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de ellos, Jenófanes y Meliso, totalmente, por ser demasiado rústicos. Parménides, en cambio, manifiesta en sus palabras una visión más profunda. Considerando, en efecto, que, fuera del Ente, el No-ente no es nada, piensa que necesariamente existe una sola cosa, el Ente, y ninguna otra (acerca de lo cual hemos hablado con más detalle en la Física). Pero, viéndose obligado a tener en cuenta los fenómenos, y al opinar que el Uno según el concepto es múltiple según los sentidos, también él afirma que son dos las causas y dos los principios, lo Caliente y lo Frío, como si dijera el Fuego y la Tierra; y pone lo Caliente en el orden del Ente, y lo otro, en el del No-ente. Así, pues, por lo dicho y por las doctrinas de los sabios que han estudiado el tema vemos lo siguiente: en los más antiguos, el principio corpóreo (pues el Agua y el Fuego y otras cosas tales son cuerpos), y en unos el principio corpóreo es uno, pero en otros es múltiple, y unos y otros lo incluyen en la especie de la materia; algunos admiten esta causa y, además, la que es origen del movimiento, siendo también ésta para los unos una, y, para los otros, dos. Así, pues, hasta llegar a los itálicos, y prescindiendo de éstos, los demás hablaron de ellas bastante oscuramente, aunque, como hemos dicho, llegaron a utilizar dos causas, y a la segunda de éstas, la que es origen del movimiento, unos la consideraron una, y otros, dos. Los pitagóricos, por su parte, admitieron, en el mismo sentido, dos principios; pero añadieron algo que les es propio: que no consideraron que lo Limitado y lo Ilimitado y el Uno fuesen otras tantas naturalezas, como el Fuego o la Tierra u otra cosa semejante, sino que lo Ilimitado mismo y el Uno mismo eran la substancia de las cosas de que se predican, por lo cual también el Número era la substancia de todas las cosas. De este modo, pues, se expresaron acerca de esto, y comenzaron a hablar y a definir acerca de la quididad, aunque pro cedieron de manera demasiado simple. Definían, en efecto, superficialmente, y pensaban que lo primero en que se diese el término enunciado era la substancia de la cosa, como si alguien creyera que es lo mismo el Duplo que la Díada, porque donde primero se da el Duplo es en un conjunto de dos. Pero sin duda el Duplo y la Díada no tienen el mismo ser. De lo contrario, el Uno sería muchas cosas, que es lo que tuvieron que admitir ellos. Esto es lo que podemosdeducir de los más antiguos y de los otros.
Academia Green Energy, 2024
Electricity power stations are the primary source of carbon dioxide production. The combustion of fossil fuels in these power stations releases CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases occur throughout the life cycle of electricity generation technologies, including extraction, processing, transportation, and combustion of fossil fuels. Nowadays, the development of smart cities plays a crucial role in reducing CO2 emissions. By integrating technology and sustainable practices into urban infrastructure, smart cities aim to minimize energy consumption and emissions. The research mentioned focuses on creating models that correlate CO2 emissions with the installed capacity of power stations and the energy they produce. Polynomial quadratic regression is applied to establish these correlations, enabling the assessment of both present and future CO2 emission values. The construction of new infrastructure for smart cities aligns with the goal of fostering a low-carbon economy. The study also considers the potential contribution of thermal energy to CO2 reduction efforts. By analysing power generation models, researcher aims to identify strategies to meet emission reduction goals. The construction of new infrastructure for smart cities aligns with the broader goal of fostering a low-carbon economy. This involves implementing policies and technologies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. Carbon dioxide emissions contribute significantly to global warming, leading to climate change and patterns of extreme weather. The data on CO2 emissions encompasses gases generated from the burning of fossil fuels, highlighting the importance of reducing reliance on these sources of energy.
Este livro apresenta aos estudiosos e profissionais da Educação um conjunto de análises que os proporcione conhecer uma das leituras possíveis da constituição histórica da Administração Educacional, apontando os limites deste discurso e suas potencialidades. A autora narra sua experiência discursiva em Administração Educacional, em uma perspectiva de revezamento teoria e prática, na qual seu cotidiano como docente e pesquisadora foi seu lugar privilegiado de análise. O objetivo principal foi indicar os limites da produção discursiva, mas também suas potencialidades para que novos pesquisadores possam construir um vasto conjunto de problematizações que façam multiplicar e se diferenciar o conhecimento. Primeiramente, analisa o processo de institucionalização da disciplina Administração Educacional como um dos procedimentos que organizaram a formação discursiva e a fizeram funcionar sob determinada regularidade, proliferada também com a entrada de autores críticos nesta ordem discursiva os quais desconstruíram determinadas assertivas, mas não o modo de funcionamento e proliferação do discurso. Em seguida, como o leitor encontrou a construção do cotidiano escolar como uma perspectiva apresentada pelos próprios pesquisadores como potente para o desenvolvimento do discurso, a autora explicita três perspectivas teórico-metodológicas de estudo na escola e com a escola que serviram de subsídios para a realização de pesquisas dos integrantes do seu grupo, expondo seus limites e potencialidades para a diferenciação do discurso em Administração Educacional. Entendendo que há limites impostos por regras históricas que impedem o discurso de diferenciar-se por meio da proposição de novas problematizações e que há potencialidades não exploradas, são desenvolvidas, por fim, categorias que integram uma perspectiva discursiva pós-estruturalista buscando provocar um diálogo com os pares acadêmicos ou, talvez, uma adversariedade própria de uma política acadêmica democrática (LACLAU; MOUFFE, 2015).
