Papers by Ali Motamedzadegan

Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, Sep 5, 2020
In this study, the effects of different concentrations of chitosan (C)/basil seed gum (B) and net... more In this study, the effects of different concentrations of chitosan (C)/basil seed gum (B) and nettle essential oil (N) on the quality and shelf life of beef burger were examined during storage at refrigerator (4 ± 1 °C). At first, the chemical compounds of N were measured using the gas chromatography. Then, different concentrations of C (1, 1.5 and 2% w/w), B (0.5, 1 and 1.5% w/w) and N (0.5, 1 and 1.5% w/w) were added in the form of combination to the beef burger. 14 produced treatments (control + 13 treatments) were analyzed by microbial parameters (total viable count, psychrotrophic counts) and chemical parameters (peroxide value, the thiobarbituric acid, the total volatile basic nitrogen and free fatty acid) evaluation at 3-day intervals within 12 days. According to the results, the major constituents of essential oil were phytol (27.34%), α-limonene (19.73%), γ-terpinene (17.21%), and p-cymene (16.41%). The use of C + B + N led to decrease in oxidation and microbial spoilage. The minimum microbial and chemical quality loss during the storage period was observed in treatments (T13: C 2%+ N 1.5% + B 1%), (T8: C 1.5% + N 1.5% + B 1.5%) and (T11: C1% + N 1.5% + B 1%) respectively, and these three treatments had acceptable level of chemical and microbiological parameters by the end of the storage period; however, only T11 was approved by the sensory panelist. According to the results, T11 can be applied in the meat-product industry in order to improve the quality of beef burger.

Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, Nov 12, 2020
In this work, essential oil was extracted from nettle leaves and encapsulated in chitosan nanopar... more In this work, essential oil was extracted from nettle leaves and encapsulated in chitosan nanoparticles by a two-stage of emulsion-ionic gelation method. An acceptable retention rate (59.5 to 68.2%) of nettle essential oil (NEO) loaded in chitosan nanoparticles was achieved. Also, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) also confırmed successful introducing and loading NEO in chitosan. The nanoparticles displayed an average size of 208.3–369.4 nm. NEO-loaded chitosan nanoparticles had greater antioxidant activity than the free form of NEO. Furthermore, the antibacterial activity of NEO-loaded chitosan nanoparticles was high against S. aureus and E. coli (inhibition zone diameter of 4.11–3.95 cm). Based on these results, the encapsulation of EOs in chitosan nanoparticles are promising candidate to be used in food and pharmaceutical products for novel applications.

Food Science and Technology International, 2021
Artificial neural networks are a set of nonlinear equations that have the ability to adapt to est... more Artificial neural networks are a set of nonlinear equations that have the ability to adapt to establish complex nonlinear relationships between input and output variables. Artificial neural network modeling was used to predict the production of Ricotta cheese powder with the desired quality. In this study, a 4-class artificial neural network with a multilayer perceptron model was used to predict foam and Ricotta cheese powder data prepared by foam mat drying. This modeling was performed by pattern recognition method and using machine learning algorithm. Pattern recognition is the ability to recognize the order of properties or data that gives information about a system or data set. The model used for this study had 10 neurons in the hidden layer. 4 different ratios of milk and whey (treatments) were considered as input and foam density, powder density, hygroscopy, water activity, water absorption and oil absorption as model outputs. In this model, 70% of the data were used for training, 15% for testing and 15% of the data for validation. The best validation performance occurred in the 20th period. The final results showed that the model used was able to accurately predict the data related to each class with 94.8% accuracy.

Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Jan 10, 2021
This work is mainly concerned with the changes of amino acids and proximate compositions of Caspi... more This work is mainly concerned with the changes of amino acids and proximate compositions of Caspian Sea Beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) caviar after culture in freshwater. Proximate compositions did no differ between wild and farmed Beluga caviar (p>0.05). Eighteen amino acids were identified in wild and farmed Beluga caviars, but they had significant differences in some amino acids content. Isoleucine was the most abundant amino acid among total amino acids, which was 50.17±2.75 (mg/g) in wild caviar and was 26.83±0.82 (mg/g) in farmed ones (p<0.05). The essential amino acids content (EAA), in wild and farmed caviar were 132.66±6.8 and 110.16±7.35 (mg/g), nonessential amino acids (NEAA) were 107.92±5.68 and 121.79±4.08 (mg/g) and total amino acids (TAA) were 240.58±12.48 and 231.95±11.43 (mg/g) respectively (p>0.05). But the ratio of EAA/NEAA in wild samples 1.23±0 was significantly higher than farmed ones 0.9±0.03 (p<0.05). Functional amino acids (FAA) in wild and farmed samples were 96.1±8.66 and 116.8±9.65 (mg/g) (p>0.05), but the ratio of (FAA/TAA) in wild caviar was 0.40±0.02 and in farmed one was 0.50±0.02, which was significantly higher in farmed caviar (p<0.05). Delicious amino acids (DAA) were 54.9±1.89 and 54.86±2.01 (mg/g) in wild and farmed caviar and the ratio of (DAA/TAA) were 0.23±0 and 0.24±0 (p>0.05) respectively. The present study indicated that, farmed Beluga caviars were well balanced with the essential amino acids, functional amino acids and had a good EAA/NEAA ratio, so can be considered as a valuable food resource as well as the wild ones.

Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, Apr 10, 2017
The by-product from tuna processing is a potential source of edible protein. Therefore, it is ver... more The by-product from tuna processing is a potential source of edible protein. Therefore, it is very important to extract protein from such raw materials for human food. In this study the optimum pH for protein extraction from tuna by-products was optimized by using isoelectric solubilization and precipitation processes. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and the single factor model were used for optimization of the protein extraction process. From ANOVA (one-factor design) tests, significant effects were detected for process variables, functional properties and stability between tuna protein isolate prototypes extracted at acidic and alkaline pH, the latter having the least Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVB-N) and Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS), but the highest Water Holding Capacity (WHC), hardness, cohesiveness, springiness and viscosity values. The highest yield percentage was found for the alkaline aided process, too. The alkali-aided process recovered proteins of higher whiteness than the acid-aided process. Accordingly the optimum pH of protein extraction was obtained. The model was then validated and maximized based on the functional properties, stability and recovery yield data. Under the optimized pH, the experimental values were in good agreement with those predicted by the software. Then the properties of the optimum prototypes were compared to the fish protein isolated from different by-products. The results suggest that the proteins recovered from tuna processing by-products could be a valuable source of protein ingredient for fortification/ developing formulated ready-to-eat products.

caspian journal of environmental sciences, 2021
The objective was to investigate the detailed information about proximate, fatty acid composition... more The objective was to investigate the detailed information about proximate, fatty acid compositions and lipid quality indices in the caviar of wild and farmed beluga, Huso huso from Iran. The fatty acid composition varied with origin of caviars, although did no differ in proximate compositions. The most notable difference (P 0.05). There were significantly differences between samples in the amount of eicosapentaenoic (C20:5n-3), arachidonic (C20:4n-6) and docosapentaenoic (C22:5n-3) acids (P 0.05). Total ω-6 was higher in farmed samples (P 0.05). The present study indicated that, fatty acids profile in beluga caviars can be used as an index to determine fish origin and diet. Also farmed beluga caviar has good balanced with lipid quality indices to decrease the potential risk of coronary heart diseases and like wild ones could be considered as a good food sources.

Iranian Food Science and Technology Research Journal, 2016
Introduction: At least 60% of the estimated 300,000 metric tons of tuna that are processed in Ira... more Introduction: At least 60% of the estimated 300,000 metric tons of tuna that are processed in Iran areby-products which arebeingwasted and converted to non-human products as fish meal or fertilizers. Therefore, a major challenge facing the tuna canning industry is to find the new processes to utilize tuna processing by-products (mainly dark muscle) into valuable foods. The characteristics of tuna dark meat (TDM) make it not acceptable for these industries. Therefore, the isolation of proteins from TDM for food application would be a more responsible way of using a nutritious and abundant rest raw material. The pH-shift technology for recovering fish proteins involves the solubilisation of chopped and homogenized fish flesh either in an aqueous acidic or alkaline solution. The protein rich solution is separated from solids (insoluble proteins, skin, bones, and scales) and neutral lipids by centrifugation. The soluble proteins are then recovered by isoelectric precipitation by adjusti...

Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 2019
Tuna processing by-product is estimated more than 100,000 metric tonnes annually in Iran, which c... more Tuna processing by-product is estimated more than 100,000 metric tonnes annually in Iran, which could be a potential source of edible protein for human food. Hence, recovering proteins from tuna by-products is a big achievement in the seafood industry. In this work tuna protein isolates (TPI) were extracted from dark/ red meat using the isoelectric solubilization/ precipitation method. Oxidative stability, biochemical indices and characteristics of the fatty acid composition of TPI (pH 6.5) containing 16.2% protein, 1.2% fat and mixed with a blend of salt and sucrose –as a cryostabilizer- and stored 6 months at -24°C were studied. The levels of peroxide (PV), TBARS, FFA and total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) were significantly increased in TPI without cryostabilizers during the storage time. The results revealed that 22 fatty acids were identified in the light and dark tuna meat and TPI. The fatty acid composition of light and dark muscle of tuna and TPI containing salt and sucros...
Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition, Mar 21, 2015

