for the special issue on Law and the Semantic Web
Overview of the MPEG-21 Media Contract
Editor(s): Name Surname, University, Country
Solicited review(s): Name Surname, University, Country
Open review(s): Name Surname, University, Country
Víctor Rodríguez-Doncela, Jaime Delgadob, Silvia Llorenteb, Eva Rodríguezb and Laurent Bochc
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
UniversitatPolitècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI)
Abstract. The MPEG-21 Media Contract Ontology (MCO), a part of the standard ISO/IEC 21000, is an ontology to represent
contracts dealing with rights on multimedia assets and intellectual property protected content in general. A core model provides the elements to describe the permissions, obligations and prohibitions exchanged in the clauses of a contract. Specific
vocabulary is defined in a model extension to represent the most common rights and constraints in the audiovisual context.
Design principles, a methodology and a comparative analysis are given, as well as the practical guidelines to use the standard.
A thorough description of the contract creation workflow from an original contract is given, including a sample contract text,
the RDF version, the detailed mapping of the most relevant clauses and the reconstructed version. A set of MCO-related tools
is described, including (i) the reference software to create and edit MCO contracts; (ii) modules to identify, store, search, validate and deliver MCO contracts and (iii) a tool to convert between the akin Contract Expression Language (CEL) contracts and
the MCO contracts and (iv) the actual use of MCO in the Rightsdraw family of services.
Keywords: Standards, Knowledge Representation, Contracts, Multimedia
1. Introduction
The international legal framework on the protection of intellectual property 1 distinguishes between
exploitation rights and moral rights. The creator of a
work has some unwaivable and inalienable moral
rights (like the right to be identified as the author)
plus some exploitation rights (like the right to distribute copies to the public), which are transferable
and of limited duration. The exploitation rights can
be transferred with exclusivity or not in exchange of
an economic compensation, and their exercise can be
limited by different constraints and conditions, typically specified in written contracts.
See the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and
Artistic Works (1886), whose text is available online
A media contract is an agreement between business parties for the deal of exploitation rights on audiovisual works.
Although the contractual relationships play a central role in the commerce of media assets, they are
still largely managed with old-fashioned paradigms,
in contrast with other areas of media asset management such as ingestion, annotation, cataloguing, storage, retrieval and distribution, which have begun to
benefit from a knowledge representation based on
ontologies. The representation of contracts as RDF
documents supported by ontologies is an advance in
order to deal with the ever increasing amount of material and it facilitates achieving better metadata interoperability and systems integration. Unfortunately,
many contracts are still created, signed and kept in a
paper form or, if in digital form, in a non-machinereadable environment.
This paper describes and analyzes the MPEG-21
Media Contract Ontology (MCO) [1], a standard
based solution for representing contracts and
whose editors are authors of this paper.
MPEG-21 MCO is part of the MPEG-21 specification, formally known as ISO/IEC 21000. MPEG-21
is devoted to the definition of a framework for multimedia delivery and consumption across different
networks and devices. In particular, MPEG-21 defines a generic content encapsulation called Digital
Item, capable of identifying, structuring and storing
different types of digital content (Digital Item Declaration and Identification). This content can be reliably managed and protected across networks (Intellectual Property Management and Protection), and it
can be adapted to the heterogeneous usage environment with different networks, terminals and users
(Digital Item Adaptation). MPEG-21 also defines an
expression language for declaring licenses (Rights
Expression Language) along with a dictionary of
terms (Rights Data Dictionary), and an ontology
(Media Value Chain Ontology (MVCO) [2]), capable
of representing the intellectual property objects along
its life cycle as well as the actors performing any
intellectual property-related action over the resources. However, no specific formats had been defined for representing contracts.
The MPEG initiative on specifying formats for
media contracts started with the definition of an
XML-based expression language: the Contract Expression Language (CEL), which eventually became
Part 20 of MPEG-21 [3] and is well described in [4].
In parallel, a complementary work was carried out
towards an ontology-based representation: the Media
Contract Ontology, now Part 21 of MPEG-21. Parts
of CEL and MCO reflect the results produced in the
European project PrestoPRIME [5] and its audiovisual rights ontology [6], defined as extension of
MVCO. CEL and MCO are not competing but complementary and aligned languages, simultaneously
conceived to satisfy needs in different contexts, and
whose interoperation is possible.
This paper describes the Media Contract Ontology,
starting by the design principles, requirements and
methodology in Section 2. Section 3 describes the
main elements of the ontology and Section 4 details
some practical aspects, illustrated with examples and
guidance for its use. Section 5 describes the MCO
standard Reference Software and some basic applications. Future work and conclusions are outlined in
Section 6.
2. Design Principles, and Requirements and
The choice of the design principles as well as the
methodology to develop the ontology have been
strongly mediated by the working framework, i.e.,
one standardization body with well established procedures, standard timelines, control mechanisms and
conflict resolution strategies.
The International Organization for Standardization
(ISO), together with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), develops and publishes
international standards, by means of Technical
Committees (TC) or Joint Technical Committees
(JTC), further structured in SubCommittees (SC) and
Working Groups (WG) of experts of the various specific areas. The Moving Picture Experts Group
(MPEG), officially identified as ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29
WG11, is one of such groups and it sets standards for
audio and video compression and transmission as
well as for metadata. The following features of the
MPEG working framework strongly influenced the
design principles and the development methodology
for the ontology:
High consensus. The positive vote of at least 5
countries is needed for a standard to be approved and debate is promoted so that differences are solved inasmuch as possible –much
appropriated for the development of 'ontologies', which are generally understood as the
representation of consensual knowledge.
Formal procedure. The standardization process is a well-defined procedure with fixed
stages. These steps, which start with a call for
requirements, matches well other ontology
development methodologies and forces every
step to be profusely documented.
Working groups. Any expert can participate in
the working groups for the standard edition,
which are convened and supervised by the
systems group. In practice, heterogeneous
domain and technology experts work together.
Evolution. Formal procedures for corrigenda
and amendments exist, being also possible
second editions. This also favors the continuous development of ontologies.
Closed specifications. ISO standards, in gen-
eral, are not free documents. This feature
clashes with the general practice of publishing
and disseminating ontologies, however, electronic documents such as an OWL file are typically disclosed freely.
Self-containment. ISO standards are planned
to last for years, and introducing dependencies
from other sources is discouraged. Consequently, self-contained solutions are preferred
over documents making references to external,
possibly mutable, resources. This feature goes
also against the common practice in the semantic web of reusing others’ resources.
The well-established procedures in the standardization process force the adoption of good practices in
the ontology development. In particular, the MCO
was designed to cover a set of requirements formally
specified in 2010 [7] and further refined after a core
experiment for mapping text contracts into machine
readable documents [8].
