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Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
DORIS/SLR POD modeling improvements for Jason-1 and Jason-2
Nikita P. Zelensky b,a,*, Frank G. Lemoine a, Marek Ziebart c, Ant Sibthorpe d,
Pascal Willis e,f, Brian D. Beckley b,a, Steven M. Klosko b,a, Douglas S. Chinn b,a,
David D. Rowlands a, Scott B. Luthcke a, Despina E. Pavlis b,a, Vincenza Luceri g
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary Geodynamics Laboratory, Code 698, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
SGT Inc., 7701 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20770, USA
University College London, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, MS 238-600, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
Institut Géographique National, Direction Technique, 2, avenue Pasteur, 94165 Saint-Mandé, France
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP, Univ. Paris 7, CNRS), 35 rue Hélène Brion, 75013 Paris, France
E-GEOS S.P.A, ASI/CGS, Centro di Geodesia Spaziale “G. Colombo”, P.O. Box ADP, 75100 Matera, Italy
Received 1 October 2009; received in revised form 7 May 2010; accepted 10 May 2010
The long-term stability and the precision of the satellite orbit is a critical component of the Jason-1 and Jason-2 (OSTM) Missions,
providing the reference frame for ocean mapping using altimeter data. DORIS tracking in combination with SLR has provided orbits,
which are both highly accurate and consistent across missions using the latest and most accurate POD models. These models include
GRACE-derived static and time varying gravity fields and a refined Terrestrial Reference Frame based on SLR and DORIS data yielding
a uniform station complement. Additional improvements have been achieved based on advances in modeling the satellite surface forces
and the tropospheric path delay for DORIS measurements. This paper presents these model improvements for Jason-1 and Jason-2,
including a description of DORIS sensitivity to error in tropospheric path delay. We show that the detailed University College London
(UCL) radiation pressure model for Jason-1, which includes self-shadowing and thermal re-radiation, is superior to the use of a macromodel for radiation pressure surface force modeling. Improvements in SLR residuals are seen over all Beta-prime angles for both Jason-1
and Jason-2 using the UCL model, with the greatest improvement found over regimes of low Beta-prime where orbit Earth shadowing is
maximum. The overall radial orbit improvement for Jason-1 using the UCL model is 3 mm RMS, as corroborated by the improvement in
the independent altimeter crossover data. Special attention is paid to Jason-2 POD to assess improvements gained with the latest
advances in DORIS receiver technology. Tests using SLR and altimeter crossover residuals suggest the Jason-2 reduced-dynamic
DORIS-only, SLR/DORIS, and GPS orbits have all achieved 1-cm radial accuracy. Tests using independent SLR data acquired at high
elevation show an average fit value of 1.02 cm for the DORIS-only and 0.94 cm for the GPS reduced-dynamic orbits. Orbit differences
suggest that the largest remaining errors in the Jason-2 dynamic orbit solutions are due to radiation pressure mis-modeling and variations
in the geopotential not captured in the GRACE-derived annual terms.
Ó 2010 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: SLR; DORIS; Precision orbit determination; Jason-1; Jason-2
1. Introduction
Accurate orbit determination lies at the core of the
altimeter-derived sea surface height observation. The orbit
Corresponding author at: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Planetary
Geodynamics Laboratory, Code 698, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (N.P. Zelensky).
serves as a reference frame for the altimeter measurement.
The stability and accuracy of the orbit time series is affected
by errors in the force models, the terrestrial reference frame
(TRF), and error in the tracking data and measurement
models. Altimeter satellite orbit accuracy requirements
have become more stringent given improved modeling
and tracking system capabilities, so it is not surprising that
0273-1177/$36.00 Ó 2010 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
orbit error remains a major focus in the error budget for
both Jason-1 and Jason-2. Both spatial and temporal components of radial orbit error will directly affect the altimeter observable. Although the Jason-1 and Jason-2 orbits
computed at GSFC using the latest precision orbit determination (POD) standards (Table 1) have shown very high
consistency and accuracy (Lemoine et al., 2010), the
improved tracking capabilities and growing interest in
using altimeter data to recover small ocean signals, such
as the mean sea level trends, places increasingly stringent
requirements on orbit accuracy and in characterizing orbit
error (Beckley et al., 2004, 2007, in press; Morel et al.,
2005). A precise orbit is essential for altimeter instrument
calibration, and for the proper calculation of orbit-related
altimeter corrections, such as the sea-state bias. In addition, precise orbits and their stability and consistency
through time are essential to properly intercalibrate altimeter data from different missions, particularly during the
tandem mission periods (Beckley et al., 2004, in press).
Table 1
GSFC POD model standards May 2009: std0905.
Reference frame and displacement of reference points
SLRF2005 + LPOD2005 (version 11)
DPOD2005 (version 1.4)
Earth tide
Ocean loading
GOT4.7 all stations
Tidal CoM and
GOT4.7; VLBI high frequency terms
IERS Bulletin A daily (consistent with ITRF2005)
Time varying
Linear C20-dot, C21-dot, S21-dot
(IERS2003) + 20 20 annual terms from GRACE
ECMWF 50 50 at 6 h; tides (Ray and Ponte, 2003)
GOT4.7 20 020 (ocean); IERS2003 (Earth)
Satellite surface forces and attitude
Knocke–Ries–Tapley (1988)
MSIS86 (Hedin, 1987)
Radiation scale
Tracking data and
Tracking data
CR = 1.0
Nominal Yaw
2. Evaluation of surface force model improvements
Jason-1 8panel
CR = 0.916
SLR/DORIS (Jason-1 DORIS corrected for SAA)
SLR: Mendes (Hulley et al., 2007) DORIS: Hopfield/
Niell + GPT
Drag/8 h + OPR along & cross-track/24 h + DORIS
time bias/arc; 10-day arc dynamic solution
Tuned offset
10-cm/3-mm/s; down-weight 10 SAA
stations to 8-mm/s and 4 SAA stations
to 5-mm/s
The latest GSFC Jason-1 and Jason-2 orbits have been
computed with GEODYN (Pavlis et al., 2009) processing
SLR (Pearlman et al., 2002) and DORIS (Tavernier
et al., 2006; Willis et al., 2010) data, and using the latest
POD standards outlined in Table 1. These standards
include the GRACE-derived static gravity field EIGENGL04S1 (Lemoine et al., 2007), the GOT4.7 (Goddard
Ocean Tide model) dynamic tide model (update to Ray,
1999), forward modeling of atmospheric mass flux using
ECMWF pressure data (Klinker et al., 2000), a GRACEderived time varying gravity model capturing the annual
variation (Luthcke et al., 2006), and updated ITRF2005
SLR and DORIS station coordinates using LPOD2005
(Ries, 2008; Luceri and Bianco, 2007) and DPOD2005
(Willis et al., 2009). These standards also include improved
surface force modeling for Jason-1 and improved DORIS
tropospheric path delay modeling.
