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World J Gastroenterol 2006 September 21; 12(35): 5622-5627
World Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 1007-9327
© 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.
Assessing risks for gastric cancer: New tools for pathologists
Robert M Genta, Massimo Rugge
Robert M Genta, Department of Pathology, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas, United states
Massimo Rugge, Department of Oncological and Surgical
Sciences, University of Padova, Italy
Correspondence to: Robert M Genta, MD, Pathology and
Laboratory Service-113, VA North Texas Health Care System,
4500 S. Lancaster Road, Dallas, TX 75216,
United states.
[email protected]
Telephone: +1-214-8570684 Fax: +1-214-8570739
Received: 2005-08-03
Accepted: 2005-10-26
Although the Sydney Systems (original and updated)
for the classification of gastritis have contributed
substantially to the uniformity of the reporting of
gastric conditions, they lack immediacy in conveying to
the user information about gastric cancer risk. In this
review, we summarize the current understanding of
the gastric lesions associated with an increased risk for
cancer, and present the rationale for a proposal for new
ways of reporting gastritis. In addition to the traditional
histopathological data gathered and evaluated according
to the Sydney System rules, pathologists could add an
assessment expressed as grading and staging of the
gastric inflammatory and atrophic lesions and integrate
these findings with pertinent laboratory information on
pepsinogens and gastrin levels. Such an integrated report
could facilitate clinicians’ approach to the management
of patients with gastric conditions.
© 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.
Key words: Gastritis; Staging and grading; Gastritis;
Genta RM, Rugge M. Assessing risks for gastric cancer: New
tools for pathologists. World J Gastroenterol 2006; 12(35):
common cause of chronic active gastritis; chemical agents,
autoimmune phenomena, and other infections account
for a very small proportion of chronic, usually nonactive gastritides. H pylori-gastritis is epidemiologically and
biologically linked to the development of gastric cancer[2]
and H pylori has been listed as a class Ⅰ carcinogen[3].
Epidemiological and pathological data suggest that extent,
intensity, and distribution patterns of gastric inflammation
and atrophy are consistently related to the incidence of
gastric cancer in a population [4-7]. Although odd-ratios
for gastric cancer and peptic ulcer risk in relationship
with the type of gastritis have been estimated, most
often retrospectively, only in small series and in few
populations[5,8-10], it is widely accepted that the accurate
histopathological assessment of the gastric mucosa could
serve as a reasonably good predictor of cancer risk in
an individual patient. In fact, most recent classifications
of gastritis have contained the implicit aim of providing
a clinico-pathological correlation that could be both
synchronous (that is, at the time of the sampling) and,
more usefully, diachronic.
When appropriate sampling is available, the histopathological features of the gastric mucosa recognized
as being part of the neoplastic process and broadly
referred to as “pre-neoplastic lesions” (atrophy, pyloric
and intestinal metaplasia, epithelial dysplasia) can be
accurately evaluated by the microscopic examination of
mucosal biopsies. Although classification systems such as
the Sydney System[11], its Houston-updated version[12], and
the more recent guidelines for the evaluation of atrophy[13]
suggest strategies for the formulation of histopathological
reports, we still lack a way to translate the pathological
information into a standardized report that would convey
comprehensive information on the gastric condition while
lending itself to a straightforward analysis of cancer risk.
The purpose of this article is to explore ways for
pathologists to maximize the predictive value of the gastric
evaluation by: (1) streamlining the histopathological report
of gastric biopsies, and (2) integrating relevant laboratory
information with pathological data.
Chronic gastritis is an inflammatory condition of the
gastric mucosa characterized by elementary lesions whose
type, extent, and distribution are related to their etiology
and modulated by host responses and environmental
factors[1]. Infection with H pylori, which affects an estimated
three to four billion persons worldwide, is by far the most
As a result of seminal field studies conducted by Max
Siurala in Finland and Estonia[14-17] and Pelayo Correa in
Colombia[18-20], as well as the crucial body of knowledge
derived from decades of Japanese studies[21,22], the separate
entities of chronic superficial gastritis, atrophy, metaplasia,
dysplasia and carcinoma were integrated into a hypothetical
Genta RM et al . Histopathological diagnosis of gastritis
sequence known as Correa’s cascade [23]. Increasingly
well-documented by patho-epidemiological studies, the
1984 multi-step hypothesis of gastric carcinogenesis still
lacked an etiological initiator. The missing first step was
discovered in the same year[24] and H pylori found its place
at the top of the cascade[25].
