Kagomé Lattice Antiferromagnet Stripped to Its Basics
P. Azaria 1 , C. Hooley 2 , P. Lecheminant 3 , C. Lhuillier 1 , and A. M. Tsvelik
arXiv:cond-mat/9807228v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 15 Jul 1998
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique des Liquides,
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France
Department of Physics, University of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, UK
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation,
Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Site de Saint Martin, 2 avenue Adolphe Chauvin, 95302 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France
(Received: )
We study a model of a spin S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a one dimensional lattice with
the local symmetry of the two dimensional kagomé lattice. Using three complementary approaches,
it is shown that the low energy spectrum can be described by two critical Ising models with different
velocities. One of these velocities is small, leading to a strongly localized Majorana fermion. These
excitations are singlet ones whereas the triplet sector has a spectral gap.
PACS No: 75.10.Jm, 75.40.Gb
The famous kagomé lattice antiferromagnet still remains largely a mystery after a decade of extensive studies. This system exhibits both frustration and low coordinance and classically it has infinite continuous degeneracies. Local distortions allow it to explore its many ground
states with no cost in energy and lead to a very specific
linear spin wave spectrum with a whole branch of zero
energy excitations [1]. In the quantum case (S=1/2),
the system is likely to be a spin liquid with a gap for
the magnetic excitations [2]. For finite samples, the system has a huge number of singlet states below the first
triplet [3] which is a rather unexpected feature for a twodimensional quantum antiferromagnet. Moreover, the
analysis of the specific heat shows the existence of unusual low-lying excitations [4]. The presence of these
low-lying singlet excitations below the spin gap gives a
picture of an intriguing spin liquid that deserves understanding from a general point of view.
In this paper, we shall study a one-dimensional model
of spin S = 1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a lattice
presented on Fig. 1 which retains the local symmetry of
the kagomé net. Insight into the behavior of the twodimensional kagomé antiferromagnet might be gained by
investigating this simplified system. In particular, the
one dimensional model may help us to identify the slow
degrees of freedom of the problem.
According to the conventional wisdom the model we
study may be viewed as a version of a three-leg spin ladder which in the low-energy limit one should expect to
fall into the universality class of the S = 1/2 Heisenberg spin chain. The latter means that the low-lying
excitations (often called spinons) are represented by one
gapless bosonic mode (in the language of the theory of
critical phenomena this means that the central charge of
the model is equal to C = 1 [5]). However, the frustration may play its tricks and, as we shall see, a somewhat
different scenario is realized. Namely, the bosonic mode
decouples into two modes of real (Majorana) fermions
(C= 1/2 each) having different spectra.
❏ ✉✡
✡ ❏
❏ ✉✡
✡ ❏
2j + 1
2(j + 1)
2(j + 1) + 1
FIG. 1. One dimensional version of the kagomé lattice.
The Hamiltonian for the model shown in Fig. 1 may
be written
[Jk (Sa,2j · Sa,2j+1 + Sa,2j+1 · Sa,2j+2 )
+J⊥ s2j+ 21 · (Sa,2j + Sa,2j+1 )] (1)
where s2j+ 21 are the “middle spins”, and Sa,j are the
“rail spins”, the index a taking two values (a = 1, 2), one
for each rail. All interactions are antiferromagnetic and
we shall also consider the case where interaction between
spins belonging to the rails of the lattice is much stronger
than the interactions with the middle spins: Jk >> J⊥ .
Under this condition, one can describe the chains in the
continuous approximation, representing the spins on each
chain as a sum of ferromagnetic (Ma ) and staggered (na )
parts: Sa,j → Ma (x) + (−1)j na (x). It is crucial for our
analysis that the middle spins interact only with the ferromagnetic part of the magnetization. The latter has the
following remarkable property - it can be written as a sum
of “currents” Ma = Ja + J̄a , where the currents satisfy
the same commutation relations as bilinear combinations
of left- and right-moving Dirac fermions [6]:
J̄a = Ra,α
~σαβ Ra,β /2, Ja = L+
σαβ La,β /2
a,α ~
[e2 (xa + 1/g)e2(xa − 1/g)]N eN
1 (xa ) =
where ~σ are the Pauli matrices. The corresponding algebra (SU(2)1 ) is called the level k = 1 SU(2) Kac-Moody
(KM) algebra where k refers to the number of species of
spin-1/2 fermions (one in the given case). Now we notice that the interaction includes the sum of two SU(2)1
spin currents J = J1 + J2 which, by definition, is a level
k = 2 current. These currents have the same commutation relations as currents of three Majorana fermions
(the explicit expression is given later) [7,8]. Since each
Dirac fermion can be represented as a linear combination
of two Majorana (real) fermions, it is clear that only 3/2
of the low-energy degrees of freedom of rails are involved
in the interaction. Obviously the other decoupled degrees
of freedom remain critical. Using the results of Ref. [8]
we can represent the continuous limit of the Hamiltonian
(1) as follows: H = Hs + Ht with
Hs = −
dx (r0 ∂x r0 − l0 ∂x l0 )
dx [J2 (x) + J̄2 (x)]
Ht =
g dx δ(x − aj) sj · [J(x) + J̄(x)].
