Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Investing in Online Learning: Potential Benefits and Limitations
Silvia Bartolic-Zlomislic and A.W. (Tony) Bates
The University of British Columbia
[email protected],
[email protected]
Many institutions worldwide, but particularly in North America, Australia and
New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and several other European countries, such
as Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands, have started to invest heavily in
online teaching. Sometimes the courses are offered entirely at a distance, targeted
mainly at students who cannot access a conventional university or college
campus. Others might better be described as distributed learning, in that they
combine some elements of on-campus teaching with on-line access to materials
and discussion forums.
Why are institutions across the world investing so much in online learning? Is
the investment justified? This paper attempts to answer these questions by
examining preliminary findings from a cost-benefit research project conducted at
the University of British Columbia (UBC) and federally funded by the Canadian
TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE-Telelearning).
There is a variety of rationales for investing in on-line education, ranging from
increasing access to improving the quality of learning to reducing costs to
preparing students better for a knowledge-based society to responding to market
demand (see, for instance, Dolence and Norris, 1995 or Katz, 1999). To what
extent though does the reality match the rhetoric?
In this paper, we look at three Canadian cases, two in British Columbia and one
in Ontario. Two of the institutions are universities (UBC and the Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto - OISE/UT), and one is a
two-year university college (Kwantlen College in British Columbia). All three
institutions are conventional campus-based institutions. However, both UBC and
OISE/UT also have a long history of offering distance education programs,
primarily in print format. Kwantlen on the other hand had, prior to this case, no
previous experience in distance education. In all three cases, distance learners
were the primary target group.
Project Background
The University of British Columbia's Department of Distance Education &
Technology conducted a two year study entitled "Developing and Applying a
Cost-Benefit Model for Assessing TeleLearning" which was federally funded by
the Canadian TeleLearning Networks of Centres of Excellence. The
methodology used was based on Bates (1995) ACTIONS model for assessing
learning technologies. Issues around the following topic areas were explored:
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Teaching and Learning
Interaction and user-friendliness
Data were collected primarily by student questionnaires and student and faculty
or staff interviews.
Cost factors investigated included:
capital and recurrent costs
production and delivery costs
fixed and variable costs.
Capital costs are costs for the purchase of equipment or materials. Recurrent
costs are costs that occur on an ongoing basis, for example, the cost of computer
support. Production costs are those associated with the development of a
course/program, while delivery costs are costs associated with the delivery or
'teaching' of course materials. Fixed costs are costs that do not change with
output (number of students), while variable costs are those that do. For further
explanation, see Rumble (1997).
Benefit and limitation factors assessed included:
performance driven benefits
value driven benefits
societal or "value added" benefits.
Performance driven benefits include elements such as student/instructor
satisfaction, learning outcomes, and return on investment. Value driven benefits
include increased access, flexibility, and ease of use. Value added benefits
include aspects such as reduced traffic to campus and the potential for new
markets. For further explanation, see Cukier (1997).
The discussion below will be based on the results of three of six Canadian case
studies involved in the project. These include:
an online Master's level course in Educational Studies "Developing,
Designing and Delivering Technology-Based Distributed Learning
(EDST 565f)" developed at the University of British Columbia in
partnership with the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) in
Mexico. This was the first of five courses to be developed toward a
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
postgraduate certificate in technology-based distributed learning.
The first UBC offering of this course was analyzed (BartolicZlomislic & Bates, 1999);
an online Master's level course in Education "Research Methods in
Education (Research Methods)" developed at the Ontario Institute
for Studies in Education/University of Toronto. The Research
Methods course was part of OISE/UT's Distance Education
Master's program, the first degree program offered fully online at
OISE/UT. The session analyzed was the second online offering but
the first offering using WebCSILE software (Bartolic-Zlomislic &
Brett, 1999);
an online undergraduate course in Creative Writing (CRWR 1100)
developed at Kwantlen University College. The CRWR 1100 course
was an introductory course in Creative Writing. A template was
developed from this course to create additional online creative
writing courses at Kwantlen. The first offering of this course was
analyzed (Butschler & Bartolic-Zlomislic, 1999).
The remaining three case studies, based on cases at Télé-université, Québec,
Simon Fraser University, and Kitimat Community Skills Centre (both in British
Columbia) will be completed by the end of June, 1999. Full case reports will be
posted online at
Why Invest in Online Learning?
