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Data collection system to gauge the system effectiveness of BIOECODS is operating from June 2003. The data collection system focuses on the ecological swale, dry pond and ecological pond. The effectiveness of an ecological swale is considered from the aspect of quantity control in term of peak flow attenuation. The operational functional of a dry pond is calculated in terms of its capability to retain and drain storm water. Dry pond is an off-line storage with the function to reduce peak discharge at the downstream. The storm water in the dry pond recedes by infiltrating through the layer of topsoil and river sand to the storage module underneath and then flows downstream along the sub-surface module of the swale. Examples of recent data collected will be presented in this paper. The results on ecological swale show that there is a lag time between rainfall event and the resulting flow from the surface and subsurface ecological swale. The catchment response time to rainfall is about 40 min giving an indication that ecological swale has a capability to delay the flow to the downstream site. The hydrographs for the surface swale appear attenuated where the volume of the storm water is distributed over 3-hour period and a peak discharge at an upper reach of the swale is higher than the lower reach. The results show that ecological swale has the capability to attenuate the peak discharge. Water level that was measured using Ultrasonic Water Level sensor at the dry pond outlet confirms the retention behavior of the dry ponds. The storm water infiltrates and empties the dry pond outlets over the period of 20 hours. The emptying time depends on the capacity of the adjacent ecological swale.
Grassed swales are widely employed to encourage ground infiltration and reduce storm runoff in urban areas. Precipitation that infiltrated into surrounding soils is collected and conveyed by swales into nearby water bodies to prevent localized flooding. Swales are one of the means to decrease the velocity, to reduce the peak flows, and minimize the causes of flood. However, a well functioned swale requires a systematic planning of construction. This overview presents the determination of flow velocity for grassed swale in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and how its efficiency based upon the varied swale profile. Data collection was conducted on the grassed swale with the total length of swale is 100 meters. The swale is divided into three sections, where every section has three points. The measurements of flow velocity have been taken three times at each point after a rainfall event by using the current meter flow. As a preliminary work, levelling has been done on the swa...
Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2019
In 2013, Anja completed an M.Sc. in Water and Environment at Aalborg University. Soon after graduating, Anja was hired by Orbicon|WSP. At Orbicon|WSP, Anja's work has focused on hydraulic modelling of stream systems and the quantification of urban impacts on streams. At present, she is one of the front people and key initiators in Orbicon|WSP's research and development projects in this field. Anja is currently an industrial Ph.D student at the Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University. Her research examines the hydraulic effects of discharges from stormwater detention ponds into streams. Anja is experienced within the field of discharge permits, legislation and guidelines in this area, as well as the general procedures and work processes at water utility companies and in the municipalities. Based on her master thesis from AAU, various projects at Orbicon|WSP and her Ph.D project, Anja has built wide-ranging expertise in managing discharges to recipients and addressing the control criteria to achieve the optimal utilisation of the system's capacity as well as minimal impact on the receiving streams.
Water and Environment Journal, 2003
Pond structures as cost-effective source-control drainage techniques can be applied in order to reduce the downstream risk of flooding. In the UK, there are no widek accepted performance data on pond structures, yet there is a need for detailed design and operation guidelines, coupled with data on urban biodiversity enhancement, mai~~enance, r e~i a b i l ;~ economics and social accepfance. The purpose of this study was to investigate (a) cost-effectiveness and self-sustainability of storm water pond systems, and (b) compatibility with the primary needs of water removal and storage to wildlife and amenity enhancement. A case study was used, based upon a combined attenuation wetland and dry pond construction for roof-water runoff.
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017
Grassed swale is an open vegetated channel designed specifically in attenuating stormwater runoff to decrease the velocity, to reduce the peak flows, and minimize the causes of flood. Therefore, the fundamental of this study is to evaluate the flow discharge of swale in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), which has flat land surface area. There are two sites of study were involved to assess the performance of swale as stormwater quantity control, named as swale 1 and swale 2. Data collection was conducted on 100 meters of length for each swale. The velocity of swale was measured thrice by using a current meter according to the six-tenths depth method, after a rainfall event. The discharge of drainage area in UTHM was determined by the Rational Method (Q peak), and the discharge of swales (Q swale) was evaluated by the Mean-Section Method. Manning's roughness coefficient and the infiltration rate were also determined in order to describe the characteristics of swale, which contributing factors for the effectiveness of swale. The results shown that Q swale is greater than Q peak at swale 1 and swale 2, which according to the Second Edition of MSMA, the swales are efficient as stormwater quantity control in preventing flash flood at the campus area of UTHM.
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
The potential increase of water retention capacity in the ponds of the Wyskoć catchment in western Poland is estimated and presented. Only water bodies having area smaller than 2 ha were taken into consideration. There are 638 ponds in the Wyskoć catchment, from among wetland and grassland ponds are the most numerous (they both constitute about 59% of all water bodies). The analyzed ponds retain above 562x103 m3 of water. However, the amount of retained water could be increased by 886x103 m3 (in relation to current pond retention) if pond retention is considered and by other 880x103 m3 in case of groundwater retention in areas adjoining. The increase of water level in ponds from 0.5 to 1.5 m due to damming water in the outflow or retention of drainage water so far unproductively discharged out of the catchment area was considered as a potential source of retained water. The highest relative increase of water retention in ponds and in adjoining areas could be obtained in midfield and...
