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2005, Hypertension
2 pages
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Takai et al have recently demonstrated a possible role of aldosterone in endothelial dysfunction since eplerenone strengthens the endothelium-dependent relaxation and prevents atherosclerosis in monkey fed with a high cholesterol diet but with normal aldosterone plasma levels. 1 However, the title of the editorial commentary related to this article, "Eplerenone antagonizes atherosclerosis, but what is the agonist?," 2 is emblematic of the difficulty to relate eplerenone and normal aldosterone concentration to inflammation and atherosclerosis. Aldosterone has been involved in the genesis of inflammation. This process is preceded by peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (MNL) invasion, and it is still uncertain whether MNL are activated before tissue invasion or they are attracted in the site of inflammation by local factors. We have demonstrated that peripheral MNL of healthy subjects possess mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) 3 that are sensitive to aldosterone in terms of oxidative stress induction. 4 In particular, coincubation of MNL with canrenone, a MR antagonist, abolished the MNL expression of 2 oxidative stress-related proteins, p22 phox and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, which was already evident at baseline. This result is consistent with an effect of endogenous concentration of aldosterone and with the possibility that MNL, once attracted in the site of inflammation, would drive MR directly within the vascular wall, allowing endogenous aldosterone to act as proinflammatory factor. In addition, our study was performed at the physiological concentration of sodium, therefore ruling out high sodium as a requisite for aldosterone to induce oxidative stress. The increased prooxidant effect of high aldosterone concentration was blocked by coincubation of MNL with canrenone. 4 These results support the findings of Takai et al 1 as their study was performed in animals fed a normal sodium diet, and the effect of eplerenone was evident even in the presence of a normal aldosterone concentration. Further support to the antiatherosclerotic effect of eplerenone comes from the demonstration that eplerenone induced reduction of oxidative stress and arteriosclerosis progression in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice through reduction of macrophage oxidative capacity and lipid peroxides. 5 This, as for the study of Takai et al, 1 also underlines the role of increased availability of cholesterol for the induction of inflammation. Based on the information coming from our study 4 and on the report of literature 1,5 we suggest that a possible link between aldosterone, even at physiological concentration, inflammation, and atherosclerosis reported by Takai et al 1 could derive by the inflammatory process induced by the increased cholesterol concentration at the level of the arterial wall, which attracts MNL with the MR available for binding of aldosterone that, even in normal concentration, may act as a proinflammatory factor and that is blocked by the binding of eplerenone on MNL MR. The confirmation of these hypotheses could also provide the clinical rationale for the usefulness of aldosterone receptor blockers as antiinflammatory/antiremodeling agents in hypercholesterolemia independently from aldosterone concentration and blood pressure level.
Background-The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, partially because of its pro-oxidative properties. We questioned the effect and mechanisms of action of administration of aldosterone to apolipoprotein E-deficient (E 0 ) mice on their macrophages and aorta oxidative status and the ability of pharmacological agents to block this effect. Methods and Results-Aldosterone (0.2 to 6 g · mouse Ϫ1 · d Ϫ1 ) was administered to E 0 mice alone or in combination with eplerenone (200 mg · kg Ϫ1 · d Ϫ1 ), ramipril (5 mg · kg Ϫ1 · d Ϫ1 ), or losartan (25 mg · kg Ϫ1 · d Ϫ1 ). Mouse aortic atherosclerotic lesion area and macrophage and aortic oxidative status were evaluated. Aldosterone administration enhanced the mouse atherosclerotic lesion area by 32%. Mouse peritoneal macrophages and aortic segments from aldosterone-treated mice exhibited increased superoxide anion formation by up to 155% and 69%, respectively, and this effect was probably mediated by NADPH oxidase activation, because increased translocation of its cytosolic component p47 phox to the macrophage plasma membrane was observed. THP-1 macrophages incubated in vitro with aldosterone (10 mol/L) exhibited a higher capacity to release superoxide ions by 110% and increased ability to oxidize LDL by 74% compared with control cells. Aldosterone administration enhanced mouse peritoneal macrophage ACE activity and mRNA expression by 2.3-fold and 2.4-fold, respectively. Only cotreatment of eplerenone with ramipril or losartan completely blocked the oxidative effects of aldosterone. Conclusions-Aldosterone administration to E 0 mice increased macrophage oxidative stress and atherosclerotic lesion development. Blocking of the mineralocorticoid receptor and inhibition of tissue ACE and/or the angiotensin receptor-1 reduced aldosterone deleterious pro-oxidative and proatherogenic effects.
