IIIT Hyderabad at TAC 2009
Vasudeva Varma, Vijay Bharath Reddy, Sudheer K, Praveen Bysani, GSK Santosh, kiran kumar, kranthi
Reddy, karuna Kumar, nithin M
Text Analysis Conference
National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland USA
Report No: IIIT/TR/2009/222
Centre for Search and Information Extraction Lab
International Institute of Information Technology
Hyderabad - 500 032, INDIA
November 2009
IIIT Hyderabad at TAC 2009
Vasudeva Varma
Vijay Bharat
Sudheer Kovelamudi
Praveen Bysani
Santosh GSK
Kiran Kumar N
Kranthi Reddy
Karuna Kumar
Nitin Maganti
Search and Information Extraction Lab
Language Technologies Research Center
IIIT Hyderabad, India.
In this paper, we report our participation in
Update Summarization, Knowledge Base Population and Recognizing Textual Entailment at
TAC 2009. This year, we enhanced our basic summaization system with support vector
regression to better estimate the combined affect of different features in ranking. A Novelty
measure is devised to effectively capture relevance and novelty of a term. For Knowledge
Base Population, we analyzed IR approaches
and Naive Bayes Classification with Phrase and
Token searches. Finally for RTE, we built templates using WordNet and predict entailments.
Part I
Update Summarization
1 Introduction
Update Summarization is a new stride in summarization community. Ever since its introduction in DUC
2007 1 , there has been a consistently growing focus
in this direction. The task is to summarize a cluster of documents under the assumption that user had
some prior knowledge on topic. The major challenge
in update summarization is to detect information that
is not only relevant to users need but also novel given
the user’s prior knowledge. Update summarization is
relevant for newswire, since a topic in news stories
evolves over time and user/reader would only be more
interested about new information about that topic.
NIST first introduced update summarization as a pilot task at DUC 2007, later as a main task at TAC 2008
and continued it in TAC 2009. While the problem definition remained the same, the quality of data have
improved through out the years. In DUC 2007, the
update task data was just a subset of Multi-Document
Summarization data. In 2008 sufficient care is taken
such that there are distinctive events between clusters,
but a huge time gap is observed between clusters. For
TAC 2009, a lot of time and efforts has been put into
choosing news topics and creating appropriate document clusters.
Update summarization shares similarity with Novelty track introduced at TREC 20022 . The Novelty track was designed to investigate systems’ ability to locate relevant, novel information within the
ranked set of documents retrieved in answer to a topic.
Update Summarization is in a way an extension to
Novelty track as it needs to summarize the content
along with detecting relevant and novel information.
Researchers have approached the problem of “Update Summarization” at varying levels of complexity
during past couple of years at TAC. Ruifang He et.
al [6] proposed an iterative feedback based evolutionary manifold ranking of sentences for update summarization. Ziheng Lin et. al [20] followed time stamped
graph approach incorporating information about temporal ordering of events in articles to focus on the update summary. There are also simple content filtering
approaches [19] which identify dynamic content and
generate summaries.
Recent advances in machine learning like perceptrons [4], markov models [13], CRF’s [17] and
bayesian classifiers [9] have been adapted to summarization throughout the years. We use a machine
learning method, Support vector regression (SVR) for
sentence ranking. Sujian Li, You Ouyang [10] were
the first to use regression in the context of text summarization to predict sentence scores. FastSum [16]
also utilizes support vectors to score sentences using
multiple features.
In this work, we introduce a new feature Novelty
Factor (NF), that is devised to capture relevance and
novelty of a sentence within a topic. Computationally NF is a very simple feature, yet very effective.
Official TAC results support our argument on NF. We
secured 1st position in avg-modified pyramid scores
for cluster B, and 3rd in ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-SU4
recall scores for both clusters A, B. Our Post TAC experiments have shown significant imporovement over
current results for cluster A.
Sentence importance is estimated as the ROUGE-2
score of that sentence. The importance of a sentence
s, denoted by is is computed as follows
Bigrams |
m∈models |Bigramm
is =
2 System Description
|Bigramm Bigrams | is number of bigrams
shared by both model m and sentence s. This count is
normalized using sentence length |s|.
We built a sentence extractive summarizer, that extracts, scores and ranks a sentence before finally generating a summary. During ranking, instead of manually weighting each sentence scoring feature 3, we
utilize a machine learning algorithm, Support Vector
Regression (SVR) to predict sentence rank. In following sections we briefly explain SVR, estimation
of sentence importance and our algorithm to generate
Support Vector Regression
Regression analysis refers to techniques for modeling values of a dependent variable from one or more
independent variables. Support Vector Machines, a
popular mechanism for classification purposes could
also be used for regression purposes (Vapnike ,Gunn
1988) [5].
Consider the problem of approximating the set of
training data
T = {(F1 , i1 ), (F2 , i2 )...(Fs , is )} ⊂ F × R.
where F is space of feature vectors.
A tuple (Fs , is ) represents feature vector Fs and
importance score is of sentence s. Each sample satisfies a linear function q(f ) = hw, f i + b, with w ∈
F, b ∈ R.
The optimal regression function is given by minimum of functional,
Φ(w, ξ) = kwk2 + C
ξi − + ξi +
where C is a pre-specified value, and ξi − , ξi + are slack
variables representing upper and lower constraints on
the outputs of the system.
