CV. Irene Gómez Castellano


Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano IRENE GÓMEZ CASTELLANO Associate Professor of Spanish Department of Romance Studies University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Last Updated: December 10, 2024 E-mail: [email protected] EDUCATION Ph. D. in Spanish Literature University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2008 Master of Arts in Spanish Literature University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2004 Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Philology (Licenciatura) Universitat de València, Valencia, Spain, 2002 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Editor, Romance Notes (August 2018 to January 2024) Affiliate Faculty, Institute for the Study of the Americas (ISA), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021- Associate Professor of Spanish (with Tenure), Department of Romance Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 2014 to present Affiliate Faculty, Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009- Assistant Professor of Spanish, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008-2014 1 1 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Graduate Instructor of Spanish, University of Virginia, 2002-2008 PUBLICATIONS BOOKS ACADEMIC BOOKS The Hunger Artists of Spain. Under contract with McGill-Queens University Press. La cultura de las máscaras: Disfraces y escapismo en la poesía española de la Ilustración. Madrid y Frankfurt: Editorial Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2012. Reviewed in: Hispanic Review (Elizabeth F. Lewis) Dieciocho (Cathy Jaffe) Philologia Hispalensis (Adrian J. Saez) Revista de Literatura (Inke Gunia) Anales de Literatura Española Contemporánea (María Salgado) Hispanófila (Enid Valle) Iberoamericana (Teresa Hiergeist) GoodReads (Sam Krieg) EDITED COLLECTIONS Dissonances of Modernity. Music, Text, and Performance in Modern Spain. Co-edited with Aurélie Vialette. Chapel Hill, NC: North Carolina Series in Romance Languages and Literatures/UNC Press, 2021. Reviewed in: Hispanófila (Ana I. Simón Alegre) Catalan Review (Silvia Bermúdez) Hispanic Research Journal (Graham Wade) Bulletin of Spanish Studies (Jean Andrews) Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (Clinton D. Young) Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies (Samuel Llano) CREATIVE WRITING Swimming. Translated by J. McClure. Valparaíso USA, 2020. Natación (Poemas). Leiden: Bokeh / Almenara, 2015. 2015 winner of the Premio Victoria Urbano de Creación awarded by the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica. 2 2 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano SPECIAL JOURNAL ISSUE EDITOR Nuevas constelaciones / Poesía española última. Introduction, conceptualization, and coordination of the 60th anniversary issue of Romance Notes. BOOK CHAPTERS AND INTRODUCTIONS 1. “La terrible transparencia de ‘El escaparate de la pastelería’ (Los niños tontos, 1956) de Ana María Matute” en Miriam López Santos (ed.), Folclore y Gótico: Entornos y presencias sobrenaturales en Europa y las Américas, Editorial Tirant lo Blanch, 2025. 2. “Domestic Violence and the Female Gothic in Spain, Today: a Visual/Poetic Approach to Sara Morante's Flor Fané (2021), Bibiana Collado Cabrera's Violencia (2020) and Sara Morante’s La familia (2022)” in Women’s Agency and the Gothic in Spain and the Americas, edited by Megan DeVirgilis and Sandra García Gutiérrez. Manchester UP, 2025. Forthcoming. 3. “The Adolescent Poetry of Pablo Neruda (1920-1924): From Crepusculario to Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada” in Ignacio LópezCalvo, Pablo Neruda in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Forthcoming. 4. ‘Mi vientre de arena / se niega a descansar’: El hambre y sus intertextos en la poesía de María González. Esther María Alarcón Arana (ed.) El reflejo de Medusa. Representaciones mediáticas contemporáneas de las mujeres. Advook Editorial, 2023. 175-201. 5. “América (2021) de Fernando Valverde: los shootings estadounidenses desde la mirada de un español”. Del salvaje siglo XIX al inestable siglo XX en las letras transatlánticas. Una mirada retrospectiva a través de hispanistas. Editado por Ana I. Simón Alegre. Delaware and Málaga: Vernon Press, 2021. 257-272. 6. “La poesía epifánica de Amalia Iglesias Serna”. Aérea: Revista Hispanoamericana de Poesía. núm. 15, año XV, 2021. pp. 261-63. 7. “Interdisciplinary Views on the Historical Episode of the Madrid Famine of 1812: Hunger as Protest in Francisco de Goya’s Disasters of War and José Aparicio’s El hambre de Madrid”. Protest in the Long Eighteenth Century. Edited by Yvonne Fuentes and Mark R. Malin. New York and London: Routledge, 2021. 193-210. 3 3 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano 8. “Introduction: Dissonances of Modernity: Music, Text and Performance in Modern Spain”. Co-authored with Aurélie Vialette. Dissonances of Modernity. Edited by Irene Gómez-Castellano and Aurélie Vialette. Chapel Hill: North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures/UNC Press, 2021. 