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2016
The effect of applying tuna protein isolated from red/dark meat on product design and development... more The effect of applying tuna protein isolated from red/dark meat on product design and development and storage stability of the silver carp mince burger was studied using Design-Expert® Statistical Software. D-Optimal Mixture Design model was used to investigate the effect of different mixtures of tuna protein isolates and silver carp mince and their interactions on sensory and stability of the prototypes. The results indicated that the fish burgers containing 20% tuna protein isolate and 50% silver carp mince, as selected product, had better sensory scores and acceptability than the other prototypes. The results also indicated that added tuna protein isolate to silver carp mince and storage time did not affect the sensory attribute of the prototype. Soapy taste and grainy texture, which were reported as quality defects in the previous work, were not detected in the present study. The prototypes were also stable within 6 months frozen storage.

LWT, 2021
Abstract Nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds is an emerging field in food and pharmaceutical... more Abstract Nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds is an emerging field in food and pharmaceutical industries. In present work, essential oil was extracted from aerial parts of hyssop and encapsulated in chitosan-pea protein isolate nano-complex using a nanoprecipitation method. A central composite design (CCD) was employed to optimize the formation of nano-complex for maximizing the retention rate of hyssop essential oil (HEO) loaded in the nano-matrix and minimizing the average particle size simultaneously. The optimum nano-matrix formation were of chitosan/pea protein isolate ratio of 2.12 (w/w) and essential oil/chitosan-pea protein isolate ratio of 1.88 (w/v). Under these conditions, the retention rate of HEO and the average particle size were 81.2% and 216.4 nm, respectively. Furthermore, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses indicated the success of HEO encapsulation. The formed nanoparticles illustrated a spherical shape and regular distribution as indicated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The antioxidant activity of HEO-loaded chitosan-pea protein isolate nano-complex was higher than free HEO. Similarly, the encapsulated HEO had a high antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. The encapsulated HEO at 2 mg/mL concentration significantly decreased both the incidence and disease severity of gray mold on strawberries during storage at 4 °C. These findings imply that HEO-loaded chitosan-pea protein isolate nano-complex is a promising case to be used for novel applications in pharmaceutical and food industries.
Food Science and Technology, 2021

Korea-Australia Rheology Journal
In this study, the properties of whey-less Feta cheese (WLFC) manufactured from milk protein conc... more In this study, the properties of whey-less Feta cheese (WLFC) manufactured from milk protein concentrate (MPC) with the addition of soy protein isolate (SPI) were investigated. Six treatments were made using different ratios of MPC:SPI (12:0, 10:2, 9:3, 8:4, 7:5, 6:6% w/v) and stored for 45 days. Then, the textural properties, rheological behavior of samples, and microstructural and sensory features were evaluated. Furthermore, FTIR spectroscopy was used to provide spectral data on the protein, acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and water. The results showed that different concentrations of SPI significantly affected pH, acidity, total solids (TS), and color parameters. So that, by increasing SPI concentration, the lightness and greenness decreased, and the yellowness increased. The viscoelastic behavior of all samples demonstrated a higher G ′ compared to G ″. The replacement of MPC with SPI decreased G ′, G ″, and texture parameters. The images of the microstructure indicated a weak structure with a more open protein network in WLFCs fortified with high levels of SPI (5, 6%). In conclusion, results showed that SPI could be a good substitution for MPC at a 2–3% concentration without negative effects on WLFCs.

Successful development of rice bread for people allergic to wheat gluten has led to study of phys... more Successful development of rice bread for people allergic to wheat gluten has led to study of physicochemical properties of rice that affected rice bread characteristics. Samples of experimental Iranian rice breads baked in a home bread machine were evaluated by physicochemical methods and compared to Iranian rice cultivars (Tarom, Shiroodi, Neda, Fajr, Ghaem and Binam). Qualitative evaluation was conducted according to specific volume, oven spring, the height to diameter ratio, crumb to crust ratio, porosity and textural properties. In addition scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was applied for crumb characteristics. As a result to selection of the most suitable rice cultivars, we could develop the rice bread, of which loaf specific volume and physical properties are acceptable. These results showed that Binam cultivar had good physical properties and quality for making gluten-free rice bread.