We use Radial bias kernel function for our experiments.
Sentence Importance Estimation
Importance score (is ) is not pre-defined for sentences
in training data, we estimate the value of importance
using human written summaries(also known as models) on that topic. ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-su4 scores
highly correlate with human evaluation [11]. Hence
we make a safe assumption that importance of a sentence is directly proportional to its overlap with model
Our system follows a 3 stage algorithm to generate
1. Pre-Processing
In pre-processing stage, documents are cleaned
from news heads and HTML tags. Stop words
are removed and porter stemmer is used to derive root words eliminating suffixes are prefixes.
Sentences are extracted from each document.
2. Feature Combination
Features used for sentence scoring are combined
to rank sentences. Normally features are manually weighted to compute sentence rank. This
process is automated with use of SVR in 3 steps,
• Sentence tuple generation: Feature values of every sentence are extracted and its
importance(is ) is estimated as described in
Section 2.1.1. Each sentence s in training data is converted into a tuple of form
(Fs , is ). Fs is vector of feature values of
sentence Fs = {f1 , f2 , f3 }
• Model building: A training model is built
using SVR, from generated sentence tuples.
• sentence scoring: Importance of a sentence
in testing dataset is predicted based on the
the trained model. The estimated importance value is considered as rank of sentence.
is = q(Fs )
3. Summary Generation
During summary generation, a subset of ranked
sentences are selected to generate summary. A
redundancy check is done between a sentence
and summary generated so far, before selecting
it into summary. This step helps to prevent duplicate sentences in summary. Sentences are adjusted based on their order of occurrence in documents to improve readability. Reported speech is
removed from summary to alleviate its conciseness.
3 Features
For our previous participation at TAC 2008 and
DUC 2007, complex language modeling techniques
like Probabilistic hyperspace analogue to language
(PHAL) [7], KullbackLeibler divergence (KL) [1] are
used as features in our system. This year we have used
Sentence Position (SL1 and SL2) and Novelty Factor
(NF) that is specifically devised for update task as sentence scoring features.
We propose a new feature Novelty Factor (NF) that
primarily focuses on update summarization problem.Consider a stream of articles published on a topic
over time period T. All the articles published from
time 0 to time t is assumed to have been read previously (previous clusters). Articles published in the interval t to T are unread articles that might contain new
information (new cluster). Let the publishing date of
a document d is represented by td . NF of a word is
calculated by
Novelty Factor (NF)
Sentence position
Sentence position is a very old and popular feature
used in summarization [3]. It is well studied and
still used as a feature in most state of art summarization systems [8]. We use the location information
of a sentence in two seperate ways to score a sentence.
Sentence Location 1 (SL1):
First three sentences of a document generally contain the most informative content of that document
which is proved by our analysis on the oracle summaries (in Section 5.1). Nearly 40% of all the sentences of the oracle summaries come from among the
first three sentences of each document.
Score of a sentence s at position n in document d is
given by,
Score(snd ) = 1 −
if n <= 3
(Assuming that number of sentences in a document
will be less than 1000)
Such that,
Score(s1d ) > Score(s2d )... >> Score(snd )
Sentence Location 2 (SL2):
Positional index of a sentence in the document is
assigned as the value of feature. Training model will
learn the optimum sentence position for the dataset
based on its genre. Hence this feature is not inclined
towards top or bottom few sentences in a document
like SL1.
Score(snd ) = n
where sn is nth sentence in document d.
nf (w) =
|ndt |
|pdt | + |D|
ndt = {d : w ∈ d ∧ td > t}
pdt = {d : w ∈ d ∧ td <= t}
D = {d : td > t}
Numerator |ndt | is the number of documents in the
new cluster that contain word w. It is directly proportional to relevancy of the term, since all the documents
in the cluster are relevant to the topic. The term |pdt |
in denominator will penalize any word that occurs frequently in previous clusters, in other words it elevates
novelty of a term. |D| is total number of documents
in current cluster, this is useful for smoothing values
when w do not occur in previous clusters.
Update task data in TAC 2009 consists of two clusters, cluster A is the only previous cluster and B is the
new cluster. Hece the NF for a word in
cluster A
nfclusA (w) = D
cluster B
nfclusB (w) =
Score of a sentence s is the average nf value of its
content words (w). We exclude query words while
computing the score since they are equally important
in both the clusters.
nf (wi )
Score(s) = i∈s
NF score of a sentence is a measure of its relevance
and novelty to the topic.
4 Evaluation and Results
TAC 2008 update task documents and corresponding
models are used to generate data for training SVR.
It provides 48 topics, each topic contains 20 documents divided in chronological order between cluster A and cluster B. Summary for cluster A is normal
multi document summary of length 100 words, where
as summary for cluster B is an update summary of 100
TAC 2009 Update summarization data has 45 topics with documents distributed in each topic the same
way as TAC 2008. NIST evaluates all peer summaries
manually for overall responsiveness, readability and
linguistic quality. All summaries were also automatically evaluated using ROUGE and BE. Evaluations
are also conducted using pyramids [15], which are
built using Semantic Content Units(SCU) from corresponding model summaries of a topic.
We submitted two runs, Run1 and Run2 for TAC
2009 update summarization track,
Run 1(System id:35) uses two features NF and SL1
for sentence ranking. The training model for SVR is
built upon TAC 2008 update task data.
