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Journal of Fish Biology, 1997
The specific objectives of this study were to determine if there is individual specialization in habitat use by lacustrine brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis and if so, if specialization is related to fish morphology. Localizations of 28 brook charr equipped with thermosensitive radiotransmitters were recorded during three summers (1991, 1992, and 1993) in two lakes of the Mastigouche Reserve (Québec, Canada). Fifty per cent of the fish were found mainly in the benthic zone (hereafter benthic individuals), 18% in the pelagic zone (pelagic individuals), and 32% travelled regularly between the two zones (generalist individuals). The observed interindividual differences in habitat preference were related to differences in body morphology and coloration: (i) the pectoral fins of benthic and generalist individuals were significantly longer than those of pelagic ones; and (ii) the coloration of the lower flank of benthic and generalist individuals was silver-grey while that of pelagic individuals was red. The results of this study suggest that brook charr inhabiting oligotrophic lakes of the Canadian Shield exhibit trophic polymorphisms, where some individuals are specialists better adapted to feeding in the littoral zone whereas others are specialists better adapted to feeding in the pelagic zone. The potential for reproductive isolation between the two morphs is discussed. 1997 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles 1997 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Wildfowl, 1949
During the past year the collection has been greatly improved and is now without doubt the m ost representative in the world. Some 600 birds of 101 species and subspecies are to be seen in the various enclosures at the New Grounds. Representatives o f 20 of these forms are, or were when they arrived at the New Grounds, the only living specimens o f their kind in this country. This collection, therefore, offers a unique opportunity to the student o f evolution Plum ed or E y ton's Whistling D uck and Systematics. It is also of great value to the study o f behaviour and to many specific researches in bird pathology, parasitology, serology, etc. And to those who have no specialised interest in this direction, it offers a lively and beautiful sight as the birds cluster round at feeding time.
Major impacts: DROUGHT OVIDIDRINEMIC Land Management Animals, Odin signikant obsnations: Stream Has See US WaySim. 5940 sues Sand 1. rims Dry Id•re psudad •.. ALDERS Alden? None X Present _ Extensive _ Diseased olden? Nam X Present _ Extensme _ Seth (Mim) 333 Flow emery 0.10) 1 BGS Drift &mkt Code a Pianism merry 3 Signi(can Biscay ? N Nay igaion? N Water Quality elan 3 RIB Seamen tme I Crnd reference: SU 62011 Rive: BRINKWORTH BROOK 262 Date: 30/9 /1997 Time. 9110 Surveyor. PH &mid code. PF11 Adverse condsaorn? No X Yes _ Bed of nom Math? X Eram _ Dona phommaphsr general Manna? No _ Yea X Surveyed from Left X Right _ Charnel _ 1 2 3 5 I 6 7 1:11-7.1 14666 '1.5 Chfx, 15ii oPflrearn eml X downstream end _ pnySICAL ArrRIMITIS Allinsde1m) 102 Skee ('tani) ZS Flow category in 3105 Solid geology code 105 065 Drib geology code 0 Planlorm category OBtance from sanicellml 7 Significant tribuary N Navigation? Wight of source1m) 132 Wen Quality class IS RHS Segrone tyre FIELD SURVEY DETAILS Pleas e eked fors anl /la 1...4..^Y co.-recd.+ ace^nded Referowe sae witty. 14666 Grid reference SU 114351. River: AVON 265 Oat. 16.99 /1997 11rne. 1120 Saneyon JP Adverse onditkeis? No X Yes Bed inf river visible? DurAmet photographs: general Yes X Suneyed fro. Left X Right X Ounnel X sERCON piney in addition? No _ To V PREDOMINANT VALLEY FORM X shallow v.. coneaserbowl torge asyrnmouical Tana. valley? No X V. _ NUMBER OF RIEFLER POOLS AND POINT BARS Riffle 3 Unvertaed point her Pools 0 Vegetated pnint bar 3 Delpat created by IFE, Wareham as 09/02/19911. 