Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS
A Fuzzy Logic System For Home Elderly People Monitoring
Jerome BOUDY2 , Bernadette DORIZZI2
Telecom Sud Paris
9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry
1 rue du Port de Valvins, 77215
Avon-Fontainebleau cedex, France
{hamid.medjahed,dan.istrate} {jerome.boudy,bernadette.dorizzi}
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a view of a telemonitoring system based on fuzzy logic for distress
situations detection of elderly people living alone in the home environment. This system includes three different
sensors: physiological sensors (cardiac frequency, activity or agitation, posture and fall detection sensor), microphones and infrared sensors. Taking into account the difficulty of the statistical modeling of abnormal situation
and considering that the Fuzzy Logic has been actually used with success in the development of classifier and
analysis of control systems, its use in the decision fusion module of our home elderly people monitoring system is
presented and evaluated in this paper.
Key–Words: Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy set, Data fusion, Health Science,Fuzzy Control.
we propose a new multimodal system called
EMUTEM [4][5] (Environnement Multimodal pour
la Télévigilance Medicale) for in home health care
monitoring. EMUTEM gathers three subsystems
which have been technically validated from end
to end, through their hardware and software. The
first one is Anason subsystem [5] with its set of
microphones that allow sound remote monitoring of
the acoustical environment of the elderly. The second
subsystem is RFpat [5], a wearable device fixed on
the elderly person, that can measure physiological
data like heart rate, activity, posture and an eventual
fall done by the person. The last subsystem is a set
of infrared sensors called Gardien [5], that detect the
presence of the person in a given part and also the
person’s standing posture.
World life expectancy has increased more than two
fold over the past two hundred years [1]. The trend toward an increasingly aged population creates a growing demand for home care services, and more and
more eledrly prefer to live alone at home. Based on
this fact a significant burden for our society are expected, because to leave older peoples at home without putting them in danger, requires intelligent reliable remote monitoring systems that are able to offer
them more independence and dignity than would be
possible. In fact, a statistical study indicates that the
elderly are at greater risk of trips and falls, in 1999,
there were 204, 424 fall related A&E admissions, 39%
of which were accounted for by patients 75 years or
older, 25% were between the ages of 70-74 and 18%
were 65 to 69 years of age [2]. 75% of those aged 75
years and over suffer from chronic disease, characterized as a long term health complication that current
medical practice cannot overcome, with around 25%
of these suffering from a combination of three or more
such conditions[3].
For this reason various projects and consortia have been funded and created under
European Community coordination, including
CompanionAble1 project2 the one in which
The three subsystem data streams have been separately processed with suitable algorithms to abnormal situations detection. In order to maximize correct classification performance between normal and
distress situations, data fusion over the different sensors types is studied. The area of data fusion has generated great interest among researchers in many science and engineering disciplines. We have identified
two major classes of fusion techniques: (1) Those that
are based on probabilistic models (such as Bayesian
reasoning [6] and the geometric decision reasoning),
but their performance is limited when the data are too
complex, therefore the model is uncontrollable. (2)
Those based on connectionist models (such as neu-
The research leading to these results has received funding
from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2011) under grant agreement n.216487.
ISSN: 1790-5109
ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS
tributes are difficult to measure accurately or difficult to quantify numerically. At that time, it is natural to use fuzzy sets to describe the value of these
parameters. The attributes are linguistic variables,
whose values are built with adjectives and adverbs
of language: large, small, medium etc...and as an
illustrating example, we found the recognition system proposed by Mandal et al.[17]. Some methods are based on a discretization of the attributes
space which is a language. Thus a numerical scale
of length will be replaced by a set of fuzzy labels,
for example (very small, small, medium, large, extra large), and any measure of length, even numerical is converted on this scale. The underlying idea
is to work with the maximum granularity, i.e. the
minimum accuracy.
ral networks MLP [7] and SVM [8]) which are very
powerful because they can model the strong nonlinearity of data but with complex architecture, thus lack
of intelligibility. Based on those facts and considering
the complexity of the data to process (audio, physiologic and multisensory measurements) plus the difficulty of the statistical modeling of abnormal situation, fuzzy logic has been found useful to be the decision module of our multimodal monitoring system.
