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2019, Visnyk of the Lviv University
7 pages
1 file
Виникнення й розвиток ліберального богослов'я в протестантському середовищі та його вплив на теологічну думку в глобальному екуменічному масштабі призвів до витіснення на богословські маргіналії християнської доктрини про Трійцю. Філософська думка Георга Гегеля мала тринітарний складник і спричинила певний вплив на відродження й розвиток тринітарного богослов'я у ХХ столітті. Проте в богословському середовищі ініціатором відродження доктрини про Трійцю був протестантський богослов Карл Барт. На відміну від Шлейєрмахера, в якого доктрина про Трійцю є завершенням його систематичного богослов'я, у К. Барта вона стала наріжним каменем, на якому стоїть уся будівля його богослов'я. Він помістив тринітарну доктрину в Пролегомени Церковної догматики й показав її визначальну та основоположну роль для християнського богослов'я. Його тринітарне богослов'я є фактично аналізом фундаментального твердження «Бог відкриває Себе як Господь», у якому Бог Отець є Автором одкровення, Бог Син-об'єктивністю одкровення й Бог Дух Святий-суб'єктивністю одкровення. Бог Отець є Промовець, Бог Син є Словом Промовця й Дух Святий є засвоєним значенням Слова. Тринітарне богослов'я К. Барта створило апологетичний ефект проти антропологічної критики християнства Фейєрбахом. Він твердив, що богослов'я може бути зведене до антропології. Карл Барт показав, що в основі християнської віра лежить не релігійна свідомість, а одкровення триєдиного Бога. Християнська віра є результатом Божого одкровення, Сам Триєдиний Бог є Автором одкровення, його змістом і результатом. Не людина є ініціатором пізнання Бога, вона лише адресат одкровення, автором якого є Бог. Тринітарна доктрина одкровення К. Барта виключає будь-якого прихованого Бога, який знаходиться за, поряд чи поза межами Отця, Сина і Духа, триєдиного в Його одкровенні. Між буттям Бога і Його діями в тринітарній історії неможливо провести онтологічну демаркаційну лінію. Не існує дихотомії між буття Бога і становленням Бога. Триєдиний Бог завжди є Господом, і Він є вільний, незважаючи на те що Він ототожнюється з актом, становленням і саморозкриттям у одкровенні.
The European philosophical and historical discourse, 2020
The article is devoted to the study of Karl Barth`s Christocentric theological exegesis. The research was undertaken on the basis of comparative analysis of such branches of his theological system as cosmology, anthropology, amartology, ecclesiology and Mariology. The article shows that basic and the only ground for any Barth`s theological research was the person of Jesus Christ, who among other issues also has a crucial epistemological meaning.
Богословский вестник, 2023
The article examines the trinitarian aspect of the eschatological concept of H. U. von Balthasar. The author applies a «synchronistic» approach to the subject of research. In the first part of the article, the author reveals the methodological features of Balthazar’s eschatological concept: its theocentricity and mystery; as well as the features of its description: the use of allegories and analogies. The second part describes its trinitarian foundations. Further, the author cites Balthasar’s interpretation of the doctrine of the descent of Christ into hell as solidarity with the dead, and states its difference from the existing theological tradition. The next part of the article analyzes the implications of Balthasar’s trinitarian approach to eschatology. The author argues that for Balthazar all the dispensational actions of Christ are events that have a trinitarian aspect, and this affects his understanding of death, the posthumous judgment, hell and Heaven. Balthazar understands these things not as realities whose character was formed «before» Christ came into contact with them, but as realities whose character is determined precisely by their contact with Christ. The article also describes Balthazar’s idea of the correlation between Divine existence and suffering.
Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences
У статті розглядається роль Аврелія Августина в генезисі феномену «забуття Трійці» у західному християнському богослов'ї. Незважаючи на значний вклад Августина в розвиток доктрини про Трійцю, окремі риси його богослов'я з розвитком богословської традиції стали латентними чинниками, які викликали модалістичні тенденції в західному тринітарному богослов'ї. А в кінцевому підсумку внесли свій вклад у феномен «забуття Трійці» наприкінці 19-го-на початку 20-го століття. Доктрина про Трійцю характеризується такими рисами. По-перше, Августин починав розгляд вчення про триєдиного Бога з концепції єдності божественної природи-це було його вихідним пунктом. Лише на другому етапі своєї аргументації він переходив до концепції про божественні Особи-це те, що слід було доводити. По-друге, він дотримувався концепції, за якою всі божественні дії поза Трійцею щодо створеного світу приписувалися всій Трійці як цілому, а не окремим божественним Особам. Божественна дія в кінцевому підсумку приписувалася не окремій Особі Трійці, а єдиній спільній природі Бога. По-третє, Августин активно використовував психологічні аналогії для ілюстрації образу Трійці. Психологічним аналогіям присвячена вся друга половина його праці «Про Трійцю». Образ однієї душі людини із трьома здібностями став панівним у другій частині його монументальної праці. Образ однієї душі теж більшою мірою підкреслює єдність Трійці, ніж її триадичний аспект. Названі риси тринітарного богослов'я Августина створили тенденцію в західному богослов'ї, яке тяжіло до акцентування єдності Трійці та характеризувалося недостатньою увагою до множинного аспекту триєдиного Бога. Акцент на єдності триєдиного Бога зрештою привів до радикально монотеїстичного розуміння Бога і «забуття Трійці».
The purpose of the article is to explicate the meaning of the term ‘substantia’ in the Trinitarian theology of Tertullian. The author of the article points to the fact that the use of the term ‘essentia’ in relation to the divine essence in the Western theological tradition was established owing to the efforts of St. Augustine. It was Augustine, who is replaced the term ‘substantia’ with the term ‘essentia’, grounding on his teaching on the simplicity of God. Thus, the study of the meaning of the term ‘substantia’ in the triadology of Tertullian can be considered as a modern attempt to overcome essentialism in the context of a return to an earlier intellectual tradition. It is explored the influence of Stoicism on the formation of the views of the Latin apologist by grounding on the analysis of Tertullian's Treatise ‘Against Praxeas’. It is known that Tertullian had an extremely rigorous position with respect to Greek philosophy. However, in developing the doctrine of the Trinity, Tertullian turned to modern to him Stoic philosophy as an expedient heuristic means. Relying on the Stoic doctrine of the materiality of all things, Tertullian claimed that the substance of God is the Spirit, and the Spirit is a kind of body in its image. The very same inexpressible substance of God is demonstrated through the Persons of the Trinity, preserving the identity of the one nature and the difference of Persons. An important result of the Biblical-Stoic synthesis of Tertullian in the theological interpretation of the term ‘substantia’ can be considered as the preservation of the very status of ‘corporeality’, in order to maintain the reality of the human in Christ and thus to substantiate the reality of Christian hope for bodily resurrection. The author believes that the Tertullian's definition ‘substantiva res’ (‘thing, existing substantially’), applied to the Persons of the Trinity, suggests the beginning of the development of the problematic of individuation in the Latin theological tradition.
Evropský filozofický a historický diskurz, 2020
«Церковна догматика повинна в цілому й в усіх своїх частинах визначатися христологією, оскільки її єдиним критерієм є засвідчене Святим Письмом і проголошуване Церквою слово Боже, слово одкровення, і оскільки це слово одкровення тотожне саме Ісусу Христу. Якщо ж догматика не усвідомлює себе принципово як христологію і не може показати цього, то вона обов’язково знаходиться під якоюсь чужою владою і вже втрачає свій характер церковної догматики» (Карл Барт).