Hydrogeology Journal, 1998
The purpose of this research is to describe a water-storage method that is more reliable than reservoirs, and to study the efficacy of interception and storage of surface runoff in ponds. In this method, a series of ponds is laid out along a streambank so that interception of surface runoff can be increased and more water can be stored in the wet season for use in the dry season. The simulated results show that the structure of a pond, vegetation and the extent of land development, topographic slope, and the degree to which a pond penetrates an aquifer affect the efficacy of interception and storage of surface runoff in ponds. Résumé Le but de ce travail est de décrire une méthode de stockage d'eau qui soit plus sure que les réservoirs, et d'étudier l'efficacité de l'interception et du stockage d'eau de ruissellement dans des bassins. Dans cette méthode, une série de bassins est disposée le long d'une berge de rivière de façon à ce que l'interception de l'écoulement de surface puisse être accrue et que plus d'eau puisse être stockée pendant la saison humide pour être utilisée en saison sèche. Les résultats de la simulation montrent que l'efficacité de l'interception et du stockage du ruissellement dans les bassins sont déterminés par la structure du bassin, la végétation et l'importance du développement agricole, la pente des versants et le degré de pénétration du bassin dans la nappe. Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es describir un método de almacenamiento de agua que ofrece mayor garantía que los embalses, así como estudiar la eficacia de la intercepción y almacenamiento de la escorrentía superficial en pequeñ as lagunas artificiales. Este méto-do consiste en crear una serie de lagunas a lo largo de las riberas de un torrente, de manera que intercepción de la escorrentía superficial se pueda incrementar y se almacene más agua en la época húmeda para su utilización en la época seca. Los resultados simulados muestran que la estructura de las lagunas, la vegetación, el grado de desarrollo del terreno, la pendiente topográfica y el grado de penetración de la laguna en el acuífero afectan la eficacia del método.
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 2014
Urban watersheds produce an instantaneous response to rainfall. That results in stormwater runoff in excess of the capacity of drainage systems. The excess stormwater must be managed to prevent flooding and erosion of streams. Management can be achieved with the help of structural stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs). Detention ponds is one such BMP commonly found in the Austin, TX, USA. The City of Austin developed a plan to mitigate future events of flooding and erosion, resulting in the development and integration of stormwater BMP algorithms into the sub-hourly version of SWAT model. This paper deals with the development of a physically based algorithm for detention pond. The algorithm was tested using a previously flow-calibrated watershed in the Austin area. From the test results obtained it appears that the detention pond algorithm is functioning satisfactorily. The algorithm developed could be used a) to evaluate the functionality of individual detention pond b) to analyze the benefits of such structures at watershed or higher scales and c) as design tool.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
L'urbanisation, au-delà de l'augmentation des surfaces imperméables, entraine souvent une réduction des étangs et des zones humides naturellement présents le long des cours d'eau. Ce processus, peu étudié, contribue à déterminer les modifications du régime hydrologique des bassins versants en réduisant la capacité de stockage et de rétention du ruissellement. Sur la base de données issues de sept points de mesures dans un bassin versant (50 km²) de la Région de Bruxelles, cette communication présente une comparaison entre le régime hydrologique de zones boisées et urbaines. Ensuite, par la simulation d'une série de scénarios représentant la croissance de l'imperméabilisation et la disparition des étangs dans un sous-bassin versant actuellement boisé, le rôle respectif de ces deux processus associés à l'urbanisation est évalué. Le résultat principal est que, si les deux processus ont des effets comparables, seule leur combinaison permet d'expliquer le passage du régime naturel au régime urbain observé.
International Journal of Integrated Engineering
Land use change in urbanizing watersheds can have a significant impact on hydrologic and hydraulic process as well a degradation of water quality on receiving waters. The Bio-Ecological Drainage System (BIOECODS) consists of elements of storage, flow retarding and infiltration engineering. Swales, dry ponds, detention ponds and wetland are the main components of BIOECODS that function as flow attenuation and water quality treatment devices. The BIOECODS is a pilot project that meets the requirements of the Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia and has been constructed at the Engineering Campus of the University Science Malaysia, Nibong Tebal, Penang. BIOECODS represents an alternative to the traditional hard engineering-based drainage system to manage stormwater quantity and quality for urban areas. This article discusses how the BIOECODS could be implemented to control stormwater quantity from an urbanized area and reduce the water quality impact on the receiving water.
Merope. Revista del Centro de Estudios en Turismo, Recreación e Interpretación del Patrimonio, 2024
Leonildo Manuel
Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
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Jurnal ESIT, 2021
ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 2024
Lipid Peroxidation, 2012
Genetika, 2010
Diseases of the Esophagus
International Journal of Electrochemical Science
Nutrition & Metabolism, 2015
Littérature, histoire, politique, 2015
Language Ideology, Policy, and Practice: Focus on Minoritized Languages Past and Present. Eds. Samantha M. Litty and Nils Langer. Historical Sociolinguistics 7., 2025