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Circuits, Systems and Computers, 1977. Conference Record. 1977 11th Asilomar Conference on
8 pages
1 file
Wave pmpagatwn thnmgh various media repwsents a significant pmbkm in mang appkcdions in a-cousi?icaand ekctnnnagnetks especially when h medium is dispersive. We pose a geneml dispersive wave propagationmodel that could easilIInqnwsent miang classes of dispersive waves and proceed to develop a mo&l-based processor employing this underlyi 'if Strwcture. The genend solution to the model-based isperstve wave estimation probkm is developed using the Bayesian maximum a-posterioti (MAP) approach which leads to the nonlinear extended Kaiman jilter (EKF) processor.
Inverse Problems, 2011
A model-based algorithm is presented that uses minimal a priori information and assumptions to adaptively estimate parameters associated with propagating waves in a homogeneous medium. These parameters include transmitter and receiver transfer functions, propagation distances, dispersion, and propagation loss. The algorithm is described in a general framework that accommodates direct arrivals from two or more transmitter–receiver pairs and can be readily adapted to handle application-specific model assumptions. Experimental validation is performed with two sets of ultrasonic guided wave data that conform to two different sets of model assumptions, demonstrating the impact of these assumptions and the ability to successfully estimate model parameters in a dispersive medium.
Dispersive delay and comb filters, implemented as a parallel sum of high-Q mode filters tuned to provide a desired frequency-dependent delay characteristic, have advantages over dispersive filters that are implemented using cascade or frequency-domain architectures. Here we present techniques for designing the modal filter parameters for music and audio applications. Through examples, we show that this parallel structure is conducive to interactive and time-varying modifications, and we introduce extensions to the basic model.
IET Signal Processing, 2011
A modified matrix pencil method (MPM) inspired by interpolated arrays is proposed for the problem of parameter estimation in dispersive media obeying a frequency power law. A direct consequence of the arising dispersive signal model is that the Hankel prediction matrix can no longer be expressed using the Vandermonde decomposition, which hinders the direct application of all matrix-shifting techniques including the MPM. This is remedied by restoring the Vandermonde structure of the mode vectors via two different interpolation procedures. The first procedure is two dimensional, whereas the second one is one dimensional and iterative. The two versions of the interpolated algorithm are tested on simulated data representing radar acquisitions over a stratified dispersive medium, and their performance is assessed against the Cramér-Rao lower bound. The obtained results indicate that the iterative interpolation procedure affords the optimal performance of its twodimensional counterpart at a reduced computational burden.
Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
This study presents an efficient parallelized staggered grid pseudospectral method for 2-D viscoacoustic seismic waveform modeling that runs in a highperformance multi-processor computer and an in-house developed PC cluster. Parallel simulation permits several processors to be used for solving a single large problem with a high computation to communication ratio. Thus, parallelizing the serial scheme effectively reduces the computation time. Computational results indicate a reasonably consistent parallel performance when using different FFTs in pseudospectral computations. Meanwhile, a virtually perfect linear speedup can be achieved in a distributed-memory multi-processor environment. Effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated using synthetic examples by simulating multiple shot gathers consistent with field coordinates. For dispersive and attenuating media, the propagating wavefield possesses the observable differences in waveform, amplitude and travel-times. The resulting effects on seismic signals, such as the decreased amplitude because of intrinsic Q and temporal shift because of physical dispersion phenomena, can be analyzed quantitatively. Anelastic effects become more visible owing to cumulative propagation effects. Field data application is presented in simulating OBS wide-angle seismic marine data for deep crustal structure study. The fine details of deep crustal velocity and attenuation structures in the survey area can be resolved by comparing simulated waveforms with observed seismograms recorded at various distances. Parallel performance is analyzed through speedup and efficiency for a variety of computing platforms. Effective parallel implementation requires numerous independent CPU intensive sub-jobs with low latency and high bandwidth inter-processor communication.
Progress in Oceanography, 2007
This paper is the product of the wave modelling community and it tries to make a picture of the present situation in this branch of science, exploring the previous and the most recent results and looking ahead towards the solution of the problems we presently face. Both theory and applications are considered. The many faces of the subject imply separate discussions. This is reflected into the single sections, seven of them, each dealing with a specific topic, the whole providing a broad and solid overview of the present state of the art. After an introduction framing the problem and the approach we followed, we deal in sequence with the following subjects: (Section) 2, generation by wind; 3, non-linear interactions in deep water; 4, white-capping dissipation; 5, non-linear interactions in shallow water; 6, dissipation at the sea bottom; 7, wave propagation; 8, numerics. The two final sections, 9 and 10, summarize the present situation from a general point of view and try to look at the future developments. Keywords Wind waves Wind wave generation Wave-wave interaction Wave propagation Wave dissipation Wave-current interaction Numerics List of contents 1. Introduction 2. Brief Review of Wind-wave Generation 2.1. Linear theory 2.2. Nonlinear effects 2.3. Gustiness 2.4. Open issues Damping of low-frequency swells Momentum transfer for high wind speeds Quality of modelled wind fields 3. Modelling Nonlinear Four-wave Interactions in Discrete Spectral Wave Models 3.1. Theory 3.2. Solution methods 3.3. Properties 3.4. Development in computational methods 3.5. Inter-comparison of computational methods 3.6. Questions and actions 4. Spectral Dissipation in Deep Water 4.1. Theoretical and experimental research of physics of the spectral dissipation Spectral dissipation due to wave breaking Wave-turbulence interactions Wave-wave modulations 4.2. Modelling