Epidemiol. Infect. (2008), 136, 1667–1677. f 2008 Cambridge University Press
doi:10.1017/S0950268808000290 Printed in the United Kingdom
Spatial and temporal dynamics of dengue fever
in Peru: 1994–2006
G. C H O W E L L 1,2*, C. A. T O R R E 3, C. M U NA Y C O - ES C A T E 4, L. S UÁ R E Z - O G N I O 4,
R. L Ó P E Z - C R U Z 5, J. M. H Y M A N 2 A N D C. C A S T I L L O - C H A V E Z 3
School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis Group (T-7), Theoretical Division (MS B284), Los Alamos National
Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Dirección General de Epidemiologı´a, Ministerio de Salud, Peru, Lima, Perú
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Ciudad Universitaria, Lima, Perú
(Accepted 13 December 2007 ; first published online 8 April 2008)
The weekly number of dengue cases in Peru, South America, stratified by province for the
period 1994–2006 were analysed in conjunction with associated demographic, geographic and
climatological data. Estimates of the reproduction number, moderately correlated with
population size (Spearman r=0.28, P=0.03), had a median of 1.76 (IQR 0.83–4.46).
The distributions of dengue attack rates and epidemic durations follow power-law (Pareto)
distributions (coefficient of determination >85%, P<0.004). Spatial heterogeneity of attack
rates was highest in coastal areas followed by mountain and jungle areas. Our findings
suggest a hierarchy of transmission events during the large 2000–2001 epidemic from large
to small population areas when serotypes DEN-3 and DEN-4 were first identified
(Spearman r=x0.43, P=0.03). The need for spatial and temporal dengue epidemic data with
a high degree of resolution not only increases our understanding of the dynamics of dengue
but will also generate new hypotheses and provide a platform for testing innovative control
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne disease that affects
between 50 and 100 million people each year [1]. The
disease is transmitted primarily via mosquitoes of the
species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, carriers of
the virus serotypes (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and
DEN-4), of the genus Flavivirus [1]. The severity
of the disease ranges from asymptomatic, clinically
* Author for correspondence : Dr G. Chowell, School of Human
Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ, USA.
(Email :
[email protected])
non-specific with flu-like symptoms, dengue fever,
dengue haemorrhagic fever, and dengue shock syndrome [1]. Dengue attack rates are around 40–50 %
but may be as high as 80–90% [2]. Efforts to eradicate
A. aegypti in the Americas began in the 1950s with
some success albeit sporadic outbreaks took place.
The cancellation of mosquito eradication programmes in the 1970s throughout the Americas
facilitated dengue re-emergence in various regions
of Central and South America with A. aegypti as
the primary vector [3]. The situation of dengue in
Latin American countries has evolved from nonendemic (no virus present), to hypo-endemic (one
G. Chowell and others
virus serotype present) to hyper-endemic (multiple
virus serotypes co-circulating) [4]. The factors associated with these co-evolutionary outcomes include
climatological and environmental changes as well as
the increased migration and travel of humans [5].
In Peru, dengue serotype DEN-1 was first identified
in 1990 in the department of Iquitos in the Amazon
region [6]. The establishment of DEN-1 was followed
by the successful invasion of American genotype
DEN-2, the driver of the large dengue epidemic of
1995–1996 [6]. The dengue epidemic of 2000–2001 in
Peru was the first in which all four dengue serotypes
co-circulated (Asian DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4
were identified for the first time) [7]. The new serotypes probably travelled from Ecuador where they
had been isolated 6 months before the Peruvian outbreak [7]. In this paper, we carry out spatial–temporal
analyses based on Peru (1994–2006) weekly dengue
incidence data stratified by province that also includes
demographic, geographic and climate data. In this
article, we estimate transmissibility of dengue outbreaks using the local reproduction numbers ; assess
the outbreak dependence on community size as a function of geographic region ; characterize the underlying
distributions of dengue attack rates and epidemic
duration across Peru ; quantify the spatial heterogeneity of dengue attack rates using the Lorenz curve and
corresponding Gini index ; assess the correlation between dengue incidence and climatological variables
using regression analysis ; and evaluate the level of
association between local epidemic timing and demographics.
Peru, a South American country, is located on the
Pacific coast between the latitudes: x3x S to x18x S.
