Carbapenem Resistance Exposures via Wastewaters
across New Delhi
Manisha Lamba1, Sonia Gupta1, Rishabh Shukla1, David W. Graham2, T.R. Sreekrishnan1, S. Z.
1. Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of
Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi, India
2. School of Engineering, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Dr. S. Z. Ahammad
Address: I-135, Dept. of Biochemical Engineering and
Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas,
New Delhi -110016, India
Phone: +91 11 2659 1006
Fax: +91 11 2658 2282
[email protected]
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major global concern, especially in India where the burden
of infectious diseases is high and health care spending is low. Here we quantified total coliform,
faecal coliforms (FC), carbapenem-resistant enteric bacteria (CRE), blaNDM-1, and three integron
genes in samples collected from wastewater effluent of 12 hospitals, 12 sewage treatment plants
(STPs), 20 sewer drains, and five locations along the Yamuna River in New Delhi over two
seasons. Significant correlations were found between FC levels, CRE (r = 0.903, p = 0.004, n =
49) and blaNDM-1 (r = 0.787, p = 0.003, n = 49) concentrations across all samples. Concentrations
of coliforms, CRE, blaNDM-1, int1, and int3 were highest in hospital effluents compared to other
locations in both seasons. Although absolute concentration data indicate greater abundances of
CRE and blaNDM-1 in the winter, normalised data indicates greater carriage of blaNDM-1 per cell in
summer samples. In general, observed CRE levels were highest in surface water downstream of
areas with higher population densities. Among CRE isolates (n = 4077), 82%, 75%, 71% and 43%
of the strains from hospitals, sewer drains, river samples, and STPs, respectively, contained
blaNDM-1, implying STPs have relatively fewer blaNDM-1 positive CRE in their effluents. The most
common CRE isolates in the drains were Pseudomonas putida (39%) followed by Acinetobacter
baumanni (20%) and Pseudomonas montelli (19%). The present scenario in New Delhi highlights
the urgent need for increased coverage of appropriate waste treatment facilities across the city to
reduce CRE exposures from polluted surface waters.
Keywords: antibiotic resistance; β-lactams; carbapenem resistant enteric bacteria; human wastes
1. Introduction
Increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global concern in human and veterinary healthcare
systems. AMR problems are greatest in emerging countries like India where infectious disease
levels are high and per capita healthcare spending is low (Public Health Foundation of India, 2011).
Although AMR is intrinsic in nature (D’Costa et al., 2011), continued use of antibiotics, pollution,
and other factors have selected and mobilised AMR genes (ARGs) across the microbiome,
including the acquisition of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in strains of health importance. The
mobilisation is largely fuelled by promiscuous mobile genetic elements (MGEs), including
plasmids, transposons, and integrons (Mazel, 2006), which mediate AMR spread via horizontal
gene transfer (HGT), creating resistant and multi-resistant phenotypes in pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains. Until fairly recently, AMR evolution and transmission was assumed to be a
consequence of medical and veterinary antimicrobial use (Jin et al., 2017). However, it is now
apparent that consequential AMR dissemination and exposure also occur away from places of
antibiotic use through environmental pathways (Arcilla et al., 2016), such as via wastewater
releases, and associated contaminated water and food (Christgen et al., 2015).
One place where AMR spread in the environment is most evident in New Delhi, which is where
New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase protein (i.e., NDM-1) was first detected in 2008 in a carbapenemresistant Klebsiella pneumonia isolate from a hospital patient (Yong et al., 2009). NDM-1 confers
multi-resistance to many bacteria, including therapeutically critical carbapenems (Papp-Wallace
et al., 2011). Unfortunately, blaNDM-1 (gene that codes for NDM-1) was detected soon thereafter in
New Delhi surface waters and seeps in 2010, presumably associated with faecal releases (Walsh
et al., 2014), and blaNDM-1 and variants are now found in patients and the environment in over 100
countries (Kumarasamy et al., 2010; Nordmann et al., 2011a, 2011c; Wilson and Chen, 2012).
