PPPL-3146 Preprint Date: October1995, UC-4
Overview of D-TResults from TFTR
HAR 1 3 19%
M.G. Bell,K.M.McGuire,V. Arunasalam, C.W. Barnes,l S. B M 2 G . Bateman, M. Beer, R.E. Bell,
M.Bitter, N.L.Bnetz, R. B&y, C.E. Bush? S.R. Cauffman, 2.Changp C.S. Chang5, C.Z. Cheng,
D.S. D m w , R.Dendy,6W. Dorland? H. Duong,8 R DLUS~,~
P.C. Efthimion, D. Emst,9 H. Evenson:
N. Fisch, R Fisher,8 RJ. Foncl~,~
ED.Fredrickson, C.Y. Fu, HJ? Furth, N. Gorelenkov,lo B. Grek,
L.R. Grisham, G.W. Hammett, G.R. Hanson,3 R.J. Hawryluk, W. Heidbrink,11 H.W. Herrmann,
K.W.Hill, J.C. Hosea, H. Hsuan, M. Hughes,l2 R.A. Hulse, A.C. Janos, D.L. Jassby, F.C. Jobes,
D.W.Johnson, L.C. Johnson, J. Kesner? H. Kugel, N.T. Lam? B. Leblanc, EM.Levinton,2
J. Mrachuzak,9R.P. Majeski, D.K. Mansf~eld,E.Mazzucato, M. Mauel,f3 J. McChesneyF D.C. McCune,
Mueller, G.A. Navratil,13
G. M c K ~ ?D.M.Meade, S.S. Medley, D.R. Mikkelsen, S.V. Mi~nov,~OD.
R. Nazikian, D.K.Owens, H.K. Park, W. Park, P. Parks,8 S.F.Paul, M. Petrov,14 C.K. Phillips,
M. Phillips,12 S. Pitcher,lsA.T. Rarnsey, M.H. Redi, G.Rewoldt, D. Roberts? J. Rogers, E. Ruskov,ll
S.A. Sabbagh,13 M.Sasao,M G.Schilling, J. Schivell, G.L.Schmidt, S.D. Scott, 1. Sernenov,lo S. Sesnic,
C.H. Skinner, B.C.Stratton, J.D. Strachan, W. Stodiek, E. Synakowski, H. Takahashi, W. Tang,
G.Taylor, J. Teny? M.E. Thompson, W. Tighe, S. Von Goeler, R. White, R.M. Wieland, J.R. Wdson,
K.L.Wong, P. Woskov? G.A. Wurden,l M. Yamada, K.M. Young, M.C. ZarnstorE, S. J. Zweben
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Fusion Physics and Technology, Torrance, California
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
4 university of Wisconsin, adi is on, Wisconsin
5 Courant Institute, New York University, New York, New York
Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Oxford,England
7 University of Texas, Institute for Fusion Studies, Austin, Texas
General Atomics, San Diego, California
9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
lo TRINlTI, Moscow, Russia
11 university of california, h i n e , California
l2 Grumman Corporation, Princeton, New Jersey
Columbia University, New York, New York
l4 Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
l5 Canadian Fusion Fuels Technology Project, Toronto, Canada
l6 National Institute of Fusion Studies, Nagoya, Japan
Experiments with plasmas having nearly equal concentrations of deuterium and tritium have
b e e n , d d w t on TFIR. To date (September 1995), the maximum fusion power has been 10.7 MW,
using 39.5 MW of neutral-beam heating, in a supershot discharge and 6.7 MW in a high-b discharge
following a current rampdown. The fusion power density in the core of the plasma has reached
2.8 MWm-3, exceeding that expected in the InternationalThermonuclearExperimental Reactor (ITER).
The energy COnfinemRnt time, ZE, is obsewed to increase in D-T, relative to D plasmas, by 2096 and the
ni(O)-Ti(O)*Qproduct by 55%. The improvement in thermal confiiement is caused primarily by a
decrease in ion heat conductivity in both supershot and limiter-H-modedischarges. Extensive lithium
pellet injection increased the confiiement time to 0.27 s and enabled higher c m n t operation in both
supershot and high-hdischarges. First measurements of the confined alpha particles have been performed and found to be in good agreement with TRANSP simulations assuming classical confinement.