The three studies so far analyzed reveal several potential benefits to online
learning. Main benefits include new markets, economic benefits, international
partnerships, reduced time to market, and educational benefits.
New Markets
There is the potential with online learning to tap into markets, both national and
international, that cannot be easily accessed with other more traditional forms of
course or program delivery. The UBC case study, EDST 565f, for example,
tapped into three different target groups:
students in Latin America, registered with ITESM, Mexico, for a
Masters in Educational Technology;
UBC graduate students registered in an otherwise conventional,
on-campus Masters of Education program;
certificate and audit students from around the world registered
with UBC as "non-credit" students.
UBC thereby was able to reach a much larger market than most of its print-based
distance courses and a much wider market than is possible for a face-to-face
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
course. Of the first 40 enrolments with UBC, ten were UBC Masters' students, 18
certificate students, and 12 were audit students (i.e. they paid full fees but did
not intend to take a full certificate program and so did not have to submit
assignments). The 30 "non-credit students" registered with UBC were from 17
different countries, including China, Japan, Norway, Yugoslavia, USA, and
Australia. Of these 30 "non-credit" students, six already had Ph.Ds and twelve
had masters degrees. In addition to the 40 students enrolled with UBC, 80
students registered with ITESM (see Bates and Escamilla, 1998, for more details
of this program).
Similarly, OISE/UT had students participating in the course who lived in Europe
and the Dominican Republic, as well as several students who lived outside of the
city of Toronto where OISE/UT is situated. All were intending to complete a full
masters program at a distance.
Kwantlen University College was able to sustain a program that had been
struggling for viable numbers in an on-campus version. When offered at a
distance class size increased to twenty students per offering, and students
surveyed all said that the on-line delivery gave them more flexibility, and many
said that they would not have been able to have taken the course in an oncampus version.
In addition to the potential of admitting students from around the globe, another
new market potential is in the development of fully online graduate degrees.
There are several graduate degrees offered entirely at a distance primarily
through print-based methods, such as the British Open University's MBA and its
Masters in Distance Education. Several have on-line components, such as
Athabasca's MBA, but still depend heavily on print. Queen's offers an MBA
through a mix of local classes and video-conferencing.
As far as we know, though, there are relatively few graduate degrees offered
entirely or even primarily online. This is not surprising, given that it takes
several years to develop a whole masters program, and the Web is still only five
or six years old, with respect to educational applications. The study findings
however suggest an increasing need for such degrees. With the growth of a
“knowledge society” comes the need for lifelong learning. It is interesting to note
the high proportion of students in the UBC non-credit program who already had
higher degree qualifications, but still felt the need to up-date their skills.
At the same time, economic pressures make it difficult for individuals to take
several years off from work to attend university on a full time basis. Online
graduate degrees offer the opportunity for students to continue their education
while at the same time continue working in their field of business. As one
student in the Research Methods course offered at OISE/UT said:
The only recommendation is that I wish that they would do [the on-line
format] with more programs. ... You can’t afford not to work, but you also
can’t afford to give up your position because if you do who knows what’s
going on behind your back. (OISE/UT student B)
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Economic benefits
One benefit of the UBC postgraduate certificate in technology-based distributed
learning program is that over the life of the first course and the entire program of
five courses, it is expected that all course development and delivery costs will be
fully recovered from fees. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the development
and delivery costs of the first course offering of EDST 565f.
Table 1 Educational Studies 565f - Adjusted Costs and Projected Revenues
Source of Cost
Fixed Costs:
Subject Experts
Internet Specialist
New Procedures
DE&T Overheads
Copyright Clearances
International Tutors
Total Fixed Costs
Variable costs:
Tutoring: DE&T
Tutoring: Others
Faculty of Education: 5%
of gross
Total Variable Costs
Total Costs
Total Revenue
Profit ( Continuing Studies)
Projected Revenue:a
UBC Graduate Fees
Certificate Fees
ITESM Rights Payment
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Revenues are based on the following student numbers: 1997: 11 graduate, 29
certificate; 1998: 12 graduate, 48 certificate; 1999: 12 graduate, 48 certificate; 2000:
8 graduate, 24 certificate.
