃ-ñkät, [B kauṃ-ñäkte], the sun, Turkish,
Güneş, sun, Kazakh, күн, kün, sun, day, Uzbek, quyosh, sun, Kyrgyz, күн, kün, sun, day,
Hittite, lukat, dawn, next morning, lukta, at dawn, next morning, lukkatti, adv., at dawn, tomorrow,
tomorrow morning, lalukima, light source, lalukkiuwant-, light, splendid, lukkai, to light, shine, luke/is,
light, to become light, lukk, to get light, luk-, to get light, to set ablaze, to brighten, laluke/is, light up, to
luminous, laluke/isnu, to give light, to illuminate, #lukkái, to light, to shine, luk, to light up, dawn,
lukkanu, luknu, to make light, Tocharian, lyokat, it dawns, light, luks, to illuminate, Sanskrit, divālokaḥ,
daylight, Polish, lekki, lit, light, Latin, lux, lukis, daylight, light, Latvian, lukturis, lamp, Romanian, LUCI, to
light, Finnish-Uralic, valo, light, Armenian, լույսը, luysy, light, Welsh, lleu, llug, bright, Italian, uce, light,
lucidare, to polish, shine, French, lustre, brilliance, lucide, clearheaded, English, light [<OE leoht], luster
[<Lat. lustrare, to brighten], Etruscan, los (LVS), [an area of the Piacenza Liver that was used for
divination], los (LOS), losa (LVSA), losan (LVSAN), Lycian, luga, to burn down,
Deceit, Lie
Polish, kłamać, to lie, powiedzieć kłamstwo, to tell a lie, Tocharian, klāwa- keṃ [B, aṅkaiṃ], false,
wrong, in vain,
Decline, Diminish, Fall, Totter
Sanskrit, kṣayaḥ, to fall, ruin, decay, Tocharian, [B klāyā-], to fall down, klālune, falling,
Demolish, Dislodge, Destroy, Eject, Erase,
Armenian, քանդել, k’andel, to demolish, Lycian, qã(n)-: 3rd pl. qãti/qãñti,>, to destroy, Tocharian,
kärṣtā- [B kärstā-], to destroy, cut off, kat [B keta], destruction,
Desire, Wish
Akkadian, ḫašāḫu, desire, to need, to deprive, to be wanting, French, souhaiter, to wish, English, want,
[<ON, vanta, to be lacking], Tocharian, [B. Yenta], want,
Sanskrit, icchati, to wish, icchā, desire, wish, Greek, να ευχηθώ, na efchithó, to wish, Tocharian, ākāl [B
akālk], wish, desire, Gujarati, ઇ છા, Icchā, wish, ઇરછવું, Irachavuṁ, to want, desire, wish,
Destroy, Ruin, Catastrophe, Bramble
Georgian, კატასტროფა, k’at’ast’ropa, catastrophe, Belarusian, катастрофа, katastrofa, catastrophe,
Croatian, katastrofa, catastrophe, Polish, katastrofa, catastrophe, Latvian, katastrofa, catastrophe,
Romanian, catastrofă, catastrophe, Finnish-Uralic, katastrofi, catastrophe, Greek, να καταστρέψω, na
katastrépso, to ruin, να καταστρέφω, katastréfo, to destroy, Albanian, katastrofë, catastrophe, Basque,
katastrofe, catastrophe, Italian, catastrofe, catastrophe, French, catastrophe, catastrophe, English,
catastrophe, sudden calamity, disaster, [<Gk. katastrophē], Tocharian, kat [B keta], destruction,
Akkadian, karmu, ruined?, karmu, ruin, heap, karmūtu, ruins, to fall into ruins, Persian, xarob, خ ـراب
ruined, khâr, خارbramble, kharâbi, ruin, kharâb kardan, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ــردن خ ـراب, to destroy, raze, ruin, etc.,
Armenian, կործանում, kortsanum, to ruin, Tocharian, kärṣtā [B kärstā-], to destroy, cut off, Kazakh,
құрту, qurtw, ruin, to ruin Uzbek, xarob, ruin, xarob qilmoq, to ruin, devestate, Tajik, хароб, xaroʙ, ruin,
Kyrgyz, кыйроо, kıyroo, ruin, кыйратуу, kıyratuu, to ruin,
Dictate, Direct, Command, Order, Mandate, Lead
Hittite, watarnah-, to command, to inculcate, to entrust, to order, to lead, to ask, to inform, uatarnahh,
wadrnah, to order, instruct, Tocharian, wätk, to order,
Die, Disappear, Perish
Hurrian, #ullil , to die, Basque, kuolla, to die, English, Kill, [<ME. killen], Tocharian, wäl, to die,
Hittite, ak/akk, akkisk-, ek- BA-ÚS, to die, collapse, akkant-, dead, hattāi-, to put to death, cut off, kark,
to dissapear, hark-, to die, to collapse, perish, hark-, harkiya->, to disappear, abscond, perish,
harnikzi/harninkanzi, harni(n)k, to make disappear, harkanna-, disappearance, death, harkannas, he of
the disappearance, responsible for the disappearance, Lydian, akta, dead, Lycian, hãta-: A hãtã,
deceased, Tocharian, kärṣtā- [B kärstā-] to destroy, cut off,
Diminish, Decline, Fall, Totter
Sanskrit, kṣayaḥ, to fall, ruin, decay, Tocharian, [B klāyā-], to fall down, klālune, falling,
Dirt, Earth, Clay, Mire, Mud, Muck
Belarusian, дрыгва, dryhva, mire, Albanian, punë dreqi, mud, Tocharian, [B krāke] dirt, filth,
Dispute, Certain, Settle
Akkadian, kīša, adv., certainly, evidently, Gujarati, ચો સ, Cōkkasa, certain, Tocharian, ākessu (adj.) [B
akessu, final,
(See Boundary) Persian, âxer, آخرend, final, terminous, ultimate, Croatian, kraj, end, Uzbek, oxiri, end,
Tajik, охир, oxir, end, Tocharian, āk [B āke], end, ākessu (adj.) [B akessu] final,
Distribute, Pay Out
Albanian, kategorizoj, to categorize, distribute, English, category, categorize, [Gk. kategoria], Tocharian,
kätā- (vb.) [B kätā-], to disperse, spread.