The requirements in [7] were not directly imposed
on the contract format, but on the functionalities that
contract-based services had to provide. The list included 13 functionalities, namely: authenticate contract (confirm the identity of the signatories), check
with contract (verify if a usage request is within a
contract), create contract, deliver contract (possibly
adapted with MPEG21 DIA), identify contract (with
MPEG21 DII), negotiate contract (MPEG-M orchestration), post contract (possibly with MPEG-U),
present contract (possibly with MPEG-V), process
contract (editing the contents) and request, search,
revoke and verify contract. This specification of contract-based services was translated into requirements
for the contract language. It is remarkable that the
requirements did not include any provision for contract breaches and remedies, nor included advanced
reasoning tasks beyond the support to the check with
operation (if a requested action under certain conditions falls under the clause of a contract or not).
Twelve of the thirteen requirements handled with
managing the contract (identifying, storing, etc.), and
the “check with” one was a simple operation to be
implemented by a service and not to be calculated by
means of an ontology reasoner: the most important
needs were the preservation of contracts in a structured manner, the easy SPARQL querying of some of
the contract features and the easy mapping to existing
enterprise systems within the MPEG-21 framework.
Five institutions participated in the experiment,
which consisted of the following steps: (i) a set of
contracts was selected with the criteria of including
different media types, concerning different parties
from different business models and of different
length and complexity; (ii) the set of contracts was
analyzed in their context by legal experts in the area;
(iii) a mapping for these contracts to a candidate machine readable format, first XML then RDF, was
made by hand and (iv) the mappings were evaluated
with determined criteria.
These criteria included (i) the technical soundness
of the output documents (syntactic and semantic); (ii)
a comparison of the defined entities with the definition of the referred concepts; (iii) the ability to preserve the contract, granting that reconstructed contracts conveyed sufficient information; (iv) ability to
satisfactorily structure and present the contract and
(v) ability to link the contract to other external entities (parties, assets). The results of these experiments
gave rise to both an XML representation (CEL, Part
20 of MPEG-21) and an RDF representation (MCO,
Part 21 of MPEG-21) of the contract; the latter being
described in this paper.
3. Related work
The MPEG-21 MCO is not an academic work intending to improve the state of the art. On the contrary, as any standard it sets the recommended practice
in its domain and innovations are discouraged. This
section describes the related work coming from different areas, collecting the perspective of legal experts, computer scientists and logicians alike, which
was considered when developing the ontology.
Within the community of legal experts, the fertile
EU project ESTRELLA2 produced in the last decade
several ontologies of reference in the area, like the
ontology of fundamental legal concepts [9] or the
interchange format for legal knowledge systems
LKIF [10]. These works have a long tradition and
they are well founded and supported by subsequent
reasoning and argumentation tools; however, the implied meaning of their concepts goes beyond the
scope and purpose of the MCO contracts, whose
compactness was a design goal: MCO was required
not to depend on upper ontologies and it is not relat2
ESTRELLA, European project for Standardized Transparent
Representations in order to Extend Legal Accessibility, 6th European Research Framework Programme
ed at all with these legal ontologies.
In some computer applications, Rights Expression
Languages (RELs) and policy languages (like
XACML) have played a role governing the access to
digital resources. These languages not only allow
describing conditions verifiable by a machine, but
also declaring permissions and restrictions that cannot be computed. Their structure is suitable for representing contracts as well, with the addition of new
vocabulary. In fact, the possible use of RELs for representing contracts has been suggested for ODRL
(Open Digital Rights Language [11]) and MPEG-21
REL [12]. However, these extensions do not capture
well the structure of the contract nor the relation between the clauses in the text and the operative elements in the electronic contract.
Alternative efforts have focused in making a better
logical grounding towards advanced reasoning. The
representation of contracts can be done in terms of a
formal logic, like the Business Contract Language
[13], with powerful reasoning capabilities that include the management of contradictions and conflict
resolution procedures. Prisacariu and Schneider propose another contract logic [14], combining deontic
logic with a propositional logic of actions to handle
complex sequences of actions and tackling contract
violations. Other systems have been described with
less logical abilities but better expressivity, like
Cosmos [15], a contract format described in a well
detailed UML object model or Yan’s ontology in
OWL [16]. A Cosmos contract comprised structures
to describe the parties, a fixation (signature) and the
performance of activities to be done by the parties,
including payments and the provision of goods and
services with a given quality of service. Similar elements can be found in the OASIS eContracts [17]
specification, which describes a general-purpose,
XML-based language. Being a lightweight model,
support is given in eContracts for structuring the
document in clauses, declaring the relationship with
other contracts and signing or encrypting the documents or parts thereof; further refinements being left
for specific extensions. MCO is the latest in this tradition, with the narrower scope of representing contracts in the particular domain of the media contracts.
4. Media Contract Ontology
This section describes the Media Contract Ontolo-
gy, which is defined by a core model (described in
and a first extension
for the exploitation of intellectual property rights,
(described in Other
extensions, proposed by institutions different from
those in the original editing working group, are in the
path of standardization but so far they have only
working draft status.,
4.1. Overview
The Media Contract Ontology (MCO) is an OWL
ontology formalizing a vocabulary to represent business contracts in the media content industry. MCO
contracts are RDF documents using that vocabulary.
The media contract defines what the parties agree
to exchange in terms of rights and obligations. A
contract is not bound to deal with a single work nor
to constrain the parties to a single role between “licensor” and “licensee”, although this is the most frequent situation. The most complex part in a typical
media contract is the definition of conditions related
to the transfer of the exploitation rights. This transfer
of rights may be done in exclusivity or not, and may
refer to the totality of the exploitation rights or to a
part thereof the latter case being the most common,
as it fosters the profitability of the market. Sublicensing is very often explicitly permitted or prohibited,
allowing thus the licensee to subsequently grant licenses or not to third parties.
A complex statement defining some exchanged
rights, with conditions, on some content or service is
also named hereafter an “operative clause”, as it defines in which operative context a given action is
allowed, prohibited or obligated. The set of operative
clauses is called the “operative part” of the contract.
The fulcrum of an operative clause is the “deontic
expression”, which encompasses the concepts of
permission, prohibition and obligation. As the parties
freely agree on the terms of the contract, they actually exchange the promise to respect the rules they defined in the operative clauses. While this kind of assertions are studied by the deontic logic, and such
expressions can be object of reasoning (as in some of
the systems described in Section 3), the MCO representation does not aim at matching any specific formal system. The RDF statements of the MCO contract are thus limited to represent the operative clauses in a machine-readable form.
The MPEG-21 MCO standard foresees electronic
contracts directly created in RDF as well as electronic contracts derived from existing ones in natural
language. For this reason, being able to declare mappings between the digital and the narrative forms is
an important requirement, and for any deontic expression in the digital form it is possible to declare
the textual clauses whence it came from.
Contract clauses are identified as well as the contract itself and any other relevant entity. The relationship between contracts in MCO is as important as in
any business agreement, and the standard comprises
the means for declaring prevalence, cancellations and
amendments among other relationships.
The MCO consists of a core model, which provides the elements to make generic deontic statements, and an extension which provides the vocabulary to describe the commercial exchange of exploitation rights of intellectual property assets. More extensions might be envisaged for other kinds of objects, like specific types of content, raw data, etc. For
example, as of March 2015, a second edition of the
MCO standard has started to be discussed, including
a new extension for payments and notifications and a
new extension for the expression of rights expression
language (MPEG-21 REL) acts [18].