Peru shares borders with Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, and Ecuador (Fig. 1). The total population
of Peru is about 29 million, and it is heterogeneously
distributed in a surface area of 1 285 220 km2. Peru’s
geographic composition includes a western coastal
plain, the Andes mountains in the centre, and the
eastern jungle of the Amazon (Fig. 1). Peru’s weather
varies from dry by its coast, tropical by the Amazon,
and temperate and frigid in the Andes mountain
range. Peru is divided into 25 administrative regions composed of 195 provinces [8]. Spatial dengue
epidemic, demographic, geographic, and climate
data were gathered from multiple sources in our
Fig. 1. Map of Peru highlighting boundaries of 195 provinces and 25 regions. The geography of Peru covers a range
of features, from a western coastal plain (yellow), the Andes
Mountains in the centre (brown), and the eastern jungle of
the Amazon (green). The total population of Peru is about
29 million heterogeneously distributed in an area of
1 285 220 km2.
Dengue epidemic data
The Department of Epidemiology of Peru’s Health
Ministry is in charge of epidemiological surveillance,
which is carried out from a network of over 6000
geographically distributed notifying units. Peru’s epidemiological surveillance system has collected weekly
disease data reports since 1994 [9]. The case definitions for probable and confirmed dengue cases in
use are those from the World Health Organization
(WHO) guidelines [10]. The weekly number of probable and confirmed cases at symptoms onset, as
recorded by the Health Ministry’s General Office of
Epidemiology, are stratified by province, and we use
these data from 1994 to 2006. A dengue case is
classified as probable whenever fever or chills were
present in addition to at least two symptoms among
myalgia, arthralgia, retro-orbtial pain, headache, rash,
or some haemorrhagic manifestation (e.g. petechiae,
haematuria, haematemesis, melena). Seventy-three
provinces reported dengue cases some time during the
Dengue fever in Peru, 1994–2006
period of interest (1994–2006). Eighteen percent of
the probable dengue cases were confirmed via virus
isolation or anti-dengue IgM antibody tests by the
regional laboratories under the supervision of Peru’s
Health Ministry. For the purpose of our analyses,
we define a dengue outbreak as the occurrence of five
or more recorded dengue cases within three or more
consecutive weeks. Furthermore, cases considered
had to be recorded in a window of time bounded
above and below by the absence of dengue cases for
at least two consecutive weeks. These definitions and
assumptions were put into place to limit the confusion
that results from imported cases (e.g. cases generated
by humans visiting other provinces). We identified
315 dengue outbreaks in 1994–2006 as defined by this
conservative definition. Furthermore, the total number of outbreaks identified turned out to be insensitive
to the size of the threshold outbreak size. In other
words, our results hardly varied when either five, six,
or seven reported cases were used as the definition of
outbreak. For each dengue outbreak we computed the
final epidemic size, the total number of dengue cases
occurring during the outbreak, the dengue attack rate
as the ratio of the final epidemic size to the population
size of the province where the outbreak took place,
and the epidemic duration (as the number of weeks of
the outbreak).
Population, geographic, and climate data
The population size of the Peruvian provinces during
the years 1994–2006 was obtained from the National
Institute of Statistics and Informatics of Peru [11]
(Fig. S1, available in the online version of the paper).
The population density of each province (people/km2)
is estimated by dividing the province population size
by the surface area (km2) [12]. These averages ranged
from a mean of 22.3 people/km2 in the mountain
range, 12.38 in the jungle areas, and 172 in the coastal
areas (Fig. S2, online).
Each province is classified as a coastal area,
mountain range, or jungle area (Fig. 1). The provinces
are also differentiated by their latitude, longitude, and
elevation (in metres) [13]. The mean elevation of the
provinces ranged from 207.38 m in the coastal areas,
to 454.96 m in the jungle areas, to 3112.5 m in the
mountain range (Fig. S3, online) [13].
Weekly climate data are available for most of
the departments comprising Peru. We obtained the
weekly mean, minimum, and maximum temperature (Fahrenheit) and precipitation (inches) from
meteorological stations located in 15 out of the 18
departments in Peru that reported a dengue outbreak,
some time during the period 1994–2006 [14]. Climatological records from Peru suffer from underreporting
problems. Hence, we were able to analyse the potential correlation between an outbreak and climatological variables only when sufficient data was
Estimation of transmissibility
The basic reproduction number (R0) gives the average
number of secondary cases generated by a primary
infectious case through the vectors in an entirely susceptible host population [15]. Recurrent infectious
diseases alter the susceptibility structure of a population (herd immunity [16]) by letting p denote the
fraction of the population that is effectively protected
from infection due to prior exposures to the infectious
agent. Hence, the reproduction number (R) is a function of R0 and p. The reproduction number is modelled as R=(1 – p)R0, a reasonable model when the
population is well mixed and in situations where herd
immunity data are not available.