TOPEX/Poseidon (TP) was the heritage mission (Fu
et al., 1994) for the Jason-1 follow-on. Many of the
improvements to Jason POD presented in this paper rest
on the shoulders of the earlier TP POD development and
analysis (Tapley et al.; 1994; Nouel et al., 1994; Marshall
et al., 1994a; Bertiger et al., 1994).
This paper describes surface force modeling improvements for Jason-1, analysis performed to improve the
Jason-2 modeling, improved DORIS tropospheric path
delay modeling and DORIS data sensitivity to tropospheric path delay error coupled with oscillator health.
The GSFC operational modeling of time varying gravity
(TVG) is tested for completeness and residual error. This
paper also evaluates the efficacy of the reduced-dynamic
approach for removing orbit error, and presents the
enhanced Jason-2 DORIS POD capability reflecting the
latest advance in DORIS receiver technology. The latest
Jason-2 orbits from GSFC, CNES, and JPL are compared
to evaluate remaining error.
With the advances in accuracy achieved with GRACEderived gravity fields, surface force mis-modeling has
emerged as the largest source of error for TOPEX/Jason
dynamic orbit solutions (Ries, 2007). The non-conservative
forces acting on the satellite surface are primarily due to
radiation pressure and to a much lesser extent, atmospheric
drag. Table 2 illustrates the relative magnitude of the surface forces acting on TP, Jason-1 and Jason-2. The effects
of drag at the 1300 km altitude are typically between 1
and 2 orders of magnitude smaller than the effects due to
radiation. During periods of high solar activity (indicated
by the large F10.7 solar flux indices) the forces due to drag
increase by about 1 order of magnitude (Table 2). Such
perturbations are visible in geodetic results derived from
LEO satellite data (Willis et al., 2005). The forces due to
radiation pressure include direct solar radiation, Earth
Albedo and infra-red re-radiation (IR), and satellite thermal radiation. Thermal radiation represents effects due to
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Table 2
Surface forces acting on TOPEX/Poseidon (TP), Jason-1, Jason-2
Acting force computed over
one cycle in sinusoidal yaw
at 1300 km altitude
Solar radiation pressure
Albedo + IR
Drag (F10.7 = 103, 80 for J2)
Drag (F10.7 = 224)
Total RMS acceleration (109 m/s2)
heating/cooling of the satellite while in sunlight/shadow,
and internal heat dissipation. Such thermal forces are only
directly modeled for TP, but not for Jason-1 or Jason-2.
The Jason-1/2 Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) covering is
considered to have an emissivity of zero, and so will not
contribute to the heating up of the satellite (Berthias
et al., 2002).
The difficulty in modeling the effects of radiation forces
acting on the satellite is largely due to the complex satellite
geometry and incomplete knowledge of the reflective and
thermal properties of the satellite surfaces, and of the internal heat dissipation driven by component duty cycles.
Most of the orbit error due to radiation pressure is characterized by a once-per-revolution (OPR) signal. This error
is largely removed upon the estimation of empirical OPR
acceleration parameters in the orbit solution (Colombo,
1986). The estimation of OPR parameters every 24 h is
included in the GSFC dynamic orbit strategy (Table 1).
However, complex errors in the radiation pressure model
are believed to interact with the estimated empirical OPR
parameters to create errors in Z component of the orbit
with a Beta-prime period (approximately 120-days for
Jason) (Haines et al., 2004; Ries, 2007; Gobinddass et al.,
2009). Beta-prime is the angle between the orbit plane
and the direction to the sun. Over each Beta-prime cycle
both the attitude regimes and the satellite surface orientations with respect to the sun repeat. The Jason satellites follow a yaw steering attitude with several regimes depending
on Beta-prime, much as with TP (Marshall and Luthcke,
1994b). It has been shown that a 7% error in the solar radiation pressure scale results in a systematic orbit error in Z
of about 1-cm (Haines et al., 2004). Error in orbital Z-centering directly maps into a radial error having a north–
south geographical distribution with maximum absolute
errors found at the poles. Fig. 1a shows the geographic distribution of the 120-day amplitude for radial differences
between state-of-the-art Jason-1 GSFC dynamic SLR/
DORIS (Lemoine et al., 2006) and JPL GPS reduceddynamic orbits (Bertiger et al., 2006). For Fig. 1 120-day
amplitude and phase terms were estimated for orbit differences binned in 5° 5° grids every 10-days over a four year
orbit time series, from 2002 to 2005.
The prominent 120-day signature in the mean Z differences between state-of-the-art Jason-2 orbits computed at
the three analysis centers – GSFC (Lemoine et al., 2010),
CNES (Cerri et al., 2010), and JPL (Bertiger et al, 2010),
suggests the presence of considerable radiation pressure
model error in the latest Jason-2 orbits (Fig. 2). For the
Jason-1/2 orbits shown here, all three centers use a series
of flat plates and their orientations to approximate the
satellite geometry and surface properties for modeling the
radiation pressure. This is the macromodel approach.
The macromodel approach was established through analysis efforts undertaken on TP (Marshall and Luthcke,
1994b). The analysis included finite element modeling of
the satellite reflective and thermal properties and satellite
self-shadowing to produce accelerations used to initially
define the macromodel (Antreasian and Rosborough,
Fig. 1. Jason-1 5° 5° bin radial orbit difference 120-day amplitudes. (a) SLR/DORIS orbit (CR = 1) – JPL GPS orbit and (b) SLR/DORIS orbit
(CR = 1) – SLR/DORIS orbit (CR = 0.914).
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 2. Jason-2 mean Z orbit differences. Cycles 1–30 (July 2008–April 2009).
