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Speaking is a main form of expression between people. It is often used to express new ideas, to communicate an important message to an audience, or to discuss future plans. This will serve as a check list guide for ESL learners to master public speaking
Oleh: Muhammad Darmawan Dewanto, S.Pd 19040318010315 TUGAS AKHIR M6 MATEMATIKA PEMODELAN MATEMATIKA DAN METODE NUMERIK PPG DALAM JABATAN ANGKATAN 2 PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN MATEMATIKA FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI YOGYAKARTA 2019 100 0,284 Perkirakan harga viskositas air pada temperatur 40 o menggunakan polinom Newton, 1. Judul artikel jurnal internasional (artikel jurnal terlampir): Hasil Resume: Penelitian ini berfokus pada radioterapi menggunakan energi dosis tinggi untuk membasmi dan mengendalikan sel kanker tumor. Berbagai jadwal perawatan Bull Math Biol (2018) 80:283-293 https://doi.Abstract Radiotherapy uses high doses of energy to eradicate cancer cells and control tumors. Various treatment schedules have been developed and tried in clinical trials, yet significant obstacles remain to improving the radiotherapy fractionation. Genetic and non-genetic cellular diversity within tumors can lead to different radiosensitivity among cancer cells that can affect radiation treatment outcome. We propose a minimal mathematical model to study the effect of tumor heterogeneity and repair in different radiation treatment schedules. We perform stochastic and deterministic simulations to estimate model parameters using available experimental data. Our results suggest that gross tumor volume reduction is insufficient to control the disease if a fraction of radioresistant cells survives therapy. If cure cannot be achieved, protocols should balance volume reduction with minimal selection for radioresistant cells. We show that the most efficient treatment schedule is dependent on biology and model parameter values and, therefore, emphasize the need for careful tumor-specific model calibration before clinically actionable conclusions can be drawn. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article ( contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. B Farinaz Forouzannia [email protected] B Mohammad Kohandel
Sebeb-i Telif: Osmanlı Literatüründe Açık ve Örtük Yazma Nedenleri [Explicit and Implicit Reasons for Writing in Ottoman Literature], 2024
Vehbî el-Yemânî olarak da tanınan Kadrî Bigavî (ö. 1065/1655’ten sonra), XVII. yüzyılın şair-bürokrat âlimlerindendir. İstanbul’da yetişen Bigavî, devlet görevleri sebebiyle uzun yıllar Yemen’de ikamet ettikten sonra Mısır’a geçmiş, daha sonra İstanbul’a dönmüştür. Hadis ve tefsir tercümelerinin yanı sıra şiirleri de bulunmaktadır. Onun hayatı ve dolayısıyla ilmî kariyeriyle ilgili bilgiler çok azdır. Ancak Yemen’de ikamet ettiği yirmi yıllık uzun zaman zarfında ilmî birikimini genişlettiği ve özellikle Arapça metinlerin tercümesi konusunda vukuf sahibi olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bigavî’nin (ö. 516/1122) Me‘âlimü’t-Tenzîl adlı tefsiri ile Süyûtî’nin (ö. 911/1505) el-Câmi‘u’s-Sağîr’inin Münâvî (ö. 1031/1622) tarafından yazılan şerhi et-Teysîr’i Türkçeye aktarması geniş çaplı eserleri tercüme edebilme gücünü gösterir.