e2 (xa − xb )
where 2N and N0 are the numbers of spins on the rails
and in the middle, respectively, M is the number of up
spins (M = 2N +N0 /2−S z ) and en (x) = (x−in/2)/(x+
in/2). The total energy takes the form
1 X
ln[e2 (xa + 1/g)/e2(xa − 1/g)].
2i a
Following the standard procedures of the Bethe ansatz,
we derive the following system of integral equations for
the free energy:
F = −N T dx [s(x + 1/g) + s(x − 1/g)] ln 1 + eǫ2 (x)/T
− N0 T dx s(x) ln 1 + eǫ1 (x)/T ,
ǫj (x) = T s ∗ ln 1 + eǫj−1 (x)/T 1 + eǫj+1 (x)/T
−δj,2 ∆ cosh πx
Here v ∼ Jk is the spin velocity which we shall later put
to unity and the coupling constant is g ∼ J⊥ . The Majorana fermion (r0 , l0 ) describes non-magnetic, gapless
excitation. It represents Ising degrees of freedom that
do not interact with the central spins and are associated
with a discrete Z2 interchange symmetry between the
surface chains. We shall study the Hamiltonian (4) using
several alternative approaches. First, we shall study an
integrable deformation of model (4) . To make sure that
the exact solution reproduces the qualitative features of
the spectrum, we shall consider an anisotropic version
of (4) bearing in mind that it may simplify in the limit
of strong anisotropy (the so-called Emery-Kivelson limit
[9]). Finally, a direct mean field treatment of the lattice
in the isotropic limit will be performed.
Exact solution of a related model. Since the currents satisfying the level k = 2 SU(2) KM algebra can
be represented as fermionic bilinears, the effective theory for the central spins corresponds to a special version
of the two-channel (k = 2!) Kondo-lattice model where
“electrons” do not experience backscattering. A similar
model (with k = 1) was considered in Ref. [10]; the result
is that integrability is achieved if one adds an additional
Hex = Ht + g
dx J(x) · J̄(x)
and limn→∞ ǫn (x)/n = H, H being the magnetic field.
In (9), one has ∆ ∼ exp(−π/g), s(x) = [2 cosh πx]−1 ,
and the convolution product is denoted by ∗.
At low temperatures T << ∆, one has ǫ2 (x) ≈
−∆ cosh πx, ǫ1 (x) = O(e−∆/T ). In this case the first
term in the free energy (8) gives an exponentially small
contribution corresponding to excitations with
√ a spectral
gap ∆ and the last term gives F ≈ −T√N0 ln 2 showing
that each central spin contributes ln 2 to the ground
state entropy. A lesson we learn from the exact solution
is that there are degrees of freedom presumably localized
on central spins (and their number corresponds exactly to
a single Majorana mode) which remain decoupled. One
may conjecture that since the magnetic modes are separated from the ground state by a gap, the soft modes will
remain soft even when one departs from the integrable
point. Below we shall give more rigorous arguments to
support this conjecture.
The Emery-Kivelson limit. We shall now study
a U(1) version of the Hamiltonian (4), characterized by
anisotropic interactions with g → gk , g⊥ where in the
limit of strong anisotropy, the low energy degrees of freedom can be identified. This approach has been fruitfully
applied in quantum impurity problems and gives a simple description of the two-channel Kondo model [9] and
also of the Kondo lattice [11]. In particular, for the twochannel Kondo problem, Emery-Kivelson identified the
residual zero point entropy stemming from a unique Majorana zero mode. To reformulate the Hamiltonian (4) as
a fermionic theory similar to Kondo problems, we first introduce three right- and left-moving Majorana fermions
where the ratio g ′ /g is fixed. The Bethe ansatz equations
for model (5) are derived in the same way as in Ref. [10]
with the only difference that “conduction electrons” now
belong to the spin-1 representation of the SU(2) group.