This book written in Russian is a first historical-theological study of the whole process of the formation of Trinitarian doctrine in Latin Patristics from the 2nd to the 8th century A.D. The author views it as a unified tradition and focuses on the influence of the Greek Fathers and Classical Greek and Roman philosophy on this process. For the first time in the history of Patristic scholarship, the present work provides a conceptual analysis of the Trinitarian doctrines of all eminent Latin Christian thinkers of the Patristic era. The author provides an original reconstruction of the whole process of the formation of Latin Trinitarianism, identifying its characteristic features and demonstrating the influence of Ancient philosophy at all stages of the process. The author scrutinizes the issues of the interconnection and continuity of the Trinitarian doctrines of the Latin Church Fathers and studies the influence of the Greek Fathers on the Latin Christian thinkers. The present work identifies the features of Western, or Latin, Trinitarianism in comparison with the Ancient philosophical tradition as well as Eastern, or Greek, Trinitarian theology. The book could be used both in theoretical and practical study to get a deeper understanding of the history of Late Antique philosophy, as well as Patristic and early Medieval philosophy and theology, of Church dogmatics and Church history. It may be used as a handbook or additional literature for courses in theology, history, philosophy, cultural and religious studies. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface. Introduction. History of modern studies in Latin Patristic Trinitarianism and its significance for contemporary Patristic studies. Chapter I. The Origins of Trinitarian doctrine: Bible, Hellenistic Judaism, and early Christian thought. 1. Biblical doctrine of God in the Old Testament. 2. The doctrine of the Divine Wisdom and Logos in Hellenistic Judaism (3rd cent BC. – 1st cent AD.). 2.1. Alexandrian Jewish religious philosophy. 2.2. Philo of Alexandria and his doctrine of God. 2.3. Philo’s doctrine of the Logos. 3. The doctrine of the Trinity in the New Testament. 4. Trinitarian doctrine of the Apostolic Fathers and the Greek Apologists. 4.1. The Apostolic Fathers. 4.2. The Greek Apologists. 4.3. St Irenaeus of Lyons. Chapter II. The beginning of the formation of Trinitarian doctrine in pre-Nicene Latin Patristics (150–325 AD.). 1. The Trinitarian doctrine of Tertullian. 1.1. Introduction. 1.2. The genetic approach: the origins of the persons of the Trinity and their specific properties. 1.3. The ontological approach: the “one substance and three persons” formula. 1.3.1. The categorical approach. 1.3.2. The doctrine of the divine monarchy. 1.4. Conclusions. 2. Relations between the Trinitarian doctrines of Tertullian and Hippolytus of Rome. 3. Roman Trinitarian doctrine in the 3rd century: Roman presbyter Novatian. 3.1. Monarchist trends in the Roman theology of the 3rd century. 3.2. The Trinitarian doctrine of Novatian. 3.2.1. God the Father, the divine substance and its attributes. 3.2.2. The Son of God and His relation to the Father. 3.2.3. The Holy Spirit. 3.2.4. Conclusions. 4. The Trinitarian dispute between Dionysius of Rome and Dionysius of Alexandria. 5. The Trinitarian doctrine of the Latin apologists: Arnobius and Lactantius. 5.1. Arnobius and his hierarchy of divine beings. 5.2. Lactantius and his binitarian doctrine. 5.2.1. The genetic approach: God, Logos, and angels. 5.2.2. The ontological approach: the unity of the Father and the Son. 5.2.3. The question of the Holy Spirit. Binitarianism. 6. General conclusions. Chapter III. The development of Trinitarian doctrine in the “Golden age” of Latin Patristics: the doctrine of homoousios and the “Greek Trinitarian model” in the West (325–397 AD.). 1. The Arian controversy and the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. 1.1. Arius and his doctrine of God. 1.2. The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, and the doctrine of the homoousios. 1.3. The main doctrinal parties of the Arian disputes in 350–360 AD and their Trinitarian doctrines. 1.3.1. The Trinitarian doctrine of St Athanasius of Alexandria. 1.3.2. Marcellus of Ancyra’s doctrine of Logos. 1.3.3. The Symbol of the Council of Serdica in 343 AD. 1.3.4. The doctrine of the “homoiousians”. 1.3.5. The doctrine of the “homoeans” and “anhomoeans”. 2. The Trinitarian doctrine of the Western “Nicenes”. 2.1. General characteristics of the Western “Nicenes”. 2.2. Febadius of Agen and Potamius of Lisbon. 2.3. Gregory of Elvira. 2.4. Damasus of Rome. 2.5. Zeno of Verona. 2.6. Faustinus. 2.7. Jerome. 2.8. Conclusions. 3. The doctrine of the Great Cappadocians on the distinction between ousia and hypostasis. 4. The Trinitarian doctrine of St Hilary of Poitiers. 4.1. Sources of the Trinitarian doctrine of St Hilary and his attitude to the “homoiousians”. 4.2. The Trinitarian formula of St Hilary and his teaching on the difference between three persons of the Trinity. 