Phenotypes include strains functionally resistant to all antibiotics, including colistin and
tigecycline (Kumarasamy et al., 2010; Nordmann et al., 2011b). Clinical evidence suggests
antibiotics select for blaNDM-1 in gut strains and the gene subsequently enters surface waters,
probably via human wastes (Hawkey and Jones, 2009). The blaNDM-1 gene has spread globally via
international travel in exposed individuals (Hawkey and Jones, 2009; Petersen et al., 2015).
Although the above global pathway is probable, the main originating cause of blaNDM-1 within the
New Delhi urban environment is unclear, especially the relative role of community, hospital, and
sewage treatment plant (STP) effluents as sources of blaNDM-1 and carbapenem-resistant enteric
bacteria (CRE) across the city. Therefore, we quantified levels of blaNDM-1, three integron-related
genes (int1, int2, and int3), 16S-rRNA genes, total coliforms (TC), faecal coliforms (FC), and CRE
isolates in New Delhi surface waters at 49 locations in winter and summer samples.
Integrons are defined here as mobile gene cassettes composed of a gene-encoding integrase (e.g.,
int1), a recognition and recombination of cassette (att I) and a promoter (Pc) for expression of the
cassettes (Hall and Collis, 1995). Based on previous data, class 1 markers tend to be most
associated with waste releases followed by class 3 and class 2 markers (Rapa and Labbate, 2013).
int1 and int3 are often found in freshwater and soil proteobacteria, whereas int2 is a part of marine
γ-proteobacteria (Deng et al., 2015; Li et al., 2013). Quantifying the abundance of integron gene
cassettes is useful in potentially understanding blaNDM-1 dispersal because they often are associated
with faecal releases to the environment (Andersson and Levin, 1999; Courvalin, 1994; Gillings et
al., 2015; Kruse and Srum, 1994; Leverstein-van Hall et al., 2002). These data were used to
quantify season differences in environmental CRE and blaNDM-1 exposure, the relative contribution
of community, hospital and STP wastewater sources to proximal levels, and dominant CRE species
found in sewer drains and the Yamuna River that impacts residents via environmental exposures.
This study is globally relevant because India is the largest consumer of antibiotics for personal use
in the world and β-lactams are among the most commonly used antibiotics in India (Boeckel et al.,
2014). We suspect antibiotic misuse in places like India partially explains the early evolution of
CRE strains, including blaNDM-1 positive isolates. Therefore, although New Delhi presents an
extreme case, it is a template for understanding AMR spread in any large city without adequate
wastewater management; a common scenario in the developing and emerging world.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Study Area and Sampling Program
Sampling across the New Delhi wastewater network included hospital effluents, open and subsurface sewer drains, STPs and final receiving waters. The network comprised 20 drain sites, 12
hospital waste outfalls, effluents from 12 STPs, and five sites along the Yamuna River, which is
the ultimate receptacle for wastewaters from the city (see Supporting Information (SI) Fig. S1 and
Tables S1-S3 for locations and details). Due to the myriad of wastewater sources to the network,
it was not possible to exactly quantify contributing population numbers (i.e., as cohorts) or hospital
versus community antibiotic use in an exact manner. Therefore, comparisons among community,
hospital, and STP sources were based on detected blaNDM-1, other genes and bacterial numbers per
wastewater catchment area. This allowed a block experimental design that allowed two-sample
comparisons of genes and bacteria per catchments or locations with different contributors.
Water column samples were collected in January/February (“Winter”) and May/June (“Summer”)
2014 from all locations. The following were quantified in samples (at least in triplicate): TC, FC,
and CRE colony forming units (CFUs), and temperature (T), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), and
specific conductivity. Water samples were sub-sampled in triplicate for qPCR analyses of blaNDM1,
integron 1, 2 and 3 gene cassette markers (int1, int2, and int3), and 16S rRNA genes.