The histopathological lesions broadly regarded as
preneoplastic are chronic gastritis, atrophy, intestinal
metaplasia, dysplasia, and neoplasia. Their evolution in a
cohort can be viewed as a pyramid with a very large base
representing the entire H pylori-infected population; a
segment of these subjects (generally larger in developing
than in industrialized areas) will progress to atrophic
gastritis, mostly accompanied by intestinal metaplasia. A
very small minority will progress further to dysplasia with
some eventually developing adenocarcinoma. The closer
a lesion is to neoplasia, the more likely it will progress
into it. Thus, whereas chronic gastritis is a remote and
uncertain precursor of gastric cancer that could be better
called a “predisposing condition,” high-grade dysplasia is
considered already a neoplastic lesion[26,27]. If pathologists
could make a reliable assessment of the risk that each
patient has, based on a staging of the disease, effective
strategies could be developed to detect the early, curable
phase of gastric cancer and prevent its progression.
Chronic gastritis
The risk of gastric cancer for a patient with simple, nonatrophic H pylori gastritis is negligible, thus, the decision
to treat the infection is based, in most cases, on other
considerations. There is, however, one exception. Gastric
cancer and atrophic gastritis associated with it have at least
some familial predisposition[28-31]; therefore, it would seem
wise to treat H pylori infection as early as possible in direct
relatives of patients with gastric cancer. This is one of the
rare circumstances in which H pylori would be eradicated
for the specific purpose of preventing gastric carcinoma in
an individual patient.
Gastric atrophy is defined as the loss of appropriate
glands in a given gastric compartment[13,32]. This purely
histopathological definition indicates that the glands
expected to be present in the portion of gastric mucosa
under examination (for example, oxyntic glands in the
mucosa of the corpus) are no longer there, and have been
replaced by something else that does not belong to that
area. This “something else” may be extracellular matrix,
fibroblasts and collagen, or other glands that normally are
not there (e.g., intestinal-type glands or pseudo-pyloric
glands). Any of these replacements prevents that portion
of gastric mucosa from performing its normal functions
(e.g., to secrete acid). Thus, the functional correlate of
atrophy is strictly related to its extension.
Atrophic gastritis is a condition characterized by the
presence of significant areas of atrophy. Its two most
common underlying causes are chronic infection with
H pylori and the autoimmune gastritis that may become
associated with pernicious anemia. In the Updated Sydney
System, the term “atrophic gastritis” is used in contrast to
Figure 1 Schematic representation of the progression of atrophy, from absent in the
case of antrum-predominant non-atrophic gastritis depicted on the left to the almost
generalized metaplastic atrophy depicted on the right. The increased extension
of atrophy corresponds to an increased cancer risk, indicated as an expanding
triangle. The extension of atrophy can also be reported as a stage from 0 to 4.
“non-atrophic gastritis” or simply “gastritis,” a condition
usually more severe in the antrum (hence the term “antralpredominant”) found in most subjects infected with H pylori
in the Western industrialized world.
The stomach affected by atrophic gastritis shows a
decrease or absence of appropriate glands, an expansion of
the antral-type mucosa into the corpus (“antralization” or
pseudo-pyloric metaplasia) and usually extensive areas of
intestinal metaplasia. This condition has been known for
several decades to represent a significant epidemiological
risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma [14,17,25,33-37] ; as
schematically depicted in Figure 1, its prognostic
implications in the individual patient seem to be related to
the extent and distribution of the atrophic areas[10,38].
