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2013, Bangladesh Journal of Anatomy
5 pages
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Context: The jugular foramen is one of the most fascinating foramen present at the base of the skull attracting the imagination of many Anatomists worldwide as many important structures pass through it, and amongst them the intriguing structure is the internal jugular vein. The shape and size of the jugular foramen is related to the size of the internal jugular vein and the presence or absence of a prominent superior bulb. As most of the textbooks of Anatomy describe that the right jugular foramen is usually larger than the left jugular foramen. Henceforth the present study was undertaken in 55 skulls from the dept. of Anatomy. Measurements were taken with the help of sliding vernier caliper. Study type: Cross-sectional descriptive type. Place and period of study: Department of Anatomy, Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi and Pabna Medical College, Pabna from April 2010 to June 2011. Materials and Methods: Total fifty five (55) human adult skulls were collected from the Anatomy depar...
Asian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2014
Background: Jugular foramen is one of the foramen at the base of skull lies between the occipital bone and the petrosal portion of the temporal bone. It allows passage of important nervous and vascular elements, such as the glossopharyngeal, vagus accessory nerves, and the internal jugular vein. Glomic tumors, schwannomas, metastatic lesions and infiltrating inflammatory processes are associated with this foramen, which can account for injuries of related structures. Variability in anatomical aspect of jugular foramen has been studied by many workers in different part of the world. Aims & Objective: To study the variability in shape and size of jugular foramen which has clear cut relationship with size of internal jugular vein and presence or absence of prominent superior bulb. The study is also aimed to confirm the description given in most of the text book of Anatomy that mostly right jugular foramen is larger than left (Figure 1). Materials and Methods: Present study has been des...
It is well known that the jugular foramina are essential for venous drainage of the brain. The size of the foramen is related to the size of the sigmoid sinus and the presence or absence of prominent jugular bulb. An anatomical study was undertaken in order to investigate the size of jugular foramen in human adult skulls. A total of 125 human skulls were examined to determine the diameter, area and side predominance of the foramen. In 64.8% of cases the right foramina were larger than the left, in 24.8% of cases the left foramina were larger than the right and in 10.4% cases they were equal in size on both sides. The mean length of the foramen on the right and left were 23.62mm and 22.86mm; the width measured 7.83mm and 6.83mm on the right and left respectively; the mean area on the right was 584.36cmm and on the left 493.30cmm.
Folia morphologica, 2004
The jugular foramen (JF) varies in shape and size from side to side in the same cranium, and in different crania, racial groups and sexes. Side dominance is also said to be common. The foramen's irregular shape, its formation by two bones and the numerous nerves and venous channels that pass through it further compound its anatomy. A morphometric study of 20 (40 JF) adult male Nigerian dry skulls was carried out. A bony bridge completely partitioned the JF in 3 (7.5%) of the JF. There was no tripartite JF. The JF mean length on the right and left were 13.90 mm (11.6-17.0 mm) and 14.11 mm (9.2-20.2 mm), while their widths measured 10.22 mm (6.8 -14.4 mm) and 9.57 mm (7.4-12.8 mm) on the right and left respectively. The mean JF area on the right was 437.49 mm (265.35-669.54 mm) and that on the left was 419.48 mm (276.46-634.60 mm). Side predominance of one of the JF appeared in 80% of cases. When present, the predominance of the right side was 55%, with 25% on the left. There was ...
KDU International Conference - Medicine (2014), 2014
Introduction: The jugular foramen has a wide ethnic variation in the anatomy and is a well known area for pathological lesions such as glomus tumors, Schwannomas etc, where such lesions are approached by drilling the bone around the jugular foramen. The authors intended to describe the morphometry and anatomical variations of the jugular foramen and the possible dimensional distinction between the jugular foramen and the jugular fossa. Methods: A descriptive study of 24 skulls was done regardless of the gender, to describe the mophometry of jugular foramen and jugular fossa along with scaled photographs. Comparisons between the right & left jugular foramen/ jugular fossa and comparison of jugular foramen & jugular fossa on the same side were done using the student t-test. Results: We found that the jugular foramen was present bilaterally in all the skulls studied. The mean ML diameter of the jugular foramen was larger in the right 16.02(±2.46) mm than in the left 15.46(±2.68) mm, which is compatible with previous studies; the mean AP diameters of jugular foramen were 8.28(±1.70) mm on left side and 6.84(±1.76) mm on right side. Conclusion: Therefore the jugular foramen is mophometrically different from jugular fossa at least from the AP diameter (t<0.05 bilaterally) and should be considered as two distinct anatomical structures rather than fossa as a section of foramen. The rest of the variations are possibly due to constitutional, racial, gender related or genetic factors and supports previous established data on Jugular foramen.
Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, 2014
Objective: Jugular foramen of human skull is one of the most interesting foramina. It is a complex bony canal, numerous vital structures, including nerves and vessels are transmitted through it. Most of the intracranial and extra cranial lesions of posterior cranial fossa might affect the structures in jugular foramen in addition to intrinsic abnormalities. As the neurosurgeons have become courageous in approaching this area, so there is a need to become familiar with this area. Hence, the present study was done to examine the anatomy of jugular foramen, including its morphological features and dimensions. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on 50 dried skulls. 100 jugular foramina were studied on both right and left side of skulls. The length, width of jugular foramen and width and depth of jugular fossa were measured using vernier calipers. Presence of dome, complete and incomplete septation was also looked for. Results: The mean right and left anteroposterior diameter, latero-medial diameter, area, jugular fossa width, depth in our study was 11.22, 16.52, 187.34, 6.83, 11.58 mm and 9.52, 16.02, 153.2, 5.69, 11.13 mm. Dome was present in jugular foramen in 74% on the right side and 58% on the left side. Complete septation in jugular foramen is seen in 44% on the right side and 42% on the left side. Conclusion: This study will help the neurosurgeons while doing surgery in this region.
Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica
Jugular foramen is a hiatus in the posterior cranial fossa that transmits the internal jugular vein among other structures. The knowledge of the jugular foramen is important in neurosurgical procedures. The objective of the study was to characterize the morphology and the dimensions of jugular foramen in dry Nigerian skulls. One hundred and seventy jugular foramens from 85 dry adult skulls of unknown sex were studied. Morphology was studied by observation and measurements were taken with Vernier caliper. The parameters that were studied included the shape, septation, medio-lateral diameter, antero-posterior diameter of jugular foramen, and the dome, width and depth of jugular fossa. Oval shaped foramen (77%) was more prevalent than round shaped foramen (23%). Complete septation was found in 19.4% of skulls, while incomplete septation was found in 41.2% of skulls. Absence of septation was found in 39.4% of skulls. Dome over the jugular fossa was present in 67.6% and absent in 32.4% of the skulls. The antero-posterior diameter (right-13.20mm±2.8, left-11.72 ±2.8) and medio-lateral diameter (right-18.73mm ±3.5, left-17.33mm±3.1) were significantly higher on the right side than on the left side. The depth of jugular fossa was significantly higher on the right side (12.38mm±2.4) than on the left side (10.95mm±2.8). The width of jugular fossa was higher on the right (12.06mm±3.6) than on the left (11.80mm±3.3) but the difference was not significant. The present study demonstrated right sided dominance in the metric parameters of the jugular foramen in our environment.
Journal of the Anatomical Society of India, 2013
Introduction: The jugular foramen lies between the occipital bone and the petrosal portion of the temporal bone. It allows the passage of important nervous and vascular vein and inferior petrosal sinus. Glomic tumors, schwannomas, metastatic lesions and infiltrating inflammatory processes are associated with this foramen, which can account for injuries of related structures. Morphometric study of this foramen will serve as guide for imaging and operative procedures in the jugular foramen region. Material and methods: One hundred and sixteen dry adult skulls of unknown sex of south Indian origin were utilized for this study. Following dimensions of the foramen were measured with the help of a digital vernier caliper: i) Maximum dimension along the long axis; ii) Maximum dimension perpendicular to the long axis; iii) Maximum height of dome of jugular fossa and iv) Distance of stylomastoid foramen from lateral margin of jugular foramen. The minimum distance of stylomastoid foramen from the lateral margin of the foramen was also measured. Observations: The findings of the present study bring forth some important facts as follows: On an average, all the dimensions measured were more on the right side. The jugular fossa showed great variability ranging from total absence of fossa to deep excavation anterolaterally forming a large fossa with the well-defined roof. Conclusion: These observations call for further studies on variability of jugular fossa and its possible implications. The distance of the stylomastoid foramen from the jugular foramen will serve as guide for operating surgeons using infratemporal approach during skull base surgeries.
