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We report on a strong and tunable magnetic optical nonlinear response of Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) under "off resonance" femtosecond (fs) pulse excitation, by detecting the polarization map of the noncollinear second harmonic signal of an oriented BR film, as a function of the input beam power. BR is a light-driven proton pump with a unique photochemistry initiated by the all trans retinal chromophore embedded in the protein. An elegant application of this photonic molecular machine has been recently found in the new area of optogenetics, where genetic expression of BR in brain cells conferred a light responsivity to the cells enabling thus specific stimulation of neurons. The observed strong tunable magnetic nonlinear response of BR might trigger promising applications in the emerging area of pairing optogenetics and functional magnetic resonance imaging susceptible to provide an unprecedented complete functional mapping of neural circuits.
In the present article, we review several of the most significant recent advancements in the field of specific chromophore engineering for nonlinear biophotonics. We focus more particularly on four different class of applications: probes for nonlinear microscopy imaging of cell cultures, probes responsive to a chemical stimulus, probes undergoing nonlinear photoinduced processes in the cell, and probes for nonlinear fluorescence imaging in vivo.
Photonic structures offer a promising alternative of conventional electronic ones, especially for future information technological applications. Instead of conductors and transistors, their optical analogues (miniature light guides and optical switches, respectively) are serving as passive and active elements processing information in photonic circuits. One of the biggest challenges in this respect is to find proper nonlinear optical (NLO) materials that are able to actively control the flow of information in integrated optical (IO) circuits. Several inorganic and organic materials have been considered for this special application, requiring high speed, sensitivity, reliability and log-term stability. So far, however, none of them is regarded as the optimal solution. In 2002, we suggested an especially stable, light-sensitive biomaterial, the protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR), to be used as an active material in NLO structures of IO applications (Ormos et al. 2002). An IO switching and...
Nature Communications
How does chemistry scale in complexity to unerringly direct biological functions? Nass Kovacs et al. have shown that bacteriorhodopsin undergoes structural changes tantalizingly similar to the expected pathway even under excessive excitation. Is the protein structure so highly evolved that it directs all deposited energy into the designed function? It is difficult to overstate the importance of having atomic structures to help shape our thinking and understanding of matter. Structural information constrains the number of possible solutions in trying to piece together a puzzle in how matter undergoes transformation from one structure to another and the associated changes in material properties 1,2. In terms of understanding biological processes, this question always reduces to how the protein structure surrounding an active site has evolved to direct chemical processes into biological functions, typically with efficiencies well beyond our current capabilities to exploit chemistry. In this respect, bacteriorhodopsin (bR) serves as a model system for understanding structurefunction relationships for membrane proteins 3-5. This system functions as a light-driven, outward proton pump, which can be triggered by light to use time resolved optical methods to watch it function in real time. Its structure is composed of seven transmembrane α-helices that are covalently bound to a photoactive retinal molecule via a lysine residue through a Schiff base linkage (Fig. 1b). Upon absorbing a photon, the retinal chromophore undergoes rapid isomerization from an all-trans to 13-cis form passing through the I 460 (charge separated), J 625 (highly twisted) and K 590 (isomerized) intermediates. The retinal isomerization acts like a push in changing the electrostatic and structural environment around the active site. These changes in turn lead to a series of cascaded protein conformational changes to facilitate the transport of a proton from the retinal Schiff base to the extracellular side of the membrane via L 550 and M 410 intermediates. The retinal then undergoes reprotonation and thermal re-isomerization through the N 560 and O 630 intermediates, respectively, where it can then return to the bR 568 ground state. These processes have been well characterized spectroscopically and many of the long-lived
Applied Physics Letters, 2010
State-of-the-art photonic integration technology is ready to provide the passive elements of optical integrated circuits, based either on silicon, glass or plastic materials. The bottleneck is to find the proper nonlinear optical ͑NLO͒ materials in waveguide-based integrated optical circuits for light-controlled active functions. Recently, we proposed an approach where the active role is performed by the chromoprotein bacteriorhodopsin as an NLO material, that can be combined with appropriate integrated optical devices. Here we present data supporting the possibility of switching based on a fast photoreaction of bacteriorhodopsin. The results are expected to have important implications for photonic switching technology.