1992). The TP macromodel was then tuned using tracking
data, and is believed to accurately model over 95% of the
radiation forces (Marshall and Luthcke, 1994c). The
Jason-1 macromodel was constructed, much as TP, initially
from finite element modeling accelerations of radiation pressure, thermal re-radiation and self-shadowing, and whose
effects were averaged for each of the macromodel 8 plates
over the 120-day attitude regime in a least-squares fit of the
optical properties (Berthias et al., 2002). The TP macromodel includes thermal re-radiation modeling due to sun/shadow
heating/cooling. The Jason macromodels do not directly
model the thermal component, and neither the TP nor the
Jason macromodels directly model self-shadowing. This
effect occurs when different spacecraft components shadow
each other as observed in a particular direction (e.g. towards
the Sun for solar radiation pressure and along-track for
atmospheric drag). The cross-sectional area can be effectively reduced in different ways for these two perturbations
(Mazarico et al., 2009). This phenomenon is explicitly
accounted for in the University of College London (UCL)
model for Jason-1, but not explicitly in the standard macromodels for altimeter satellite orbit determination.
The GSFC Jason-1 eight-plate macromodel uses the prelaunch CNES supplied values (Cerri et al., 2010), with the
radiation scale factor (CR) tuned to 0.926 from the a priori
(un-tuned) value of 1.0. It should be noted other estimates
of this scale factor have been much closer to 1.0 (Cerri
et al., 2010). However, Fig. 1b suggests simply tuning the
CR scale as a constant for the Jason macromodel falls short
in eliminating radiation pressure mis-modeling. The much
smaller 120-day signal observed between using the tuned/
un-tuned CR (Fig. 1b) does not explain the large, 6-mm
amplitude signal observed between the SLR/DORIS and
JPL GPS orbits (Fig. 1a). Both the SLR/DORIS and
GPS orbits are of comparable high accuracy (Lemoine
et al., 2006).
For the initial Jason-2 radiation pressure modeling
GSFC has adopted the Jason-1 pre-launch macromodel
after tuning CR to a value of 0.916 (std0905). In addition,
we have tested this macromodel further by including a
solar array (SA) thermal re-radiation component using
the TP SA thermal properties (Marshall and Luthcke,
1994b) and tuning CR to a value of 0.948
(std0905_Cr_tuned). Although tracking data residuals
and the radial orbits show little change between std0905
and std0905_Cr_tuned (Table 3), the std0905_Cr_tuned
recovered along-track once-per-revolution (OPR) acceleration amplitudes do show improvement with the thermal
component included (Fig. 3). A smaller recovered acceleration value suggests greater accuracy in the surface force
modeling with less residual signal needing accommodation.
A new approach in modeling the radiation forces acting
on the satellite is provided by a model for Jason-1, developed by the University College London (UCL). The foundation of the technique is to account fully for complexity in
the surface geometry and properties of the spacecraft, and
also to deal with complexity in the incident radiation flux
and its interaction with the spacecraft. The surface geometry of the spacecraft is constructed in a computer simulation using geometric primitives such as cones,
paraboloids, cylinders and flat plates. The advantage here
is that the native geometry of the surface is retained in
the modeling without any simplification or tessellation.
Incident radiation fluxes are modeled using a pixel array,
and numerically intensive ray-tracing algorithms are used
to compute the insolation of the spacecraft, also accountTable 3
Jason-2 SLR/DORIS radiation pressure model tests, cycles 1–30 (July
2008–April 2009).
Radiation pressure
Orbit differences RMS (cm)
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 3. Daily estimation of along-track empirical accelerations using
different Jason-2 macomodels. July 2008–March 2009.
ing for any inter-component shadowing and the subsequent
path (and intersection with the structure) of radiation after
reflection. The resultant forcing is computed on a pixel by
pixel basis and summed together. The method is described
in Ziebart (2004). Additional thermal forcing effects are
modeled by consideration of the thermal response of the
surface multi-layered insulation (MLI) (Adhya et al.,
2005) and the thermal imbalance force caused by the temperature differences between the front and back of the solar
panels (Ziebart et al., 2003). Each of these model runs
determines the response of the spacecraft to a particular
flux direction and energy. Finally simulated radiation
fluxes are projected onto the spacecraft model from multiple directions and a continuous acceleration field model is
fitted to the computation output. The continuous model is
then implemented within orbit determination software.
Developed specifically for Jason-1, the UCL model
explicitly includes sun/shadow thermal re-radiation of the
solar array (SA) and self-shadowing modeling, in contrast
to the macromodel which does not. In addition the UCL
model attempts to account for the subtleties of the interaction of the incident radiation fluxes with the detailed geometry of the spacecraft surface, such as the cylindrical shapes
of the star cameras and the parabolic surfaces of the JMR
and the altimetry dish. This represents a step change in the
handling of structural complexity in such modeling. UCL
shows improvement in the Jason-1 SLR residuals across
all Beta-prime angles, but especially every sixty days over
low Beta-prime fixed-yaw regimes (Table 4 and Fig. 4).
This is the period over which most changes in attitude
Table 4
Jason-1 SLR/DORIS radiation pressure model tests, cycles 1–235 (January 2002–May 2008).
pressure model
Orbit differences RMS
regime occur, and also where the sun/shadow heating/cooling re-radiation will be at its peak.
Since the Jason-2 satellite is similar in orbit and somewhat similar in design to Jason-1 (Cerri, 2008), the
Jason-1 UCL model was tested for Jason-2. Even though
there are some notable differences between the Jason-1/
Jason-2 body surface reflective properties (Cerri, 2008),
the Jason-1 UCL model also significantly improves the
Jason-2 orbit, especially every 60-days over periods of
low Beta-prime (Table 3, Fig. 5). The Jason-2 orbit
improvements using UCL are very encouraging and suggest the complicated self-shadowing and thermal re-radiation accounted in the UCL model are needed for
correctly modeling surface forces due to solar radiation
pressure, Earth albedo and infra-red radiation pressure
(planetary radiation pressure), and satellite re-radiation.
Attempts at tuning the UCL CR scale have shown that a
value of 1.0 is preferred for both Jason-1 and Jason-2.
3. DORIS sensitivity to tropospheric path delay error and
oscillator health
DORIS is a powerful and highly accurate satellite tracking system. It is used to determine precise orbits for the
SPOT, Jason, and Envisat satellites, to contribute to the
ITRF realizations (Altamimi et al., 2006; Altamimi et al.,
2007; Willis et al., 2006; Le Bail et al., 2010), and to contribute to determination of geocenter motion (Feissel-Vernier et al., 2006; Gobinddass et al., 2009).
