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1981, Geophysical Research Letters
4 pages
1 file
Seismic anisotropy in the upper ,, 1500m. of oceanic basement has been observed by polarization analysis of three-component borehole seismometer records. The most convincing evidence for the anisotropy is shear wave splitting for explosive sources at four azimuths. Compressional wave particle motion deviations suggestive of anisotropy are also observed but they may be caused by lateral inhomogeneities. The anisotropy was not resolved by travel-time analysis. The observed velocities and particle motions in the horizontal plane can be modelled to within a standard deviation by assuming a perfectly elastic, homogeneous, anisotropic layer 2 with hexagonal symmetry and a horizontal symmetry axis. The most probable cause of the anisotropy is preferred crack orientation.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1985
Seismic anisotropy in the upper oceanic crust is observed in borehole data obtained at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 504B on DSDP leg 92. Particle motion analysis of converted shear wave arrivals from explosive sources at various azimuths reveals a set of patterns which is indicative of hexagonally isotropic structure with a horizontal symmetry axis. There are four diagnostic patterns'(1) Along symmetry axes, where vertically polarized shear waves (SV) are generated but horizontally polarized shear waves (SH) are not generated, the particle motions are purely vertical, (2) for azimuths at which both S V and SH are generated and the SH velocity is significantly faster than SV, a cruciform pattern with horizontal first motion is observed, (3) for azimuths at which both are generated and the SV velocity is significantly faster than SH, a cruciform pattern with vertical first motion is observed, and (4) for azimuths at which both are generated and SV and SH velocities are similar elliptical particle motions are observed. The shear wave particle motions and compressional wave travel times (from a 2-km radius circle) are consistent with an anisotropic model with hexagonal symmetry. The compressional wave velocity has a two theta azimuthal variation between 4.0 and 5.0 km/s. The symmetry axis is horizontal with an azimuth of N20øW + 10 ø. The spreading direction at the site (6 m.y. age) is north-south. The observed seismic anisotropy is most probably caused by the preferred orientation of large-scale fractures and fissures in upper layer 2 which were created in the early stages of crustal development by near axis extensional processes and normal block faulting. oceanic crust have too much scatter in arrival time to unambiguously demonstrate anisotropy. Furthermore, the observation of Stephen [1981] of SH arriving after SV could be attributed to a scattering phenomenon rather than anisotropy. Consequently, althohgh seismic anisotropy has been a preferred explanation for a number of observations of this type, it has not been specifically required by the data. In this paper we present shear wave particle motion data which do specifically require anisotropic structure in the upper crust. The anisotropy indicated by the shear wave observations is consistent with the anisotropy indicated by compressional wave arrival times for a short-range (2 km) circle which
Annals of Geophysics, 2023
This special issue of Annals of Geophysics "Seismic anisotropy and shear-wave splitting: Achievements and perspectives" originates from a session (S10) of the 37 th General assembly of the European Seismological commission ESC 2021 Conference which was planned to take place on 21 September 2021, in Corfu Greece, but due to the Covid19 pandemic was Virtual. The main theme of the session and of this special issue was the crucial role of seismic anisotropy in investigating the Earth's interior from the upper crust to the inner core. Shear-wave splitting, one of the most effective ways to study seismic anisotropy, can identify the properties and the geodynamics of the upper mantle, and identify the presence of fluid-saturated microcracks, oriented according to the stress regime, in the upper crust. Azimuthal anisotropy and radial anisotropy can be assessed from earthquake or ambient noise recordings to detect the seismic layered features and to rebuild the 3D seismic structure.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1989