Dog, Puppy, Young Animal,
Basque, txakur, dog, Tocharian, ku, krāke [B ku], dog, English, cur, mongrel dog, a base person [<ME
Dream, Sleep
Belarusian, spać, to sleep, Croatian, spavati, to sleep, Polish, spać, to sleep, Tocharian, spam [B spane],
Dwelling, Room, Home, House, Palace, Hut,
Akkadian, kuṣṣu, in bīt kuṣṣi, winter house, Persian, kušk, ﮐوﺷ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﮏmansion, palace, castle, Georgian,
ქოხი, k’okhi, hut, Serbo-Croatian, ku'ca, dwelling, Croatian, kuća, house, Albanian, koçek, crib,
Tocharian, ost, oṣke (n.fem.) [B oskiye], house, dwelling, Traditional Chinese, 住宅, Zhùzhái, dwelling,
Akkadian, guršu, in bīt guršu, room in a private house, Sanskrit, agāra, house, apartment, Tocharian,
kurekār, [B kwrakār], house or pavilion with a vaulted roof, Gujarati, ઘર, Ghara, house, home, Turkish,
yer, room, place, location, Mongolian, гэр, ger, home,
Earth, Land, Agrarian Land, Soil, World
Hittite, tēkan, tegan, tgn, tekan, earth, tgantespa, goddess of the earth, Luvian, tiam(i), tgam, earth,
Armenian, տեղանքով, teghank’ov, terrain, Tocharian, tkam, [B kem], earth, tkaṃ ākāś, the earth and
Latvian, augsne, soil, ground, earth, land, terrain, Tocharian, tkaṃ ākāś, the earth and atmosphere,
Eat, Pasture, Feed, Chew
Hittite, ēd->, ed/ad, to eat, #at, to eat, arha ed-, to eat everything up, Urartian, at-, to eat, Palaic, #ata,
to eat, Nesian, et-, to eat, Tocharian, āti [B obl.sg. atiyai], grass, Sanskrit, ad, to eat, atti, to eat,
Avestan, ad [-],, Latvian, ēst, to eat, Latin, do, edere or ese, edi, esum, to eat, esurio-ire, to be hungry,
Irish, Ith, to eat, Scots-Gaelic, ri ithe, to eat, English, eat,[<OE etan], Etruscan, esi, eso (ESV)?,
Mongolian, идэх, idekh, to eat,
English, chew, to grind something with the teeth [<OE, cēowan], Tocharian, súwa, to eat, Kazakh, жеу,
jew, to eat, Uzbek, yemoq, to eat, Kyrgyz, же, je, to eat, Traditional Chinese, 咀嚼, Jǔjué, to chew,
Epic, Poem
Sanskrit, kāvyam, poem, Gujarti, કિવતા, Kavitā, poem, Tocharian, kāvvi, kāvya [B kāvvi], poem,
Era, Lady, Mistress, Woman,
Georgian, ქალი, kali, woman, female, Tocharian, kuli, [B klyiye], woman,
Ewe, Lamb, Ram, Sheep
Hittite, hawi, sheep, hawiasi, sheeplike, Akkadian, ewe, sheep, Sanskrit, avi, favourable, kind, sheep,
ewe, ajāvi, sheep, cattle, Tajik, ев, ev, ewe, Uzbek, evro, ewe, Kazakh, evrey, ewe, Georgian, ევე, eve,
ewe, Belarusian, авечка, aviečka, sheep, Croatian, ovca, ewe, sheep, ovna, ram, Polish, owieczka, lamb,
owca, ewe, sheep, Latvian, auns, ram, hog, mutton, Finnish-Uralic, uuhi, ewe, Latin, ovillus-a-um,
ovium, sheep, ovis, feminina, ewe, Etruscan, oveli (VFELI), of sheep, Irish, uan, lamb, Scots-Gaelic, uan,
lamb, Welsh, cig oen, wyna, lamb, oena, to lamb, Italian, ovini, sheep, English, ewe, female sheep [<OE
eowu], to wean, [OE, wenian], Tocharian, awi, ewe, sheep, Lycian, xabwa, xawãa, sheep, Luvian, hawi, a
Expiate, Temple, Soap, Propitiate, Sacred, Sacrifice, Pure, Clean,
Akkadian, iṣāru, temple complex, Tocharian, āṣtär, (adj.) [B astare], pure clean, clear,
Hittite, sagua, sakaui-is, eye, #šakuwa, sakuwa, eyes, sakuwa-sma, before your eyes?, a shape?,
sagual, eye-cover, Akkadian, igu, eye, Sanskrit, akṣi (eyes of Indra), Croatian, oko, eye, Polish, oko, eye,
Latvian, acs, eye, Romanian, ochi, eye, Armenian, աչք, ach’k’, eye, Latin, oculus-i -im, eye, Italian,
occhio, eye, Tocharian, ak [B ek], eye, Etruscan, ocholeim (VCHVLEIM), Gujarati, આંખ, Āṅkha, eye,
Belarusian, бацька, baćka, father, Belarus, baçka, father, Tocharian, pácar, father.
