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DOI: 10.1097/BRS.0b013e318223ae4c
The pros and cons of evidence-based medicine
Peter Croft [1], Antti Malmivaara [2], Maurits van Tulder [3]
[1] Professor of Primary Care Epidemiology, Arthritis Research UK National Primary
Care Centre, Keele University, Keele, Staffordshire UK
[email protected]
[2] Senior Medical Officer, Centre for Health and Social Economics, National Institute
for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]
[3] Professor of Health Technology Assessment, Department of Health Sciences and the
EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University, Amsterdam, the
[email protected]
Evidence-based medicine has evolved with at least three distinct components: the core
evidence, the systematic methods of reviewing and synthesising the evidence, and the use
and application of the evidence in practice. This paper considers the tensions that exist
because of different perceptions about the value, quality and interpretation of clinical and
research evidence. The current challenges lie in developing better means of integrating
different types of evidence from a range of sources to improve decisions about individual
patients, and embedding guidelines in personal and stimulating clinical practice.
In a debate “Evidence Based Medicine: Saviour or Pariah” at the 9th International Forum
on Low Back Pain Research in Primary Care, evidence based medicine (EBM) made it as
saviour but it was close. Championed by Sackett in the 1990’s (1), EBM has received
both support and criticism from researchers, clinicians and policy makers. In this paper,
we consider some common arguments for and against EBM.
What exactly is EBM?
”Evidence based medicine” conveys the idea that up-to-date evidence can be used and
applied consistently in clinical practice, in combination with the clinician’s individual
expertise and the patient’s own preferences and expectations, to achieve the best possible
outcomes. Evidence is provided by original research and by systematic reviews that find,
select, judge, and integrate the evidence on any topic. This provides the basis for
treatment guidelines, which incorporate expert interpretation of available evidence whilst
taking additional arguments into account, such as treatment availability, costs and ethical
Hence, we move from evidence to practice.
Experience- or evidence-based medicine?
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Clinical proponents of EBM have emphasised the range of evidence that can be
used in clinical decision-making (2,3). But “evidence” can apply to any observation, so
proponents could argue that there is always evidence, even if it is clinical experience
without research data (4). The acronym may in reality mean "experience-based
medicine". Much of the evidence in any clinical guideline is likely to come from expert
opinion. Most guideline committees use expert consensus to reach decisions, drawing on
a mixture of available scientific research and clinical practice and observation, with
clinical judgement still playing a key role. The risk of bias may be considerable, and the
term “evidence-based clinical guidelines” misleading..
Clinical practice has long been dominated by expert opinion, and there are many
examples where common interventions propounded by expert opinion were ineffective or
harmful. The increase in number of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic
reviews, and uptake of such evidence in guidelines, has made clinical practice more
transparent, reduced variation, and diminished use of harmful interventions (5,6).
Initiatives like the Cochrane Collaboration and Consort Statements have encouraged trial
registration and better quality trials, increasing the amount and quality of research
evidence available for guidelines and decision making (7,8). Many studies now focus on
developing and evaluating optimal strategies for guideline implementation in the real
world of practice (9,10).
Some research evidence is better than none, and presents an advance on expert
opinion. It has resulted in better, more realistic treatments. Bed rest was the mainstay of
back pain treatment until RCTs showed that staying active is more beneficial (11,12).
With no evidence, practice may not have changed and physicians might still be
advocating bed rest. Of course, observant clinicians had long promoted exercise and
critically questioned the need for rest, but it helped when trials provided independent
uncluttered results.
Strong focus on RCTs
EBM has been accused of canonising the RCT, and dogmatically refusing to
acknowledge other sources of valid data about the outcome of interventions (13,14). The
focus on RCTs as the only design paradigm to address clinical questions is wrong. RCTs
are the gold standard for questions related to the effectiveness of preventive or
therapeutic interventions, but not necessarily for questions related to adverse effects,
prognosis or diagnosis. Evidence on effectiveness from non-randomised observational
studies may be utilized if RCT evidence is unavailable. A new method of grading
evidence (GRADE (15,16)), has been recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration (17).
