52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
December 10-13, 2013. Florence, Italy
Building Temperature Control with Adaptive Feedforward
John T. Wen1 , Sandipan Mishra2 , Sumit Mukherjee1 , Nicholas Tantisujjatham2 , Matt Minakais1
Abstract— A common approach to the modeling of temperature evolution in a multi-zone building is to use thermal
resistance and capacitance to model zone and wall dynamics.
The resulting thermal network may be represented as an
undirected graph. The thermal capacitances are the nodes
in the graph, connected by thermal resistances as links. The
temperature measurements and temperature control elements
(heating and cooling) in this lumped model are collocated. As a
result, the input/output system is strictly passive and any passive
output feedback controller may be used to improve the transient
and steady state performance without affecting the closed
loop stability. The storage functions associated with passive
systems may be used to construct a Lyapunov function, to
demonstrate closed loop stability and motivate the construction
of an adaptive feedforward control to compensate for the
variation of the ambient temperature and zone heat loads (due
to changing occupancy). The approach lends itself naturally
to an inner-outer loop control architecture where the inner
loop is designed for stability, while the outer loop balances
between temperature specification and power consumption.
Energy efficiency consideration may be added by adjusting the
target zone temperature based on user preference and energy
usage. The initial analysis uses zone heating/cooling as input,
but the approach may be extended to more general model
where the zonal mass flow rate is the control variable. A fourroom example with realistic ambient temperature variation is
included to illustrate the performance of the proposed passivity
based control strategy.
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system
is a major energy consumer in buildings. For the analysis of
building temperature evolution under HVAC control, a common approach is to model it as an interconnected network of
lumped thermal capacitors and resistors. Thermal resistance
models the heat flow due to temperature difference: Q =
∆T /R, where Q (in W) is the rate of heat transfer across
the resistance, ∆T is the temperature difference (in K), and
R is the thermal resistance (K/W). Thermal capacitance (or
thermal mass) models the ability of a space (or wall) to store
heat: C d∆T
dt = Q,where C has the unit J/K. We model a
single zone as a single thermal capacitor and use the standard
3R2C model [1] for the wall (i.e., the wall is characterized
by three thermal resistors in series shunted by two thermal
capacitors at the nodes). As shown in [2], the temperature
dynamics of a thermal RC network modeled as a graph
consisting of n nodes (capacitors) and ℓ links (resistors) is
given by
C Ṫ = −DR−1 DT T + B0 T∞ + Bu + Bw
where C ∈ Rn×n is a diagonal, positive definite matrix
consisting of the thermal capacitances, R ∈ Rℓ×ℓ is a diagonal, positive definite matrix consisting of the link thermal
resistances, D ∈ Rn×ℓ is the incidence matrix of the graph,
B0 = −DR−1 dT0 ∈ Rn is a column vector with non-zero
elements as the thermal conductance of nodes connected to
the ambient, T∞ is the ambient temperature, u ∈ Rm is the
controlled heat input and w ∈ Rm is the environmental heat
input into each zone, and B ∈ Rn×m is the corresponding
input matrix. Note that w and u both enter the dynamics
through the same input matrix since we assume no heat
generation within the walls.
We assume a fully connected graph, so D is full row
rank, and DR−1 DT is positive definite. Each zone contains
a heater, implying that B has full column rank. We address
temperature regulation of the zones that are directly affected
by active heating/cooling devices. Therefore, the output of
interest is
y = B T T.
Since DR−1 DT is positive definite, the open loop system
(with u = 0) is exponentially stable. If T∞ and w are
constants, then the steady state temperatures are given by
Tss = (DR−1 DT )−1 (B0 T∞ + Bw).
A. Feedforward Control: Stable Plant Inversion
The purpose of the feedforward control is to shift the system equilibrium to the desired operating point. First consider
the setpoint control case where the ambient temperature, T∞ ,
desired zone temperature, ydes , and disturbance heat input w,
are constant vectors. Given a desired temperature set point
ydes and known T∞ and w, we can solve for the equilibrium
temperature, T ∗ , and feedforward control, u∗ , from (1) (with
Ṫ = 0):
B0 T∞ + Bw
DR−1 DT −B
. (4)