2.2 Initial sample collection and processing
All the samples were collected in sterile 500-mL containers and returned to laboratory transported
on ice for subsequent microbial and molecular biological analysis. All microbial plating and
culturing work was performed within 24 hours of sampling, whereas sub-samples for molecular
work were frozen at -20oC for subsequent DNA extraction and qPCR. At the time of sampling,
wastewater temperature, pH, TDS, and specific conductivity were measured to describe the water
conditions under which samples for the microbiological and molecular biological analyses were
2.3 Microbial culturing and plating
Samples for TC, CRE, and FC were serially diluted in sterile phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and
plated in triplicate (per dilution) on Rapid HiColiform Agar (Himedia, India), HiCrome KPC Agar
Base (Himedia, India) at 37˚ C for 24 h, and M-FC Agar Base (Himedia, India) at 45˚ C for 24 h,
respectively. CFUs were estimated according to manufacturer’s instructions. Resistant colonies
were selected from the KPC plates and re-streaked to purity to allow 16S sequencing and
phenotyping. Isolate identities were verified using strain-specific Biochemical Test Kits (Himedia,
India) and included more than just KPC strains. Therefore, identified carbapenem-resistant isolates
are referred to as CRE herein.
2.4 DNA extraction and qPCR assays
DNA from frozen water and wastewater samples, and pure culture isolates were extracted using
the Fast Soil DNA extraction kit and a Ribolyzer according to manufacturer’s instructions. DNA
from pure cultures was amplified using bacterial 338F and 1046R primers (Huber et al., 2007; Yu
et al., 2005); preheating at 95˚C for 5 min, 39 cycles of denaturation at 95˚C for 45 s, annealing at
60˚C for 45 s, extension at 72˚C for 45 s and final extension at 72˚C for 7 min. Agarose gels were
run to examine the primary PCR products and the 16S-rRNA was sequenced. Extracted DNA from
the field samples was stored at -20˚ C for subsequent qPCR analysis. Specific genes reported here
include blaNDM-1, int1, int2 and int3, and 16S-rRNA genes were also quantified to estimate the
total eubacterial population size. The probes/primers used in qPCR are provided in Table S4 (SI).
All genes were quantified in triplicate using the BioRad CFX-96 system (BioRad, USA). All
reactions were performed with serially-diluted DNA standards and DNA-free negative controls.
Correlation coefficients for the calibration curves were > 0.99 and all the log gene abundance
values were in the linear range of detection.
2.5 Isolate identification and characterization
To identify and characterize the CRE isolates, pure cultures were developed, DNA extracted, and
16S-rRNA (Pace, 1997) were amplified using bacterial 338F and 1046R primers. Purified PCR
products were sequenced using Sanger Shotgun sequencing. Sequences were compared with the
GenBank database (Benson et al., 2013) using Standard Nucleotide BLAST tool, and strains were
identified based on percentage similarities with strains within the database. Biochemical test kits
were used to confirm isolates and all isolates were screened for carriage of blaNDM-1 using PCR.
2.6 Statistical analysis and data visualization
All the data analysis was done using Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, USA) and SPSS Version
19.0 (Chicago, IL). Point data (e.g., CRE concentrations) were analyzed using bivariate correlation
employing the Spearman’s non-parametric methods on log-transformed data because normality
could not be assumed for all datasets. The paired sample t-test was conducted for comparing
hospital versus community catchments. Statistical significance was always defined by 95%
confidence intervals (p < 0.05), although data trends were assumed to be important when p < 0.1
because of the complex environments from which the samples were collected.
Spatial analysis of CRE concentrations in surface waters and population densities across the city
was performed using ArcGIS 10.1. The aim was to visualize spatial relationships between detected
CRE at locations in surface waters across the city and areas of differing population density. Due
to differences in data format and the complexity of relationships between areal population density
data and point-based CRE data, direct statistical analysis was not possible. However, mapped
visualizations were developed to permit qualitative comparisons, which was the best option given
the available data.