In this, RCT evidence starts as ‘high quality evidence’, but may be lowered (even to
‘very low quality evidence’) if there are deficiencies in validity or precision,
inconsistencies in outcomes, indirectness of evidence, or publication bias. Observational
evidence starts as ‘low quality evidence’, but may rise to the highest level if there are
factors strengthening the evidence (strong association, dose-response effect, or
confounding that underestimates effectiveness), and no factors diluting or reducing it
Practical or ethical reasons may prevent assessment of effectiveness by RCTs or
non-randomised trials. Before-after experiments are sometimes valued in EBM if
treatment has a dramatic effect and the natural course of the condition is stable.
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Interventions accepted without RCT evidence include insulin for diabetes, suturing for
large wounds, and defibrillation for ventricular fibrillation (19). As EBM moves to
evaluate research implementation, strong observational alternatives are needed to counter
the impossibility of experimentally randomising every component of interventions and
translating the results into everyday practice.
Clinical practice is more complex than trials
If we accept that EBM is useful and that practice should be supported by adequate
research evidence, its implementation in clinical practice is a major challenge. Clinical
guidelines are advocated as a means to disseminate evidence and support clinical
decisions, but this needs active support. Implementation of guidelines is difficult (20).
General practitioners in the Netherlands have more than 90 clinical guidelines so that
many neither read nor use them all. German general practitioners know about and agree
with the content of back pain guidelines, but view an excessive number of information
sources as a barrier to engagement with guidelines in practice (21). Using strategies that
address barriers to change may be crucial to increase the usefulness of EBM.
Complexity is not limited to implementation, but lies in the very nature of clinical
practice. Consider a patient who visits his doctor after months of low back pain mixed
with work absence and developing depression. Cochrane collaboration reviews evaluate
single interventions (22), so the doctor needs to be familiar with the results of all relevant
reviews on treatments for low back pain and depression, in primary care as well as
occupational settings. In practice, by contrast, patients will often be offered combined
interventions within a multimodal treatment program. The effect of such a program might
differ from the effects of single interventions. Although patients with multimorbidity
might be thought less likely to receive quality care based on multiple guidelines, evidence
suggests that in practice they might receive better care (23).
Research tends to focus on treatment rather than diagnosis. Most evidence that is
used to support recommendations in clinical guidelines concerns therapeutic
interventions, and evidence for recommendations about prognosis and diagnosis is often
weak (24). Furthermore, single diagnostic tests are usually evaluated, whereas in practice
several tests are used.
No time, no competence
EBM has been defined as the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current
best evidence. It aims to integrate evidence with clinical expertise. However, clinicians
feel a lack of time and competence to search for, identify, read, assess the quality of, and
apply the evidence for each individual patient (25). EBM offers a solution in the form of
systematic reviews and clinical guidelines. However, there are now so many available
that it may still be impossible for clinicians to keep up with the latest and most valid
information. There is evidence from a range of countries and settings that use of EBM by
practising clinicians is restricted more by perceived lack of time, skills and knowledge to
apply it in practice than by scepticism about the concept itself (e.g. 26,27).
Little evidence of what works
In the field of low back pain, EBM rarely provides the basis for action in a
primary care consultation. There are plenty of systematic reviews, but they often
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conclude that the trials are not good enough or that effect sizes in those of reasonable
quality are too small to be of much help. With so little clear and reliable evidence of
what works in the first place, it is argued that guidelines often say what you should not do
instead of recommending what you should. Thus clinicians may feel that guidelines do
not help in their decision-making (21). Studies suggesting “no effect” of a treatment are
often too few in number to conclude this is real and consistent.
It is true that for many topics the evidence is sparse or of poor quality (28). But
that is no reason for throwing the baby out with the bath water. We have to start
somewhere, and have the courage to go on and believe that evidence will slowly
accumulate. Identifying gaps in the literature is important and helps to guide priorities for
the next step in the often painstaking accumulation of research evidence.
One implication of a commitment among policy makers to basing clinical practice
on evidence is that it highlights the continuing scarcity of high quality evidence relative
to the volume of practice. Gnanalingham et al (29) reviewed three decades of research
publications in prominent journals for five clinical specialities and noted the continuing
small proportion which reported on clinical trials. A recent historical review of heart
disease recommendations in USA noted that, whilst the number of guideline
recommendations for cardiologists had increased, so also had the proportion based on
lower levels of evidence or on clinical opinion (28).
A second implication is that guidelines will be skewed to select areas where the
evidence has been gathered, and away from interventions for which, however well
established, the evidence base is as yet undeveloped.