The following shows that a unique solution may always be
Proposition 1: For constant (T∞ , ydes , w), the solution
(T ∗ , u∗ ) that satisfies (4) is given by
1 J.T.
Wen and S. Mukherjee are with the Electrical, Computer and
Systems Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy,
New York {wenj,mukhes3,minakm}@rpi.edu
2 S. Mishra and N. Tantisujjatham are with the Mechanical, Aerospace,
and Nuclear Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Troy, New York {mishrs2,tantin}@rpi.edu
978-1-4673-5716-6/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
(I − (B ⊥ AB ⊥ )−1 B ⊥ A)B + ydes
+B ⊥ (B ⊥ AB ⊥ )−1 B ⊥ B0 T∞
−w + (B A B)
(ydes − B T A−1 B0 T∞ )
where A := DR−1 DT , B + ∈ Rm×n is the Moore-Penrose
pseudo-inverse and B ⊥ ∈ Rn−m×n the annihilator of B:
B + = (B T B)−1 B T , B ⊥ B = 0, B ⊥ B ⊥ = In−m . (7)
If (T∞ , ydes , w) are time varying, (T ∗ , u∗ ) that solves (1)
is given by a stable dynamical system as depicted in Figure 1
and stated in the proposition below.
Proposition 2: For time varying (T∞ , ydes , w), the solution (T ∗ , u∗ ) that satisfies (1) (with (T, y) replaced by
(T ∗ , ydes )) is given by the output of the following stable
dynamical system:
ξ˙ = −(B ⊥ CB ⊥ )−1 B ⊥ (−AB ⊥ ξ + B0 T∞
collocation condition. Similarly, the thermal system modeled
as a thermal RC network with collocated heat input and zone
temperature output is strictly passive (due to the thermal
resistances) without T∞ and w, which is easily shown using
1 T
the Controller
storage function
2 T CT .
We consider a standard feedback/feedforward control architecture as shown in Figure 2. Decompose the control input
u = uf b + u∗
where we will design uf b as a passive feedback and u∗ will
be the feedforward from Section II-A.
− AB + ydes − CB + ẏdes )
T ∗ = B + ydes + B ⊥ ξ
u∗ = −w + (B T C −1 B)−1 (B T AB
+B C
ydes + ẏdes − B C −1 B0 T∞ )
Fig. 2.
Fig. 1. Building thermal system viewed as an input/output dynamical
system and its stable inversion.
B. Passivity Property of Building Thermal Systems
A system with state x, input u, and output y is passive
if there exists a continuously differentiable storage function
V (x) ≥ 0 such that
V̇ ≤ −W (x) + uT y
for some function W (x) ≥ 0. If W (x) is positive definite,
then the system is strictly passive [3]. The notion of passivity
is motivated by physical systems that conserve or dissipate
energy, such as passive circuits and mechanical structures,
where V (x) corresponds to an energy function. Passivity
is a useful tool for nonlinear stability analysis and control
design, particularly for large scale interconnected systems
as in network flow control [4] and formation control [5].
Indeed, the celebrated Passivity Theorem states that, if two
passive systems H1 and H2 with positive definite and radially
unbounded storage functions V1 (x) and V2 (x) respectively,
are interconnected as in a negative feedback interconnection,
then the equilibrium of the interconnection is stable in the
sense of Lyapunov [3].
A physical system that conserves or dissipates energy is
passive if appropriate, dual input/output pairs are chosen –
so that the product between the input and output vectors
is the power delivered to the system. Examples include
multi-port RLC circuits with port voltages as inputs and
port currents into the circuit as outputs (or vice versa),
and mass-spring-damper networks with force (or torque)
as input and collocated velocity (or angular velocity) as
the output. This is sometimes known as the sensor/actuator
Feedforward, with u∗ , and passive feedback controller structure
1) Model Based Feedforward: Consider the output tracking problem (with regulation as a special case): Given time
varying (T∞ , ydes , w), find u based on feedback of T to drive
y to ydes . The desired zone temperature, ydes , is assumed to
be known, but we will consider both cases when (T∞ , w)
may or may not be measured. First form the error system
based on (T ∗ , u∗ ) from (8):
Cδ Ṫ = −DR−1 DT δT + Bδu,
δy = B T δT
where δT := T − T ∗ , δu := u − u∗ , δy := y − ydes . The
stability of the first order system and collocation of the input
and output immediately suggests inherent passivity of the
system. Thus, a passivity-based stabilizing control law can
be designed as stated in the following theorem:
Theorem 1: Given
u = u∗ − K(y − ydes )
where K is a passive (possibly dynamic) system and u satisfies (4), the equilibrium T ∗ , in (4), is a globally exponentially
stable equilibrium, and y → ydes exponentially.