Contemporary Mathematics, 2013
Copying and reprinting. Material in this book may be reproduced by any means for educational and scientific purposes without fee or permission with the exception of reproduction by services that collect fees for delivery of documents and provided that the customary acknowledgment of the source is given. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, or for resale. Requests for permission for commercial use of material should be addressed to the Managing Editor,
SILVA SÁNCHEZ, JESÚS-MARÍA, La teoría de la determinación de la pena como sistema (dogmático): un primer esbozo. En: InDret Penal, 2/2007 ( REVISTA PARA EL WWW. INDRET.COM ANÁLISIS DEL DERECHO InDret La teoría de la determinación de la pena como sistema (dogmático): un primer esbozo Abstract Si la política criminal que hace el juez, de modo especial en la individualización de la pena, debe canalizarse por vías dogmáticas, entonces la teoría de la determinación de la pena debe manifestarse como la dimensión cuantitativa (o de grado) de un sistema de la teoría del delito. El trabajo se dedica a trazar los principales rasgos de un sistema de determinación de la pena como sistema dogmático. Should the criminal policy decisions judges make, especially in sentence individualization, be channeled through criminal law's substantive theories and principles? If that were the case, then the theory of sentence determination should stand as the quantitative dimension of the system outlined by the legal theory of crime. This work draws the main traits of the sentence determination system as a legal theoretical system. Wenn sich die Kriminalpolitik, die der Richter speziell im Bereich der Strafzumessung macht, über dogmatische Figuren kanalisieren lassen muss, dann muss sich die Strafzumessung als quantitative (oder graduelle) Dimension eines Systems der Verbrechenslehre erweisen. Der Beitrag versucht, die wichtigsten Parameter eines Strafzumessungssystems im Sinne eines dogmatischen Systems zu skizzieren.
Journal of World’s Poultry Research, 2022
Recently, insects have gained importance as viable protein-rich feedstuff with better productivity and feed efficiency for livestock and pet animal feeds. The most potential species are the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens), yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor), and common house fly (Musca domestica). Amongst these insects, the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) contains high protein and fat with the amino acid profile in H. illucens larvae equivalent to that of various protein-rich feedstuffs, such as fish meal and soybean meal. This review aimed to illustrate the reputation of black soldier fly larva meal as a substitute to conservative, expensive, and ecologically threatening crops by guaranteeing a productive, inexpensive, organic, and perpetual source of non-conventional protein feedstuff for poultry production of broilers and layers. It can be concluded that the black soldier fly sometimes has very similar and significant effects on the productivity, health, and product quality of birds, compared to soybean and fishmeal.
Journal of Folklore Research
Ethnic-national discourse in traditional music and dance practice and theory in Central Transylvania is pervasive and persistent. Scholarship in the field has been deeply implicated in the elaboration and imposition of national ideologies by cultural elites and, while ethnicity is a naturalized category, the local practice of music and dance in social life need not be primarily so marked. The identification of traditional music and dance in this region as Romanian, Hungarian or Romani as established by 20th century scholarship and as institutionalized in practice is examined and critiqued. A theoretical perspective that moves away from the re-iteration of these categoies is suggested and the possibility of escaping from them in practice is considered.
Clinical Psychology Review, 2009
There is strong evidence that family factors play a role in the development, maintenance and course of youth depression. However, to date few clinical trials of psychotherapy for youth depression employ family therapy interventions or target the known family risk factors. This is surprising given recent meta-analytic findings showing only modest effect sizes for psychotherapy for youth depression, and that cognitive therapies do not outperform non-cognitive therapies. The aim of this review is to 1) use a developmental systems approach to review empirical evidence on family risk factors for youth depression to identify potential targets for treatment, 2) examine the extent to which these family risk factors have been targeted in clinical trials for youth depression, and 3) provide a road map for the development of empirically validated family-based interventions for youth depression. Strong evidence was found supporting a relationship between family factors at multiple system levels and depressive symptoms or disorders. Support for several different hypothesized causal mechanisms as well as bidirectional effects was found. A comparison of the identified risk factors and psychotherapy trials for youth depression indicated that few RCT's target family factors; among those that do, only a few of the family risk factors are targeted. Recommendations for translation of empirical knowledge of family risk factors and mechanisms to develop empirically valid family-based interventions to enhance existing treatments for youth depression are provided.
Archivio Storico Messinese, 2023
L'articolo prova a ricostruire un profilo del gruppo dirigente del Pci di Messina tra la metà degli anni '40 e i '50 caratterizzati dalla svolta di Salerno e dal consolidamento del "partito nuovo" togliattiano.
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseño y Comunicación, 2020
Journal of Algebra, 1977
In Shared Religious Sites in Late Antiquity: Negotiating Cultural and Ritual Identities in the Eastern Roman Empire - Maureen Attali & Francesco Massa, eds, 2023
Bulletin of the "Transilvania" University of Braşov. Series III, Mathematics and Computer Science, 2024
Melita Theologica, 2021
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 2017
Okta Suprawati, 2019
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2018
ChemMedChem, 2014
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 2013