25-39. 9. “Nuevas constelaciones: poesía última española” Introducción al número especial del 60 Aniversario de Romance Notes núm. 61. 1 (2020): pp. 3-13. 10. “El regreso del hambre: Adaptaciones de El ángel exterminador de Luis Buñuel en tiempos de crisis”. Mito e historia en la literatura y el cine español. Ed. Christine Blackshaw. Valencia: Albatros, 2019. 197-213. 11. “On Food, Hunger, and Parasites: Female Strategies against Censorship in Nada and La plaça del diamant.” Dictatorships in the Hispanic World: Transatlantic and Transnational Perspectives. Eds. Patricia Swier and Julia Riordan. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2013. 133-160. ARTICLES 12. “Hambre, resistencia e identidad nacional en Numancia destruida (1775) de López de Ayala y ‘El cuadro del hambre’ (El Pelayo, 1835) de Espronceda.” Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment, 47.2, fall 2024, pp. 231-255. 13. “Sara Mesa, Un amor (2020) y la resurrección feminista del tremendismo ibérico” MLN Hispanic Issue, Vol. 139, n. 2, March 2024, pp. 309-329. 14. “A lomos de un potro oscuro” Paraíso: Revista de poesía número 20 (2023). pp. 53-62. 15. “Del Freak Show al compromiso: La niña gorda (1917) de Santiago Rusiñol desde una mirada contemporánea”. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies vol. 99.9 (2022), pp. 309-329. 16. “Sin más paracaídas que tu agujereado corazón”: Identidades múltiples y microrrelato en La fugacidad del color (2018) de Elga Reátegui”. Special Issue of Romance Notes 62.2 (2022), edited by Ana Calvo Revilla (Narrativas de la brevedad: Travesía transatlántica e intermedial). pp. 211223. 17. “Entrelazamientos cuánticos: La habitación del niño (2006) de Álex de la Iglesia y la teoría de los universos paralelos de Erwin Schrödinger,” El ojo 4 4 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano que piensa. Revista de cine iberoamericano // e-ISSN: 2007-4999 número 24, mayo-junio 2022 (2022), pp. 77-93. 18. “Bécquer y los fractales”. Número especial revista Oropeles y guiñapos dedicado a “Los hermanos Bécquer”. Reprinted in Paraíso: Revista de poesía núm. 19 (2022), pp. 9-13. 19. “La narrativa breve de Patricia Esteban Erlés desde el prisma del color”. Microtextualidades. Número especial – Monográfico sobre Patricia Esteban Erlés. núm. 10 (2021) Coordinadoras: Ana Abello Verano y Raquel de la Varga Llamazares. pp. 57-77. 20. “¿Feminismo para flacas?: La normalización de las dietas en el arte de las mujeres españolas desde los 90 hasta hoy” Ámbitos feministas, Fall 2021, Issue X. pp. 31-56. 21. “El lenguaje líquido en Don Juan Tenorio”. Special Issue of Miríada Hispánica. Nº. 18, 2021 (Monográfico en homenaje al profesor David Thatcher Gies), pp. 61-82. 22. “El poético envejecer de un novísimo: sobre Regiones devastadas (2017) de Guillermo Carnero”. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos. Vol. 44, No. 2 (Invierno 2020), pp. 345-369 23. “A Lorca of One’s Own”. Journal of the Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival 11 (2019): 15-23. 24. “Tears in Translation: Carolina Coronado’s Sapphic Poems”. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies Volume 20, 2019, Issue 4 (2019). 353-379. 25. “Punto de fuga: La visión panorámica en ‘Un sueño’ de Juan Francisco Manzano”. A Contracorriente 16: 1, 2018 (Número especial sobre “Poesía e Imagen”, editado por Luis Correa-Díaz y Scott Weintraub). pp. 71-99. 26. “Soledad, autoerotismo y metapoesía en los Primeros poemas de Luis Cernuda”. Hispanic Research Journal 19:4, 2018. pp. 361-381. 27. “Sobre el látigo: La regenta y Fray Gerundio de Campazas en el contexto de la literatura de flagelantes”. Siglo Diecinueve 22, 2016, pp. 26-45. 28. “Misterios en la trastienda: Luis Paret, La tienda del anticuario y el debate en torno a los bailes de máscaras durante el reinado de Carlos III”. Goya: Revista de arte 352 (2015). pp. 225-243. 5 5 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano 29. “Lullabies and Postmemory: Hearing the Ghosts of Spanish History in Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth”. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 14. 1 (2014). pp. 1-18. 30. “De lo diurno a lo nocturno en la poesía de Meléndez Valdés”. Nocturnalia: poéticas de la noche en España, siglos XV-XVIII. eHumanista 22 (2012). pp. 252-271. 31. “Deconstruyendo a Galdós: La ‘traducción’ de Fernando Ortiz de El caballero encantado”. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 87.4 (2010). pp. 291-310. 32. “La transformación de un motivo barroco en rococó: las odas sobre La inconstancia de Meléndez Valdés”. Boletín de la Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo 85 (2009). pp. 173-194. 33. “‘Tot l'enyor de demà’ and the nostalgic futurism of Joan Salvat-Papasseit”. Catalan Review 23 (2009). pp. 53-69. 34. “La mujer frente al espejo: escenas de tocador vistas por Goya y Meléndez Valdés” Hispanófila 157 (2009). pp. 79-97. 35. “Copia y cornucopia: La abundancia en La gitanilla de Cervantes”. Hispanófila155 (2009). pp. 21-39. 