Intestinal metaplasia
Intestinal metaplasia is the replacement of the normal
gastric mucosa with an epithelium similar to that of
the intestine. Attempts to classify the different types
of intestinal metaplasia have resulted in a confusing
terminology (complete vs incomplete, type 1, 2a and 2b,
etc.); the classification currently used was proposed by Jass
and Filipe[39,40]: Type Ⅰ (brush border and no sulfomucins);
Type Ⅱ (no brush border, rare sulfomucins); and Type Ⅲ
(no brush border, cellular disarray, abundant sulfomucins).
Type Ⅰ intestinal metaplasia has been often said to pose little
increased risk of developing carcinoma, whereas type Ⅲ has
been considered as an already dysplastic lesion[10,41-43]. The
classification of the three types of metaplasia requires
relatively sophisticated histochemical techniques and
is far from being standardized. Furthermore, the data
suggesting different cancer risks for the different types
of intestinal metaplasia are not unequivocal[44]. Therefore,
immunohistochemical sub-typing of intestinal metaplasia
should be limited to the clinical research setting and not a
part of the routine evaluation of patients with intestinal
Malignancy is the final step of progressive genetic and
phenotypic changes that modify the original cellular
morphology, eventually generating a biologically new cell
characterized by uncontrolled growth and the potential to
migrate and implant in locations beyond its original fixed
ISSN 1007-9327
CN 14-1219/R
World J Gastroenterol
site. This biological process has been called multi-step or
step-wise oncogenesis. In epithelial tissues (for example,
the squamous lining of the uterine cervix or the columnar
lining of the colon) the first of step visible to an observer
using a light microscope is a change in the morphology
of the cells that form the epithelium. Nuclei are larger,
nucleoli may be prominent and the chromatin may be
clumped or granular; compared to the larger nucleus, the
cytoplasm appear smaller, a phenomenon referred to as
“increased nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio”. Various degrees
of disarray of the orderly structure of the normal
epithelium usually accompanying these changes. Epithelial
alterations of this kind occur in two situations: when the
epithelium has been injured and is undergoing repair, and
when genetic alterations have transformed the cells in a
neoplastic growth. It is generally agreed by pathologists
that in the former instance one refers to the phenomenon
as “regenerative atypia”, whereas in the latter case the term
“dysplasia” is used[45].
T he impor tance of recognizing and cor rectly
identifying dysplasia is self-evident: while regenerative
atypia is the desired response to epithelial injury and an
essential part of an organism’s homeostasis, dysplasia is
the harbinger of cancer and requires immediate action.
However, the morphological differences between atypia
and dysplasia are not always apparent, and significant areas
of phenotypic overlap exist between the two. Pathologists
have tried for years to standardize the criteria for the
diagnosis and grading of dysplasia in tissues accessible
to biopsy sampling. Without getting into the complex
historical details of the process, for the purpose of this
review we say only that, through the efforts of pioneers
such as the late Rodger Haggitt, Robert Riddell, Brian
Reid, and others, a satisfactory level of agreement has
been reached for dysplasia of the colon and of Barrett’s
epithelium [45-47] . Gastric dysplasia has received less
attention in the past, with only one major consensus article
addressing the issue before 1996[48].
In the last decade, the discovery of H pylori and its
relationship with gastric cancer has stimulated increasing
attention to the preneoplastic lesions of the stomach. The
possibility that curing this infection could prevent or even
cause the regression of such lesions has highlighted the
need for uniform and rigorous definitions and diagnostic
criteria. However, unlike metaplasia, whose recognition
has always been largely free of major disputes, or
atrophy, which has been the focus of major conceptual
disagreements among pathologists, dysplasia exposed a
novel angle of controversy: a pathological schism between
East and West, or, more accurately, between Japan and the
Japan is one of the countries with the highest incidence
of adenocarcinoma of the stomach in the world; at the
same time, it also has the world’s best survival rates for
gastric cancer. Although the effective early detection
programs, innovative endoscopic techniques, and daring
and successful therapeutic endoscopists have been invoked
to explain the Japanese success in this area, another
explanation has been suggested, mostly in a veiled or
oblique manner. To state it simply, it has been implied
that, to have such good survival rates the Japanese must
September 21, 2006 Volume 12
Number 35
call cancer what others call dysplasia. The question has
been propelled into the international scientific forum only
recently, through the efforts of RJ Schlemper, who in 1996
organized a workshop to address the issue. This workshop
resulted in a seminal paper entitled “Differences in
diagnostic criteria for gastric carcinoma between Japanese
and Western pathologists,” published in the Lancet in
1997[50]. Following the workshop and publication of its
findings, several other groups have formed to tackle the
problem in the traditional pathologists’ fashion: by trying
to measure the level of agreement (or disagreement)
amongst observers. These groups included various
proportions of Japanese and Western pathologists,
and the ultimate aim was to reach a consensus that
classification, if used globally, would allow comparative
studies performed in different countries. As a result, new
issues have emerged and new classifications have been
proposed. The classification currently accepted by the
World Health Organization[51] is largely modeled on the
consensus agreement reached in Padua, Italy, in 1998[52],
and summarizes one of the most recent proposals for an
integrated therapeutic and pathological approach[53].