Run 2(System id:51) generates summary using two
features NF and SL2. DUC 2007 update task data is
used to build training model.
Official TAC evaluation results of Run1 and Run2 on
various intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation criterion for
clusA and clusB are presented in Table 1 and Table 2
Run1 has proved to work exceptionally well in update scenario. Run1 is ranked 1st in Average modified pyramid scores(APS), 4th in Overall Responsiveness(OS) and 3rd in ROUGE Scores(R2 and Rsu4)
for cluster B which is essentially the update cluster.
It worked equally well for cluster A, given that it
secured 3rd in ROUGE, 4th in Overall Responsiveness. Average modified pyramid scores of cluster A is
slightly below than best systems.
Run2 is an experimental run to find the effect of
training on overall performance of the system. The
main difference between Run1 and Run2 is the quality
of training data. Even though Run2 performs comparatively well than most of the systems that participated,
it still does not make to the top unlike Run1. Hence it
is inferred that as the quality of training improves so
do the performance of system.
5 Post TAC experiments
Oracle Summaries
We generated sentence-extractive Oracle Summaries
using test document set and their model summaries.
Each oracle summary is the best sentence extractive
summary that can be generated by any sentence extractive summarization system for that topic. Sentences are ranked using Equation 1 to produce these
summaries. Motivation behind generating these sum-
maries is to find the scope of improvement in sentence
extractive summarization.
After TAC submission, some new and simple features are devised to improve the summary quality especially in update scenario.
Query Focus
All the features (NF,SL1, and SL2) in current summarizer are query independent and makes no use of any
information provided by query. Even without query
focus these features are able to perform very well.
Hence, a new feature Qterms is introduced to incorporate query focus into current summarization system.
Qterms In query focused summarization systems,
a sentence is considered relevant only if it contains a
query term. We use the same intuition to score query
focused sentences. A sentence (s) is scored by the
amount of query terms it contains
FQ (w)
Score(s) = w∈s
FQ (w) = n
= 0
if w ∈ Q
Q is list of all the words in query
n is frequency of w in Q
Novel Word Count (Nwords)
Novelty Track at TREC is in many ways similar to the
update summarization. The task is to mark novel sentences within a set of relevant sentences for a topic.
As state of art summarizers are sentence extractive
and update summarization requires to extract novel
sentences to build an update summary, novelty track
approaches can compliment update summarization in
identifying sentences with new information.
A simple approach to detect novel sentences is to
compute the amount of new words in a sentence.
Words that never occurred before in document cluster are considered new. In this case, we consider any
word that occured in cluster A other than query words
as old and all the remaining words as new.
A sentence (s) is scored by the amount of Novel
(New) words it contains,
FclusA (w)
Score(s) = w∈s
FclusA (w) = 0 if w ∈ clusA
= n/N else
Average modified Pyramid score
Overall Responsiveness
Table 1: TAC Official results for cluster A
Average modified Pyramid score
Overall Responsiveness
Table 2: TAC Official results for cluster B
clusA is set of words in cluster A
n is number of times w occured in cluster B
N is total term frequency of cluster B
We present in Table 3, Table 4, the effect of these
new features along with oracle summaries to depict
the scope of improvement in sentence extractive summarization.
Table 3: ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-SU4 scores of PostTAC experiments for cluster A
Table 4: ROUGE-2 and ROUGE-SU4 scores of PostTAC experiments for cluster B
Query focus (Qterms) has helped in producing better summaries for cluster A. Around 4% improvement
in ROUGE scores is observed. It is interesting to
see that, the same feature failed to improve quality of
cluster B summaries.
Inclusion of New Novelty feature (Nwords) does
not show any significant growth over Run1. Adding
Qterms to this combination only resulted further dip
in scores.
6 Discussion
Novelty Factor(NF) is able to perform well in summarization because all the documents given under a topic
are relevant to it. Hence, the importance of a term is
directly proportional to the number of documents in
which it occurs. In context of update summarization,
there is a need to penalize the terms that are authoritative in cluster A. So, the importance of a term in clus-
ter B is inversely proportional to the number of documents in which it occured in cluster A. Both sentence
positional algorithms (SL1 and SL2) have performed
decently. SL1 is inclined towards top sentences in a
document, and SL2 is unbiased towards positional index of a sentence. SL1 works because of the intuition that top sentences would always have informative content. SL2 is a feature that helps boosting informative sentences based on genre of the corpus. SL2
learns significant sentence positions in corpus based
on training data. As both training and testing belong
to same genre (Newswire) SL2 performs well. In our
experiments both SL1 and SL2 performs in a similar
way as important sentences in training data are present
among top 3 sentences of a document.
The major difference between Run1 and Run2 is
the amount and quality of training data. DUC 2007
update task data is just a subset of Multi Document
summarization data and TAC 2008 data is specifically
handcrafted for update task. It is observed that Run1
produces better summaries than Run2 both in automatic and manual evaluations.
There is still a huge gap between ROUGE scores of
oracle summary and machine generated summaries. It
reveals the fact that there is a lot of scope for improvement in sentence extractive summarization.
In future we plan to involve NF within a formal language modeling framework. We are currently working on predicting word level importance using SVR.
Experiments are being carried out to predict the role
of word position in a sentence to decide its importance. Further we plan to explore the use of entailment
in summarization scenario.
