AIGAI 2014 The ‘anatomy’ of a tumulus'


AI-generated Abstract

The research investigates the archaeological findings from the necropolis of Aigai, focusing on the royal burial cluster of Eurydice and the associated city wall, emphasizing the historical significance and burial customs of the Macedonians during the classical era.

CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ChaPter 1 exCavating MaCedon aigai 1 . The excavations of the 17th ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical antiquities in the asty and the necropolis of aigai in 2003-2004: new evidence for the royal burial cluster of eurydice and the city wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2 . The research at aigai, a ‘πόλις κατά κώμας’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3 . The royal necropolis of aigai 2012-2013: Five new royal tombs and the solution to an old problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4 . The ‘anatomy’ of a tumulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5 . The royal necropolis of aigai: walking through the centuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Pieria Mountains 1 . The excavations of the 17th ephorate in upland ‘Macedonis’ and the identification of ancient Levaia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 vermion 1 . The excavation at vermion tzamala 1999/2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 2 . The excavation at tzamala, vermion in 2001 major projects and antiquities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 ChaPter 2 toPograPhY, SoCietY, art and CULtUre in MaCedon Burial customs and believes 1 . royal funerary pyres in the necropolis in aigai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 2 . The Custom of Cremation and the Macedonians . Thoughts on the finds from the necropolis of aigai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 3 . Macedonian burial customs and the funeral of alexander the great . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 4 . The necropolis of aigai in the archaic period and the royal burial clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Upland imathia in the early iron age (11th -7th Century BC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 old preconceptions and new finds: ‘Macedonians or Bottiaians? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Philosophy and architecture in the palace of aigai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 The enigma of the ivory heads from the tomb of Philip ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 aigai in the hellenistic period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 ChaPter 3 MaCedonian eLeMentS in the heLLeniStiC ‘eCUMene’ Queens - Priestesses - goddesses: From Macedonia to the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 architecture and politics in the kingdom of the Seleucids: new evidence from ikaros–Failaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Kings, poleis and politics from Philip ii to Seleucus i nicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Thoughts relating to the ‘discovery of telephus’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 7 P R E FAC E uring the last decades, the huge rescue excavations, as part of major public works projects, as well as the conservation and restoration of monuments and archaeological sites, in the framework of eU co-funding projects, brought to light many new finds that contribute substantially to the study of ancient Macedonia . This applies especially to aigai and the wider region of imathia, the core land of the Macedonian kingdom . however, the presentations at various conferences and the publications in honorary volumes regarding those finds in greek are not easily accessible to the international scientific community, resulting to their exclusion from the scientific dialogue . The present volume, published by the ephorate of antiquities of imathia, aims at overcoming that difficulty . even though the volume’s main focus is aigai, it is not limited to them, includes more and broader issues and it is divided into three sections . The first section comprises the presentation of important excavation finds of the last twenty years . Five papers are dedicated to aigai: the discovery of the northwestern part of the city’s wall (2003-4), the elucidation of the Macedonian metropolis’ organization as a conglomerate of settlements (city ‘kata komes’) (2006), the discovery of a group of new royal tombs (2012-2013) at the cluster of the temenids, the discovery of an important unlooted tomb of the 4th century and the elucidation of the stratigraphy of the burial mounds in the classical period (2014), as well as of the overall organization and the necropolis’ horizontal stratigraphy (2015); they have been presented at the annual conference “archaeological work in Macedonia and Thrace” (aeMTh), and only the first two