This is an extract created by JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia of the work Anatomia
Magna vol.I created by JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia. The total content of this extract
(9pages) and the total content, the total original ideas, equations, reasonings of the
work Anatomia Magna vol.I more than 150pages are created by JoanCarles Testagorda
Garcia, except a big part of the images related with medicine that I found in internet.
In the photo of the side JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia in France morning of 7/11/2021.
The citrulline can be found specially in the watermelon, and also in the onion, ail, proteic aliments like fish,
meat, milk, legumes.
The citruline reduce the muscular fatigue, is something tested
scientificality so is used to increase the athletes capacity. For this
motive I thought that is related with multiple sclerosis and
syndrome of intestine irritable.
The myelin basic protein known as MBP or BMP is a protein that
could be important in the process of myelination of nerves in the
nervous system, in the multiple sclerosis (MS) are produced a
strong remyelination after the attacks, the attacks of MS produces
demyelination. Actually the scientists don’t know why the
patients of Multiple sclerosis has a low levels of urea, my idea of
11:46 1/11/2021 is it possible that the levels of acid uric be low
in the people with MS because the arginine is transformed into
citrulline and the citrulline is used to the remyelination produced
for the MBP. The arginine is used in the final step of the uric acid
cycle to transform the ammonia NH3 into urea NH2. My idea is this produces the accumulation of the
ammonia in the muscles producing fatigue. My idea explains that for this reason the patients with MS suffers
fatigue and has a low level of urea I explain it in the paragraph “MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS” where I proposed
my hypothesis about what is the cause of the multiple sclerosis that actually is unknown.
The protein basic of myelin (BMP basic myelin protein), the filaggrin and some proteins histones contain
residues of citrulline. The citrulline produce the relaxation of the capillary vessels, and increase the sexual
What I thought is that maybe the relaxation of the capillary vessels can produce citrulline in the capillary
vessels, so when the person stops to do exercise the aldosterone, the adrenaline, cortisol, noradrenaline lows
producing that the body be less fatigued than during the exercise, the body recuperates a bit of energy when
the person stop the sport. And it’s possible that the relaxation of the capillary vessels (vasodilatation) permits
the creation of the testosterone, estrogens, for this reason the citrulline can increase the force, specially when
is transformed into arginine. In fact because the muscles can receive more blood when increase the
vasodilatation in some zones. The arginine transforms the ammonia into urea, reducing the acidosis of the
muscle so improving the endurance, improving the force and reducing the fatigue. The citrulline is
transformed into arginine, and produces good effects for the hearth, for the circulatory system and the
immune system, so I believe that decrease the adrenaline and the noradrenaline.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
Patients with arthritis rheumatoid presents antibodies with proteins that contain citrulline, permitting the
diagnosis of this disease. The arginine also can be transformed into citrulline this is named citrullination or
deimination, do it with the help of calcium ion, where proteins like the fibrin and the vimentin can produce
this effect of citrullination when is produced the cellular death and the inflammation of the tissues.
So at 11:38 1/11/2021 I thought that when is liberated the histamine, for example when increase the electric
currents, that I believe that the electric currents can be external, or produced for the body when the person do
movement, like running, doing sport, or with the electrophoreses of the immune system… this electric
currents affects to the static electricity of the heparin that retains the histamine, but with the increases of the
temperature, the pressure of the muscular movements, the electric currents permits the liberation of the
histamine that create inflammations to some parts of the body, specially in the articulations like the knees.
When the histamine produce the inflammations are produced citrullinations, this is my explication about why
the patients with arthritis rheumatoid presents antibodies that contain citrulline.
In the photo appear Pierre Auguste Renoir, was a
famous painter. Renoir has arthritis. It can be seen
in the image his hands deformed, with the
symptoms of arthritis.
