Phytochemical screening of Sarcostigmma acidum W. & Ar.

Plants offer a large range of natural co mpounds belonging to different molecular families which have various properties to humans. These molecules possess interesting biological activities wh ich attracted several researchers to their elucidation to provide knowledge that will lead to advancement medicine. The present paper deals with the screening of various phytochemical present in various extract v iz., Aqueous, Ethanolic , chloroform and petroleu m ether of Sarcostemma acidum Wight. & Arn.

[Download free from www.ijpl, July, 2010] ISSN 0976-7126 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY & LIFE SCIENCES Phytochemical screening of Sarcostigmma acidum W. & Ar. Gupta Shailesh 1* and Kohli Seema 2 1,Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajasthan 2, Department of Pharmacy, Kala Nikaten Govt. Polytechnique College, Jabalpur, (M.P.) Abstract Plants offer a large range of natural co mpounds belonging to different molecular families which have various properties to humans. These molecules possess interesting biological activities wh ich attracted several researchers to their elucidation to provide knowledge that will lead to advancement medicine. The present paper deals with the screening of various phytochemical present in various extract v iz., Aqueous, Ethanolic , chloroform and petroleu m ether of Sarcostemma acidum Wight. & Arn. Keywords: Sarcostemma acidum, phytochemical screening, ethanolic ext ract Introduction The use of medicinal p lants as raw materials in the production of new drugs is ever increasing because of their potentials in combating the problem of drug resistance in micro -organisms. Demand for med icinal p lants is increasing in both developing and developed countries. Research on medicinal p lants is one of the leading areas of research globally 1-2 . However, there is a need to pay closer attention to the issue of bioactivity-safety evaluation of med icinal plants. Sarcostemma species like acidu m(Asclapiadacea) co mmonly know as soma and somlata is a leafless ,trailing Shrub. Sarcostemma acidum Wight. & Arn. is a folk medicinal plant and it contain varies active constituent which have some pharmaco logical activ ity. However, there is a need to play closer attention to the issue of bioactivity safely evaluation and formu lation of these medicinal plant 3-6 .The aim of present study is to perform the bioactivity safely evaluation and formulation of suitable dosage form. Material & Methods Collection of plant material The plant Sarcostigmma acidum were collected from med icinal nursery of State Forest Research Institute, Jabulpur Madhya Pradesh in the month of Jan-Feb, 2010 and were identified by the Depart ment. Preparation of plant powder The plant were dried under shade and then powdered with a mechanical grinder. The powder was passed through sieve No. 40 and stored in an airtight container for further use. Preparation of extracts The dried powder of plant was extracted with various solvents. Aqueous extract was prepared by cold maceration process. Ethanolic , chloroform and petroleum ether petroleu m ether extract were obtained using Soxhlet apparatus. The solvents were removed by distillat ion under reduced pressure and the resulting semisolid mass was vacuum dried using rotary flash evaporator to obtain the extract. Further, the extract was subjected to preliminary phytochemical screnning.7 * Corres ponding Author: Email-shailgpharma@g m, Mob. 09893392221 IJPLS, 1(3):170-173 Gupta & Kohli., July, 2010 Research Article 170 [Download free from www.ijpl, July, 2010] ISSN 0976-7126 Preliminary Phytochemical Screening 8 -12 1.Tests for carbohydrates and glycosi des Molisch’s test Sample was treated with 2-3 drops of 1% alcoholic - napthol solution and 2 ml of conc. sulphuric acid was added along the sides of the test tube. Appearance of brown ring at the junction of two liquids shows the presence of carbohydrates. Legal’s test To the sample add 1 ml of pyridine and few drops of sodium nitropruside solutions and then it was made alkaline with sodium hydroxide solution. Appearance of pink to red colour shows the presence of glycosides. Borntrager’s test Sample was treated with chloroform and then the chloroform layer was separated. To this equal quantity of dilute ammon ia solution was added. Ammon ia layer acquires pink color, showing the presence of glycosides. 2. Test for alkaloi ds A small portion of the sample was stirred separately with few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid and was tested with various reagents for the presence of alkalo ids. The reagents are o Dragendroff’s reagent Reddish brown ppt o Wagner;s reagent Reddish brown ppt o Mayer’s reagent Cream color ppt o Hager’s reagent Yellow co lor ppt o 3. Test for proteins and free amino aci ds Small quantities of the samp le was dissolved in few ml of water and treated with fo llo wing reagents. o Million’s reagent: Appearance of red color shows the Presence of protein and free amino acid. o Ninhydrin reagent: Appearance of purple color shows the Presence of Proteins and free amino acids o Biuret’s test: Equal volumes of 5% sodium hydro xide solution & 1% copper sulphate solution was added. Appearance of pink or purple color shows the presence of proteins and amino acids. 