The result is
rb , lb (b = 1, 2, 3) to use the fermionic representation of
the SU(2)2 spin current: J¯a = −iǫabc rb rc /2 with a similar relation for the left-moving current [7]. The next step
in our solution is to combine the two Majorana fermions
(r1 , l1 ) and (r2 , l2 ) to form a single Dirac spinor (R, L)
which in turn can be bosonized. Introducing a massless
bosonic field Φ and its dual field Θ, one can write:
SF =
dτ [ ξ1,j ∂τ ξ1,j + ξ2,j ∂τ ξ2,j
+ χj ∂τ χj − iχj+1 χj − i∆ξ2,j χj ]
where χ is a Majorana fermion express in terms of
the right- and left-moving
√ Majorana fields (r3 , l3 ):
χj = (l3,j + (−1)j r3,j )/ 2. The mean-field parame√
r1 + ir2
ters are√defined√ by: λ = −ig⊥ hξ2 χi/ πa0 and ∆ =
exp[i π(Φ − Θ)]
= √
R= √
g⊥ hcos( πΦ)i/ πa0 . Solving the self-consistency equa2
tions, we find that the bosonic field Φ becomes massive
l1 + il2
exp[−i π(Φ + Θ)]
L= √
with a gap of the order ∆ ∼ g⊥ ln1/6 (1/g⊥
a0 ). In
the fermionic sector, the Majorana fermion ξ2 hybridizes
where a0 is a short distance cut-off. The anticommutawith the Majorana field χ which in terms of the original
tion relation between R and L is taken into account by
spins stems from the rails spins. The resulting excitation
the commutator: [Θ(y), Φ(x)] = −iθ(y − x). The real
spectrum is reminiscent of the one found in Kondo latfermionic zero mode (ǫ) is necessary to establish the cortices [12] with a small gap ∆g ∼ ∆2 /Jk ≪ ∆. Finally,
rect anticommutation relations with the third Majorana
there is still a singlet localized Majorana fermion ξ1 which
fermion (r3 , l3 ). The interacting part of the Hamiltonian
decouples from the conduction sea at the Toulouse point.
(4) is then given by:
This mode gives a zero point entropy of magnitude 12 ln 2
per central spin as found above in the integrable model.
X gk
i πΘj
Away from the Toulouse point (δgk = gk − π 6= 0), this
− √ szj (∂x Φ)j + √
Hint =
ǫ j s+
4πa0 j
mode will acquire a small dispersion and will contribute
to the specific heat. Coming back to the original model,
ei πΦj e−iπ/4 l3,j + e−i πΦj eiπ/4 r3,j + h.c . (11)
adding the contribution of the singlet Majorana fermion
(r0 , l0 ) which has decoupled from the interaction, the total central charge in the long-distance limit is C=1. Let
us stress that the two Majorana modes, in the singlet
tor e±i πΘj into the spin operators by a unitary transsector, contributing to the central charge are of different
formation U :
nature. The Majorana field (r0 , l0 ) describes a critical
√ P
−i π
Θj sj
Ising model whereas ξ1 is a strongly localized Majorana
U =e
fermion. In contrast, the triplet sector has a small specAs a result the interaction becomes
tral gap. As a result of this spectrum, the middle spins
are disordered and have short-ranged spin correlations.
(gk − π) z
The experience gained from the study of Kondo models
− √
Hint → U Hint U † =
sj (∂x Φ)j
leads us to expect that the preceeding results obtained
in the Emery-Kivelson limit of the model will extend to
i πΦj
j −i πΦj
(13) the isotropic point. To show this, we shall now develop a
mean-field theory directly at the isotropic limit keeping
track of the lattice structure more accurately than in the
where we have replaced the combinations of spin-1/2 opprevious approach.
erators and fermionic zero mode by local fermions (aj )
Direct mean-field approach. The Hamiltonian (4)
using the Jordan-Wigner transformation. We have also
is reformulated in terms of a fermionic model on the lat+
absorbed a phase factor (−i) in the definition of aj .
At a special point gk = π (called the Toulouse point),
ig X
part of the interaction vanishes and the low energy
χaj+1 χaj −
Ht = iJk
s 1 . ([~
χ2j × χ
~ 2j ]
2 j 2j+ 2
physics can be studied by a simple mean-field theory.