During the first Jason-2 OSTST/IDS meetings, an
unusually large 14-cm adjustment was reported by our
group in the estimated DORIS antenna Z-offset (Zelensky
et al., 2008). The result was quite surprising since the prelaunch antenna offset measurements were believed to have
sub-centimeter accuracy. The Z-offset estimates were computed from SLR/DORIS orbit solutions, although tests
showed that the Z-offset estimates from DORIS-only solutions were almost identical.
Analyses were undertaken to explain this large Z-offset.
Four composite models were tested which compute the
delay imparted by the troposphere on the DORIS radiofrequency signal (Table 5). The Hopfield (Hopfield, 1971)
and VLBI (Chao, 1974) models compute the zenith path
delay of both wet and dry components using ground meteorological pressure, temperature and relative humidity
data. The meteorological data is collected at the DORIS
ground beacons, or the temperature and pressure are computed with the GPT model (Boehm et al., 2007). The relative humidity data are always provided by the DORIS
beacons in these tests. The Goad (Goad and Goodman,
1974), CFAF2.2 (Davis et al., 1985), and Niell (Niell,
1996) mapping functions are the final component of the
composite models tested. Tests indicated the large adjustment to the a priori antenna Z-offset value was due to tropospheric path delay model error (Fig. 6), and that the
better the troposphere model employed, judging by residual fits (Table 5), the least adjustment in the estimated
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 4. Comparison of Jason-1 macromodel/UCL solar radiation pressure models. Positive values show improvement in residuals for UCL model toward
the tuned macromodel.
Fig. 5. Comparison of Jason-2 macromodel/UCL solar radiation pressure models. Positive values show improvement in residuals for UCL model toward
the tuned macromodel.
Table 5
Jason-2 DORIS-only tropospheric delay model tests, cycles 1–20 (June 2008–January 2009).
Troposphere delay modeling: zenith
delay/mapping function/meteorological data
DORIS (mm/s)
SLR (cm)
Orbit differences RMS (cm)
(a) Hopfield/Goad/DORIS
(b) Hopfield/Goad/GPT
(d) Hopfield/Niell/GPT
Z-offset from the pre-launch a priori value is seen
(Fig. 6).The GSFC solutions use an elevation cutoff of
10° and estimate a single zenith scale for the combined
wet + dry troposphere components per DORIS pass. Tests
also show that GM estimated with DORIS is likewise
highly sensitive to tropospheric path delay error (Fig. 7),
and that using the better tropospheric path delay model
gives GM estimates closest to the SLR-derived IERS standard of 398600.4415 km3/s2 (McCarthy and Petit, 2004).
These tests imply, and as analyses have shown (Le Bail
et al., 2010), that the recovered DORIS TRF scale will
be highly sensitive to error in tropospheric path delay
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 6. Sensitivity of Jason-2 DORIS antenna Z-offset estimation toward different tropospheric modeling.
Fig. 7. Sensitivity of Jason-2 DORIS GM estimation toward different tropospheric modeling.
modeling. Such sensitivity suggests tropospheric path delay
error may prove to be a limiting factor to state-of-the-art
DORIS recovery of station positions and geocenter
motion, although orbit sensitivity to such error is largely
in the cross-track direction with only small perturbations
to the radial (Table 5).
Previously GSFC had employed the Hopfield zenith
delay refraction (Hopfield, 1971) and Goad mapping
(Goad and Goodman, 1974) models together with the
meteorological values supplied with the DORIS data as
the initial conditions for solving for a pass-by-pass DORIS
tropospheric scale parameter. The largest improvement in
the Jason-2 DORIS and independent SLR residuals is seen
when switching pressure/temperature values available with
DORIS data to the GPT model (Boehm et al., 2007)
(Table 5). Comparison of the DORIS pressure/temperature/relative humidity meteorological values for the Greenbelt station (GREB) to measurements collected at the
adjacent Goddard SLR station, and to GPT values shows
significantly stronger agreement between the GPT and
SLR values than with the DORIS values (Figs. 8–10).
The DORIS (GREB) and SLR (7105) stations at GSFC
are 62 m apart, with a difference in height of only 1.4 m.
All these tests suggest the DORIS-supplied meteorological
values are not reliable. The lack of reliability of the DORIS
meteorological sensors has been known for some time, and
other analysis centers make different accommodations in
their analyses.
We then used the sensitivity seen between tropospheric
modeling error and the Z-antenna offset adjustment to test
tropospheric model performance. Consideration of the Zoffset estimates and the data residual statistics (Table 5)
narrows the selection for the POD standards between (b)
Hopfield zenith delay (Hopfield, 1971)/Niell mapping
(Niell, 1996)/GPT met data, and (c) VLBI zenith delay
(Chao, 1974)/CFA2.2 mapping (Davis et al., 1985)/GPT
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 8. DORIS Greenbelt station (GREB) pressure (January 2009–May 2009).
Fig. 9. DORIS Greenbelt station (GREB) dry temperature (January 2009–May 2009).
Fig. 10. DORIS Greenbelt station (GREB) relative humidity (January 2009–May 2009).
met data. Although Table 5 (c) VLBI/CFA2.2/GPT shows
the smallest SLR residuals, we have selected (b) Hopfield
troposphere zenith delay model/Niell mapping function/
GPT pressure/temperature values for the new POD
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
standards (Table 1) since that combination shows the least
adjustment to the a priori Z-offset (Fig. 6). In the GEODYN implementation, the Hopfield zenith delay refraction
model uses surface pressure and temperature for computing the dry component, and surface temperature and the
unreliable DORIS relative humidity for computing the
wet component. The accuracy of the computed wet component zenith path delay is questionable. Unfortunately it is
not clear what can be used in place of the DORIS supplied
station relative humidity values. The Niell mapping function has been shown to perform very well in an experiment
using ray tracing (Hobiger et al., 2008; Mendes and Langley, 1994). The Niell mapping function is also independent
of surface meteorology and is preferred in the absence of
reliable meteorological data. We plan to test the more
recent mapping functions such as the GMF (Boehm
et al., 2006a) and VMF1 (Boehm et al., 2006b), to estimate
just the wet component, and possibly to evaluate using the
ECMWF-derived zenith path delay product when it
becomes available (Soudarin et al., 2008).