We carried out a borehole seismic experiment at Deep Sea Drilling Project hole 418A in order to study the vertical and lateral velocity variations in 100-m.y.-old oceanic crust. We clamped a seismometer successively at five depths between 41 m and 430 m within the extmsive basalt layer while air gun and explosive sources were fired on eight radial lines and four concentric circles to 8 km range. Our travel time data do not give consistent evidence of anisotropy. However, our experimental error may mask anisotropy of up to 0.2-0.3 km/s. Velocities from inflection point analysis, sonic log, and reflectivity synthetic seismograms support results of x-• inversion of radial line P arrival times. Velocity increases with an almost linear gradient of 1.3 s-1 from 4.6 km/s at the top of basement to 1.8 km depth. The x-• velocity profile at 418A does not differ significantly at the 95% confidence level from that at 417D located-7.5 km away. Seismic velocities at shorter-length scales do vary laterally. Travel time anomalies indicate that seismic velocity in the upper 0.5 km increases laterally northwest to 3 km range. Other data indicate that this velocity anomaly in the extmsive layer may be due to alteration controlled by topography or to primary porosity variations. Compilations of seismic structure determined from refraction data contain considerable scatter but typically show vertical velocity gradients of 1-4 s-1 in layer 2, the uppermost 1-2 km thick layer of oceanic crust [Ewing and Houtz, 1979; Spudich and Orcutt, 1980a; White, 1984; Purdy and Ewing, 1986]. Uppermost velocities are 2-5 km/s, and velocities at the base of the gradient are 6-7 krn/s. Range-amplitude relations indicate that more than one gradient layer may be common but not ubiquitous [Spudich and Orcutt, 1980a; Bratt and Purdy, Copyright 1989 by the American Geophysical Union Paper number 89JB00586. 0148-0227/89/89JB-00586505.00 1984; Fischer and Purdy, 1986]. Velocities increase with age rapidly shortly after emplacement [Purdy, 1987] and slowly over the next 60 m.y. [Houtz and Ewing, 1976]. Changes in porosity with dimensions of millimeters to a meter influence the vertical and lateral changes in velocity [Spudich and Orcutt, 1980b; Shearer and Orcutt, 1986; Purdy, 1987]. Variability of observed upper crustal velocities arises from a number of reasons in addition to lateral variations in crustal structure. Purdy and Ewing [ 1986] elegantly demonstrate that differences in shot spacing and travel time interpretation method produce significantly different vertical velocity structures. Rough basement surfaces introduce anomalies in travel time and amplitude [Purdy, 1983; Purdy 1982a,b]. Distinguishing the effects of basement topography from the effects of lateral heterogeneity may be difficult if basement relief is obscured by sediment or inadequately surveyed. At best, these anomalies add scatter to data and uncertainty to inferred velocities; at worst, the anomalies may be misinterpreted as lateral velocity structure. Only three seismic refraction studies, which were located away from fracture zones and spreading center rift axes and which have addressed the potential complication of basement relief, demonstrate lateral variations in velocity: (1) Bratt and Purdy's [1984] study of 0.5 Ma crust on the East Pacific Rise (EPR), (2) Purdy's [1987] near-bottom experiment on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), and (3) Stephen's [1988] study of 6 Ma crust at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) hole 504B. Based on experiments specifically designed to resolve lateral velocity heterogeneities on 140-m.y.-old crust in the western North Atlantic and on 4-to 5-m.y.-old crust on the EPR, Purdy [1982b, 1983] concluded that he could not confidently reject the notion of lateral homogeneity on scales of a few kilometers. The data discussed in this paper were obtained during an oblique seismic experiment (OSE) at DSDP site 418 on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) leg 102. An OSE differs from conventional marine seismic refraction studies in that the receiver is placed within upper oceanic crust rather than at the seafloor or sea surface. The primary advantages are (1) no direct water wave arrival to obscure arrivals from shallow crust at short range, (2) better signal/noise ratio than seafloor receivers due to direct coupling to basement rocks, (3) shallow crustal velocity measurements from analysis of the inflection point in the travel time-range plot, (4) reduced uncertainty in receiver location, and (5) direct correlation of velocity structure to rock samples and logs obtained at the borehole. With several borehole receiver depths and shots spaced 0.1-0.2 km apart, an OSE yields seismic velocity models to depths of-2 km over ranges of 0.5-10 km with resolution limited only by the seismic wavelength (0.1-1.0 km), bandwidth of the source (5-50 Hz), and bandwidth of the receiver (4-100 Hz). These advantages and the relatively small scale of the experiment allow detection of lateral heterogeneities which are beyond resolution of conventional marine seismic refraction surveys. In this paper we report the analyses of travel time data from radial lines and concentric circles. We computed the harmonics of arrivals from circle lines to study azimuthal effects. The 20 and 40 components are weak; however, an analysis of errors suggests that anisotropy with amplitude up to 0.2-0.3 krn/s may be hidden in experimental noise. There is a strong 10 variation which we interpret as a near-surface 9303 3o4 Swift and Stephen: Lateral Heterogeneity in Oceanic Crust 1 , 68 ø 4t7D øø417A .4t8B 418A' •000, 40 ,? 'ERMUD4 SITE 417 6000'-.%.