The MCO core ontology consists of 666 OWL2
axioms 3 of moderate complexity, adding relatively
few semantics over the CEL XML but favoring the
publication of contracts as linked data and enabling
SPARQL queries over RDF –also integration with
other domains is favored.
permitsAction | obligatesAction | forbidsAction
Figure 1. Main classes and object properties of the MCO. Classes are represented with ellipses, object properties with arrows
(linking domain and range classes). Prefixes, either mvco or mco-core have been omitted in this figure.
OWL2 is needed, as some negative object properties have
been asserted.
4.2. The MCO Core model
whose URI 4 is
urn:mpeg:mpeg21:mco:core:2012 and its preferred
prefix is mco-core, provides the elements for the expression of permissions, obligations and prohibitions
– the general terms that a contract usually handles.
These statements are the promises that are exchanged
in the contract between the parties. In fact those patterns are also tackled in various languages for rights
expressions, as shown in the comparison made in
Given that MCO is imbricated in the MPEG-21
framework, the description of these parties as well as
some of the clauses tying them, is done in terms of
elements which are already defined in (or derived
from) other parts of the standard, mostly the Media
Value Chain Ontology (MVCO [2]). Class instances
of the classes in MVCO, whose URI is, can represent the transformation of one entity of a kind of intellectual property
object (an mvco:IPEntity) into another one, as well
as the required permissions to execute these transformations.
The general overview of the MCO Core model is
shown in Figure 1.
4.2.1. Contract and parties
The Media Contract Ontology defines an mcocore:Contract class, whose instances represent the
actual documents –a contract is thus uniquely identified by an IRI. Contracts can be referred from other
contracts to be superseded, altered or extended.
Contracts have parties, which can be natural or legal persons (e.g. people, organizations, etc.), and they
are ultimately signed with the digital signature of
actual users representing themselves or their organizations, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Contracts, organizations and users
described with metadata attributes, i.e. users can get a
vCard by using the hasVCard property (see [20]) or
be attributed with standard Dublin Core elements 5.
Contracts can be totally or partially encrypted by
using the XML Encryption Syntax and Processing
[21] and linked to the Contract instance by the mcocore:encryptedContractPart object property.
4.2.2. Contract clauses
Any contract, as an exchange of promises, contains
a set of deontic expressions: permissions, prohibitions and obligations. The MVCO defined the
mvco:Permission class, from which the rest could
have been expressedthe three deontic modalities
can be simplified by using a single one. However, to
ease the use of MVCO, specific classes complement
the permission: mco-core:Prohibition and mcocore:Obligation.
The permission model revolves around the concept of
deontic expression (i.e. a permission, obligation or
prohibition) which can be issued by a user
(mvco:User), and permits an action (mvco:Action)
having as required zero or more facts to hold
(mvco:Fact). The action can be further described as
being acted by a certain user or set of users over zero
or more IP Entities (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Permission model in MCO
If the deontic expression (mco-core:Deonticis an Obligation or a Prohibition (mcocore:Obligation and mco-core:Prohibition respectively), the object property mvco:permitsAction is
replaced by mco-core:obligatesAction and mco-core:forbidsAction respectively.
A contract, thus, is in essence a set of DeonticExpressions, which implement one or more natural language contract clauses (see Figure 4).
Some of these elements are expected to be further
As MCO is OWL2, identifiers are IRIs instead of URIs (IRI –
Internationalized Resource Identifier: a generalization of URI
permitting use of Unicode characters), although the standard
makes reference to both indistinctly.
The ISO standard 15836, which establishes a standard for
cross-domain resource description, is known as “Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set”
Figure 4. Deontic expressions are issued in contracts and implement textual clauses
4.2.3. Expression of conditions
In standard contracts, permissions are seldom given in exchange of nothing, and conditions are present
in almost every contract. To express conditions, the
set of facts that must hold is given. However, the
actual conditions are not declared by the MCO core
language, but by its extension presented in Section
4.3 (or other possible extensions). The MCO uses the
class mvco:Fact (any sentence with truth value) and
the boolean operators to join atomic Facts into more
complex facts.
The boolean operators (represented by the class
mco-core:FactComposition) are mco-core:FactUnion (), mco-core:FactIntersection () and
mco-core:FactNegation (), following the pattern
used in the privacy ontology PPO [22]. The arguments of these logical functions are given by means
of the object property mco-core:hasFact, as illustrated in Figure 5. No rule (SWRL, SPIN etc.) maintains the consistency of the truth values in the fact
compositions, being this task left to contract management software implementers.
Permission | Obligation | Prohibition
FactIntersection | FactUnion | FactNegation
Figure 5 – Boolean operators with Facts. Non prefixed terms are in
the mco-core namespace. The dashed line represents the subClassOf property, going from subject to object. The DeonticExpression
can be any of of its subclasses (Permission, Obligation, Prohibition) as well as the FactComposition (which can be FactIntersection, FactUnion or FactNegation).
4.2.4. Example
If Alice wants to allow Bob to make a derivative
work of one of her works, called MyWork, the minimal set of class instances to be defined would be:
A class instance representing the contract.
Two class instances for the parties, representing Alice and Bob.
A class instance representing Alice’s Work.
A class instance representing the permission.
A class instance of the Action, in this case instance of the mvco:MakeAdaptation class.
Figure 6 shows all the instances along with the
main class they belong to.
Figure 6. Set of instances to represent a permission from Alice to
Bob to make adaptations of her work. Class individuals are
represented in boldface (empty brackets meaning ‘blank node’).
Arrows are also connecting the class individuals.
The equivalent code for the Figure 6 is shown in
Table 1.
Table 1. RDF serialization for Figure 6
:Alice a mvco:User.
:Bob a mvco:User.
:MyWork a mvco:Work.
:Contract a mco-core:Constract .
:Contract mco-core:hasParty :Alice,:Bob .
:Permission001 a mvco:Permission;
mvco:issuedBy :Alice ;
mco-core:issuedIn :Contract ;
mvco:permitsAction [
a mvco:MakeAdaptation;
mvco:actedBy :Bob ;
mvco:actedOver :MyWork
] .
4.3. Extension for Exploitation of Intellectual
Property Rights
This extension is intended to represent the most
relevant information in media contracts both for con-
tent and services on content based on MPEG-21
This is implemented using some specific vocabulary of the MPEG-21 MVCO classes and extensions
thereof to represent the main information in media
contracts, including specific elements to address the
most relevant information found in those contracts
for permitting the exploitation of intellectual property
rights. Its URI is urn:mpeg:mpeg21:mco:ipre:2012
and the preferred prefix is mco-ipre.
The media contracts on content usually convey
permissions to execute one of the generic actions
found in mco-ipre, like Duplication or Broadcasting,
without going into the particularities of the MPEG-21
REL rights (for example a particular Enlarge operation would be better represented with ISO/IEC
21000-56). This MCO extension for Media Contracts
is able to represent the most common rights in contracts in the media field and the most frequent conditions in those documents, expressed as Facts which
can be required on Permissions or in Deontic Expressions in general.
