Ministère de l’Education, de la Recherche, de la Jeunesse et du Sport
L’Université Valahia Târgovişte
Faculté de Sciences Humaines
d’Archéologie et d’Histoire
Numéro 1
Valahia University Press
Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire publie des mémoires
originaux, des nouvelles et des comptes-rendus dans le domaine de l’archéologie préhistorique, de
l’histoire du moyen âge, de l’environnement de l’homme fossile, de l’archéologie interdisciplinaire et
de patrimoine culturel.
Rédacteur en chef:
Prof. dr. Marin Cârciumaru
Secrétaire général de rédaction:
Conf. dr. Corneliu Beldiman
Secrétariat de rédaction:
Prof. dr. Ioan Opriş, dr. Denis Căprăroiu, dr. Radu Cârciumaru, dr. Monica Mărgărit, dr. Marian
Cosac, dr. Roxana Dobrescu, dr. Ovidiu Cîrstina, dr. Elena-Cristina Niţu, dr. Daniela Iamandi,
dr. Adina Elena Boroneanţ.
Comité de rédaction:
Prof. dr. Eric Boëda, prof. Marcel Otte, prof. dr. Răzvan Theodorescu, prof. dr. Alexandru Vulpe,
prof. dr. Victor Spinei, prof. dr. Sabin Adrian Luca, prof. dr. Gheorghe Lazarovici, dr Marylène PatouMathis, dr Marie-Hélène Moncel, dr. Alexandru Suceveanu, dr. Cristian Schuster, dr. Dragomir
Nicolae Popovici, dr. Adrian Bălăşescu, dr. Radu Ştefănescu
Prof. Jacques Jaubert, prof. Jean-Philippe Rigaud, prof. Árpád Ringer, prof. Alain Tuffreau,
dr. Aline Averbouh, dr. Alain Turq, prof. Ivor Iancovič, prof. Ivor Karavanič,
prof. dr. Ştefan Trâmbaciu, dr. Eugen Nicolae, dr. Emilian Alexandrescu, dr. Sergiu Iosipescu
Dr. Elena-Cristina Niţu, Marius Alexandru Florică
Revue indexée B+ par CNCSIS/B par CNCS - Roumanie
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ISSN: 1584-1855
Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste,
Section d’Archéologie et d’Histoire,
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013, p.37- 53
ISSN: 1584-1855;
ISSN (online): 2285-3669
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
Corneliu Beldiman*, Aurel Daniel Stănică**, Diana-Maria Sztancs***
*, *** “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Faculty of History, Splaiul Unirii No. 176, 040042 Bucharest
53, Romania; e-mail:
[email protected]; e-mail:
[email protected]; ** Eco-Museum Research Institute,
32, Progresului Street, 820009 Tulcea, Tulcea County, Romania; e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract: Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts. The archaeological researches carried out
during 2009-2012 period in various sectors of the Isaccea, “Fortress” site (Noviodunum), Tulcea County made
possible the recovery of an assemblage comprising osseous materials artefacts. Their study marks the beginning
of the systematic analysis of this type of pieces discovered at the site. The reduced number of artefacts that is
studied with this occasion (13) and their dispersion in various places of the site do not allow us to formulate
some detailed conclusions. This analysis aims at highlighting the recent discoveries and the primary data related
to this in an extensive manner. The catalogue offers all these significant data regarding the artefacts. They are
presented according to the current methodology of the domain (C. Beldiman 2007). The typological categories
that form the assemblage includes: I Tools; III Adornments/Accessories; V Varia, Game pieces; Technical pieces
(Wastes). The quantitative repartition of the types illustrates a predomination of adornments/accessories category
(bone plates; bone button), followed by the one of tools (bone points; bone needles). Varia category comprises a
bone dice and a red deer antler waste. The most of the pieces are dated from the Middle Ages (13th century); a
piece was attributed to the Roman period (bone dice).
Keywords: ancient technology, bone and antler industry, Dobrogea, Middle Ages, Noviodunum, Roman Period.
discoveries and the primary data related to this in
an extensive manner.