Fear, Panic, War, Polemic, Hades
Georgian, პოლემიკა, p’olemik’a, polemic, Belarusian, палеміка, paliemika, polelmic, Croatian,
polemika, polemic, Polish, polemiczny, polemic, Latvian, polemisks, polemic, Romanian, polemică,
polemic, Finnish-Uralic, poleeminen, polemic, Greek, πόλεμος, pólemos, war, Armenian, պոլեﬕկ,
polemik, Albanian, polemikë, disputation, controversy, Basque, polemika, polemic, Italian, polemica,
polemic, French, polémique, controversy, Tocharian, empele (adj.) [B empele], dreadful, formidable,
English, polemic, [<Gk. polemos], controversy, dispute, Etruscan, POLOMeK (PVLVMeK),
Fire, Seal, Hearth, Pyre
Hittite, paḫḫur, #pahwár, pahhuwar, pahhur, pahhuenant- fire, pawari(a), fire, to light a
fire, pahurula, fire tinder, pahur/pahuen, fire, campfire, embers, fever, pahunla/i, pahuinli, container
for fire, embers, etc., pahurul(a), implement for tending fire, Luvian, pahur, fire, Tocharian, por, puwar,
fire, Hurrian, tari, fire, Avestan, âtar [-], fire, Albanian, zjarr, fire, English, fire [<OE fyr], Georgian,
პირა, p’ira, pyre, Latvian, pire, pyre, Greek, πυράx, pyrá, pyre, Armenian, պիրեն, piren, pyre, Albanian,
pira, pyre, Latin, pyra-ae, pyre, Italian, pira, pyre, funeral pile, English, pyre [<Gk. Pura, pyre], Etruscan,
pir, pire, piri, Gujarati, પાયર, Pāyara, pyre, Kazakh, пир, pir, pyre, Uzbek, pire, pyre, Tajik, пира, pira,
pyre, Kyrgyz, жаназа пири, janaza piri, funeral pyre, Mongolian, пир, pir, pyre,
Hittite, pants, panca, five, Sanskrit, pa.ncha, pajncha, five, Avestan, pañca [pañcan], five, Persian, panja,
ﭘﻨ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﺞfive, Belarusian, пяць, piać, five, Belarus, piac, five, Croatian, pet, five, Serbo-Croatian, pet, five,
Polish, pięć, five, Baltic-Sudovian, penkei, penkis, five, Latvian, pieci, five, Greek, πέντε, pénte, five,
Welsh, pump (pum), five, Breton, pemp, five, Tocharian, pañä, five, Etruscan, pet, panta?, Gujarati,
પાંચ, Pān̄ ca, five,
Flint, Pebble
Sanskrit, araṇiḥ, flint, zara, mottled, spotted, a stone used at games, Persian, xâre ﮐـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــورهrock, stone
flint, Latvian, krīts, flint, Armenian, շերտ, shert, flint, Albanian, gur stralli, stone, flint, gurickë, pebble,
Scots-Gaelic, ceàrnag, pebble, Welsh, carreg (cerrig), Tocharian, kärwañ* ( [B kärweñe], stone, rock,
pebble, stone, Gujarati, કાંકરી, Kāṅkarī, pebble, Mongolian, хайрга, khairga, pebble,
Flour, Cereal, Corn, Grass, Grain, Seed, Herb
Sanskrit, dhānyam, corn, millet, Persian, dâne, دانـ ـ ـ ــﻪgrain, seed, spore, Turkish, tane, grain, Kazakh,
дән, dän, corn, Uzbek, don, grain, corn, cereal, seed, Tajik, ғалладона, ƣalladona, cereal, Kyrgyz, дан,
dan, grain, cereal, Tocharian, táno, grain,
Sanskrit, asti, grain of seed, Finnish-Uralic, ateria, meal, Tocharian, āti (n.fem.) [B obl.sg. atiyai], grass,
Kazakh, астық, astıq, grain,
Foot, Leg, Thigh
Hittite, pad/pd/pda, foot, leg, padiali, foot, leg of furniture, paduma, foot of a bed?, pdlha, foot, soul
of a foot, patas, #pata, pata-, foot, pdala, leg wrapping, Lycian, pede/i, AblI pededi, foot, Luvian,
pata/i,pada/i, foot, Tocharian, pe, pai, foot, Sanskrit, pādaḥ, foot, Avestan, pad, foot, Persian,
pâ, ـ ـ ـ ــاleg, foot, panje, ﭘﻨﺠ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﻪpaw, Latvian, pēda, foot, Greek, πόδι, pódi, leg, foot, Latin, pes, pedis,
foot, Italian, piede, foot, French, pied, foot, English, paw [OFr. powe, of Gmc. orig.],
Forest, Tree, Wood, Oak
Hittite, gauri-, a kind of forest, Akkadian, argānu, conifer tree, girrillu, a word for tree, Armenian,
արգելոց, argelots’, grove, Basque, egur, wood, Irish, garrán, grove, Tocharian, okar, plant,
Fort, Town, Village, City, Castle, Tower
Akkadian, kādu, fortified outpost, fee payable by owners of date groves for guard service, Sanskrit,