3. Results and Discussion
Wastewater samples were collected from 12 hospitals, 12 STPs, 20 major drains, and from five
locations along the Yamuna River in New Delhi in summer and winter of 2014 (see Fig. S1 and
SI for site details). Mean seasonal concentrations of TC, FC, CRE, blaNDM-1, int1, int2, and int3
were quantified across locations, which are summarized in Table S5 (see SI). The concentrations
of TC, FC, CRE, blaNDM-1, int1, and int3 were consistently highest in hospital effluents in samples
from both seasons, except for FC in summers which were highest in the samples collected from
STPs (Table S5). In summer samples, hospitals had at least 10-fold higher levels of CRE (p =
0.002) and 100-fold higher levels of blaNDM-1 (p = 0.015) compared with the other sampling
locations. In contrast, TC, FC, CRE, blaNDM-1, int1, and int3 concentrations were not statistically
different among drain, STP, and Yamuna River samples (p > 0.05). int3 concentrations were
significantly higher than int1 in winter drain samples (p = 0.012), which to our knowledge, has not
been observed in previous surface water studies. int2 concentrations were always low.
Bivariate correlation analysis was performed on all data, and Figure 1 showed significant, positive
correlations between FC, and CRE (r = 0.903, p = 0.004, n = 49) and blaNDM-1 (r = 0.787, p =
0.003, n=49) concentrations, respectively, based on all samples collected across the city. Both
CRE (r = 0.839, p = 0.007, n=49) and blaNDM-1 (r = 0.794, p = 0.008, n=49) concentrations also
significantly correlated with TC levels. Significant correlations of FC with both CRE and blaNDM1
suggests a close association between surface water CRE and faecal matter, exemplifying the
potential impact of sewage releases on CRE and blaNDM-1 exposures to humans from the city’s
surface waters. Not surprisingly, CRE and blaNDM-1 significantly correlated across all samples (r =
0.888, p = 0.004).
To assess possible relationships between selected MGEs and blaNDM-1, the three integrons were
quantified in all hospital, drain, STP and the river samples, and correlations between blaNDM-1 and
each was assessed. Overall, int1 and int3 concentrations significantly correlated with blaNDM-1 gene
abundances in most settings and in both the seasons (Table S6), whereas int2 and blaNDM-1 levels
displayed no significant relationship. These data are consistent with observed correlations between
integrons and other ARGs in faecal-impacted waters (Leverstein-van Hall et al., 2002), although
co-carriage of int1 and blaNDM-1 was only observed in 52%, 28%, 45% and 57% of the CRE isolates
from the drain, STP, hospital and river samples, respectively (see Table S7). This implies that int1
and blaNDM-1 are present in Delhi surface waters, but they are only sometimes associated with the
same specific isolates.
With regards to seasonal variation, higher concentrations of all bacterial and genetic markers were
seen in winter samples, probably due to greater seasonal antibiotic use (Boeckel et al., 2014;
Kotwani and Holloway, 2011), and lower water use and surface water flows in the winter
(Ahammad et al., 2014). As background, antibiotics are often inappropriately used in India for
viral infections, which are much more common in the winter. Thus, lower water use which results
in lesser dilution coupled with higher antibiotic use in winter, results in higher concentration of
bacterial and gene abundances in the winter.
To understand seasonal variations on the bacterial carriage of blaNDM-1, we normalized blaNDM-1,
int1 and int3 gene levels per bacterial cell (i.e., 16S gene levels) in samples (Fig. 2). Although
higher absolute abundances of CRE and blaNDM-1 are apparent in the winter (Table S5), normalised
data imply greater carriage of blaNDM-1 per cell in the summer (Fig. 2). The only exception is in
hospital wastes in the winter, which appear to have especially high levels blaNDM-1 per cell,
presumably due to very high hospital antibiotic use in the winter (Lamba et al., 2017).
Although Fig. 2 and Table S5 data appear contradictory, observed differences can be explained by
seasonal differences in receiving water conditions. We suspect higher normalised gene levels in
the summer are due to warmer surface water temperatures (see Fig. 3); i.e., faecal CRE that enter
surface waters in the summer in wastes probably survive longer due to warmer temperatures.
Conversely, lower temperatures in the winter enhance faecal bacteria die-off. This is consistent
with Walsh et al. who predicted higher frequencies of plasmid transfer, including of blaNDM-1 , in
the summer due to high temperatures in New Delhi (Walsh et al. 2014). On a positive note,
normalised blaNDM-1 levels were consistently lower in STP effluents, which implies STPs, in
relative terms, contribute fewer blaNDM-1 per cell in Delhi surface waters than other sources.
