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This review discusses the book 'Expert Systems: Principles and Programming' by J.C. Giarratano and G. Riley, which serves as a foundational text for courses on expert systems. It highlights the importance of understanding knowledge representation and processing methods, the practical implementation of an expert system programming language (CLIPS), and the various paradigms used in expert systems design. While the book effectively introduces these concepts with examples, it also faces challenges in defining expert systems and achieving a cohesive interdisciplinary discourse between technology and application.
Reluctantly, I must admit that this is a good book. Weiss and Kulikowski have admirably delivered what they promise: a simple, proven-effective means for building prototype expert systems. The authors have considerable experience and speak with authority. Their points concerning diverse problems, such as selecting applications, knowledge acquisition, and strategic issues such as controlling questioning are clear and useful. What I most like about this book is that it is not pretentious. It deals only with what the authors understand best about expert systems, and all of that is presented simply, with good examples. The book steers clear of academic arguments about knowledge representation, and this simplification seems appropriate for a practical engineer's guide. As a basic guide for designing expert systems, the book offers the classification model as a common theme for describing how certain expert programs solve problems. A classification expert system is one that selects an output from a pre-enumerated list of possible solutions that is built into the program. Weiss and Kulikowski present this model in a simple way, describing CASNET, PROSPECTOR, DART/DASD, and similar systems as examples. Problem definition, elements of knowledge, and uncertain reasoning are treated concisely. The brief discussion of traditional problem solving methods, such as decision theory, is valuable. EXPERT, a production rule language, is illustrated by a hypothetical car diagnosis problem as well as a model for serum protein interpretation. Of particular interest is a description of the ELAS system for oil well log analysis, which integrates EX-PERT with traditional analysis programs. The book concludes with an interesting, down-to-earth essay on the state of the art and consideration of the future. But for all its good sense and clear exposition, the book has two important limitations. First, the classification model presented here is weakly developed; it applies only to the simplest problems. Much more is known about classification from studies of human problem solving. The authors ignore cognitive science studies altogether and so leave out basic ideas that are relevant to designing expert systems. Even more serious, the authors advocate a rule-based programming style that I am afraid may become the FORTRAN of knowledge engineering. So much knowledge is left implicit or is redundantly coded that modifications and extensions to the program will be expensive-just like maintaining FOR-TRAN programs. If we want to make knowledge engineering an efficient, well-structured enterprise, we can only hope that approaches like those used in EMYCIN, EXPERT, and OPS5 will soon die out. Examples from this book make my point. I will consider the classification model first. It is noteworthy that the two AI researchers who first described expert systems in terms of classification- and Chandrasekaran (Chandrasekaran, 1984)-both had experience with pattern recognition research in Electrical Engineering. Some of the most informative parts of Designing Expert Systems relate expert system research to pattern recognition and decision analysis. What is lacking in this analysis is similar attention to the other fork of the evolutionary tree, studies of human problem solving in cognitive science. After all, the patterns of an expert system are not linear discrimination functions, they are concepts. Research concerning the nature of memory and learning of categories is relevant for designing expert systems. In particular, the hierarchical structure of knowledge, the nature of schemas as stereotypes, and the hypothesis formation process all have a bearing in how we design an expert system. Certainly, in the language of EXPERT, Weiss and Kulikowski have taken a big step beyond EMYCIN by structuring knowledge in terms of findings, hypotheses, and different kinds of rules relating them. They list three kinds of rules: finding -finding, finding -hypothesis, and hypothesis hypothesis. Thus, the classification nature of the problem solving method is revealed as a mapping of findings onto hypotheses. Moreover, Weiss and Kulikowski describe search of this knowledge network independently, so inference knowledge is not mixed with process knowledge. But their analysis stops here. Weiss and Kulikowski are right to put forth the classification model as a scheme for structuring expert knowledge, but they have not made any attempt to relate it to what is known about experiential human knowledge. Further analysis shows that there are common relations that underlie the rules (Clancey, 1984). For example, findings are related to each other by definition, qualitative abstraction, and generalization. Knowing this provides a basis for acquiring, documenting, and explaining finding/finding rules. Besides asking the expert, "Do you have any way to conclude about F from other findings?" the knowledge engineer could also say, "Do you know subtypes of F?" or "Given this numeric finding, do you speak in terms of qualitative ranges?" Similarly, hypotheses are related by subtype or cause. Rather than considering car failure diagnoses (an example developed in the book) as a simple linear list, the knowledge engineer can start with the assumption that the expert organizes his knowledge as a hierarchy of diagnoses. The classification model can be further refined in several ways. First, a distinction can be made between heuristic classification and simple classification by direct matching of features (as in botany and zoology). The pre-specified solutions in expert systems are often stereotypic descriptions, not patterns of necessary and sufficient features. This has important implications for knowledge acquisition and ensuring robustness in dealing with noisy data. Second, emphasizing rule implication alone, Weiss and Kulikowski fail to mention 84 THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 AI Magazine Volume 5 Number 4 (1984) (© AAAI)
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 1986
Abstrrict-'*Expert systems" is a phrase that is widely used in today's literature ta describe a technology that provides for emulating human reasoning processes in a computer. This paper attempts to clarify what the phrase expert systems means and briefly describes the underlying technology that is used to implement expert systems.
