European Journal of Political Economy
Vol. 19 (2003) 289 – 300
Public education and income inequality
Gerhard Glomm a,*, B. Ravikumar b
Department of Economics, Indiana University, Wylie Hall, Room 105, Bloomington, IN 47405-6620, USA
Department of Economics, University of Iowa, W 210 John Pappajohn Business Building,
Iowa City, IA 52242-0000, USA
Received 10 November 2000; received in revised form 12 August 2002; accepted 29 September 2002
This paper examines the evolution of inequality in an overlapping generations model where each
individual’s human capital investment depends on quality of schools. We consider an education
regime where the quality of schools is a publicly provided input financed by an income tax. We show
that the income gap between the rich and the poor may widen even when the quality of public
education is the same across all individuals. Thus, in the short run, public education may not be the
great equalizer as intended by its proponents, though it is in the long run. We also show that the
effect of taxes on inequality is ambiguous.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Public education; Income inequality; Income tax
1. Introduction
In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life
if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity where the state has
undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.
U.S. Supreme Court, Brown vs. Board of Education, 19541.
In most industrialized countries, public education has been the dominant mode of
providing educational services for the last century. In the U.S., for instance, over the last
100 years, the fraction of students at the elementary and secondary level who attend public
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (G. Glomm).
Reprinted in Kurland (1968).
0176-2680/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
schools has been around 90%. For OECD countries, public school enrollment typically
exceeds 70%. As early as 1848, Horace Mann argued that public provision of education is
‘‘beyond all other devices of human origin, the great equalizer of the condition of men. . .’’
(Cremin, 1957, p. 87).
Coons et al. (1970) argue that the purpose of public schools is to provide equality of
opportunity and, therefore, unequal access to education ought to be eliminated. The
essential idea behind their argument is that, under equal access to public education, some
inputs to the learning technology are constant across all children, so the common input
would make incomes converge.2
The main purpose of our paper is to study the evolution of income inequality in a model
with public education and to evaluate whether equal access to public education yields
income convergence. A secondary goal is to examine how such an economy behaves over
time under different funding levels for public education. In Section 2, we construct an
overlapping generations model with heterogeneous individuals. The basic framework is
similar to that in Glomm and Ravikumar (1992). All individuals live for two periods. Their
preferences over leisure in youth and consumption in old age are described by a CES
utility function. Individuals within a generation are differentiated by the stock of human
capital of their parents. This is the only source of heterogeneity in our model. Human
capital of each individual depends on time allocated to learning, quality of schools and the
stock of human capital of the individual’s parents. Quality of schools is a publicly
provided input financed by tax revenues from a uniform tax on income. The publicly
provided input is common across all agents.
Our model, by construction, has the forces suggested by proponents of public
education. All agents have equal access to the public expenditures on education. All
agents use the same learning technology. The quantity of the publicly provided input to the
learning technology is the same for all agents. That is, we have eliminated, by assumption,
the concern in Bowles (1978) or Wälde (2000). Thus, the common publicly provided input
should potentially yield income convergence. Yet, we show for reasonable parameters that
exactly the opposite occurs. Furthermore, we demonstrate the possibility of adverse
distributional consequences without appealing to elitism.
Our model is also different from Glomm and Ravikumar (1992), where we did not
examine how an economy with public education behaves over time under different
funding levels for public education. Rather, we compared public and private funding
regimes, and endogenized public policy on education. Thus, there was exactly one
resulting public policy. That model, therefore, cannot deliver comparative dynamic
statements on how different public policies influence the evolution of income distribution.
Since the model assumed Cobb – Douglas preferences and technology, time allocated to
learning was constant over time and independent of parental human capital and the level of
funding for public education. In this paper, time allocated to learning is a nontrivial
Bowles (1978) suggests that the structure educational policy contributes to economic inequality because the
resources are allocated disproportionately to the rich. More recently, in Wälde (2000), the degree of elitism in
educational policy (measured by public spending per student in tertiary relative to elementary and secondary
education) provides incentives to develop technologies that allow skilled labor to replace unskilled labor and,
hence, generates higher income inequality.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
function of parental human capital and public expenditures on education, and hence the
implications for future income distributions are much more far reaching than in our 1992
paper. Moreover, the predictions concerning time allocations in the present paper are
consistent with microevidence.