36. “Sobre la presencia de Ignacio de Loyola en Camino de perfección de Pío Baroja”. Letras Peninsulares 21. 2-3 (2008-2009). pp. 475-486. 37. “El deseo de Pigmalión produce arte: Galatea o la ilusión del canto de Meléndez Valdés” Dieciocho 31.2 (2008). pp. 305-324. 38. “Rodeada de puntos suspensivos: los usos del espacio en Oxido de Carmen de Ana María del Río”. Revista Iberoamericana 222 (2008). pp. 243-259. 39. “Mudar de casa: la retórica del espacio en los Artículos de Larra”. RILCE: Revista de filología hispánica 24.1 (2008). pp. 45-64. 40. “Quedarse colgado: la adicción en Héroes de Ray Loriga”. España Contemporánea 20.2 (2007). pp. 7-30. 41. “El monstruo como alegoría de la mujer autora en el Romanticismo: Frankenstein y Sab”. Revista Hispánica Moderna 60.2 (2007). pp. 187-204. 42. “Benito Jerónimo Feijoo y la controversia europea en torno a los vampiros”. Salina 21 (2007). pp. 91-100. 6 6 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano 43. “Y se murió de perfil: la muerte y el héroe en los poemas de Antoñito el Camborio y en el Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías de Lorca”. Explicación de textos literarios 34.1-2, (2005-2006). pp. 40-55. ENCYCLOPEDIA ENTRIES Editor of entry on “José de Cadalso y Vázquez” for the Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 series published by GALE / CENGAGE Learning. BOOK REVIEWS 1. Noël Valis (ed.) Álvaro Retana, El vicio de color de rosa. Cuadernos para la Investigación de la Literatura Hispánica Nº 49 (2023). pp. 401-408. 2. Ofensiva a oídos piadosos by Elena Deanda-Camacho. Eighteenth-Century Studies, Fall 2023. Volume 57, Number 1, Fall 2023, pp. 139-141. 3. Estudios musicales del clasicismo. Estudios en torno a Luis Misón. Aurélia Pessarradona y Germán Labrador, eds. Madrid y Sant Cugat: Asociación Luigi Boccherini/Editorial Arpeggio. Dieciocho: Spanish Enlightenment, vol. 44, number 2, fall 2021, pp. 429-433. 4. Form and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Spain. Utopian Narratives and SocioPolitical Debate by Carla Almanza-Gálvez. Utopian Studies 32.2 (2021). pp. 152-158 5. Godón, Nuria, y Michael J. Horswell. Sexualidades periféricas. Consolidaciones literarias y fílmicas en la España de fin de siglo XIX y fin de milenio. Fundamentos, 2016. Hispanófila. Vol. 189, June 2020, pp. 159-161. 6. Ser autor en el siglo XVIII. Ed. Elena de Lorenzo Álvarez. Dieciocho. vol. 42. 1 (2020) pp. 237-245. 7. Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History, eds. Luisa Elena Delgado et al. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2016. Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 43.3 (2019), pp. 749-52. 8. Sieburth, Stephanie. Survival Songs. Conchita Piquer’s Coplas and Franco’s Regime of Terror. Letras Femeninas 42, vol. 2, Winter 2016. pp. 165-67. 9. Hombres y mujeres en la España ilustrada by Alvaro Molina. Dieciocho vol. 38.1 (Spring 2015), pp. 159-61. 10. Studies in honor of Vernon Chamberlin by Mark Harpring (ed.). Hispanófila vol. 7 7 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano 169, Sept. 2013, pp. 209-11. 11. Lo valenciano visto por los viajeros de los siglos XVIII y XIX by Nieves Pujalte Castelló. Dieciocho 36.1 (2013). pp. 153-155. 12. “Crafting the Female Subject. Narrative Innovation in the Short Fiction of Emilia Pardo Bazán by Susan M. McKenna.” Hispanófila 164 (2012): 97-99. 13. “Espejo de sombras. Sujeto y multitud en la España del siglo XVIII por Alberto Medina”. Hispanófila 161 (2011): 116-118. 14. “Don Juan Meléndez Valdés. El ilustrado por Antonio Astorgano Abajo”. Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment 33.1 (Spring 2011): 195-196. 15. “Eve's Enlightenment. Women's Experience in Spain and Spanish America, 1726-1839”. Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment 32.2 (Fall 2010): 437-439. 16. “Multiplicity: Forms of Silence and Emptiness” (Compañía Nacional de Danza). Review article for the Carolina Performing Arts Book Program (2009): 37. 17. “Lorca y sus espectros” Stichomythia 7 (2008): 138-141. 18. “Juan Meléndez Valdés y su tiempo (1754-1817). Ed. Jesús Cañas Murillo”. Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment 30. 1 (Spring, 2007): 243-245. 19. “Rita Felski’s Literature after Feminism”. Letras Femeninas 33.2 (Winter, 2007): 148-151. OTHER PRODUCTS OF SCHOLARSHIP (PODCASTS, INTERVIEWS) Podcast for Aragón Radio, “El sillón de terciopelo verde” (en colaboración con Patricia Esteban Erlés, programa sobre “En compañía de lobos” de Angela Carter, 2022) Entrevista para el programa “Reunidos” del blog “La ardilla literaria” con Elga Reátegui (Octubre 2021): ExLibris, Instituto Cervantes Manchester, Interview with Rosi Song about the coedited volume Dissonances of Modernity (2021): 8 8 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano CREATIVE WORK (POETRY) POETRY BOOKS Swimming. Translated by J. McClure. Valparaíso USA, 2020. Natación (Poemas). Leiden: Bokeh / Almenara, 2015. 