The arginine can stimulate the immune system
increasing the leukocytes activity. In the endothelial
cells the L-arginine is the precursor of the synthesis
of the nitric oxide (NO). Can decrease the
cholesterol to improve the capacity of the circulatory system when increase the somatropin, the growth
hormone (GH). What I thought is that the oxidation of the NO could permits the formation of ammonia in
presence of substances in state of fermentation, something that could happens in the intestines and produce
ammonia, with the bacterial oxidation. If the arginine can decrease the cholesterol, it’s possible that the
cholesterol and specially the cortisol can reduce the arginine, so I thought that the cortisol produced for the
stress can produce fatigue reducing the arginine, something that I explain in the paragraph “SYNDROME
The arginine can improve the recuperation of the sporters because can eliminate the ammonia of the muscles
and transform the urea that is excreted for the urine. The ammonia is a muscular residue produced in the
anaerobic exercise. My idea is that this happens in an anaerobic exercise because are produced less cortisol
because the vessels are more dilated, so permits the formation of testosterone. On the contrary when increase
the cortisol increase the aldosterone producing vasoconstriction, so the level of arginine have to low for the
vasoconstriction producing the fatigue. In fact when after do a lot of force are produced the increase of
temperature and with the initial vasodilatation the cells waste a lot of ATP so produce a lot of ammonia fast,
after some time to do the force are produced the vasoconstriction reducing the arginine and breaking the urea
cycle so producing the fatigue in this anaerobic exercise faster than an aerobic exercise. Because the arginine
is destroyed between 39 to 50 degrees Celsius of temperature, when the person do a lot of force produces a
lot of thyroxine increasing the metabolism to produce testosterone to do more force so the temperature
increase faster and the arginine is destroyed, well this is my hypothesis. And in other paragraphs of my work
Anatomia Magna vol.I I explain it better.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
In the cell has a wall, is the membrane that protects the cell, in the interior of the membrane there are the
nucleus and all cell organs (organelles), the rest is a space with fluids, named cytosol. There are organelles
like the mitochondria that produce their functions and sometimes expels substances in the cytosol, there can
be produced synthesis. For example the synthesis ornithine produced for the glutamate. The ornithine can be
incorporated to the cycle of the urea to create citrulline, the citrulline after going to produce arginine and it
going to eliminate the ammoniac forming urea.
The cycle of the urea is a metabolic process where are processed proteic derivates that generates urea (NH 2).
The amine groups are excreted if are not reused to create new amino acids. The major part of the aquatic
species excrete the aminic nitrogen (amino nitrogen) in form of ammonia NH 3. But the major part of the
terrestrial animals excrete the nitrogen aminic in form of acid uric NH 2. In my opinion this could produce an
impact to the biosphere specially into the atmosphere producing a different evolution of animals and
planetary phenomena like I discovered and I explain in RAU2015-2016 with lots of equations that I created
related with the atmosphere and planetary phenomena. I am saying that the biosphere changes the
atmosphere and vice versa. This permits the existence or the extinction of species.
In the urea cycle (also known as ornithine cycle) discovered for Hans Krebs in 1932 that also discovered the
cycle of citric-acid, the mitochondria of the hepacytes transform the ammonia into urea. But some “steps”,
phases of the cycle are produced in the cytosol of the cell. (The hepacytes are cells of the liver I explain it in
the paragraph of “OBESITY”).
Some ammonia provides of the mitochondrial matrix, but other part arrives in the liver provided for the
bacterial oxidation of amino acids produced in the intestines. I thought at 12:41 1/11/2021 that this could be
the cause of why is produced the syndrome of the intestine irritable that actually is unknown and that in
another paragraph I explain my hypothesis of what cause the syndrome of the intestine irritable.
So in some addictions like the
addictions to the cigarettes can
produce oscillations of the dopamine
(the cigarettes increase the arterial
hypertension, increase the adrenaline,
noradrenaline, aldosterone and
cortisol), reducing the dopamine,
producing stress, and reducing the
arginine. So this produce a faster
fatigue in the people who smoke, and
also can affects to the intestinal flora
that producing depression because
also reduces the serotonin.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
I am not going to explain all
urea cycle I only going to
mention the steps:
1-Carbamoyl phosphate is
converted to citrulline. With
catalysis by ornithine
transcarbamoylase, the
carbamoyl phosphate group is
donated to ornithine and
releases a phosphate group.
2- A condensation reaction occurs between the amino group of aspartate and the carbonyl group of citrulline
to form argininosuccinate. This reaction is ATP dependent and is catalysed by argininosuccinate synthetase.
3- Argininosuccinate undergoes cleavage by argininosuccinate to form arginine and fumarate.
4- Arginine is cleaved arginase to form urea and ornithine. The ornithine going to start again the cycle of
urea when is transported to the mitochondria. Because the first phases of the cycle are done in the
mitochondria and others in the cytosol of the cell.