Note: This table is adapted from Bartolic-Zlomislic & Bates (1999).
A small profit will start to be made by UBC at the end of the third year. A more
substantial profit will be made over the life of the entire program of five courses
as start-up costs (which are substantially higher than ongoing/maintenance
costs) will have been absorbed in the first course, EDST 565f. This course served
as a template for the other four courses, therefore less time (and money) was
required to develop the remaining four courses. The profit serves as a
contingency in case unexpected costs arise or projected student numbers are not
Revenues are used in the following three ways:
money goes to the Faculty of Education to cover their costs in
accrediting this program
money goes to Continuing Studies to pay for departmental
money goes to the Distance Education & Technology (DE&T) unit
to pay for the cost of course development and delivery (unusually,
this course was developed by DE&T staff as the subject experts).
Any subsequent profit after all these costs have been repaid is returned to the
Associate Vice-President, Continuing Studies, for investment in new Continuing
Studies programming.
The UBC - ITESM partnership provided a means for keeping costs down in a
market where there is a ceiling on what people are willing to pay. As can be seen
in the table, ITESM paid UBC $15,000 for the rights to offer this course in Latin
America. UBC retained the rights for the rest of the world. This helped reduce
the risk to both partners. The international partnership provided a context in
which an online program can be cost effective and where course fees are kept at a
reasonable level ("non-credit" students are charged C$695 per one semester
course, equivalent to three graduate credits).
The economic benefits in the other two studies were less clear. Neither the OISE
nor the Kwantlen program was run on a cost-recovery basis. Students in the
OISE program were charged the regular graduate fee (C$740) in Ontario, and the
institution would receive the normal weighted FTE per student, although as in
many other Canadian institutions this is not necessarily allocated to a course or
department on a strict pro-rata basis.
Kwantlen's costs were even more complex, since the course was the first on-line
as well as the first distance education course that the college had offered. The online development of the first offering of the course was out-sourced to another
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
institution, while the second offering was developed in-house. However, as with
the other two studies, the second offering incurred substantial start-up costs,
which need to be averaged over several courses.
There are several general points to be made about economic benefits. The
development of on-line courses requires careful analysis of costs. Cost structures
are different from both face-to-face and print-based distance learning. There is
potential for economies of scale. Institutions though will need to change the way
budgets are handled so that costs of different ways of offering courses can be
adequately tracked and compared. Budgets need to be allocated so that a
substantial proportion of revenues generated flow back to the various units
involved in production and delivery. Nevertheless, online courses, especially
when developed through partnerships, can be cost-recoverable or at least as costeffective as conventional courses.
International partnerships
With the potential for global markets comes the opportunity for international
Pedagogical benefits due to international partnerships include access to
international experts and students. Three international experts in the field of
distance and distributed learning were guest tutors for the EDST 565f course.
Each tutor moderated and participated in a weeklong discussion forum. In this
way, students not only learned from the three UBC instructors but also benefited
from the expertise of three additional international experts.
Students also benefited from the highly diverse nature of fellow students due to
collaborative components in the course (international discussion groups and
collaborative assignments). This is described by the following quote from one of
the UBC instructors:
I think a lot of students came a long way in moving from being nervous about
collaborative learning to being very enthusiastic about it, particularly our
grad students. We had one or two students who refused to co-operate but
generally I would say that 75% of the students were in a very successful
collaborative learning group where they did a joint assignment. (UBC
course tutor 1)
The partnership with ITESM also enabled UBC to sidestep difficult issues
regarding admission and accreditation to graduate credit programs. ITESM
was responsible for recruiting, assessing and accrediting Latin American
students, although they were using courses developed by UBC. Students
from other countries who did not meet the UBC graduate requirements or
who did not want to register for a full masters program were admitted by
UBC as non-credit students.
Furthermore, the partnership with ITESM also helped overcome otherwise
difficult language and cultural issues. While the UBC team provided a tutor
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
guide and help, ITESM provided its own on-line tutors for these courses.
ITESM students could choose to be in either a Spanish or an English language
discussion forum.
Reduced Time to Market
Another benefit of the online delivery method is that courses can be developed
and revised very quickly or even as the course is in progress. The EDST 565f
course, for example, was developed from scratch in less than 10 weeks.