2015 winner of the Premio Victoria Urbano de Creación awarded by the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica. ABOUT MY POETRY Natación/Swimming (The Sealey Challenge 2021, selected by Jeremy Paden) Day 10. #thesealeychallenge2021 #irenegómezcastellano Irene Gomez Castellano María Ángeles Naval: “Contener la respiración: La poesía de Irene Gómez Castellano” Aérea: Revista Hispanoamericana de Poesía 13: XII (2019). pp. 391394. POETRY PUBLISHED IN ANTHOLOGIES “Engendrar monstruos: nuevo reino” en Justice League America. Los siete originales. Libro colectivo editado por Luis Correa-Díaz. Under contract with Oxeda Editorial, Mexico. Prologue by John Burns. Antología. Nanas de lo profundo y otros poemas. Santa Rabia Poetry, Perú, n. 7 (noviembre de 2022) KxXVNAoAWnFwHRo Los nautas: Antología de poetas españoles por el mundo (La Manzana Poética, 2021). Editada por Mertxe Manso. Invitada a publicar diez poemas, entrevista y bio en la antología/libro. “Walking Around (Anuncio de compresas). Poema de Irene Gómez Castellano” Special Issue of International Poetry Review (Latin American Poetry Issue: Protest and Revolt). Volume 43, 2020. pp. 56-65. “Recuerdo infantil 1 / Pelagia noctiluca” Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty. Antología en honor de Fernando Valverde. Valparaíso USA, 2020. pp. 60-1. 9 9 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Antología: “Poesía universal: Irene Gómez Castellano” Revista Altazor. Fundación Vicente Huidobro. Septiembre de 2020. Antología: “Poesía española: Irene Gómez Castellano”. Círculo de Poesía 2020. “Selección de poemas. Piscina y otros poemas” Aérea: Revista Hispanoamericana de Poesía 13: XII (2019). pp. 395-405. POETRY PUBLISHED IN JOURNALS (SELECTED) “Caballos y cangrejos”, “Canción de cuna en la cafetería del Barnes and Noble” y “Los amantes.” Paraíso 22 (2023). pp. 66-71. “Dos versiones de un poema fantasma” Revista WD40 n.1 (2020). pp. 26-27. “Ella prefería Varón Dandy pero acababa comprando Nenuco”. Oropeles y guiñapos. Febrero 2020 núm. 6. Año III: “Electrocardiograma con tortuga boca arriba/Florescencias”. Oropeles y guiñapos Octubre 2019, núm. 5, año II: “Nanas de lo profundo”. Ámbitos feministas vol VII (Verano 2018), pp.115-118. “Microondas”. Cal, revista de poesía, n.º 7, diciembre de 2018. p. 14. “Pool” (Trans. J.C. McClure). Glassworks (Spring 2018). 20-21. Nominated to a Pushcart Prize. Poemas desanimados. (“Princess Peach ya no espera a Super Mario (versión 3.7)” y “El columpio, de Fragonard (versión 5.5)”. Letras Femeninas 42: 2 (2016): 14042. HONORS Keynote Closing Address, FOGO Conference, León, Spain, July 2023 Nominated to the Faculty Award for Excellence in Doctoral Mentoring by the Graduate School, 2023 Winner of the Faculty Mentoring Award by the Graduate Romance Association, May 2022 10 10 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Winner of the Graduate Faculty Award, Department of Romance Studies, 20192020 Winner of the Schwab Academic Excellence Award (UNC’s IAH, 2020) Invited to Festival Internacional de Poesía Ciudad de Granada (May 2019 and May 2020 and October 2021 and May 2022) Nominated to Bowman and Gordon Grey Distinguished Professorship, 2019 Keynote Address at the Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival (with NC Poet Laureate Jaki Shelton Green). Cary, March 2019. My long poem “Walking Around: Anuncio de compresas” (Natación, 2015) was performed/dramatized by popular Spanish actress Eliana Sánchez ( for the 2017 Día Internacional de la Mujer at the Auditorio Príncipe Felipe in Oviedo, Spain. Winner of the 2015 Premio Victoria Urbano de Creación awarded by the Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica to the best creative work in all genres. Media Appearance at Hola, NC (FOX 50) as “Latina Leader” (Interview), 2015 "Lullabies and Postmemory: Hearing the Ghosts of Spanish History in Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth". Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 14. 1 Since its publication in 2014, the article is the third most read article in in the history of the Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. “‘Tot l'enyor de demà’ and the nostalgic futurism of Joan Salvat-Papasseit”. Catalan Review: international journal of Catalan culture 23 (2009): 53-69. Article reviewed in the panoramic essay that opens the International Yearbook of Futurism Studies 13 (2013) (Special Issue on “Iberian Futurisms”) and praised as “una de sólo dos o tres cosas realmente serias aparecidas en estos últimos años” (since the year 2000) (see Andrew A. Anderson, “Futurism in Spain: Research Trends and Recent Contributions”, International Yearbook of Futurism Studies, Vol. 3 (2013), Special issue on Iberian Futurisms, ed. by Günter Berghaus. New York: Walter de Gruyter, 21-42). Chair’s Prize for Faculty Leadership in the College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Carolina, Summer 2011. 