International Journal of Current Research and Review
Aim and Objective: The present study is the morphometric evaluation of the dimensions of jugular foramen in regard to the variability in shape and size of jugular foramen and the relationship between antero-posterior diameter (APD) and mediolateral diameter (ML) of jugular foramen on each side (right & left). The dimensions of the jugular foramen are clinically important because intracranial and extracranial lesions may affect the jugular foramen. The intrinsic abnormalities and pathological processes affecting the jugular foramen are intracranial meningiomas, paragangliomas, schwannomas, metastatic lesions and infiltrative inflammatory processes from surrounding structures such as the middle ear. Other diseases associated with jugular foramen include Vernet's syndrome and Villaret's syndrome. Methodology: 297dry adult human crania of unknown sex were analyzed from the department of Anatomy, GSVM medical college, Kanpur And KGMU, Lucknow (U.P). Anteroposterior diameter (APD) of jugular foramen: The maximum anteroposterior diameter of jugular foramen on both right and left sides were measured. Mediolateral (ML) diameter of jugular foramen: This diameter was taken between medial most and lateral most points of jugular foramen on both right and left sides. Metric measurements were taken by using digital vernier calipers. Results: The mean anteroposterior diameter of the jugular foramen on the right and left were 15.55±2.00mm and 14.48±1.93mm. The mediolatral diameter were 9.33±1.45 mm and 7.74±1.63mm on the right and left respectively. The mean area on the right was 114.06±22.54 mm and on the left 88.90±25.23 mm. Conclusion: These findings may be helpful for anatomists and neurosurgeons to approach the cranial base with maximum safety and minimum mortality and morbidity or clinicians in finding the appropriate diagnosis..
International Journal of Morphology, 2015
The jugular foramina (JF) are bilateral openings situated between the lateral part of the occipital bone and the petrous part of the temporal bones in the human skull. It is a bony canal transmitting neurovascular structures from the posterior cranial fossa through the base of the skull to the carotid space. Since the JF depicts variations in shape, size, height and volume between different racial and gender groups, along with distinctive differences in laterality from its intracranial to extracranial openings, knowledge of the JF may be necessary to understand intracranial pathologies. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphometric measurements of the jugular foramen. Various morphometric parameters of the JF and its relation to surrounding structures were measured and assessed in 73 dry skull specimens (n=146). Each of the morphometric parameters measured were statistically analyse using SPSS to determine the existence of a possible relationship between the parameters and sex, race, age and laterality. The comparisons of sex and age with the distance between the JF and lateral pterygoid plate and distance between the JF and foramen magnum yielded statistically significant p values of 0.0049 and 0.036, respectively. The results of this study correlated with that of previous studies indicating that measurements regarding the JF are greater on the right side. The provision of morphometric data pertaining to the JF and surrounding structures may assist surgeons and clinicians during operative procedures.
Background: The jugular foramen, the bony opening on the base of skull, is an opening through which pass the ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves, two dural sinuses, and the meningeal branches of the occipital and ascending pharyngeal arteries. The increasing use of modern diagnostic procedures and new surgical approaches has created a need for much more detailed anatomical studies and explanations. This article reveals some additional features. Material and Methods: 324 jugular foramina of skulls of persons of unknown age and gender were examined. The morphological characteristics of all the investigated jugular foramina were described, measured, and compared, taking into consideration their side. Results: Jugular foramina were studied for a review of its morphology, morphometry and its comparison with previous studies. Different shapes and sizes of jugular foramen were seen. Laterality was also noticed, compartmentation was also observed which was found to be statistically si...
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