Small effects only
Another conclusion from back pain research in primary care is that “everything
works”. Most people who come into primary care with a new episode, recurrence or
exacerbation of low back pain will feel less pain and be more active in a week or two
regardless of treatment. RCTs of specific treatments in this situation are trying to find
evidence that one thing gives a little more pain relief or promotes a little more activity
than another. Keller et al (30), for example, highlighted the range of positive but small
effect sizes in trials of non-surgical interventions for back pain. But that fractional extra
effect is often only a small proportion of all the improvement everyone is experiencing.
This overall improvement reflects the favourable natural course of the condition,
explained in part by the effect of seeing and talking with a clinician or a confident
optimistic therapist. This is the “placebo effect”, or more precisely the “context effect”
(31), highly valued by patients.
This effect is important but it does not remove the need to identify specific
advances and improvements that can progress current care. Back pain is very common
and additional small beneficial effects in treatment may have substantial population
impact, important for both clinical and economic reasons. Although it may be tough to
question well-loved treatments on the basis that the same effect could far more easily and
cheaply come from helpful and friendly advice, we should still aim as a society to pursue
such truth instead of maintaining illusions about our treatments (32).
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Lack of generalisability
Uniformity in clinical practice is encouraged on the basis of average results taken
from populations included in original studies and systematic reviews. But populations in
clinical practice are heterogeneous, and individualised treatment is needed. However
research evidence cannot completely fit the profile of an individual patient, although nof-1 trials might sometimes achieve this. EBM emphasises the need to evaluate the
generalisability of research evidence for application to individuals but there will always
be uncertainty in doing this. Furthermore RCTs often investigate treatment efficacy in
well-controlled experimental circumstances, and effectiveness may be lower in routine
circumstances of health care.
The potential for synthesising evidence across different trials has increased.
Advanced secondary analysis of existing trials is likely to become as important, perhaps
more so, than simply doing more trials. Examples include meta-analysis of individual
patient data and Bayesian analysis designed to model outcome at subgroup or individual
level. Hayden et al (33,34) conducted a systematic review which concluded that exercise
therapy is effective for chronic low back pain. Bayesian analysis additionally identified
the optimal type of exercise program and the subgroups most likely to benefit.
As health care databases increasingly provide protected access to well-validated,
continuous and complete records of interventions and outcomes in everyday practice, so
the potential will grow for RCTs embedded in practice to be combined with observational
modelling of routinely collected outcomes of care. This will address current concerns that
we are often doing high quality experiments and poor quality generalisations (35).
Other aspects besides evidence are important
Evidence alone is never sufficient to make a clinical decision. Even if the
evidence is clear, individuals vary in how they weigh benefits and risks, the final decision
influenced by clinicians’ and patients´ values, preferences and expectations, and the
inconvenience, availability, and costs of the treatment. Such characteristics now have a
different and developing type of research evidence base, including qualitative
methodologies which have different objectives and pose different challenges of
interpretation for the practising clinician (36).
Different people may make different recommendations, even if they agree on the
evidence. UK, US, New Zealand and Dutch national guidelines on low back pain were
published almost at the same time (1994 to 1996) and reached similar conclusions
regarding the effectiveness of spinal manipulation (37). However, the recommendations
varied. Three guidelines recommended spinal manipulation for acute low back pain, but
the Dutch guideline did not. The positive guidelines were multidisciplinary, the Dutch
guidelines were developed by and for general practitioners only. Weighting of small
benefits, potential adverse effects, availability and costs, influenced the Dutch
conclusions. This international inconsistency has continued in more recent guidelines
Conflicts of interest
There is always a potential conflict of interest in systematic reviews and clinical
guidelines. Sometimes reviews are used to promote a specific intervention. There are
more reviews than original RCTs on manipulation for low back pain and neck pain
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(39,40). Many were conducted by professional groups who may have an interest,
explicitly stated or not, conscious or unconscious, in showing that spinal manipulation is
effective. Evidence about behavioural treatment for chronic low back pain shows a small
difference over waiting list controls but none compared with other interventions (41).
This weak finding was used to promote behavioural treatment in some guidelines, but not
in others.