11 11 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Profesora del año, Sigma Delta Pi Honor Society, University of North Carolina, 2009-2010. Research and Study Assignment, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Carolina, Spring 2010. Junior Faculty Development Award, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, University of North Carolina, Summer 2010. Award for Excellence in Scholarship in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Office of the Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies, University of Virginia, 2007. Pilar Sáenz Annual Essay Prize / Ibero-American Society for EighteenthCentury Studies (IASECS) for “El deseo de Pigmalión produce arte: Galatea o la ilusión del canto de Meléndez Valdés” (Twelfth International Congress on the Enlightenment, 2007). CONFERENCE PAPERS, INVITED LECTURES AND PANELS CHAIRED Keynote Address, FOGO León, June 2023 (Invited Talk) “On being an (im)perfect feminist” in the context of the series “Poetic Pathways” (Elon University, April 2023). Visit to Ellen Welch’s ROML 800, March 6, 2023, to talk about the publishing process for graduate students Organizer of Panel, Carolina Conference for Romance Studies (2023), “Federico García Lorca, hoy: Nuevas aproximaciones críticas” (with the graduate students of the SPAN 630 class) Invited to Jornadas Pellicerianas de Poesía (Mesa 6), Ciudad de Tabasco (Mexico) 2022 Visit to Ana Hontanilla’s class (UNC Greensboro) to talk about Carolina Coronado’s Poetry (September 7, 2022) Organizer of class visits by Lorca scholars Noël Valis, Andrew Anderson, Cecelia Cavanaugh, Allen Josephs, and Pedro Larrea (Fall 2022 and Spring 2023) 12 12 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Book Presentation, Dissonances of Modernity, Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas. April 8. 2022. Book Presentation of Dissonances of Modernity, Ex-Libris, Instituto Cervantes. Nov. 17, 2021. Entrevista en La ardilla literaria (Programa “Reunidos” con Elga Reátegui). Octubre 2021. “Intro to Publishing Journal Articles for Graduate Students”. September 2021. Workshop. “¿Feminismo para flacas?: La normalización de las dietas en el arte de las mujeres españolas desde los 90 hasta hoy.” 25th Annual Carolina Conference for Romance Studies. March 2021 (via zoom). (Organizer) Lecture by Ana Hontanilla, Spring 2020 (Organizer) Lecture by Nicholas Wolters, Spring 2020 (Organizer) Poetry Lecture Series, Spring 2020 (Organizer) Talk- Interview with Patricia Esteban Erlés (Organizer) Talk- Interview with Elvira Navarro, Spring 2020 (co-organizer) Class visit of Ramón Esono Ebalé, Spring 2020 Faculty Respondent, Duke Workshop on “Navigating International Career Paths/Broadening Academic Horizons: European Postdoctoral Opportunities and Accreditation Systems.” October 2020. Duke University. Organized by Elia Romera Figueroa and Anna Tybinko. (Organizer) Donor Richard Lupton’s Presentation, September 2019. Co-organizer, Poetry Reading by Fernando Valverde, September 2019 Co-organizer, Translation Workshop by Nieves García Prados, September 2019 Organizer of Lecture by Ana Hontanilla (postponed due to covid) Organizer of Lecture by Nick Wolters (postponed due to covid) 13 13 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano (Keynote Speaker) “A Lorca of One’s Own”. Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival, Cary (American-Turkish Association), 24 March 2019. (Invited Lecture) “A Dinner Party from Hell, Spanish-Style: Luis Buñuel, ‘The Exterminating Angel’ (1962) and the Madrid Famine of 18111812”. Wake Forest University, March 28th, 2018. (Invited Lecture) “Great Books Series: On Carmen Laforet’s Nada”. Carolina Public Humanities, December 2017. Flyleaf Books, Chapel Hill, NC. (Invited Lecture) “La construcción de un modelo alternativo de memoria histórica: Ilustración y modernidad en Insolación de Emilia Pardo Bazán, Goyescas de Enric Granados y el teatro de Antonio Buero Vallejo”. Performing Spain: Theaters of Memory in Iberian Cultures, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, September 23, 2017. Panel Chair: “The Nose Knows.” Carolina Conference of Romance Studies, UNC Chapel Hill, NC. April 2016. (Invited Lecture) “Tears in Translation: Carolina Coronado’s Sapphic Odes.” ROMS Colloquium Series (UNC, December 2015). "Dew-Tear-Pearl: Liquid Language in Don Juan Tenorio" (MIFLC October 2015, Homenaje a David Gies). “Variaciones sobre el tema del amor en la vejez: Anacreonte, Tiziano, Cernuda y Carnero”. XXXV Congreso Internacional de ALDEEU (Segovia, Spain, del 8 al 11 de julio, 2015). (Invited Lecture) “Drying Sappho's Sweat: The Aesthetic Reception of Sappho's "Oda a los zelos" (sic) in 19th-Century Spain”. Queer Speculations: The Eighth Annual DC Queer Studies Symposium. University of Maryland, Friday, April 17, 2015, College Park, MD. Panel Chair, Rand Lectures in Art Series, “Encounters in European Art, 13001850”. Art Department, UNC Chapel Hill, NC, March 2015. “From Sweaty to Sweetie: Reading Sappho in 19th-century Spain”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. UNC Chapel Hill, NC, March 2015. Roundtable Chair: “A Cuban in Chapel Hill: An Interview with Keynote Speaker Gustavo Pérez Firmat”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures. UNC Chapel Hill, NC, March 2015. 