European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
EAU Guidelines on Chronic Pelvic Pain
M. Falla,*, A.P. Baranowskib, C.J. Fowlerb, V. Lepinardc, J.G. Malone-Leed,
E.J. Messelinke, F. Oberpenningf, J.L. Osborneg, S. Schumacherh
Institute of Surgical Sciences, Department of Urology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, 413 45 Göteborg, Sweden
University College London Hospital, London, UK
Clinique Saint-Louis, Angers Cedex, France
Royal Free and University College Medical School, London, UK
Onze Lieve Vrouwe Gasthuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn, Germany
University College Hospitals, Great Portland, UK
Zayed Military Hospital, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Accepted 29 July 2004
Available online 19 August 2004
Objectives: On behalf of the European Association of Urology (EAU) guidelines for diagnosis, therapy and followup of chronic pelvic pain patients were established.
Method: Guidelines were compiled by a working group and based on current literature following a systematic
review using MEDLINE. References were weighted by the panel of experts.
Results: The full text of the guidelines is available through the EAU Central Office and the EAU website
( This article is a short version of this text and summarises the main conclusions from the
guidelines on management of chronic pelvic pain.
Conclusion: A guidelines text is presented including chapters on prostate pain and bladder pain syndromes, urethral
pain, scrotal pain, pelvic pain in gynaecological practice, role of the pelvic floor and pudendal nerve, general
treatment of chronic pelvic pain and neuromodulation. These guidelines have been drawn up to provide support in
the management of the large and difficult group of patients suffering from chronic pelvic pain.
# 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Guidelines; Chronic pelvic pain; Prostate pain syndromes; Bladder pain syndrome; Prostatitis;
Interstitial cystitis; Evaluation; Diagnosis; Treatment; Follow-up
1. Introduction
‘‘Chronic pelvic pain’’ is a non-malignant pain
perceived in structures related to the pelvis. It can
be difficult to manage because it is often impossible
to identify the pathophysiological origin. Nociceptive
pain must prove persistent or recurrent over six months
before being described as chronic. If non-acute pain
mechanisms are identified then the pain is considered
chronic, irrespective of the time course. There is no
* Corresponding author. Tel. +46 31 342 10 00; Fax: +46 31 41 49 72.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (M. Fall).
ideal classification for the conditions included in the set
that constitutes chronic pain syndrome. The terms used
in these guidelines follow the most recent recommendations for the terminology by the International Continence Society (ICS) [1], which are based on the Axial
Structure of the International Association for the Study
of Pain (IASP) classification (Table 1).
2. Prostate pain syndrome
Prostatitis is a poorly defined condition that encompasses the three elements, lower urinary tract
0302-2838/$ – see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
Table 1
Classification of chronic pelvic pain syndromes
symptoms (LUTS), evidence of inflammation and
involvement of the prostate. These features may exhibit
varying degrees of involvement since the term primarily portrays a symptom set. The NIDDK system is the
preferred classification identifying four major subtypes
of disease [2] (Table 2). An EAU working group has
suggested a practical classification that divides chronic
prostatitis into chronic bacterial, in which a pathogen
Table 2
Classification of prostatitis according to NIDDK/NIH
Acute bacterial prostatitis (ABP)
Chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP)
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS)
A. Inflammatory CPPS: WBC in semen/EPS/voided
bladder urine-3 (VB3)
B. Noninflammatory CPPS: no WBC semen/EPS/VB3
Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis (histological prostatitis)
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
has been demonstrated, and culture-negative disease,
where inflammation is found microscopically in the
absence of an identified pathogen [3]. In 5 to 10% of
cases, prostatitis is shown to have a bacterial
aetiology. In the remaining proportion the symptoms
have been attributed to ‘‘Chronic non-bacterial
prostatitis’’, ‘‘Prostadyndia’’ or ‘‘Chronic prostatitis
associated with chronic pain syndrome’’. The latter
is defined as discomfort or pain in the pelvic region
with negative culture of specimens and insignificant
numbers of white blood cells in prostate-specific
specimens including semen, expressed prostatic secretions and urine collected after prostatic massage.
There is neither overt renal tract disease nor evidence
of urethritis, other inflammation, urogenital cancer,
urethral stricture or neurological disease. The aetiology
and pathogenesis of this larger group of patients
is extremely speculative and therefore the new
term ‘‘Prostate pain syndromes’’ seems more appropriate.
The diagnosis rests on a clinical history, symptoms
evaluation, examination and analysis of urine and
prostate-specific specimens. Commonly, a course of
antibiotics is used as a therapeutic test rather than a
diagnostic response.