Although it is not recommended to develop a course in such a short time, UBC
potentially might have lost the contract with ITESM if the course had not been
available in the 10 weeks from the time the contract was signed. It would have
missed the start of ITESM's academic year, and ITESM might have looked for
another partner or gone cold on the idea of a partnership over a longer period.
The Kwantlen case identified three factors that relate to how quickly a course can
be developed and revised:
the level of infrastructure in place to support online courses
choice of software
the appropriateness of the course design for an online environment.
Kwantlen, for example, had no infrastructure in place to offer online courses for
the first offering of CRWR 1100. They had to rely on the infrastructure of
another organization (The Open Learning Agency) in order to offer the course
(and were required to pay a fee). Development of their own infrastructure took
several months of time and the development of a new position, a coordinator of
distributed learning, in order to get all the required elements in place for future
course offerings (e.g. systems administration and registration).
The type of software used for online courses can also affect how quickly a course
can be developed. Kwantlen found, for example, that the time needed to learn
how to use a particular software (in this case Lotus Notes) can be substantial. In
addition, they had to develop training workshops that were conducted prior to
the course in order to help students learn how to use and load the software on to
their own computers. Switching to using a web browser such as Netscape
alleviated the need for these training sessions. Similarly, OISE/UT found the use
of WebCSILE compared to Parti software cut their work time by nearly half.
Finally, simply transferring face-to-face lecture notes on to a computer and
posting these online does not constitute an effective online course. The instructor
for the Kwantlen CRWR 1100 course found that much of the course content came
from online discussions and student writing samples which could be easily
shared among the class. Small amounts of lecture notes were included as course
materials. Feedback changed from individual instructor feedback in face to face
classes to collaborative feedback from students writing and critiquing
assignments online.
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Educational Benefits
A common benefit found in all three of the case studies was that students learned
more than just course content. As in these courses the main medium of
communication was writing, significant improvements in writing skills were
identified. Following is a quote from one of the OISE/UT instructors:
Over several years now I have observed people contributing what I
consider to be higher quality work than what I have seen before. All these
courses I have taught before and [the students] write better than they
wrote before….. I attribute that to the technology. (OISE/UT instructor
Students reported that their computer and time-management skills also
Another benefit of the online delivery method found in all three studies is
that the associated anonymity can result in greater participation from all
students, including ‘shy’ ones. The lack of visual cues allowed the
instructor to treat all students in the same manner. For example, one of
the instructors reported that in a face-to-face class she would not be as
critical of students whom she perceived as being sensitive or shy. Since
the online format did not provide the visual cues from which such
perceptions are made, this instructor treated all students in the same way.
Instead, though, of being a disadvantage, she found this led to greater
participation by all students.
Perhaps the most important benefit though from a distance education
perspective is that the on-line discussion facility provided a satisfactory
form of student interaction for distance learners that has been lacking in
print-based distance education courses. In addition, the increasing amount
of relevant resources now available through the Web, such as on-line
journals and relevant Web sites, provided a rich source of resources for
the online learners.
Several potential limitations were also found in the three studies.
The need for start-up funding
The UBC cost-benefit study revealed that start-up costs were substantially higher
than anticipated. In fact, as is shown in Table 2 below, the first offering of the
EDST 565f course was 75% over budget! This was largely due to higher than
anticipated time spent on instructional and administrative tasks.
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Table 2 Educational Studies 565f - Researched and Budgeted Costs
Source of Cost
Fixed Costs:
Course Planning: (staff time = 33.2 hours)
Development: (337 hours)
Marketing: (122.5 hours)
Copyright Clearance
Overhead (potential)
Server Costs
International Tutors
Faculty of Education (Academic Approval)
2nd phone hook up and fees: (6 months)
Total Fixed Costs
Variable Costs:
Instructional Time: (382 hours)
Administration/Registration: (400 hours)
Printed Materials
Total Variable Costs
$16, 344.28
Total Costs
Note: This table is adapted from Bartolic-Zlomislic & Bates (1999).
The cost for the second and subsequent offerings of the course decreased
substantially, as Table 1 in this article indicates. Lower costs in subsequent
courses were due largely to improvements made in the way the course was
administered and conducted, and better organization of the online tutoring. This
will be explained further in the “available time” and “organizational readiness”
sections below.
