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2021, International Journal of Conservation Science
10 pages
1 file
The paper analyses archaeozoological remains originating from the Noviodunum fortress in SouthEastern Romania, Tulcea County, where archaeological research indicates an extensive civil settlement with Roman and Medieval levels, but also few Getic discoveries. Animal remains are described in terms of their frequencies based on the number of identified specimens and on the minimum number of individuals. The archaeozoological data highlight a preference for domestic mammals (cattle, sheep/goat, pig), but also for wild mammals and fish. A summary of archaeozoological studies in different sites of Noviodunum fortress shows variation in the assemblages. The results of the Principal Component Analysis suggest that in the Roman period cattle was the preferred for consumption, and later, in Middle Ages, sheep/goat sheep was eaten more.
Animal and plant remains recovered from two archaeological sites in Ias,i city (NE Romania) were analyzed in this work. The aim of this study was to contribute to the economic and environmental evaluation of an old urban settlement. The analyzed sites, both of value in archaeological preventive research, are dated to the 18th–19th centuries. The archaeozoological analysis consisted of anatomical, taxonomic, and taphonomic identifications, quantification, estimations of age at slaughter and sex, and osteometry. The results revealed that the animal remains are of domestic origin, as indicated by traces of butchering, and can be mainly described in terms of their frequencies (i.e., number of identified specimens and minimum number of individuals), selection for slaughter, morphology, and size. The results show that animal husbandry (e.g., cattle, sheep/goat, pig, and horse) had significant importance in the economy of the settlement, and cattle were preferred for consumption. Few remains were identified for wild mammals (i.e., red deer, wild boar, and hare), birds, and mollusks. The phytolith analysis indicated that some plant resources were used in the economy of this settlement. The identification of opal silica bodies revealed the presence of grasses and cultivated cereals.
Bulletin of University of …, 2008
The present study presents briefly the results of two archaeozoological investigations (as part of a much more complex study concerning the roman fauna in the province of Dacia) carried on two small archaeofaunal samples from a civilian building in the roman city of Napoca and another roman rural settlement from Suceagu village,10 km far from Napoca. These two archaeological sites provided us small samples of animal bones (below 100 pieces) and the results showed in case of the civilian building in Napoca that the only species identified is cattle (Bos taurus). A MNI of 2 was established and, based on the osteometrical data, a height of 111 and 124 cm recalculated (based on the Matolcsi's formula). Both identified individuals were over 2,5 years old. The sample from the rural settlement from Suceagu is larger, showing the existence of cattle, capriovids, horse and dog (as domestic species) and roe deer (as game). Statistically, the predominance of cattle is shown as primary meat-source species, followed by capriovids and horse. Osteometrical data is available in case of cattle, showing the existence of an male individual with 131 cm high (Matolcsi) and in case of one Ovis individual of 65 cm high.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2008
The present study presents briefly the results of two archaeozoological investigations (as part of a much more complex study concerning the roman fauna in the province of Dacia) carried on two small archaeofaunal samples from a civilian building in the roman city of Napoca and another roman rural settlement from Suceagu village,10 km far from Napoca. These two archaeological sites provided us small samples of animal bones (below 100 pieces) and the results showed in case of the civilian building in Napoca that the only species identified is cattle (Bos taurus). A MNI of 2 was established and, based on the osteometrical data, a height of 111 and 124 cm recalculated (based on the Matolcsi’s formula). Both identified individuals were over 2,5 years old. The sample from the rural settlement from Suceagu is larger, showing the existence of cattle, capriovids, horse and dog (as domestic species) and roe deer (as game). Statistically, the predominance of cattle is shown as primary meat-sou...
Quaternary International, 2014
Available online xxx a b s t r a c t Mammal remains of the Early Middle Ages in Romania are described in terms of their frequencies (based on the number of identified specimens and minimum number of estimated individuals) and in terms of the morphology and size of the animal consumed. The species discussed are cattle (Bos taurus), sheep (Ovis aries), goat (Capra hircus), pig (Sus domesticus), dog (Canis familiaris), horse (Equus caballus) and donkey (Equus asinus). Wild mammal species are considered as a single group and are not discussed in detail. A summary of previous and recent archaeozoological studies in Eastern Romania shows that subregional variation characterizes the assemblages.