The glutamate is useful to activate the urea cycle, so the urea cycle has a relation with GABA and has a
relation with the state of mind, where states of mind with more stress, a feeling of anger, depression, higher
temperature… can produce more glutamate and produce the urea cycle but can produce diseases because the
glutamate, or the ammonia are toxic in high levels. Urea cycle and citric cycle (Krebs cycle) can be produced
one independently the other but are linked because both there are fumarate and one nitrogen of the
oxaloacetate is used to the urea. In my opinion if is produced one cycle but not the other, the fumarate can be
accumulated and this can create diseases like cancer.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
Reactions of the urea cycle. Note that before the cycle ammonia is converted to carbamoyl phosphate. The
N-acetylglutamic acid (NacGlu) allosterically can activate the CPS1 in the mitochondria.
The synthesis of the arginine are produced principally in the intestines and kidneys. What I thought at
2:10am 8/11/2021 is when the body produce hormones of stress in the kidneys or cortisol, the body doesn’t
produce arginine, and vice versa. So I thought that could exist an antagonist production, a negative
production in the kidneys of the arginine, stress hormones and cortisol. This is important because a state of
mind like the stress can affects to the urea cycle and produce diseases like the syndrome of the intestine
irritable. Also can increase the acidity and produce ulcers. My idea is because the arginine is a vasodilator
and the aldosterone is a vasoconstrictor, the stress produce vasoconstriction so a person that suffer stress, for
example a runner that produce stress because think that cannot run more or have an injury, going to be tired,
fatigued before because going to increase the stress reducing the arginine, so the psychology is very
important in the sport like I explain in other paragraphs.
The arginine can reduce the cholesterol, stimulate the hormone of the growth (GH somatropin) like GABA
so I thought that when GABA increase also increase the arginine. And this is important because if GABA
reduces the glutamate, maybe only when the person is stressed the glutamate increase reduce the arginine,
then are not produced the urea cycle and are produced an accumulation of ammonia and glutamate, and this
produce diseases, I thought that this produce diseases or be related with diseases like the syndrome of the
intestine irritable, the obesity, the arthritis rheumatoid, the fibromyalgia etc.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
The syndrome of the intestine irritable(SII) known as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), is a disorder that
affects the large intestine
I searched in mayo clinic information about the syndrome of the intestine irritable in
They say that the doctors ignore what is the cause of the syndrome intestine irritable (SII), they say that
could be created for high stress, or changes in the microbiome intestinal, grave infections, muscular
contractions of the intestines, anomalies in the nervous system and unhealthy alimentation. So if the doctors
ignore what cause the SII, I proposed my idea of what cause the SII.
The symptoms of the syndrome of irritable intestine:
-Hurt and colics caused for the gas that pressure the intestines and the organs of the belly
-Diarrhoea, produced for the increase of the gastrointestinal motility
-Constipation (is the contrary of diarrhoea)
-Gases in the intestines
-Intolerance to certain aliments, aliments difficult to digest
-Difficult for sleep
-Anxiety and depression.
My idea is that if there are GABA receptors in the intestine, maybe
some glutamate of the intestines are transformed into GABA
producing that when this happens the serotonin levels increases, the
liver reduces the acidity reducing the levels of glutamate the person
feels satiety, reduce the cortisol, reduce the stress, increase the pectin
and the leptin. This should happens when the person eats absorbing
the glucose and with the glucose in the liver and in the blood
decreases the cortisol levels so reduces the acidity. Until that the
person reduces the glucose blood levels and this increases the acidity
that transforms the cholesterol into cortisol, this increase more the
acidity increasing the aldosterone the adrenaline the noradrenaline,
decrease the serotonin the leptin, the pectin, the dopamine producing
that with the acidity GABA decreases and be transformed into
glutamate. So I thought that the aldosterone have to be higher before the meal than after the meal, because
the aldosterone increases the acidity producing that the person be hunger and want eat. So what I thought is
that with exercises of respiration, Yoga, can be reduced the hunger, can be reduced the acidity.
My idea is if the person doesn’t eats for long time can increase a lot the acidity producing the destruction of
some bacterial probiotic that uses to decompose the food. I believe that this is a mechanism that the body do
because when the person eat and the acidity is higher can be decomposed more quantity of nutrients and the
body can absorbs more quantity of aliment. So this in my opinion can produce different diseases, because is
a chemist reaction where exist the solute and the dissolvent, so more quantity of acid produce a higher
decomposition of the aliments ingested producing that the body can absorbs more.
In my opinion one disease is when the person doesn’t eat for long time and deteriorate the intestinal flora
with the high acidity producing the syndrome of the intestine irritable. This is easy to see whit the people
with a bad nutrition, like the African children that appear in the images of people who suffer hunger, where
they appear with the inflated(swollen) bellies, and the other parts of the body very thin.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
The citrulline also is made by enterocytes of the small intestine. The
enterocytes are epithelial cells of the intestine that absorbs the
essential nutrients, transport water and electrolytes in the organism.