2.1. Medical treatment
Current treatment is directed at symptom management to improve life quality and the involvement
of pain management services. Benefit may be
wrought by alpha blockers [4–6], muscle relaxants
[7,8] and antibiotics [9–14]. Patients who effect a
response to antibiotics should be maintained on such
for at least six weeks. Should a relapse occur, continuous low-dose antimicrobial treatment should be
used [7].
Although analgesics are given to most patients,
efficacy data are sparse [7]. Other options have
been advocated but need justification through evidence. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID), immunotherapy [15], 5-alphareductase inhibitors [16,17] and anticholinergics
2.2. Interventional treatments
Various physical therapies have been claimed to
improve symptoms although rigorous efficacy data
are lacking. Heat therapy as microwave energy
applied trans-urethral or trans-rectal has been
reported to induce favourable effects in some
patients [18,19]. Surgical treatment is limited to
circumstances where another indication exists
3. Bladder pain syndrome (Interstitial
The collective term ‘‘Interstitial cystitis’’ includes a
variety of conditions most commonly identified by
symptoms. The classical ulcer disease (Hunner’s ulcer)
is found in as few as 10% up to 50% of cases [22,23].
The diagnostic criteria described by the NIDDK [24]
were formulated for research purpose and reach a
diagnosis through exclusion, inappropriate in clinical
care (Table 3). Since symptoms invariably define the
clinical condition the term ‘‘Painful bladder syndrome’’ or ‘‘Bladder pain syndrome’’ is more apposite.
The prevalence of bladder pain syndrome is between
5 and 16 per 100,000 of the population [25–27]
although higher prevalence up to 0.5% have been
reported. The aetiology is not known. No bacterial
or viral cause for bladder pain syndrome has been
found despite the use of sophisticated detection methods. Many hypotheses have been proposed, the more
popular including mast cell activation [23], defects in
the urothelial glycosaminoglycan (GAG) coating
[28,29] autoimmune disease [30,31], toxic agents
[32] and neuroendocrine-immune interactions [33,
34]. None of these hypotheses have been tested properly and have invalid status.
Table 3
Research definition of interstitial cystitis described by NIDDK Workshop on
IC, 28–29 August 1987 [24]
Automatic inclusions
Hunner’s ulcer
Positive factors
Pain on bladder filling relieved by emptying
Pain (suprapubic, pelvic, urethral, vaginal or perineal)
Glomerulations on endoscopy
Decreased compliance on cystometrogram
Automatic exclusions
<18 years old
Benign or malignant bladder tumours
Radiation cystitis
Tuberculous cystitis
Bacterial cystitis
Cyclophosphamide cystitis
Symptomatic urethral diverticulum
Uterine, cervical, vaginal or urethral cancer
Active herpes
Bladder or lower ureteral calculi
Waking frequency < five times in 12 hours
Nocturia < two times
Symptoms relieved by antibiotics, urinary antiseptics, urinary
analgesics (for example phenazopyridine hydrochloride)
Duration <12 months
Involuntary bladder contractions (urodynamics)
Capacity >400 cc, absence of sensory urgency
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
Bladder pain syndrome is diagnosed on the basis of
symptoms, examination, urine analysis and cystoscopy
with hydro-distension and biopsy. All patients describe
pain, urinary frequency and nocturia. The pain, which
is sometimes extreme, typically increases with bladder
filling and is located suprapubically. This may radiate
to the groins, vagina, clitoris, penis, rectum or sacrum
and it is relieved by voiding although it soon returns
Classical ulcer disease and bladder pain syndrome
demonstrate different clinical presentations and age
distributions [35]. They can be discriminated noninvasively and respond differently to treatment. Classical ulcer disease is a destructive inflammation which
in some patients leads to contracted, fibrotic bladders
and upper tract outflow obstruction. This progression
does not occur in non-ulcer bladder pain syndrome.
The two conditions differ in their histopathology,
immunology and neurobiology [23].
Classical ulcer disease displays reddened mucosal
areas often associated with small vessels radiating
towards a central scar, sometimes covered by a small
clot or fibrin deposit [35]. The scar ruptures with
increasing bladder distension with a characteristic
‘‘waterfall’’ type of bleeding. There is a strong association between classical ulcer disease and reduced
bladder capacity under anaesthesia [23,35]. Non-ulcer
disease displays a normal bladder mucosa at initial
cystoscopy. The development of glomerulations after
hydro-distension is a diagnostic sign still lacking evidential authority.