Fuzzy logic can gather performance and intelligibility
and it deals with imprecision and uncertainty. It has
a history of application for clinical problems including use in automated diagnosis [9], control systems
[10], image processing [11] and pattern recognition
[12]. Some experts find it easier to map their knowledge onto fuzzy relationships than onto probabilistic
relationships between crisply defined variables.
The organization of this paper is as follows. A
brief state of art about fuzzy logic in data fusion is
presented in section II. Then, the configuration and
the methodology of the developed detection of distress situations using fuzzy logic are explained in detail in section III. Experimental results are shown in
section IV. Finally, a conclusion of this work is given
in section V.
◦ Class representation: Class don’t create a clear partition of the data space, but a fuzzy partition where
recovery is allowed will be better adapted. A significant number of fuzzy patterns recognition methods,
are just an extension of traditional methods based on
the idea of fuzzy partition for example the fuzzy cmeans algorithm [18]. Historically, the idea of fuzzy
partition was first proposed by Ruspini [19] in 1969.
Rather than creating new methods of fusion and
classification based on entirely different approaches,
fuzzy logic fit naturally in the expression of the problem of classification, and tend to make a generalization of the classification methods that already exist.
Taking onto account the four steps of a recognition
system proposed by Bezdek et Pal [20], fuzzy logic is
very useful for these steps.
State of the art
The use of fuzzy logic in EMUTEM fusion is motivated by two main raisons from a global point of view:
◦ Firstly the characteristic of data to merge which are
measurements obtained from different sensors, thus
they could be imprecise and imperfect. These data
will be classified into two class normal situation and
distress one, that are fuzzy because there is no clear
limit between them.
◦ Data description: Fuzzy logic is used to descript
syntactic data [21], numerical and Contextual data,
conceptual or rules based data [22] which is the most
significant contribution for the data description.
◦ Secondly, the history of fuzzy logic proves that it is
used in many steps which are necessary for a data
classification application.
◦ Analysis of discriminate parameters: In image processing, there are many techniques based on fuzzy
logic for segmentation, detection, contrast enhancement [23] and extraction [24].
Fuzzy logic and classification systems
In 1965, Zadeh [13] introduced the concept of Fuzzy
set theory. Historically, this was closely related to
the concept of fuzzy measure, proposed just after by
Sugeno [14]. Similar attempts at proposing fuzzy concept were also made at the same time by Shafer (evidence theory [15]) and Shackle (surprise theory [16]).
Since that time, fuzzy logic has been more studied,
and several applications were developed, essentially
in Japan. The use of fuzzy sets can be done mainly at
two levels:
◦ Attributes representation: It may happen that data
are uncomplete or noisy, unreliable, or some atISSN: 1790-5109
◦ Clustering algorithms: The aim of these algorithms
is to label a set of data into C groups, so that
obtained groups contain the most possible similar
individuals. Fuzzy c-mean algorithm and fuzzy
ISODATA [25] algorithm are the famous in this category.
◦ Design of the discriminator: The discriminator is
designed to produce a fuzzy partition or a clear one,
describing the data. This partition corresponds to
classes. Indeed the fuzzy ISODATA algorithm will
be adapted for this step.
ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS
How to do fuzzy logic
and y2 is C2 and...and yp is Cp . Where Ai and Ci
are fuzzy sets that define the partition space. The
conclusion of a Mamdani rule is a fuzzy set. It
uses the algebraic product and the maximum as Tnorm and S-norm respectively, but there are many
variations by using other operators.
Fuzzy logic reflects human reasoning based on inaccurate or incomplete data. It uses the concept of
partial membership, each element belongs partially or
gradually to fuzzy sets that have been already defined.
And in contrast to classical logic where the membership function u(x) of an element x belonging to a set
A could take only two values: uA (x) = 1 if x ∈A or
uA (x) = 0 if x 6∈A, fuzzy logic introduces the concept of membership degree of an element x to a set A
and uA (x) ∈[0, 1], here we speak about truth value.
◦ Takagi/Sugeno rules [26]: If x1 is A1 and x2 is A2
and...and xp is Ap Then y = b0 + b1 x1 + b2 x2 +
... + bp xp . In the Sugeno model the conclusion
is numerical. The rules aggregation is in fact the
weighted sum of rules outputs.