4.2.1. God the Father and the Divine nature. 4.2.2. The Son. 4.2.3. The Holy Spirit. 4.3. The unity of persons of the Trinity. 5. The Trinitarian doctrine of St Ambrose of Milan. 5.1. St Ambrose and the Greek philosophical and theological tradition. 5.2. God the Father and the divine substance. 5.3. The doctrine of the Logos. 5.4. The generation of the Son, and the doctrine of the homoousios. 5.5. The Holy Spirit. 5.6. The Trinitarian formula and the unity of the Trinity. 6. General conclusions. Chapter IV. The development of Trinitarian doctrine in the “Golden age” of Latin Patristics: the “Latin Trinitarian model” (355–430 AD.). 1. The emergence of the Latin Trinitarian model: Trinitarian doctrine of Marius Victorinus. 1.1. The Christian Platonism of Marius Victorinus and the sources of his Trinitarian doctrine. 1.2. The doctrine of the intelligible triad and its philosophical origins. 1.3. “Apophatic theology” and the first and second Trinitarian schemes of Victorinus. 1.4. The doctrine of the intelligible triad and the third Trinitarian scheme of Victorinus. 1.5. The first dyad: the Father and the Son. 1.6. The second dyad: The Son and the Holy Spirit. 1.7. Unity and distinction in the Trinity. Trinitarian terminology. 1.8. Conclusions. 2. The final establishment of the Latin Trinitarian model: the doctrine of St Augustine. 2.1. The Christian Platonism of St Augustine and the sources of his Trinitarian doctrine. 2.2. The early form of the Trinitarian doctrine of St Augustine: Neoplatonism, philosophical anagoge and Trinitarian ontology. 2.3. The mature form of Augustine’s Trinitarian doctrine: the Trinitarian cogito and psychological theory of the Trinity. 2.3.1. The Trinitarian cogito and the theory of the intelligible triad. 2.3.2. The Psychological trinitarian model and its various forms. To be – to know – to will (esse – nosse – velle). To be – to know – to love (esse – nosse – amare). Mind – knowledge – love (mens – notitia – amor). Memory – Intelligence – Volition (memoria – intellectus – voluntas). The quasi-psychological Trinitarian models. 2.4. Unity and distinction in the Trinity. Trinitarian terminology. 2.5. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit. The Filioque and its philosophical foundations. 2.6. Conclusions. Chapter V. Trinitarian doctrine in the post-Augustinian period of Latin Patristics ( 430–735 AD.). 1. The influence of Augustine’s Trinitarian doctrine on the Latin theologians of the 5-7th centuries. 1.1. Introduction. Quodvultdeus and Fulgentius as the direct successors of Augustine’s Trinitarian doctrine. 1.2. Vincent of Lerins, Faustus of Regium and Gennadius of Marseille. 1.3. Claudianus Mamertus, Arnobius the Junior, St Leo the Great, Caesarius of Arles, and the Symbol Quicunque. 2. The logical formalization of the Latin Trinitarian model: the Trinitarian doctrine of Boethius. 2.1. The Christian Aristotelianism of Boethius and his Opuscula sacra. 2.2. The division of philosophy and the natural theology of Boethius. 2.3. The Trinitarian doctrine of Boethius. 3. The last period of Latin Patristics: Trinitarian doctrine in the West during the second half of the 6th through the first half of the 8th century. 3.1. Cassiodorus as a Christian writer. 3.2. Cassiodorus’ Trinitarian doctrine. 3.3. The Trinitarian doctrine of St Gregory the Great. 3.4. Isidore of Seville, the Councils of Toledo and the doctrine of the Filioque. 3.5. Bede the Venerable and the end of Latin Patristics. 3.6. Conclusion. General Conclusion. Appendix. General table of the Trinitarian analogies, models and formulas of St Augustine. List of abbreviations. Bibliography. Summary. Эта книга посвящена исследованию процесса формирования тринитарной доктрины в латинской патристике II–VIII вв. как единой традиции и влиянию греческой патристики и античной философии на этот процесс. Впервые в мировой науке дается концептуальный анализ тринитарных доктрин основных латинских христианских мыслителей эпохи патристики и проводится оригинальная авторская реконструкция всего процесса формирования латинского тринитаризма; выделяются его характерные особенности и демонстрируется влияние античной философской мысли на всех этапах этого процесса; изучается вопрос о взаимосвязях и преемственности развития тринитарных доктрин основных представителей латинской патристики, а также о влиянии на них со стороны греческой патристики; выясняются характерные особенности западно-христианского (латинского) тринитаризма в сравнении как с античной философской традицией, так и с восточно-христианской (греческой) тринитарной теологией. Книга может быть использована в научно-теоретической и учебно-практической деятельности для углубления знаний по истории позднеантичной, раннехристианской и средневековой философии, патристике и догматическому богословию, а также при подготовке студентов теологических, историко-философских, исторических, культурологических и религиоведческих специальностей.