Proof: Consider the Lyapunov function candidate for (10):
1 T
δT CδT.
The derivative along the solution is
V (δT ) =
V̇ = −δT T DR−1 DT δT + δT Bδu.
Substituting in the controller (11), we get
V̇ = −δT T DR−1 DT δT − δT T BK(B T δT ).
Using the passivity of K and the fact that DR−1 DT > 0, it
follows that V → 0 exponentially.
This result implies that we have a large class of stabilizing
controllers to draw from in building control, with virtually
no model information necessary. (Although we do need
model information to compute the feedforward, u∗ , however,
error in u∗ , while influencing the steady state, does not
affect stability.) Any available model information may be
used to design K towards an optimization objective, e.g.,
energy efficiency, while preserving the passivity structure.
For example, the H2 optimization problem subject to positive
realness constraint may be posed as a convex optimization
and solved using linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach
[6], [7]
The controller K may contain saturation and still preserves
passivity. In fact, the entire u may be constrained, as long
as the saturation level is larger than u∗ . This simply means
that the effective gain is reduced when u is in the saturation
region. Furthermore, the controller gain may be time varying,
as long as passivity is preserved.
For heating only, u is restricted to be non-negative. In this
case as well, as long as T∞ < ydes , asymptotic stability of
the closed loop system is preserved. This class of passivity
based controllers possesses a high level of robustness, i.e.,
the inherent passivity in the system implies robust stability
even when the operating condition changes. For example,
if windows or doors are open and changing the thermal
resistance, the closed system would remain stable.
D. Adaptive Feedforward Control
The passivity property of the building system also allows
direct extension to feedforward adaptive control when u∗
is unknown or uncertain. The key observation is since the
inverted plant is stable that the feedforward u∗ becomes a
linear combination of (T∞ , ydes , w) after the transient in ξ
in (8) dies out:
u∗ = F0 ydes + F1 T∞ − w.
If T∞ can be measured, the following theorem states that
F0 , F1 , and w may be adaptively updated and ensure that
y → ydes .
Theorem 2: Consider the passive controller with adaptive
feedforward in the following form:
û − K(y − ydes )
F̂0 ydes + F̂1 T∞ − ŵ
−Γ0 (y − ydes )ydes
−Γ1 (y − ydes )T∞
−Γ2 (y − ydes )
where K is passive and Γi > 0, i = 0, 1, 2. Then y → ydes
asymptotically as t → ∞.
Proof: Consider the Lyapunov function candidate:
V (δT ) =
1 T
δT CδT + tr δF0T Γ−1
0 δF0 +
T −1
tr δF1 Γ1 δF1 + δwT Γ−1
2 δw.
where δFi = F̂i − Fi , and δw = ŵ − w.
The derivative along the solution is therefore
V̇ = −δT T DR−1
D δT
+ δT Bδu +
T −1
T −1
tr δ Ḟ0 Γ0 δF0 + tr δ Ḟ1T Γ−1
1 δF1 + δ ẇ Γ2 δw.
Substituting in the controller (14)–(18), we get
V̇ = −δT T DR−1 DT δT − δT T BK(B T δT ).
Integrating both sides and using Barbalat’s Lemma [3], we
have δT → 0 asymptotically. However, the convergence is
no longer exponential.
Remark: If T∞ is unknown but may be expressed as a
linear combination of known basis functions:
T∞ =
αi φi (t).
then, an adaptation law on αi may be used.
Remark: The adaptive feedforward for w is simply the
integral control. If additional time varying characteristics of
u∗ is known, it is straightforward to incorporate into the
adaptive controller.
Remark: In addition to robust stability, the adaptive feedforward strategy proposed can also take into account changes
in the building behavior. For example a window opening or
closing will affect F1 , which will be counteracted by the
adaptive feedforward correction of F̂1 to drive y → ydes .