Unfortunately, only ~40% of human wastes in New Delhi are treated in STPs (Central Pollution
Control Board, 2013; Central Pollution Control Board, 2005), implying increasing STP coverage
should reduce AMR exposures in Delhi surface waters, assuming antibiotic use is also curbed.
To differentiate levels of AMR contributed by community versus hospital sources, we compared
CRE, blaNDM-1, int1 and int3 levels in drains with hospitals in their catchment and drains without
apparent hospital contributions (Fig. 4). Higher levels of CRE and blaNDM-1 were evident in
hospital-impacted drains compared with community waste-only drains in both seasons, which was
suggested earlier (Lamba et al., 2017), implying foci of antibiotic use, such as hospitals, result in
locally greater environmental AMR exposures (Henninger and Ku, 2003). This is consistent with
studies on hospital environs in Bangladesh (Islam et al. 2017).
High use of antibiotics in hospitals is a particular problem in India and, combined with inadequate
STP coverage, appear to particularly contribute to AMR spread in New Delhi. As background,
most of the hospitals in New Delhi actually have their own wastewater treatment systems, but
observed elevated abundances of TC, FC, CRE, and blaNDM-1 in hospital effluents (Table S5)
suggest treatment systems are either inappropriate or poorly maintained. Interestingly, int1 and
int3 levels do not consequentially differ between drains with and without hospitals, implying these
integron cassettes are not necessarily associated with CRE and blaNDM-1 from the hospitals. This
is consistent with the occasional co-carriage of int1 and blaNDM-1 in CRE isolates (Table S7).
The presence of high levels of CRE and blaNDM-1 in the hospital wastewaters indicates a potential
risk of spreading these resistant determinants within the environment and ultimately to human
populations (Gómez et al., 2010). The CRE and blaNDM-1 contributed from hospitals do get diluted
in the sewers; hence lower abundances of coliforms, CRE, blaNDM-1 and integron genes are
apparent compared to the hospitals. Usually, sewer lines receive water from local rural and urban
residential areas, nearby hospitals, villages and agricultural areas (Lamba et al. 2017). People
residing in densely populated urban areas use more and more expensive antibiotics, resulting in
higher absolute levels of self-prescription relative to less developed areas (Tamhankar et al. 2018).
Though the presence of better sanitation systems in urban areas implies greater waste treatment
for “conventional” pollutants, this does not appear to translate into lower local AMR levels,
possibly due to higher population densities and antibiotic use, but also because conventional
treatment systems were never designed to remove AMR genes (Gómez et al., 2010).
Data in Fig. 2 suggest STPs do reduce normalised levels of AMR and MGE genes, but absolute
levels remain relatively high, even in STP effluents (Lamba and Ahammad, 2017). In contrast to
the more developed urban areas, economically deprived areas (i.e., slums) often have no central
sanitation and-or inadequate health care facilities. Hence it can be inferred that, although less
“untreated” waste is released from developed urban areas, per capita AMR discharges may be
higher than slum areas. In contrast, slum areas contribute more untreated faecal matter to
community surface waters. Interestingly, the sewer drains with the highest CRE levels are
primarily central drains in the SE corner of Delhi (see Fig. 6), which is the “downstream” end the
city. This implies CRE released citywide may be progressively accumulating in sewer drains as
wastewater flows across the city, suggesting greater human exposures to CRE are more based on
the direction of flow rather factors like local wealth demographics.
Further, the city was divided based upon the population density and spatial analysis was done using
ArcGIS 10.1 to contrast locations of greatest population density on the prevalence of CRE in the
drains and river (see Fig. 5). Spatial analysis shows the highest human population densities are in
east central Delhi straddling the Yamuna River, which is immediately “upstream” of drain
locations with the highest levels CRE across the city. This does not imply a direct and statistical
cause-and-effect, but it hints that greater upstream population densities translate into higher
exposure levels to CRE in downstream waters. This downstream effect is particularly acute in the
winter (see Fig. 5), although a similar trend is apparent in both seasons.