4. Test for tanni ns A small quantity of the sample was taken separately in water and test for the presence of phenol compounds and tannins was carried out with the following reagents. o Dilute Ferric chloride solution (5%) - Vio let color. o 10% lead acetate solution - White ppt 5. Test for flavonoi ds Alkaline reagent test To the test solution add few drops of magnesium hydroxide solution, intense yellow colour is formed which turns to colourless on addition of few drops of dilute acid indicates presence of flavonoids. Shinoda’s test Small quantities of the sample was dissolved in alcohol, to them piece of magnesium followed by conc. hydro chloric acid drop wise added and heated. Appearance of magneta color shows the presence of flavonoids . 6. Tests for fi xed oils and fats S pot test o A small quantity of sample was separately pressed between two filter papers. Appearance of oil stain on the paper indicates the presence of fixed o il. o Few d rops of 0.5 N alcoholic potassium hydro xide were added to a s mall quantity of sample along with a drop of phenolpthlein, the mixture was heated on a water bath for 1-2 hours, format ion of soap or partial neutralizat ion of alkali indicates the presence of fixed o ils and fats. 7. Tests for steroi ds and triterpenoi ds Li bermann-burchard test IJPLS, 1(3):170-173 Gupta & Kohli., July, 2010 Research Article 171 [Download free from www.ijpl, July, 2010] ISSN 0976-7126 Treat the sample with few drops of acetic an hydride, boil and cool. Then add con. sulphuric acid fro m the side of test tube, brown ring is formed at the junction two layers and upper layer turns green which shows presence of steroids and format ion of deep red colour indicates presence of triterpenoid. Salkowski test Treat the sample with few drop of conc. sulphuric acid, red colour at lo wer layer indicates presence of steroids and formation of yello w coloured lower layer indicates presence of triterpenoids. 8. Test for mucilages and gums Small quantities of sample was added separately to 25 ml. of absolute alcohol with constant stirring and filtered. The precipitates was dried in o il and examined for its swelling property for the presence of gum and mucilage. 9. Test for waxes To the test solution add alcoholic alkali solution, waxes get saponified. (The results are given in Table 1). Results and conclusion The plant Sarcostigmma acidum belonging to the family Asclepediaceae was taken up for the study by us to screen and give a report on the possible preliminary phytochemical screening and exhaustive extraction of the plant material was done with Water, ethanol, chloroform and petroleum ether and the extracts were screened for the presence of various medicinally active phyto constituents. The various extracts of the plant of Sarcostigmma acidum were subjected to phytochemical screening which reveals the presence of various pharmacological active components. Aqueous extract shows presence of alkalo ids, carbohydrates, glycosides, tan nins, protein, amino acids, steroids. Ethanolic extract shows presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, tannins, protein, amino acids, steroids. Chloro form extract shows presence of carbohydrates, tannins and Petroleum ether extract shows presence of alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, protein and amino acids, steroids. Since, the major active constituents are present in ethanolic ext ract, therefore, the ethanolic extract was taken for further investigation. The results are shown in Table: 1 Table No. 1 Prelimi nary phytochemical screening of di fferent extract of Sarcostigmma acidum S/No. 1. Constituents Alkaloids 2. Carbohydrates 3. Glycosides Test Mayer’s test AE - EE + CE - PE - Dragendroff’ test Hager’s test Wagner’s test + - + - - + + - Molisch’s test Fehling’s test Brontrager’s test + + - + + + + - + - Legal’s test Spot test Soap formation test + - + - - + - 4. Fixed oil and fats 5. Tannins FeCl3 Vanillin hydrochloride Alkaline reagent + - + + + + - - 6. Protein and amino acid Million’s test Ninhydrin test Biuret test + + - + - + + IJPLS, 1(3):170-173 Gupta & Kohli., July, 2010 - Research Article 172 [Download free from www.ijpl, July, 2010] ISSN 0976-7126 7. Flavanoids With NaOH Shinoda test - - - - 8. Steroids and triterpenoids With H2 SO4 Libermann’s Bu rchard test Salkowski’s test + + - + 9. 10. Mucilage and gum Waxes With 90% alcohol With alc. KOH - - - - AE: Aqueous Extract; EE: Ethanolic Extract; CE: Chloroform Extract; PE: Petroleumether Extract (+ Present, - Absent) Acknowledgement The authors are highly thankful to Dean Research Depart ment, SGVU and Modern Laboratories, Indore, M.P. for providing necessary facilities. References Soetan K.O. and Aiyelaagb, “The need for b ioactive-safely evaluation and conservation of medicinal plant”, Journals of medicinal p lant and Research, May, 2009; 3(5);324 -8. 2. Nadkarn i K.M., Indian Materia Medica, Vol-I, Bo mbay Popular Prakashan, second edition, 1927, reprint 1995. 3. 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