We estimate the transmissibility (R) of the dengue
outbreaks at the level of provinces in Peru during the
period 1994–2006 using a previously published approach [16]. As in our earlier work, we use the mean
and variance of the distributions for the incubation
period in the human host (mean=1/kh, variance=
s2kh ) and vector (1=kv , s 2kv ) and the mean and variance
of the host’s infectious period (1=ch , s 2ch ). The distributions are approximated through estimates of
the number of progressive stages needed to fit a linearchain model [17]. The number of compartments
necessary to model the incubation periods are given
by eh =1=(k2h s 2kh ) and ev =1=(k2v s 2kv ), and ih =1=(c2h s2ch )
for the infectious period in humans. For example, the
number of compartments necessary to model the
dengue infectious period in humans turned out to be
25 if one assumes a mean infectious period of 5 days
with a standard deviation of 1 day [16].
The formula of the reproduction number used to
obtain our estimates is given by [16] :
mC2 bvh bhv
ev k v
R0 =
mv ch
ev kv +mv
where C denotes the mean rate of mosquito bites
per mosquito; bhv is a constant transmission probability per bite from an infectious mosquito to a
human ; bvh is a constant transmission probability
G. Chowell and others
per bite from an infectious human to a susceptible
mosquito ; m is the mean ratio of female mosquitoes
per host; and mv is the mean mosquito mortality rate.
R0 is therefore the product of the number of infectious mosquitoes generated during the infectious
period of a primary infectious human (mCbvh)/ch
ev kv
mv ev kv +mv
the number of infectious humans generated by the
proportion of infectious mosquitoes surviving the extrinsic incubation period.
There are few estimates of mosquito infestation in
Peru (e.g. densities of pupae and positive containers)
[18]. We were not able to obtain reliable estimates of
the number of female mosquitoes per person (parameter m). On the other hand, a study in Thailand
reported an average of 20 female mosquitoes per
room [19] while a similar study in Puerto Rico found
5–10 female mosquitoes per house [20]. Here, we set
the average number of female mosquitoes per person
to 4 and perform a sensitivity analysis on the impact
of this parameter (see [16]). Estimates of the reproduction number for dengue have been found to be
insensitive to this parameter, from 3 to even 5 had no
impact on R [e.g. pairwise correlation coefficient
(>0.90) ; analysis of variance (P=0.94)].
The mean adult mosquito lifespan is taken as 10.5
days (95 % CI 6–15) [21] ; the mean intrinsic incubation period is taken to be 5.5 days (95 % CI 4–7)
[22] ; and the mean infectious period is assumed to be
5 days (95 % CI 3–7) [22]. Infected mosquitoes must
survive longer than their extrinsic incubation period
to be able to infect another human [23]. A typical infected mosquito never becomes infectious. Further,
the extrinsic incubation period is sensitive to ambient
temperature. We use the thermodynamic relation
from Focks et al. [24] to model the temperature
dependence of the extrinsic incubation time. As
the temperature increases, the incubation period
decreases while the mosquito lifespan is relatively
unchanged (Fig. S4, online). The proportion of mosquitoes that survive the extrinsic incubation period is
given by
ev kv
ev kv +mv
For parameter values of 1/kv=5 days, ev=25 (for a
mean ambient temperature of 35 xC and s 2kv =1) and
mv=1/10.5 days, the fraction of mosquitoes surviving
the extrinsic incubation period is 62.4 %.
We estimate the transmission rate from mosquitoes
to humans (Cbhv), the transmission rate from humans
to mosquitoes (Cbvh), the initial number of infectious
hosts, and the initial number of infectious vectors
through our least squares fitting of the initial phase of
the epidemic curve of dengue cases using as a marker
the onset of symptoms (see [16]). We are only able to
estimate the reproduction number for outbreaks
whose initial phase was comprised of at least five
epidemic weeks of data as four parameters had to be
estimated. The best parameter estimates are obtained
from model fits bounded when the x2 goodness-of-fit
statistic reaches a minimum [16].
