Department of Anthropology
328 Young Hall
One Shields Ave,
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
[email protected]
[email protected]
Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1981
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1980
Major: Sociology and Social Anthropology; Minors: Medieval Islamic Civilization, Musicology
The interplay between neo-liberal state bureaucracies, citizenship, religion, and the race- or gender-based
differential access to justice (legal, social, economic, political or cultural).
Comparative study of borderlands and diasporas (the Arab-Israeli, US-Mexican borders and the contemporary
Muslim migration to Western Europe) through the optics of NGOs, social movements, as these relate to the
emergence of Right Wing feminism(s).
World Anthropologies; qualitative research methodologies and the employment of the ethnographic method of
research and writing in public policy.
Critical race theory, intersectionality, as these relate to the study of ritual, religion, performance, and of cultural
rights in the context of conflict/post-conflict transitional justice.
The study of the Middle East – with emphasis on Egypt, Israel and Palestine, from a global comparative
Community building of non-profit transnational social movements and NGOs focusing on revising state
bureaucratic ideologies and practices which are based on racial and gendered classification as a key to resolve
ethno-nationalist conflicts
Languages: Fluent English, Hebrew, and Arabic; semi-fluent French.
South Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, 1975-present
Palestine-Israel, 1988-present (with additional field research in Ann Arbor, MI (Apr 1991), Paris, France (Oct
1993), and Yemen (Aug 1996)
Aqaba, Jordan (South Sinai Bedouin) 1993-95, 2006-present
Lithuania-Belarus Border + online interviews, Winter 2022-present
Smadar Lavie
Fulbright Senior Scholar, Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University (Jan-Jun)
Professor Emerita, University of California, Davis.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
The Simon and Riva Spatz Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century (ISS21), University College Cork, Ireland.
Scholar in Residence, Beatrice Bain Research Group, University of California, Berkeley.
Visiting Fellow, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Scholar in Residence, Beatrice Bain Research Group, University of California, Berkeley.
Fellow, Centro Incontri Umani, Ascona, Switzerland, Mar-Aug.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota.
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota.
Associate Professor, Studies in Women and Gender, University of Virginia at Charlottesville (nine-month
The Hubert H. Humphrey Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Studies for The Muslim World and
the Middle East. Macalester College.
Visiting Associate Professor, the Social Science Division, Beit Berl Teacher’s College.
1999/2000 Visiting Associate Professor, School of Media Studies, Sapir College of the Negev. Fall and Spring Semesters.
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Critical Theory, with tenure, University of California at Davis.
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Critical Theory, University of California at Davis.
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and of Comparative Studies in History, Culture and Society, University of
California at Davis.
Lecturer, University of California at Berkeley, Fall Freshmen Program.
Lecturer, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA.
Fulbright US Scholar Fellowship (Jan-Jun, deferred from 2021 due to the pandemic). Vilnius University.
Top 2018/19 Downloaded Paper Certificate for “Gaza 2014 and Mizrahi Feminism” by Wiley Publishers.
The Simon and Riva Spatz Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Distinguished Guest Professorship, Center of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University. Apr.
Distinguished Professorial Lectureship, Center of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University. 1-7 Apr.
Smadar Lavie
Distinguished Visiting Erasmus Professorship, Jagiellonian University, Institute of Sociology. Mar.
Society for the Anthropology of Religion Clifford Geertz Prize finalist for Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi
Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture.
Association of Middle East Women’s Studies (AMEWS) Book Award competition Honorable Mention for
Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture.
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention in the “Non-Fiction” category for Wrapped in the Flag of Israel:
Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture.
USA Best Book Awards finalist in the “Social Change” category for Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi
Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture.
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention in the Biography/Autobiography Category for Wrapped in the
Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture.
“Heart at East” Honor Plaque for committed excellence and lifetime service to the Mizrahi communities of Israel,
given by a coalition of twenty NGOs working for equal distribution of cultural funds in Israel. 21 May.
Gloria Anzaldúa Award Winner, the Women’s Committee of the American Studies Association, for the essay
“Staying Put: Crossing the Palestine/Israel Border with Gloria Anzaldúa.”
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Suffolk University. 13-17 Oct.
Honorable Mention, Victor Turner Award for Ethnographic Writing for The Poetics of Military Occupation:
Mzeina Allegories of Bedouin Identity under Egyptian and Israeli Rule.
Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Award in Humanities, the Middle East Studies Association of North America.