The Jason-1 estimated DORIS antenna Z-offset time series describes the same interesting pattern for two tropospheric path delay models: Hopfield/DORIS met and
Hopfield/Niell/GPT (Fig. 11). There is a steep linear trend
leading to cycle 91 (June 25, 2004); with cycle 91 there is a
jump followed by an even, flat series which is close to zero
for the Hopfield/Niell/GPT modeling (Fig. 11). The Jason1 DORIS oscillator had progressively degraded due to
increased radiation experienced in transit over the South
Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) region until cycle 91 at which time
operation was switched to the second on-board oscillator
which has shown to have much greater stability (Willis
et al., 2004; Lemoine and Capdeville, 2006). Fig. 11 suggests
that trends in the estimated DORIS antenna Z-offset can
also serve as a predictor of oscillator health. The Z-offset estimates shown in Fig. 11 were computed from SLR/DORIS
orbit solutions, although tests show the Z-offset estimates
from DORIS-only solutions are almost identical. Applica-
tion of the Z-offset slightly improves the orbit as shown by
the DORIS and SLR residuals, although the effect on the
orbit radial component is very small (Table 6).
4. Modeling time varying gravity
Most of the variability in the gravity field is caused by
redistribution of mass within the oceans and atmosphere,
water stored on land, and by the deformation of the solid
Earth in response to these mass variations. The periodic
effects include tides, atmospheric pressure variations over
land, seasonal changes in hydrology, and the seasonal
changes in ocean topography due to wind forcing. There
are also secular gravity changes as the earth returns to isostatic equilibrium (Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA))
from the melting of the ice sheets since the last glacial maximum, which is modeled as a linear change in the C20, C21,
and S21 gravity coefficients (Table 1).
In our naming convention, tidal and GIA terms are individually and separately modeled and are not included in
the operational time varying gravity (TVG) model implementation (Table 1).The GSFC operational TVG modeling
thereby represents atmospheric gravity, changes in hydrology, and wind-forcing changes in ocean mass. This is
accomplished by:
forward modeling atmospheric gravity with a 50 50
time series of fields based on ECMWF-6 hour data,
Table 6
Jason-1 SLR/DORIS orbit sensitivity to DORIS antenna Z-offset, cycles
1–235 (January 2002–May 2008).
DORIS antenna
Orbit differences RMS (cm)
Not applied
Fig. 11. 10-day estimation of Jason-1 DORIS antenna Z-offset. Cycles 1–235. From January 2002 to May 2008.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
modeling atmospheric tides (discussed below), and
employing a model of the annual variation in the gravity
field determined from 4-years of GRACE data complete
to degree and order 20 in spherical harmonics (Luthcke
et al., 2006). This model is intended to implicitly represent changes in hydrology and wind-forcing changes in
ocean mass.
In preparation of the 50 50 atmospheric gravity fields
the ECMWF-6 hour atmosphere grids have both the mean
pressure as well as the modeled air tide signal removed. The
air tide model, derived from 13 years of ECMWF-6 hour
data, consists of a 20 20 S1 field with 10 10 S2, P1,
K1, T2, and R2 fields (Ray and Ponte, 2003).
The advantage of the operational TVG model is that it
can extend back to 1982 which is the start of ECMWF6 hour data availability, and can move forward with a 1month lag time. The contribution of the operational
TVG is critical to realizing the current state-of-the-art
POD, showing significant orbit improvement (Table 7).
We also believe that the 4-year averaged annual model
developed from GRACE can fairly characterize these
changes over time since this model is driven largely by continental hydrology which has distinct and fairly repeatable
annual variations. The TVG model effectively removes a
long-term systematic radial signature with an annual period having 5-mm amplitudes and distributed by hemisphere (Fig. 12). The largest contributor in the composite
TVG model comes from the largely annual mass motion
Table 7
Jason-1 performance towards Time Varying Gravity (TVG) model.
Jason-1 SLR/DORIS cycles 1–135 (January 2002–
September 2005)
RMS residuals
(a) No TVG
(b) With TVG
of the atmosphere, and weakly followed by the hydrosphere as shown by Lemoine et al. (2010).
We now address both the completeness and performance
of the 20 20 time gravity model for annual variations. It
has been reported that possible long-term non-linear gravity
field variations not included in current POD standards can
lead to apparent large trends in the measured ocean surface
(1.5 mm/yr) on a basin scale (Cerri et al., 2009), although the
2002–2008 analysis period is too short for reliable recovery
of any linear trends. In a test to address this question a more
complete model, but one confined to GRACE data coverage
and not operationally viable, was constructed. Jason-1 SLR/
DORIS dynamic orbits computed using this model over
2004–2005 are compared to respective orbits computed
using the operational TVG model.
The more complete TVG_test model was constructed by
estimating 60 60 monthly fields using GRACE data on
top of the following background models (cf. Luthcke
et al., 2006) over the span of the Jason mission. The background models consist of forward modeling the atmosphere using 50 50 3-h fields based on ECMWF-3 hour
data, using GLDAS (Rodell et al., 2004) to model the
hydrology, and MOG2D (Carrère and Lyard, 2003) to
model the barotropic ocean. In preparation of the
50 50 atmospheric gravity fields the ECMWF-3 hour
atmosphere grids have the mean pressure removed.
The Jason-1 radial differences are small between orbits
using TVG_operational and TVG_test, with an RMS of
3-mm over 2004–2005. However, the radial differences
show a prominent annual signal having a 2.5 mm amplitude (Fig. 13). There are no other significant periodic signals or trends in the orbit differences. These results
suggest about 1/3 of the TVG signal is not represented in
the operational model, and likely arises from interannual
variability. Consideration should be given to future
improvements based on GRACE, but these will likely be
restricted to mission intervals that are coincident with
GRACE operations.
Fig. 12. Jason-1 operational time varying gravity model annual radial orbit signal.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 13. Jason-1 residual radial orbit signal between operational time varying gravity model and the more complete test model.
5. DORIS and Jason-2 precise orbit determination
With the first flight on-board Jason-2 of a DGXX generation receiver (Auriol and Tourain, 2010), DORIS has
entered a new era of POD capability. The new DORIS
capability of simultaneously observing transmission from
up to seven ground beacons significantly improves tracking
coverage/geometry and opens the door to new POD strategies, such as using the DORIS phase measurement (Mercier and Cerri, 2010). Previously the Jason-1 receiver could
simultaneously observe only two DORIS beacons.