Circulation, 2004
Background— The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, partially because of its pro-oxidative properties. We questioned the effect and mechanisms of action of administration of aldosterone to apolipoprotein E–deficient (E 0 ) mice on their macrophages and aorta oxidative status and the ability of pharmacological agents to block this effect. Methods and Results— Aldosterone (0.2 to 6 μg · mouse −1 · d −1 ) was administered to E 0 mice alone or in combination with eplerenone (200 mg · kg −1 · d −1 ), ramipril (5 mg · kg −1 · d −1 ), or losartan (25 mg · kg −1 · d −1 ). Mouse aortic atherosclerotic lesion area and macrophage and aortic oxidative status were evaluated. Aldosterone administration enhanced the mouse atherosclerotic lesion area by 32%. Mouse peritoneal macrophages and aortic segments from aldosterone-treated mice exhibited increased superoxide anion formation by up to 155% and 69%, respectively, and this effect was probably...
Circulation, 2002
Background-Aldosterone has been implicated in the effects of angiotensin II in the vasculature. We hypothesized that there is local expression of the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) in the vasculature and that the use of a selective aldosterone receptor antagonist (SARA) improves endothelial function in early atherosclerosis. Methods and Results-New Zealand rabbits were placed on normal chow or 1% cholesterol diets, randomized to placebo or SARA (eplerenone, 50 mg/kg twice daily), and killed at the end of 6 weeks for various studies. In the hyperlipidemic (HL) chow group, there was a 2.3-fold increase in superoxide (O 2 ⅐Ϫ ) generation. SARA normalized O 2 ⅐Ϫ generation in intact aortas and reduced NADH and NADPH oxidase activity to basal levels (0.31Ϯ0.04 and 0.27Ϯ0.02 in HL versus 0.16Ϯ0.05 and 0.07Ϯ0.02 in HL-SARA, respectively; PϽ0.01 by ANOVA). This was associated with improvements in peak relaxations to the endothelial-dependent agonist acetylcholine (82Ϯ6% in HL-SARA versus 61Ϯ4 in HL; PϽ0.01 by ANOVA; ED 50 6.8ϫ10 Ϫ8 mol/L in HL-SARA and 1.2ϫ10 Ϫ7 mol/L in HL; PϭNS) to near-normal levels. Vessels from the HL group demonstrated hyperreactivity to angiotensin II that could not be corrected with SARA. Plasma aldosterone levels by radioimmunoassay demonstrated a 4-to 5-fold increase in response to SARA but no differences with lipid feeding. Real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction studies revealed expression of MR in the aorta of HL rabbits and those of controls.
Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2001
Heart disease and stroke are the first and third leading causes of death, respectively, in the USA 1 . Although the percentage of hypertensive patients receiving treatment has increased, and blood pressure is now better controlled, the incidence of end-stage renal disease and the prevalence of heart failure continue to increase 2 . This suggests that blood pressure reduction alone is not sufficient to prevent end-organ damage and that the additional control of local and/or hormonal factors might be essential. Abnormal activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) correlates directly with the incidence and extent of endorgan damage 3,4 . Moreover, numerous clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated that blockade of the RAAS with either angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II (Ang II) receptor antagonists provides significant cardiovascular protection 5-9 . Therefore, it has been proposed that overactivation of the RAAS represents a cardiovascular risk factor 10 .
Diabetes & Metabolism, 2004
Cells in the cortical collecting duct of distal nephron have been considered for a long time as the unique cellular targets of aldosterone. However, it is now clear that other cell types in non-epithelial tissues are also potential targets for aldosterone. The functions that this hormone controls in non-epithelial tissues are still a matter of debate. Clinical and experimental studies have established that aldosterone plays a major role in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular and renal diseases. The aldosterone receptor antagonists spironolactone and eplerenone have demonstrated specific effects not related to their hypotensive properties in hypertension or cardiac diseases. It appears that a key action of these molecules is related to prevention or treatment of end-organ damage. The latter fact, and the recognition of aldosterone escape on long-term treatment of heart failure, diabetic nephropathy and some forms of hypertension with ACE inhibitors, justify the clinical use of aldosterone receptor antagonists provided that kaliemia is controlled. Experimental studies have allowed to draw a still incomplete but comprehensive scheme of aldosterone cardiovascular actions in pathological conditions. When elevated, aldosterone has deleterious effects in blood vessels, in the heart and in kidney, which are secondary to the induction of inflammatory and oxidative processes and necrosis, that induce the increased synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins.
