

Skeuomorphs transfer shapes and surface textures from one material or technique onto another, thus endowing them with ornamental properties. The material cultures of the ancient and medieval Mediterranean generated a diverse spectrum of such transmaterial designs. While older research described faux materials and techniques (e.g. painted marbles or mosaics) primarily in economic terms, i.e. as cheaper substitutes, recent research has drawn attention to the own aesthetics of transmaterial design – especially when the skeuomorph reveals itself as a visual fiction. The ambition of the conference is to investigate the modes of transmaterial design beyond established material hierarchies. We want to ask how skeuomorph artifacts can be understood as components of complex design systems, allowing for a better understanding of the (culture-specific) mechanics of making and perceiving objects. This perspective on the objects’ design principles opens up the possibility of a comparative view within larger geographical and temporal dimensions.

Skeuomorphs transfer shapes and surface textures from one material or technique onto another, thus endowing them with ornamental properties. The material cultures of the ancient and medieval Mediterranean generated a diverse spectrum of such transmaterial designs. While older research described faux materials and techniques (e.g. painted marbles or mosaics) primarily in economic terms, i.e. as cheaper substitutes, recent research has drawn attention to the own aesthetics of transmaterial design – especially when the skeuomorph reveals itself as a visual fiction. The ambition of the conference is to investigate the modes of transmaterial design beyond established material hierarchies. We want to ask how skeuomorph artifacts can be understood as components of complex design systems, allowing for a better understanding of the (culture-specific) mechanics of making and perceiving objects. This perspective on the objects’ design principles opens up the possibility of a comparative view within larger geographical and temporal dimensions. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften (IAW) Register here: organized by Benjamin Engels Jesko Fildhuth Fabian Stroth Skeuomorphs Transmaterial Design in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean Online Conference 17–19 November 2021 WEDNESDAY 17.11.2021 THURSDAY 18.11.2021 FRIDAY 19.11.2021 SESSION 1 ––––––––––––– Chair: Christoph Huth (Freiburg) SESSION 3 ––––––––––––– Chair: Ivana Puljiz (Freiburg) SESSION 5 ––––––––––––– Chair: Ralf von den Hoff (Freiburg) 14:00 Benjamin Engels (Freiburg) Skeuomorphs. Concepts and taxonomies 14:00 14:00 14:40 Carl Knappett (Toronto) Semiotic affordances of skeuomorphism: perspectives from the Bronze Age Aegean Adrian Hielscher (Munich) Lead glaze pottery and skeuomorph object design Evidences and questions from the Vesuvian area Flavia Vanni (Birmigham) The patrons, the artisans, and the congregation. Some reflections of transmateriality and the use of stucco in Byzantine churches 14:40 14:40 Fabian Stroth (Freiburg) The imitation game. Skeuomorph design in Byzantine material culture Michael Vickers (Oxford) Spina, chariot horses and Athenian pottery 15:20 Joanita Vroom (Leiden) The embarrassment of Byzantine pottery: faking precious materials and techniques Jessica Plant (Ithaca) ›Seeing through‹ the relief: Opaque and translucent designs in Roman stucco 15:20 Ivan Drpić (Philadelphia) Mosaic by other means: A Late Medieval experiment in remediation coffee break 16:00 16:00 coffee break 15:20 16:00 coffee break SESSION 2 ––––––––––––– Chair: Sabine Schrenk (Bonn) SESSION 4 ––––––––––––– Chair: Manuel Flecker (Kiel) SESSION 6 ––––––––––––– Chair: Elisabeth Wagner Durand (Freiburg) 16:30 Elisabeth Williams (Washington) Sculptural threads: Surface and dimensionality in tapestry weaves from Late Antique Egypt 16:30 David Gill (Kent) Evoking Athenian gold-figured silver plate 16:30 17:10 17:10 Michael Kiefer (Heidelberg) Genuinely fake? Allusions to islamicate textiles in Byzantine dress 17:10 Wolfgang Filser (Berlin) Latent surfaces in Hellenistic and Roman art & architecture 17:50 Vera-Simone Schulz (Florence) Tex-Tiles: Transmaterial trajectories across the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean Benjamin Fourlas (Mainz) Designed for the feasts? Remarks on transmateriality, iconography and function of some Late Antique ARS vessels with relief decoration Shannon Steiner (New York) The stone that is not a stone: The ambiguous and artificial materiality of Byzantine enamel 17:50 Annetta Alexandridis (Ithaca) Zoomorph skeuomorphs 19:00 Keynote by Gerhard Wolf (Florence) 17:50 Jesko Fildhuth (Freiburg) Change through colour in Byzantine material culture 18:30 Brigitte Pitarakis (Paris) Precious or faux? The magic of Byzantine goldsmithing