Nature, 2010
The ability to silence the activity of genetically specified neurons in a temporally precise fashion would open up the ability to investigate the causal role of specific cell classes in neural computations, behaviors, and pathologies. Here we show that members of the class of light-driven outward proton pumps can mediate very powerful, safe, multiple-color silencing of neural activity. The gene archaerhodopsin-3 1 (Arch) from Halorubrum sodomense enables near-100% silencing of neurons in the awake brain when virally expressed in mouse cortex and illuminated with yellow light. Arch mediates currents of several hundred picoamps at low light powers, and supports neural silencing currents approaching 900 pA at light powers easily achievable in vivo. In addition, Arch spontaneously recovers from light-dependent inactivation, unlike light-driven chloride pumps that enter long-lasting inactive states in response to light. These properties of Arch are appropriate to mediate the optical silencing of significant brain volumes over behaviourally-relevant timescales. Arch function in neurons is well tolerated because pH excursions created by Arch illumination are minimized by self-limiting mechanisms to levels comparable to those mediated by channelrhodopsins 2,3 or natural spike firing. To highlight how proton pump ecological and genomic diversity may support new innovation, we show that the blue-green light-drivable proton pump from the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans 4 (Mac) can, when expressed in neurons, enable neural silencing by blue light, thus enabling alongside other developed reagents the potential for independent silencing of two neural populations by blue vs. red light. Light-driven proton pumps thus represent a highperformance and extremely versatile class of "optogenetic" voltage and ion modulator, which will broadly empower new neuroscientific, biological, neurological, and psychiatric investigations.
Nature Methods, 2012
Optogenetics with microbial opsin genes has enabled highspeed control of genetically specified cell populations in intact tissue. however, it remains a challenge to independently control subsets of cells within the genetically targeted population. although spatially precise excitation of target molecules can be achieved using two-photon laser-scanning microscopy (tPLSm) hardware, the integration of two-photon excitation with optogenetics has thus far required specialized equipment or scanning and has not yet been widely adopted. here we take a complementary approach, developing opsins with custom kinetic, expression and spectral properties uniquely suited to scan times typical of the raster approach that is ubiquitous in tPLSm laboratories. We use a range of culture, slice and mammalian in vivo preparations to demonstrate the versatility of this toolbox, and we quantitatively map parameter space for fast excitation, inhibition and bistable control. together these advances may help enable broad adoption of integrated optogenetic and tPLSm technologies across experimental fields and systems.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2002
Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is an efficient light-driven proton pump which shows a trans-cis isomerization reaction of its retinal chromophore after light absorption. BR exhibits a large reorganization energy λ of 2520 cm -1 on optical excitation. In this paper, we have studied the nature, origin, and dynamical aspects of this extensive reorganization. We report the results of a femtosecond three-pulse echo peak shift (3PEPS), transient grating (TG) and transient absorption (TA) study, complemented with those of steady-state absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy in wild-type bR and the D85S mutant in its blue and purple, halide-pumping forms. We have simulated the results in the context of the multimode Brownian oscillator (MBO) formalism. A simple model that incorporates retinal's known intramolecular vibrations, which represent 1094 cm -1 or reorganization energy, and a single Gaussian protein relaxation with a decay of 50 fs representing 1430 cm -1 of reorganization energy, yielded satisfactory results for all linear and nonlinear experimental results on wild-type bR. For the D85S mutant in its blue form, the same model could be applied with a Gaussian relaxation of 1050 cm -1 amplitude. It is concluded that the protein environment of the retinal chromophore only exhibits an inertial response, and does not show any diffusive-type motions on a sub-ps to ps time scale, which is probably a consequence of the covalently constrained, polymeric nature of the protein. Our results are in close agreement with earlier molecular dynamics simulations on bR Schulten, K. Biophys. J. 1996, 70, 453-460), which indicated that after retinal excitation, which is accompanied by a significant charge relocation along the polyene backbone, the protein exhibits an extensive dielectric relaxation on a 100 fs time scale representing an energy change of ∼1700 cm -1 . We conclude that on the sub-ps to ps timescale, the protein's major influence is electrostatic via a large number of small-amplitude motions of charges and dipoles. Major structural rearrangements of the protein do not occur on the timescale of isomerization. Polarized transient absorption measurements on bR and the D85S mutant indicated a time-independent anisotropy of the stimulated emission of 0.35, indicating that in the excited state, no change of the direction of the transition dipole moment of retinal takes place during the excited-state lifetime.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2004
The relative role of retinal isomerization and microscopic polarization in the phototransduction process of bacteriorhodopsin is still an open question. It is known that both processes occur on an ultrafast time scale. The retinal trans3cis photoisomerization takes place on the time scale of a few hundred femtoseconds. On the other hand, it has been proposed that the primary lightinduced event is a sudden polarization of the retinal environment, although there is no direct experimental evidence for femtosecond charge displacements, because photovoltaic techniques cannot be used to detect charge movements faster than picoseconds. Making use of the known high second-order susceptibility (2) of retinal in proteins, we have used a nonlinear technique, interferometric detection of coherent infrared emission, to study macroscopically oriented bacteriorhodopsin-containing purple membranes. We report and characterize impulsive macroscopic polarization of these films by optical rectification of an 11-fs visible light pulse in resonance with the optical transition. This finding provides direct evidence for charge separation as a precursor event for subsequent functional processes. A simple two-level model incorporating the resonant second-order optical properties of retinal, which are known to be a requirement for functioning of bacteriorhodopsin, is used to describe the observations. In addition to the electronic response, long-lived infrared emission at specific frequencies was observed, reflecting charge movements associated with vibrational motions. The simultaneous and phase-sensitive observation of both the electronic and vibrational signals opens the way to study the transduction of the initial polarization into structural dynamics. R etinal proteins play an essential role in a broad range of light-driven biological processes, including vision (1), energy transduction (2), and circadian control (3). All these functions involve both the conversion of light energy into charge separation and retinal isomerization, but the interplay of these processes is the subject of intense debate. The retinal protein of which the initial photochemistry is most extensively studied is the photosynthetic protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR). This protein colors the purple membrane of halobacteria and acts as a light-driven proton pump by means of a multistep process termed the photocycle (2). In the traditional model for the initial transduction step in this cycle is directly light-driven trans3cis isomerization of retinal (4-6); this model has been recently extended by including excited-state skeletal stretching (5, 7). However, experiments with modified bR containing nonisomerizable retinal analogs challenged this model by showing that the initial photo-induced events are not associated with retinal isomerization (8-10). In fact, in an early alternative hypothesis (11), the essential process was proposed to be dielectric relaxation of the protein as a response to sudden polarization upon retinal excitation (11-13). Recent molecular dynamics calculations and experiments (15, 16) support this view.