The catalogue offers all these significant data
regarding the artefacts. They are presented
according to the current methodology of the
domain (C. Beldiman, 2007; D.-M. Sztancs,
In order to achieve the objectives of the study,
the optical means of observation were used
(optical microscope, zoom x10, x40; digital
microscope, zoom x10, x400); complete sets of
images at various scales were taken (microscopic
including), in this way being initiated a bank of
artefacts images discovered at Noviodunum.
The catalogue includes the pieces numbered
from 1 to 13, classified from a typological point
of view.
Chronological and cultural data related to the
studied artefacts were provided by the authors of
the researches and they were correlated (whether
The archaeological researches carried out
during 2009-2012 period in various sectors of the
Isaccea, “Fortress” site (Noviodunum), Tulcea
County (NVD) (A. D. Stănică, 2013) made
possible the recovery of an assemblage
comprising osseous materials artefacts.
Their study marks the beginning of the
systematic analysis of this type of pieces
discovered at Noviodunum. They already form a
rich collection that has been created during the
past six decades of archaeological excavations
(C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2013).
The reduced number of artefacts that is
studied with this occasion (13) and their
dispersion in various places of the site do not
allow us to formulate some detailed conclusions.
This analysis aims at highlighting the recent
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
it was possible) with the observations regarding
the specificity of the typological and
technological aspects.
The data are preliminary and they can be
revised. The main periods of inhabitation of
Noviodunum site are dated from the 1st to the 7th
centuries, the 10th to the 11th and the 12th to the
15th centuries (A. D. Stănică, 2013;
Lately, the complex study of the osseous
materials artefacts dated from Roman epoch, Late
Roman, Roman-Byzantine period (1st, 7th
centuries) and Middle Byzantine period (9th, 11th
centuries) from Dobrogea has registered
important contributions in articles and
These presented the materials discovered at
Capidava, Durostorum-Ostrov, Histria-Basilica
extra muros (C. Beldiman, V. Rusu-Bolindeţ et
alii, 2011; C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2007a;
C. Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2007b; C.
Beldiman, D.-M. Sztancs, 2010; C. Beldiman, D.
Elefterescu, D.-M. Sztancs, 2010).
In contrast, the discoveries dated from the
Middle Ages (the 12th, the 15th centuries) have
been rarely approached in an extensive manner
(A. A. Rusu, Fl. Mărginean, 2004).
In this way, the contributions generated by the
analysis of the assemblages of osseous materials
artefacts from Noviodunum will offer
methodological and typological benchmarks for
futures approaches of the material culture from
Istro-Pontic area and adjacent regions.
Each artefact was studied according to a
standard protocol comprising several levels and
components with the aim of registering the data
in an extensive/exhaustive manner (see the
Raw materials, status of conservation,
functionality were the main aspects taken into
The standard form includes data regarding the
artefact, according to the following structure:
● Indicative
● Type
● Typological code
● Category (tools, weapons, adornments, raw
materials, accessories etc.)
● Holder/Collection
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
● Inventory number
● Context
● Culture
● Fig.
● Raw material
● Status of conservation (entire, fragmentary,
● Description (morphology, technical data
regarding the manufacture, use-wear traces,
presumed functionality etc.)
● Dimensions (mm)
● Bibliography/Unpublished.
The typological categories that form the
assemblage are presented according to Beldiman
2007 Typological List: I Tools; III
Adornments/Accessories; V Varia, Game pieces;
Technical pieces (Wastes) (C. Beldiman, 2007, p.
The quantitative repartition of the types
adornments/accessories category (bone plates N
= 7; bone button, N = 1; Total = 8), followed by
the one of tools (bone points, N = 1; bone
needles, N = 2; Total = 3).
Varia category comprises a bone dice (N = 1)
and a red deer antler waste (N = 1).
The most of the pieces are dated from the
Middle Ages (13th century); a piece was
attributed to the Roman period (bone dice, NVD
Aspects of manufacture
Regarding the raw materials, most of the
artefacts were made from long or flat bones of
cattle, sheep/goat, bird, fish (N = 12); the detailed
situation is the following: long bone of
sheep/goat, N = 1; long bone of cattle, N = 4;
cattle rib, N = 3; long bone of bird, N = 2; flat
bone of fish, N = 2. The red deer antler is also
present (N = 1).
The manufacture techniques consist of simple
procedures such as: fracture, chopping, scraping,
abrasion and complex technological solutions as:
perforation, engraving (for ornamental purposes),
lathe finishing etc.
