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538 vocalisations from three domestic cats were collected and used in a phonetic pilot study in order to test some recording and analysis methods normally used with human speech. Based on auditive analysis, the vocalisations were categorised into five types and analysed for duration and F 0 . The most common type was a combined murmur and miaow. Similar mean type durations were found in all three cats. Mean, minimum and maximum F 0 showed an overall high variability, due to the large number of intonation patterns used in each type. One might speculate that cats signal paralinguistic -perhaps even linguistic -information by varying their F 0 . Neither the recording techniques nor the analysis tools used here were judged to be optimal for cat vocalisations. Future work includes a larger study of cat vocalisations, including intonation and formants, with adapted recording and analysis methods.
Proceedings of FONETIK 2019, 10-12 June 2019, Stockholm, 2019
In the project Melody in Human-Cat Communication (Meowsic) we are using established phonetic methods to collect, annotate, pre-process and analyse domestic cat-human vocal communication. This article describes these methods, and also presents results of meow vocalisations in four different mental states showing variation in fundamental frequency (f0).
This study collected 257 vocalisations from three domestic cats when they were watching birds through the window. The sounds were subdivided into the types chatter, chirp, tweet and tweedle, and analysed for duration and F 0 . Variation was found within and between these types as well as within and between the three cats in both duration and F 0 . A tentative taxonomy of prey-observing cat vocalisations is suggested based on words used for bird sounds.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2023
Cat purring is a sound that has been produced by cats made by several species of felids and two species of genetics. The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is one of the most common domestic animals we hear of today. This cat also has its own specialties and uniqueness, among them is that the cat is able to produce very low frequencies and is able to provide benefits to all humans. (Wereski, Mike 2015). The first purpose was to study the frequencies that had been produced by both cats and to identify whether the age of the cats influenced the frequencies that had been produced. The second purpose was To identify whether different cat attitudes would influence the frequency produced by cats. The study subjects were two domestic cats where Domestic Cat A, named molly was a 4-month-old female cat of mixed breed, while domestic cat B, named spooky, was a 36month-old female cat and domestic cat C named Neslo which was 17-month-old female cat.. The two study subjects were different mixed breeds. Both cats are domestic cats which have been cared for and cared for since childhood. The selection of the two cats was based on reasons for differences in age and behavior. Data recording using Iphone SE (2020) brand telephone equipment and for cat frequency data were collected while sleeping. This aims to collect standard cat vocalizations. The purs sound production of older domestic cats is higher than that of young domestic cats. In conclusion, sound can also become louder as the age. The older the cat is, the higher the frequency the cat produces.
This study examined human listeners' ability to classify domestic cat vocalisations (meows) recorded in two different contexts; during feeding time (food related meows) and while waiting to visit a veterinarian (vet related meows). A pitch analysis showed a tendency for food related meows to have rising F0 contours, while vet related meows tended to have more falling F0 contours. 30 listeners judged twelve meows (six of each context) in a perception test. Classification accuracy was significantly above chance, and listeners who had reported previous experience with cats performed significantly better than inexperienced listeners. Moreover, the two food related meows with the highest classification accuracy showed clear rising F0 contours, while clear falling F0 contours characterised the two vet related meows that received the highest classification accuracy. Listeners also reported that some meows were very easy to classify, while others were more difficult. Taken together, these results suggest that cats may use different intonation patterns in their vocal interaction with humans, and that humans are able to identify the vocalisations based on intonation.
Introducing a new cat to a home with resident cats may lead to stress, aggression and even fights. In this case study 468 agonistic cat vocalisations were recorded as one cat was introduced to three resident cats in her new home. Six vocalisation types were identified: growl, howl, howl-growl, hiss, spit and snarl. Numerous other intermediate and complex vocalisations were also observed. An acoustic analysis showed differences within and between all types. Future studies include further acoustic analyses of cat vocalisations produced by a larger number of cats.
Proceedings of FONETIK 2019, 10-12 June 2019, Stockholm, 2019
This pilot study is an attempt to explore how fundamental frequency (f0) as an acoustic correlate to paralinguistic information and biological codes are employed in interspecific vocal communication. Measures of f0 in human (Homo sapiens) and domestic cat (Felis catus) intra-and interspecific communication were compared. Results showed higher mean f0 in interspecific than intraspe-cific utterances for both species, while all cat-directed utterances had higher f0 range and standard deviation (sd).
This study examined human listeners' ability to classify cat vocalisations (meows) recorded in two different contexts; during feeding time (food related meows) and while waiting at a vet clinic (vet related meows). A pitch analysis showed that food related meows tended to have rising f0 contours, while vet related meows often had more falling f0 patterns. 30 listeners judged 6 meows of each context. Classification accuracy was significantly above chance, and listeners with cat experience performed significantly better than inexperienced listeners. The food related meows with the highest classification accuracy showed clear rising f0 contours, while clear falling f0 contours characterised the vet related meows with the highest classification accuracy. Our results suggest that cats use different intonation patterns in their vocal interaction with humans, and that humans are able to identify these vocalisations.
This study observed the responses of adult cats to kitten directed speech (KDS) and adult human directed speech (HDS). Recordings of adult human vocalizations in human directed, adult cat directed and kitten directed speech scenarios were analyzed for their acoustic qualities. Acoustical analysis showed that there was little difference between feline adult directed speech (FADS) and human directed speech; as a result, playback experiments use only kitten directed and human directed speech. Analysis of kitten directed and human directed speech showed that minor difference in many features occurred, only harmonicity varied significantly. Videos of playback experiments provided data for the analysis of feline responses to the cats' owners and to strangers using kitten directed speech and human directed speech. The analysis showed that cats paid more attention to the kitten directed speech of strangers than owners.
Los presupuestos se pueden clasificar desde diversos puntos de vista a saber: 1. según la flexibilidad, 2. Según el periodo de tiempo que cubren, 3. Según el campo de aplicabilidad de la empresa, 4. Según el sector en el cual se utilicen.
To έργο “No hay Caminos, hay que caminar... Andrej Tarkowskij” ολοκληρώθηκε το 1987 και είναι το τελευταίο έργο για ορχήστρα του συνθέτη Luigi Nono. Η ανάλυση εξετάζει το έργο από κάθε δυνατή ακουστική γωνία (μορφολογική, παραδειγματική, ενορχηστρωτική, φασματική, ρυθμική, χωρική και “τονική”) καθώς το έργο θέτει σε πρώτο επίπεδο -δομικά- όλες τις μουσικές παραμέτρους. Η διάταξη της ορχήστρας (μετα-κίνηση του ήχου) σε συνδυασμό με την σχεδόν αποκλειστική χρήση του φθόγγου Σολ και όλων των χρωματικών αλλοιώσεών του κατά τέταρτα του τόνου και ημιτόνια (προς κάθε κατεύθυνση), καθώς επίσης και η εκπληκτική χρήση της απόλυτης σιωπής η οποία διακόπτεται, άλλοτε από βίαιες εξάρσεις της ορχήστρας και άλλοτε από τμήματα στα οποία η εξαιρετικά χαμηλή στάθμη της έντασης δημιουργεί μουσικά γεγονότα τα οποία προσεγγίζουν τα όρια της ανθρώπινης ακουστικής αντιληπτικής ικανότητας, καθιστούν τον Ήχο σε θεμελιώδη στόχο του έργου και την Μετακίνησή του (σε κάθε επίπεδο, π.χ. χωρικό, τονικό κ.α.), σε κινητήριο δύναμη που επιτρέπει στο έργο να διαρκεί σχεδόν 24 λεπτά.
Etnološka tribina 51(44):3-11, 2021
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