khattah, tower, koṭaḥ, fort, Albanian, kala, castle, Tocharian, kuccatāk [B kucatāk], fort,
Finnish-Uralic, kaupunki, city, town, Armenian, գյուղը, gyughy, village, քաղաքը, k’aghak’y, city, town,
Tocharian, kuccatāk [B kucatāk], tower, high house,
Fountain, Water, Irrigate, Source, Wellhead
Hittite, watar, #watar, wātar, (Gen. sing.) wetenas, water, warsa, dew, Sanskrit, var, water, Armenian,
ոռոգել, vorrogel, to irrigate, flood, Basque, ura, to water, ureztatze, irrigation, ureztatzeko, to irrigate,
ura, water, Welsh, i ddŵr, to water, dŵr, water, English, water [<OE, waeter], Tocharian, war, water,
Hittite, hapas, hapa, river, Luvian, hapi, a river, hapina/i, little river, stream, Sanskrit, apas, wet,
Avestan, âpa [ap], water, Persian, âb, ابwater, Baltic-Sudovian, apis, river, Latvian, aplaistīt, to water,
upe, river, Romanian, apă, to water, apă, water, Greek, για να πιω, gia na pio, to drink, Basque, ibai,
river, Tajik, об, ob, water, Tocharian, āp, water, river, stream, Lycian, xba(i), 3rd pl. pret. xbaitẽ, to
irrigate, Ilyrian, ap, water, Palaic, hapna, hapa/i, river, Etruscan, ap, apa, ape, apen, api?,
Turkish, kuyu, well, shaft, pit, bore, Kazakh, қайнар көзі, qaynar közi, source, Tajik, чоҳ, coh, wellhead,
Tocharian, kāw*, fountain, spring, Persian, cheshme, ﭼﺸ ـ ـ ــﻤﻪ, fount, source, spring, fountain, well,
Turkish, Çeşme, fountain, well, Tajik, чашма, caşma, spring, well,
Sanskrit, chatvaarah, four, Avestan, cathru, cathware, four, Belarusian, чатыры, čatyry, four, Belarus,
catyry, four, Serbo-Croatian, cetiri, four, Polish, cztery, four, Latvian, četri, four, Albanian, katër, four,
Latin, quattuor, four, Irish, ceathrar, four, Scots-Gaelic, ceithir, four, Italian, quattro, four, French,
quatre, four, Tocharian, төрт çtwar, four, Etruscan, catra, four? (c = q), katro, katres, katrom (katrvm),
Give, Pay, Piety
Welsh, ay, give, Tocharian, āy- , [B ay-], to give,
Sanskrit, chāgaḥ, he goat, Akkadian, gizzu, male goat, Georgian, ის თხა, is t’kha, he goat, Belarusian,
ён казёл, jon kaziol, he-goat, казу, kazu, she-goat, Croatian, on je kozu, he-goat, kaza she-goat, Polish,
on kozi, he-goat, kozi, she-goat, Baltic-Sudovian, azukas, he-goat, aze, she-goat, Latvian, viņš kaza, hegoat, viņa kazas, she-goat, Greek, τον κατσίκι, ton katsiki, he goat, αυτή κατσίκα, aftí katsíka, she-goat,
Armenian, նա այծ, na ayts, he-goat, she-goat, Tocharian, āṣi* (adj.) [B aṣiye] she-goat, ās [B ās], goat,
God, Thunder God, Thunder, Sound, Tone,
Sanskrit, kalah, tone, kalate-, to sound, Tocharian, käln- [B käln-], to sound, resound,
God, Sky, Heaven, Cloud
Irish, spéir, sky, Scots-Gaelic, speur, sky, Tocharian, eprer [A/B], heaven, eppreṣi* heavenly, celestial,
Great, Manly, Worthy, Powerful
Hittite, meki, greatly, much, in large numbers, Greek, μέγας, megas, megalos, great, Latin, magnus-aum, compar. maior, maius; superl., maximus, great, Italian, magnamino, great, French, magnifique, adj.,
great, English, magnificent, majestic, Etruscan, maximas (ma⊗imas), great, Illyrian, mag-, great,
Tocharian, maki, much,
Hail, Cry, Weep, Mourn, Wail, Lament
Persian, nolah, ناﻟ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﻪlamentation, wail, Uzbek, nola qilmoq, to lament, Tajik, нолидан, nolidan, to wail,
Tocharian, nu-, [A/B], to cry out,
Akkadian, kizirtu , hair, lock of hair, curl, Tocharian, kesār, hair, filament,
Hittite, kisser, kessar, kesr, kiser, kisr, #keššar, kessera-, kissara, kessar- hand, Tocharian, A.tsar, B. sar,
hand, Greek, χέρι, chéri, hand, Armenian, ձեռքը, W-tserk, E-tser, hand, dzerrk’y, Albanian, dorë, hand,
Head, Chief, Lord, Leader, King, Queen, Prince
Hittite, GAL, chief, great, Belarusian, галава, halava, head, Belarus, halava, head, Croatian, glava, head,