are published until now . There is, also, the presentation of the excavation at the region of Pieria mountains in 2004, which led to the identification of ancient Levaia, and two presentations of the extended rescue excavations at vermio, during the construction of the new egnatia road, which led to the elucidation of the way the mountainous area was organized in the antiquity . in the second section nine papers present interpretations of the new findings as well as working hypotheses - conclusions regarding the topography, society, art, culture and history of Macedon . Four of them relate to the Macedonian burial customs: the royal funerary pyres at the necropolis of aigai, the custom of cremation and its use by the Macedonians, the funeral of alexander the great, and the creation and evolution of the royal tomb clusters at the archaic necropolis of aigai . one explores the spatial organization and the pattern of the settlements in imathia during the early iron age and another discusses the crucial issue of the first expansion of the Macedonians, beyond the limits of their ’homeland’ . two others, «The enigma of the ivory heads from the tomb of Philip ii», which was presented in 2004 at a conference in new York, but never published, and the «Philosophy and architecture in the palace of aigai», discuss the astonishing artistic achievements of the age of Philip ii, that was undoubtedly the “golden age” of aigai, while the last of that group presents all the new evidence regarding the Macedonian metropolis of aigai during the hellenistic periodThe third and last section includes four extensive articles dedicated to Macedonian elements that seal some very interesting political and cultural developments of the hellenistic world, and, hopefully, will initiate relevant discussion . in “Queens-Priestesses-goddesses: From Macedonia to the world”, based on the findings of aigai, the iconography of the queens of Macedon is related to the broader iconographic types of archaic and classical art and its genetic relationship with the iconography of the hellenistic queens is clarified, giving us a safe tool for their identification while its evolution is recorded until the late antiquity . The finds of our excavation at Failaka (2007-2009) that lead to a reconsideration of the data and a new proposal for the reconstruction of the temples and the sacred enclosure, as well as to thoughts regarding D 9 their ideological function, are the topics of “architecture and Politics in the Kingdom of the Seleucids: new evidence from ikaros–Failaka”, while the beginnings and the crucial importance of establishing cities as a key tool, for the formulation of a new worldview are discussed in “Kings, Poleis and Politics from Philip ii to Seleucus nicator” . in the present volume the reader will find my first published paper entitled “Thoughts relating to the ‘discovery οf telephus’”, which was written in 1987 for “ametos”, the volume in honor of Manolis andronikos . i would not change a single word of that paper; on the contrary, i believe that further evidence now indicates deliberate mentions from the attalids to ‘manners’ and “topoi”, related with the temenids, but this is the subject of an other ongoing study . The present publication would not have been realized, without the aid of dr nicola wardle, who translated and edited the texts and, of course, without the knowledge, care and experience of eurasia Publications and, personally, of ethel and Phaedon Kidoniatis . i warmly thank them all and i hope that our collaboration will continue . a n g e L i K i Ko t ta r i di 10 THE ‘ANATOMY’ OF A TUMULUS 4. 1 s famous in antiquity as it is today for the splendour of its royal burials, the necropolis of aigai is definitely the best-known part of the Macedonian metropolis . however, there are still many questions which should, indeed must, be studied systematically . Τhe western part of the necropolis is occupied by the modern village of vergina with the result that any surface features (burial mounds, enclosures, tombstones etc .) have vanished . as a result of heavy cultivation the same thing occurred to some extent to the north, where the earliest graves have been found (beginning of the 1st millennium BC) .2 to the east the original extent of the cemetery has not been determined as the surface of the ground has been significantly altered by alluvia caused by the torrents which crossed and still cross the area . at its centre, however, in an area of almost 50 hectares, 540 tumulus or tumulus-like structures of medium or smaller size are still preserved . These were systematically documented and numbered in 2008-9 during the preparation for the development of a consolidated Master plan for the unified protection, management and display of the archaeological site of aigai, a UneSCo world heritage Site (Fig . 