Istorijski časopis, 2007
Usurping of power is hardly something unusual in the medieval history, but it creates a problem for a historian when trying to reconstruct it based on sources. We shall say nothing new if we claim that, unfortunately for historians, only testimonials of the victor are what remains. This time, in the so-called Pejatović Genealogy, there is a fragment describing events before the death of the King Milutin, as well as the struggle of his son, Stefan Dečanski and Konstantin, for the Serbian throne. This paper critically analyses this fragment, in order to establish its importance. Despite the facts mentioned in other sources, none of them mentions that King Milutin chose Konstantin as his heir, that at Konstantin was at the death of his father in Byzant, where he was hiring an army — the fact that Stefan Dečanski used in order to claim the throne, and that the battle between them occurred at the Dmitrovačko Field, under the Zvečan fort.
Oleh Shepetyak. Trinitarian theology of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner The purpose of this study is to analyze the works of Swiss Protestant theologian and pastor Karl Barth and German and Austrian Catholic theologian, Jesuit priest Karl Rahner in the field of Trinitarian theology , in other words the theological doctrine of the Holy Trinity which is major in theology. Works of these theologians were decisive for the discussion in the Catholic and Protestant theology and had a considerable influence on the development of modern Orthodox theology. The evidence of the role of the works by K. Barth and K. Rahner in Orthodoxy is numerous translations of their works into the languages traditional for Orthodox nations, moreover, these translations are performed in leading Orthodox scientific and educational institutions. Despite the considerable influence of modern Western theologians on humanitarian, scientific and philosophical debate around the world, their works remain completely unexplored in Ukraine. Their names and topics which they developed are not reflected in the scientific dissertation research and are not expressed in scientific publications. Interest in the achievements of Karl Barth and Karl Rahner in the world science and the lack of their study in Ukraine make to fix the situation existing in native science. K. Barth suggested a new understanding of God's revelation. Stepping aside from somewhat traditional views of M. Luther and J. Calvin, he talked about three stages of the revelation comprising Christ, Scripture and Tradition of the Church. The last two, he believed, derived from the first as they are recorded and transmitted to future generations of God’s self-revelation in Christ. Thus, Christ became the central figure in K. Barth's concept. Getting deeper into the Christological mystery, theologian built his future thoughts. Such beginning of thoughts was important primarily due to the fact that Liberal theologians easily sacrificed dogma of the divinity of Christ to achieve their chimerical objectives. K. Rahner completely agreed with K. Barth on the need for modernization of terminological expression of Trinitarian theology and also thought it is appropriate to talk more about the mode of existence of God rather than individual. Keywords: Barth, Rahner, Theology, Trinitarian theology, Catholicism, Protestantism
Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali, a celebrated figure during the Islamic Golden Age, is more commonly known as Imam Al-Ghazali (450H/1058 - 505H/1111). He was an eminent Muslim jurist, Sufi scholar, and thinker. Recognizing Al-Ghazali’s great potential, the Seljuk regime appointed him as their scholar to counter challenges posed by philosophers, Batiniyyah, rationalists, and others. As a versatile scholar capable of debating and reasoning with opponents, Al-Ghazali earned the title "Hujjatul Islam" (Proof of Islam). Despite being identified as a philosopher by some, Al-Ghazali distanced himself from this label due to the controversies surrounding philosophers of his time, such as Al-Kindi (801-873), Al-Farabi (872-950), and Ibn Sina (980-1037).
Paradigma akademi , 2023
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