Thus, we can assure robust performance of the controller
in the presence of typical uncertainties in the building’s
E. HVAC System Model
We have considered the heat into each zone as directly
controllable, but in practice, heating is provided through the
building heating-ventilation-air-conditioning (HVAC) system. There are numerous architectures and design choices
for HVAC systems. For example, a model suggested in
[8]–[10] consists of a central heating/cooling unit, zone
heating/cooling coils, zone dampers, and fan as shown in
figure 3. In this paper, we only consider heating, though
generalization to heat and cooling is straightforward. In this
model, the heat input into each zone is given by
ui = cp ṁsi (Ts − yi )
where cp is the specific heat of air (we approximate it as a
constant for dry air at 1.0J/g K), ṁsi is the air mass flow
rate into zone i and Ts is the supply air temperature given
Ts = ρTr + (1 − ρ)T∞ + ∆Th
where ρ is the return-air/outside-air ratio, ∆Th is the temperature increase through the central heater. The return air
temperature is assumed to be a weighted average of the zone
temperature with weights determined by the mass flow ratio
(return air mass flow rate is assumed to be the same as the
supply air mass flow rate for each zone, i.e., no accumulation
in a room):
ṁs yi
Tr = Pi i .
i ṁsi
Instead of ui , the control variable is now ṁsi , consisting
of the air mass flow rate into each zone, ṁsi . However,
the same control approach may be applied. We first ensure
Ts > maxi yi by adjusting Th (in practice, this would be the
setpoint for the central heater or boiler control system). A
simple strategy could be the following hysteresis controller
(to avoid chattering), as shown in Figure 4:
if Ts ≤ maxi y+ M1 and Ṫs > 0
∆Ṫh =
−β if Ts > maxi yi + M2 and Ṫs < 0
where M2 < M1 . This would result in Ts −maxi yi hovering
in the range [M2 , M1 ], and reduces unnecessary additional
Once we have Ts − Ti > 0, we may apply the same
passivity controller as before.
Theorem 3: Consider the following controller
ṁs = −K(y − ydes ) + ṁffs
where K is memoryless and passive, and the ith component
of ṁffs is given by
ṁffsi =
cp (Ts − yi )
with u∗i given by either the feedforward u∗ in (8) or adaptive
feedforward û∗i in (15). Then the closed loop system is stable
and y → ydes asymptotically.
Proof: Substitute (25) into (21), we have the same controller
as in (11) or (14) except that the controller K is now a
memoryless time varying gain, K diag(Ts −yi ). The stability
result then follows from Theorem 1 or Theorem 2. Note
that upper and lower bounds on ṁsi may be imposed without
affecting stability. When ṁsi is in saturation, the effective
gain is reduced.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
HVAC architecture of system
For example, consider a quadratic objective function
(ydes −y ∗ )T Λ(ydes −y ∗ )+R1T ṁs + ṁTs R2 ṁs (27)
where y is the ideal zone temperature, ṁ is given by the
control law (25), Λ and R2 are positive definite weight matrices, and R1 is a vector of positive entries. For simplicity, we
only focus on the ydes dependence in the feedback portion of
(25). The update of ydesi along the gradient descent direction
of J is then given by
ẏdesi = −ai (Λi (ydesi − yi∗ ) + Ki R1i + Ki R2i ṁsi ) (28)
where ai is the update gain. A lower bound of ydesi should
also be specified for the minimum acceptable temperature
level. The effect of R1 is to cause ydes to fall below the
target value y ∗ and R2 regulates this drop based on the flow
rate (lower ydes would in turn reduce the flow rate). Note
that when there is no power (energy) consumption cost, i.e.,
R1 = R2 = 0, then we recover the output tracking case with
ydes = y ∗ .
To illustrate results in the paper, consider a four-room
temperature control example as shown in Figure 5. This
example is taken from [11], with the added heat transfer to
the ambient for all the rooms. We have also used this example
in our previous work [2]. For the 4 rooms and 8 walls, the
number of capacitive elements is N = 4 + 2 ∗ 8 = 20. There
are 27 thermal resistance elements, so L = 27. Hence, the
dimension of the incidence matrix D (without the ambient
node) is 20×27. For the purpose of numerical simulation we
assume that the dimensions of two larger rooms are 3m×4m,
and the two smaller ones are 3m×3m. The passages between
the rooms have a width of 1m, the rooms are all 2.5m high
and the walls are assumed to be 15cm thick. Further, we
assume that the insulation (thermal resistance) of the material
used for walls of room 2 is poorer than the other rooms, to
simulate for example, a glass paneled room. Using values of
volumetric heat capacities from [12] and values of thermal
resistances from [13], we have a model of the form as in
Hysteresis control of supply air
F. Optimization for Energy Efficiency
So far, we have considered the output tracking control
problem with specified ydes . However, ydes may be elastic
depending on the cost of energy. We may choose ydes to
balance between user comfort and energy usage by choosing
ydes to minimize the instantaneous comfort and power cost
Jcomfort (ydes ) + Jpower , where Jpower depends either on
u (for direct room heating control) or ṁs (for air flow rate
control), which in turn depend on ydes through the control
Fig. 5.