The Padova model is based: (1) on the definition of
dysplasia as pre-invasive neoplasia; and (2) on a fivecategory classification of gastric neoplasia which includes:
1, negative for dysplasia; 2, indefinite for dysplasia; 3,
non-invasive neoplasia; 4, suspicious for invasive cancer;
5, gastric cancer. The numerical prefix assigned to
each diagnostic category essentially corresponds to the
diagnostic categories of the Japanese Classification for
Gastric Cancer[54]. Within each category one or more subcategories are hierarchically ordered to cover the spectrum
of epithelial alterations.
The topographic distribution of inflammatory infiltrates,
lymphoid follicles, atrophy, and metaplasia is an essential
determinant used for all classifications of gastritis. These
changes may be patchily distributed and their relative
intensity in different parts of the stomach may be highly
variable. Furthermore, the inflammatory and atrophic
processes have different phenotypical expressions in
different regions of the stomach. Therefore, to obtain an
accurate picture of gastritis, pathologists must have a set
of specimens representative of each gastric compartment.
Each specimen is examined according to uniform criteria,
a general impression of the intensity of the features
of gastritis is extrapolated from the various specimens
from each compartment, and finally this information is
amalgamated in a topographical diagnosis. The location
of the biopsy specimens recommended by the Updated
Sydney System[12] is depicted in the left panel of Figure 2.
A suggestion has been made to replace the original sites
with others, purportedly more likely to yield information
about the extension of intestinal metaplasia[55], but in the
absence of independent testing no proposal in this sense
has been presented.
Irrespective of the protocol used, gastroenterologists
must keep in mind that the predictive information they
can get from their pathologist is only as good as the
Genta RM et al . Histopathological diagnosis of gastritis
biopsy sampling submitted for examination. The Sydney
System 5-biopsy protocol is a compromise between what
is practically doable in routine practice and the ideal need
for maximal topographic information. As depicted in Figure 2,
right panel, in special situations such as the diagnosis and
follow-up of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
B-cell lymphomas or the diachronic investigation of
dysplasia much more extensive sampling protocols need to
be applied[49,56-58].
The determination of serum pepsinogens Ⅰ (PG I) and Ⅱ
(PGⅡ), gastrin-17 (G-17) and IgG anti-H pylori antibodies
by ELISA has been proposed as an array of non-invasive
markers for the assessment of both morphological
and functional status of the gastric mucosa [59] . The
rationale for this approach, described by its enthusiastic
supporters as the “serological biopsy,” rests on the fact
that PGⅠ is exclusively secreted by oxyntic glands and
represents an excellent marker of the secretory ability of
the gastric corpus. In contrast, PG Ⅱ is produced by all
types of gastric and duodenal glands and its production
is influenced by gastric inflammation [60,61]. Although
these molecules are secreted into the gastric lumen,
small amounts seep out into the bloodstream and can be
measured. Gastrin-17 (G-17), produced in the antrum and
secreted directly into the blood, is a specific marker of G
cell function[62]. Several studies have now shown that serum
levels of PG I, PG Ⅱ and G-17 are high in subjects with
H pylori non-atrophic chronic gastritis[63]. Both PG I and
PGⅡ concentrations are found to decrease significantly
two months after the eradication of H pylori [64,65] .