14 14 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano “Anacreon and the Ilustrados: Queering the ‘hombre de bien’ in EighteenthCentury Spain”. ASECS (American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies), Williamsburg, VA. March 2014. (Invited Lecture) “Queer Displacements in Spanish 18th-Century Poetry: Men of the Enlightenment and the Mask of Anacreon”. University of Maryland. March 2014. “Back Room Mysteries: Luis Paret’s ‘The Antiquarian’s Shop’, and Madrid’s Commerce in Sexual and Luxury Objects”. ASECS (American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies), Cleveland, OH, March 2012. “Erotismo autorreflexivo en la poesía temprana de Luis Cernuda: el caso del poema XIII”. SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Association), Durham, NC, November 2012. “La noche en el siglo de las luces: poemas sobre la luna en el siglo XVIIII” VI Congreso Internacional “Literatura y Cine: el Bicenteraio de la Independencia Iberoamericana y de la Constitución de Cádiz”, Madrid, Spain, June 2012. (Panel Chair) “Painting Poems: 20th-Century Spanish Poetry, Ekphrasis, and Visual Art”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2012. (Invited Lecture) “The Neoclassic Sentimentalization of Agricultural Labor: A Transatlantic Perspective”. Hispanic Transatlantic Studies: A State of the Art. An Interdisciplinary Symposium. Wake Forest University, Wake Forest, North Carolina, USA, April 2012 (Panel Chair) “Youth and Renewal in Three Spanish Texts”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2011. “Hunger and the repression of the national body in Chile and Catalonia.” NeMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) 41 st Annual Convention, Montreal, Quebec, April 2010. “The Lady and the Mirror: Toilette Scenes in Goya and Meléndez Valdés.” ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) 41 st Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, March 2010. “Hunger and the Female Subject: Resisting Censorship in Nada and La placa del diamant.” Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2010. 15 15 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano (Panel Chair) “La construcción de la identidad femenina en el tiempo y en el espacio”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2010. “Wordless Memories and Subversive Humming: On the role of Mercedes’ Lullaby in Pan’s Labyrinth.” Carolina Conference on Romance Languages and Literatures, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 2009. Panel Discussion Invited Participant, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Duke University, April 2009. “Pleasure, Idleness, Dances and Banquets: Poetry as Entertainment Under the Bourbon Monarchy.” 40th ASECS (American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies) Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA, March 2009. TEACHING COURSES (at the University of North Carolina, 2008-present) Semester Course (Enrollment) Fall 2024 Span 301, Intro to Lit and Cult Analysis (enrollment = 16 students) Span 340, Iberian Romanticism (enrollment = 15 students) Spring 2024 On Research Leave Fall 2023 Span 301, Intro to Lit and Cult Analysis (enrollment = 20 students) Span 398, The Hunger Artists of Spain: Food, Famine and Eating Disorders from the Picaresque to the 21st Century (enrollment = 10 students) Spring 2023 Span 630, Literature and Visual Arts (An Interdisciplinary Approach to Lorca) (enrollment = 8 students) One course release (Editor of Romance Notes) Fall 2022 Span 301, Intro to Lit and Cult Analysis (enrollment = 14 students) Span 340, Topics in Iberian Culture (¡Viva Lorca!) (enrollment =15 students) Spring 2022 Span 750, Enlightenment and Romanticism in Spain (enrollment = 8 students) One course release (Editor of Romance Notes) 16 16 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Fall 2021 Span 301, Intro to Lit and Cult Analysis (enrollment = 19 students) Span 340, Topics in Iberian Culture (Spanish Women Writers) (enrollment = 16 students) Spring 2021 Span 301, Intro to Literary and Cultural Analysis (enrollment = 19 students) Span 340, Topics in Iberian Culture (Spanish Women Writers) (enrollment = 16 students) Fall 2020 Span 340, Studies in Iberian Culture (Spanish Women Writers) (enrollment= 19 students) Span 381, Studies in Spanish Poetry (¡Ay, amor!: The Love Poetry of Spain and Latin America) (enrollment = 9 students) Spring 2020 Span 715, Modern and Contemporary Spanish Poetry (enrollment = 4 students) One course release (Editor of Romance Notes) Spring 2019 Span340, Topics in Iberian Culture (¡Viva Lorca!) (enrollment = 23 students) Span 750, Enlightenment and Romanticism in Spain (enrollment = 6 students) Span 340, Topics in Iberian Culture (¡Viva Lorca!) (enrollment = 20 students) Span 380, Studies in Spanish Drama (“Un desvío en la carretera”:The Spanish Horror Boom) (enrollment = 11 students) Fall 2019 Spring 2018 – On Leave – Research and Study Assignment Fall 2018 Span 340, Cultures