Part II
The advantages of using wikipedia are
Knowledge Base
Population (KBP)
• It has better coverage of named
• Redirect pages provide us with
• Disambiguation pages can be used for
homonym resolution[14].
1 Introduction
TAC 2009 Knowledge Base Population (KBP) track
focuses on automatic updation of structured Knowledge Bases (KB). The task has been broken down into
two sub tasks.
1) Entity Linking: The aim of this task is to determine for each query, which knowledge base entry
is being referred to, or if the entry is not present in
the knowledge base. The query consists of a namestring and a document id from the document collection. Each query string will occur in the associated
document in the test collection. The purpose of the associated document is to provide context for that might
be useful for disambiguating the name-string. Each
query must be processed independently of one another
and for each query a knowledge base node id should
be returned if present else NIL.
2) Slot Filling: The Slot Filling task involves learning a pre-defined set of relationships and attributes for
target entities based on the documents in the test collection. A query in the Slot Filling task will contain
a name-string, docid, entity-type, node-id, and a list
of slots to ignore. The node id that is provided will
refer to a node representing the entity in the KB. For
targets for which no node exists in the KB, the nodeid will begin with NIL. As in the entity linking task
the provided docid is intended to give context for the
Systems must process the target entities (i.e., each
query) independently from one another. For each slot
value returned, systems must also return a single docid from the test collection that supports the value returned for the given entity and slot. Slots can be single
valued slots or multi valued slots.
We use the following link structure from
Wikipedia to extract the name variations of an
(a) Redirect Links:
A redirect page in
wikipedia is an aid to navigation. When
a page in wikipedia is redirected it means
that those set of pages are referring to the
same entity. They often indicate synonym
terms, but can also be abbreviations, more
scientific or more common terms, frequent
misspellings or alternative spellings etc.
(b) Disambiguation Pages: Disambiguation
pages are specifically created for ambiguous entities, and consist of links to articles defining the different meanings of the
entity. This is more useful in extracting
the abbreviations of entities, other possible
names for an entity etc.
(c) Bold Text from First Paragraph: In
wikipedia the first paragraph usually contains a summary of the article or most important information about the article, thus
containing the most relevant words for that
article. We extract phrases from the first
paragraph of wikipedia article that are written in bold font. This bold text generally
refers to nick names, abbreviations, full
names etc.
(d) Metaphones: In order to identify spelling
variations for a given entity we use the
metaphone algorithm [2] .We generate the
metaphonic codes for each token generated
using the above 3 features.
(e) Lucene: Lucene 4 is used as an underlying retrieval system by us to retrieve entity
mapping from the knowledge repository
created using the above features. Metaphone codes for each token of knowledge repository is also stored in this index. We also index the knowledge base and
wikipedia to facilitate fast retrieval of data.
2 Approach For Entity Linking
We have broken down the Entity Linking task into
three separate modules.
1. Preprocessing: Our aim during the preprocessing step is to build a Knowledge Repository of entities that contains vast amount of
world knowledge of entities like name variations,
acronyms, confusable names, spelling variations,
nick names etc. We use Wikipedia3 to build our
knowledge repository.
Wikipedia is a huge collection of articles. Each article is identified by a unique title. These articles define and describe about
events and entities.
2. Candidate List Generation: Since the entity linking task involves the determination of
Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine.
whether a knowledge base node exists or not
for a given query, we try to generate the possible candidate maps for a given query from the
knowledge base as well as wikipedia. The motive behind adding articles from wikipedia also
to the candidate items list is that our knowledge
base is a subset of articles from wikipedia. The
addition of wikipedia articles to the candidate
items list helps us in identification of nill valued
queries, that is if for a given query we have nodes
from both knowledge base and wikipedia in our
candidate items list and our algorithm maps to
the wikipedia article we can conclude the nonpresence of the node in knowledge base describing about this entity.
Candidate items list is generated using only the
title information of the articles and the given
query terms, also we follow different approaches
for queries that are Acronyms and those that are
In order to identify if a given query is an acronym
or not we use a simple heuristic based approach.
If all the letters present in the query are capitals
we consider it as an acronym else it is not. The
algorithm for handling these two cases is as follows.
(a) Not an Acronym: If the given query is not
an acronym we search for the query terms
directly in the title field of the nodes of
knowledge base. If an hit is found we add
that node to the candidate items list. If no
hit is found it means that the query could
be a variation of the entity or variation of
the entity is present in the knowledge base.
We then search on the knowledge repository index created by us in order to get the
possible variations for the entity. If we find
any possible variations for an entity in our
knowledge repository index, we search in
the knowledge base index on title field using these variations. If any hits are found
we add those nodes to the candidate items
list. We also search in the wikipedia index
using the retrieved variations. If any hits
are found in the wikipedia index we add
them to the candidate items list.
If no variations are found in the knowledge
repository index as well, we assume that
the entity might have been written in a different form than it is usually written. we
generate the metaphone code for each token present in the query. We search in the
metaphone field of the knowledge base index. If any hits are found we add those
nodes to the candidate items list. The algorithm is depicted in Fig.1 .