Artefacts’ manufacture refers both to the
household activities (bone point, NVD 1; bone
needles, NVD 9-10), and the specialised one,
workshops from the site or outside it, external
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
The increase of the study on the rest of the
osseous materials artefacts from Noviodunum
will bring new clarifications in this respect.
Even if the studied assemblage is a small one,
it provides the first typological, technological,
cultural and chronological benchmarks for the
complex and extensive approach of the cultural
manifestations from Noviodunum during the
Roman period and the Middle Ages.
The data are organized as follows:
● Code/Type
● Holder/Inventory no.
● Archaeological context of discovery
● Epoch/Dating
● Artefact description/Morphometry (in mm)
NVD 1 Bone awl ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 1)
Middle Ages 13th century
2010 Area A Square C1 -1.00 m
Awl made from a proximal radius of
sheep/goat (I A25 type).
Whole piece. Good status of preservation. The
surfaces were superficially affected by corrosion
(plants’ roots). Superficial traces of burning. At
the proximal end, traces of transversal cutting can
be observed. These were produced by a knife
blade (cutting the cartilages). The débitage was
done by chopping applied at the proximal end in
order to smooth the articular surface for a better
handling. On the long surface of the active part,
on the lateral side, an oblique chopping was
done. The axial abrasion was applied on the
edges and sides in order to prepare the active
part. Use-wear traces: intense bluntness and
polish at the level of the active part as well as at
the proximal end/part (due to handling). The
piece was probably used as an awl for hides.
Ltot 117.93; EP 23.70/17.96; PM 16.13/12.40;
LPA 56.68; CD 11.20/6.32.
NVD 2 Bone needle ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 2)
Middle Ages 13th century
2012 Area A Square B3 -1.50 m
Bone needle (tip I A12 a1).
Fragmentary piece; about 2/3 of the length is
preserved (proximal part and medial part).
Fracture recently produced at the distal part level.
Raw material: fragment of long bone of bird?
Piece entirely shaped. The débitage procedures
cannot be identified; the shaping was done by
applying chopping and axial scraping with a
knife. The proximal part was chopped on one of
sides (conventionally called inferior side) in
order to reduce the thickness – sharpening. The
proximal part is sharpened and the proximal end
is rounded by specific bluntness produced while
using. The sections are oval. The perforation is
oval-shaped, with oblique edges, centrally placed
at the 15.66 mm distance of the proximal end; it
was done in two stages: 1. unilateral perforation
with a drill or the point of a knife with a diameter
of 2.5 mm; 2. the widening of the perforation at
the medial part using cutting with a knife blade
offered an oval irregular shape to the perforation,
narrower to the medial part. It is possible that the
perforation was made before the final shaping of
the edges. Use-wear traces: intense bluntness,
polish on the entire surface and at the perforation
level were produced by the intense use of the
piece at sewing hides (leather processing).
Ltot 106.70/66.70; EP 1.45/1.50; PP at the pf
level 4.92/2.64; PM 4.09/3.08; PD 3.50/2.73;
diam ext of pf on FS 6.79/3.23; diam int of pf on
FS 4.33/2.80; dist pf-EP 15.66.
NVD 3 Bone needle ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 3)
Middle Ages 13th century
2012 Area A Square D3 -1.50 m
Bone needle (tip I A12 a1).
Piece entirely preserved. Excellent status of
conservation. The reduced length could indicate
the reshape of the active part after a possible
fracture appeared during the use of the piece. On
the inferior side, the anatomic marrow cavity is
preserved. It indicates a segment of bird long
bone as raw material. The morpho-technical
parameters are similar to those described for
NVD 2 piece. The proximal part with a sharpen
morphology, was shaped by chopping and
scrapping. The perforation is placed at 12.23 mm
of the proximal end; it was done like the one of
the NVD 2 piece. It presents asymmetrical oval
morphology shorter than NVD 2 piece. The
spongy tissue can be observed at the proximal
part. Use-wear traces are similar to those
preserved on the surfaces of the NVD 2 piece.
Ltot 55.13; EP 1.83/1.41; PP at level of pf
4.28/2.50; PM 3.90/2.60; CD 2.83/1.91; diam pf
3.89/2.42; dist pf-EP 12.23.