1) . in academia the view still holds that the burial mounds at aigai all belong to a cemetery of tumuli of the early iron age, such as those known from other areas of Macedonia . however, already by 1998, when a rescue excavation in the area of the ‘Bella tombs’ cluster led to the discovery of a series of circular enclosures with undisturbed graves and burial pyres dating to the Late hellenistic period, we had begun to have doubts about this assumption,3 doubts which were reinforced by the systematic study of the spatial and chronological development of the cemetery (Fig . 2) . half a century after the excavations of Manolis andronikos and Photios Petsas in the tumulus cemetery, we believed that it was worth undertaking a systematic excavation of some of the tumuli with the primary aim of thoroughly investigating their stratigraphy and structure . in 2008, during the development of the ‘master plan’, 5 tumuli were selected at specific points which would also constitute points of interest for visitors to the archaeological park of the necropolis of aigai . one of these (tumulus 161/2014) is located next to the west entrance of the park, opposite the entrance to the area of the royal tomb cluster of Philip ii and was excavated in the summer of 2014 (Fig . 3) . after the completion of the excavation the tumulus has been reconstructed in its original ellipsoid form, with a maximum diameter of roughly 30 m and a preserved height of 2 .5 m . on its surface were more recent disturbances which are most likely due to the removal of clay for the construction of mudbricks – many of the houses built4 by the refugees in vergina were mudbrick – but also traces of fires which could be associated with ancient sacrifices (enagismoi) (Fig . 4a-b) . There were also several small piles of stones, perhaps cairns . Large stones which could be associated with a stone built peribolos were few and, if there were ever periboloi, they appear to have been destroyed by the successive addition of new graves (Fig . 5a-b) . in the two-thirds of the tumulus which was excavated, a total of 20 graves were found: a small cist-like box grave, 3 tile graves (two of which belonged to infant burials), 8 cist graves built of mudbrick and 8 pit graves which date to the troubled years after the death of alexander the great up to the death of demetrius Poliorcetes (the end of the 4th/beginning of the 3rd century BC) . all of the graves are oriented east-west . according to the rule which is universally applicable at aigai, the women have their heads to the east and the men have theirs to the west . Thus from the remains of the bones which demonstrate the position of the deceased and the offerings, where they exist, we can identify with reasonable certainty 7 female graves (including an infant and two young girls) and 9 male (including another infant and two young boys) . There is only one cremation, for the burial of the remains of which they used a stone container (Fig . 6) . A 1 . Presented in ΑΕΜΘ 29, 2015 . First publication here . 2 . ΑΝΔΡΟΝΙΚΟΣ, M . 1969, BraÜning, a ., KiLian-dirLMeYer i . 2013 with bibliography . 3 . ΚΟΤΤΑΡΙΔΗ, 1998 . 4 . vergina is a village of refugees from the Black Sea which was created after the population exchange in 1924 . 36 Fig. 1. Plan: The necropolis of Aigai, excavated and existing burial mounds 37 Fig. 2. Plan: The “Bellas’ cluster” late classic c. 330 BC/red, early Hellenistic 323-150 BC/yellow, late Hellenistic 150-31 BC/blue Fig. 3. Plan: The western part of the necropolis. Excavated graves. Light grey excavated tumuli, dark grey existing tumuli 38 of moderate means . Perhaps the richest grave offerings were in the large grave built with mudbrick belonging to the male which united the two groups . in this tomb, despite the later disturbance, the yellow clay coating of the floor was well preserved as well as fragments of a mudbrick podium which must have supported a wooden couch . The clay relief plaques which were found scattered in the area from where, probably, the grave was robbed are likely part of the couch . a female figure wrapped in a himation who is leaning on an altar or pedestal and the greek and barbarian warriors form a frieze depicting a battle scene (Fig . 7), a theme which clearly echoes the military campaign in the east, an event marked in the memories of not just the Macedonians of aigai . it is likely that the same scene inspired the painter of the attic red figure pelike with a scene of a battle which was found in another grave in the tumulus (Fig . 8) . however, the most valuable and rare object was found in the grave of a little girl, clearly beloved by her parents, who gave her for her final journey, rich gold ornaments, earrings and beads and the only mirror to have been found so far in aigai, a small elegant bronze mirror, the work of a very skilled craftsman (Fig . 