Biopsies help to support the clinical diagnosis of
classical ulcer disease and to exclude carcinoma in situ
and tuberculous cystitis [36]. Several tests, for example
the measurement of potassium chloride permeability
have been proposed but evidence is meagre. The
Table 4
Level of evidence and grade of recommendation
Type of evidence
Meta-analysis of randomized trials
At least on randomized trial
One well-designed controlled study without randomization
One other type of well-designed quasi-experimental study
Non-experimental study (comparative study, correlation study,
case reports)
Expert committee, expert opinion
Basis for recommendation
Clinical studies of good quality and consistency including at
least one randomized trial
Well-conducted clinical studies without randomized trials
Absence of directly applicable clinical studies of good quality
O’Leary Sant symptom index [37] aids diagnosis
and helps to measure outcome.
3.1. Medical treatment
The treatment of bladder pain syndrome has yet to
be defined from evidence. Tables 4–6 summarise the
current literature on this subject.
4. Urethral pain syndrome
Urethral pain syndrome is diagnosed in patients
presenting with dysuria, with or without frequency,
nocturia, urgency and urge incontinence in the absence
of evidence of urinary infection.
It is germane that the methods typically used to
identify urinary infection are extremely insensitive and
some patients may have genuine infection that has not
been recognised. Modern automated laboratory methods will not detect colony counts below 104 colony
Table 5
Medical treatment of IC
Sodium PPS
Suplatast tosilate
Level of evidence
Grade of recommendation
Indications limited to cases awaiting further treatment
Corticosteroids not recommended as long-term treatment
Standard treatment
Preliminary data so far
Standard treatment
Standard treatment
Limited role in the treatment of IC
Insufficient data on IC, adverse effects
Effect in IC uncertain
Insufficient data on IC, adverse effects
Limited indication in IC
Limited indication in IC
Preliminary data so far
Preliminary data so far
Preliminary data so far
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
Table 6
Intravesical, interventional, alternative and surgical treatment of Interstitial cystitis
Intravesical anesthetics
Intravesical pentosanpolysulfate (PPS)
Intravesical heparin
Intravesical hyauronic acid
Intravesical dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)
Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
Intravesical clorpactin
Intravesical vanilloids
Bladder distension
Electromotive drug administration (EMDA)
Transurethral resection (TUR), coagulation
Nerve blockades/epidural pain pumps
Sacral neuromodulation
Bladder training
Manual and physical therapy
Psychological therapy
Surgical treatment
Type of evidence
Nature of recommendation
Not recommended beyond clinical trials
Not recommended
Not recommended beyond clinical trials
No data
Data contradictory
Insufficient data on IC
Hunner’s ulcers only
For crisis intervention, effect on pain only
Not recommended beyond clinical trials
Patients without pain
Data contradictory
Ultima ratio, experienced surgeons
n.a. = not applicable
forming units per ml (cfm/ml) of urine, when in the
presence of symptoms an appropriate diagnostic
threshold should be 102 cfm/ml. Nearly one third of
acutely dysuric women with urinary infection caused
by Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus saprophyticus or
Proteus spp. have mid-stream urine colony counts in
the range 102 to 104 cfm/ml [38–40].
Urethral trauma arising from intercourse may
cause pain and dysuria. Women with pelvic floor
dysfunction describe the symptoms as do postmenopausal women.
5. Scrotal pain syndrome
Acute scrotal pain includes torsion of the testis and
appendices and requires immediate diagnostic and
therapeutic attention. In contrast, chronic scrotal pain
is a symptom that has lasted at least six months. It can
be unilateral or bilateral, continuous or intermittent.
In order to clarify the diagnosis, each component of
the scrotum should be palpated and, if possible the site
of the pain should be localised. A digital rectal examination is mandatory and the integrity of the pelvis and
spine should be checked. It is essential to perform
ultrasonography of the scrotal contents to seek for
lesions within the testicular parenchyma and epididymis. Ultrasound should also include examination of the
prostate, upper urinary tract and bladder. The urine
should be analysed. MRI and CT scans are optional
[41]. The differential diagnoses to consider include
chronic epididymitis, painful cystic lesions, sequelae
following trauma or orchitis or pain referred from
prostatitis, prostate cancer, anorectal disorders or distal
ureteric stones.