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
Fig. 1- Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 1 (bone awl).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
Fig. 2 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 2 (bone needle).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
Fig. 3 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 3 (bone needle).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
NVD 4 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 4)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2011 S I East Square 9 -0.25 – 0.40 m
Bone plate.
Fragmentary piece; the distal end was broken
during the use of the piece; at the level of
perforation 2 (distal) it was broken recently.
Good status of preservation of the surfaces. Raw
material: cattle long bone? Small curved plate,
with a linear end (conventionally established as
the proximal one) and the opposed one (the
distal) probably sharpened, broken during the
use. The upper surface is convex, the inferior one
is flat, covered with oblique striations; the edges
are oblique. It presents two circular perforations;
they were probably made with the drill before the
shaping of the edges. The perforations are placed
slightly towards the concave edge. The upper
surface is decorated with oblique lines obtained
by cutting/notching and engraving with a knife
blade. They are grouped and placed in the same
direction. The débitage was probably done by
chopping and axial sawing: entirely shaped by
chopping and scrapping with a knife blade. A
rectangular plate of large dimensions was
obtained. From it, the analysed piece was
extracted. The inferior side preserves oblique
hatchings arranged in double sense, intersected,
made by the point of a knife blade – with the
purpose of obtaining adhesion on the surface on
which the piece was set (metal or leather).
L 54.13; EP 9.22/ 2.39; PP at pf 1 9.45/2.46;
PM 8.91/2.66; PD 7.32/2.60; PD at pf 2
8.25/2.85; diam pf 1 3.06; dist EP-pf 1 9.24; dist
edge 2.50; diam pf 2 3.06; dist edge 1.05; dist
between lines of decoration 2.40-2.85.
NVD 5 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 5)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2012 Area A Square B2 -1.45 m
Bone plate.
Piece entirely preserved. Good status of
conservation. Traces of intentional burning
applied in order to facilitate the manufacture.
Rectangular piece, with convex ends – the
proximal one (conventionally established) is
slightly asymmetrical convex, as well as the
distal one. The edges are slightly concave. The
edges and the ends are rounded due to the
shaping procedures and use. The sides are flat
due to the shaping. The raw material is a
fragment of a cattle rib. It was probably chosen
for the general morphology that is close to the
finished artefact. The débitage probably consisted
in fracture and splitting. Shaping by chopping
and scrapping was applied on sides and edges.
An oval perforation was done to each end. They
have the inner part slightly convex and were done
starting from the upper side to the inferior one
maybe with the point of a blade knife. On the
upper side, the space between perforations was
decorated with seven double circles with central
dots; these were done by engraving with two
instruments similar to compass. The possible
direction of decoration was from proximal to
distal end. The possible sequence of shaping the
circles: axial placed circle/two juxtaposed circles,
placed slightly oblique each other/circle axial
placed/two circles juxtaposed/circle axially
placed. Use-wear traces: intense bluntness and
polish of the surfaces (inclusively the edges of
the engraved circles), edges and at the
perforations level.
Ltot 64.60; EP 16.38/3.33; PP at pf 1
16.20/3.62; PM 14.29/3.67; PD at pf 2
16.75/3.12; diam pf 1 on FS 6.72/5.59; diam pf 2
on FS 6.73/5.46; diam ext circles 8.07; diam int
circles 4.78; diam dots/holes 1.5; width max
circles 1.3; width min circles 0.3; depth max
circles 1.
NVD 6 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 6)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2012 SC Squares 2-3D -2.25 – 2.35 m
Bone plate.
Fragmentary piece; one of the ends fractured
while using. Raw material: fragment of cattle rib.
Piece of general trapezoidal elongated shape. The
preserved end is linear and presents traces of
sawing. The inferior side is covered with axially
arranged striations made with the point of a knife
blade before the perforations with the supposed
purpose of obtaining adhesion on the hafting
surface. The edges and the ends are chopped. The
upper side is flat and slightly convex. Two
perforations are adjacent, slightly oval, placed
slightly obliquely to each other at the end of the
entire preserved end 15.27 mm. They were
drilled from the inferior side and finished on the
upper side. Use-wear traces: are not preserved.
