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2013, International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
3 pages
1 file
Presented herein is a new and independent derivation of equation for the radius of Black Holes, i.e. the event horizon of black holes. The equation has been derived by formulating the relativistic equation of escape velocity derived from the relativistic equations for gravitational potential and kinetic energy. Based upon that, it is now shown that the actual size of a black hole, as determined by its event horizon, is exactly half the value predicted by the escape velocity equation used in the Newtonian mechanics. It proves that the actual radius of a black hole is exactly one half of the Schwarzschild radius.
Copyright © 2013 Shiv Raj Aryan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Presented herein is a new and independent derivation of equation for the radius of Black Holes, i.e. the event horizon of black holes. The equation has been derived by formulating the relativistic equation of escape velocity derived from the relativistic equations for gravitational potential and kinetic energy. Based upon that, it is now shown that the actual size of a black hole, as determined by its event horizon, is exactly half the value predicted by the escape velocity equation used in the Newtonian mechanics. It proves that the actual radius of a black hole is exactly one half of the Schwarzschild radius.
The gravitational theory is the most accredited theory for explaining black holes. In this paper we present a new interpretation based on the relativistic theory that explains black holes as a consequence of the relativistic speed of departure between the speed of celestial system and the speed of both light and quantum rays at very high energy, calculated with respect to the observer.
Many previous attempts have been undertaken to produce a singularity-free solution to the black hole problem. This effort included many " Bardeen black hole " models, as well as quantum mechanical, and string theory models. The present paper describes a new solution based on a relativistic extension of Newton-Galileo physics, termed Information Relativity theory. For a purely gravitational, spherical black hole, the theory yields a black hole radius that equals the Schwarzschild radius, but without an interior singularity. Moreover, for a typical galaxy with a supermassive black hole residing at its center, the model produces a simple expression for the galaxy's dynamics in its dependence on redshift. According to the emerging dynamics, a galaxy's supermassive black hole is part of a binary system, together with a naked singularity at redshift z = 2-1/2 ≈ 0.707, suspected to be a quasar with extreme velocity offsets or an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Another redshift, z ≈ 2.078, is also predicted to be associated with quasars and AGNs. The derived results are contrasted with observational data and with a recent ΛCDM model. Taken together, the produced galaxy dynamics and the aforementioned results could shed some light on the role of supermassive black holes in the evolution of the galaxies in which they reside. The success of Information Relativity in reproducing the Schwarzschild radius of black holes, together with previous successful predictions of the phenomena of light bending, gravitational redshift, dark matter, and dark energy, attest the possibility of constructing a simple cosmology, based only on physical variables, without the notion of space time and its geodesics.
In this paper we propose a full revised version of a simple model, which allows a formal derivation of an infinite set of Schwarzschild-Like solutions (non-rotating and non-charged "black holes"), without resorting to General Relativity. A new meaning is assigned to the usual Schwarzschild-Like solutions (Hilbert, Droste, Brillouin, Schwarzschild), as well as to the very concepts of "black hole" and "event horizon". We hypothesize a closed Universe, homogeneous and isotropic, characterized by a further spatial dimension. Although the Universe is postulated as belonging to the so-called oscillatory class (in detail, we consider a simple-harmonically oscillating Universe), the metric variation of distances is not thought to be a real phenomenon (otherwise, we would not be able to derive any static solution): on this subject, the cosmological redshift is regarded as being caused by a variation over time of the Planck "constant". Time is considered as being absolute. The influence of matter/energy on space is analysed by the superposition of three three-dimensional scenarios. A short section is dedicated to the so-called gravitational redshift which, once having imposed the conservation of energy, may be ascribable to a local variability of the Planck "constant".
The modern notion of a black hole singularity is considered with reference to the Schwarzschild solution to Einstein's field equations of general relativity. A brief derivation of both the original and the modern line elements is given. The argument is put forward that the singularity occurring within the Schwarzschild line element that has been associated with the radius of the black hole event horizon is, in fact, merely a mathematical occurrence and does not exist physically. The real aim here, however, is to attempt to open up the whole problem, draw some conclusions, but finally to urge everyone to consider the points raised with no preconceived opinions and then come to their own final conclusion.
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