A number of new classes is defined as a hierarchy
of sub-classes of mvco:Action, in order to reflect the
exploitation actions as defined by the common protection of the intellectual property. The root of such
hierarchy is the Action named mco-ipre:ExploitIPRights, which encompasses all the actions specified
by its sub-classes. The defined organization of actions into a hierarchy allows any deontic expression
to apply to an action at the desired level of generality/specificity. Granting a general right allows permitting all its specializations. The mentioned hierarchy
is depicted in Figure 7.
Another set of classes allows reflecting the various
dimensions which form the space of conditions and
restrictions. The root of such hierarchy is a sub-class
of Fact named mco-ipre:ExploitationCondition.
Some of the exploitation conditions are expected
to be related to other class individuals: mco-ipre:mco-ipre:DeliveryModality,
AccessPolicy, and mco-ipre:UserTimeAccess.
The specification of these terms and others in the
MCO-IPRE was not derived from the initial list of
requirements but from the experience in contract
management of the institutions in the working group.
4.3.1. Description
The MCO extension for exploitation of intellectual
property rights does not define any new class without
a superclass from mco-core, and it fully conforms to
the contract model defined by the Media Contract
Figure 7 - Diagram of mvco:Action hierarchy for exploitation rights. As before, dashed arrows depict subclassing relationships.
The extensión RELE proposed in [18] covers this aspect.
sub-classes of mco-ipre:Exploitationlike: mco-ipre:Language, mco-ipre:Length,
mco-ipre:Run, mco-ipre:SpatialContext, and mcoipre:TemporalContext, are expected to be described
with the appropriate datatype properties. The MCOIPRE extension is indeed completed with the definition of a number of these data properties. Most of
them are grouped as sub-properties of the generic
data property mco-core:factProperty and are defined for allowing a full specification of the exploitation conditions. Finally, other properties, grouped as
sub-properties of mco-core:deonticProperty, are
attributable to a mvco:Permission.
It can be observed that many conditions on the exploitation of rights are actually related to the modalities of content fruition by the final users. An example
is the hierarchy under mco-ipre:DeliveryModality.
The legacy communication-to-the-public acted by the
broadcasters is “linear”, with a time-schedule over
which the viewers have no control. Conversely the
modality is “non-linear” if a catalogue is offered to
the viewers for independent selection. If the exploitation is constrained over this dimension, one Fact of
this hierarchy (i.e. mco-ipre:Linear, mco-ipre:NonLinear or one of its sub-classes) has to be required. Another dimension of this kind is mcoipre:AccessPolicy, which deals with the possible
payment charged to the final user for the content fruition. If the exploitation requires that no payment can
be subsequently asked (except for the governmental
fees or taxes related to the public service), the Fact
mco-ipre:FreeOfCharge, is used. The opposite condition is mco-ipre:Pay that can be further specified
withmco-ipre:PayPerView and mco-ipre:Subscription.
Two other classes of conditions relate to the modality
of making the content available to the final users.
A particular policy of user access (mcoipre:ServiceAccessPolicy) can be constrained to a
media service provider by requiring either mcoipre:Open, with which all consumers must be allowed to access the service without need of approval,
or mco-ipre:Restricted, with which it is required
that service provider had explicitly registered the
consumers. Notice that a restricted service is not necessarily a pay service.
Eventually, it is possible to require that the time
left to the final user for content fruition is limited or
unlimited (by the facts mco-ipre:Limited and mcoipre:Unlimited respectively; being both sub-classes
of mco-ipre:UserTimeAccess). For the former case, the
condition can be refined by specifying for how long
with the mco-ipre:hasValidity data property.
The model also covers the possibility of defining
conditions related to the technology used in the delivery to the final user (mco-ipre:Means) and related to
the type of equipment intended to be used for the
fruition by the final user (mco-ipre:Device). The delivery channel can be specified to be broadcasting,
mobile (broadcast or telecommunications), Internet
and other. The device can be specified to be a television set, a computer, a mobile device or others.
The fact mco-ipre:Length can be used to constraint the maximum duration of the material actually
resulting from the exploitation action. This is typically required when permitting the use of excerpts.
Another condition that was required to be modelled is that of mco-ipre:IPEntityContext, that restricts the exploitation action to a specified editorial
context. This condition is frequently originated by
the will of performers or organizations contributing
to a production for keeping the use of the created
material limited to the context of the production.
Other exploitation conditions are more selfexplaining. The mco-ipre:SpatialContext is used
for specifying the territory of the exploitation, while
mco-ipre:TemporalContext gives the license period.
The language, e.g. for dubbing or subtitles, can be
constrained with mco-ipre:Language. Eventually
mco-ipre:Run is in the domain of a number of data
properties, that specify how to take into account the
permitted number of executions of an action along
Finally, the class mco-core:ActionRelatedFact, subclass of mvco:Fact, represents the status of accomplishment of the related action, further refined with
mco-core:ActionStarted and mco-core:ActionDone.
These classes permit to model the definition of thesocalled “ancillary-rights”, an example of which is often mentioned in narrative contract text as “CatchupTV”.
[] mcoipre:CommunicationT
[] mcoipre:TemporalContext
Figure 8. Expression of a permission, extracted from a real contract. Literals are represented in boxes, and ellipses represent class individuals
(URI in boldface and main class below, with brackets denoting ‘blank node’). Arrows represent object or datatype properties relating the resources. Prefix has been omitted for the properties.
In such cases, a secondary exploitation action (e.g.
make available on the web) is permitted only during
a time interval specified by the occurrence of a primary exploitation action (e.g. TV broadcast).
4.3.2. Example
The example in Figure 8 depicts a more complex
situation, derived from a real contract, where the
permission to make a broadcast is given, subject to
certain restrictions (spatial, temporal and of policy of
The equivalent code for Figure 8 is given in Table
Table 2. Turtle serialization for Figure 8
:user001 a mvco:User.
:user002 a mvco:User.
:AnimatedSeries1 a mvco:IPEntity.
:P000 a mvco:Permission;
mvco:permitsAction [
a mco-ipre:CommunicationToThePublic;
mvco:actedBy :user002;
mvco:actedOver :AnimatedSeries1
mvco:issuedBy :user001;
mvco:hasRequired [
a mco-ipre:SpatialContext;
mco:inCountry “#IT;#VA;#SM;”
], [
a mco-ipre:TemporalContext;
mco-ipre:afterDate “20090925”;
mco-ipre:beforeDate “20130930”
], [
a mco-ipre:FreeOfCharge
5. Practical aspects and examples of use
This section deals first with some practical aspects
related to handling MCO contracts. In particular, it
discusses the role of the original textual contracts, the
specific relationship with content, the procedure to
follow with encrypted contracts, and the cases in
which an MCO contract document can be binding.
