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2012, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)
2 pages
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Au tournant du xxie siecle, la triple revolution technologique de l’informatique, du numerique et d’internet, l’injonction economique de la « valorisation » et l’emergence d’une forte demande sociale en faveur du patrimoine et de ses avatars (Leniaud 1992 ; 2002 ; 2008), convergent pour convier les institutions a rendre accessibles aux publics leurs ressources documentaires et leurs collections patrimoniales. Les archives orales, qui designent les temoignages oraux enregistres par voie sonore ou audiovisuelle dans un objectif patrimonial, documentaire, scientifique ou culturel, alimentees depuis le debut du xxe siecle par les sciences humaines et sociales et par de nombreuses initiatives associatives, conservees dans les centres d’archives, les bibliotheques et les centres de recherche, longtemps delaissees ou simplement meconnues, sont invitees elles aussi a se faire connaitre et a sortir des reserves dans lesquelles elles ont ete longtemps maintenues, faute de reconnaissance, faut...
International Journal of Public Theology, 2024
The current issue of the International Journal of Public Theology, in keeping with its growing global embrace of a glocal conversation, brings to the table a number of articles submitted from Australia, Chile, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Korea and the United States of America. They are clearly and declaredly rooted in their respective contexts: nevertheless, they also draw on resources developed in other contexts that are deemed to be helpful inasmuch as they help make sense of a Christian understanding of what it means to be a human being: they do so in the particularity of their situatedness in the public sphere. Such approaches contribute to an interdisciplinary conversation with political and social theories, and also with medicine and life sciences. They point to those places of intersection where such conversation is mutually enriching and where it reveals limitations of either approach-or both. As the articles deal with often unwanted, marginalized or outrightly excluded minorities, common conceptual, but also phenomenal understandings are challenged. Is there 'normalcy'-and if so, what would that mean? Do identities classified as 'different' need to conform to normalcy or, if unable to do so, be excluded and be discriminated against? Or else, should normalcy be expanded to accept as 'normal' the conviviality of the different that still share a common humanity and, as religious people, a common belief that welcomes them (and the 'others'!) just the way they are? If the majority has difficulties in understanding minorities, might this lack of comprehension be the majority's and not the minority's problem? Such debates are-and have to beheld in the public sphere as they concern the participation of different publics in what concerns them all. The present issue seeks to contribute to this debate.
Anthropologica, 2018
Groundwater management authorities usually use groundwater budget calculations to evaluate the sustainability of withdrawals for different purposes. The groundwater budget calculation does not always provide reliable information, and it must often be supported by further aquifer monitoring in the case of hydraulic connections between neighboring aquifers. The Riardo Plain aquifer is a strategic drinking resource for more than 100,000 people, water storage for 60 km 2 of irrigated land, and the source of a mineral water bottling plant. Over a long period, the comparison between the direct recharge and the estimated natural outflow and withdrawals highlights a severe water deficit of approximately 40% of the total groundwater outflow. A groundwater budget deficit should be a clue to the aquifer depletion, but the results of long-term water level monitoring allowed the observation of the good condition of this aquifer. In fact, in the Riardo Plain, the calculated deficit is not comparable to the aquifer monitoring data acquired in the same period (1992–2014). The small oscillations of the groundwater level and the almost stable streambed spring discharge allows the presumption of an additional aquifer recharge source. The confined carbonate aquifer locally mixes with the above volcanic aquifer, providing an externally stable recharge that reduces the effects of the local rainfall variability. The combined approach of the groundwater budget results and long-term aquifer monitoring (spring discharge and/or hydraulic head oscillation) provides information about significant external groundwater exchanges, even if unidentified by field measurements, and supports the stakeholders in groundwater resource management.
Por causa do novo coronavírus, incorporamos novas palavras e conceitos em nosso cotidiano, devidamente apropriadas na linguística. No ambiente do "novo normal, achatar a curva, assintomático, comorbidade, transmissão comunitária, imunidade de rebanho, lockdown, quarentena, distanciamento social, live e home office", além de outros termos, constitui um glossário assimilado pela sociedade. Tempos de crise costumam ser acompanhados por salto na inovação intelectual e tecnológica, conforme voltamos o olhar para as duas guerras mundiais e nas pandemias ocorridas no século XX. A revisão da literatura a partir da pesquisa bibliográfica em base de dados editoriais, relacionados na área de infografia, especialmente no contexto de produção de documentos descritivos, revela a quase inexistência de material produzido. Com os desdobramentos ocorridos com fechamento de instituições culturais, como museu e biblioteca, noticiário diário com a temática da pandemia e o isolamento social, a opção da pesquisa quantitativa foi direcionada para órgãos e entidades de divulgação informacionais contendo infográficos. O método bibliométrico realizado em formato não presencial e remoto apresenta resultados que justificam o tratamento técnico e teórico relacionado com o efeito causado pelo coronavírus e/ou COVID-19, sem objetivo de comparação.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2021
R.O. Winstedt is an orientalist who had been serving in Malaya as a British administrator. His form of thinking was based on the philosophy of logical empirical positivism, which is an understanding that emphasizes on making full use of the intellect as the main approach to obtain facts based on systematic and thorough research methods. This philosophy rejects revelation as proof and source of facts because religious proofs are considered as irrelevant in the field of history. This article focuses on the analysis of Winstedt's view on the influence of Hinduism in the life of the Malay community, especially in Malaya through his four works. The authors have used historiography, comparisons and content analysis to analyse the views. The study found that Winstedt's thinking approach, in assessing the impact of Hinduism in the Malay community life, especially in culture, legal and myth, was dubious and biased. He believed that the community had been influenced by the culture and the lifestyle of the Hindus, including the ability to expand a civilization; denying the contribution of Islam. This understanding, which was based on the European-centered thinking known as Euro-centrism, emerged due to the failure of the orientalists in understanding the content of Islam. The Eurocentrism has propagated the European nation as a great and civilized nation compared to other nations and should be regarded as the "ambassador of civilization"; the saviour of tobe-civilised people.
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 2014
The study of tinnitus mechanisms has increased tenfold in the last decade. The common denominator for all of these studies is the goal of elucidating the underlying neural mechanisms of tinnitus with the ultimate purpose of finding a cure. While these basic science findings may not be immediately applicable to the clinician who works directly with patients to assist them in managing their reactions to tinnitus, a clear understanding of these findings is needed to develop the most effective procedures for alleviating tinnitus. The goal of this review is to provide audiologists and other health-care professionals with a basic understanding of the neurophysiological changes in the auditory system likely to be responsible for tinnitus. It is increasingly clear that tinnitus is a pathology involving neuroplastic changes in central auditory structures that take place when the brain is deprived of its normal input by pathology in the cochlea. Cochlear pathology is not always expressed in t...
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Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 2016
Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, 2021
Journal of Teacher Education and Educational Leadership, 2016
HumaNetten, 2016
Langage et société, 2007
IAFOR Journal of Education, 2015
Horizontes Pedagógicos, 2020
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare
European Journal of Theology and Philosophy, 2021
Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación, 2015
Advances in Engineering Software, 1994
Asian journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 2024
Ingeniería industrial, 2019
Progress in Organic Coatings, 2012