Fig. 1: Flow chart when query is not an Acronym
(b) Acronym: If the given query is an acronym
we try to get the expanded form from the
document content which has been given
as disambiguation text. We remove stop
words from the disambiguation text and use
an N-Gram based approach to find the expanded form. If the length of the acronym
is ”N” characters, we check if ”N” continuous tokens in the disambiguation text have
the same initials as the characters of the
acronym. If we are successful in finding
the expanded form from the disambiguation text, we search in the knowledge base
index using these tokens. If any hits are
found we add those nodes to the candidate items list. If we don’t find the expanded form from the disambiguation text
we search in the knowledge repository index for the acronym. If we find the expanded form in the knowledge repository
index, we search in the knowledge base index using this expanded form. If any hits
are found in the knowledge base index we
add those nodes to the candidate items list.
We also search in the wikipedia index using the expanded form. If we find any hits
in the wikipedia index we add those articles
to the candidate items list. We also search
using the acronym in the the title field of
the knowledge base and wikipedia index.
If any hits are found we add those nodes
to the candidate items list. The algorithm is
depicted in Fig.2 .
Refining the Candidate items list: We delete
articles that belong to wikipedia from our candidate items list if it is also present in the knowledge base because if a node is present in the
Knowledge base describing about an entity, it
Party”. In token search we would be retrieving nodes that have titles either ”Chinese Communist party” or ”Communist
Party of China”. The node having title
”Communist Party of China” is not found
as a candidate item in the phrase search.
3. Calculating Similarity Score: If there are no
nodes present in the candidate list, it means that
no node is present in the knowledge base describing that entity. We return NILL in this case. If
there is only one node belonging to knowledge
base present as a candidate item , it means that
we have found an exact match for the query and
there are no other entities in our knowledge base
node describing about this entity. But if we find
that single node belongs to wikipedia, it means
that the likely link for our query is not present in
Knowledge base and hence we return NIL.
Fig. 2: Flow chart when query is not an Acronym
could be the possible link for our query.
If there are more than one nodes in our
candidate items list and all of those belong to
wikipedia, we return NILL as there are no nodes
present in the knowledge base describing about
our entity. But if the candidate items list contains
our knowledge base nodes as well, we follow a
different approach to solve this problem. In this
case we have to find which node is the mostly
likely link for the given query. This can be
solved in two different methods.
While searching in the article title of the knowledge base or wikipedia index for generating the
candidate item list we can apply 2 different methods.
(a) Phrase Search: In this method we see if
the exact phrase of the query or the expanded form of the acronym is present in
the title field or not. Only on finding the exact phrase we add those nodes to the candidate items list. A variation of this is searching for phrase with a noise of one word.
EG: If the given query is ”UT” and if we
find the expanded form from our knowledge repository as ”University of Texas”.
In simple phrase search we would be retrieving nodes that have exact phrase ”University of Texas” present in the title. But in
Phrase search with noise we would be retrieving nodes that have the titles ”University of Texas at austin, University of Texas
at Dallas” also.
(b) Token search: In this method we check
if all the tokens of the query or the expanded form of the acronym are present
in the title field or not. Variation of token search is searching with a noise of
one word. The difference between Phrase
search and Token search is that in phrase
search the word order is constrained where
as in token search just the presence of each
token is vital and not the order in which
they occur.
EG: If the given query is ”CCP” and if we
find the expanded form from our knowledge repository as ”Chinese Communist
Classification Approach:
(a) Rainbow Text Classifier 5 : It has several
built methods for classification like Naive
Bayes[12], SVM, KL-divergence, TFIDF,
K-Nearest Neighbor. We have conducted
our experiments using Naive Bayes and KNearest Neighbors.
If we consider all the possible candidate
items as different classes, we need to find
which class is the best map for our query.
In this approach we use bag of words as
a feature and build models for classification using Rainbow Classifier. For building
these models we view each candidate item
as a separate class and train the model. We
then give the disambiguation text provided
along with the query as test document. This
test document is classified into one of the
classes and the score obtained is the likelihood of the test document belonging to that
(b) Information Retrieval Model: We index
the candidate items text using lucene. Each
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ mccallum/bow/rainbow/
candidate item is treated as a separate document. Query formulation is an important part in the success of this approach.
We try and reduce as much noise as possible while generating the query from the
disambiguation text along side trying to
boost the terms that seem to the most likely
terms that describe about our entity. Since
the disambiguation text provided has been
tagged neatly into different paragraphs, we
consider only those paragraphs where the
query terms are present. Once we have extracted all the paragraphs that contain the
query terms, we remove the stop words. We
form a boolean ”OR” query of all the tokens generated from the paragraph text.
We give this query to the candidate items
index and the relevance score for each document is calculated.
Result generation: Once we are able to find the
closest matching node for a given query using the
disambiguation text we check if the node belongs
to the knowledge base or the wikipedia. If the node
belongs to the knowledge base we give the knowledge
base node id as the mapping link else if the node
belongs to wikipedia we give the link as NILL saying
that we don’t have a link for the query entity in our
knowledge base.
3 Description of runs
We have submitted 3 runs for the entity linking task.
1)Phrase search with noise for candidate list
generation and Naive Bayes for classification.
2)Token search with noise for candidate list generation and Naive Bayes for classification.
3)Phrase search with noise for candidate list generation and Information Retrieval approach.
Table 5 shows the results of our various runs. It also
includes post TAC experiments. Infact an IR approach
with token search performs better than the runs we
have submitted for TAC 2009.