In Section 3, we illustrate the possibility that, even under equal access to public
education, the income gap between the rich and the poor may widen in the short run, even
though public provision of education decreases inequality in the long run. (The short run
in this framework may last for a few generations.) In our model, the evolution of inequality
depends on the elasticity of substitution between consumption and leisure, and the
elasticity of parental human capital in the learning technology. Under certain conditions
on these two parameters, incomes below a critical level exhibit divergence, while those
above the critical level exhibit convergence. The limiting distribution depends upon the
evolution of critical income. In a growing economy, the critical income declines over time.
Thus, income inequality increases for some periods, but eventually declines. The increase
in income inequality occurs, although quality of public education is the same across all
We then numerically examine the effect of initial income distribution on the evolution
of income inequality. We find that higher initial per capita income reduces future
inequality and also reduces the number of periods over which the income gap widens.
Moreover, higher initial income inequality increases future inequality and the income gap
widens for more periods.
The effect of taxes on the evolution of income inequality is ambiguous. For
sufficiently small tax rates, an increase in the tax rate lowers the income inequality.
This result is reversed for high tax rates. In our model, the tax rates affect the quality of
public education directly. However, there is also an indirect effect because changes in tax
rates affect the incentives to accumulate human capital. Section 4 contains concluding
2. The model
We consider an overlapping generations economy with constant population where
individuals live for two periods. Each generation consists of a continuum of agents. At
time t = 0, there is an initial generation of old agents in which the jth member is endowed
with human capital hj0. Agents in each period are differentiated by the stock of human
capital of their parents.
Every individual born at t = 0, 1, 2. . . has identical preferences over leisure when young
and consumption when old. Formally, the preferences of an individual j born at time t are
represented by:
j;t þ cj;tþ1
r > 0;
where nj,t is leisure at time t and cj,t + 1 is consumption at time t + 1. If r = 1, then the
corresponding component of the utility function is logarithmic.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
Individuals are endowed with one divisible unit of time in their youth. Young
individuals in period t allocate their time between leisure and learning. Agent j born at
time t accumulates human capital according to:
hj;tþ1 ¼ hEtc hdj;t ð1 nj;t Þ;
h > 0; c; dað0; 1Þ; c þ d < 1;
where Et is the quality of public schools and hj,t is the stock of human capital of the parent.
Note that the quality of public schools is not specific to individual j.
The learning technology specified in Eq. (2) is consistent with a number of empirical
studies. For instance, Heyneman (1984) provides cross-country evidence that school
specific factors are positively related to various educational output measures. Coleman et
al. (1966) find a positive correlation between parental education and performance on
standardized tests in U.S. data. The learning technology is assumed to be linear in 1 n
purely for convenience; it helps us solve for the human capital investment decisions
analytically. The other two factors, quality and parental human capital, satisfy the
diminishing returns assumption. The restriction that c + d < 1 guarantees that the economy
has a steady state.
At time t + 1, each individual’s income depends on his or her human capital:
yj;tþ1 ¼ hj;tþ1 :
The individual’s earnings at time t + 1 are taxed at a constant rate s. Tax revenues determine
the quality of public schools faced by each young agent at time t + 1 according to:
Etþ1 ¼ sYtþ1 ;
where Yt + 1 is the per capita income at time t + 1. Because Et is the same for all young
individuals in period t, Eqs. (2) and (3) seem to imply that, ceteris paribus, the heterogeneity
vanishes in the long run.
The young agent’s problem at time t is essentially one of choosing nj,t. The choice of nj,t
pins down hj,t + 1, yj,t + 1 and cj,t + 1. Formally, given Et and hj,t, the young agent’s problem
at time t is to choose nj,ta[0,1] to maximize Eq. (1) subject to:
cj;tþ1 ¼ ð1 sÞhEtc hdj;t ð1 nj;t Þ:
An equilibrium for this economy is a set of sequences {nj,t}tl= 0, {hj,t + 1}tl= 0,
t = 0, { yj,t}t = 0, for ja[0,1], and { Yt}t = 0 and {Et}t = 0 such that (i) for ja[0,1], nj,t
solves agent j’s problem at time t; (ii) the sequences {hj,t + 1}l
t = 0, { yj,t}t = 0 and {cj,t}t = 0 are
determined according to Eqs. (2), (3) and (5), respectively; (iii) Yt is the mean of the
income distribution in period t and Et = sYt; and (iv) given the distribution of human capital
at time t, each agent’s human capital at time t + 1 is determined by the transformation (2).