Measurements of the alpha ash p f i l e have been compared with simulations using particle transport
coefficients from helium gas puffing experiments. The loss of energetic alpha particles to a detector at
the bottom of the vessel is well described by the fmt-orbit loss mechanism. No loss due to alphaparticle-driven instabilities has yet been observed. ICRF heating of a D-T plasma, using the second
harmonic of tritium, has been demonstrated. D-T experiments on TFTR will continue both to explore
the physics underlying the ITER design and to examine some of the physics issues associated with an
advanced tokamak reactor.
1 Maximizing the fusion reactivity in TFTR
Since December 1993, the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) has been operated routinely
with plasmas containing high concentrations of tritium. A variety of experiments has been conducted to
study the effects of tritium on the plasma confinement and heating and the physics of the alpha-particles produced by deuterium-tritium @-T) fusion. These TFI'R experiments, which follow the JET
Preliminary Tritium Experiment (PTE) in 1991 [11 with low concentrations (-10%) of tritium, are the
first to achieve nearly optimal D-T mixtures and high fusion power densities in magnetically confined
plasmas. As in the JET-PTE, injection of high-power tritium and deuterium neutral beams (NBI)has
proved very successful [2,3,4,5,6] for producing high D-T fusion power in TFI'R. The TFlX NI3I
sources inject almost tangentially; six of the sources inject co-parallel and six counter-parallel to the
plasma current. The capability to switch each neutral beam source from deuterium to tritium operation
and back on successive plasma shots has minimized the tritium consumption and has enabled careful
comparisons to be d e between similar D-only and D-T plasmas. The total NBI power has reached
39.5MW in D-T using 7 T and 5 D sources (the NBI sources produce about 10%more injected power
when operating in tritium). The NBI pulse has been typically 0.7 to 2.0 s in duration. At 5 September
1995, a totalof 2.34 g (22.5 kci) of tritium had been introduced into the vacuum vessel by NBI and gas
puffing. At that time, the total inventory of tritium in the vacuum vessel and neutral beam vacuum
system following regeneration of the pumping cryo-panels (measured total tritium input minus tritium
exhaust) was 0.82 g (7.9 kCi).
The highest fusion rates in TFTR for both D-T and D-only plasmas have been obtained in
"supershots" [7], characterized by very high central ion temperatures, Ti(0) = 20 - 40 keV >> Te(0) =
10 - 12 keV, highly peaked profiles of the density and ion temperature, a broad electron temperature
profile, and enhanced energy confinement. Supershots in TFJX are produced with NBI heating when
the edge influxes of hydrogenic species and carbon are reduced so that the plasma core is fuelled
predominantly by the injected neutrals. In addition to the enhanced confinement, this provides the
advantage for D-T experiments that the central ion-species mix can be varied by changing the fraction
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of sources injecting tritium. The edge influxes of hydrogenic species and carbon have been further
dthrough the injection of solid lithium pellets (1 - 4 pellets each containing typicaUy 4 x leu>
atoms) into the ohmic phase of the discharge, 1.5 -0.5 s prior to NBI [8]. The lithium rapidly leaves the
plasm and is not a significant source of plasma dilution during NBI. The use of lithium conditioning
has increased the plasma current at which the supershot characteristics are obtained [9] and increased
the highest energy confinement time to 0.33 s in a 2.3 MA plasma with 17 MW of tritium MI; this
confinement time is approximately 2.4 times the prediction of ITER-89P scaling [lo], based on an
average ion mass of 2.7. The D-T experiments have been conducted in plasmas with major radius 2.45
- 2.62 m, minor radius 0.80 - 0.97 m having nominally circular plasma cross-section with a toroidal
carbon limiter on the inboard side. The toroidal magnetic field and plasma current have been in the
ranges 4.6 - 5.5 T and 0.6 - 2.7 MA respectively.