of Contemporary Spain (tertulia format) (enrollment = 19 students) Span 371, Studies in Spanish Literature (España y sus fantasmas: Horror, fantasia y memoria histórica) (enrollment = 10 students) Spring 2017 Span 835, Modern and Contemporary Transatlantic Poetry (enrollment = 13 students) Span 380, Studies in Spanish Drama (enrollment = 18 students) Fall 2016 Span 340, Iberian Cultural Topics (enrollment = 24 students) Span 260, Introduction to Spanish American Literature (enrollment = 23 students) Spring 2016 Span 630, Spanish Literature and the Visual Arts (enrollment= 17 students) Span 340, Cultures of Contemporary Spain (enrollment= 22 students) 17 17 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Fall 2015 Span 260, 2 sections (enrollment= 15 and 17 students) Spring 2014 Span 372, Survey of Spanish Literature... (enrollment = 17 students) Span 750, Luces: Transatlantic Enlightenment (graduate course, co-taught with Juan Carlos González Espitia, enrollment = 7 students) Fall 2014 Span 372, Survey of Spanish Literature... (enrollment = 20 students) (one course release – Director of Graduate Studies) Spring 2013 Span 372, Survey of Spanish Literature... (enrollment = 20 students) Span 750, The 18th Century in Spain (graduate course, enrollment = 8 students) Fall 2012 Span 372, Survey of Spanish Literature... (enrollment = 20 students) Span 381, Masterpieces of Spanish ... Poetry (enrollment = 16 students) Spring 2012 Span 372, Survey of Spanish Literature... (enrollment = 22 students) Span 836, Seminar on Transatlantic Topics / Transatlantic Poetry (graduate course, enrollment = 13 students) Fall 2011 Span 372, Survey of Spanish Literature... (enrollment = 19 students) Span 381, Masterpieces of Spanish and Latin American Poetry (enrollment = 21 students) Spring 2011 On Leave – Research and Study Assignment Fall 2010 On Leave – Parental Leave Spring 2009 Span 340, Cultures of Contemporary Spain (enrollment= 22 students) Span 750, The 18th Century in Spain (graduate course, enrollment = 10 students) Fall 2008 Span 398, Catalan Literature and Culture (enrollment = 11 students) Span 340, Cultures of Contemporary Spain (enrollment = 21 students) OTHER Instructor, University of Virginia Study Abroad Program in Valencia, Spain (Summer 2004) MENTORING BA HONOR’S THESES 18 18 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Radha Patel (Honor’s Thesis Director) Elizabeth Benninger (Undergraduate Thesis Advisor) Amber Hilliard (Undergraduate Thesis Advisor) Alex Cuff (Honors’ Thesis Reader) Rebecca Christenberry, Special Readings in 19th Century Literature Sam Wei (Honor’s Thesis Reader) MA THESES Director: Brenda Schmunck, “El sistema de personajes en La libertad en el tejado, de María Teresa León: cartografía y singularidad” (May 2022) Juliana Zabala, “Luciérnagas fundidas: reevaluando la poesía de la esterilidad, el aborto espontáneo y el embarazo” (May 2018) Derek Segebarth, “La dedicatoria latina del Menagiana en la Historia del famoso predicador Fray Gerundio de Campazas, alias Zotes de Padre Isla” (May 2017) Rhiannon Johnson, “Birthing an Epistemological Shift: The Discursive Function of the Midwife in Eighteenth Century Obstetrics Manual” (May 2015) Kate Good, “Domestic Disturbances: Breaking the Mold of Female Comportment in Caterina Albert i Paradís’ “Pas de comèdia” (May 2014) Megan Eidson, “Reasonable persuasion: speech in García de la Huerta's Raquel” (May 2010) Reader: Jack deVri Riordan, MA Thesis reader Kelly Goldsmith, MA Thesis reader Sarah Blanton, MA Thesis reader Rubén Rosales, MA Thesis reader Parker Brookie, MA Thesis reader Marie Fellie, MA Thesis reader Carmen Pérez, MA Thesis reader Mandy McGregor, MA Thesis reader Anka Kozcas, MA Thesis reader Alexandra Garber, MA Thesis reader Whitney Winters, MA Thesis reader Carlos Vázquez, MA Thesis reader PHD THESES PhD Dissertations (Director): 19 19 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Rafael Núñez Rodríguez, “Formas de narrar la deuda: el indiano como sujeto económico entre España y Cuba (1868-1898)” (May 2024) Sandra García Gutiérrez, “La heroína gótica española ante el miedo: de la victimización a la sororidad (1831-2019)” (May 2023) Colleen McAlister, “Ruination: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Spain’s Ruins in Nineteeth-Century Literature and Culture” (May 2023) Rhi Johnson (co-directed with Juan Carlos González Espitia, 2021) “Water Women: Reclaiming Erotic Agency through Image in the Transatlantic Nineteenth Century” Antonio Balsón “De Vidanes a Campazas: el itinerario literario de Francisco de Isla antes de Fray Gerundio” (May 2017) Maria Fellie “Antonio Colinas: Poetry and Life (1967-1988), A Critical Introduction to the Foundational Poetic Works with Selected Translations” (May 2017) Keri Chandler “The Nature of Woman: Spanish Women Poets of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries” (May 2013) Cristóbal Clemente (in progress) Santi Girón Gesteira (in progress) Angie Pierce (in progress) Tanner Bourne (in progress) Laura Brescané Nicolás (in