Critical community size
Several studies have addressed the problem of persistence of measles as a function of community size
in island and non-island populations (see [15]). It is
therefore of interest to provide rough estimates of a
‘ critical ’ community size by geographic region above
which dengue epidemics would typically take off. The
determination of the critical community size, above
which infectious diseases persist, is of central importance [15, 25]. Determining the effective or critical
community size for a particular invasion is a complex
matter because of variations in herd immunity,
immigration rates, the possibility of disease reintroductions in the population, and the nature of
human interactions. Following the approach of
Wearing & Rohani [26], we assess whether or not
the critical community size for the case of dengue in
Peru could be estimated from the proportion of weeks
with no dengue reports for each of the provinces in
the time series (1994–2006) is a good indicator.
Scaling laws in the distributions of attack rates and
duration of epidemics
Here we estimate the type of distributions underlying
epidemic attack rates and epidemic durations at a
particular spatial resolution (e.g. province) over a long
window of time. We use these estimates to characterize dengue attack rates and epidemic duration across
Peru’s provinces during 1994–2006. We observed that
if Y denotes the dengue epidemic outbreak duration
then Y does not have a typical distribution (like a
normal) but rather a power-law distribution (known
as a Pareto distribution in statistics) of the form Yxb
Dengue fever in Peru, 1994–2006
where b is a positive constant. Similarly, when X denotes the dengue attack rate over this long window
in time it turns out to also follow a power-law distribution. That is, the data follows a straight line
when the points are plotted in a double-logarithmic
diagram. Final epidemic size and duration distributions have been estimated from multi-annual measles
epidemic data generated from outbreaks in island
populations [27]. They have also shown to be best
described by power laws [27].
infection in host to developing clinical symptoms are
critical to the transmission process [35, 36].
Spatial heterogeneity
Spatial variations in attack rates have not been
extensively studied. Here, using the Lorenz curve
and associated summary Gini index, an approach
derived from econometrics, is used to quantify spatial
heterogeneity of infectious diseases (see [28–31]). The
Lorenz curve is a graphical representation of the
cumulative distribution function of a probability distribution, representing in our case the proportion of
cases associated with the bottom y % of a population.
Equal attack rates (no heterogeneity) result in a first
diagonal Lorenz curve. On the other hand, perfectly
unbalanced distributions give rise to a vertical Lorenz
line (maximum heterogeneity). Most empirical attack
rate distributions lie somewhere in between.
The Gini index summarizes the statistics of the
Lorenz curve (ranging between 0 and 1). It is calculated as the area between the Lorenz curve and the
diagonal representing no heterogeneity. A large Gini
index indicates high heterogeneous attack rates, i.e.
a situation where the highest attack rates are concentrated in a small proportion of the population.
A Gini index of zero indicates that attack rates are
directly proportional to population size (no heterogeneity).
The aggregated dengue epidemic curve in Peru seems
to support extremely high attack rates in 1996 when
the serotype DEN-2 first appeared in Peru, and in
2001 when serotypes DEN-3 and DEN-4 were first
identified (Fig. S5, online). Since 2001, recurrent annual dengue outbreaks have been reported in Peru
(Fig. 2).
We conservatively estimate (using the definition in
this paper) an overall average dengue attack rate of
1.53 dengue cases/1000 people (S.D.=4.5). The average attack rates vary spatially from 0.0012 to 38.70
dengue cases/1000 people. Dengue attack rates over
the 12-year window in Peru were negatively correlated
with population size (Spearman r=x0.38, P<
0.0001). No significant correlations with population
density, latitude, longitude, and altitude are found.
Final epidemic size is strongly correlated to the timing
of the epidemic peak (Spearman r=0.66, P<0.0001)
and its peak size (Spearman r=0.89, P<0.0001). The
final epidemic size is found to be weakly correlated
with longitude. That is, the final epidemic size increases as outbreaks ‘move ’ from the jungle areas
(x69x W) to the coastal areas (x81x W) (Spearman
r=x0.14, P=0.01). The epidemic peak size followed
a similar pattern (Spearman r=x0.16, P=0.004).
The possibility of a dengue epidemic ‘wave ’ cannot be
Time-series analysis with climatological variables
Different aspects of the transmission dynamics of
dengue depend on climatological conditions including
the survival, development, and maturation of the
vector A. aegypti [32–34]. Moreover, the extrinsic
(mosquito) incubation period and susceptibility of the
mosquito depends on temperature [34]. We carry out
lagged cross-correlation analyses to assess the role of
climatological variables on dengue incidence lagged
effects. The time it takes for mosquito larva to develop to adult stages; the time it takes infected mosquitoes to become infectious ; and the time from
Timing of dengue epidemics and demographics
We evaluate the degree of association between the
timing of epidemic onset with demographic and geographic variables. Epidemic onset is defined here
as the first week with dengue reports for a given epidemic period.