In both D-T and D-only supershots, there is a strong dependence of the peak fusion rate on the
total plasma energy, viz. SDT = W&9 [5,ll]. The klimit in supershots has been found to scale similarly to the Troyon limit [12,131, so that, for fixed plasma size, Wm- = I$T, where Ip is the plasma
current and BT the toroidal field. A major effort has been undertaken in the past year to increase the
maximum toroidal field (TF) in TFlX to exploit the improved confinement of supershots at the full
NBI power available in D-T operation. After extensive analysis and review of the TF coil structure and
rearrangement of the power supplies, it has proved possible to increase the TF coil current by 16%
although, to date, an 8% increase has been used in plasma experiments. Coupled with a corresponding
increase in the plasma current, this has increased the maximum sustainable energy in supershots by
about 16%which projects to an increase of about 30% in the possible D-Tfusion power.
Figure 1 shows the time evolution of the D-T fusion power and plasma stored energy for four
plasmas from the experiments in May 1994 and October 1994 leading up to the shot producing the
highest instantaneous power of 10.7 f 0.8 MW. The fusion power is measured by detectors for the
14 MeV neutrons [141 while the plasma energy is determined from magnetic data and includes the
energy in the unthermalized injected deuterons and tritons. In the experiment in May, the final shot
disrupted after0.44 s of NBI when it reached the p-limit at aTroyon-normalized-P, PN (=108*2~p>a/
B& where cp> is the volume-average pressure and a is the plasma minor radius) of 1.9.At the higher
toroidal field and plasma current available in October, TETR was able to produce the same fusion
power in a stable discharge. The shot producing the highest fusion power did suffer a minor disruption
after 0.47s of heating when b~ reached 1.8. It should be noted that because the pressure profdes in
supershots are highly peaked, the parameter of relevance for fusion performance, P*N (
[email protected]&p2>a/
&Ip where
is the root-mean-square plasma pressure) reached 2.8 in this plasma. In D-T shots
with the current profile modified by ramping down the current, a fusion power of 6.7MW has been
achieved at pN = 3.0 and P*N = 4.2 [151.
Figure 2 shows the peak fusion power, averaged over a 40 ms interval, as a function of total
heating power (NJ3I plus ohmic power, the latter is, however, negligible for Ptot> 10 MW) for supershots
with NBI heating only and with more than 2 M W tritium NBI. Plasmas with a nearly optimal D-T
mixture and those with extensive lithium pellet conditioning are distinguished. A non-linear dependence of the D-T fusion power on the heating power is apparent in these data. The highest ratio Q of the
fusion power to the total heating power, Q 0.27, was obtained on four shots. The shot producing
5.6 M W with only 21 MW NBI was conditioned with four lithium pellets and achieved a total energy
confinement time of 0.27 s. The thermal plasma (electrons plus thermalized ions) accounted for about
65%of the total energy in this plasma.
The time evolution of the fusion reactivity in T I T R has been analyzed with the TRANSP code
[16,171. The deposition, orbit loss and slowing down of the injected T and D neutrals are calculated
using the measured profiles of the electron density and the electron and ion temperatures. For the
subset of D-T plasmas in Fig. 2 analyzed in detail by TRANSP,the model generally matches the total
plasm energy within 10% and the totalD-T neutron rate within 25%. A further validation of the model
is provided by cornpitring the calculated profile of the D-T neutron emission with measurements from
neutron detectors. In TFIR, the edge recycling is dominated by deuterium since the total
exposure of the limiter to tritium is small [181. Modelling of plasmas with varying fractions of D and T
injection has demonstrated that, despite the reduced level of recycling necessary for supershots, the
fuelling of the core of supershots by the edge influx is quite significant [171.