◦ Defuzzification: The last step of a fuzzy logic system consists in turning the fuzzy variables generated by the fuzzy logic rules into real value again
which can then be used to perform some action.
There are different defuzzification methods,in the
EMUTEM decision module we could use Centroid
of area (COA), Bisector of area (BOA), Mean of
Maximum (MOM), Smallest of Maximum (SOM)
and Largest of Maximum (LOM). Equations 1, 2, 3
and 4 illustrate them.
Figure 1: Fuzzy inference system steps.
Figure 1 shows the main fuzzy inference system steps that are used in EMUTEM decision module
which are:
◦ Fuzzification: First step in fuzzy logic is to convert
the measured data into a set of fuzzy variables. It
is done by giving value (these will be our variables)
to each of a set membership functions. Membership
functions take different shapes as it is on the figure
2. The choice of function shape is determinate iteratively, according to type of data and taking into
account the experimental results.
ZBOA = xM ;
uA (xi )xi
= Pi=1
i=1 uA (xi )
uA (xi ) =
uA (xj ) (2)
j=M +1
i=1 xi
ZSOM = min(x∗i ) and ZLOM = max(x∗i )
where x∗i (i = 1, 2, ..., N ) reach the maximal values
of uA (x).
The main advantages of using fuzzy logic system are
the simplicity of the approach and the capacity of
dealing with the complex data acquired from the three
subsystems: Anason, RFpat and Gardien. Fuzzy set
theory offers a convenient way to do all possible combinations with these data. Fuzzy set theory is used in
this system to determine the most likely distress situations that might occur for elderly persons in their
home. The data fusion is carried out at three different
levels: for sound at decision level, for infrared system at input data level and for wearable physiological
sensor at representation level.
Figure 2: Membership functions.
◦ Fuzzy rules and inference system: The fuzzy inference system uses fuzzy equivalents of logical
AND, OR and NOT operations to build up fuzzy
logic rules. There are several types of fuzzy rules,
we mention only the two mains used in our system:
◦ Mamdani rules [26] which is of the form: If x1 is
A1 and x2 is A2 and...and xp is Ap Then y1 is C1
ISSN: 1790-5109
ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS
Methodology and configuration
The first step for implementing this approach is the
fuzzification of system outputs and inputs obtained
from each subsystem.
From Anason subsystem three inputs are built.
The first one is the sound environment classification,
where all sound class and distress expressions detected are labeled on a numerical scale according to
their alarm level. Four membership functions are set
up in this numerical scale according to the following
fuzzy levels: no signal, normal, possible alarm and
alarm as it is shown in figure 3. Two other inputs
are associated to each SNR calculated on each microphone (two microphones are used in the current application), and these inputs are split into three fuzzy
levels: low, medium and high.
Figure 4: Fuzzy sets defined for the input variables
produced by RFpat.
Figure 3: Fuzzy sets defined for the input variables
produced by Anason.
Figure 5: Fuzzy sets defined for the input variables
produced by Gardien.
As seen in figure 4, RFpat produce five inputs:
Heart rate for which three fuzzy levels are specified
normal, possible alarm and alarm; Activity which has
four fuzzy sets: immobile, rest, normal and agitation;
Posture is represented by two membership functions
standing up / setting down and lying; Fall and call
have also two fuzzy levels: Fall/Call and No Fall/Call.
The defined area of each membership function associated to heart rate or activity is adapted to each monitored elderly person.
For each infrared sensor a counter of motion detection with three fuzzy levels (low, medium, high) is
associated, and a global one for all infrared sensors.
As we use six vertical infrared sensors and two horizontal infrared sensors, Gardien subsystem delivers
nine other inputs to the fuzzy inference module.
The last input which is time is shown in figure 6,
it has two membership functions day and night which
are also adapted to patient habits.
ISSN: 1790-5109
Figure 6: Fuzzy sets defined for the time input.
The EMUTEM fuzzy inference component has
two outputs, an alarm output with two fuzzy levels
(normal and distress situation) and a localization output where the classical areas of a house are the fuzzy
levels. Figure 7 shows the membership functions of
these outputs, Gaussian functions is chosen for the
alarm outputs, and trapezoid functions for the localization output. We have chosen the Gaussian function
ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS
for the alarm output in order to obtain also a confidence level of each alarm rule necessary for a better
alarm decision. Membership functions of localization
are ordered according to the repartition of the classical
areas in the house.