Latvian, galvu, head, Tocharian, kälā-, to lead, to bring,
Hittite, alwu, magic, Georgian, უფალო, up’alo, lord, Latin, aule, lord, prince, Etruscan, avle, avles,
aule, (AFLE), auli, (AFLI), Tocharian, wäl, walo, prince, Lydian, alus', priest, Phrygian, alu, priest,
Heap, Hoop, Mass, Tomb, Mound, Pile
Hittite, warpa/ilae, to surround, enclose, warpa, enclosure, Tocharian, warp, to surround, warp,
enclosure, B] warp, surround,
Persian, kope, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﻪheap, pile, hoard, Belarusian, куча, kuča, heap, Polish, kupa, heap, Tocharian,
kämpo, circle,
Heap, Circle, Hoop, Surround, Mass, Ring
Akkadian, parū gu, pile of grain, Sanskrit, prakara, heap, multitude, Albanian, përqarkoj, to surround,
Tocharian, kurak*, enclosure?, krop [B krewpe, kraupe], heap, flock, crowd, Gujarati, ઘેરવુ,ં Ghēravuṁ,
encircle, to surround, Kazakh, қоршау, qorşaw, to surround, encircle, besiege, Uzbek, qurshamoq, to
surround, blockade, envelop, Kyrgyz, курчоо, kurçoo, to surround, Mongolian, хүрээлэх, khüreelekh,
to surround,
Here, Hither, Now
Hittite, kā, ka/kan(i), kāni, here, kā, here, there, Akkadian, akanna, akannu, akanni, here, Sanskrit,
accha, adv. close by, here, Georgian, აქ, ახლა, ak, akhla, here now, Romanian, aici, hither, Latin, hic
[and heic]; hice and interrog. hicine, here, Italian, qui, ecco, here, qua, hither, French, ici, here, hither,
Etruscan, ic, ik, here, hoc (HVC), hither, Tocharian, aci, pp., [B ecce], adv., hither,
Hide, Peel, Skin, Wool,
Irish, craiceann, skin, Scots-Gaelic, craiceann, skin, Tocharian, *kac, skin, hide,
Hide, Conceal, Cover, Without, Veil
Hittite, ule->, to hide, conceal, ulae, ules, to hide, sneak away, Croation, veo, to veil, Romanian, vă veil,
to veil, voal, veil, screen, tissue, văl, veil, web, cloud, pall, cover, mantle, Greek, βέλο, vélo, veil,
Albanian, то vello, to veil, vellon, throws the veil, vel, veil, Basque, belo, to veil, Latin, velo-are, to cover
up, clothe, veil, Italian, velare, to veil, voiler, to veil, Tocharian, elā (adv.), under cover, kept in secret,
English, veil [< Lat. velum], conceal, disguise, Etruscan, FELaR, felara (FELARA), FELaRA, FELaRE, FELaRI,
to hide, to cover?,
Holy, Pious
Basque, sakratu, adj., holy, Latin, sacer-cra, holy, sacred, Italian, sacro, sacred, holy, sacrificio, sacrifice,
French, sacré, adj., sacrifice, English, sacrifice, [<Lat. sacro-are], Etruscan, sakra, sakre, sakreo, sakreu
(SAKREV), sakreu, sacrev (SAKRE8), Tocharian, sākre, [B sākär],blessed,
Honor, Praise
Kyrgyz, ардак, ardak, honor, Tocharian, [B artal], praising,
Hoop, Mass, Tomb, Mound, Pile, Heap
Persian, kope, ﮐ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــﻪheap, pile, hoard, Belarusian, куча, kuča, heap, Polish, kupa, heap, Tocharian,
kämpo, circle,
Horse, Mare
Hittite, eku, horse, Latin, equa-ae, mare, equus-i (equos and ecus, old form), horse, Scots-Gaelic, each,
horse, Tocharian, yakwe, horse, Polish, jechac, ride, ride, ride along, drive along, Etruscan, eca, ece,
eke?, eko, (EKV), ioce, (IVCE), ioces, (IVCES), ioci, (IVCI), iocu, iocu (IVCV), iocie, ivcie (IVCIE),
In, Inside
Basque,- an, in at, Scots-Gaelic, ann, in, Tocharian, ane, adv., inside, into,
Indeed, Truly, New
Sanskrit, satayam, truly, Avestan, asha [-] Asha, truth, righteousness, world order, eternal law, fitness,
Polish, w rzeczy samej, (in things same), indeed, English, same [<ON samr],Tocharian, ats (part.), atsek
(part.), atsaṃ, adv., indeed,
Know, Understand
Greek, ξέρεις, gia na xéreis, to know, Tocharian kärsā- [B kärsā-] to know, understand, let know, tell,
announce, kärs/śar, to know, kärsām, knowing, kärsālune, knowledge, understanding ,
Albanian, njoh, know, Welsh, i nodi, to identify, English, to know, [<OE, cnawan] understand, Tocharian,