It can be verified that there is a unique solution to agent j’s problem. Assuming an
interior solution, the schooling choice is given by:
1 nj;t ¼
fð1 sÞhEtc hdj;t g
1 þ fð1 sÞhEtc hdj;t g
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
Note that the schooling choices decrease with s for r < 1, holding E and h constant. An
increase in the tax rate not only reduces the individual’s net income, but also lowers the
relative price of leisure. For r < 1, the substitution effect dominates the income effect and,
hence, the higher tax rate reduces the time devoted to human capital accumulation.
Similarly, 1 nj,t increases with hj,t when r < 1, i.e. young agents born in a high human
capital family spend more time learning than those born in a low human capital family.
Finally, better quality of public schools implies higher time input to learning when r < 1.
Income/human capital of the agent when old is given by:
yj;tþ1 ¼
fð1 sÞ1r hEtc ydj;t g r
1 þ fð1 sÞhEtc ydj;t g
Because yj,t + 1 is an increasing function of yj,t, there is no intergenerational income
We trace the evolution of the entire income distribution as follows. At t = 0, the initial
income distribution is exogenous. We use Eq. (4) to determine E0 and Eq. (7) to determine
yj,1 for each j. This pins down the equilibrium income distribution for t = 1. We can repeat
this procedure to determine the income distribution at any time t.
3. Divergence of income
The preference parameter r and the coefficient on parental human capital d are the keys
to analyzing the evolution of income inequality. We shall concentrate on the case r < 1 to
make our model consistent with the microevidence on human capital accumulation. For
instance, Card and Krueger (1992) find that, for the U.S., men educated in states with high
average school quality have a higher return to additional years of schooling. Using data
from Panama, Heckman and Hotz (1986) report that parental background is positively
related to schooling returns.
Suppose that 0 < d < r < 1. A simple way to determine whether income inequality
declines over time is to compare the income growth rate for a poor family with the income
growth rate for a rich family. Using Eq. (7), the gross growth rate of a family with income
yt is given by:
fð1 sÞ1r hEtc g r
1 d
yt r þ fð1 sÞhEtc g r y1r
We have suppressed the index j for convenience. It is evident from Eq. (8) that yt + 1/yt is
decreasing in yt. That is, the growth rate of income is higher for families with low incomes
If agents born in each period have different innate abilities, as in Owen and Weil (1998), then there will be
some intergenerational mobility. In this case, the limiting distribution of income is not degenerate. Eckstein and
Zilcha (1994) avoid a degenerate limiting distribution by assuming that there are random differences in bequest
motive across households. Allowing for non-degenerate limiting distributions does not change the qualitative
nature of our results.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
Fig. 1. Growth rate of household income.
than for those with high incomes. Thus, incomes converge over time and income
inequality declines.
For 0 < r < d < 1, we can show, using Eq. (8), that the gross growth rate, yt + 1/yt, is not
monotonic in yt. It is a strictly decreasing function of yt only if yt>yct where:
yct ¼
rð1 dÞ
ð1 sÞhEtc
is the critical income level. To illustrate the nonmonotonicity, we graph yt + 1/yt against yt in
Fig. 1. Define yt to be the lowest income such that yt + 1/yt = 1 whenever yt = yt. At this
stage, suppose that the poorest household’s income in period t exceeds yt so that no
household’s income is declining in absolute terms.4
Consider two families, j and k, whose period t incomes, yj,t and yk,t, respectively, are
below yct. If family j is poorer than family k in period t, then the growth rate of family j’s
income is lower than that of family k. Hence, in this region, income inequality increases. If
both incomes are above yct, then income inequality declines. Thus, family incomes
converge if they are above the critical level, but they diverge below the critical level.
The limiting distribution of income depends on what happens to the critical income over
time. In a growing economy, under our assumption of constant tax rates, the quality of
Formally, we cannot make this assumption in period t because the income distribution in period t is
endogenous. However, we can make this assumption in period 0 and, in equilibrium, it will indeed be the case that
the income distribution in period t is bounded away from yt.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
schools increases over time. From Eq. (9), it is easy to see that the critical income must
decline over time. Eventually, both family incomes exceed the critical income. Thus, the
income gap between families j and k widens for some periods, but, in the long run, the gap
narrows down to zero.