They forms an intestinal wall. What I thought in 7/11/2021 at 20:00 is
if the gluten affects negatively to the tight junctions of the intestinal
wall, the glutamate that is produced for the gluten could affects
negatively to the intestinal wall. So when increase the adrenaline,
increase the cortisol and the noradrenaline dopamine decreases and
GABA decreases producing that GABA be transformed into
glutamate. The noradrenaline and the adrenaline are stress, so when
the stress increase the glutamate too and destroy or deteriorate the
tight junctions of the intestinal wall, increasing the intestinal
permeability. This is what I thought that happens in the syndrome of
the intestine irritable.
In the photo, the yellow balls are the tight junctions that the gluten can
deteriorate. So the green substances like aliments, bacteria, virus and other can penetrate to the blood
vessels(red part)
The doctors says that is good drink a lot of water, so I believe that is because can helps to the enterocytes, but
also because could reduce the percentage of acidity. Also drink water is good for the intestine irritable
because the interaction of water and the arginine forms the urea so reduced the ammonia toxicity. So with
more quantity of water can be produced easier the urea.
The SII can produce anxiety and depression, so when the person eat gluten, sugars, aliments with industrial
flavours that contain glutamate in a short-time produce happiness but after can reduce GABA, can reduce the
dopamine producing anxiety, can reduce the serotonin producing unhappiness, also depression. And I also
thought that the stress could reduce the levels of the oxytocin for example in the amygdala, so I thought that
this can cause Asperger, (maybe autism), can produce depression and that the person be less affective and
with lower empathy. It can happens that the industrial flavours that are glutamate produces SII, so with the
stress being the cause of the SII.
The glutamate produces the increase of the intestinal motility, so can produce diarrhoea.
When the person eats sugars can increase more the glutamate for this reason avoid the sugars can reduce the
symptoms of the SII. The cafe and other stimulant aliments like the tea decrease the GABA and increase the
glutamate, for this reason avoid this kind of aliments can reduce the symptoms of the SII.
The aliments like the acid lactic, the alcohol and others are produced in fermentations so the person with SII
have to avoid this aliments to reduce the symptoms of the SII. Because in the fermentation the elements like
the alcohol, the acid lactic of the milk, are affected for the acidity of the stomach. My idea is that the acidity
increase with the stress, because the stress produces aldosterone and cortisol, they increase the acidity, Also I
believe that the serotonin can lows the acidity. So when there a lot of acid elements like the glutamate in the
stomach, the fermentable aliments cannot produce all steps of the fermentation. In the fermentation the
substance is oxidized, the oxidation is lose electrons. The acids absorbs (attracts) a pair of electrons, so it’s
possible that if the acidity increase are break the electronic transmission between the substances to ferment,
so are not produced all phases (steps) of the fermentation process, are broken the chain. So it can be say that
the substances are difficult to digest or are not digested well. This produce that are accelerated the
fermentation expelling more gases, or that if the fermentation chain phases are broken can produce semi
fermentation that liberates a lot of gas, this in my opinion produce the gases in the SII.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
The caffeine produce that GABA cannot be united with their receptors so produce a state of be nervous
increase the stress and increase the symptoms of the SII. My idea is that maybe if are regulated the quantity
of GABA and glutamate of the digestive system, administrating GABA for example, maybe could be reduced
the symptoms of the SII.
The cigarettes produce the arterial hypertension so increase the aldosterone, increasing the cortisol (this
produce that some people who smoke win weight when leave to smoke), increasing the stress that is
noradrenaline and adrenaline, producing the reduce of dopamine that produce anxiety, this produce less
GABA that is transformed into glutamate. The glutamate going to produce the SII symptoms. So maybe the
people that leave to smoke after or meanwhile can suffer SII.
My idea also is the stress can produce cortisol, the cortisol
reduces the absorption of the calcium in the intestines.