Fuzzy rules and defuzzification
EMUTEM fuzzy inference engine is formulated by
two groups of fuzzy IF-THEN rules. One group controls the output variable localization according to values of the input variables infrared sensors Ci and SNR
of each microphone. The other group controls the output variable alarm according to all inputs. An example
of fuzzy rule for alarm detection is:
◦ If (Anason classification is no signal) and (Heart
rate is possible alarm) and (Activity is immobile)
and (Cc is low) and (C8 is low) and (Cg is low)
Then( Alarm is alarm)
A confidence factor is accorded for each rule and
to aggregate these rules we have the choice between
Mamdani or Sugeno approaches available under our
fuzzy logic component. After rules aggregation the
defuzzification is performed by the smallest value of
maximum method for the alarm output and the centroid of area for the output localization.
Figure 7: Fuzzy sets defined for the output variables.
Figure 8 shows the in-home sensors disposal and
the repartition of the home into areas in order to
evaluate and to supervise the EMUTEM experiments.
Microphones have been calibrated using a standard
level sinusoidal signal with a frequency of 1 KHz.
Infrared sensors are also calibrated and for each one
a specified monitoring zone is delimited.
Figure 9: Software architecture of EMUTEM system.
Figure 9 provides a synoptic block-diagram
scheme of the software architecture of the EMUTEM
system, it is implemented under Labwindows CVI
and C++ software. It is developed in a form of design component. We can distinguish three main components, the acquisition module, the synchronization
module and the fuzzy inference component. It can run
on off-line by reading data from a data base or online
by processing in real time data acquired via the acquisition module. To avoid the loss of data, a real time
module with two multithreading tasks is integrated in
the synchronization component. The EMUTEM system is now synchronized on Gardien subsystem be-
Figure 8: In-home sensors disposal.
ISSN: 1790-5109
ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6
Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS
cause of his smallest sampling rate (2 Hz) and periodicity.
We have developed a data fusion based Fuzzy
tools which allow the easy configuration of input intervals of Fuzzyfication, the writing of fuzzy rules
and the configuration of the defuzzyfication method.
The general interface of the system allows to build up
membership functions of inputs and outputs and displaying them. We could also write rules on text file
by using a specific language, that we have developed,
understandable by our system. The software implementation is validated with many experimental tests.
The results and the rules which produced them will be
displayed on this main panel.
used in this fuzzy inference system. The used strategy consisted in realizing several tests with different
combination rules, and based on obtained results one
rules are added to the selected set of rules in order
to get the missed detection. With this strategy good
results are reached for the two outputs (about 95% of
good detection for Alarm generation and 97% of good
localisation ); the system contains 10 rules for alarm
output and 16 rules for localization output.
We have started the tests of the 20 scenarios using
basic fuzzy rules which suppose that if a modality or
several indicate an alarm the system output is also an
alarm (in this case, there are not contradictory inputs).
As the progress of the tests, we’ve added other rules or
deleted in order to solve contradictory situations, taking into account the confidence level of inputs (sound
analysis send a confidence measure). These first results encourage us to further tests in real time. In the
framework of CompanionAble project will we benefit
of the knowledge of medical partners about possible
distress situations.
Experimental results
In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of this software, firstly we started by using simulated data in order to validate each rule. This simulation gaves very
promising results for the alarm generation and localization without any false alarm. Figure 10 shows results for a stream of data. After the validation of each
The main purpose of this paper is to present a new
fusion architecture based on fuzzy logic for in-home
elderly remote monitoring. The EMUTEM system which encloses this architecture is implemented
and validated by simulation and experimentation.
Experimental results were accurate and robust. The
fuzzy logic decision module reinforces the secure detection of older person’s distress events and his localization. This approach allows easiest combination between data and adding other sensors. This constitutes
a great asset of EMUTEM system to offer the possibility in a next future to implement very intelligent
remote monitoring system in care receiver houses.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of European
Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2011), CompanionAble Project (grant
agreement n. 216487).
Figure 10: Results for a stream of data.
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ISSN: 1790-5109
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ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6