The intuition behind the nonmonotonic relationship in Fig. 1 is as follows. In a given
period, the differences in growth rates across families stem from two sources: (i) the time
input to learning, 1 nt, and (ii) the level of income, yt. It is easy to see from Eqs. (2) and
(3) that the growth rate is decreasing in the level of income, holding 1 n constant.
However, for r < 1, the time input to learning is increasing in the level of income. Thus,
the net effect on the growth rate depends on which one of these two effects is stronger. As
noted earlier, changes in yt (or ht) change the trade-off between consumption and leisure.
For low values of r, the substitution effect is strong so that 1 n is very sensitive to
changes in y. Hence, the growth rate is increasing in the level of income. For larger levels
of income, the growth rate is decreasing since 1 n is bounded above.5
Is our result just a theoretical possibility? One can assess the empirical plausibility of
our results in two ways: (i) evaluate whether available estimates of c, d and r satisfy the
parameter restriction r < d < 1 and c + d < 1, and (ii) evaluate whether the implications of
the model are consistent with observations. Direct estimates of d are rare, but Wachtel
(1976) estimates d = 0.8 using data on children’s wage income and father’s years of
schooling. Solon (1992) and Zimmerman (1992), using children’s income and father’s
income, estimate d to be close to 0.4, while earlier estimates of Becker and Tomes (1986)
are in the neighborhood of 0.2. As noted earlier, microevidence from Heckman and Hotz
(1986) and Card and Krueger (1992) suggests r < 1. While we cannot pin down r any
further, values of r close to 0 will deliver our results. Regarding c, Harris (2000) finds that
the ‘‘best’’ estimate from the empirical education production function literature is close to
0.07. Thus, both restrictions on the parameters are empirically plausible.
To evaluate whether the model’s implications are consistent with the data, consider the
evidence on income inequality and public expenditures on education. Rising wage
inequality over the last few decades is well documented (see the symposium on Wage
Inequality in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring 1997). Since the 1970s, both
the judiciary and the legislature in the U.S. have actively equalized the public educational
expenditures across school districts. For instance, Fernandez and Rogerson (1999) document the narrowing of the expenditures in California between 1972 and 1987. This decline
in variance of public expenditures has not been accompanied by a decline in variance of
income; in fact, California is 1 of the 10 states where income inequality grew the most
between the late 1970s and 1990s. Other states in the U.S. have carried out similar
equalization policies, yet the earnings inequality has risen since.6 Thus, despite (more)
‘equal’ access to education, incomes do not exhibit a tendency to converge.
The divergence of income result holds even if the young agents choose between consumption/production
and learning instead of choosing between leisure and learning. In a variant of our model where young agents
receive utility from consumption and where there are no imperfections in the credit markets, the young agents will
maximize the present value of their incomes. In such a model, it is easy to show that incomes will diverge
whenever there are increasing returns to augmentable factors, i.e. whenever c + d>1.
For other explanations of rising wage inequality, see Johnson (1997), Topel (1997) and Fortin and Lemieux
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
3.1. Comparative dynamics
We conduct two comparative dynamics exercises below for the case 0 < r < d < 1 by
asking: (i) What is the effect of the initial income distribution on the evolution of income
inequality? and (ii) What is the effect of tax rates on the evolution of income inequality?
Both exercises are numerical. We consider two individuals, rich and poor, and measure
income inequality in each period by the ratio of rich income to poor income. At t = 0,
suppose that the income of the rich equals 1 and the income of the poor equals 0.05.
Unless otherwise stated, the baseline parameters are r = 0.5, d = 0.8, c = 0.1, h = 5 and
s = 0.05. For these parameters, the initial income of the rich is close to but greater than the
critical income in period 0, while the initial income of the poor is much less than the
critical income. In terms of Fig. 1, the rich are close to the peak, while the poor are to the
left and far below the peak.
3.2. Initial distribution
To understand the effect of initial income distribution, consider two economies identical
in all respects except that they have different mean incomes in period 0. The rich and the
poor have incomes 1 and 0.05, respectively, in the high mean income economy, and 0.90
and 0.045 in the low mean income economy. The evolution of income inequality for the
two economies is illustrated in Fig. 2. In the low mean income economy, the inequality is
higher and the income gap widens for three periods, whereas, in the high mean income
economy, the income gap widens only for two periods. There are two aspects of the
exercise that favor convergence in the high mean income economy: (i) in period 0, the
Fig. 2. Mean income and the evolution of income inequality.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
quality of public education is higher and (ii) the initial distribution is such that the poor are
closer to the critical income level (see Fig. 1).