Bibliotheca Orientalis, 2008
Technopolitics, 2024
Technopolitics is a follow-up book that intends to depart and expand the concept of Cyberpolitics to all the dimensions and effects of technology in our lives but placing politics at the center of debate and thought. Most investigations in the fields of Humanities have highlighted the impact of digitization and social virtualization and mapped the transition from the Industrial Revolution, and mass disciplinary society, to the digital revolution, telework and social atomism. The fusion of disruptive technologies is changing the fundamentals of our world almost roaming on its own towards a near future with unprecedented and unpredictable outcomes. This new technological reason implies a rupture and a paradigm shift in the radical transition from an instrumental reason (auxiliary) to an autonomous reason (essential). This means the impossibility of further sustaining the illusion of technological neutrality. Science, culture and technology appear to be merging and in combat simultaneously. And all fields of knowledge are alert to a main idea: how deep is technology shaping our societies and politics? Regardless of the outcome, an age of instability is also an age of challenges. In our era of uncertainty, and while our civilization moves forward toward a hyper-technological future, we should not forget to discuss and reflect on the values and ethics we would like to survive the ruin of time and to pass on to the next generations.
Research is required to determine the key variables that have a positive relationship with customer loyalty in the independent financial adviser environment. Knowledge of the factors that could assist in fostering customer loyalty might help independent financial advisers firstly in maintaining their client base, and then secondly, to strategise with them over the long term to behave more financially responsible, achieve their saving goals, and become financially independent. Therefore, the primary aim of this article is to explore the relationship between key variables and customer loyalty within the independent financial adviser environment in Gauteng. The population was defined as all the clients of independent financial advisers in the Gauteng region. A convenience non-probability sampling technique was applied and self-administered questionnaires were distributed to the clients in Gauteng who matched the sampling frame. A total of 123 questionnaires were completed and could be used in the analysis. Descriptive and standard multiple regression analysis as well as the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was used to analyse the results. Trust and commitment can be viewed as predictors of customer loyalty within the independent financial adviser environment in Gauteng and must form part of the core of the financial adviser’s relationship building strategies. It is therefore important for independent financial advisers to ensure that their clients have confidence in their ability to provide sound financial advice. Clients must be convinced that financial advisers have their best interest at heart and as such, should remain committed to their practices.
The Way Things Do, Miró Foundation, Barcelona, 2017
a viscous dark shadow cumulating on the ceiling, then 'a dim phosphorescent blob ... shimmering and spreading into a great hummock.... It had no eyes or face but from it there radiated a terrible malefic intelligence.' 1 How can we understand objects today, at this moment when virtual and actual dimensions overlap, through intervention of both human and nonhuman agents, intertwined as inter-scalar currencies, affective, symbolic, atmospheric, but not only? Tim Morton challenges us with a potentially more complex reading of reality through his proposal of the concept hyperobjects that he has put forward in his 2013 book Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World. He writes: 'with their towering temporality, their phasing in and out of human time and space, their massive distribution, their viscosity, the way they include thousands of other beings, hyperobjects vividly demonstrate how things do not coincide with their appearance.' 2 The complexity of their scope contests the limits of our perception of reality and worldview-making capacities, stretching further the relational quality of objects and their insertion in a physical realm that expands beyond human sight.
Safety Science, 2019
For firefighters around the world, fire training is necessary to ensure operational readiness, but can be hazardous. Fire instructors routinely attempt to design safe but realistic scenarios and may do so in very different thermal environments. Yet, the physiological burden (and presumed physiological benefits) of different training has rarely been investigated. We studied the impact of three training fire environments: (a) pallets (Pallet), (b) oriented strand board (OSB) and simulated fire/smoke (Fog) on firefighters' and fire instructors' physiological responses. Peak ambient temperatures exceeded 420°C in Pallet and OSB scenarios, but were less than 40°C for Fog. Firefighters' peak core temperatures, heart rates and hemostatic responses were not statistically different among the training environments despite the large differences in ambient conditions. Instructors' heart rate and hemostatic responses were significantly blunted compared to the firefighters' despite similar peak core temperatures, suggesting instructors performed less work or were less stressed. It is important that physiological responses experienced by firefighters and instructors working in fully encapsulating personal protective equipment be considered based on intensity and duration of work, regardless of the apparent risk from ambient conditions.
Journal of sustainable construction materials and technologies, 2022
SUBBTO 65, no. 2 (2020): 113-132, 2020
Busayo E. Bolaji , 2024
Journal of Receptors and Signal Transduction, 1997
Solid State Communications, 1992
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on Multimedia - MULTIMEDIA '03, 2003
Mediators of Inflammation, 2014
Human Reproduction, 2012
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2021