Second Prize, Paper Competition, U.S. Western Social Science Association: “When Leadership Becomes
Allegory: Mzeina Sheikhs and the Experience of Occupation.”
Yitzhaki Netzer Prize for Excellence in Bedouin Studies, The Ben-Gurion Desert Research Institute, Sde-Bokker,
Books Authored
Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture. Lincoln: University of Nebraska
Press. In the series Expanding Frontiers: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studies of Women, Gender and Sexuality.
Updated and revised paperback edition of Wrapped in the Flag of Israel 2014, including an extensive afterword about
the War on Gaza 2014 and Mizrahi Feminism. Book was published in Jul ‘18. First print sold out early Dec ’18.
Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and Bureaucratic Torture. New York: Berghahn Book. 15
Apr 2014; third print sold out 31 Aug 2015.
Since its April 2014 publication, the book has been reviewed in:
Oct ’20
Jan ’20
Jan ’19
Apr ’18
Smadar Lavie
Medium. Ayelet Shahar.
Jadaliyya “New Text Out Now.”
Tikkun Magazine 34(1): 127-130. Keith Feldman.
E3W (Ethnic and Third World Literatures) 18: 8-9. Michael Reyes.
Oct ’17
Sep ‘17
Jan ’17
Jan ’17
Dec ’16
Dec ’16
Nov ’16
Nov ’16
Aug ’16
Jul ’16
Jul ’16
Jul ’16
Jul ’16
Jun ’16
Apr ’16
Mar ’16
Jan ’16
Nov ’15
Spring ’15
Feb ’15
Dec ’14
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 17(1): 135-136. Yaacov Yadgar.
Kultura i Społeczeństwo, no. 61(3):256-257. Iza Desperak [Polish.].
Asian Anthropology 16(1): 73-75. Sealing Cheng.
Peace and Change 42(1): 162-164. Leonie Fleischmann.
Arab Studies Quarterly 38(4): 716-723. Meir Amor.
Feminist Formations 28(3): 259-262. Brooke Lober.
Social Anthropology 24(4): 535-537. Johan Wollin.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 22(4): 1012-1013. Tobias Kelly.
American Ethnologist 43(3): 580-581. Yulia Egorova.
Anthropological Quarterly 89(2): 603-606. William Beeman.
Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work 31(3): 392-393. Barbara Levy Simon.
Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 12(2): 264-266. Adi Kuntsman.
Hypercultura E-Journal 6(15). “Bureaucracy, Thy Name is Israel.” Sorina Georgescu.
American Anthropologist 188(2): 436-437. Anne de Jong.
Cultural Studies 31(4): 602-609. “Bureaucratic Torture, Israeli Nationalism, and the Question of Palestine.”
Shoshana Madmoni-Gerber.
Social Security: Journal of Welfare and Social Security Studies (Bitahon Sotziali, Hebrew) 99: 156-159.
Chen Misgav [Heb.].
Allegra Lab Online Book Reviews. Anja Ryding.
Feminist Review 111: e12-e15. Frances S. Hasso.
Journal of Palestine Studies 44(3): 67-68. Simona Sharoni.
Jadaliyya “New Text Out Now.”
BRICUP (British Committee for the Universities of Palestine) Newsletter 82: 12-13, Malcolm Levitt.
The Poetics of Military Occupation: Mzeina Allegories of Bedouin Identity Under Israeli and Egyptian Rule. Los
Angeles: University of California Press.
Since its December 1990 publication, the book has been reviewed in:
American Ethnologist
American Anthropologist
Times Literary Supplement
Washington Post
The Village Voice Literary Supplement
Journal of Palestine Studies
Quarterly Journal of Speech
MERIP (Middle East Research and Information Project) Review
Journal of Islamic Studies
MESA (Middle East Studies Association) Bulletin
The San Francisco Chronicle
Publisher’s Weekly
Middle East Journal
SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) Bulletin,
A paperback edition has been available since July 1991 and is still in print and in demand. The book has become a
required textbook in a variety of courses and disciplines across the social sciences and humanities.
25 Nov
15 Nov
Copenhagen University, Department of Anthropology
Copenhagen University, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Gender and Sexualities in the
Middle East Seminar
Smadar Lavie
5 Dec
4 Dec
University of Notre Dame, Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies
University of Notre Dame, Keough School of Global Affairs
30 Oct
26 Feb
Dalhousie University, The Simon and Riva Spatz Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies Public Lecture.