In the TRANSP code, the injected deuterons and tritons are modeled as slowing classically,
without radial transport,until they reach the average thermal ion energy, which can reach half of the
average injection energy in good supershots. The total fusion reactivity is then the sum of components
arising from thermal ions, and from reactions of the unthermalized ions with the thermal ions (beamtarget reactions) and each other (beam-beamreactions). In the plasmas producing the highest fusion
power,the thermonuclear component dominates the D-T reaction rate in the dense core (r/a L; 0.25),
although the beam-target compunent typically accounts for -50% and the beam-beamcomponent -2096
of the overall fusion rate. However, for these plasmas, the decomposition of the reaction rate into these
threecalculational components can be somewhat misleading, for two reasons. On the one hand, almost
all of the tritium comes originally from the NBI,which is essential for fuelling as well as heating. On
the other, in the hot plasma core, the non-Maxwellian ion distribution does not in fact increase the DT reactivity compared to that of a plasma having a locally thermalized ion distribution with the same
total fuel energy and particle densities. It is the hot-ion (Ti > Te)nature of these plasmas, rather than the
non-Maxwellian ion distribution, that enhances the D-Treactivity compared to that of an isothermal
(T, = Ti)plasma with the same total energy and particle densities.
The plasma with exceptional confinement produced by lithium conditioning which achieved a
global Q of 0.27 (Fig. 2), is calculated to have reached a central Q, defined as the ratio of the local
fusion power to the heating power density, of 0.75. The central fusion power densities achieved in the
high-performance "R supershots, 1.5 - 2.8 I~lWrn-~,
are comparable to or greater than those expected in ITER [19] at a total fusion power of 1500 MW.
2 Confmement of fusion alpha particles
The losses of energetic fusion alpha-particles from D-T plasmas have been measured by four
energy and pitch-angle resolving particle detectors mounted near the vacuum vessel wall at 20', 45',
60'and 90'below the outboard mid-plane, i.e. in the direction of the ion-VB drift. Scans of the plasma
current have shown that in MHD-quiescent plasmas, the alpha loss rate and pitch angle distribution at
the 90'detector scale as expected for the prompt loss of particles born on unconfined orbits. This is
shown in Fig. 3. However, for the detectors nearer the mid-plane, the fmt-orbit loss model does not
adequately fit the data. Collisional and stochastic orbit losses in the toroidal field ripple are being
investigated to explain these data.
Bursts of alpha-particle loss are sometimes correlated with MHD activity in the plasma. In
general, the losses are similar to those previously reported for energetic fusion products in D-only
plasmas [20] and represent only a small fraction of the alpha population. However, at major disruptions, losses of energetic alpha particles estimated to be up to 10%of the alpha population have been
observed to occur in -2 ms during the thermal quench phase while the total current is still unperturbed.
Such losses, which are observed mainly on the 90' detector, could have a serious impact on first-wall
components in a reactor.
The energy distribution of the alpha particles confined in the plasma has been measured for the
first time in TFTR [21]. Alphas in the range 0.5 - 3.5 MeV have been detected through conversion to
neutral helium by double charge-exchange in the high-density neutral cloud surrounding an ablating
lithium pellet. The pellet was injected after the end of NBI, to improve its penetration, but before the
alpha population had decayed. The measured spectrum is compared with the TRANSP calculation in
Fig. 4. The alpha population in the lower energy range 0.1 - 0.6 MeV has been detected by absolutely
calibrated spectrometry of charge-exchange recombination emission [22]. The intensities of the detected signals are within a factor 2 of calculations by TRANSP.
The radial profiles of thermalized alpha particles, the helium ash, have been measured by comparing charge-exchange recombination line emission from helium in otherwise similarD-T and D-only
plasmas [23]. The initial measurementshave been found to be consistent with TRANSP modelling for
the helium profile based on transport coefficients that had been previously determined by using external helium gas puffs [N].