5.1. Medical treatment
The first-line treatments in chronic epididymitis are
antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Patients with extragenital disease are treated according
to the cause. Patients without identifiable lesions have
to be treated conservatively, using antibiotics and
methods for managing chronic pain. It is not unusual
to be unable to find an explanation for chronic scrotal
If microcalcifications are identified in the testes
during the assessments, the patients should be followed
up, not because the calcifications have anything to do
with the symptoms but because there is a slight chance
of the development of testicular cancer [42].
5.2. Surgical treatment
A surgical procedure will cure an average of 50% of
patients with an identifiable intrascrotal lesion [43–46],
with superior results from painful hydrocoel, spermatocoel and varicocoel. Surgery is also the method of
choice in chronic epididymitis associated with recurrent urinary infection and urethral stricture, in this
specific case to ablate the stricture. Postvasectomy
pain, like chronic epididymitis or sperm granuloma
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
may also be accessible to surgical management. Posthernia repair orchalgia with presumed nerve entrapment will require surgical exploration when all other
means have failed. In patients with chronic orchalgia
where no cause has been found surgery may be contemplated but the results are not good [43]. Favourable
results have been reported from microsurgical testicular denervation [47].
6. Pelvic pain in gynaecological practice
Pelvic pain presenting to the gynaecologist will
feature a remedial cause in approximately 70% of
cases, leaving 30% unexplained [48]. Clues to the
aetiology are provided by the history, including the
nature, frequency and site of the pain, precipitating
factors, effect of the menstrual cycle, a record of
sexually transmitted diseases, vaginal discharge and
sexual trauma. Abdominal and pelvic examination will
exclude gross pathology as well as demonstrating the
site of any tenderness. Vaginal and endocervical swabs
may identify pathogens. Cervical cytology screening is
advised. Pelvic ultrasound should always be used, MRI
where indicated. Laparoscopy is the most useful invasive investigation [49,50].
Primary dysmenorrhoea begins with the onset of
ovulatory menstrual cycles and tends to decrease following childbirth. Secondary dysmenorrhoea suggests
a pathological process such as endometriosis and pelvic infection.
Endometriosis is suggested by a history of secondary dysmenorrhoea and often dyspareunia, with
reduced uterine mobility, and sometimes adnexal
masses. The bladder, ureter and bowel may be
involved. Endometriosis may be halted, but not cured,
by hormone treatment. The best surgical results are
achieved laparoscopically in specialist centres. Despite
extensive surgery, pain may persist.
Chronic pelvic pain may arise from gynaecological
malignancy or childbirth-related injuries. It is essential
to consider pain associated with urinary and gastrointestinal disease.
7. Pelvic floor and pudendal nerve
The pelvic floor has three functions; support, contraction and relaxation. Underactive pelvic floor muscles result in urinary and faecal incontinence and pelvic
organ prolapse. Overactive muscles may result in high
outflow resistance producing low urinary flow rates,
obstructed defaecation and dyspareunia [51,52].
Pelvic floor overactivity is thought to be a major
factor contributing to chronic pelvic pain. The cycle
usually starts with increased muscle tension which may
arise from several causes. Pelvic floor muscle overactivity results in several symptoms including pain
which in turn causes anxiety and distress that aggravate
and perpetuate the muscle contraction.
Pudendal nerve entrapment leading to chronic
compression of the pudendal nerve arise pelvic floor
anomalies. It can result in a perineal pain located
either anteriorly in the vagina and vulval region, or
posteriorly in the anorectal region. It is suggested by
a one-sided, burning sensation, exacerbated by unilateral rectal palpation which may be associated
with delayed pudendal motor latency on the painful
side. Pain associated with denervation and renervation may be caused by many lesions of the pelvic
organs other than dysfunction of the pelvic floor
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the investigation of choice to show both neural tissue and surrounding structures. The examination should include
scrutiny of the anatomy along the course of the pudendal nerve.
Improvement in pelvic floor muscle function can
be achieved by pelvic floor education, including
such techniques as pelvic floor relaxation and biofeedback.
7.1. Psychological factors in chronic pelvic pain
Psychiatric disorders may be involved in some cases
of chronic pelvic pain including somatisation and
somatoform disorders. These are characterised by
physical symptoms that cannot be accounted for by
a general medical condition, the effect of a substance or
mental disorder. They cause clinically significant distress and impairment [53].
Somatisation is an avoidance coping strategy. Childhood physical and sexual abuse are strongly associated
with later somatisation [54], including chronic pelvic
pain. When no reasons for chronic pelvic pain have
been identified it is important to ask about physical and
sexual abuse when taking the history because of the
consequences for the therapy chosen. On the other
hand, chronic pelvic pain must not be used to stigmatise patients as being abused when no such history is
Depression is a state of significantly decreased
emotional, psychological and social functioning with
neurovegetative symptoms lasting at least two weeks.