2 3 If embline krem than bre.. bp. 'Wear Siglo above wain(0.0 Bed material site consolidated seconsdidated Unlearn loution A neasuremov Mlle X run es gliek Mhos _ WI ARTIFICIAL FEATURES None Major Intennerbate Minor Major Intermediate Minor Wein Revetments Shakes Ourfails Caftans Fads Bridges Orlin Is wen impounded by weir/dam? No X Yes...13% of >33% of we EVIDENCE OF RECENT MANAGEMENT None X [bodging-Mowing Woodcutting _ Enharterient _ Oda& FEATURES OF SPECIAL INTEREST None X Waterfalls a5m high _ Anificial open water Fringing reed.banit BraidedAide charnels _ Natural opm wata _ Floating mat Debris dam _ WWI mesdow Otof Leafy PERM _ Fen nosh _ CHOKED CHANNEL BMA ea mete of the deed Soto. with versation7 NO X YES _ NOTABLE NUISANCE PLANTS 10dent I ft.. 2 • S.lakatj banabaAa Pest SaSabetnaaoi.cnlaaal Note X Giant boxwood _ Himalayan babam _ iap.awae trove. _ Otter? _ R OVERALL CHARACTERISTICS (CommaIa may bane been PraIshmarl0 Mar impacni Land Mature. Animals: Other significant obsereatio. ALDERS Alden? Mae-Mese.-Emerai. X DOER'S OM& More X Proem-Extensive-1997 RIVER HABITAT SURVEY page I et 4 A BACKGROUND MAP-BASED INFORMATION IS, NIS mama(Inf 1497 RI YER HABITAT SURVEY: TEN SPOT CHECKS page I el 4 SF. check I usat umeam ant dmwdrearn ad X I 0668 FIIYSICAI.AflRlBlflES LEFT BANK Male nal Bank maahlIcatico(s) Bank feature(s) CHANNEL Camel state Flow type Cbannel modified/MD Channel leatundt) RIGHT BANK Material Rub rondificatods) Bank leaned.
reasonable comparisons over time. 3. With the planned wetland/beaver dam improvement, consideration should be given to monitoring prior to the beginning of this project, during the project, and after the project to determine success. This sampling should focus at the base of this sub-watershed of Sucker Brook (Site 7) and extend over several weeks during events and nonevents. The greater the number of samples taken the better able we are to evaluate its outcome. 4. If management or remediation efforts are attempted at other locations in the watersheds, an effort similar to item 3 should be considered as part of an adaptive management approach.
Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report, 2023
Species information Characteristics Adults are elongate in shape and cylindrical in cross-section (Figs. 1-2). Eye small. Seven branchial openings (Fig. 3). The body lacks scales and is divided into vertically oriented myomeres (muscle segments), usually between 50-52 (range 47-56) myomeres between the most posterior branchial opening and cloacal slit (Fig. 2). Two dorsal fins separated by a shallow notch with the posterior dorsal fin slightly taller than the anterior. A low fin fold connects the dorsal fins with a rounded caudal fin. Shallow anal fin' fold. Up to 180 mm total length. 3,
Archaeology in the Severn estuary, 2007
in M. Teixeira-Bastos, V. Carvalheiro ã Porto (eds.), Arqueologia do Oriente antiguo: A Materialidade através do Tempo, São Paulo, pp. 57-115., 2024
Procedia Computer Science, 2019
De Gruyter eBooks, 2024
Integração de usos do solo e transportes em cidades de média dimensão (Integration of Land Use and Transport in Medium-sized Cities), 2018
Dyes and Pigments, 1986
Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2018 — Georgia Country Report. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2018, 2018
Journal of Public Administration and Governance, 2019
Physical Education Theory and Methodology
Encyclopedia of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, 2009
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2018
ArXiv, 2021
Journal of economic and social development, 2020
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1997