With these same transport coefficients, helium ash accumulation would not
quench ignition in ITER provided the density of helium at the plasma edge can be controlled.
Previous experiments in TFTR [25] and D I E D 1261 had shown that the toroidal Alfven
eigenmode (TAE),which could be driven in a reactor by the population of energetic alpha-particles,
could be destabilized by the energetic ion populations created either by NBI or ICRF heating. The
initial D-T experiments in TFTR, however, showed no signs of instability in the TAE frequency range
and the alpha-particle loss rate remained a constant fraction of the alpha production rate as the alpha
pressure increased, suggesting that deleterious collective alpha instabilities were not being excited.
Theory 127,281 has since shown that although TFTR achieves levels of the alpha-particle driving terms
comparable to those of a reactor, the damping of the mode in supershot conditions is generally stronger
than the alpha-particle drive.
3 Confhement in D-Tplasmas
In the first D-T experiments in TlTR, it was immediately apparent that the overall energy
confinement in supershots is significantly better in D-T plasmas than in comparable D-only plasmas.
The central ion and electron temperatures also increased in the D-T plasmas. Differences in the fast-ion
thermalization are expected for tritium NBI and the fusion alpha particles can provide additional heating. The effect of a possible scaling of confinement with isotopic mass has been maximized and the
alpha-particle heating minimized by comparing supershots with D-only and T-only NBI.
Analysis has shown that the improvement in confinement appears to be primarily in the ion
channel [29,30]. Figure 2.5 shows the variation of the global energy confinement time and the ion
thermal diffusivity at the half minor radius for a set of plasmas with similar heating powers, currents
and plasma geometry and varying fractions of T-NBI. In the highest performance supershots produced
so far, the alpha particle heating of the electrons amounts to only about 1 M W out of a total of about
10 M W making its detection difficult. The electron temperature has been modelled in TRANSP for a
quiescent D-T plasma using the electron thermal diffusivity for a D-only reference shot. This modelling showed that if the alpha-particle heating were entirely classical, it would produce about half of the
measured increase in the central electron temperature. The electron temperature rise is consistent with
the combination of alpha-particle heating and scaling of the confinement with isotopic mass.
Supershots with H-mode characteristics have been studied in both D-T and D-only plasmas
[31,32]. The D-T H-mode plasmas have exhibited transient confinement times up to 0.24 s, which
represents an enhancement by a factor of 4 relative to the ITER-89P scaling [ 101 while corresponding
D plasmas had enhancements of -3.2. Across the transition to the H-mode, the ion heat conductivity in
the outer region of the plasma (r/a > 0.4) decreased by a factor of 2 - 3 in the D-T plasmas whereas in
D plasmas the reduction factor was much lower, < 1.5 [32]. The edge localized modes (ELMS),however, were much larger during the D-T H-modes. This suggests that ITER D-T plasmas may be more
susceptible to giant ELMSthan inferred from D-only experiments. The power threshold for the transition to an H-mode was similar in the discharges with D-only and D-T NBI. However, although the
tritium content in the core of the D-T plasmas at the time of the H-mode transition was determined,
fn>m collimatedneutron measurements, to be as high as 75%, it was much lower in the scrape-off layer,
of order 1%, as determined by measurements of the Ha,Da, Ta line emission [ 1ti] because the recycling influx is still predominantly deuterium from earlier exposure of the carbon limiter surface. The
plasma composition at the outer boundary at the time of the H-mode transition remains uncertain.
4 Heating by ICRF waves in D-T plasmas
The interactions of waves in the ion-cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) have also been
investigated in D-Tplasmas [33,34,35].The ICRF antennas have operated well during D-Texperimentsandtheincreased radiation field, from both the D-Tneutrons and the tritium pdecay, has not
affected their performance.