progress) PhD Dissertations (Reader): Jhonn Guerra Banda Sam Krieg Diana Torres Natalie Love Andrés Porras María de las Nieves González Fuentes Kate Good Etna Ávalos Molina Keith Schaefer Vinodh Venkatesh 20 20 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Esther Sánchez-Couto Carlos Abreu Mendoza Rosario Colchero Dorado Tyler Oakley Neil Anderson Stella Kim Phillip Hollingsworth Sherry Venere Robert Noffsinger Emily Clark Katelyn Smith Ellynn Loftus Jeonghwan Kim Keith Schaefer GRANTS Associate Professor Support Program Grant, UNC College of Arts and Sciences ($6,000, 2014-) University Research Council Publication Grant ($700, 2012) Departmental Publication Grant, Department of Romance Languages, University of North Carolina ($3,500, 2012) Program for Cultural Cooperation Research Grant, Ministerio de Cultura de España ($2,000, Summer 2007) Charles Gordon Reid Jr. Fellowship, University of Virginia ($3,000, Summer 2007) Departmental Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Virginia ($14,000, 20062007) Summer Foreign Language Institute Fellowship, University of Virginia ($4,000, Summer 2006) Summer Foreign Language Institute Fellowship, University of Virginia ($3,500, Summer 2005) SERVICE 21 21 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION Editor, Romance Notes (2018 – present) Book Proposal evaluator, Oxford University Press Manuscript Evaluator, Anales galdosianos Manuscript Evaluator, Hispanic Review Organizer of Poetry Lecture Series with Guests (Spring 2020) Book manuscript evaluator, Purdue University Press (2020) Book manuscript evaluator for Purdue U Press Book Series (2020) Manuscript evaluator, Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (2020) Manuscript evaluator, Philobiblion (2020) and Artifara (2020) Editorial Board Member, Hispanófila (2009-present), Castilla (2010-present) and Aula lírica (2010-present) Advisory Board Member, Romance Notes (2011-present) Outside Reader for Hispanic Review (2013), Romance Notes (2008-2011), Tiempos Modernos (2009) Letras hispanas (2011) and Letras femeninas (2016) Manuscript evaluator, North Carolina Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures (2012 and 2017) Editorial assistant to Dieciocho: Hispanic Enlightenment (2006-2008) SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY Evaluator of Graduate School’s Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, 2019-2020, 2020-2021 DACOR Graduate Fund Fellowship Selection Committee, 2012-2013 SERVICE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE STUDIES, UNC 22 22 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Co-Chair, Hispanic and Jewish Studies Hiring Search Committee, 2022-23 Faculty Review Committee, 2022-23 Chair, Graduate Placement Committee, 2018-2019 and 2020-21 Publications Advisory Committee, 2018 to Present Graduate Placement Committee, 2017-2018 Diversity Liaison, 2017-2018 Buchan Award Committee, 2018 Personnel Committee, 2017-2-18 Graduate Placement Committee, 2016-2017 Third-Year Review Committee, 2016-2017 Personnel Committee, 2016-2017 Co-organizer, with Cristina Carrasco, of the screening of Montse Armengou’s documentary “Avi, et trauré d'aquí”, 2017. Co-organizer, with Cristina Carrasco, of María Ángeles Naval’s lecture, 2016. Organizer of Dana Drake Lecture 2015 by Professor Noël Valis, Yale University Elected, Personnel Committee 2015-16 and 2016-17 Elected, Tenure-Track Personnel Committee 2015-16 and 2016-17 Buchan Award Committee, 2015 and 2016 Director of Graduate Studies, 2014-2025 Director of Graduate Admissions, 2014-2015 Chair, Graduate Advisory Committee, 2014-15 Executive Committee, 2014-2015 Assistant Professor Latin American Position Search Committee 2014-2015 Creator of the new Buchan Award for Excellence in Research for Spanish Graduate 23 23 Curriculum Vitae Irene Gómez Castellano Students Graduate Abroad Post Committee, 2013 Buchan Award Committee, 2013 Admissions (Spanish), 2013-2014 Graduate Advisor (Spanish), Department of Romance Languages, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2013-2014 Faculty Development Committee, 2012-present Graduate Placement Committee, 2011-present Organizer of lecture by Ana Rueda, March 2013 Sponsored Events Committee, Department of Romance Languages, 2011-2012 Personnel Committee, Department of Romance Languages, 2011-2012 and 20122013 18th-century French Assistant Professor Search Committee Member, 2012 Search Committee Member, Assistant Professor of Golden Age, 2009 Search Committee Member, Assistant Professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature, 2009 Participant / Presenter, Graduate Job Search Workshop, Fall 2008 and Fall 2009 Faculty Director of the Peninsular Spanish Graduate Working Group, 2008-2009 Designer of the new undergraduate seminar “Catalan Literature and Culture”, Fall 2008 Organizer, with Larry King, of the “Basque Language and Culture” course offering, Fall 2008 Organizer of lecture by David Gies, March 2009 Creator of a new course offering, Span 630 (Literature and the Visual Arts in Spain) 24 24