Second, a detailed sample contract in the context of
audiovisual preservation is examined. Finally, the
workflow for creating a MCO contract from an original textual one is also presented and actually followed for the real example.
5.1. Guidance to MCO aspects
5.1.1. Textual contracts and MCO contracts
MCO can be used for representing pre-existing
narrative contracts. The process of converting a textual contract into an electronic contract starts with an
analysis that identifies the most important terms in
the contract and the related deontic elements. Each of
the permissions, obligations, and permissions is
translated one by one, irrespective of the number of
clauses it was spanning in the textual version. Each
deontic expression can point to the precise narrative
text excerpts which it implements. In addition, the
complete textual version can be embedded in the
MCO contract.
For new contracts, it is reasonable to directly create them as MCO, with unambiguous and machinereadable deontic expressions. Professional users of
the legal domain can verify the semantics by means
of graphical user interfaces of software tools. However these users might be interested in having the
possibility to read the equivalent narrative text (a
similar approach was described in [23]). Such text
can be derived, as the diagrams are, from MCO
statements, according to the user’s language, and it is
not necessary to have it persistently associated to the
5.1.2. Referencing MPEG content
Similarly to the contract entity, also the IP-entities
object of the contract can be uniquely identified by
their IRI. However, two additional identification
mechanisms can be used for referencing content from
MCO. First, in the case of MPEG content, a Digital
Item Identifier (Part 3 of MPEG-21) can be used as
data property of the IP-Entity. Besides, it is possible
to annotate the IP-Entity with Dublin Core identifiers
for referencing identifications possibly used in other
environments and/or legacy systems; for example the
ISWC (International Standard Musical Work Code),
defined by ISO 15707, or the ISAN (International
Standard Audiovisual Number defined by ISO
the value of the data property should be unencrypted
and merged with the rest of the unencrypted contract.
5.1.4. Contract templates
For a contract to be binding, it requires the signatures of all parties. If this is not the case, it means
that the contract is falling in one of the possible situations in which it is not finally agreed. For instance,
one party might have defined an offer that is ready
for being proposed to potential parties, who might
accept it “as is” or begin a negotiation with subsequent modifications before final common approval.
Another case is that of templates which are used
by large organizations or in specific contexts as the
basis of rights negotiations and trades. In this context, the parties know very well the terms already
defined in the templates and they only have to discuss and agree on the differences, that will include
identification of the other party, the object of the contract, and usually the conditions related to spatial and
temporal contexts and other details. Deontic expressions defined in the template but not applicable to the
particular case will be simply removed.
5.2. Examples of use
5.1.3. Encrypting the contract
In some cases there is the need to keep part or the
whole contract encrypted, as it may be considered
confidential. For addressing this need, MCO defines
a specific data property of the contract class itself,
that is named mco-core:encryptedContractPart and
has as range a XMLLiteral.
The unencrypted version of the contract can be obtained by decrypting the value of the data property
and merging the result with the unencrypted part of
the contract. In practice, this process is almost
straightforward in the case of OWL/XML or
RDF/XML serialization of the MCO contract. Conversion from/to XML or other serialization, if desired, must be implemented at both ends.
The suggested practical algorithm for encrypting
the MCO contract is the following:
Serialize the contract with XML syntax.
Identify contract elements for which encryption is requested, and extract them into a separate document.
Encrypt the contract elements required and insert the result as value of the contract data
property in the unencrypted part.
To obtain the unencrypted version of the contract,
5.2.1. MCO for audiovisual preservation
The long term audiovisual preservation scenario,
which is the scope of PrestoPRIME [5][24] and Presto4U [25] projects, is based on future re-use of archive content for fruition by future users also with
commercial exploitation by the archive holders as a
mean for funding the preservation process itself. This
scenario requires precision of knowledge on the
owned rights related to the archival items, and on the
rights origination as well. For a particular item, the
rights owned by the content holder may derive from
several (sometimes many) contracts and it must be
to have strong relationship between rights and
content, which may imply to have the rights as
part of the archival information package;
to check a target exploitation for the content
with a single contract or with all the related
owned rights.
5.2.2. Creating an MCO Contract from an existing
one in paper
We assume that it is possible to have a scanned
electronic version of the paper contract, which might
be suitable for use by a human editor of the MCO
contract. However it will be even better to have a text
document of it, which has to be carefully verified if
obtained by OCR (optical character recognition)
techniques. A real example of contract, from which
sensible or confidential information has been removed, is presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Example of an original paper contract
XXXX (licensor)and RAI (licensee)
THIS AGREEMENT (the"Agreement”)is made as of June the day 30 of 2008 BETWEEN
(1) XXXXX, [...], ("XXXX" / Licensor); and
(2) RAI [...], Italy (the Licensee).
collectively, the Parties
XXXX and the Licensee agree that the Licensee shall be licensed to transmit the Programmes (as hereinafter
In consideration for one another’s promises and with immediate effect, the Parties to this Agreement agree
as follows:
[...title of program...]
For avoidance of doubt, Licensee acknowledges that XXXX owns all rights in the dubs.
Licensed rights: Free Television rights, via air, cable and satellite; by analogue and digital technologies and whether encrypted and/or un-encoded.
For purposes of this Agreement, transmission and/or re-transmission by means of cable and by satellite
(both in the analog and digital format) and whether encrypted and/or unencoded, shall be deemed Free Television to the extent that it constitutes a simultaneous technical extension of the free terrestrial broadcast signal, by any technologies and/or protocols, by wire/cable or wireless, so that the original audio/video signal may be carried on telecommunication platforms of any nature and kind, on both fixed and
mobile networks, including those ones to be implemented and developed in the future, and intended for reception by any kind and typologies of terminals/devices.
For avoidance of doubt, it is herewith expressly stated that Free Terrestrial Television rights - licensed
under this Agreement - include exploitation by both analogue and digital terrestrial transmission.
Territory: Italy, Vatican City, San Marino and Monte Carlo, including simultaneous retransmission.
Licence Period:
Number of Txs:
4 years from [...]
4 (Four)
For avoidance of doubt, anyhow broadcast/transmitted/distributed/disseminated, the repeated diffusion/broadcast of the Programme in the 24 hours following its first diffusion/broadcast shall be, for the
purposes of this Agreement, equal to one television run.
The licence under this Agreement is granted on an exclusive basis.
In order to safeguard the exclusivity of the hereby licensed rights, XXXX undertakes and agrees that, in
the event such rights are available to XXXX itself, it shall not license to any third party in return for
no payment from such third party, in the Territory, in the Language and during the Licensed Period/s, the
right to communicate to the public any of the Programme object of this Agreement by any and all free of
charge forms of circular diffusion/broadcast (point to multipoint), on any platforms and by any technical
means and/or technologies and/or communication protocols accessible/receivable/viewable by any type of
terminals/devices, including the multimedia ones, both fixed and mobile.
Exclusivity: The licence under this Agreement is granted on an exclusive basis.
Special Conditions:
For the avoidance of doubt nothing in these Special Conditions or the main Terms of Business shall entitle
the Licensee to either subtitle the Programmes or broadcast them in any language other than the Language
herein granted.