A subclinical depression is often overlooked in both
men and women and can worsen or prolong chronic
pelvic pain [55].
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
8. General treatment of chronic pelvic pain
8.1. Analgesia
Clinical trial evidence is signally lacking in this
field. Whilst paracetamol should be considered for
mild pain, research is needed to define its role in
chronic pelvic pain [56]. There are very few data on
the use of NSAIDs and even less on COX2 selective
drugs with studies focused on dysmenorrhoea. However, this subject is inchoate and lack of data should not
necessarily be seen as indicative of futility.
Non-selective, low potency NSAIDs should be
used first and are most likely to be helpful when the
pain has an inflammatory component. More potent
NSAIDs should be used only when low-potency drugs
have failed to be helpful. COX2 selective drugs are an
alternative to non-selective drugs in patients with
an increased risk of gastric complications such as
those over 65 years of age, receiving prolonged,
high-dose therapy, taking other medications that may
induce gastrointestinal bleeding or with a previous
history of gastrointestinal problems. NSAIDs should
be taken with food and, if appropriate, gastric protective agents. The benefits of the NSAIDs must outweigh the risks. All NSAIDs are contraindicated in
active gastrointestinal ulceration/bleeding and renal
disease and may seriously exacerbate asthma and
produce fluid retention. If stronger analgesics are
needed, NSAIDs may be continued because of their
synergistic action with opioids in controlling pain
Opioids have a role in chronic non-malignant pain
[59] but their use in urogenital pain is not well studied.
All other reasonable treatments must have been tried
and failed. The addictive nature of opioid medication
means that various safeguards must be followed and
the decision to instigate long-term opioid therapy
should be made by an appropriately trained specialist
in consultation with another physician, preferably the
patient’s primary care doctor. Morphine is the first-line
drug unless there are contraindications or special indications for another drug. The drug should be prescribed
in a slow-release form.
The neuropathic analgesics; tricyclic antidepressants or anticonvulsants may be more helpful in
patients with nerve injury or central sensitisation.
Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are less effective than
tricyclic antidepressants. In some countries gabapentin
is licensed for use in chronic neuropathic pain and is
said to produce a more natural sleep state at night than
the antidepressants [60]. Many practitioners no longer
use carbamazepine because of its potentially serious
side effects.
The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex is an important channel for development and
maintenance of chronic pain. The NMDA antagonist,
ketamine may be helpful in nerve injury or central
sensitisation [61], opioid-resistant pain [62] and
intractable pelvic cancer pain. Ketamine is highly
addictive and great care is required if a patient is to
be managed at home on parenteral ketamine.
A change in the number, distribution and type of
sodium channels can result in altered mechanosensitivity, thermosensitivity and chemosensitivity [63].
Thus low plasma doses of the sodium channel blocker,
lidocaine have been used to reduce neuropathic pain
and sensory phenomena without any effect on nociception [64,65]. Infusions must be performed by trained
practitioners. A single infusion may have benefit for
several months. The oral analogue, mexiletine may be
helpful in similar circumstances.
8.2. Nerve blocks
These specialist procedures may be performed for
diagnostic reasons and therapeutic benefit. Nerve
blocks should be performed as part of a pain management package and not in isolation. Neurolytic blocks
are rarely indicated for benign processes and to proceed with one may induce terrible consequences.
8.3. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Surface electrical nerve stimulation relieves pain by
stimulating myelinated afferents and thereby activating
segmental inhibitory circuits. Urinary frequency may
also be reduced. Continuous stimulation seems preferable for treating pain. The maximum tolerable intensity
just below the pain threshold should be used. The
frequencies used vary widely from 1 to 100 Hz.
Clinical experience suggests starting with the higher
frequencies as the best option. The standard recommendation has been 0.5 to 2 hours treatment twice
daily. In bladder pain syndrome suprapubic, vaginalanal and tibial nerve sites have been tested using
TENS, all with some success. The outcome is better
in classical ulcer disease [66,67].
8.4. Sacral neuromodulation
Sacral root is based on the observation that electrical
stimulation of sacral nerves modulates neural reflexes
in the pelvis. It may benefit patients with refractory
motor urge incontinence, urinary retention, chronic
pelvic pain, neuropathic pain and complex regional
pain syndromes as well as bladder pain syndrome and
refractory pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic pain
M. Fall et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 681–689
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