Transmissibility estimates
Estimates of the reproduction number (R) showed
high variability. Their interquartile ranges (IQR) were
from 0.83 to 4.46 with a median of 1.76. The estimated R ranged from 0.1 to 112.8. We estimated 59
reproduction numbers (43 dengue outbreaks had
R>1) using dengue outbreaks with an initial epidemic
phase comprising of at least five epidemic weeks. We
found a moderate positive correlation between
G. Chowell and others
Time (weeks)
Weekly number of dengue cases
Fig. 2. (a) Weekly dengue incidence per 100 000 people in
each of the 73 provinces [8] reporting dengue in Peru during
the period 1994–2006. For visualization purposes, we took
the log-transformation of the dengue incidence. Data were
sorted by latitude coordinate from south to north. (b)
The aggregated dengue epidemic curve of the new number
of dengue cases by symptom onset during the period
reproduction number and population size (Spearman
r=0.28, P=0.03). We found that R is negatively
correlated with the timing of the epidemic peak
(Spearman r=x0.28, P=0.03) and positively correlated with the epidemic peak size (Spearman r=0.32,
P=0.01). The estimates for R are not correlated with
latitude or longitude coordinates, elevation, or type of
geography (one-way ANOVA for comparison of
means, P=0.20).
Critical community size
We found that the proportions of weeks with no
dengue reports during the entire period (1994–2006)
are negatively correlated with population size in
Proportion of weeks with no dengue reports
Population size
Fig. 3. The proportion of weeks with no dengue reports as a
function of population size of the Peruvian provinces
classified in coastal (*), mountain (%), and jungle (#)
areas. The proportion of weeks with no dengue reports
during the entire dengue time were negatively correlated
with population size in jungle areas (Spearman r=x0.72,
P<0.0001) with <30 % of weekly records with zero dengue
incidence in jungle areas with a population >500 000 people
(dashed line is a linear fit to the jungle data), a pattern not
observed in coastal or mountain range areas.
jungle areas (Spearman r=x0.72, P<0.0001). Less
than 30% of the weekly records had zero dengue
incidences whenever the population was >500 000
people (Fig. 3). We did not find a correlation between
these variables in coastal or mountain range areas.
Scaling laws in the distributions of attack rates and
duration of epidemics
The distribution of dengue attack rates and epidemic
(outbreak) durations (weeks) both follow power-law
distributions (coefficient of determination >85%,
P<0.004). Both distributions have approximately the
same power-law exponent of 1.7 when data for the
1994–2006 outbreaks were used (Fig. 4).
Regression models for dengue attack rates and
reproduction numbers
Regression models are used to explain the correlation
structure between dengue attack rates and three significant predictor variables, population size (P=
0.0004), epidemic duration (P<0.0001), and longitude (P=0.0023). In fact, simple models were obtained via stepwise regression. Population size and
epidemic duration are log-transformed to stabilize
their corresponding variances. This regression model
Dengue fever in Peru, 1994–2006
Dengue attack rate (×1000 people)
Epidemic duration (weeks)
Fig. 4. The distributions of dengue attack rates and epidemic durations across Peruvian provinces during the period
1994–2006. Both distributions follow a power law with remarkably similar mean scaling exponents of about 1.7. The dashed
lines are the log-log linear fits to the data (#).