knānmune, knowledge, knā- (vb.) [B knā-], to know, knānal, adj., knowing, Gujarati,
ણવા, Jāṇavā, to
Lady, Mistress, Woman, Era
Georgian, ქალი, kali, woman, female, Tocharian, kuli, [B klyiye], woman,
Man, Citizen, Crowd, People, Race
Akkadian, lišānu, nationality, technical language, special language or dialect, tongue of a flame, blade of
a weapon, etc., Persian, ensan, ا سـ ـ ـ ــانhuman, Tocharian, oñi (adj.uni.) [B eṅkwaññe], human, Uzbek,
inson, man,
Man, Mankind, Person, Peasant
Hittite, mayandatar, manhood, Sanskrit, maanava, maanavah, man, manuṣyatā,-tvam, mānuṣyam,
mankind: q.v.: manuṣyāḥ, Baltic-Sudovian, zmane, man, Romanian, om, man, omenire, mankind,
humanity, Italian, uomo, man, French, homme, man, humanité, mankind, humanity, English, man [<OE
man], Gujarati, માણસ, Māṇasa, man, માનવ ત, Mānavajāta, mankind, Etruscan, omne (VMNE),
Tocharian, s'om, s'aumo, man,
Lycian, atla-/atra-: A atrã/atru, D atli/etli, DLpl. atla, G adj. A atlahi/etlehi, D atlahi, DLpl. atlahe, person,
Mylian, atla-/atra-: D atli, G adj. atlasi, person, Tocharian, ātäl, man, male,
Manly, Great, Worthy, Powerful
Hittite, meki, greatly, much, in large numbers, Greek, μέγας, megas, megalos, great, Latin, magnus-aum, compar. maior, maius; superl., maximus, great, Italian, magnamino, great, French, magnifique, adj.,
great, English, magnificent, majestic, Etruscan, maximas (ma⊗imas), great, Illyrian, mag-, great,
Tocharian, maki, much,
Memory, Think, Ratify, Mind
Tocharian, ime, [B ime]) memory, Belarusian, розум, rozum, mind, Croatian, um, mind, memorija,
memory, Polish, umysł, mind, Albanian, memorien, memory, Latin, memoria-ae, memory,
remembrance, Italian, memoria, memory French, mémoire, memory, mind, remembrance, English,
memory [<Lat. memoria, memory], Gujarati, મેમરી, Mēmarī, memory,
Milk, Serom, Whey
English, milk [<OE, milc], to rain, to strike?, Tocharian, malke, milk.
Mining Pit/Shaft, Pool, Pit
Akkadian, ḫarītu, ditch, ḫirītu, ditch, moat, canal, Sanskrit, gartaḥ, hole, garta, hollow, cave, ditch,
grave, a water-hole pit, Tocharian, kärtkāl [B kärkkālle], pool, pond, spring,
Month, Moon
Hittite, armas, moon,vmehur, a month, rma, arma, moon-god, armuualae, moon shine, rmadr,
croissant bread, month span, armas, #arma, moon, rma, arma, moon-god, arma, armta, belonging to
the moon-god, armuualae, rmulae, moonshine, rmulasha(i), waxing moon, Sanskrit, purṇa-māsī, full
moon, pūrṇa, full, Avestan, mâh [-] moon, Persian, mâh, م ـ ــاهmoon, month, Belarusian, месяц, miesiac,
moon, month, Croatian, mjesec, moon, month, Serbo-Croatian, mesec, moon, Polish, ksiezyc, moon;
miesiac, month, Polish, mēness, moon, mēnesis, month, Greek, μήνας, mínas, month, Armenian, աﬕս,
amis, month, Albanian, muaj, month, Latin, mensis (month), Irish, mí, month, Scots-Gaelic, mìos,
month, Welsh, misoedd, month, Italian, mese, month, French, mois, month, Tocharian, mañ, month,
Lycian, arma, moon, arm̃ ma-: N Arm̃ ma, moon, moon-god, English, moon [<OE, mona], a month [<OE
monath], Tajik, moh, моҳ, moon, month,
Hittite, neku, to get dark, nekuts mehur, night, at night, Sanskrit, nakti, niz, nak (nom) night, Belarusian,
ноч, noč, night, Croatian, noć, night, Polish, noc, night, Latvian, nakts, night, Romanian, noapte, night,
Greek, Νύχτα, Nýchta, night, Albanian, natë, night, Latin, nox-noctis, night, Welsh, noson, night, Italian,
notte, night, Tocharian, oṣeñi, night, by night, at night, English, night [<OE niht]?, Etruscan, nocis
No, Not
Urartian, mi, not, Hurrian, ma-, -va-, '-u(w)-, -wa-, -ma, -mma, not, Sanskrit, má, don't, Avestan, môi,
not, never, mâ, not, Belarusian, няма, niama, no, Greek, μη, mi, má, mé, no, not, non, Albanian, mos,
adv., not, Irish, uimh, no, Tocharian, má, no, Kazakh, емес, emes, not, Uzbek, emas, not.