Micro-Average Score we obtained through our
system outperforms all 35 runs submitted at TAC
2009. The average-median score over all the 35 runs
is 71.08% and the base line score is 57.10% when
NILL is returned for all the queries. Our system score
outperforms median score by as much as 11% and the
base line score by 25%.
4 Approach for Slot Filling
In the slot filling task we have to populate the slot
value pairs of an entity in the knowledge base. The
query for slot filling task will be of the form (NameString, Doc-id, Entity-type, Node-id, Ignore-slots).
Name-string refers to the entity name whose slot
values pairs have to be modified and Entity-type refers
to the whether the given entity is either a person, location or organization. Node-id will refer to the knowledge base entry which has to be populated. If the
node-id is NIL, in that case we have to populate the
whole template of the given entity type.
1. Preprocessing: For slot filling task, during the
preprocessing stage we index all the documents
of the document collection using lucene. This
facilitates searching and fast retrieval of the documents.
2. Approach: Given a query, we search for the
name-string on the index built during the preprocessing stage. We boost the documents that have
name-string appearing in the headline of the document. From the retrieved results we consider
the top 50 documents for further processing. Our
assumption is that these top 50 documents might
contain information related to the slots.
Once we have these documents we need to extract the sentences that might contain the slot values. For this we index the sentences of the top 50
documents we retrieved as separate documents.
3. Query Formulation: Since we have been given
a generalized mapping from different Wikipedia
slot names to a single slot name of the knowledge
base. EG: ”Nick names”, ”Also known as” are
all mapped to ”Alias name”. So we have used
this information during our query formulation.
We form a boolean ”OR” query of all the tokens
of the mappings provided.
Now based on the slot value to be filled, we query
the index built using the sentence extracted from
the top 50 documents and consider the top 10 retrieved sentences for further processing. We assume that these top 10 sentences might contain
our slot values.
We have categorized the slot values as
(a) Person
(b) Organisation
(c) Place
(d) Date
(e) Integer
(f) String
Token Search
Phrase Search
Phrase Search
Token Search
Token Search
Phrase Search
Phrase Search
Token Search
Table 5: Results of Various Experiments.
IR = Information Retrieval, NB = Naive Bayes
Our Score
Single Valued Slots
List Valued Slots
SF-Value score, All Slots
Table 6: Results of Various Experiments.
Now we need to extract the slot value from the 10
sentences we have. For this we have used Stanford Named Entity Recognizer(NER). We tag the
10 sentences using this NER and based on the
slot value type we extract the value from the sentences. Different sentences might return different
values, we consider the value with highest frequency as the correct slot value and return it as
the output.
For list valued slots we return the top 3 frequency
4. Results: Table 6 shows the results of our single
run submitted at TAC 2009 for slot filling task.
5 Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented a general overview of building our
system for TAC 2009 which analyzes a query and
it’s disambiguation text in order to find a link in a
knowledge base. We showed that an indexing based
approach with word search noise we able to outperform all the othe approaches. Our approach and experiments indicate that the 2 level methodology helps
in achieving high accuracies. We believe that this approach is particularly promising because, Wikipedia
is constantly growing and being updated. With it continuous growth we are gauranteed of the latest up to
date information.
Best Score
Part III
Recognizing Textual
Entailment (RTE)
1 Introduction
Textual entailment recognition is the task of deciding,
when given two text fragments, whether the meaning
of one text (Hypothesis) is entailed from the other text
(Text). The definition of entailment is based on (and
assumes) common human understanding of language
as well as common background knowledge.
We define textual entailment as a directional relationship between a pair of text fragments, which we call
the Text (T) and the Hypothesis: (H). We say that:
T entails H, denoted by T -> H, if a human reading
T would infer that H is most likely true.
For example, given assumed common background
knowledge of the business news domain and the following text:
T1: Internet Media Company Yahoo Inc. announced Monday it is buying Overture Services Inc.
in a 1.63-billion dollar (U.S.) cash-and-stock deal that
will bolster its on-line search capabilities.
The following hypotheses are entailed:
- H1.1 Yahoo bought Overture
- H1.2 Overture was acquired by Yahoo
- H1.3 Overture was bought
- H1.4 Yahoo is an internet company
If H is not entailed by T, there are two possibilities:
1) H contradicts T
2) The information in H cannot be judged as TRUE
on the basis of the information contained in T.
For example, the following hypotheses are contradicted by T1 above:
- H1.5 Overture bought Yahoo
- H1.6 Yahoo sold Overture
While the following ones cannot be judged on the basis of T1 above:
- H1.7 Yahoo manufactures cars
- H1.8 Overture shareholders will receive 4.75 dollar cash and 0.6108 Yahoo stock for each of their
However, entailment must be judged considering the
2 Approach
This time in RTE-5 the average length of the text is
made higher than is RTE-4. Texts will come from a
variety of sources and will not be edited from their
source documents. Thus, systems will be asked to
Fig. 3: System Architecture
handle real text that may include typographical errors
and ungrammatical sentences. The sentence structure
of text and hypothesis would rarely be similar. Hence,
there is a need to reduce dramatically the complexity
of required input sentences.
The major idea of our approach is to find linguistic
structures, here termed templates that share the same
anchors. Anchors are lexical elements describing the
context of a sentence. Templates that are extracted
from different sentences (text and hypothesis) and
connect the same anchors in these sentences are assumed to entail each other. For example the sentences
’Yahoo bought Overture’ and ’Yahoo acquired Overture’ share the anchors {X= Yahoo, Y = Overture},
suggesting that the templates X buy Y and X acquire
Y entail each other.