Comparing DORIS Doppler observations over the same
10-days for Jason-1 and Jason-2 (Fig. 14), not only shows
that Jason-2 has the greater number of observations over
all elevation angles, but that Jason-2 data is collected below
10° elevation, whereas it is not for Jason-1. In fact about
35% of the Jason-2 data is from 10° and below. Such a distribution for Jason-2 increases data processing sensitivity
to tropospheric delay model error. Conversely improved
tropospheric delay modeling should significantly enhance
the Jason-2 DORIS POD capability, and possibly allow
data from below 10° elevation to enter the solution.
The initial GSFC solutions had used the DORIS supplied station meteorological data and the Hopfield zenith
delay refraction model and Hopfield mapping function.
As shown in Section 3, a significant improvement to
POD is achieved with the empirically derived GPT station
temperature/pressure values and with the Niell mapping
function. However, the apparently unreliable DORIS relative humidity values are used by the Hopfield zenith delay
model augmenting the uncertainty of the wet-troposphere
delay accuracy. We plan to continue testing the more
recent and improved troposphere propagation delay
It has been known that for TOPEX, Jason-1 and Envisat that the DORIS data have a time-tag bias with respect
to the time-system of the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR)
network (Zelensky et al., 2006). For TOPEX, Jason-1,
and Envisat, this DORIS time-tag bias ranges to ±5–
10 ls. A DORIS time-tag bias can be estimated over a
Fig. 14. Jason-1 and Jason-2 DORIS data availability as a function of satellite elevation.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
SLR/DORIS 10-day arc with an accuracy of about 2 ls
using the SLR tracking data as a reference. Since DORIS
data are time tagged with a reported accuracy of 1–2 ls relative to UTC (Zaouche, 2009), these estimates should fall
within a ±4 ls envelope. Indeed, the DORIS time biases
so estimated for both Jason-2 and Jason-1 over the first
36 Jason-2 cycles fall inside this window (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15 shows similar time bias series based on three orbits,
where on average we see 1.4 ± 1.3 ls for Jason-2 dynamic
orbits, 1.1 ± 1.2 ls for Jason-2 RD orbits, and
1.7 ± 1.3 ls for Jason-1 dynamic orbits. Could this signal
reflect an error in the DORIS preprocessing common to
both satellites, or could there be a common mean alongtrack error in the three orbits that is interpreted as a time
tag error? Spectral analysis of the Jason-2 dynamic orbit
time bias series shows the 118-day term is dominant and
accounts for 91% of the variance. This is the precise draconitic (Beta-prime) period for the Jason satellites and suggests orbit error due to radiation pressure mis-modeling is
one possible explanation for the signal. The 1.8 ls amplitude of the 118-day term could also represent about
12 mm of mean along-track orbit error. As discussed
below, one can expect a reduction in orbit error with the
reduced-dynamic (RD) solution. Spectral analysis of the
Jason-2 RD series shows the dominant 115-day term to
have amplitude of 1.0 ls. Considering the short and somewhat noisy series, 115-days appears close to the 118-days
discussed, and suggests a reduction in Jason-2 radiation
pressure orbit error. These tests may suggest the estimated
Jason-2 DORIS time tag offset can be used as a reference to
identify orbit error at the level of 1 ls or better. However,
spectral analysis of the Jason-1 dynamic orbit time bias series shows the dominant term accounting for 79% of the
variance to have an 86-day period, and which does not correspond to the draconitic period. Clearly further analysis is
warranted using longer time series which may yield better
resolution of Jason-1/2 time bias signatures.
The dense and highly precise Jason-2 DORIS tracking
promises significant improvement for POD capability. To
better evaluate this, a reduced-dynamic technique is
applied to process the SLR/DORIS data and the DORIS
data alone. In the SLR/DORIS processing, DORIS data
is given more prominence than in the dynamic solution
by changing the DORIS sigma-weight from 2 mm/s to
1 mm/s.
In contrast to the dynamic solution, the reduceddynamic (RD) approach places greater emphasis on the
accuracy of the tracking data rather than force model accuracy by estimating a closely spaced series of time-correlated
empirical acceleration parameters (Bertiger et al., 1994;
Luthcke et al., 2003). This approach can remove much of
the residual force model error, but relies on the highly
accurate modeling of the tracking measurement. Deficiencies in the tracking data are accommodated by suitably
constraining the parameter adjustments. The GEODYN
implementation is through the least-squares adjustment
of a time series of OPR empirical acceleration parameters,
which have explicitly correlated constraining equations
forcing greater continuity between the adjacent OPR
amplitude and phase terms. The weight used in the constraint equation between two parameters at time Tj and
at time Tk, is computed as follows:
weightðj; kÞ ¼ ðe=r2 ÞeðjTjTkj=sÞ
where Tj is the mid-point of the jth acceleration parameter
interval; r is the process noise input by user; and s is the
correlation time input by user.
In this implementation, OPR along-track and crosstrack accelerations are estimated every 28 min, with
r = 1 109 m/s2 and s = 45 min. These values were
determined empirically for optimal TP and Jason-1 performance (Luthcke et al., 2003), but with the much more
dense and precise DORIS tracking available, a more
aggressive approach may even further improve the Jason2 reduced-dynamic orbits.
As indicated by independent crossover residuals, the
reduced-dynamic orbits show greater radial accuracy over
the 10-day arcs (Table 8). Indeed the reduced-dynamic
Fig. 15. Jason-1 and Jason-2 estimated DORIS time bias.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Table 8
Jason-2 orbit performance residual summary cycles 1–30 (July 2008–April
Orbit solution
Crossover (cm)
cycles 1–16,
18, 19
GSFC dynamic doris
GSFC dynamic slr+doris
CNES dynamic slr+doris+gps
GSFC RD doris
GSFC RD slr+doris
JPL RD gps
radial orbits also compare best – the RD SLR/DORIS and
DORIS-only radial components are closest to the RD GPS
(Table 9, Fig. 16). All orbits compare radially to within 1cm of the RD GPS (Table 9) which show the lowest crossover residuals of 5.362 cm (Table 8). The much larger
cross-track differences seen for the obits (Table 9), suggests
considerable troposphere error still remains in the DORISonly solutions after taking into account orbit sensitivity to
such error (Table 5), and underlines the importance of tropospheric delay models and modeling strategy. Presently
the troposphere zenith scale correction is estimated as an
independent pass-by-pass parameter. It has been shown,
for example, that properly constraining the troposphere
zenith scale correction estimates over the same geographic
region and time window may yield improvement (Zelensky
et al., 2000).