Since the scaling dimension d of the bosonic exponents
+ [~
χ2j+1 × χ
~ 2j+1 ]) . (15)
in (13) is pretty small (d = 1/4), we shall replace them
by their averages and try to solve the problem selfIn the continuum limit, the rail of χa fermions will
consistently. Introducing two Majorana fermions (ξ√
contain left- and right- moving Majorana fermions
(ra , la ; a = 1, 2, 3) of the SU(2)2 spin current: χaj =
associated with the complex fermion a: a = (ξ1 +iξ2 )/ 2,
we find that the effective action decouples into bosonic
−la (x)−(−1) ra (x) ; with this identification, the Hamiland fermionic parts in the mean field limit: SMF =
tonian (4) is then reproduced. The model (15) correSB + SF with
sponds to local moments (s2j+1/2 ) interacting with a sea
three Majorana fermions (χaj ). To describe the mid√
spins we use the Majorana representation for spins
SB = dxdτ [ (∂µ Φ) + λ cos πΦ ]
S=1/2 (see Ref. [12] and references therein):
sn = − [~γn × ~γn ], n = 2k + , k ∈ Z
where γna are local Majorana fermions satisfying the anb
ticommutation relations {γna , γm
} = δnm δ ab . This representation (16) reproduces the spin commutation relations and gives the correct value of the Casimir operator:
s2n = 3/4.
A model very similar to (15) was analyzed in Ref. [13].
Following this analysis we substitute (16) into (15) and
decouple the interaction with an auxiliary field V living
on the links connecting rails with middle spins. In the
mean-field approximation the variables V are considered
as static with their values determined self-consistently by
minimizing the free energy. We find that the minimum
is achieved when a unit cell contains two middle spins
(see Fig. 2) with either U+ = V− = 0, U− = ±V+ ≡ ∆ or
U− = V+ = 0, U+ = ±V− ≡ ∆.
❅ U
❅ +
In conclusion, the version of the kagomé lattice studied in this paper can be reformulated as a fermionic theory similar to models of Kondo lattices. Its low-energy
excitations are two spin-singlet Majorana modes with
different spectra: a critical Ising mode and a strongly
localized Majorana fermion, whereas the triplet sector
has a small spectral gap. The physics of the localized
low-energy mode is similar to physics of the two-channel
Kondo model. This picture retains some properties of
the kagomé antiferromagnet with very soft singlet modes
and a gap for magnetic excitations. It is tempting to conjecture that the singlet degrees of freedom and the gapful
magnetic excitation identified here might be responsible
for the additional structure seen in the specific heat of
the kagomé magnet at low temperature.
A. M. Tsvelik acknowledges the kind hospitality of
Ecole Normale Supérieure during his stay in Paris. The
authors thank P. Chandra, P. Coleman, B. Douçot, H.-U.
Everts, and Ch. Waldtmann for important discussions.
❅ V
❅ +
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FIG. 2. The unit cell in the mean-field approximation.
All branches of the spectrum are found to be gapful.
The low energy band is rather flat towards the edge of
the Brillouin zone in agreement with the Emery-Kivelson
limit of the model in the triplet sector. However, as was
demonstrated in Ref. [13], the local Z2 -degeneracy of the
ground state generates a local real fermionic zero mode
γ0 which is coupled to the three Majorana band fermions
with the Lagrangian:
[ γj0 ∂τ γj0 + g ′ γj0 χ1j χ2j χ3j ].
This singlet zero mode acquires a small dispersion with
the bandwidth ∆g ∼ ∆2 /Jk ≪ ∆. The total amount
of entropy accumulated in this band is 21 ln 2 per central
spin and this degeneracy will be slightly lifted and results
in the coherent dispersion of this mode. This mode corresponds to the strongly localized Majorana fermion found
in the Emery-Kivelson limit. This field will manifest itself in the spin-spin correlation functions of the central
spins since at low energies, they behave like s ∼ γ0 χ
~ . Due
to the small dispersion of the fermionic mode γ0 , correlation functions of middle spins are strongly localized in
space, but not in time where the characteristic scale is
∼ ∆g−1 :
hhs(τ, j)s(0, j)ii ∼ K1 (∆g |τ |)
which for small times is proportional to 1/|τ |, like for the
two-channel Kondo problem.