IN WITNESS whereof the hands of the parties or their duly authorised attorneys or representatives the day
and year first above written.
Agreed and accepted for and on behalf of XXXX
Agreed and accepted for and on behalf of RAI S.p.A.
The process for contract creation from a text contract described hereinafter is the one followed by
using the Rightsdraw editing service [26] described
in Section 6.2. Figure 9 shows the contract creation
Figure 9. Contract creation workflow from an original contract
Having the text of the original contract, the process
starts by creating a new MCO document with its own
IRI, importing the appropriate extension of MCO,
such as mco-ipre, indicating all the required prefixes,
and containing a NamedIndividual of class mcocore:Contract, which will represent the contract
The contract is then identified by its IRI. Dublin
Core annotation can be used for establishing a title
and for setting the contract date. The narrative textual
version of the contract can be inserted immediately
as a data property of the contract individual.
The second step consists of identifying the parties
of the contract, and inserting them into the MCO
document with all the desired details, with the help of
Dublin Core annotations. Each party is identified by
its IRI, but other information can be found in the narrative text that can be inserted in the MCO document.
In this example we use dc:title for the name of the
organization, dc:identifier for providing its international VAT (Value Added Tax) Number, and the
data property mco-core:Address.
If the party is an Organization, as in this case, it
will be necessary to indicate a signatory User, in order to let the contract to be binding.
The third step introduces Intellectual Property Entities according to its definition in the Media Value
Chain Ontology permission model.
Thus, the person analyzing the narrative contract
will have to identify in the text the parts that originate the permissions. This can be a difficult task in
the case of complex narrative contracts, because a
preliminary sentence that might indicate a single
permission can be later developed in different cases
in which the particular conditions are defined, so that
several distinct permissions have to be created.
The subsequent step is to ensure that all the object
properties are properly declared. In particular, for
each permission it has to be known exactly: in which
contract it is issued, which party is the issuer, and
which party can act the permitted action; eventually,
but mostly important, over which object (content or
service) the action can be acted. A similar procedure
applies to obligations and prohibitions.
Optionally, it is possible to indicate for each deontic expression which is the part of narrative contract
text that is implemented, in order to provide evidence
about the validity of the mapping process from the
original paper contract.
The purpose of a last step for validation is twofold.
On the one hand, it is required to ensure that all terms
have been covered. On the other hand, it is required
that each deontic expression is faithfully represented.
For this task, a service deriving a synthetic narrative
text from the MCO contract can be very useful. Figure 10 and Figure 11 show diagrams of the MCO
document in the various editing steps.
Viale Mazzini14
1295 Roma Italy
XXX Los Angeles
United States
Figure 10. Diagram representing the initial steps of creating a
MCO contract document
The signatories indicated above were not identified
in the original available contract sample, although the
placeholders were explicitly provided.
Once with the contract represented as a MCO RDF
document, it is possible to parse the entities and generate natural text from it. Table 4 presents the text
possibly derived by parsing the MCO contract entities, while Table 5 provides the RDF serialization of
the same MCO contract.
Viale Mazzini14
1295 Roma Italy
XXX Los Angeles
United States
:XXXLicensor mcocore:Organization
:x2621 mcoipre:Communication
[] mcoipre:TemporalConte
Figure 11. Diagram representing the permission resulting contract document
Table 4. Contract text derived by parsing the MCO contract
MCO Contract: [#x2619]
DATE: 2008-06-30
The present agreement is between:
title: RAI – RadiotelevisioneItalianaS.p.A.
identifier: VATIN:IT06382641006
Address: viale Mazzini 14\n001295 Roma\nItaly
Represented by: LG
title: XXXX Company
Address: xxxx\nLos Angeles\nUnited States
Represented by:XXXX-LS
Relationships with other Contracts
Object(s) of this agreement
IPEntity: theprogramme
Identifier: [imx:theprogramme]
title: title of the programme
Agreed Deontics
Permission: #x2620
Grants to, on an exclusive basis, with right of sublicense, the 100% (one hundred per cent) of use
and exploitation, and the 100% (one hundred per cent) of income receipts the permission to:
CommunicationToThePublic (#x2621) - acted on: the programme, which is the resource identified by:
imx:theprogramme, provided that all of the following Facts hold:
• The access policy is FreeOfCharge, that is no payment is required for access, within the execution of
the action.
• The exploitation is constrained to Run, that is the action can be executed at most 4 times. It is agreed
that a single run shall mean the execution of the action within the P0Y0M1DT0H0M validity time period.
• The exploitation is constrained to Language, that is the language of IP-Entity object of the action must
be within the following list of language codes: #it;
• The exploitation is constrained to SpatialContext, that is the action can be executed only within the
territory identified by the following country codes: #VA;#IT;#SM;#MC;
• The exploitation is constrained to TemporalContext, that is the action can be executed only within the
time period identified as follows:
after: 20080831
before: 20120901
• Case: #x21035 - It is required that at least one of the following Facts hold:
○ The specific technology used for the transmission of audiovisual content to end users is restricted
to be Cable, that is the means are restricted to be any Broadcast Technology which makes use of co-axial
and/or fibre optic cable for direct reception by a TelevisionSet. It does not include DSL or other Internet or Ip-based networks.
○ The specific technology used for the transmission of audiovisual content to end users is restricted
to be Satellite, that is the means are restricted to be any Broadcast Technology which makes use of a geostationary satellite system.
○ The specific technology used for the transmission of audiovisual content to end users is restricted
to be Terrestrial, that is the means are restricted to be any Broadcast Technology which makes use of a
terrestrial television transmitter.
Table 5. Turtle serialization for the created MCO contract
@prefix : <urn:it.rai:mco-rights-mco.2013-09-22.2618.owl#> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@base <urn:it.rai:mco-rights-mco.2013-09-22.2618.owl> .
# First, the parties are declared
:LGrdf:type mvco:User , owl:NamedIndividual .
:XXXX-LS a mvco:User , owl:NamedIndividual .
:XXXX-Licensor a owl:NamedIndividual, mco-core:Organization ;
dct:language "English"^^xsd:string ;
dct:title "XXXXCompany"^^xsd:string ;
mco-core:Address "xxxxLosAngelesUnitedStates"^^xsd:string ;
mco-core:hasSignatory :XXXX-LS . a owl:NamedIndividual , mco-core:Organization ;
dct:title "RAI-RadiotelevisioneItalianaS.p.A."^^xsd:string;
dct:identifier "VATIN:IT06382641006"^^xsd:string ;
mco-core:Address "vialeMazzini14\\n001295Roma\\nItaly"^^xsd:string ;
mco-core:hasSignatory :LG .
# Second, the asset is declared
:theprogramme a mvco:IPEntity , owl:NamedIndividual ;
<urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DII-NS#Identifier> "imx:theprogramme"^^xsd:string ;
dct:title "title of the programme"^^xsd:string .