In later subsections, a) the problem of finding
matching anchors and b) identifying the template
structure are addressed.
Apart from this major idea, initially the dataset
is preprocessed to extract the dependency trees using Stanford parser, and similarity values between
common-nouns using WordNet similarity tool are also
preprocessed as the WordNet would take few seconds
to load for every T-H pair and that would be costly if
we want to make a quick run over the test set. Additionally, we added few rules and used semantic resources such as Stanford NER, VerbOcean (for comparing verbs alone), MontyLingua (to get the base
form of a verb) and Acronyms dataset. Fig:3 best describes our system
3 Pre-processing
The corpus is first treated with the Stanford parser to
generate dependency trees. We used the collapsed
version of the dependency trees. To recognize the
Named Entities, the Stanford Named Entity Recognition tool has been used.
4 Template Extraction
A template is a dependency parse-tree fragment, with
variable slots at some tree nodes e.g.,
X < –subj– prevent –obj–> Y
An entailment relation between two templates T1 and
T2 holds if the meaning of T2 can be inferred from
the meaning of T1. For example
T1: ’Aspirin reduces heart attack’ can be inferred
T2: ’Aspirin prevents a first heart attack’ using the
above template structure.
The anchor set here is {Aspirin, heart attack}
Anchor Set Extraction
In a sentence, the verb action is related to entities
of subject and object. If we know the subject and
object entities (or anchor sets), then we can say the
event a sentence could probably be describing about.
The goal of this phase is to find substantial number
of promising anchor sets for each sentence. Usually
these are the Noun Phrases of a sentence. A noun
phrase can be a combination of common- nouns and
proper nouns. If the proper nouns are once identified
then the event or fact of the sentence can be judged.
Initially on the output of the Stanford parser, the
Anchor Set Extraction algorithm is applied. Our algorithm would capture all Noun Phrases of the sentence
as the anchor sets, with more relevance given to the
named-entities together as a different anchor set. The
named-entities can be identified by applying the Stanford NER tool upon the dataset.
Template Formation
The Template Extraction algorithm accepts as its input
a list of anchor sets extracted from the ASE. Then, TE
generates a set of syntactic templates from the dependency tree structure.
This is applied only on Hypothesis Data. And the
templates extracted are searched in the text for availability.
For example:
T: Madonna has three children.
Output of ASE: {Madonna, three children}
Now, using the dependency tree, the connecting element for these anchor sets is extracted, in order to get
a relation between each of the anchor sets.
After applying the TE algorithm
Output Template(s):
objectthree=CD children=NNS
The pos-tags are attached at the end, because it
would help in the further modules to distinguish
proper-nouns, common-nouns, cardinal numbers and
Similarly if there are more anchor sets, there would
be more templates best describing the dependency between the anchor sets.
5 Template Comparison
After the templates from the Hypothesis are extracted,
these templates are searched in the text information.
For the text sentences, the ASE algorithm is applied
and all the anchor sets are extracted.
Now, for the hypothesis anchor sets, Anchor Set
Match algorithm is applied, where each of the anchor
sets is made to match with the anchor sets of the text
sentences. Here, immense care is taken while matching the anchor sets. For Named-Entities (like {China,
Chinese}, {Malay, Malaysia}) special rules are designed to cover majority of such cases. For nouns
WordNet similarity tool is used; as the values are calculated in the preprocessing stage, there wouldnt be
much time lapse while comparison. The threshold
value was initially 0.75. For cardinal numbers rules
are mentioned below.
The output of this ASM algorithm would be the best
matching anchor set in the text for every anchor set
in the hypothesis. If any of the anchor set in the hypothesis doesnt found a matching anchor set, then the
decision is said to be UNKNOWN.
With the anchor set matching, the text and hypothesis are believed to be describing roughly the same
event or fact. Now their verbs or modifier heads have
to match to decide whether they describe the exact
same event or not.
The best matching anchor set from the text is retrieved. This text anchor set modifies the parent nodes
in its dependency tree. All such nodes are extracted
from the dependency tree. The Comparison Algorithm is applied to these nodes to compare with the
modifier verb or noun of the corresponding hypothesis anchor set.
The comparison algorithm would first look for a direct match of verb or noun in the list of nodes. If
not, it uses the ’WordNet’ similarity values for noun
comparisons. Because WordNet doesnt have enough
database for the verbs, the ’VerbOcean’ is used which
has a huge collections of verbs and different combinational values. But the Verbocean would only have the
base form of the verbs.
So, in order to convert the verbs to base form we
used ’MontyLingua’ tool which would do the work.
This algorithm would return if the event of the anchor
sets matches or not.
6 Rules for Entailment Prediction
• When the event of an anchor set is identified, it is
verified with the events of the other anchor sets.
If all other anchor sets satisfy the same event,
then the verdict is ENTAILMENT.
• The acronyms are expanded using the acronym
database, so the acronyms are also matched with
the expanded acronyms, and entailment is predicted accordingly. Ex: UK United Kingdom
• Rules for Cardinal Numbers Matching (Numeric
Named Entities)
– The basic rule would first resolve the Numeric Named Entities into numeric values.