Geophysical Research Letters, 1998
Onset time differences of up to 3 s are ceding S s•t in S wave recordings of Tonga-Fiji earthobserved between transverse (S s•t) and longitudinal quakes at station HKT (Hockley, Texas), while record-(S sv) components of broadband S waves at distances ings at more distant stations in the northeastern United of 85 ø to 120 ø for paths traversing the lowermost States indicate a transition to TI [e.g., Vinnik et al., mantle (D") beneath the Pacific. After correction 1995]. We further explore the spatial variations of seisfor upper mantle anisotropy, S ss usually arrives ear-mic anisotropy beneath the Pacific using an extensive lief than S sv with the splitting increasing with dis-data set of S and Sdi•r wave recordings from broadband tance from 100 ø to 120 ø. The data yield two possible stations in North America. models of anisotropy: (1) anisotropy may vary laterally, with transverse isotropy existing in higher-than-2. Measurement of Seismic Anisotropy average shear velocity regions beneath the northeastern Pacific, or (2) anisotropy may vary with depth, with Anisotropy in D" produces subtle effects on S wavetransverse isotropy concentrated in a thin (100 km) forms [Maupin, 1994], These effects are not easily modthermal boundary layer at the base of D". A few record-eled because the presence of radial velocity gradients in ings at distances less than 105 ø show that S sv arrives D" and the strong velocity contrast at the core-mantle earlier than S sH, indicating that general anisotropy boundary (CMB) result in non-linear S and Sdia polarlikely exists in shallower regions of D". izations that are model dependent. This is illustrated in However, lateral vm:iafion of •he symmetry and m•gni•ude of seismic aniso•rop¾ in D" is also evident.
Journal of Seismology, 2009
. A quarter of a century of International Workshops on Seismic Anisotropy in the Earth's crust (0IWSA -12IWSA). J. Seism. Explor., XX: YY-ZZ.
Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors, 1993
Seismological observations (SKS-wave polarizations, systematic P-residual variations, azimuthal dependence of P n- and surface-wave velocities or a dispersion of surface waves) are not consistent with isotropic, if laterally heterogeneous, upper-mantle structure. Therefore, an anisotropy should be considered as an a priori aspect of future large-scale studies of mantle structure. Most studies of anisotropy, however, have assumed horizontal or vertical axes of symmetry, but such orientations cannot explain bipolar patterns of spatial variations of P residuals, which we have observed at many seismological stations. On the basis of the petrophysical properties of real upper-mantle rocks we consider anisotropy formed either by hexagonal or by orthorhombic aggregates composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene. Rotations of the aggregates about vertical and horizontal axes allow us to find the three-dimensional orientations of symmetry axes that fit combinations of both P and S seismological observations in Central Europe and in western North America. The orientations with plunging symmetry axes (velocity extremes) seem to be consistent across large, spatially uniform tectonic units and change abruptly at important suture zones.
Geophysical Journal International, 1984
A seismic anisotropy was found in the upper crust of the northern Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, during the downhole experiment in 1989. An ocean broadband downhole seismometer (OBDS) and nine ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) were installed during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 128 in and near Hole 794D. Traveltimes of P-wave recorded by the OBDS, and nearest three OBSs, which were corrected due to offset ranges from a shot to the receiver and thicknesses of the sedimentary layer, were fitted by an anisotropic velocity model: the azimuthal dependence of the velocity of P-wave propagation is expressed in terms of sinusoidal functions up to the sixth-order terms. Both the anisotropic terms, the second-and the fourth-order terms, and the laterally heterogeneous term, the first-order term, were significant in the model. The direction of P-wave propagation was measured by the OBS array data and found to deviate from the sagittal plate. The traveltimes and the direction of propagation both indicate that P-wave propagates faster east-west than north-south by 4%-7%. The anisotropy in the basement layer is interpreted to be due to stress induced opening of cracks.
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