9a-b) . on the lid of the mirror eros, in the form of a gentle child, flies to embrace and kiss a brave youth who is seated in a relaxed pose on a rock . The goose at the feet of eros emphases the context of the scene but the keys to identifying his companion are the shape of his ear and the skin of a panther which is laid out on the rock: the handsome youth, who brings to mind the antikythera youth, is none other than a young Satyr, a follower of dionysos, the god of desire and passion . it should also be noted that no early iron age burials were found in this tumulus . while preparing the Master Plan for the archaeological site of aigai, in 2008 we excavated about half of a relatively large tumulus (tumulus 110/2008-14) which was located in a more or less central point, at the edge of the ancient road which led from the temenids tomb cluster towards the north, passing beside the ‘long narrow tumulus’ .6 with a height of c . 3 m and a diameter of 25 m (a perimeter therefore of almost 80 m) it (tumulus 110/2008-14) belongs to the groups of medium sized tumuli (Fig . 10a-c) . The finds, three stone-built cist graves and a pit grave all dating to the last third of the 4th century, intersecting enclosures of undressed stones and three pit graves from the 7th century BC – were typical examples and it was decided that they should be covered by a shelter and remain visible to demonstrate clearly the history of the area . The rest of the tumulus was excavated this year as part of the ongoing work of nSrF (national Strategic reference Framework) 2007–2013 ‘Restoration-promotion of the Royal Necropolis of Aigai. Protection and display of the cemetery of tumuli and the grave com- Fig. 4. Tumulus 161/2014 (a) plan and (b) section of the mound. Late Classic/red, early Hellenistic/yellow The infants were buried in containers which were created from two imbrices, the children in carefully constructed brick-built cist graves . The majority of the adults were buried in quite large pit graves, one of which exceeded 3 m in depth . two clusters can be identified, the east and the west, and it appears that there were initially two separate tumuli which were joined by the construction of two large graves belonging to a woman and a man . The joining of the two tumuli is also evident in the stratigraphy . The relationship of the graves shows that it probably belonged to members of a wider family who were buried in the tumulus over two generations . The tile-covered graves and the infant graves were completely without offerings, five of the graves were found intact and the rest, including the largest, had been looted, either entirely or in part, a well-known phenomenon at aigai which was probably the result of looting by the gauls .5 in one of the unlooted tombs the deceased wore a gilded bronze wreath, but the general impression is that it was a family 5 . diod . 6 . For the ‘long narrow tumulus’ see ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ, Α . 2008 . 39 plex of the Temenids,’ and had kept a pleasant surprise for us, a large undisturbed cist grave, a rare occurrence in the necropolis at aigai . Let us look at the facts in order . during the reign of alexander the great a large cist grave (Τ9/2014, c . 2 .5x4 m) was constructed in poros limestone in a central part of the necropolis . it was encircled with an undressed stone peribolos with a diameter of c . 10 m and covered with an earth mound (Fig . 11a-d) . a little time after, another cist grave of similar dimensions was added to the north of it (t3) and a smaller chest-like grave (Τ1) to the north east . The later cuts through a pre-existing grave of the 7th century BC (Τ8) which together with at least one other similar early archaic pit grave (Τ7) forms a cluster which shared an apparently small tumulus . The two new early hellenistic graves also have undressed stone periboloi which are preserved in part and extend the original tumulus . Finally, a monolithic chest (Τ6) was added to the north which contained cremated remains as well as a simple pit grave (Τ4) furnished with a large clay jug . Beside the chest was a pre-existing grave of the 7th century BC which was disturbed when the chest was robbed . The peribolos and the tumulus which enclosed these graves also enlarged the original tumulus of the 4th century BC . a stone base of a burial stone and scattered pottery indicate continued use to the west, but here the old tumulus was destroyed by more recent digging for clay . Close to the two chests they found two deep circular pits . in the northern one were fragments of a gilded bronze wreath and gilded clay beads . The large cist grave (t9/2014) was covered by five doric architraves in secondary use . Τhe length of the architraves indicates an inter axial space of 2 .25 m . Τhis means that the height of the columns of the stoa or temple from which they came must have been almost 5 m, clearly a monumental structure . The presence of these spolia in the grave and especially at a time when there was no disaster or violent disturbance of the social order in the town perhaps suggests some kind of special status of the deceased (Fig . 