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2007
One manifestation of the "information society" is the increasing use of computers for management and decision making as well as for routine tasks. Expert systems, wich apply artificial intelligence, have been widely touted as aids for decision makers. These systems can give advice, trace patterns of logic employed in decision making, instruct, plan, and control; increasingly they can learn as well. I introduce here the concept and uses of expert systems; subsequent articles in this collection provide illustrations of their uses in the public sector.' Automating Expertise On the surface a t least, an expert system consists of computer software that emulates the problem-solving abilities of an expert in some well defined area of expertise (a domain). Expert systems evolved in the 1970s when some researchers in the field of artificial intelligence realized that they could not easily emulate human intelligence in a machine, in part because they could not even define the components of human intelligence. Human expertise, in contrast, is more easily identified, especially if confined to a well-defined domain. For example, the performance of a tax advisor can be measured in terms of right and wrong conclusions and defined in terms of heuristics, reasoning mechanisms, and the character of the knowledge. Expert systems were intended, therefore, to emulate human expertise, putatively as a first step towards mimicking a broader range of human intelligence. They have now taken on a life of their own, with considerable resources devoted to defining various kinds of expertise, identifying problems that lend themselves to embodiment in expert systems, and extending the range of expertise that can be computerized.
R&D Management, 1985
Construction of Expert Systems has so far been seen as a craft or an art, not a science. This paper attempts to improve this situation by deducing some aspects of a methodology for constructing Expert Systems from a model of an expert's expertise. It suggests that the traditional methods, based on extracting problem‐solving rules from an expert and encoding them directly into a suitable knowledge representation have certain disadvantages, while attempting to extract a causal model from the expert overcomes many of these. The simple Plausible Inference Expert System shell, of which several are now commercially available, is often very suited to the construction of causal models, and some practical issues concerning the construction of causal models are discussed.The suggested methodology has been found to work in several Expert System projects in I.C.I., though it is still being developed in the light of experience. In particular, the importance of the top‐down design of an Exper...
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
One of the largest area of applications of artificial intelligence is in expert systems, or knowledge based systems as they are often known. This type of system seeks to exploit the specialised skills or information held by group of people on specific areas. It can be thought of as a computerised consulting service. It can also be called an information guidance system. Such systems are used for prospecting medical diagnosis or as educational aids. They are also used in engineering and manufacture in the control of robots where they inter-relate with vision systems.
Artificial Intelligence, 1982
This is a tutorial about the organization of expert problem-solving programs. We begin with a restricted class of problems that admits a very simple organization. To make this organization feasible it is required that the input data be static and reliable and that the solution space be small enough to search exhaustively. These assumptions are then relaxed, one at a time, in case study of ten more sophisticated organizational prescriptions. The first cases give techniques for dealing with unreliable data and time-varying data. Other cases show techniques for creating and reasoning with abstract solution spaces and using multiple lines of reasoning. The prescriptions are compared for their coverage and illustrated by examples from recent expert systems. * There is currently much interest and activity in expert systems both for research and applications. A forthcoming book edited by Hayes-Roth, Waterman, and Lenat [21] provides a broad introduction to the creation and validation of expert systems for a general computer science audience. An extended version of this tutorial, which introduces concepts and vocabulary for an audience without an AI background, will appear as a chapter in the book.
The purpose of this paper is to review key concepts in expert systems, across the life cycle of expert system development. As a result, we will analyze the choice of the application area for system development, gathering knowledge through so-called knowledge acquisition, choosing a knowledge representation, building in explanation and verifying and validating the system. In addition, we analyze a number of different applications of expert systems across a broad base of application areas, including medicine, geology and business. Further, we investigate some of the extensions to and emerging areas associated with expert systems. system to try to "clone" one of their engineers, ultimately creating a computer program that captured his expertise.
this paper, we present a .new approach to enhancing an expert system with an explanation facility. The approach comprises both software components and a methodology for assembling the components. The methodology is minimally intrusive into existing expert system development practice
The book is aimed at bringing out a comprehensive presentation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based methodologies and software tools wherein, for the first time, the focus is on addressing a wide spectrum of problems in engineering.
Transportation Research Record, 1988
A variety of techniques and methods for representing knowledge in the knowledge base of expert systems have been used. The authors examine the significance of the means of representing the knowledge base in the development of expert systems, with special reference to transportation engineering. The development, highlights, and shortcomings of each representation technique are discussed, and appropriate transportation engineering examples are given. Also presented are the results of an investigation of expert system tools and how they relate to different representation techniques. The heart of an expert system is its knowledge, which is structured to support decision making. When scientists in artificial intelligence (AI) use the term "knowledge," they mean the information a computer needs before it can function intelligently (l); this information takes the form of facts and rules. Facts are truths in some relevant world-things we want-to-represent-Rep~-entations of facts are the things we will actively be able to manipulate. For example, Fact: Responses to a brake light from a leading vehicle require 0.4 sec to more than 1.0 sec for some drivers (2). Example: All physical motor capabilities deteriorate with age. Rules are formal representations of recommendations, directives, and strategies; they may be expressed as conditional (if-then) statements. For example, Rule: If forced flow and low speeds exist on a segment of highway, a level of service Fis achieved. Example: If the degree of congestion or vehicle delay, or both, caused by daytime lane closures is severe, nighttime construction and maintenance should be considered. Facts and rules in an expert system are not always true or false; sometimes there is a degree of uncertainty about the truth of a fact or the validity of a rule. When this doubt is made explicit, it is called a certainty factor (1).
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International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation & Tourism, 2016