Order, Mandate, Lead, Dictate, Direct, Command
Hittite, watarnah-, to command, to inculcate, to entrust, to order, to lead, to ask, to inform, uatarnahh,
wadrnah, to order, instruct, Tocharian, wätk, to order,
Path, Road, Way, Street
Hittite, idr, way, Latin, iter- ineris, way, journey, march, route, road, passage, Tocharian, ytār, [B ytārye],
People, Race, Nation, Man
Akkadian, lišānu, nationality, technical language, special language or dialect, tongue of a flame, blade of
a weapon, etc., Persian, ensan, ا سـ ـ ـ ــانhuman, Tocharian, oñi (adj.uni.) [B eṅkwaññe], human, Uzbek,
inson, man,
Red, Rose
Persian, sorx, خ
ruddy, rose colored, red, blush, surati, یص ـ ـ ــورتpink, Latvian, sarkans, red, sārts,
pink, Tocharian, kāṣārṣi, reddish, having the colour of a monk’s robe,
Remain, Stand, Stay
Akkadian, kalû, to stay, keep in custody, in confinement, to be kept away, to keep available, to be
closed, to remain, Tocharian, käly-[B käly-], stand, Turkish, kalmak, to remain, stay, Kazakh, қалу, qalw,
to remain, stay, Uzbek, qolmoq, to remain, stay, Kyrgyz, калуу, kaluu, to remain, stay,
River, Stream
Hittite, hapa, hapas, apa, river, river, hapati, hapna, hapad(ai), river land?, Palaic, hapna, hapa/i, river,
Luvian, hapi, a river, hapina/i, little river, stream, Tocharian, āp* [B āp], water, river, stream, Lycian,
xba(i), 3rd pl. pret. xbaitẽ, to irrigate, Sanskrit, apas, wet, Avestan, âpa [ap], water, Persian, âb, اب
water, Baltic-Sudovian, apis, river, Romanian, apă, to water, apă, water, Basque, ibai, river, Etruscan,
ap, apa, ape, apen, api,
Say, Speak, Talk, Word
Belarus, raicca, to speak, talk, Croatian, reći, to say, riječ, word, Romanian, RĂCNI, to speak loudly, to
roar, Irish, le rá, to say, Scots-Gaelic, a ràdh, to say, Welsh, adroddwch, narrarate, adrodd, to recite,
relate, report, narrate, recount, Italian, raccontare, to tell, French, raconter, to tell, Etruscan, rac, rak,
RAKaR, Tocharian, rake, reki, to speak, talk,
Scatter, Sow
Persian, kâštan, اﺷ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـto sow, kasht kar, ـ ـ ـ ــار ﮐﺸ ـ ـ ـ ــﺖsower, Tocharian, kätā- [B kätā-], to spread,
disperse, Tajik, кошта, koşta, to sow, English, cast, [<ON, kasta] seed,
Hittite, satau, sapta, satua, number seven, siptama, siptamiya, seven, sptamintsu (saptmintsu),
sevenfold, satawartana, for seven rounds, siptmia, seven-drink(s), siptmae, to seven? Hurrian, šind(i),
seven, Urartian, šindi,, seven, Akkadian, šintunnu, adj., seventh, šintarpu, adj., seven-year-old (Hurrian
word), Sanskrit, saptatha, saptama, the seventh, saptan, seven, Avestan, hapta, seven, Persian, haft,
هﻔ ـ ـ ـ ــﺖseven, Baltic-Sudovian, septinei, septinis, Latvian, septiņi, seven, Romanian, Șapte, seven, Greek,
επτά, eptá, seven, Albanian, shtate, seven, Basque, zazpi, seven, Latin, septem, seven, French, sept,
seven, Tocharian, s.pät, seven, Etruscan, septa, seven,
Sanskrit, ga, gayati (-te) & gati, praise, proclaim, call with a song, sing or call to, Greek, τραγουδώ,
tragoudo, to sing, Tocharian, ge, singing, song,
Hittite, as- , #as, ēs-, ēsa, es/as, to sit, es, to sit down, asas/ase/is, asa, to seat, ase/isanu, ases-, sit, to
give a seat, to settle, Nesian, es, to sit, Lycian, asati, astti to sit, Lydian, aha-A to sit, Tocharian, āsāṃ [B
asāṃ] seat, Akkadian, ašābu, to sit down, wait, stay somewhere, reside, to live, ašbu, sitting, tenant,
inhabitant, present, Avestan, âste [âh, åñh] to sit, Sanskrit, as, aste, to sit, seat one's self on, settle
down, keep quiet, rest, lie, dwell, stay, remain, Finnish-Uralic, istua, to sit, French, s'asseoir, to sit,
Basque, eseri, to sit, Mongolian, суух, suukh, to sit, Traditional Chinese, 坐, Zuò, to sit,
Six, Sixth
Hittite, six-, six, Urartian, šeše, six, Hurrian, šeže, six, Akkadian, šeššet, six, šeššiš, šeššīšu, šeššīšu,
sixfold, šeššu, šeššu, šiššat, one-sixth, šūši, sixty, šušīšu, sixty times, *šūšu’u, one sixtieth, Sanskrit, sas,
six, Avestan, siks, xshvash [-], six, Persian, shesh, ِﺷﺶsix, sasom, ﺷﺸ ـ ـ ــﻢsixth, Belarusian, шэсць, šesć,
six, Croatian, šest, six, Polish, sześć, six, szósty, sixth, Baltic-Sudovian, ushai, ushas, six, Latvian, seši, six,
vushai, vushas, six, sestā, sixth, Romanian, şase, six, şaselea, sixth, Finnish-Uralic, kussi, six, Latin, sex,
sexus, six, sextus-a-um, sixth, 2nd Decl. Abl. Sing. -o; by, from the sixth; sextum, for the sixth time,
Welsh, chwech, six, French, six, six, English, six [<OE siex], sixth, Gujarati, છ, Cha, six, Tajik, шаш, şaş,
six, шашум, şaşum, sixth, Tocharian, s.äk, six,
Sanskrit, sunus, sūnuḥ, Belarusian, сын, syn, son, Belarus, syn, son, Croatian, sin, son, Serbo-Croatian,
sin, son, Polish, syn, son, Baltic-Sudovian, sunus, son, Lithuanian, sunus, son, Basque, seme, son,
Tocharian, soyä, son, English, son [<OE sunnu],
Spin, Thread, Weave
Hittite, wep, to weave, wepa, woven fabric, Avestan, ufyemi [vap] to weave, Polish, wątek, thread,
Greek, να υφαίνουν, na yfaínoun to weave, Mycenaean, wepes esomena, which will be woven, Welsh,
wehyddu, to weave, English, weave [<OE wefan], Tocharian, wap [A&B], to weave,
That, Who, What, Which
Albanian, kush, who, which, Tocharian, kuse, kus (pron. inter.) [B kuse], who?, what?,
Croatian, koji, which, which, Polish, co, what, what, Finnish-Uralic, kuka, who, Scots-Gaelic, cò, who,
Tocharian, kuc-ne (conj.), that, since, pron., rel. who, which,
Then, After, There
Akkadian, annittān, then, this then, Hittite, handa, then, consequently, Persian, âyande, adj., afterward,
later, subsequently, Kyrgyz, анда, anda, then, Tocharian, antuṣ (adv.), thereupon, afterward,
Then, Where
English, as, {<OE ealswā], Tocharian, āśśi < ā-aśśi, where then.