San Francisco City College, Critical Middle East South Asia Studies Program.
23 May
4 Apr
1 Feb
University of Malaga, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
Vilnius University, Center for Oriental Studies.
San Francisco City College, Women and Gender in the Middle East Speaker Series.
9 Nov
7 Nov
24 Mar
18 Mar
17 Mar
15 Mar
10 Mar
8 Mar
3 Mar
2 Mar
25 Feb
23 Feb
23 Feb
18 Feb
University of Montreal, Department of Anthropology.
Concordia University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Montreal.
University of West the England, Gender Studies Research Group, Bristol.
Warsaw University, Department of Hebrew and Israeli Studies. Mizrahi Feminism.
Warsaw University, Department of Hebrew and Israeli Studies. Bureaucracy and Single Motherhood.
Jagiellonian University, Institute of Sociology.
University of Bialystok, Department of English and American Studies.
University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS), Warsaw. Department of English and American Studies.
University of Lodz, joint seminar, International Relations and Middle East- North Africa Studies.
University of Lodz, joint seminar, American Studies and Sociology.
Utrecht University, Department of Anthropology, Public Lecture Series.
University of Groningen, Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
University of Groningen, Center for Religion, Conflict and the Public Domain.
Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality, the Netherlands.
29 Oct
26 Oct
Swarthmore College, Peace and Conflict Studies.
Temple University, Beyond the Page Lecture Series, The Paley Library in collaboration with the departments of
History, Religion, Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies.
22 Oct
Five College Middle Eastern Studies Workshop, Amherst, MA.
20 Oct
Brown University, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs and the Center for Middle Eastern
30 May
University of Texas Austin, Center for Mexican-American Studies, Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldua
Plenary Session.
13 May
Santa Clara College, Department of Anthropology Weekly Seminar.
1-15 Mar National University of Singapore, Visitorship at the Middle East Institute.
27 Feb
University of California at Los Angeles, Women’s Studies Weekly Colloquium.
20 Nov
19 Nov
18 Nov
17 Nov
12 Nov
7 Nov
7 Nov
30 Oct
29 Oct
28 Oct
Clark University, Sociology-Anthropology department Prof. Parminder Bachu weekly seminar.
Boston University, Department of Anthropology and Center for Jewish Studies weekly seminar.
Suffolk University, Joint Seminar with the Department of Communication and Journalism and the Program in
Women and Gender Studies.
Wesleyan University Department of Anthropology, Middletown, CT.
University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Sociology Weekly Seminar.
Featured book, American Studies Association Celebrated Authors book display, Los Angeles.
American Studies Association Roundtable (ASA) on radical political insurgency in Palestine-Israel and Radical
Black Insurgency in the U.S.
Ethnographic Writing Workshop, University of Warwick, Center for the Study of Women and Gender.
University of Warwick, Center for the Study of Women and Gender.
University of Southampton Program in Law and Philosophy.
Smadar Lavie
27 Oct
24 Oct
23 Oct
22 Oct
17 Oct
16 Oct
14 Oct
10 Oct
9 Oct
11 Sep
28 Apr
23 Apr
17 Apr
12 Apr
LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) Middle East Center public reading.
LSE, Anthropology department weekly seminar.
SOAS Center for Gender Studies Weekly Seminar, London.
Cardiff University, Center for Critical and Cultural Theory weekly seminar.
University of Oxford, The Middle East Center, St. Anthony’s College weekly seminar.
University of Cambridge, Center for Islamic Studies weekly seminar.
University of Kent, School of Anthropology and Conservation weekly seminar.
Queen University of Belfast, School of History and Anthropology weekly seminar.
National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Anthropology weekly seminar.
Lecture and book launch party, University College Cork, Women’s Studies and ISS21 Joint Seminar.
University of California, Davis, Anthropology weekly seminar.
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Department of Anthropology.
University of Chicago, Center for Jewish Studies.
Governors University, the annual Chicago Gender Matters Conference featured book. Conference theme:
Embodying Praxis, Engaging Solutions.
10 Apr
University of California, Berkeley, Center for Middle Eastern Studies weekly seminar.
3 Apr
Yale University, Journal of Middle Eastern Women’s Studies research workshop.
2 Apr
Yale University, Council on Middle East Studies weekly seminar.
10 Mar University of California, Santa Cruz, Anthropology weekly seminar.
LAVIE - Books Co-Edited
Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity. Co-edited with Ted Swedenburg. Duke University Press.
