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1974, Bulletin of The London Mathematical Society
7 pages
1 file
Let si be an arbitrary C*-algebra (with identity) and let A be the space of selfadjoint elements of si. We recall that A is a partially ordered real vector space with positive cone {a*a: aesi}. If each upper bounded monotone increasing sequence in A has a least upper bound in A, then si is said to be monotone a-complete. It was shown in Wright [12] that each monotone <r-complete C*-algebra is the quotient of its Baire* envelope by a two-sided cr-ideal. It is proved here, in Theorem 3.5, that any C*-algebra si (with identity) can be embedded in a minimal monotone <7-complete C*-algebra and, further, the minimal c-completion of si is the quotient of the Baire* envelope of si by a certain two-sided c-ideal.
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 2013
Mathematische Nachrichten, 1995
The aim of the present paper is to describe self-duality and C *-reflexivity of Hilbert A-modules M over monotone complete C *-algebras A by the completeness of the unit ball of M with respect to two types of convergence being defined, and by a structural criterion. The derived results generalize earlier results of H.
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2008
Let B ⊆ A be an inclusion of C*-algebras. Then B is said to norm A if, for each X ∈ ${\bb M}_n$(A), In this paper we introduce and study the cones These are shown to coincide with the standard positive cones precisely when B norms A, and we apply this to obtain automatic complete positivity of certain positive maps between C*-algebras.
Journal of Functional Analysis, 1998
In this article, examples are given to prove that the graded scaled ordered K-group is not the complete invariant for a C*-algebra in the class of unital separable nuclear C*-algebras of real rank zero and stable rank one, even for a C*-algebra in the subclass which consists of those real rank zero, stable rank one C*-algebras being expressed as inductive limits of k n i=1 M [n, i] (C(X n, i)), where X n, i are two-dimensional finite CW complexes and [n, i] are positive integers. (In the case of simple such C*-algebras, it has been proved that the above invariant is the complete invariant by George Elliott and the author.) These examples prove that the classification conjecture of Elliott for the case of non simple real rank zero C*-algebras should be revised one needs extra invariants. The obstruction preventing two such C*-algebras with the same graded scaled ordered K-group from being isomorphic is that they have different unsuspended E-equivalence types (a refinement of KK-equivalence type of C*-algebras due to Connes and Higson). In this article, it is proved that for the above class of inductive limit C*-algebras, the obstruction of unsuspended E-equivalence type is the only obstruction (i.e., if two C*-algebras in the class are unsuspended E-equivalence, then they are isomorphic). It is a surprise that in the case of simple such C*-algebras, or even the case of C*-algebras with finitely many ideals, the obstruction will disappear (see Section 4).
Abstract. We show that the image of a commutative monotone sequentially complete C ∗-algebra, under a sequentially normal morphism, is again a monotone sequentially complete C ∗-algebra, and also a monotone sequentially closed C ∗-subalgebra. As a consequence, the image of an algebra of this type, under a sequentially normal representation in a separable Hilbert space, is strongly closed. In the case of a unital representation of C(X) in a separable Hilbert space, where X is a compact Hausdorff space, this implies that the von Neumann algebra generated by the image of C(X) is the image of the Baire functions on X under the extension of the representation to the bounded Borel functions. 1. Main result and application It is well-known that the image of a von Neumann algebra under a normal unital representation is again a von Neumann algebra [3, Theorem 2.5.3]. In this note, we prove a theorem in the same vein, but now in the category of C ∗-algebras. The domain C ∗-algebra is in our c...
Proc Amer Math Soc, 1978
Let A be a closed linear subspace of a C*-algebra B. Adjoin, if necessary, the identity 1 to B. Then A is a C*-subalgebra if and only if, for each x in A, the elements x* and |jc| + 1-| \x\-1| are in A. If 1 is in A, then A is a C*-subalgebra if and only if [jc| is in A for each x in A. Here |jc| denotes the unique positive square root of x*x in B. This note is entirely devoted to the proof of and a discussion on the following result. Theorem. Let A be a closed linear subspace of a complex C*-algebra B. A is a C*-subalgebra of B if and only if, for each x in A, the elements x* and \x\ + 1-| |jc|-1| are in A.
We prove simplicity of all intermediate $C^*$-algebras $C^*_{r}(\\Gamma)\\subseteq \\mathcal{B} \\subseteq \\Gamma\\ltimes_r C(X)$ in the case of minimal actions of $C^*$-simple groups $\\Gamma$ on compact spaces $X$. For this, we use the notion of stationary states, recently introduced by Hartman and Kalantar (arXiv:1712.10133v2). We show that the Powers' averaging property holds for the reduced crossed product $\\Gamma\\ltimes_r \\mathcal{A}$ for any action $\\Gamma\\curvearrowright \\mathcal{A}$ of a $C^*$-simple group $\\Gamma$ on a unital $C^*$-algebra $\\mathcal{A}$, and use it to prove a one-to-one correspondence between stationary states on $\\mathcal{A}$ and those on $\\Gamma\\ltimes_r \\mathcal{A}$.
International Mathematical Forum, 2013
In the present note we show that if A is a locally C *-algebra, and I and J are closed two-sided ideals in A, then (I + J) + = I + + J + .
Journal of Functional Analysis, 2000
Let N/M be an inclusion of von Neumann algebras with a conditional expectation E: M Ä N satisfying the finite index condition of [PiPo], i.e., there exists c>0 such that E(x) cx, \x # M +. In [Po4] we proved that such inclusions N/M satisfy the relative version of Dixmier's property, namely for any x # M, the norm closure of the convex hull of the averaging elements of x by unitaries in N, C N (x)=co n [uxu* | u unitary element in N], contains elements from the relative commutant of N in M : C N (x) & N$ & M{<. The proof used at a key point the classical result of Dixmier for the single von Neumann algebra N ([D]), showing that for x # N the abovè`a veraging'' sets C N (x) satisfy C N (x) & Z(N){<, where Z(N)= N$ & N is the center of N. In this paper we investigate the C*-algebra version of this result, proving the relative Dixmier property for certain inclusions of C*-algebras B/A, with conditional expectations E: A Ä B satisfying the finite index condition in [PiPo]. As in the von Neumann algebra case treated in [Po4], the proof will depend on the validity of the Dixmier property for the single C*-algebra B. Thus, our result roughly shows that the relative Dixmier property for an inclusion B/A with Ind(B/A)< holds whenever the single C*-algebra B has itself the Dixmier property. Since the notion of``center'' of an algebra doesn't fit so well in the context of C*-algebras (although it can be formally defined in the same way as for von Neumann algebras), for single C*-algebras B one takes the property``C B (x) & C1{<, \x # B'' to be, by definition, the``Dixmier property''.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos, 2019
Classement des meilleures universités d'Haïti en 2024, 2024
Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, v. 24, n. 1, p. 290-307, 2024., 2024
Strategies for Policy in Science and Education-Strategii na Obrazovatelnata i Nauchnata Politika
International Journal of Oncology, 2014
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018
Anticancer Research, 2017
Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 2023
Frontiers in Physiology, 2023
Islamic Management and Empowerment Journal, 2020
Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 2009