The initial experiments combining ICRF and neutral beam heating in deuterium-tritium plasmas focused on the physics of ICRF waves. This is complicated by the possibility of multiple, spatially
separated ion resonances and by potential damping on the alpha particles. In TFFR supershots positioned for good coupling of the ICRF power and with the second-harmonic tritium heating layer coincident with the Shafkanov-shifted axis at -2.82 m, the degenerate second-harmonic deuterium and
fundamental hydrogen resonance layer is out of the plasma on the low field side, but the fundamental
deuterium heating layer is in the plasma on the high field side at R = 2.1 m. Second-harmonic mtium
heating at a power of 5.5 MW has resulted in an increase of the central ion temperature from 26 to
36 keV in a plasma with 23.5 MW of neutral beam heating (60% in T-MI). The electron temperature
increased from 8.5 to 10.5 keV due to both direct electron damping and minority tail heating from a 2%
3He minority which was added to increase the single-pass wave damping. These results are shown in
Fig. 6. Similar heating was also measured in discharges in which no 3He was added. In separate experiments in which the ICRF power was modulated to increase the measurement sensitivity, the ion heating
was found to be a maximum wheri the second-harmonic tritium layer was on axis. These results indicate that ICRF waves can be used to heat a D-Tplasma with core second-harmonic tritium damping.
The measured second-harmonic tritium damping is consistent with calculations by the 2D ICRF code
(SPRUCE)incorporated in TRANSP [MI.
Majeski et d.[36]have suggested that an ion Bernstein wave (IBW) excited by mode-conversion from a fast wave at the
= S layer in a multiple ion species plasma, such as D-T, could be used
for electron heating or to drive localized electron currents. Experiments using mixed 3He-4He-D plasmas have shown localized electron heating at the calculated radial position of the mode conversion
surface. Up to 80% of the power is measured to be deposited on electrons at the mode conversion
surface, in good agreement with numerical modelling. Central electron temperatures greater than 10 keV
have been produced with 4 MW of FW power, the highest electron temperature achieved in TFIX in a
discharge heated by F€Falone. (In comparison, the highest electron temperature achieved in the hydrogen minority heating regime was 7.5 keV with over 10 MW of RF power.) Experiments to investigate
mode conversion current drive (MCCD) and fast wave current drive (FWCD) as a means of current
profile control have begun. Initial results from the FWCD experiments indicate that 70 kA of current
has been driven with 2 MW of RF power in a plasma with a central density of 3.3 x 1019 m-3, and a
central electron temperature of 5 keV. With mode conversion current drive, up to 120 kA of current has
been driven on-axisin D-4He-3He plasmas with a central density of 4 x 1019 m-3, and a central electron
temperature of 5 keV, for a normalized current drive efficiency of 0.07 x 1@* Am-2W-1. Off-axis
currents of 100 kA have also been driven at r/a 0.2. In this latter case, the MCCD has produced
changes in the q-profile: differences of 50% in the value of qo are measured by the Motional Stark
Effect (MSE)diagnostic between plasmas with co- and counter- MCCD [37].
An interaction has also been observed between energetic fusion products and the IBW excited
by mode conversion in D-3He plasmas. In the initial experiments, the dominant obsewable wave interaction was believed to be with D-D fusion tritons, rather than with D-T fusion alpha particles whose
population was extremely small in these plasmas. A strong enhancement of the fusion product losses
detected by the probes outside the plasma was observed when the IBW was generated near the plasma
axis.The loss mechanism appears to be pitch angle scattering across the passing/trapped boundary. The
detectors provide some energy resolution of the escaping particles and show evidence that the fusion
products are heated to approximately 1.5 x their birth energy. The effect is further dependent on the
phasing ofthe RF antennas, Le. the direction of toroidal wave launch. For 1800phasing (symmetric or
non-directional launch) the effectis observed at power levels in the 3 - 4 MW range. For 900 phasing
(launch countef to the conventional current) the effect is observed with a threshold of 2 - 3 MW. For
2700 (co-parallel to the conventional current) no RF driven losses have been observed up to the power
In a subsequent experiment, a small tritium gas puff was added to the D-3He plasma with IBW
heating. When the modeconversion layer was close to the cyclotron resonance layer for alpha particles, there was a further increase in the measured fusion-product loss rate, suggesting that the D-T
alpha particles were also interacting with the waves.