These, That, This,
Romanian, acea, that, Albanian, që, this, that, French, ce, m., cet, cette f., demonst. adj., this, these,
Tajik, ки, ki, that, Gujarati, કે , Kē, that, which, whether, Traditional Chinese, 此, Cǐ, this, these, Hittite,
kī->, Neut. of kā-, kās, this, he, she, ka, ko, ki, this, Palaic, ka, this, Tocharian, kuc-ne, conj. that, since,
Three, Thrice
Hittite, trisu, tri, three, trpple, three times, tripple, triankis, thrice, trian, at the third time, Lycian, tre,
trije, teri, three, trppeme?, three-fold, trisñne/i, three-year-old, trisu, thrice, Sanskrit, triya, adj., the
third; adv., thirdly, for the third time, Phrygian, thri, three, Luvian, trisu, three times, Sanskrit, tri,
trayam, three, Avestan, thrâyô [thri], tishrô [thri], three, thrish, thrice, Belarusian, тры, try, three,
Belarus, try, three, Polish, trzy, three, Baltic-Sudovian, tris, three, Latvian, trīs, three, Greek, τρία, tria,
three, Albanian,tri, three, Latin, tria, tris, f., three, trin-ae-a, three at a time, Irish, trí cinn, three, ScotsGaelic, trì, three, Welsh, tri, three, Gothic, thrins, three, English, three [<OE, thri], third [<OE, thridda],
Etruscan, tri, tria, trin, trinum, trinom (TRINVM), Tocharian, tri, three, Mylian, trisu, thrice, Lycian,
trppeme (?), three-fold, Phrygian, thri, three, Gujarati, રણ, Traṇa, three,
Avestan, thrâyô, three, Serbo-Croatian, troje, trojica, three, French, trois, three, Tocharian, traiy, three
Lycian, trije, three,
Sanskrit, dantah, tooth, Persian, dandân, دنـ ــﺪانtooth, Baltic-Sudovian, dantis, tooth, Romanian, dinte,
tooth, Greek, δόντι, dónti, tooth, Albanian, dhëmb, tooth, Latin, dens, dentis, tooth, Welsh, dant
(daint), dannedd, tooth, Italian, dente, tooth, French, dent, tooth, Tocharian, kam, [B keme], tooth,
Etruscan, tentu, tento (TENTV)?, or tens?,
Georgian, კოშკი, koshk i, tower, Albanian, kullë, tower, Tocharian, kuccatk [B kucatk], tower, kuccatāk
[B kucatāk], high house, tower, Tajik, кӯҳ, kūh, mound,
Akkadian, kādu, fortified outpost, fee payable by owners of date groves for guard service, Sanskrit,
khattah, tower, koṭaḥ, fort, Albanian, kala, castle, Tocharian, kuccatāk [B kucatāk], fort,
Finnish-Uralic, kaupunki, city, town, Armenian, գյուղը, gyughy, village, քաղաքը, k’aghak’y, city, town,
Tocharian, kuccatāk [B kucatāk], tower, high house,
Persian, mâ, ماus, Belarusian, нам, nam, to us, Croatian, nama, to us, Polish, nam, us, Tocharian, -(ä)m
(pron.), us, you, them,
What, That, Who, Which
Albanian, kush, who, which, Tocharian, kuse, kus (pron. inter.) [B kuse], who?, what?,
Croatian, koji, which, which, Polish, co, what, what, Finnish-Uralic, kuka, who, Scots-Gaelic, cò, who,
Tocharian, kuc-ne (conj.), that, since, pron., rel. who, which,
Sanskrit, cakram, wheel, Avestan, chaxra, wheel, Persian, charx, carxe ﭼـ ـ خwheel, English, chariot [<Lat.
carrus-i, a four-wheeled vehicle, Etruscan, carra, Tocharian, cākkär [B cākkär] wheel, Gujarati, ચ ,
Cakra, wheel, Tajik, чарх, carx, wheel,
Note: This issue extracted from the referenced documents (note 1) covers A-Bramble and will be updated. The
source documents cover A-Z.
Launched: 11.16.2021
Updated: 12.09.2021
Copyright © 2018-2021 Mel Copeland. All rights reserved.