The fracture probably appeared during shaping
procedure; due to this fact, the piece was
abandoned (waste?). L 45.86; end 13.82/2.44; PP
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
Fig. 4 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 4 (perforated bone plate).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
Fig. 5 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 5 (perforated bone plate).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
at pf 15.54/2.10; diam pf on FS 4.86/4.35.
NVD 7 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory
no. - (fig. 7)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2012 Wall 2 Square 3 Gr. -2.70 m
Bone plate.
Fragmentary piece, fractured during the piece
use; about 1/2 from the body is preserved.
The preserved end is obliquely sawn after
shaping and decoration (reshaped?). The
surfaces have a good status of conservation.
The aspect indicates the application of
burning in order to ease the manufacture.
Semicircular plate. Raw material: fragment
of cattle long bone. It was extracted from a
rectangular plate. The inferior side is striated
with the point of a knife blade before the
extraction of the plate. The upper side is
smooth, with oblique edges shaped by
chopping and scrapping with a knife blade,
Fig. 6 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 6 (perforated bone plate).
The exterior edge is rounded and the interior
one – is linear, without bluntness. The
thickness is uniform. The decoration is
applied from the upper side and it was
realised by engraving with two objects with
different diameters. Centrally, on a circular
line, a row of simple circles with central dot
was placed equidistantly by the edges.
Segments of circles with an end on the
ornamentation. Two similar plates probably
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
formed a circular piece or the semicircular
pieces were assembled one by another. Usewear traces: intense bluntness and polish on
the upper side, edges and ornamentation.
Diam ext cca 52.75; diam int cca 27.62; thick
1.5; width 11.80; diam ext central circles
4.70; diam dots 1.6; diam ext circles 9-9.25.
NVD 8 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory
no. - (fig. 8)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2012 SC Squares 3-4 C-D -2.05 – 2.10 m.
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
Fig. 7 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 7 (half-circular bone plate).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
Bone plate.
Piece entirely preserved. Good status of
conservation. Blank for a plate. Raw
material: fragment cattle rib. Ends were
shaped by fracture and the edges by
chopping. The spongy tissue was removed
from the inferior side by chopping and
scrapping. The débitage was made by
fracture and splitting, removing the ends and
chopping and scrapping of the edges.
Ltot 54.55; ends 16.41/3.23 – 18.78/3.57;
PM 17.02/3.36.
otherwise the specific fragility of the raw
material determined the fracture of the
individually treated pieces. The superficial
finishing of the surfaces by abrasion. The
perforation of several pieces with a drill then
the widening of the perforations with a knife
blade; the morphology of the perforations is
similar to the one of the needles, technical
hint for dated from the same epoch. Usewear traces: bluntness and polish of the sides
and perforations’ edges. The plate was
probably sewn on clothes.
L sides 49.88; gros 1.15; diam max pf 5.68 –
8.70; diam min pf 3.14 – 3.78.
NVD 10 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 9)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2012 TC Profile N-S Semi-section -2.30 m
Bone plate.
Piece entirely preserved. Good status of
conservation. A corner was recently fractured and
glued. Small and thin bone plate, triangle-shaped,
with smooth sides and perforations at corners.
The parameters are identical with the ones of the
NVD 9 piece.
L sides 49.88; thick 1.15; diam max pf 7.66 –
5.92; diam min pf 2.99 – 4.18.
Fig. 8 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea
County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch –
Middle Ages). NVD 8 (probably raw material for a
plate - rib).
NVD 9 Bone plate ICEMTL Inventory
no. - (fig. 9)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2012 TC Profile N-S Semi-section-2.30 m
Bone plate.
Piece entirely preserved. Good status of
conservation. A corner was recently fractured
and glued. Small and thin bone plate,
triangle-shaped, with smooth sides with
perforations on corners. Raw material:
probably fish opercullum. The manufacture
consisted in sawing and abrasion of the edges
applied for a pack of similar pieces,
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
NVD 11 Bone die ICEMTL Inventory no. (fig. 10)
Roman period
2012 SC Square 3A -1.90 – 2.00 m
Bone die.
Piece entirely preserved. Good status of
conservation; the surfaces are superficially
affected by the corrosion. Raw material: cattle
long bone, compacta; there are no traces of
spongy tissue. Its general shape is parallelepiped.