12) . The inside of the tomb was plastered with good quality white plaster and the chamber was dominated by a brick-built podium also covered in white plaster . according to the standard practice this would have supported a wooden couch on which the deceased would have been placed with the head to the west, crowned with a rich gilded bronze wreath of ivy . a preliminary study of the bones indicates a man close to 50 years old . on the couch along with the body of the deceased was a red figure trefoil-mouth oinochoe with a scene of a symposium depicted on it, the twin of the one which was found smashed to the north west of the tumulus in 2008 . to the south the couch abutted the wall, but to the north there was space for a narrow wooden table with symposium vessels on it, a gilded bronze situla of exceptional quality (Fig . 13), a kantharos, a ladle, a strainer and a small fruit bowl, all in bronze, as well as a set of clay black-glazed vessels, a handless cup (kalyx), a fish plate, two simple plates, two small bowls, two ‘salt’ pots and a perfume bottle (an askos of the guttus type) which supplemented the former . of particular interest are the abundant remains of organic material everywhere, material from the covers on the couch and the clothing of the deceased, where indeed traces of purple cloth, leather and predominantly the remains of the couch itself were found . it was easy to recognise at first glance the remains of the gilded decoration from the front side of the couch, which as is demonstrated by the glass eyes and glass square plaques from the ‘abakota’, is a couch of the so-called greek type, similar in shape to the chryselephantine ones from the Philip’s tomb . in fact, the cut-out gilded silver strips with figures of eros and revellers (men and women) that decorated the glass plaques (Fig . 14a-b) replicate those on the couch from the antechamber of Philip’s tomb . a similar wooden couch probably existed in the looted cist tomb (t3) in the tumulus, as demonstrated by the characteristic glass fragments found in the debris left by the looters . once they had admired the wealth and beauty of the royal household’s furnishings and Philip’s royal banquets, the affluent citizens of aigai imitated the grandeur of it as far the depth of their pockets permitted . i have already expressed the opinion that Philip’s chryselephantine couches were made in a workshop located in aigai .7 i think that this couch, as well as the fragments of similar furniture which we have found in looted tombs tends to support this hypothesis . who was the deceased? of course, since no gravestone bearing an inscription was found and since clearly he was not a member of the royal family, we cannot look for him in literary sources, nor can we state his name, but we can combine the facts to form some thoughts about him . The fact that an adult man and indeed one who was so wealthy that he wore clothes dyed with purple, was not accompanied by his weapons, when a spear, a javelin or even a knife were the standard item to equip the grave of even the poorest citizens of aigai is clearly no accident . This fact, in combination with the rare wreath of ivy, permits us to think that this respectable, purple-clad citizen of aigai was a priest of dionysos, or a prominent member of the troupe of the Mother of the gods, the existence of which is testified to by an inscription from the same date as the tomb .8 if this is the case it may explain the privilege of using spolia from a public, possibly religious building in the tomb . The study of the rich organic material collected meticulously from this tomb promises to shed light on this mystery also! 7 . Kottaridi, 1994, Kottaridi, 2005 and Kottaridi 2011g . 8 . ΔΡΟΥΓΟΥ, Σ .1990 . 40 Fig. 6. Tumulus 161, burials according to sex: light blue male, light red female Fig. 5. The excavated part of tumulus 161 (a), (b) a Fig. 7. Barbarian warriors from a frieze depicting probably a battle scene b Fig. 8. Attic red figure pelike, 3rd quarter of the 4th c. BC Fig. 9. The bronze mirror (a) in situ, (b) after the conservation 41 Fig. 10. The tumulus 110/2008-14: (a) plan early iron age burials/green and 4th c. BC burials/red, (b) section N-S, (c) section W-E 42 Fig. 11. The tumulus 110/2008-14 in 4th c. BC (a), T1 (b), T3 (c), T6 (d) 43 Fig. 13. The bronze situla in situ (a) (b) Fig. 14. (a) and (b) The cut-out gilded silver strips with figures of Eros and revellers (men and women) that decorated the glass plaques from the wooden couch found in the unlooted grave T9/2014 Fig. 12. The cist grave T9 (a), the opening of the grave (b) 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY AbhBerlin: Abhandlungen der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. 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