Layout of the four-room example
Consider the scenario where the rooms are initially at
12◦ C. The outside temperature varies according to the actual
temperature variation in December in Albany, New York,
as shown in Figure 6. We apply the flow controller (25)
with adaptive feedforward (26) and (14) with the target
zone temperatures set at y ∗ = 20◦ C and the feedback gain
K = 0.05. The maximum mass flow rate is set at 2Kg/s.
The adaptation gains are chosen to be Γ1 = 5 and Γ2 = 0.1.
First set ydes to be just y ∗ . In this case, we may combine the
F̂0 term with ŵ, i.e., Γ0 = 0. The heater, ∆Th , is controlled
by (24) with α = 0.1, β = 0.05, M1 = 5, M2 = 1.
When ydes = y ∗ , the adaptive control almost completely
compensated for the ambient temperature variation, as shown
in Figure 7. The mass flow rate is at maximum initially to
warm up the room and then reduces to a steady state level
to maintain the room temperature, as shown in Figure 8. At
around t = 35hr, the outside temperature becomes higher,
and the flow rate is reduced, as expected. Note that the mass
flow rate for room 2 is the highest due to its poor insulation.
The supply air and heater temperatures track the ambient
temperature variation to maintain steady room temperature
level as shown in Figure 9. The oscillation in the flow rate
is due to the hysteresis supply air temperature control.
When the power consumption terms are included, with
R2 set at 100, the ydes is moved away below y ∗ as shown
in Figure 10. As Room 2 is poorly insulated, lowering
its desired temperature would most significantly affect the
energy usage. Again at around t = 35hr, the desired room
temperatures increase as the outside air warms up. The
temperature controller tracks the desired room temperature
profile closely as shown in Figure 11. As a result of increasing the energy penalty, the energy consumption over 2 days
is reduced by 16%.
Fig. 6.
Actual December temperature in Albany, New York
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9.
HVAC mass flow rate into each zone
Supply air and central heater air temperatures
Fig. 10. Desired room temperature, ydes , falls below the target temperature,
y ∗ , set at 20◦ C, when the power consumption penalty weighting is set at
Fig. 7. Well regulated room temperature in the presence of time varying
ambient temperature
Fig. 11.
The RC lumped model is only a coarse approximation of
the actual room temperature distribution and evolution. To
verify the applicability of the analysis to a higher fidelity
distributed model, we use the computational fluid dynamics
Room temperature with increased energy penalty
(CFD) package Fluent [14] to simulate the temperature
control in a 3D model of the four-room example. The
ambient temperature and the initial room temperatures are
set to 12◦ C. Proportional feedback is used to adjust the mass
flow rate into each room (restricted to be between 0 and 0.1
Kg/sec). The temperature sensor is assumed to be a point
sensor located at the center of the room. The temperature
distribution after one minute, five minutes, and one hour are
shown in Figure 12. The air inlets are assumed at the corners
of the room, showing heated air entering the rooms. After
one hour, the room distribution mostly reaches the specified
temperature set point. As seen in the five-minute snap shot,
the poorly insulated room 2 takes longer to heat up to the
desired temperature. The averaged vs. center temperature
evolution in each room is shown in Figure 13. It is clear that
the proportional feedback to the mass flow rate is effective
to steer the overall room temperature to the set point.
temperature variation shows the efficacy of this approach.
Fig. 13. Averaged and centroid room temperature evolution, using Fluent
CFD simulation
This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation Award SEP Collaborative Award CHE-1230687,
HP Labs Innovation Research Program Award, the Center for
Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS) under a block
grant from the New York State Empire State Development
Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR),
and the Engineering Research Centers Program (ERC) of
the National Science Foundation under NSF Cooperative
Agreement No. EEC-0812056.
Fig. 12. Room temperature distribution after one minute, five minutes, and
one hour, using Fluent CFD simulation
This paper presents a passivity based adaptive control
strategy for building thermal control. By including all thermal capacitances as nodes, we show that the building thermal
control problem is inherently passive. This allows a large
class of stabilizing controller to be constructed, as well as
adaptation for the feedforward compensation for ambient
temperature and room occupancy variations. Additional criteria such as energy minimization may also be included.
A four-room simulation example under realistic ambient
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