The sides are rectangular and unequal. The
numbers are marked on each side by engraved
small, simple circles with dots done with a small
instrument like the compass. Starting with the
number 1 and rotating the piece towards left, the
sides corresponding to 3, 2 and 4 appear. Starting
with the number 1 and rotating the piece down,
the side corresponding to 5 appears. Starting with
the number 1 and rotating the piece up, the side
corresponding to 6 appears. The sum of the sides
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
Fig. 9 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 9-10 (perforated bone plates).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
Fig. 10 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 11 (bone die).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
Fig. 11 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”, Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation campaigns.
Bone and antler artefacts (Roman Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 12 (bone button).
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Corneliu Beldiman, Aurel Daniel Stănică, Diana-Maria Sztancs
is: 1 + 2 = 3; 3 + 4 = 7; 2 + 1 = 3; 4 + 3 = 7; 5 + 6
= 11; 6 + 5 = 11. The débitage was probably done
by sawing, the obtained stick was cut at the die’s
dimensions and the sides were finished by
abrasion and polish. Use-wear traces: bluntness
and superficial polish of the corners.
Side 1: 11.73/11.05; side 2: 11.78/10.42; side
3: 12.32/10.90; side 4: 12.30/10.74; side 5:
12.34/11.85; side 6: 12.34/11.70.
suggests the manufacture of the antler while it
was wet. Diam burr 71.10/60.26; L R1 53.09;
diam R1 at cut end 32.02/22.15; diam R2 at cut
NVD 12 Bone button ICEMTL Inventory no.
- (fig. 11)
Middle Ages? 13th century? Modern Epoch?
2011 S I East Square 9 0.25 – 0.40 m
Bone button (tip III I1).
Fragmentary piece, a small sector of the
circumference was fractured. Good status of
conservation. Circular shape. Raw material:
probably cattle long bone (compacta). Bone plate
lathe-shaped. The upper side has a convex edge
and a circular rib. The central part is slightly
convex. It has five perforations, among which
one is central and circular (in order to fasten the
lathe spindle) and four cross-arranged, slightly
oval and truncated, narrower on the inferior side
made by drilling. These were used for sewing the
piece. The inferior side is flat with the oblique
edge. Use-wear traces: -.
Diam 14.51; width edge convex 2.68; width
rib 0.3; diam central pf 2.65; diam cross-pf FS
2.50/2.45; diam cros-pf FI 1.75/1.40.
NVD 13 Debris (red deer antler) ICEMTL
Inventory no. - (fig. 12)
Middle Ages? 13th century?
2009 SC 2 Square 6 -1.45 m
Debris (red deer antler).
The tines and the beam were detached in order to
be used as raw materials. Medium status of
conservation. Recent fracture in two large
fragments and several smalls; it can be
reconstructed. Traces of burning. Deposits of
adherent concretions. Right beam of red deer
antler; shed antler; base with burr, base of tine 1,
about 1/3 of the tine 2 and the base of the beam.
traces of perforation can be observed. These have
the shape of deep dots, asymmetrical ovalshaped, wider on the lateral side, produced with a
metallic instrument. The dots’ morphology
Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013
Fig. 12 - Noviodunum (Isaccea) – “Cetate”,
Tulcea County. 2009-2012 excavation
campaigns. Bone and antler artefacts (Roman
Epoch – Middle Ages). NVD 13 (red-deer antler
beam and tines).
end 25.15/19.50; diam basis of the beam
52.87/38; diam max dots on the lateral side
12.84/11.82; diam min dots on the lateral side
Noviodunum. Data about the bone and antler artefacts
CD – Distal caliber; Diam – Diameter; Dist –
Distance; ED – Distal extremity; EP – proximal
extremity; Ext – Exterior; FI – Inferior surface;
FS – Superior surface; Gr – Pit;
ICEMTL – Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Muzeale
Tulcea; Int – Interior; L – Length; L tot – Total
length; LPA – Length of active part; Max –
Maximum; Min – Minimum; NVD –
Noviodunum; PD – Distal part; Pf – Perforation;
PM – Medial part; PP – Proximal part; R – Tine;
S – Section; Supr – Surface; TC – Tower.
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Tome XV, Numéro 1, 2013