Spatial heterogeneity
The spatial heterogeneity of dengue incidence, as
measured by the Gini index, decreases from the
coastal areas (0.59), to the mountain range (0.36), to
the jungle areas (0.27) (Fig. 5). The elevations of
Peruvian provinces range from 0 m to 4942 m with
high variability across coastal, mountain and jungle
areas (one-way ANOVA for comparison of means,
F=46.62, P<0.0001) (Fig. S3, online). The dengue
attack rates (n=315) in the coastal areas are significantly higher than in the mountain range and the
jungle areas (one-way ANOVA for comparison of
means, P=0.0012). Dengue outbreaks are reported in
provinces with a median elevation of 304 m (IQR 173518). The outbreaks that occurred at the highest elevations were at altitudes of 1236 m (163 cases),
1277 m (10 cases), 1536 m (16 cases), and 4041 m (seven cases). The last outbreak was probably ‘imported ’ from other locations (26/195 provinces are at
an elevation >4041 m, and did not report dengue
outbreaks). We do not find a significant correlation
Cumulative proportion of dengue cases
explains 26% of the variability in the data with
an overall P<0.0001. Moreover, population size
(log transformed, P=0.0475) and epidemic duration
(log transformed, P<0.0001) are found to be significant predictor variables for a model of the final epidemic size. This regression model explains 22 % of
the observed variance with an overall P<0.0001. No
model with more than one significant predictor variable was found to explain the reproduction number
Mountain range
Cumulative proportion of the population
Fig. 5. The Lorenz curves (– – –) of the distribution of the
total number of dengue case notifications as a function of
population size at the level of provinces in Peru. The black
line (—) represents a constant distribution of dengue case
notifications (no heterogeneity).
between elevation and final epidemic size (P=0.21),
attack rates (P=0.55), or transmissibility as measured
by the reproduction number (P=0.4).
Mean coefficient of determination (%)
G. Chowell and others
observed variance. We found minimum temperature
to be the most significant climatological variable, i.e.
the one with the highest frequency in regression
models. The maximum temperature ranked second
(Fig. 6).
Timing of epidemic onset
Models with at least one
significant climatological variable (%)
Time lag (weeks)
Mean temp.
Max temp.
Min temp.
Time lag (weeks)
Our analysis shows that the 2000–2001 epidemics
were most likely to start in larger population areas
from where the disease spreads to lower population
areas (Spearman r=x0.43, P=0.03). This happens
during a time when serotypes DEN-3 and DEN-4 are
identified for the first time. Similar trends have been
observed in other years, but the pattern for those repeated instances is not statistically significant. Hence,
the possibility of epidemic outbreaks as the result of
emergent and re-emergent diseases seems the most
likely explanation. In other words, the absence of
herd immunity, homogenizes the host population and
increases the likelihood of epidemic outbreak waves.
Fig. 6. The correlation between dengue incidence and climatological variables for each of the dengue outbreaks occurring across the Peruvian provinces during the period
1994–2006. (a) Stepwise regression models of the weekly
number of dengue cases using initially four climatological
variables as predictors (mean, minimum, and maximum
temperature and precipitation) explain on average between
39.4 % and 47.3 % of the observed variance when the climatological variables are lagged from 0 to 20 weeks. The
best regression model (explaining a mean of 47.3 % of the
variability) was obtained when the climatological variables
were lagged by 5 weeks. (b) The minimum temperature was
found to be the most significant predictor variable in most
of the regression models analysed for each dengue outbreak,
followed by maximum temperature.
Time-series analysis with climatological variables
We apply stepwise regression models using the weekly
number of dengue cases as the response variable
to four climatological variables as predictors (mean,
minimum, and maximum temperature and precipitation). These models explain on average from 39.4 %
to 47.3 % of the observed variance when the climatological variables are lagged from 0 to 20 weeks
(Fig. 6). The best regression model (explaining a mean
of 47.3% of the variability) is obtained when the
climatological variables are lagged by 5 weeks. The
regression model without lag periods in the climatological variables explains a mean of 42% of the
We have analysed the transmission dynamics of dengue fever in Peru during the period 1994–2006 using
weekly dengue incidence data stratified by provinces
and a diverse set of statistical and mathematical tools.
To the best of our knowledge this is the first population study of dengue fever at such spatial resolution.
Our analyses included the estimation of the local reproduction number for each of the dengue outbreaks
occurring across Peru during the period 1996–2004,
the evaluation of the notion of critical community size
previously studied in the context of other infectious
diseases [15, 25], the characterization of the distributions of attack rates and epidemic durations, and the
quantification of spatial heterogeneity using standard
measures in economics (Lorenz curve and Gini
Estimates of the reproduction number (R) for dengue fever have varied significantly across locations
because of variations in several factors including
serotype circulation, available data, immunological
history of the population, mosquito infestation levels,
and climate variability. Our R estimates lie in the
range from 0.1 to 112.8 (IQR 0.83–4.46). These are
comparable with estimates for R (between 1.3 and 2.4)
in the 1986 national dengue serosurvey in Mexico
[37] ; 1.1–3.3 in the state of Colima, Mexico in 2002
[16] ; 4–6 in Thailand [38] ; 1.6–2.5 in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dengue fever in Peru, 1994–2006
in 1991 [39] ; 3.6–12.9 in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2000
[40] ; and 2–103 in nine Brazilian regions during the
period 1996–2003 [41].