Now consider two economies with the same mean income in period 0 but different
spreads. One economy has low initial income inequality; the rich and the poor begin with
incomes 1 and 0.05, respectively. The other has high initial income inequality; the rich and
the poor begin with incomes 1.02 and 0.03, respectively. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the
second economy experiences higher inequality in all periods and the income gap widens
for more periods. Because the mean income is the same in period 0, the quality of public
education and, hence, the critical income level is the same in the two economies. The
income gap widens for more periods in the second economy because the poor are farther
away and the rich are closer to the critical income level.
3.3. Public policy
Because quality of public education is the main force in our model that helps the
poor catch up with the rich, it is natural to ask if the widening income gap may be
eliminated through a higher quality of public education. One way to increase the
quality of public education in our model is increase the tax rate, s. To examine the
effect of an increase in s on the evolution of income inequality, we consider three
economies identical in all respects except for tax rates. Fig. 4 reveals that the
relationship between tax rates and the evolution of income inequality is not monotonic.
The low tax rate in Fig. 4 is 0.01, the medium tax rate is 0.05 and the high tax rate is
0.6. An increase in tax rate increases the quality of public education, ceteris paribus.
An increase in the quality of public education increases the time input to learning
Fig. 3. Initial income inequality and the evolution of income inequality.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
Fig. 4. Tax rates and the evolution of income inequality.
because r < 1. However, changes in the tax rate change the incentives for learning,
which affect income. From Eq. (9), it is easy to see that the relationship between
critical income and tax rate is U-shaped with the minimum occurring at a tax rate of c/
(1 + c). When the tax rate is 0.01, the critical income is very high so that income
inequality increases. When the tax rate is 0.05, the critical income is lower so that both
families exceed the critical income sooner and income inequality declines. When the
tax rate is 0.6, the critical income is again very high and the income gap widens for
more periods before it shrinks.
Alternatively, consider the evolution of income from periods 0 to 1 in economies with
different tax rates. Using Eq. (7), we can write the ratio of rich to poor income in period 1
as follows:
0 d
1 þ fð1 sÞhsc Y0c ydpoor;0 g r
¼@ d
1 þ fð1 sÞhsc Y c yd g r
0 rich;0
The left-hand side reaches its peak when s = c/(1 + c).
4. Concluding remarks
We have used a simple overlapping generations model to show that, in the short run,
public education may not be the ‘‘great equalizer’’ as intended by its proponents, even
though in the long run it is equalizing. We showed that income inequality may increase
for a few generations even when the quality of schools is the same across all individuals
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
Table 1
Mandatory schooling and enrollment rates
Required years
of schooling
Enrollment ratios at age
Czech Republic
Source: UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, 1999.
in an economy. Initial conditions as well as public policy affect the evolution of income
inequality. Here, we have abstracted completely from self-selection by households into
districts of differing public school quality. Such self-selection increases the tendency
toward inequality, because the rich typically select better school districts.
In our model, income inequality is transmitted from one generation to the next through
human capital investment decisions of individuals. Individuals whose parents have low
human capital allocate less time to learning than those whose parents have high human
capital. One may conjecture that a policy of mandatory schooling would induce income
convergence. See Eckstein and Zilcha (1994) for a model with compulsory schooling.
It is true that many countries have mandatory schooling requirements. In European and
North American countries, where mandatory schooling typically covers children from ages
6 to 15 or 16, enrollment ratios fall short of 100% (see Table 1). It seems that simply
imposing mandatory schooling requirements does not in and of itself guarantee that the
time input to learning is constant across individuals. We conclude from the data in Table 1
that divergence of income in a regime of equal public provision of educational
expenditures is a possibility that should be taken seriously. The impact of public provision
of education combined with imperfectly enforced mandatory schooling is an interesting
extension of our paper.
We thank Alex Wolman for excellent research assistance. Financial support from the
Bankard Fund for Political Economy is gratefully acknowledged.
G. Glomm, B. Ravikumar / European Journal of Political Economy 19 (2003) 289–300
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