Since its 1996 publication, Displacement has been quoted hundreds of times and taught as a textbook throughout
the Humanities and the Social Sciences because it was the first book to transnationalize Cultural Studies. Its
introduction has become a formative text for the study of diasporas, borders, identity, racism, and other fields of
Cultural Studies. It is still in print and in demand.
Creativity/Anthropology. Co-edited with Renato Rosaldo and Kirin Narayan. Cornell University Press.
Articles and Book Chapters in Peer-reviewed Journals and Edited Collections
“Who Can Publish Autohistoria-Teoria with the Anger It Deserves?: Unclassified Lloronas and the Academic Text.”
In El Mundo Zurdo 8: Selected Works from the 2019 Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldua.
Adrianna M. Santos, Rita E Urquijo-Ruiz and Norma E Cantu, eds., 151-168. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books
“Confession and Mirage: Professor Mas'uda and the Ashkenazim-for-Palestine in Israel's Academe.” Journal of
Academic Freedom Vol. 12
“Professor Mas`uda and the ‘Salt of the Earth’ in Academe: Confession. HaKivun Mizrah (Eastward, Hebrew)
“Who Can Publish Autohistoria-Teoria with the Anger it Deserves? Unclassified Lloronas and the Academic
Text.” The Israeli Association for Feminist and Gender Studies Newsletter, trans. D. G. Peleg [into Hebrew], Jan.
“Protester, tillhörighet och byråkratisk smärta” [“Protest, belonging and bureaucratic pain”, Swedish]. In
Vänstern och byråkratin [The Left and the Bureaucracy] 62-63(1): 75-93. Malmö: Tidskriften Fronesis.
“Gaza 2014 and Mizrahi Feminism.” PoLAR, Political and Legal Anthropology Review 42(3): 85-109.
Article has been awarded with a certificate for top downloaded paper for 2019-20 by Wiley Publishing. During
the first three weeks of the Gaza 2023-4 war it received 46,815 views on my academia dot edu homepage.
“Israeli Feminism and the Question of Palestine.” In MEI Perspectives 3, Middle East Institute, National
University of Singapore.
Smadar Lavie
“Mizrahi Feminism and the Question of Palestine: Two States or One?” In The Failure of the Two-State Solution,
ed. by Hani A. Faris, 207-230. London, U.K.: I.B. Tauris & Co., Ltd.
“Staying Put: Crossing the Israel-Palestine Border with Gloria Anzaldúa.” Left Curve 37: 32-45 (Reprint of 2011
Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly.)
“Staying Put: Crossing the Israel-Palestine Border with Gloria Anzaldúa.” In Pretending Democracy: Israel, an
Ethnocratic State, ed. by Na`eem Jeenah, 167-198. Johannesburg, South Africa: The Afro-Middle East Centre
(Reprint of 2011 Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly.)
“Writing Against Identity Politics: An Essay on Gender, Race, and Bureaucratic Pain,” American Ethnologist,
39(4): 780-804.
As of Jul 2017, this article has been viewed or downloaded from 10,000 unique I.P. addresses.
“Il Femminismo Mizrachi e la Questiona della Palestina” [Mizrahi Feminism and the Question of Palestine]. In
Ebrei Arabi: Terzo Incomodo, ed. by S. Sinigaglia, trans S. Sinigaglia [into Italian], 71-110. Frankfurt, Germany:
Zambon Verlag Publishing.
“Un Anno Dopo la Seconda Guerra del Libano: Come ‘Onghizzare’ I Paradossi Arabo-Mizrahi e la Visione di
Uno Stato Unico per la Palestina/Israele” [A Year into Lebanon 2 War: NGO-ing Mizrahi-Arab Paradoxes, and a
One State Vision for Palestine/Israel]. In Ebrei Arabi: Terzo Incomodo, ed. by S. Sinigaglia, trans. S. Sinigaglia
[into Italian], 280-302. Frankfurt, Germany: Zambon Verlag Publishing.
“The Knafo Chronicles: Marching on Jerusalem with Israel’s Silent Majority.” Affilia: Journal of Women and
Social Work 27(3): 300-315.
“Al-Haraka Al-Nisa’iya Al-Mizrahiya Fi Israel wa Qadiyat Filsteen” [The Mizrahi Feminist Movement in Israel
and the Question of Palestine]. In Hal Al-Dawla Al-Wahida lil-Sira’ Al-‘Arabi-Al-Israeli: Balad Wahid Likul
Muwatineeh [The One State Solution to the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Country for all its Citizens], ed. by Hani
Faris, 283-310. Beirut: Centre for Arab Unity Studies.