Kwantlen employed several strategies in order to decrease start-up costs for the
CRWR 1100 course and to make it feasible to begin work on developing an
online program, although the necessary infrastructure was not yet in place. In
addition to obtaining a provincial grant to be used toward developing online
programming, staff sought to maximize benefits from existing resources. For
example, the Department of Distributed Learning and Employee Development at
Kwantlen acquired a server from another Kwantlen department (which needed a
more powerful server) to be used for administrative functions. Because the
server had sufficient capacity, it was also used for online course delivery. In
addition, Kwantlen hired a Co-op student to help with the conceptual and
technical development and delivery of the CRWR 1100 course.
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
Nevertheless, it is clear that a sizable amount of start-up funding must be
available in order to successfully develop and deliver online courses and
Adequate time
All three case studies found that instructing (and learning) in the online format
appeared to be time consuming. This was mainly due to the large amount of
reading (discussion forums) and writing required. Instructional time varied
depending on how the online discussions were handled. For example, as can be
seen by the quotes below, one of the instructors for the Research Methods course
answered almost every message in order to be supportive of the student’s efforts.
The other instructor, however, was selective in the messages he/she chose to
respond to in order to save time:
I think I responded to nearly every [comment], especially in the beginning.
I found this is very important that when people contribute something they
get an answer back right away so that they know the instructor is reading
it and thinking about it and that gets [discussion] going very fast.
(OISE/UT instructor 1)
I responded to [discussion messages] where I felt that I could add
something to the knowledge. If it was a general comment or if I felt that
another student had responded in an appropriate way I would ignore it. If
I felt that this was an issue where there needed to be some further debate or
I could point them to other information, then I would respond to it. Often
times though ... I would try to respond to the whole package. (OISE/UT
instructor 2)
Another approach used was to allow fellow students to respond to peer
questions. This was at times problematic as occasionally incorrect
information was provided.
At UBC, the student discussion forums were completely re-organized for
the second offering of the course. In the first course, all 40 UBC-registered
students, plus many of the ITESM students, as well as the three UBC
tutors, all piled into one discussion forum. Also, students were assessed
on their contributions to the discussion forums. This led to a lot of
"statements' posted in order to get marks. In the second offering of the
course, discussion forums were limited to 20 students and one tutor, and
there were no marks for participation, but the discussion topics were
closely related to the assignments. This eased considerably the reading
burden for both tutors and students, without in fact diminishing the value
of the discussion forums for the students.
An additional time saver employed for the CRWR 1100 course was the
development of a set of marking symbols the instructors could use to save
time while marking online.
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In all three studies, there was a rapid learning curve for the instructors, in
both the design of the courses, and in the online tutoring. Extra time and
training is needed for novice online instructors.
Students also perceived interacting online to be time consuming:
A weakness is just the amount of writing one has to do to get across a
thought that you can say in twenty seconds. The fact that you are on-line
and it’s public, you can’t just write anything. It has to be basically
grammatically correct and thoughtful. I am not suggesting that a verbal
comment wouldn’t be thoughtful, but it doesn’t sit there in print for the
duration of the course. So I think [I took] a lot fewer risks in what I was
writing and commenting and to me that inhibited dialog. (OISE/UT
student A)
However, when student estimates of their time spent working on the course
were compared to actual course requirements, students generally fell within the
desired range of time. For the UBC EDST 565f course, for example, most students
actually spent as much time studying as was intended, and this represented
roughly the same amount of time they would be expected to spend on a face-toface course. However, over half the student respondents said the course took
more time than a conventional course and over half who responded said the
course took more time than anticipated. While the actual time spent was similar
to that spent in a face-to-face course, it seemed to take more work. This is possibly
due to the sequential and more intense nature of the discussion forums.
Organizational readiness
“Some technological developments have opened new possibilities for
organizational chaos, while others have made our lives more complex.”
(Murgatroyd, 1992 p.57)
With the development of online courses and programs comes the need to revise
current policies and procedures in order to accommodate the online student and
the online process. The development of UBC’s first course toward a
postgraduate certificate in technology-based distributed learning posed some
challenges to existing operational procedures.
Registration, for example, proved problematic. UBC’s automated telephone
registration system – Telereg - does not allow graduate students to register for
distance courses as part of their graduate program. This was due to a policy
established over 10 years ago when graduate level distance courses did not exist.