Simina STANC, Luminita BEJENARU, Ludmila BACUMENCO-PÎRNĂU, 2012
The paper was realized on the study of seven archaeo-zoological samples taken from sites from South-Eastern Romania: Oltina (X-XIth centuries), Piatra FrecăŃei (XI-XIIth centuries), Dumbrăveni (IX-Xth centuries), Hârsova (XI-XIIIth centuries), Isaccea (XI-XIIIth centuries), Capidava (X-XIth centuries), Nufăru (X-XIIIth centuries). Animal husbandry constituted an important occupation during the Middle Ages in South-Eastern Romania; more than 90% represent the remains of domestic mammals in the studied assemblages, excepting the samples at Piatra FrecăŃei (56.7%) and Nufăru (85.4%) for which the percentage is smaller. The identified domestic mammals are: Bos taurus, Ovis aries, Capra hircus, Sus scrofa domesticus, Equus caballus, Equus asinus, Canis familiaris, Felis domesticus and Camelus sp.; the last four species were not important in food economy. In all settlements under study, the predominant species are cattle, sheep/goat and pigs, both by the number of identified remains and by minimal number of estimated individuals. The percentage of these species varies from one settlement to other, but cattle are dominant in most of them (the percentage range between 32.7% at Piatra FrecăŃei and 58.6% at Nufăru). At Dumbrăveni sheep/goat exceed the cattle and represent 55.2% from the total number of identified mammal’s remains. Cattle are followed by sheep/goat in the samples at: Capidava (23.8%), Isaccea (24.5%) and Nufăru; at Oltina (28.5%) and Hârsova (27.5%) on the second place (after the cattle) are pigs; at Piatra FrecăŃei sheep/goat and pigs have very close percentages (11.6%, respectively 10.9%).
Iron Age Communities in the Carpathian Basin, Proceedings of the International Colloqium from Târgu Mureş 9–11 October 2009, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2010
Studia Antiqua Et Archaeologica, 2014
The present paper represents a synthesized archaeozoological approach to the Cucuteni site of Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru (Bacău County, Romania). This study explores various roles of animals in the economy and rituals of a Chalcolithic community. Animal remains are described in terms of frequencies, anatomy and taphonomy. Temporal analysis of several characteristics, including taxonomic frequency, indicates changes in the prehistoric local economy. Types of special animal deposits are described, as well as the interpretation of their ritual meaning. Rezumat. Prezenta lucrare reprezintă o abordare arheozoologică sintetizată a sitului Cucuteni de la Poduri-Dealul Ghindaru (județul Bacău, România). Acest studiu analizează diferite roluri ale animalelor în economia și ritualurile unei comunități calcolitice. Resturile de animale sunt descrise în termeni de frecvențe, anatomie și tafonomie. Analiza temporală a unor caracteristici, incluzînd frecvența taxonilor, indică modificări în economia locală preistorică. Sunt descrise tipuri de depozite speciale de animale, precum și interpretarea semnificațiilor rituale.
This study is a summary of swine records in Bronze Age archaeozoological samples from Romania, underling the importance of pig (Sus domesticus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the diet of human populations in this period. The synchronic and diachronic relationships of pig and wild boar frequencies (reported to the total identified mammals) in the analyzed archaeozoological assemblages were established using the Multiple Correspondence Analysis. The mammal remains are predominant in the archaeozoological samples (compared with other faunal groups, as bird and fish); the importance of pig in the diet of human population increases in Bronze Age time, compared with previous periods. In the Chalcolithic-Bronze Age Transition pig represent in average 8.8% of all identified mammals, while in the Late Bronze Age an increase up to 24% was observed. In the case of wild boar, the tendency is a decrease in frequency from the Chalcolithic-Bronze Age Transition (8.7% of the identified mammals) to the Late Bronze Age (1%). Rezumat. Frecvența suinelor (Sus domesticus și Sus scrofa) în așezările de Epoca Bronzului de pe teritoriul României. Lucrarea reprezintă o sinteză a datelor privind suinele identificate în eșantioane arheozoologice, aparținând Epocii Bronzului de pe teritoriul României, și evidențiată importanța porcului domestic (Sus domesticus) și a mistrețului (Sus scrofa) în dieta populațiilor umane din această perioadă. Relațiile sincronice și diacronice privind frecvențele porcului domestic și ale mistrețului (raportate la numărul total al resturilor de mamifere identificate), în eșantioanele arheozoologice luate în studiu, au fost stabilite utilizând Analiza Corespondenței Multiple. Resturile provenind de la mamifere sunt predominante în toate eșantioanele arheozoologice (comparative cu celelalte grupe faunistice, cum sunt păsările și peștii); importanța porcului în dieta populațiilor umane crește de-a lungul Epocii Bronzului, comparative cu perioada anterioară. În perioada de tranziție Calcolitic-Epoca Bronzului, resturile de porc domestic au o pondere în medie de 8,8% din totalul resturilor de mamifere identificate, în timp ce în Epoca Bronzului s-a observat o creștere până la 24%. În cazul mistrețului a fost evidențiată o reducere a ponderii acestei specii – în Epoca Bronzului (1%) față de perioada de tranziție Calcolitic-Epoca Bronzului (8,7% din totalul resturilor de mamifere identificate). Introduction This study concerns the Bronze Age cultures (including also the transition Neolithic-Bronze Age), which occupied the territory of present day Romania. The study is focused on subsistence as reflected by archaeozoological analyses. Previous archaeozoological papers concerning the Bronze Age period discussed the fauna discovered in different parts of the country (Haimovici, 1965; El Susi, 1996; Bindea, 2008). Our study is focused on the importance of pig and wild boar in the economy of human population in Bronze Age settlements on the Romanian territory. The studied assemblages were grouped according to following periods: Chalcolithic-Bronze Age Transition (3800-3500 BC), Early Bronze Age (3500-2200 BC), Middle Bronze Age
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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