SLR is a slant range measurement to the satellite capable of sub-centimeter accuracy (Pearlman et al., 2002).
Independent high elevation SLR ranges are the only absolute test of radial orbit accuracy at the 1-cm level and have
been used to verify the 1-cm Jason-1 GPS POD capability
(Luthcke et al., 2003; Haines et al., 2004). In addition to
radial orbit error, high elevation SLR residuals will include
station position and range bias error. For this reason only
the historically well performing baseline SLR stations are
selected in order to minimize non-orbit error in the SLR
residuals and isolate the radial orbit component accuracy.
A globally well distributed set of 9 baseline stations have
been selected for two high elevation SLR residual tests of
radial accuracy. In the first test, a range bias is estimated
for each pass of residuals and summarized by station
(Table 10). For this test the previously employed criteria
of 60° minimum elevation (Luthcke et al., 2003; Haines
et al., 2004) has been relaxed to 50° minimum per pass to
allow a significant sampling of high elevation passes
Table 9
Jason-2 RMS orbit differences (cm) cycles 1–30 (July 2008–April 2009).
Table 10
Jason-2 reduced dynamics solution estimated SLR bias/pass RMS (cm)
for 9 well distributed stations (minimum elevation >50°; cycles 1–30 (July
2008–April 2009)).
JPL GPS RD -minus-
SLR station
Dynamic doris (panel)
Dynamic slr/doris (panel)
Dynamic slr/doris (ucl)
Dynamic slr/doris/gps gdrc
RD doris
RD slr/doris
SLR/DORIS RD -minus-
Dynamic slr/doris (panel)
Dynamic slr/doris (ucl)
Haleakala 7119
Hartebeeshoek 7501
Monument peak 7110
Graz 7839
GSFC 7105
Potsdam3 7841
Yarragadee 7090
RGO 7840
Mt Stromlo 7825
Fig. 16. Jason-2 radial orbit differences.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
collected over the 30 cycles. Table 10 shows the station
statistics are almost all below 1-cm for the GPS orbits,
strongly suggesting that GPS POD has achieved 1-cm accuracy. Although the DORIS orbits show more variation in
the station statistics the overall average of just over 1-cm
suggests DORIS POD is close to that goal. In the second
test, SLR residuals are binned by elevation angle using
the same nine stations and 4849 points displayed for elevations of 60° and higher (Fig. 17). Fig. 17 shows the DORIS
orbit residuals approach 1-cm with the increase in elevation
angle, indicating the radial orbit component may be accurate to 1-cm but with the horizontal components having
larger error. The number of SLR points rapidly drops off
to zero for elevations of 85° and higher. Both tests suggest
GPS POD has achieved 1-cm accuracy and DORIS POD
may have achieved 1-cm accuracy. Although SLR residuals
are not an independent metric for the SLR/DORIS
reduced-dynamic orbits, crossover residuals indicate these
orbits are more accurate than the DORIS-only (Table 8),
and thus are likely to have achieved 1-cm radial accuracy.
DORIS POD can be further refined with improved radiation pressure, TVG, and DORIS tropospheric delay models, as well as using a more aggressive reduced-dynamic
The RSS crossover residual differences between the
dynamic and reduced-dynamic orbits can account for the
observed radial orbit differences indicating the orbit differences should largely reflect error in the dynamic orbit.
Below we attempt to characterize the orbit error found
within the dynamic orbits.
Clearly the radial differences between state-of-the-art
orbits computed at the three analysis centers – GSFC
(Lemoine et al., 2010), CNES (Cerri et al., 2010), and JPL
(Bertiger et al, 2010), show the reduced-dynamic orbits
agree best and show little signal structure (Fig. 16). The
60-day signal otherwise shown by the RMS of the radial differences (Fig. 16) suggests the dominance of radiation pressure error. Taking the largest orbit differences, which are
between the dynamic SLR-DORIS-GPS CNES and the
dynamic SLR-DORIS GSFC orbits (Fig. 16), spectral analysis is performed over two 10-day cycles, over cycle 13
(November 7, 2008) at a peak of the 60-day signal and over
cycle 16 (December 7, 2008) in the valley (i.e. a low and high
Beta-prime). The periodogram shows similar structure for
the prominent signal frequencies for both cycles, and with
the peak cycle 13 just having larger amplitudes for the same
terms (Fig. 18). What is surprising is the dominance of the
m = 1 m-daily terms which are characteristic of gravity
short-period gravity perturbations (Kaula, 1966; Goad,
1977). Analysis has shown that non-conservative force
perturbations are filtered into an OPR position error term,
whereas gravity model error produces a rich spectrum of
orbit error signals including the m-daily terms (Colombo,
1986; Marshall et al., 1994a; Lemoine et al., 2006). Both
CNES (Cerri et al., 2010) and GSFC (Lemoine et al.,
2010) use the EIGEN-GL04S1 static gravity model (Lemoine et al., 2006), however, gravity field variability (including
ocean tides) is modeled differently at each center. The
m = 1 m-daily terms account for 26% of the orbit difference
variance over cycle 13 (Fig. 18).
Spectral analysis between the GSFC dynamic, GSFC
reduced-dynamic, and JPL reduced-dynamic orbits also
show signal structure which includes several m-daily terms,
but which is dominated by the OPR term (Fig. 19). The
m = 1 m-daily 3-mm amplitude terms indicate the
reduced-dynamic technique accommodates some TVG
model error (Fig. 19), and especially considering the 3mm RMS magnitude of the residual TVG signal (Section 4). The capability of the RD filter to accommodate
error in TVG has also been recently tested (Bertiger
et al., 2010), and it is important to note the RMS difference
in orbits between modeling/not-modeling TVG is almost
an order of magnitude smaller for the JPL GPS RD orbits
(Bertiger et al., 2010) than for the SLR/DORIS dynamic
orbits (Fig. 12). Since the orbit filter will turn most acting
perturbations into a 1/rev orbit signal (Colombo, 1986) it
Fig. 17. Jason-2 SLR residuals for 9 well distributed stations. Cycles 1–30 (July 2008–April 2009).
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
Fig. 18. Periodogram of dynamic Jason-2 radial orbit differences (GSFC SLR/DORIS – CNES SLR/DORIS/GPS).
Fig. 19. Periodogram of dynamic/reduced-dynamic Jason-2 radial orbit differences. Cycle 26 (March 2009).
is not possible to identify the perturbation(s) responsible
for the 1/rev term. In all likelihood the 1/rev shown in
Fig. 19 largely reflects error both in the time varying gravity and radiation pressure models.