This policy has since been modified but the computer block on Telereg has not
yet been removed. Neither the Registry nor Continuing Studies had an on-line
registration system for non-credit students. Because most of the promotion of the
courses though was done on-line, the bulk of the registrations were received in
the week before and the week after the course started. To alleviate this problem,
UBC’s DE&T unit has now developed its own fully automated on-line
registration system, which allows graduate and non-credit students to register,
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
order materials, and pay electronically. (This system is located at
Existing UBC Bookstore payment policy also does not accommodate
international distance students. The UBC Bookstore requires that they receive
payment (which must clear) before they ship materials to students. However,
the delay in processing international money orders, which can sometimes take
up to a month to process, caused students to wait long periods of time before
they received the course materials. This can jeopardize the student’s ability to
complete the course. In addition, the UBC bookstore does not have a system set
up for tracking orders that are shipped. They simply send materials to
international students once payment has been processed. Therefore, there was
no way of knowing the whereabouts of the course materials after leaving UBC,
including whether or not the students received them.
The DE&T solution to these difficulties was to develop a 'one stop shopping'
approach to course delivery. Students both register and pay for the course and
course materials directly through the DE&T unit. DE&T now takes
responsibility for ordering the materials from the bookstore in advance of
registrations and directly mailing or sending them by courier to the students
when ordered. In this way, the packages sent to international students can now
be tracked, and the overall service is now much faster and more convenient for
Existing UBC Library policy also does not accommodate all distance learners.
The UBC Extension Library supports UBC credit distance students by allowing
registered credit students to order (online) up to 30 articles or books per course
which are subsequently mailed to students, irrespective of location. The problem
exists with service to certificate or non-credit students. At this time, they do not
receive service from the Extension Library unless they pay for a library card
(regular UBC students receive free access). Consequently, the UBC Library is
now piloting access to certificate and non-credit students, to identify the impact
on cost and service.
Kwantlen had to develop orientation sessions in order to help their online
students install Lotus Notes Client on their home computers which (at the time
of the first offering of CRWR 1100) was required in order for students to be able
to take the course. This of course would be of no use to students who could not
come to campus where the sessions were held, thus negating the potential
benefits of access. These sessions were subsequently discontinued when
Kwantlen switched to using Netscape as their Internet browser instead of Lotus
Notes Client. Netscape required much less instruction to operate.
One of the instructors for the Research Methods course at OISE/UT developed
an instructional manual explaining how to use their course software WebCSILE
which was posted in the course database in order to help students with their
technical problems and reduce the reliance on the technical support staff.
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All this leads to a much higher than anticipated time spent on administrative
tasks, and consequently unanticipated costs.
Student Readiness
The success of an online course or program is impacted by the readiness of the
students to embrace this method of delivery. Primarily, students must have the
necessary technology available to them (suitable computer and Internet access)
before they can benefit from this type of program. In this way, some costs are
transferred from the institution to the learner, as the learner must now provide
for his or her own learning tools.
In addition, as with other forms of distance and distributed education, students
must be self-directed learners. Their participation in and completion of online
courses is entirely up to them. Online students have the additional burden of
dealing with technical delays and difficulties that may occur:
You really have to be self-directed. You have to be really time oriented. I
am finding with this course that I am spending more time on it than I do
on a course that I go to class. But that's on the course time itself, but if I
take into account my travel time and everything else … (OISE/UT
student B)
The twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week access to the course may also
create unrealistic expectations of the course instructor as students may expect
their questions to be answered immediately:
I think the very needy students who need constant reassurance, need
constant direction ... I don’t think it’s a waste for them to do [an on-line
course] ... but if they pose a question and you don’t get to it for three days
they are just oh my God she didn’t answer my question. I need this
information right away. And it’s like come on calm down if you were in a
face-to-face class you wouldn’t get to see me again until next week. They
are very needy and I don’t know that this is the optimal way for them to
learn. I think it’s the independent folks who can manage on their own and
who have got a lot of self-confidence to do this [that will benefit from this
delivery method]. (OISE/UT instructor 2)
Culture may also affect the success of online courses or programs. It was found,
for example, that the Mexican students who participated in the UBC EDST 565f
course were very outgoing in spite of their difficulty with the English language.