-- M-478, M-479, M-480 tablets with tiger, spy, jungle clearance narratives ರಂಗೋಲೈ raṅgōle Tbh. of ರಂಗವಲ್ಲಿ. ornamental lines and figures, etc. (My.; Mhr. ರಾಂಗೋಳೀ). ರಂಗೋಲೈ ಹಾಕಲಿಕ್ಕೈ ತಿಳಿಯದಿದ್ದರೂ ಹೌಂಗರಕನ ಕೈತ್ತೈ ತೈಗೈಯಲಿಕ್ಕೈ ತಿಳಿಯದೇ? -ಚಾಪೇ ಕೈಳಗೈ ಒಬ್ಬ ತೂರಿದರೈ ಇನ್ನೌಬ್ಬ ರಂಗೋಲೇ ಕೈಳಗೈ ತೂರಿದ (Prvs.). କାଙ୍ଗୁଲା Kāṅgulā Ornamental thread-work woven on the border of a woman's cloth (Oriya) எழுதுவரிக்கோலம் eḻutu-vari-k-kōlam , n. < id. +. Adornment of the breasts, as elutu- koṭi; மகளிராகத்து எழுதுங்கோலம்(சிலப். 5, 226, அரும்.) எழுதுவரிகோல முழுமெயு முறீஇ (சிலப். 5, 226) கோலம்போடு-தல் kōlam-pōṭu- , v. intr. கோலம்¹ +. 1. To draw ornamental figures on wall or floor with rice-flour or white stone-powder; தரைமுதலியவற்றில் மாமுலியவற்றால் அலங் காரவரி இடுதல். கோலங்காண்(ணு)-தல் kōlaṅ-kāṇ- , v. tr. < id. +. 1. To adorn, beautify, decorate; அலங்கரித்தல். கோலங்காண்படலம். (கம்பரா.).கோலம்¹ kōlam , n. [T. kōlamu, K. kōla, M. kōlam.] 1. Beauty, gracefulness, handsomeness; அழகு. கோலத் தனிக்கொம்பர் (திருக் கோ. 45). 7. Adornment, decoration, embellishment; அலங்காரம். புறஞ்சுவர் கோலஞ்செய்து (திவ். திருமாலை, 6). 8. Ornamental figures drawn on floor, wall or sacrificial pots with rice-flour, white stone-powder, etc.; மா, கற்பொடி முதலியவற்றாலிடுங் கோலம். தரை மெழுகிக் கோலமிட்டு (குமர. மீனாட். குறம். 25). Ta. kōlam beauty, colour, form, shape, costume, attire as worn by actors, ornament. Ma. kōlam form, figure (chiefly of masks, dresses); idol, body, beauty. Ka. kōla ornament, decoration, form, figure (chiefly of masks, dresses, etc.) (DEDR 2240) Rebus: kulya n. 'receptacle for burnt bones of a corpse' MBh., 'winnowing basket' lex. [Prob. ← Drav.: see kulā́ya-]Pa. kulla- m. 'raft of basket work, winnowing basket', °aka- m. 'crate'; Pk. kullaḍa- n. 'packet'; A. kulā 'winnowing fan, hood of a snake'; B. kul, °lā 'winnowing basket or fan'; Or. kulā 'winnowing fan', °lāi 'small do.'; Si. kulla, st. kulu- 'winnowing basket or fan’. (DEDR 3350) கோலம்³ kōlam , n. kola கோல்² kōl , Raft, float; தெப்பம்.(Tamil)
Revista Galega de Filoloxía
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