the spectral dissipation function 5. Nonlinear Interactions in Shallow Water Waves 5.1. Nonlinearity in shallow water 5.2. Deterministic models: time-domain and spectral-domain 5.3. Stochastic models 5.4. Dissipation and wave breaking in shallow water 5.5. Open problems 6. Bottom Dissipation 6.1. Wave energy dissipation due to bottom friction Common formulations for spectral wave models: waves only Common formulations for spectral wave models: waves and currents Bottom roughness models for movable beds 6.2. Energy dissipation due to wave-bottom interaction 6.3. Wave scattering and reflection 6.4. Discussion and outstanding problems 7. Wave Propagation 7.1. Dispersion, geometrical optics and the wave action equation 7.2. Limitations of geometrical optics: diffraction, reflection and random scattering 7.3. Waves over varying currents, non-linear wave effects and the advection velocity 7.4. Waves blocking 7.5. Unsteady water depths and currents 7.6. Waves in the real ocean 8. Numerics and Resolution in Large-scale Wave Modelling 8.1. A description of the problem Error due to the numerical scheme for geographic propagation on a grid Diffusion Numerical dispersion Combined effect of diffusion and dispersion Error due to the numerical scheme for spectral propagation Error due to coarse geographic resolution Error due to coarse spectral resolution Errors in source term integration 8.2. Existing solutions Improved numerical schemes for propagation on a grid Alternatives to the finite difference schemes on a grid Addressing error due to coarse geographic resolution Garden Sprinkler Effect correction methods Errors in source terms integration 8.3. Relative importance of problem Error due to the numerical scheme for geographic propagation Argument Counter-argument Error due to the numerical scheme for spectral propagation Geographic resolution Spectral resolution Source term integration 8.4. Future solutions The numerical scheme for geographic propagation Geographic resolution Spectral resolution Errors in source term integration 8.5. Numerics and resolution: Problems particular to finite depth and high resolution applications 9. Where We Are 10.Where to Go Acknowledgements References List of authors, affiliations and addresses
This paper deals with seismic signal processing. We pro- pose a new algorithm which performs the dispersion filter estimation using a linear array of geophones. This estima- tion enables a robust characterization and extraction of the dispersive propagating waves from a seismic profile. The novelty of our method is the use of a simultaneous time de- lay and phase shift correction in order to estimate the dis- persion filter. The resulting algorithm is semi-automatic and requires very few input parameters. The main advantage of our algorithm is that the signals are analysed in the time- frequency domain using all sensors simultaneously while classical approches are either multi-sensor in the frequency domain or single sensor in the time-frequency domain. Val- idations on synthetic and real data show the reliability of the algorithm.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2005
A sequential time dependent data assimilation scheme based on the Kalman filter is applied to a spectral wave model. Usually, the first guess covariance matrices used in optimal interpolation schemes are exponential spreading functions, which remain constant. In the present work the first guess correlation errors evolve in time according to the dynamic constraints of the wave model. A system error noise is deduced and used to balance numerical errors.
The Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Uniurb) invites applications for a 12-month research position (Assegno di ricerca) in Roman History and Latin Epigraphy, which may be renewed for a second year. The successful candidate will contribute to the project "SLaVEgents: Enslaved persons in the making of societies and cultures across Western Eurasia and North Africa, 1000 BCE - 300 CE", funded by an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council, with a research project on “Enslaved and Freed Persons in the Making of Societies and Cultures in Roman Italy”. Further information can be found at: The position is advertised on the Uniurb website (, where you can also find specific information about how to apply: Deadline for application is Sunday 16th June 2024. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] for any further information. --- L'Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (Uniurb) ha bandito un assegno di ricerca in Storia romana ed Epigrafia latina della durata di 12 mesi, rinnovabile per un secondo anno. Il/La candidato/a che risulterà vincitore/vincitrice contribuirà al progetto "SLaVEgents: Enslaved persons in the making of societies and cultures across Western Eurasia and North Africa, 1000 BCE - 300 CE" (ERC – 2022 - Grant Agreement number: 101095823) lavorando su un programma di ricerca intitolato "Schiavi e liberti nella formazione di società e culture nell'Italia romana". Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili all'indirizzo: Il bando è pubblicato sul sito web dell'Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (, dove si possono trovare anche informazioni specifiche sulle modalità di candidatura: La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è domenica 16 giugno 2024.
mengemban tugas mengelola dan memelihara alam semesta dengan penuh ketaqwaan dan penuh tanggung jawab untuk kesejahteraan umat manusia, oleh penciptaNya dianugerahi hak asasi untuk menjamin keberadaan harkat dan martabat kemuliaan dirinya serta keharmonisan lingkungannya; Bahwa hak asasi manusia merupakan hak dasar yang secara kodrati melekat pada diri manusia, bersifat universal dan langgeng, oleh karena itu harus dilindungi, dihormati, dipertahankan, dan tidak boleh diabaikan, dikurangi, atau dirampas oleh siapapun;
We show that phase theory (Chomsky 2000) can be very useful for understanding some formal properties of code-switching. In particular, phases provide insight into González-Vilbazo's (2005) Principle of Functional Restriction as well as Poplack's (1980) Free Morpheme Constraint - regarding both their correct predictions and the counterexamples that do exist.
Preventive medicine, 2012
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2015
Urban science, 2024
Revista Corpoconsciência, 2024
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism, 2013
Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, 2024
International Conference (University of Edinburgh): "Overwhelmed. Spectacles and Visuality in Early and Late Imperial Poetry" , 2024
Geologica Balcanica
Physical Review B, 2012
Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2003
PLoS Pathogens, 2012
Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, 2013
European Journal of Radiology Extra, 2009