In order to determine the types of CRE strains in different environmental locations, isolates were
purified and identified from hospital, drain, STP and the river samples, which are summarized in
Table 1. All noted gram-negative isolates are pathogens associated with nosocomial- and
community-associated infections in humans (Anton et al., 2010; Nordmann et al., 2009), and
include strains on the World Health Organization list of pathogens in urgent need of new
antibiotics (World Health Organization, 2017). Among the CRE strains isolated (n = 4077), 82%
of the hospital wastewater isolates, 75% from sewer drains, 43% from STPs and 71% from river
samples contained blaNDM-1 (Table S6). Since local human populations are most exposed to drain
and river water, the proportional number of different CRE isolates were estimated for each source
(Fig. 6). The most common CRE isolates found in sewer drains were Pseudomonas putida (39%),
Acinetobacter baumanni (20%) and Pseudomonas montelli (19%). In contrast, Yamuna River
samples were dominated by Klebsiella pneumonia (26%), Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp.
Pneumoniae (17%) and Acinetobacter baumanni (16%). Klebsiella spp. and Acinetobacter spp.
strains can cause serious health issues, such as urinary tract and bloodstream infections (Peleg and
Hooper, 2011).
4. Conclusions
The burden of AR is continuously increasing and is now recognized as a major threat to the public
health for treating infectious disease. The present study reveals a grim scenario to the residents of
New Delhi due to CRE exposure from wastewater discharges. Clearly, AMR genes and bacteria
are being released to the New Delhi water environment from different sources with hospitals
potentially being particularly important. However, hospitals are only one source and a much wider
problem exists, which roots from a combination of widespread antibiotic overuse and inadequate
urban sanitation. Although it cannot be proved with certainty, this combination is likely changing
community health. Therefore, solutions that combine altered human behaviour and improved
infrastructure are both urgently needed.
Regardless, high levels of CRE and blaNDM-1 in New Delhi surface waters imply a consequential
environmental exposure risk to people residing in the city. Improving community sanitation and
water quality, encouraging the more prudent use of antibiotics, improving infection control
practices, and increasing waste treatment are all needed. We strongly suspect unless all these
actions are done, the AMR problem in places like New Delhi will continue to get worse. More
prudent use of antibiotics is clearly and urgently needed; however, increased coverage of wellmanaged and appropriate waste treatment is also critical to reducing AMR exposures via
wastewater sources.
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The authors acknowledge funding support from Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India (EASE-TEC, RP03251). The authors would also like to thank Dr. Satyendra
and Kunal Gupta for their help in sampling.
Author Contributions Statement
The study was designed and supervised by ZSA. ML and ZSA collected all the samples. ML
performed all the experiments. ML, SG and RS performed the analyses. ML, ZSA, DWG and TRS
analyzed the data and prepared the manuscript.
Competing financial interests: The author(s) declare no competing financial interests.
Figure Captions
Fig. 1 Relationships among fecal coliform (FC), carbapenem-resistant enteric bacteria (CRE) and
blaNDM-1 levels in drain, river, STP, and hospital samples collected across New Delhi.
Fig. 2 Normalized abundances of blaNDM-1, int1 and int3 in New Delhi surface waters in the
summer and winter. Hospital and STP refer to the effluents from each source, whereas Drain and
River samples were collected from the drain and river banks. Standard errors are shown as error
bars (n = 12 for hospitals, 20 for drains, 12 for STPs and 5 for river).
Fig. 3 Effect of ambient water temperature in the drains and Yamuna River on the normalised
levels of blaNDM-1 (per 16S-rRNA level).
Fig. 4 Abundance of CRE isolates, blaNDM-1, int1 and int3 in Delhi sewer drains at the bottom of
drainage catchments with hospitals (i.e., community plus hospital inputs) and without hospitals
(only receiving community wastes). A hospital within a catchment increases exposure risk to CRE
and blaNDM-1 via surface waters, especially in the winter. Error bars indicate standard errors.
Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of seasonal CRE exposures across New Delhi. [Map was made using
ArcGIS 10.1]
Fig. 6 Relative prevalence of different CRE isolates from (a) drain and (b) river samples