Clinical practice guidelines can be seen as a method for cost control by health
insurance companies or by the government in countries with a fully nationalised health
service such as the UK. Lack of evidence may be used as an argument to exclude an
intervention from public health insurance or public funding (42). This can only be
justified if there is evidence of no effect. A decade ago commentators expressed concern
that evidence-based purchasing of health care might end in disillusion because
insufficiency of evidence would deflate expectations of what could be achieved (realised
to some extent with the decisions of NICE about cost-effectiveness of new treatments),
and that purchasing based on best evidence does not inevitably reduce costs of health care
There are also potential conflicts of interest due to industry or commercial
influences (44), and clinicians may feel guidelines are not objective and are oppressive
rather than supportive. Recommendations depend on the context in which evidence is
being interpreted. Where physiotherapists were plentiful (the Netherlands), evidencebased recommendations reduced the number of physiotherapy sessions. Where there
were fewer physiotherapists (the UK), the same evidence was used to argue for
increasing their number. In Denmark the same evidence was used to support specific
physical therapies; in Germany spas were preferred. Because there is always a potential
financial or professional conflict of interest, not only for pharmaceutical companies but
also for any health care professional involved in research or guideline development, there
is a danger that EBM may be abused for marketing reasons or influenced by subtly
selective interests. In the case of evidence that does not support some interventions, more
trials may be recommended rather than withdrawal of these treatments.
Two recent initiatives aim at transparent reporting of potential conflicts of interest
in systematic reviews and meta-analyses (45) and clinical guidelines (46).
Promoting the industry
Commitment only to things with an evidence base gives a limited view of what is
needed in clinical practice. It may promote interventions that are easier to study such as
pills; it may ignore interventions for which trial funding is difficult to obtain.
Pharmaceutical trials are more numerous and easier to do than non-pharmaceutical trials
because of better funding, simpler designs, and strict regulations demanding randomised
trials before inclusion in the public health insurance system. Approximately 80% of all
trials are industry funded (44).
However the picture is changing, as trials of complex interventions are
increasingly used to inform policy and practice, even if the resulting decisions may still
be open to influence on the interpretation and marketing of the evidence (47).
Finally there is the evolving issue of litigation related to EBM and guideline use,
notably in the US, where they have been both pilloried (48) and supported (49) in court
as the basis for litigation against clinicians and their employers.
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Hampers innovation
If implementation of new interventions is justified only if sufficient evidence is
available, the process may take decades. This issue becomes especially relevant if one
RCT is considered insufficient evidence for implementation. The first trial on an
intervention is often positive and later trials less positive. The first trial comparing lumbar
fusion surgery to conservative care found surgery more effective, but later trials failed to
confirm this (50-2).
Criticism should be taken seriously and addressed. EBM proponents need to
better explain that the principles of EBM include room for clinical expertise and other
types and sources of information on which to base decision-making in practice. A serious
problem, difficult to tackle, is the hampering of innovation if EBM is strictly applied to
new interventions. This could be resolved by allowing the use of new, innovative
interventions at an early stage within the setting of randomised controlled trials, or
observational, monitoring or audit studies. The alternative is to define characteristics of
interventions or situations that would be acceptable as exceptions to EBM.
Clinicians should use guidelines only in situations where they do not immediately
know what clinical decision to make. In routine cases, guidelines are not needed. The
number and size of systematic reviews and clinical guidelines is a growing and serious
problem. The solution probably lies in effective and efficient implementation strategies,
which do not reduce the patient-clinician relationship to a dull and potentially negative
uniformity. Developing these strategies is a major challenge for the future.
EBM users and followers often focus only and strictly on the evidence, and even
more specifically on evidence from RCTs. However, ‘true’ EBM acknowledges that
evidence is important, but that other aspects play a role as well in making final clinical or
policy decisions - patients’ and clinicians’ preferences, availability of treatments, or
financial, ethical and legal issues. A major challenge to current EBM is how to evaluate
and integrate different types of research from a range of conceptual and methodological
backgrounds into frontline clinical care and shared decision-making with patients. This is
often reflected in guideline development, where these other aspects can be taken into
There are useful arguments both for and against EBM. In our opinion, the
problem is not so much that the principles of EBM are flawed, but applying EBM in
clinical or policy practice is challenging. It is better to make well-informed decisions,
either as a clinician making decisions in daily practice together with patients, or as a
policy maker making decisions that may have a huge health and financial impact on a
large population.
We hope that the discussion of the pros and cons of EBM will continue in the
spirit of weighing and considering, rather than contradicting or taking for granted.
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