Research Square (Research Square), Apr 18, 2022
Permeate is the by-product of the ultrafiltration in a kind of cheese making process, and as a wa... more Permeate is the by-product of the ultrafiltration in a kind of cheese making process, and as a waste disposal of dairy companies, was applied in production of orange beverage. The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility of using the foam mat drying method to prepare permeate-based orange beverage powder while maintaining its physicochemical properties. In 3 order to prepare the beverage foam, the desired amounts of egg white 4% and basil gum solution 0.2% were added to the orange beverage and were mixed for 6 minutes. Drying was performed under different temperatures (45, 65, and 80°C) and microwave power (360, 600 and 900 W) and freeze-dryer with (3 mm) thickness. Some properties of the beverage powder including moisture content, water activity, solubility, water binding capacity, rehydrating the powder, hygroscopy, flowability, porosity, pH, color, DSC, and FTIR characteristics were investigated. It was observed that freeze dried beverage powder had the maximum solubility and highest flowability.

The effect of different concentrations (i.e. 0.1%-1%) and pH (7.0 and 4.0) on the textural/physic... more The effect of different concentrations (i.e. 0.1%-1%) and pH (7.0 and 4.0) on the textural/physical and rheological properties of egg albumin foams was investigated. The findings indicated that the stability and overrun of the foams were higher in the case of the foams made at pH = 4.0 and with the highest concentration of egg albumin (1%). The apparent viscosity of the albumin solution was significantly (p<0.05) higher at pH = 4.0 and in the presence of the higher concentrations of egg albumin (0.5%-1%). All of the rheological parameters in amplitude sweep test indicated a weak structure of the foam made at pH = 7.0 and in the presence of a low concentration of egg albumin (0.1%). Regardless of the pH, the values for tan (δ) in the frequency sweep test indicated a weak biopolymer foam structure in the case of all samples. Yield stress was greater in the sample manufactured at pH = 4.0. Overall, the findings suggested that both protein concentration and pH had substantial effects on the rheological and physical properties of egg albumin foams.

SN applied sciences, Aug 14, 2020
In recent years, virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been gaining dramatic growth in food markets and is... more In recent years, virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been gaining dramatic growth in food markets and is one the most clinically studied edible oils. However, owing to its low plasticity and stiff nature, VCO could not be applied directly in edible fats production and various modification processes must be considered. In present study, physical blending with palm olein (PO) and chemical interesterification were conducted in order to improve the functional characteristics of VCO. Likewise, the alterations in chemical composition, solid fat content (SFC), slip melting point (SMP) and rheological attributes (e.g. flow behavior, strain sweep, frequency sweep and temperature sweep) of fat blends, prior and following interesterification were investigated. All blends were trans-free and interesterification modified the melting characteristics of fat blends through reduction of SFC and SMP. In terms of rheological attributes, a shear thinning demeanor in all fat blends was noticed and the flow data were fitted well with Herschel-Bulkley model. Interesterified samples were illustrated lower storage (G′) and loss (G″) moduli compared to initial blends.

علوم و صنایع غذایی, Dec 1, 2021
10.30±0.81 i 4203.33±64.29 j Gelatin film containing 20% oil 8341.41±21.46 d 32.46±1.76 f 5307.67... more 10.30±0.81 i 4203.33±64.29 j Gelatin film containing 20% oil 8341.41±21.46 d 32.46±1.76 f 5307.67±44.65 c Twin 80 gelatin film containing 20% oil 9361.68±81.12 c 33.13±1.80 ef 5701.00±56.93 b Gelatin film 0.2gr/gr Nanochitin containing 20% oil 11878.66±37.42 a 35.30±2.40 e 5954.33±55.82 a Gelatin film 0.5gr/gr Nanochitin containing 20% oil 9617.41±63.25 c 45.83±2.38 d 5245.33±41.01 d Gelatin film 1 gr/gr Nanochitin containing 20% oil 9136.21±83.29 c 75.10±2.52 b 5058.67±13.05 f Gelatin film 2 gr/gr Nanochitin containing 20% oil 6326.85±53.11 f 26.29±1.39 h 4884.33±12.50 gh Gelatin film containing 30% oil 6747.34±20.51 f 30.49±0.89 fg 4906.67±67 g Twin 80 gelatin film containing 30% oil 7289.27±33.27 e 28.47±2.21 gh 5168.33±17.55 e Gelatin film 0.2gr/gr Nanochitin containing 30% oil 10254.06±13.29 b 34.83±2.45 e 5910.67±27.22 a Gelatin film 0.5gr/gr Nanochitin containing 30% oil 9141.96±30.82 c 52.52±2.41 c 4831.33±11.06 h Gelatin film 1 gr/gr Nanochitin containing 30% oil 9051.02±25.62 c 82.30±1.41 a 4372.00±9.16 i Gelatin film 2 gr/gr Nanochitin containing 30% oil *Values with similar superscripts have no significant difference(p > 0.05).
علوم و صنایع غذایی, Sep 1, 2021
Papers by Ali Motamedzadegan