The data in jungle areas suggest that a critical
community size of about half a million individuals is
needed to sustain an epidemic. We did not observe a
clear pattern in the role of community size in coastal
or mountain areas where dengue seems to be reaching
endemic levels (Fig. 3). Kuno [23] estimated that the
critical community size lies between 150 000 and
1 000 000 to sustain a dengue epidemic in Puerto Rico
and Trinidad. Wearing & Rohani [26] report that
local dengue extinctions in Thai provinces become
rare when the population size is higher than one million.
Heterogeneity in dengue attack rates was higher in
coastal areas followed by mountain range areas and
jungle areas. Dengue outbreaks occurred at elevations
of up to y1500 m, and a small possibly ‘ imported ’
outbreak of seven cases occurred at an elevation of
4041 m. In fact, mosquitoes are able to survive a lifecycle indoors at altitudes as high as 2200 m above sea
level [42]. A dengue outbreak has been documented at
an altitude of 1700 m in Mexico [43].
We found that most dengue outbreaks are associated with a small attack rate, although a small
number of epidemics are associated with high attack
rates. In fact, we found that the distribution of dengue
attack rates and epidemic durations at the level of
provinces in Peru follow power-law (Pareto) distributions with remarkably similar mean power-law
Minimum temperature was the most significant
climatological variable in the stepwise regression
models. This is in agreement with Yasuno & Tonn
[19] who found that the lowest daily temperature,
rather than the average temperature, was more influential on the extrinsic (mosquito) incubation
In our study, climatological variables alone were
able to explain up to an average of about 50% in the
variability in dengue incidence when these were temporarily lagged by 5 weeks. Other factors such as
mosquito infestation levels that were not considered
in this study might be contributing substantially to the
dengue incidence levels in Peru. Such infestation levels
will be directly associated with the intensity and timing of control interventions. In fact, a positive correlation between A. Aegypti indices and seroprevalence
of dengue antibody levels has been reported, which
suggests the presence of a critical vector density in
order for dengue outbreaks to take place [44]. In some
regions in Peru, highly heterogeneous mosquito infestation levels and dengue seroprevalence have been
reported (e.g. [45–47]). Regarding the effects of vector
control interventions, the fraction of houses infested
by vector mosquitoes has been found to be negatively
correlated with the intensity of anti-mosquito interventions in a Brazilian city [48]. Unfortunately, spatially resolved data on vector infestation levels across
Peru was not available, and therefore, the interaction
of climatological information, geography and demographics with infestation levels and the intensity and
timing of control interventions remains an open
question for future research.
The highest correlation of climatological variables
with dengue incidence data at different temporal
lags has been found to vary significantly across
studies. For instance, an analysis using monthly data
of the 2002 dengue epidemic in Colima, Mexico [49]
indicated that precipitation, mean temperature, and
minimum temperature were most correlated with
dengue incidence without a lag period whereas maximum temperature and evaporation were most correlated to dengue incidence at lags of 1 and 3 months,
respectively [49]. On the other hand, Keating [36]
found the highest correlation between mean temperature and dengue incidence at a lag period of 3 months
in Puerto Rico [36]. Furthermore, Depradine &
Lovell [35] reported different lag periods with highest
correlation with dengue incidence in the small
Caribbean island of Barbados. They found a 6-week
lag for vapour pressure, 7-week lag for precipitation,
12-week lag for minimum temperature, and a 16-week
lag for maximum temperature.
Large population areas were associated with an
earlier epidemic onset than low population areas
during the 2000–2001 epidemic suggesting a hierarchical transmission network. This result is in accord
with Cummings et al. [50] who identified a travelling
wave of dengue infection in Thailand emanating from
Bangkok and disseminating to less populous areas.
Travelling waves have also been reported in the
spread of other infectious diseases including measles
[51] and seasonal influenza [52, 53].
Overall our findings indicate that highly refined
spatial and temporal epidemic data of dengue fever
are critically needed not only to increase our understanding of the dynamics of dengue fever around
the world but also to generate new hypothesis and
provide a platform for testing innovative control
G. Chowell and others
Supplementary information accompanies this paper
on the Journal’s website (http://journals.cambridge.
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