Some of the Asian students, however, whose grasp of the English language was
quite good, rarely participated in the online discussions and collaborative
assignments. This warrants further research.
This paper attempts to answer the question of why institutions around the
world are investing so much in online learning, and whether the investment is
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
justified. While it is dangerous to generalize from just three case studies, some of
the findings are similar to those of other studies of on-line learning projects, such
as those of Harasim (1995), Massey and Curry (1999), and the American
Productivity & Quality Center (1999).
One of the most significant findings from these studies is that online learning
does provide the opportunity to reach new markets. First of all, online learning
seems to be particularly appropriate for lifelong learners. There is a clear synergy
between the needs of lifelong learners and the nature of online learning. The
facility for interaction between learners separated by space and time is really
important for mature adults, who often have developed considerable knowledge
and experience which they can share and add to the knowledge provided by the
instructor, but who cannot attend classes on a regular basis at a site that may be
inaccessible to them.
Secondly, the flexibility of online learning is clearly of great value to many
mature adults trying to balance work, family and study requirements. They need
access to expertise, wherever it may be located. They seem to care less about
qualifications, and more about the content of the material, and the opportunity to
share experiences. Online learning gives them access to experts and programs
wherever they may be located.
Thirdly, in an increasingly globalized society, many learners seem to appreciate
the advantages of international courses and the opportunity to work
collaboratively and closely with colleagues across the world, and to have access
not only to the course instructors, but to text book authors and experts from
other institutions.
Fourthly, for programs struggling with small enrolments for face-to-face courses,
the opportunity to widen the range of potential students through online learning
may be critical.
For institutions, the benefits provided by the ability to partner with other
international institutions is important at both an economic and educational level.
Developing joint programs allows costs to be shared and risks reduced.
Institutions that recognize the importance of internationalizing the curriculum
can use on-line courses to bring in not only international instructors but also
international students into a program, thus providing economies of scale. One of
the most important benefits listed consistently by students in the UBC case study
has been the ability to work collaboratively online with students from several
different countries. This not only has inherent advantages in terms of learning
from each other, but also provides learners with essential lifelong learning skills.
Lastly, the economics of online courses are complex, fascinating and not
transparent. Under the right conditions, online learning can not only be costeffective, but can actually bring in net profits for an educational institution.
However, there is no easy money in this business. It has to be earned. This
requires quite a different approach to the development and management of
teaching. It requires financial systems and financial management that frankly few
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
higher education institutions have in place or are even ready to contemplate. For
instance, it requires up-front investment, development of business plans, project
management, financial and technical support to faculty, allocation of revenues to
those units that take the risk and do the work, and professionalism and a team
approach to course development and delivery. Is your institution ready for this?
(See Bates, in press, for a more complete discussion of these issues).
And this is the good side. Limitations to investment in online learning include:
the need for substantial start-up funds
the need for additional time for faculty to learn how to use these
new technologies and for students to learn to study effectively
the need to introduce new administrative and organizational
procedures that meet the requirements of online learners
the need for students to be psychologically ready and financially
able to embrace this method of course delivery.
Whether or not online learning can be considered successful and worth the
investment will largely depend on the values and goals of the organization. For
example, if the organization’s focus is on revenue generation or saving money,
online learning may not be a good choice, since a large number of online
programs are not and cannot be cost recoverable. (They may though be more
cost-effective, in terms of learning outcomes for the same dollar spent). Of the
three cases examined, only the UBC case was fully cost recoverable, and by only
a small margin. If the organization values collaborative learning, increased
access for lifelong learners, and the internationalization of the curriculum, then
an online program may be of value, even if the costs are the same or slightly
more than for a conventional course.
The type of course or course content will also determine the success of an online
course or program. Not all courses or course material should be put online. In
particular, young students without good independent study habits will find an
online course particularly challenging. General principles of good instructional
design should apply. The intended market should be taken into consideration
and the best interests of the student should be kept in mind.
Finally, in order for an online course or program to be successful, benefits and
limitations to the organization and to the student should be appropriately
balanced. It is important not only to focus on the costs of developing and
delivering an online course or program, but also to focus on potential
performance and value added benefits to both the institution and more
importantly to the student.
Submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication, 3 June, 1999
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