# Third, the contract is instantiated
:x2619 a owl:NamedIndividual , mco-core:Contract ;
dct:date "2008-06-30"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "PROGRAMMELICENCE"^^xsd:string ;
mco-core:isSignedBy :LG , :XXXX-LS ;
mco-core:hasParty :XXXX-Licensor , .
# Permission granted in the contract
:x2620 a mvco:Permission , owl:NamedIndividual ;
mco-ipre:isExclusive "true"^^xsd:boolean ;
mvco:issuedBy :XXXX-Licensor ;
mco-core:issuedIn :x2619 ;
mvco:permitsAction :x2621 ;
mvco:hasRequired [
a mco-ipre:SpatialContext ;
mco-ipre:inCountry "#VA;#IT;#SM;#MC;"^^xsd:string] ,
a mco-ipre:Run ;
mco-ipre:hasNumberOfRuns "4"^^xsd:decimal ;
mco-ipre:hasValidity "P0Y0M1DT0H0M"^^xsd:duration] ,
a mco-ipre:Language ;
mco-ipre:hasLanguage "#it;"^^xsd:string ] ,
a mco-ipre:FreeOfCharge] ,
a mco-core:FactUnion ;
mco-core:hasFact [
a mco-ipre:Terrestrial] ,
a mco-ipre:Cable] ,
a mco-ipre:Satellite]],
a mco-ipre:TemporalContext ;
mco-ipre:afterDate "20080831"^^xsd:date;
mco-ipre:beforeDate "20120901"^^xsd:date
] .
# Action that is granted
:x2621 a owl:NamedIndividual , mco-ipre:CommunicationToThePublic ;
mvco:actedBy ;
mvco:actedOver :theprogramme .
6. Developments
The reference software of an MPEG standard is an
implementation which demonstrates the use of the
standard. This section describes first some software
modules that are now part of the MCO and CEL reference software (those modules are very much related since the Contract Expression Language was developed in parallel with MCO, as explained in section 1). Then, a complete system for creation and
management of MCO contracts (Rightsdraw) is also
6.1. CEL and MCO reference software
This section describes the software developed for
media contracts management, focusing on preservation of digital rights and intellectual property protection. First, it presents the modules specifically implemented for the creation, search and permission
based authorization of MCO contracts. Then, it presents the modules developed for the identification,
storage, validation, authorization, search and delivery
of CEL (Contract Expression Language) contracts.
Finally, the integration of MCO and CEL modules is
presented taking advantage of the MCO-CEL converter, which justifies the use of CEL software in a
MCO environment.
6.1.1. Native MCO software modules
The native MCO reference software modules have
been implemented by RAI, and are derived from a
version of the Rightsdraw software presented below
in Section 5.2. The main module implements the
basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) functionalities. The user of the software can work through an
editing interface in which the MCO document is presented by a diagram from which a number of HTML
forms are served to the user for active interaction.
Another module implements the “check with” and
“search” functionalities described in the requirements document [7].
“Check-with” creates a query, in terms of target
exploitation and compares it with the indexed Permissions returning the list of MCO documents having
Permissions matching the target exploitation. The
Permission does not need to be exactly the same, but
must be compatible with the target one, i.e. it must
have less or equal conditions, or conditions with wider boundaries, and same or more general permitted
The example of contract presented in Figures 10
and 11 was created by using the editing modules of
the MCO reference software. The same example is
used here for describing the Check-with interface and
presenting the result of its use. The application interface is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12. MCO Reference Software: form for Check-with activity with example of input and its result
[] mcoipre:Communication
:x21093 mcoipre:FreeOfCharge
:x21096 mcoipre:TemporalConte
mvco:Permission hasRequired
:x21094 mcoipre:Terrestrial
:x21097 mcoipre:Run
:x21095 mcocore:FactIntersectio
:x21098 mcoipre:Language
:x21099 mcoipre:SpatialContext
Figure 13. Diagram representing the target permission used in the Check-with example
The query form is filled with values matching the
conditions required in the contract example: the target “Means” is one out of the three options required
in the FactUnion; the time of context of the exploitation falls in the contract license period, as well as the
territory; the number of target runs is lower than the
maximum allowed; the two other conditions as
“FreeOfCharge” and “Language” match exactly, as
well as the User, the IPEntity, and its digital item
identifier. Figure 13 shows in more detail the diagram of the target permission used in this query example
The MCO reference software uses OWL/XML serialization as default, however it can import and export from/to RDF/XML serialization as well. Moreover, it integrates the MCO-CEL converter module
(see Section 5.1.3), allowing import of contracts expressed in CEL and export of MCO contracts as CEL
6.1.2. CEL software modules
The CEL reference Java software modules include:
Contract Identification: allows a user to obtain
a unique identifier for a contract.
Contract Storage: stores a contract expressed
in MPEG-21 CEL format.
Contract Validation: validates syntactically an
MPEG-21 CEL contract, determining if the
contract is valid or not and the reasons why.
Contract Delivery: allows a Service Provider
to deliver a contract to one user
Contract Search: searches contracts according
to a set of terms and conditions provided by a
user. The search can be performed by matching the parameters Text in the contract, Contract Identifier, Party and IPEntity against the
contract to which they apply. The input query
format is defined in MPEG Query Format
(ISO/IEC 15938-12) [27].
Contract Check-with: verifies if a requested
action against a contract matches with its content. The result of the operation includes one
of these values: (i) OK, if the action can be performed; (ii) USER_NOT_FOUND, if the service invoker is different from one of the contract parties; (iii) DEONTIC_EXPRESSION_NOT_FOUND, if a
deontic expression is missing or incomplete;
(iv) CONDITION_NOT_SATISFIED, if the deontic
expression is present but there is at least one
condition that is not satisfied or (v) UNKNOWN_ERROR, if any unknown error occurs.
The modules Contract Identification, Contract
Storage, Contract Validation and Contract Delivery
share a common structure, having a contract as input
and a response to the corresponding operation, as
shown in Figure 14. The response indicates if the
operation is successful or not.
Figure 14. Common structure for Contract Identification, Storage,
Validation and Delivery CEL reference software modules
The Contract Search module does not receive a
contract as input, but a query expressed in MPEG
Query Format. The result of the operation is the response to the query. The structure of the module is
very similar to the one in Figure 14 as it only receives an input and provides an output.
Finally, the Contract Check-with module has a
slightly different structure, as shown in Figure 15. In
this case, the inputs are a contract, an authorization
context, the action to be authorized and the content
over which the action will be performed. The output
of this module is the result of the contract based authorization.
Figure 15. Structure of Contract Check-with CEL reference software module
6.1.3. MCO-CEL converter
As the work in MPEG-21 around CEL and MCO
was carried out in the same time span and in a collaborative environment, both support the same contract elements and concepts. This entails the possibility to select between the two of them, depending on
criteria related to the technical environment and context of use. Besides, it is possible to conceive services for conversion from CEL to MCO and viceversa, on limited and tested scenarios.
