Incorporation of tritium of 3H-5-uridine into DNA

1966, Experimental Cell Research


Incorporation of tritium of 3H-5-uridine into DNA 677 also are very similar to the spectral sensitivity curves which were obtained by Burkhardt [1] from single visual cells of the wild4ype eyes in experiments with intracellular micro-electrodes. The extinction curves of most of the rhabdomeres fit well with the sensitivity characteristics of the "green-receptor" of Burkhardt. Rhabdomere no. 7 is probably part of the cell which is typical for his "blue-receptor". By microspectrometry of single rhabdomeres it can be demonstrated that one of this type is found within each ommatidium and has a fixed position. The presence of different visual pigments in defined cells of one and the same onnnatidium is undoubtedly important for colour vision by the faceted eye. This investigation was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.