5 Summary
In one and a half years of experiments, TFTR has explored a wide range of physics issues in
plasmas with high concentrations of tritium and achieved good progress in fusion power production.
Routine operation and maintenance of the facility has been performed in the D-T environment. TFTR
has been operated at and beyond its original specifications in magnetic field and neutral beam heating
power during these experiments. The diagnostics have operated extremely well and a large amount of
analysis has already been done to guide future experiments.
In general, deuterium-tritium plasmas show improved characteristics compared to similar deuterium plasmas. The benefits for fusion power production of operating in a regime with Ti > T, and a
highly peaked pressure profile to maximize the reactivity for a fixed b have also been clearly demonstrated in "R.Increasing the toroidal magnetic field has produced a significantincrease in the achievable fusion power, emphasizing that the peak, rather than the average, achievable plasma pressure is
the relevant issue for fusion experiments.
We wish to thank the entire staff of the TFTR Project for their unstinting efforts in support of these
experiments. We thank Drs. R.C. Davidson and P. Rutherford for their support and encouragement.
This work is supported by U.S.Department of Energy Contract DE-AC02-76-CH03073.
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(371 MAJESKI, R. et al., “ModeConversion Heating and Current Drive Experiments in TFTR”
submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
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Time from start of NBI (s)
Fig. 1
Evolution ofthe NBI power, plasma stored energy and fusion power for the four
discharges producing the highest powers. For the three non-dimptive shots,the
m a . .radius was 2 . 5 2 ~
minor radius 0.87m,toroidal magnetic field 5.5T and the
plasma ament 2.7MA. Far the shot which disrupted, the toroidal magnetic field was
5.1Tand the plasma current 2.5MA.
Optimal D-T NBI
Optimal D-T, 22 Li
0 Other DTNBI
t 5
Fig. 2
Heating Power (MW)
Dependence of the peak DT fusion power output on the total heating power (NBI plus
ohmic). The data are for NBI heated supershots with at least one source injecting tritium.
Shots with nearly optimal mtimfraction, 0.4 < PT-NBI/P~I
< 0.8, are distinguished. For a
given heating power, increased fusion output is made possible through conditioning the
limiter by injecting multiple lithium pellets before the NBI pulse.
Plasma current (MA)
Dependence of the loss rate of energetic alpha-particles on the plasma current. The
location of the detector is indicated in the inset. The shaded region shows the loss rate
calculated for fmt-orbit losses. The data were normalized to the calculation at 0.6MA
(solid points) where all trapped alpha-particlesare lost.
o e Measurement
I .O
I .5
Alpha-particle energy (MeV)
Fig. 4
Alpha-particle energy distribution at the center of a D-Tplasma 0.2s after the end of the
NBI. The spectrum is determined by energy analysis of helium neutrals p r o d u d by
double charge-exchangein the neutral cloud surrounding an ablating lithium pellet. The
meaSurements are normalized to the TRANSP calculation at the solid point.
Fig. 5
%E oc (A)O.82
0 %
0 0
Variation of (a) the global energy confinement and (b) the inferred total ion thermal
diffusivity at the half minor radius with the average ion mass. Data are for supershots
with varying fractions of D and T NBI.
74651/ 52
Major radius (m)
Pig. 6
Pmfiles of {a) the inn and @) the e b c b n temperature for supershot plasmas heated by
13.5 M W T-end 10.0 M W D-NBI. with and without 5 5 MW of ICRF heating. To
increase the single-pass ICRF absorptioa. 2% 3He was added. The conditions were
chosen Do place the second-hmtonic-tritiW-ntal-3He
resonance layer on axis.
In aidition a0 the kxease in temperature, the D T reaction rate increased by about 10%
with the ICRF €kea%.