Since not all the reference software modules have
been implemented for both CEL and MCO in the
same environment, the use of this module permits the
conversion between the two expressions of the contract in order to apply the corresponding reference
software module. For instance, if we want to perform
the Contract Check-with operation over a contract
expressed in MCO, we could first convert from MCO
to CEL and then use the result of this operation as an
input for the CEL’s Contract Check-with module.
This way of working can be applied to all the reference software modules implemented for CEL and
MCO when the input contract is not expressed in the
supported language.
Figure 16 shows the structure of the software
modules implemented for both conversions.
Figure 16. Structure of MCO-CEL converter reference software
The conversion is performed differently in both directions. In the rest of the sub-section we briefly describe the workflow of CEL-MCO conversion and
MCO-CEL conversion.
The CEL to MCO conversion involves the following steps:
1. A CEL contract is parsed from an input file.
2. CEL parties are parsed and converted into
MCO ontology elements. The parsing is aware
if the party is a Person or an Organization and
creates the proper properties for the party.
3. Contract metadata is parsed. Contract identifier and parties’ references are considered.
4. The clauses’ metadata and its elements are
parsed. Regarding the constraints, only fact intersections, unions and negations are considered in order to create the hierarchical constraint structure.
5. An MCO contract containing the contract elements is returned (namely, instances of the
MCO ontology and their relations).
The MCO to CEL conversion is done in the following steps:
1. The RDF MCO contract is parsed and a
memory model generated.
2. Contract identifier is set in the CEL contract.
3. MCO parties are converted to CEL format.
The parsing is aware if the party is a Person or
an Organization and creates the proper related
class to the party.
4. The clauses are converted. The following
clause elements are considered (i) Issuer; (ii)
Object; (iii) Subject and (iv) Resultant Object.
Constraints and acts are not considered
The XML CEL contract is generated from the
memory model.
6.1.4. How to use MCO and CEL reference software
The MCO and CEL reference software can be considered all together as a larger set of modules, using
the MCO-CEL converter as pivot.
Assuming that a specific contract will be finalized
either in CEL or in MCO, the conversion between the
two formats can be helpful during the contract lifecycle, such as for editing or validation, or afterwards
for Check-with operations or for delivery to systems
operating in the other format. The MCO-CEL conversion is therefore a critical component, as it bridges
simple XML applications with semantically enabled
As a use case example, an operator who has just
edited our contract example by using the MCO reference software editing modules is informed that the
contract must also be delivered to a system expecting
CEL documents. The form for exporting the document also accepts CEL as input, in addition to OWL
serialization options.
The implementation of the converter module is
limited to the main elements. The MCO party entities
are mapped to CEL using the IRIs as IDs of the CEL
party elements and the related Dublin Core annotation assertions are also found and mapped. The MCO
Permission goes into the operativePart element of
CEL, as a deonticStructuredClause element, having
the ID derived from the Permission IRI, in which the
two MCO triples (Action, actedBy, Organization)
and (Action, actedOver, IPEntity) are mapped into
CEL by means of the elements: subject, act, and
object. The required facts are only partially supported by the converter.
6.2. Rightsdraw
Rightsdraw is a set of services for creating and
handling MCO documents, available in the web [28],
from which the MCO reference software was mostly
derived. Till end of 2012 it has been developed in the
framework of European funded project PrestoPRIME,
as a proof of concept rights management system [26].
Each user of the service can create and work on
MCO documents stored on her repository. The editing activity can be done through the diagram which is
itself an interaction interface for modifying the MCO
document, by means of the served user forms. The
Check-with service can be used for finding Permis-
sions matching a target exploitation. It is also possible to update rights holding information, i.e. the set
of Permissions hold over a certain IP-Entity, with the
application of a new contract, implementing thus
purchases and sales scenarios.
Rightsdraw also supports the definition and use of
“key patterns”, which are templates of recurrent permissions, the use of which is partially shown in Fig-
ure 17: the permission related to a content item is
checked against the defined patterns, recognized by a
simple title, without considering conditions specified
by data properties. The user of the service can see
those details of each permission, obtain a derived text,
delete a permission, and add a new one based on the
selected pattern. The patterns themselves can be edited using the diagram based interface.
Figure 17 - Rightsdraw interface for editing rights on the basis of user defined patterns
7. Conclusions and future work
The MPEG Standard committee has been working
on the specification of two ways of representing contracts, which have been finalized as two new parts of
MPEG-21, namely CEL (ISO/IEC 21000-20) and
MCO (ISO/IEC 21000-21). The paper describes the
contract model and key elements in MCO, such as the
parties in the contract and the relevant clauses conveying permissions, obligations and prohibitions.
Other initiatives have tried to represent contracts,
as described in Section 2. However, MCO addresses
the needs related to the deal of media rights, based on
the legal framework on the protection of the intellectual properties and characterized by complex multidimensional conditions: to identify the main contract
entities and have a machine-readable operative part to
support the media industry operations. One example
is that of rights clearance work, which is related to
planning of production, broadcast events, and archive
repurposing. Another case is that of purchase and sale
of media rights.
Besides, other metadata standards and initiatives,
such as MPEG-7 [29] or EBU-Core [30], are established regarding the media content description to
support the content publication and content search
and retrieval. Such formats have found big difficulties in covering rights aspects, because of the complexity of the rights domain, with its need to resolve
the truth of any evaluation of rights, and typically
these formats leave placeholders for undetermined
rights statements or plain text (not machine readable).
The MCO can cover this gap or missing link, in RDF,
as the content description standards can point to the
IRIs of media contracts or even to the deontic expressions related to their content of interest, while from
the rights management environment the IP-Entities
can have links to their descriptive information.
The other main contributions of the paper are related to the creation process of a contract (to be represented in MCO) and the tools needed to achieve that.
The different examples provided, all of them verified
and implemented, confirm the usefulness of MCO
and how to use it.
The authors of this paper have been the main contributors to the specification of the standard and have
developed the tools (and Reference Software) described. Future work on this topic includes improving
the software tools by rationalizing the contract process creation. In fact, the MCO standard has already
been corrected (a first “corrigendum” has been approved [31]) to fix some minor issues discovered
during software development.
Another line for future research revolves around
the ODRL (Open Digital Rights Language) that is a
well-established standard for representing rights expressions, whose version 1.1 issued in 2002 [32] was
based in XML. The ODRL 2.1 specification [33] defines a OWL ontology for its Core Model, much in
line with the Media Contract Ontology, with the intention of representing the rights expressions also
with RDF statements. The alignment of the MCO and
the ODRL 2.1 Core Model ontologies looks as a logical next step towards gaining interoperability and
better acceptance in the Linked Data community.
Part of this work has been funded by the Spanish
project Protección, búsqueda e interoperabilidad de
contenidos multimedia: Nuevas técnicas y
aplicaciones (PBInt) (TEC2011-22989), by the
European Commission in the seventh framework
program (PrestoPRIME, FP7-ICT-2007-3 231161
and Presto4U, ICT 2011.4.3 Coordination Action GA
No. 600845) and a Juan de la Cierva research
contract by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation. The authors thank Annarita Di Carlo
(RAI / Teche) for providing the contract example and
verifying the mapping.
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