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2021, IAR Consortium…
4 pages
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Rabbit, Run is a realistic novel written by American writer John Updike, which reflects the middle class life and social background of America during 1950s. And in this work, the author adds some reflections on arts, sex ,religion and existentialism. The character “rabbit” is an anti-hero, whose six times of running reflects the idle and meaningless life of American middle class young men during that period. The paper will analyse the existentialism in the novel and endeavors of the modern people to build up self-identity.
Walker studies the factors, which are responsible for blacks' conflicts, fragmentation, and identity crisis. The attempt of this paper is to study existential crisis in Walker's Possessing the Secret of Joy and Joshi's The Foreigner. The paper shows how both of the novelists have depicted existential sufferings of humanbeings. Walker throws light upon the evil practice of genital mutilation and convincingly shows women as victims of male patriarchy in the respective novel. Arun Joshi too delineates the human sufferings and existential crisis on the account of characters' quest for identity. Both of the novelists have done a similar attempt to show human's existential sufferings. They show human's attempt for identity formation as well.
International Journal of Social Science Research and Review (IJSSRR), 2023
Amidst the grand tapestry of existence, our Homo sapiens nature drives us to chase our dreams with fervor. Yet, amidst the tangled web of challenges and setbacks, our once-vibrant aspirations often wane, leaving us adrift on the journey of life. The struggle to accept our circumstances breeds stress, planting the seeds of despair that sprout into the depths of depression. In this perilous realm, where selfawareness and the essence of being falter, a haunting specter emerges: the dark nexus of depression and the tragic allure of suicide. This research paper delves into the captivating realm of existentialism by examining the profound insights embedded within the writings of two extraordinary literary figures, Earnest Hemingway and Jibanananda Das. Drawing from the philosophical foundations of existentialism, this study unravels the nuanced existential themes present in selected works by both authors. By juxtaposing Hemingway's celebrated modernist prose and Das' evocative Bengali poetry, we uncover their shared contemplations on the human condition, selfhood, freedom, and the relentless pursuit of meaning. Through meticulous analysis, we explore the divergent manifestations of existentialist thought in their respective cultural and historical contexts. This interdisciplinary exploration not only offers a fresh perspective on Hemingway's profound insights into human existence but also sheds light on the lesserknown yet equally potent existentialist undercurrents in Das' timeless compositions. By intertwining the literary and philosophical dimensions, this research paper aims to enrich our understanding of existentialism and its transformative influence on these renowned writers, ultimately emphasizing the enduring relevance of existential philosophy in contemporary literature and human experience.
John Updike, the two times Pulitzer winner novelist has been accused of giving a marginalized status to his female characters. He did not give insight into the female characters and they were not treated as thinking animals but exist only to fulfill man's physical needs. Updike was a Barthian and his views on the existence of women seem to be inspired by him. Yet his novels also depicted some strong female characters.The present paper analyzes the appropriateness of the charge of misogynist that was attributed against him. The study is done on his famous novels Rabbit, Run, Couples, and Of the Farm, with a passing reference on Rabbit Redux and Marry Me. The leader of second wave feminism in America Betty Friedan's revolutionary work Feminine Mystique has been taken as a touchstone to judge the appropriateness of the charge against Updike.
Creation and Criticism , 2021
This research paper aims at examining the time breaking 'Existentialist Feminist Thought' in detail while having a cursory glance at 'Existentialism' along with 'Feminism'. It takes Existentialism into focus minutely and also its etymology, meaning and definition, its chief thinkers and the dominant concepts related to it. It also highlights feminism and discusses its etymology, meaning, definition, types and waves with its chief thinkers and their related major theories as well as correlation between existentialism and feminism. It chiefly presents the contribution of the major existentialist feminists thought while delving deep into their major works and theories which demonstrate the moot point of the predicament of woman living in the various society across the globe. What the concept of 'Otherness' is and what it explains about the women's oppressions, what voices it raises against the sexual oppressions of the patriarchal society inter aliathese all targeted things are also explored, besides having a cursory glance over the contribution of the existentialist
Existentialism is a philosophical movement which emphasizes on individual existence, freedom and choice. For existentialists, there is no single theory that can contain the whole of the experience of human life. Existentialism is a philosophical movement which claims that individual human beings create the meanings and essence of their own lives. Jean Paul Sartre who has taken existentialist’s revolt to the foundation of existentialism that we mean that man is nothing else but which he makes of himself. That is the first principle of existentialism. By essence Sartre means what has been Sartre calls its man’s past. Man first of all encounters himself. Meaning behind existence is to establish value. Each man makes