Furthermore, the ratio of PGⅠ and G-17 levels have been
found to correlate well with the histopathological diagnosis
of atrophic body gastritis and, in some studies, to be
associated with the presence of gastric cancer[66-68].
In a recent study, De Mario and his colleagues [69]
demonstrated that the analysis of serum pepsinogens,
G-17 and anti-H pylori IgG levels provide consistent and
reproducible information regarding gastric atrophy and
its association with H pylori. The authors suggest that
dyspeptic patients with normal PG I, PGⅡ, G-17 and a
negative serological test for H pylori can be reassured that
they are unlikely to have peptic ulcer disease and can be
treated symptomatically. In contrast, patients with panel
test results indicating H pylori-related chronic gastritis, with
or without atrophy, could either be treated for H pylori or
referred for endoscopy, depending on the type and severity
of their manifestations.
The article reporting the Updated Sydney System,
published in October 1996, has recently passed the
1000-citation milestone [70], suggesting that the semiquantitative scoring system it advocated remains a
useful tool for clinical research. Nevertheless, the same
pathologists who use it when assessing biopsies for clinical
studies find it too cumbersome to use in their routine
Updated sydney system
Italian group on gastric
non-invasive neoplasia
Figure 2 Two different biopsy protocols.
diagnostic activities.
Using the framework provided by the Sydney System’s
and the Atrophy Club’s analytic approach, we have recently
put forward a proposal for a grading and staging scheme
that integrates the relevant histopathological data gathered
and interpreted by the pathologist and delivers them
in the form of a simple, yet information-rich report[71].
We have suggested that the method is both feasible and
practical, and that staging and grading (preceded by a
description of the histological findings in the biopsy
samples) could represent the concluding message of the
histological report. This scheme could be do for chronic
gastritis what the grading and staging system introduced
by the International Group of Hepatologists in 1995 did
for chronic hepatitis: make prognostically significant and
reproducible information immediately available in the
clinical practice[72,73].
Briefly, the proposal consists of summarizing
the combined intensity of mononuclear and scoring
granulocytic inflammation in both antral and oxyntic
biopsy samples in a grade from 0 (no inflammation) to
4 (a very dense infiltrate in all the biopsy samples). The
extent of atrophy, with or without intestinal metaplasia,
would be reported as a stage from 0 (no atrophy) to 4
(pan-atrophy involving all antral and oxyntic samples). The
latter would convey information on the anatomical extent
of the atrophic-metaplastic changes related to cancer risk.
Figure 1 shows the progression from stage 0 (left) to stage
4 (right).
A pathologist who had access to the results of the
“serological biopsy” and applied the grading and staging
principles outlined in this scheme could generate a
comprehensive informative integrated report that could be
used by clinicians as a solid base for the management of
patients with gastric conditions.
This proposal has been discussed at an international
consensus group of gastroenterologists and pathologists
(Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment-OLGA) that
gathered in Parma, Italy, in April 2005. The group included
Massimo Rugge, Padova, Italy; Pelayo Correa, New
Orleans, Louisiana, USA; Francesco Di Mario, Parma,
Italy; Emad El-Omar, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK; Roberto
Fiocca, Genova, Italy; Karel Geboes, Leuven, Belgium;
David Y Graham, Houston, Texas, USA; Takanori Hattori,
Shiga, Japan; Peter Malfertheiner, Magdeburg, Germany;
Pentti Sipponen, Espoo, Finland; Joseph Sung, Hong
Kong, China; Wilfred Weinstein, Los Angeles, California,
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World J Gastroenterol
USA; Michael Vieth, Bayreuth, Germany; and Robert M
Genta, Geneva, Switzerland.
After deliberations that led to a number of modifications of the original proposal, the OLGA group has
agreed that an international staging method is needed to
advance research in gastritis and is preparing to test its
feasibility and reproducibility both in retrospective and
prospective multi-center studies.
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S- Editor Wang J L- Editor Ma JY E- Editor Bai SH