In Analysis, 2023
À propos de l'article « L'anti-OEdipe du point de vue de la philosophie des sciences et des perspectives foucaldiennes du savoir-pouvoir » de J.C. Wakefield The formation of psychoanalytical judgments. About the article "Anti-Oedipus from Philosophy of Science and Foucauldian Knowledge-Power Perspectives" by J.C. Wakefield Résumé Le texte de Jérôme C. Wakefield, professeur de travail social clinique à l'Université de New York, propose au lectorat francophone, certainement peu familier de ses travaux en anglais d'épistémologie de la théorie clinique et de « Freud studies », le résumé d'une étude récente évaluant le fondement conceptuel du « complexe d'OEdipe » à partir de l'étude du cas du « Petit Hans ». Tout l'intérêt de cette contribution réside dans l'occasion qu'elle offre de réfléchir aux conditions à remplir pour développer une critique épistémologique de la psychanalyse. En effet, la première question fondamentale qui se pose pour l'évaluer, qui rends oiseuses toute les autres, est de déterminer comment se forme le jugement psychanalytique ? At -il ou non une spécificité ? Dans cette perspective, la discussion s'installe dans les quatre procédés remarquables de l'argumentation de Wakefield pour en analyser les présupposés et les conséquences. Mots clés Histoire de la psychanalyse Épistémologie Antifreudisme Anthropologie des sciences Freudisme
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
In two experiments (total N=693) we explored whether people are willing to consider paintings made by AI-driven robots as art, and robots as artists. Across the two experiments, we manipulated three factors: (i) agent type (AI-driven robot v. human agent), (ii) behavior type (intentional creation of a painting v. accidental creation), and (iii) object type (abstract v. representational painting). We found that people judge robot paintings and human painting as art to roughly the same extent. However, people are much less willing to consider robots as artists than humans, which is partially explained by the fact that they are less disposed to attribute artistic intentions to robots. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing ~Human computer interaction (HCI) ~Empirical studies in HCI • Applied Computing ~Arts and humanities ~Fine arts • Computing methodologies ~Artificial Intelligence ~ Philosophical/theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence ~Cognitive science
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
IE Revista de Investigación Educativa de la REDIECH, 2018
Este artículo pretende realizar un breve recorrido histórico de las distintas etapas educativas del baile flamenco a lo largo de los siglos (desde el xvihasta la actualidad), sirviéndonos del trinomio conceptual de educación informal, no formal y formal. Hemos encontrado que, desde los inicios del baile flamenco, el tipo de educación es principalmente informal, ámbito que permanece hasta nuestros días. A mediados del siglo xviiise empieza a sistematizar la enseñanza del baile flamenco en las academias denominadas salones, ampliando su número en la actualidad. Por último, la educación formal aparece tardíamente, siendo incluida en los conservatorios de educación superior como especialidad en 2007. Este retraso en la enseñanza formal denota la falta de atención de las administraciones ante la evidente demanda educativa del baile flamenco.
We are hereby submitting our report, which is a part of our B.B.A program curriculum. It is a great achievement to work under your active supervision. The report titled, " The practice of motivation in Aarong " is based on the employee motivational activities of Aarong. We got opportunity to meet with a branch manager of Aarong to gather needed information. The report gave us academic and practical experiences. Firstly, we came to learn the organizational culture of a leading fashion house in the country and secondly, the report taught us the actual corporate environment of an organization. We shall be highly obliged if you are kind enough to receive this report and provide your valuable judgment. It would be a great pleasure if you find this report useful and informative to have an apparent perspective on the issue.
Polskie szkolne atlasy geograficzne 1771—2012 | Polish geographical school atlases 1771—2012, 2018
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2021
Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal, 2023
Jurnal Sistem dan Informatika (JSI)
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2020
Research Square (Research Square), 2023
Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 2021
Botany Letters, 2016
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018
International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal, 2020
Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry = Journal de l'Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent, 2010
Molecular Plant Pathology, 2014
Eastasouth Journal of Effective Community Services