Simulations have shown that error in the orbit Z component due to error in the CR scale is poorly removed with the
RD filter (Haines et al., 2004). However, examination of the
orbit differences between SLR/DORIS dynamic and
Fig. 20. Jason-2 120-day amplitude from dynamic vs. reduced dynamics SLR/DORIS radial orbit differences.
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
reduced-dynamic orbits over 36 cycles largely reveals a 120day term of about 4–5 mm amplitude indicating considerable radiation pressure error present in the SLR/DORIS
dynamic orbits is removed using the RD filter (Fig. 20).
6. Conclusion
The analysis of altimeter data from Jason-1 and Jason-2
requires that the orbits for both missions be in a consistent
reference frame, and calculated with the best possible standards to minimize error and maximize the data return from
the 7+ year time series, particularly with respect to the
demanding application of consistently measuring global
sea level change. This paper presents SLR/DORIS orbit
modeling improvements for Jason-1/2 and characterizes
dominant error remaining in the Jason-2 dynamic orbits.
Understanding the nature of remaining orbit error is
invaluable in refining the estimates of the mean sea level
and its trend and error budget.
Analysis shows considerable radiation pressure error
signal remains with a period of 120-days coincident with
Beta-prime in both the Jason-1 and Jason-2 orbits even
after macromodel tuning. The UCL radiation pressure
model developed specifically for Jason-1 performs better
than the macromodels for both Jason-1 and Jason-2, especially over the low Beta-prime regimes where orbit shadowing is maximum. The 3-mm RMS radial orbit improvement
for Jason-1 using UCL is corroborated by improvement in
independent altimeter crossover data. The Jason-2 orbit
improvements using UCL are very encouraging and suggest the complicated self-shadowing and thermal re-radiation accounted in the UCL model, but not directly so in
the macromodels, are required for correctly modeling surface forces due to radiation and radiation pressure. We
plan to collaborate with UCL to refine a radiation pressure
model designed for Jason-2. Also given the current level of
POD accuracy, it may be necessary to consider modeling
planetary radiation pressure with more detail than the simple model of Knocke et al. (1988).
The operational Time Varying Gravity model represents
atmospheric gravity, changes in hydrology, and wind-forcing changes in ocean mass. It was developed by forward
modeling the atmospheric gravity, using a model of the
air tides, and a 20 20 field estimated with four years of
GRACE data to capture the remaining annual variations.
Jason-1 tests show such an operational TVG model is critical to achieving state-of-the-art POD, however, it may not
be complete. A more complete, but not operationally viable
model was constructed by including the background
hydrology and barotropic ocean models before estimating
60 60 monthly fields using GRACE data. The difference
in Jason-1 orbits between using these two models shows a
prominent annual signal having a 2.5 mm amplitude, and
suggests about 1/3 of the TVG signal is not represented
in the operational model. We plan to test improving the
operational model by including all available and possibly
improved background models, including a longer time ser-
ies of GRACE data, and possibly expanding the 20 20
GRACE-derived field.
This paper also addresses DORIS sensitivity to error in
tropospheric path delay and the enhanced performance of
the DGXX DORIS receiver on-board Jason-2. We show
estimates of the DORIS antenna Z-offset and of GM are
very sensitive to tropospheric path delay error. Although
orbit sensitivity to such error is largely in the cross-track
direction with only small perturbations to the radial, such
sensitivity suggests tropospheric path delay error may
prove to be a limiting factor to state-of-the-art DORIS
recovery of station positions and TRF scale. The concern
is not having the ability to compute the wet component
of the path delay to suitable accuracy. Our tests suggest
the DORIS-supplied meteorological data are not reliable.
This is an issue that is known in the DORIS community
and is likely due to infrequent calibration of the met sensors due to cost and the remote location of many DORIS
sites. We plan to test the more recent tropospheric path
delay models, and to refine our troposphere scale estimation strategy. We have also shown that trends in the
Jason-1 estimated DORIS antenna Z-offset can also serve
as an indicator of deteriorating oscillator health.
The latest DORIS DGXX receiver on-board Jason-2
can simultaneously observe transmissions from up to seven
beacons, significantly improving the tracking coverage and
the satellite observing geometry. Indeed, tests using SLR
and altimeter crossover residuals suggest the Jason-2
reduced-dynamic GPS, SLR/DORIS, and DORIS-only
orbits have all achieved 1-cm radial accuracy. Tests using
independent SLR data acquired at high elevation over 30
cycles show an average fit value of 0.94 cm for the GPS
and 1.02 cm for the DORIS-only reduced-dynamic orbits.
Evaluation of the Jason-2 orbit differences shows the
reduced-dynamic filter removes considerable radiation
pressure and TVG model error, and that these two sources
of error dominate the dynamic orbits.
Over 25 years of modern satellite altimetry, improvements in orbit accuracy and altimeter data analysis have
occurred concurrently, from the detailed mapping of sea
mounts with 35 cm GEOSAT orbits, to mm/yr sea level
change determination with 2 cm TP orbits. The empirically
determined sea-state bias correction for the altimeter data
depends directly on the quality of the altimeter satellite
orbits. Today, Jason-1 and Jason-2 orbits produced by different analysis centers, that employ different tracking systems and use different orbit determination software
packages, and apply different analysis strategies, all agree
radially at 1 cm. The new orbits will permit the derivation
of improved sea-state bias correction models and ocean
tide models, and will reveal new information about the subtleties of satellite radar altimeter tracking algorithms.
This work is based on SLR, DORIS, and GPS observations of the Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellites. We acknowledge
N.P. Zelensky et al. / Advances in Space Research 46 (2010) 1541–1558
the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) the International GNSS Service (IGS), and the International
DORIS Service (IDS), for providing such data. This work
was supported by the US National Aeronautics and Space
Administration under the auspices of the Ocean Surface
Topography Science Team and the IDS Program in Mean
Sea Level. Part of this work was supported by the Centre
National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) using DORIS data.
A. Sibthorpe’s contribution, supported by NERC (Natural
Environment Research Council) Grant #NE/C519138/1,
was performed while at University College London, UK.
This paper is IPGP contribution number 2565. The authors
are grateful for the long standing collaboration with the
OSTST POD Team members, CNES, JPL, and UT CSR.
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