Soren Kierkegaard’s the three phases of Human Existence (aesthetic phase, ethic phase and religious phase) combine with a current study of Existentialism by Gordon E. Bigelow (Existence Precedes Essence, Alienation, Fear and Trembling of Anxiety, Nothingness, and Freedom) are the core ideaof this research. The researcher compares the Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho’s novel Veronika Decides to Die and Japanese novelist Abe Kobo’s novel Woman in the Dunes. This research reveals how the main characters Veronika and Niki are entrapped by society and nature with the sense of nothingness till their enlightenment. By means of using Descriptive Qualitative research, this researchfound the way of the main characters provide the meaning of their life based on the three phases of Existentialism and the Six Prime of Existentialism. Keywords : Existentialism, Six Primes of Existentialism, Three Phases of Human Existence
European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Federigo Tozzi is a Classical Modern Italian writer of the Italian Literature in the early XXth century. The novel analyzed, The Clocks, is written by him and the central character is Bernardo Lotti a man who lives alone in his existence surrounded by clocks that are hanged on the walls around the house. The existential melancholy, ineptitude and loss, painful conception of the character’s life are the demonstration of the XXth century’s crisis in Europe and Italy. The writer tries to be evident with the modern myth of the impossibility of life between consciousness and the reality. The objects in this novel are vitalized and life was given to them. The character is seen through the mechanism of glance and the metaphoric use of the reality, an objective description by the writer and subjective interpretation of the consciousness from Bernardo. In the horizontal plane we have a slow trend and in the vertical plane a fast style, concentrated, with ellipsis of verbs.
Journal of Consumer Culture, 2002
This paper explores the existentialism and estrangement in the Arun Joshi's select works. Arun Joshi one of the most conspicuous Indo-English authors of Post-provincial Era of Indian Literary field, has gave five books and an assortment of dozen short stories to be installed with enlarged topical and elaborate extensions. For sure, brain science has been utilized as an incredible instrument by Joshi to draw out the psychological variation endured by the greater part of his heroes, yet not more. Despite the fact that his compositions hastily take after those of Western existentialist journalists who harp on the pointlessness and invalidation of life and presence divine, Joshi is profoundly distracted with drawing out the embodiment of Indian ethos whose job is inescapable in all features of life for the antiquated ones, yet in addition for the puzzled contemporary adolescent, regardless of whether he be Indian or outsider. Along these lines, remembering that Existentialism in the cutting edge setting is an old wine in another cup, another name for an old strategy for Buddhism and Upanishads which demand just on the information on self, this examination depends on the way that Man, being a survivor of obliviousness of his intrinsic delicacy of ethical quality becomes egotistical which prompts a feeling of vacancy over the soul that makes the world a waste and a vain show. Published with open access at Arun Joshi's works are not a result of the inventive work for the experimental writing world. Or maybe it is something which is near him in actuality and that is genuine on the grounds that he has acknowledged that quite a bit of his composing are his personal representations from his stay in America as an understudy to the universe of inconspicuous riddle in India. The subject and the rationale that Arun Joshi provides for the novel are not founded on logical perception simply however on finding the truth which falsehoods covered up in the fact of his own life. To comprehend the books of Arun Joshi, one have to remember that what he is composing isn't the easygoing impact that he is attempting to build up. Or maybe it is his experimentation with the snapshots of the intense enduring circumstances of human life to contemplate the human situation. Arun Joshi saw the breakdown of old qualities bringing about crazy universe. He saw contemporary man looking for an approach to have an important existence. He has recorded current man's injuries and desolations in his books. This idea echoes in the entirety of his books. His anecdotal world is disclosure of a reality where man is gone up against by oneself and the inquiries of his reality. He ably pen down the man's internal issues like rootlessness, anxiety, existential difficulty, emergency of character in the current world. Arun Joshi"s books are the disclosure of human quandary in an apathetic and uncertain universe. Alongside the issue of negligibility the current society is loaded with misuses. There is just disarray, disarray political agitation in public activity. Men don't understand their obligation and duty towards others. Arun Joshi was tormented to see the confused states of the general public. He along these lines took into his hand the undertaking of giving an answer for the general public to escape from the endless loop of quick industrialization. Accordingly through the battles of his heroes is expects to accomplish a decent society and cheerful and euphoric people. Doubt, foul play, abuse, and so on, overwhelm the current world. To comprehend and break down the books of Arun Joshi, it is beneficial to have an abstract comprehension of the books instead of that of the target reality that molded the hero. In the succeeding pages the books of Arun Joshi in their ordered arrangement have been dissected with unique reference to the existential and estrangement. The most huge and direct treatment of the subject of estrangement can be found in
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