With the sun exposition increase the vitaminD, the
increase of the vitamin D increase the serotonin, the
vitaminD help to the calcium absorption, this can helps to
the citrullination process. The calcium ion is used into the
citrullination, where the arginine is transformed into
citrulline. So higher levels of stress or glutamate can
produce a lower citrullination producing SII. On the
contrary, the solar exposition and be happy can improve
the symptoms of the SII. Then in my opinion the melanin
increase can improve the symptoms of the SII, but the hot
can produce stress so can increase the symptoms of the
The citrulline is transformed into arginine, and produces
good effects for the hearth, for the circulatory system and the immune system, so I believe that the increase
of the citrulline could produce the decrease of the adrenaline and the noradrenaline. Then if the stress are
adrenaline and noradrenaline what I thought is that the stress can produce the reduction of the arginine and
the citrulline producing the fatigue in the people with SII, or producing the fatigue when there are a high
temperature, also because the arginine is destroyed between 39 o to 50o. The arginine increase the effects of
the vasodilators, and the stress produce vasoconstriction, so the stress have to inhibit the arginine.
Some ammonia provides of the mitochondrial matrix, but other part arrives in the liver provided for the
bacterial oxidation of amino acids produced in the intestines. The cause of what are produced the syndrome
of the intestine irritable is unknown me I have one hypothesis about it, at 12:41 1/11/2021 I thought that if
the flora intestinal is damaged for example in the syndrome of the intestine irritable the person like me that I
have the SII can suffer fatigue because there are less arginine, something that could affect the hair-fall,
reduce the serotonin in the stomach, because increase the stress with the adrenaline, and also because the
stress increase the cortisol when the arginine doesn’t reduce the cortisol.
I thought that if when increase the glutamate increase the acidity, what produces is that also increase the
cortisol, the aldosterone and the stress, this produce the vasoconstriction. The arginine produce vasodilatation
so maybe is reduced the arginine when the stress increase, something that produce the accumulation of the
ammonia producing fatigue.
If the person doesn’t do sport doesn’t reduce the stress neither the glutamate so the persn needs create stress
doing sport to after reduce the fatigue, then the fatigue is more intense because are produced less arginine.
My idea is that high levels of glutamate produces stress, and the stress can produce hypertension arterial,
increasing the aldosterone producing that the body reduces the levels of arginine to produce more glutamate,
this produce acidosis, increase the ammonia of the body so produce fatigue. So the stress and an alimentation
higher on gluten, sugars, glutamate produce the acidity that destroy “changes” the intestinal flora.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia
I also thought that if the glutamate concentrations produce suicide thoughts according to the university statal
of Chicago, when increase the glutamate, the body is stressed because tries to do that the person moves the
musculature permitting reduce the glutamate levels because transforms the glutamate into ATP. So I thought
that high increases of glutamate can produce depression, because reduce GABA, serotonin, dopamine...
My idea also is that the sugars, fats, gluten, acids, and other aliments increases the glutamate, increase the
acidosis in the stomach, this affects to the stomach acidity, the pH, producing faster fermentations because
produce the oxidation of the elements to produce the fermentation, so in my opinion the acids specially the
glutamate could increase the fermentations or simply breaking the chain of the fermentation, this produce
more gases. The bacterial oxidation produced in the intestines produces ammonia, then what I thought at
12:41 1/11/2021 is that the acids like the glutamate increases the bacterial oxidations producing a bigger
quantity of ammonia. It’s true that the glutamate can be transformed into arginine and the arginine can
eliminate the ammonia transforming the ammonia into urea, but I believe that there are too bacterial
oxidations for a lower levels of arginine (maybe the acidity doesn’t permits the transformation of the
glutamate into arginine, or that the glutamate is transformed into proline, or the ornithine is not incorporated
to the urea cycle), and I thought that this is the motive of that the SII produce fatigue.
My idea also is the increase of the glutamate that produces acidosis in a lot of body systems can affects to the
blood, affecting to the erythrocytes producing ferropenic diseases (fault of iron in the blood), diseases related
with the levels of iron in the blood.
Actually there are not any treatment that can cure the SII, the scientists says that is produced for the
microbiome of the intestine, flora intestinal that is damaged for the stress. Me I proposed my hypothesis
about that is the glutamate in excess that causes the SII, and the stress increase more this glutamate. The
doctors give drugs to the patients that only reduce the symptoms and drugs to improve the flora intestinal, so
what I propose is create drugs for the regulation of the glutamate in the intestines at the same time that is
applied a treatment with drugs that improve the flora intestinal. Maybe giving GABA could be reduced the
glutamate or inhibiting the effects of GABA. (This also could be useful to other diseases like I explain in
other paragraphs of my work Anatomia Magna vol.I)
Me Joancarles Testagorda Garcia in the photo in France Alpes Côte d’Azur in 30-5-2020.
AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia39389168N(21-1-1990) 69Kg 1.73m
November 2021. Extract of the work AnatomiaMagnavol.I Author:JoanCarles Testagorda Garcia