Ex: 24 = 24; twenty-six = 26; 1L = 100000;
50,000 = 50000; 45 thousand =45000
– Next basic rule is to directly compare the
numeric values of hypothesis and text.
Then there would be quantification modifiers before or after the numeric entities.
Ex: ’more than 100’ in Hypothesis should
match ’at least 110’ in text.
– The modification words are first considered
and then the difference of the numeric values, to decide whether they match or not.
7 Rules for Contradiction Prediction
• The basic rule would be considering the negation
words such as – ’not’, ’n’t’, ’never’ etc.
8 Rules for Unknown Prediction
• Whenever an anchor set from the hypothesis do
not match any anchor set in the text, then it judge
• When the numbers along with their associated
noun phrases from the hypothesis cannot be
mapped to any associated noun phrase in the text,
and then it is judged as UNKNOWN.
• When a T-H pair doesn’t satisfy any of the above
rules of entailment or contradiction, then the system assumes it to be an UNKNOWN case.
9 Results and Conclusion
In TAC-2009, RTE-5 task has to predict the relation
between 600 pairs of Text and Hypothesis. We submitted three runs for RTE 3-way task. In the first run,
considering the comparison of nouns using the WordNet tool, the upper limit value is set to 0.75, which
maintains a balance between generality and specificity. In case of VerbOcean there are two considerations, one are the verb synonyms with tag ’similar’,
and other are verb antonyms with tag ’opposite-of’.
For verb synonyms the threshold value is set to 10.5
(max value found was 25 approx). For verb antonyms
the threshold value is set to 12.
For the other two runs, experiments are carried out
by varying the above mentioned threshold values.
The results we obtained for the 3 runs submitted for
RTE 3-way task are presented in Table 9
Table 7: TAC 2009 results for 3 runs
• In the VerbOcean database, the list of antonyms
for each verb is hugely available. So, the
antonyms can be detected using the VerbOcean
database and the contradiction can be judged.
• In cases when the events of the anchor sets
match, but the numerical values, the numbers
may mismatch. Such cases are predicted as Contradiction.
Consider the following example
killed nsubj=John obj=Lucy
We obtained an accuracy of 60.66 for the RTE 2way task (evaluation was done upon the gold standard
set) with the threshold values set as mentioned in the
above paragraph.
The confusion matrix for the 3-way task of run 3
with accuracy 46.83 is displayed in Table 8
killed nsubj=Lucy obj=John
Table 8: Confusion matrix
• Here, the anchor sets have matched, and the
event also are the same. But the roles are reversed. Such cases are declared as CONTRADICTION.
Confusion matrix for 3-way task run-3
We got an accuracy of 46.83 as our best result.
This year, our approach was more concentrated upon
extracting templates and comparing the anchor sets,
which we think has covered more cases than the approach we followed previously.
Results and Analysis of Ablation
In the system we built, when two words are required to
be analyzed for comparison, we have considered the
following cases for the categorization of those words
1)Both the words are nouns
2)At least one of them is a verb
3)At least one of them is an acronym.
We used different tools for each of the cases mentioned above.
In the first case when the similarity of nouns has to be
calculated, we used the similarity tool WordNet.
While in second case for the comparison of a verb
with any other word, we used VerbOcean along with
MontyLingua tool.
And for the third case we used the acronym data set
available at the acronym-guide web page, which was
suggested in the RTE knowledge resources.
Experimental Setting
For all the ablation tests the experimental settings was
the same. And they were run upon the experimental settings of the run-3 of 3-way task. The threshold
value for the similarity of nouns using WordNet tool
is set as 0.75. And the threshold value was 10.5 for
comparing the synonyms verbs and the antonym verbs
using Verbocean.
then we used VerbOcean. But, the VerbOcean has all
the verbs in their base form. So, there is a need to
convert the verb into its base form. For that purpose
we used MontyLingua tool. When this is removed,
the verb is checked in the VerbOcean in its original
form. So, in this ablation test, we removed the tool
and tested with the same experimental setting. We
obtained zero change in the accuracies of 2-way and
3-way task. Accuracy for 2-way task was 0.6067 and
the accuracy for 3-way was 0.4683.
Tool ablated: VerbOcean
Here the verb comparison tool VerbOcean is removed.
When this is done, those words are compared based on
string comparison techniques mentioned in the case
of wordnet ablation test. Here too, we obtained zero
change in the accuracies of 2-way and 3-way task.
Their accuracies remained the same.
Tool ablated: Acronyms set
The acronyms data set downloaded from the acronymguide is removed in this ablation test. Whenever two
words are compared, it is checked if any of those
words is an acronym. If so, its expanded form is retrieved from the acronym set if available, then they
are compared. If a word is embedded in the expanded
set of words, it is said to be similar. So, if this is removed, the acronyms are compared as such, after removing the punctuations. There was no change in the
accuracies of 2-way or 3-way task in this ablation test.
Ablation Tests
Tool Ablated: WordNet
In this ablation test, the similarity tool WordNet is
ablated. If this tool is removed, then the two nouns
are compared using only the string comparison techniques. Given two words, if they are similar to a certain string length (starting from the first letter), proportionate to their lengths, then they are said to be
Results obtained for this test
2way accuracy = 0.6033; Change in 2way Accuracy = 0.01; 3 way accuracy = 0.47; Change in 3way
accuracy = 0.0017
Tool Ablated: MontyLingua
When a verb needs to be compared with another word,
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