“Staying Put: Crossing the Israel–Palestine Border with Gloria Anzaldúa.” Anthropology and Humanism
Quarterly 36(1): 101-121.
“Where is the Mizrahi-Palestinian Border Zone? Interrogating Feminist Transnationalism Through the Bounds of
the Lived.” Social Semiotics 21(1): 67-83.
“Mizrahi Feminism and the Question of Palestine.” Journal of Middle East Women Studies 7(2): 56-88.
“Crossing the Palestine/Israel Border with Gloria Anzaldúa: Sovereignty, Transnationalism, and the Art of
Staying Put.” In El Mundo Zurdo, ed. by Norma Alarcon and Rita Urquijo-Ruiz, 239-255. San Francisco: Aunt
“Mizrahi Feminism and the Question of Palestine.” Sedek (Crack, Heb.): A Hebrew Nakba Periodical [translated
from English] 5:119-134. E-edition in HaOketz [Heb.] in two installments on 18 and 20 Apr, 2011.
“De/Racinated Transcendental Conversions: Witchcraft, Oracle and Magic among the Israeli Feminist Left Peace
Camp.” Journal of Holy Land Studies 9(1): 71-80.
“A Year into Lebanon 2 War: NGO-ing Mizrahi-Arab Paradoxes, and a One State Vision for Palestine/Israel.”
Left Curve 33: 29-35.
“A Year into the Lebanon-Gaza War: A Mizrahi Guide to the Perplexed, and the One State Vision.” [Co-authored
with Reuven Abarjel]. Sedek (Crack, Heb.): A Hebrew Nakba Periodical (2): 71-79 [Heb.].
Smadar Lavie
“Cultural Property Rights and the Racial Construction of the Mizrahi as a Trade-Mark: Notes on the Revolving
Door of Israel’s Academe-Regime.” Mahbarot Kolno‘a Darom (“South Cinema Notebooks”, Heb. – a
Humanities periodical) 2: 161-166 [Heb.].
“De/Racinated Transcendental Conversions: Witchcraft, Oracle and Magic Among the Israeli Feminist Peace
Camp.” In Campo, Spazio, Territorio. Approcci antropologici, ed. by Pier Giorgio Solinas, trans. Umberto
Pellechia and Giancarlo Pichillo [from English], 163-175. Catania, Italy: Ed-It Press.
“Imperialism and Colonialism: Zionism.” Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures Vol. 6: 9-15. Leiden: Brill.
“Cultural Property Rights and the Racial Construction of the Mizrahi as a Trade-Mark: Notes on the Revolving
Door of Israel’s Academe-Regime.” In A Rainbow of Opinions: The Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow’s First
Decade. (Keshet Shel De‘ot: ‘Asor LaKeshet HaDemokratit HaMizrahit, Heb.),198-204. Tel Aviv: November
“The Fool.” In Internationalizing Cultural Studies: An Anthology, ed. by Ackbar Abbas and John N. Erni, 106115. Blackwells (an abbreviated version of 1991 QRFV).
“A Rainbow Kufiyya.” In Sappho in the Holy Land: Lesbian Existence and Dilemmas in Contemporary Israel,
ed. by E. Shadmi and C. Frankfort-Nachmias, 211-222. Albany, NY: SUNY Press [credited under my internet
pseudonym of Mickey M.].
“Introduction: Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity.” [Co-authored with Ted Swedenburg]. In
“Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity, 1-25. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
“Blowups in the Borderzones: Third World Israeli Authors' Gropings for Home.” [Revised and expanded version
of 1992 above.] In Displacement, Diaspora and Geographies of Identity, 55-96.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture: Bridging Text and Lived Experience in the Third Timespace.”
Cultural Studies 10(1): 154-179.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture.” [Co-authored with Ted Swedenburg, trans. to Hebrew by H.
Tzamir]. Teoria veBikoret [Theory and Criticism, Heb.] 7: 76-88.
“Border Poets: Translating by Dialogue.” In Women Writing Culture, ed. by R. Behar and D. Gordon, 412-427.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
“Locating a Home on the Border: Third World Israelis, Minor Literature, and the Racial Formations of Zionism.”
Left Curve 19: 10-30.
“The Bedouin, the Beatniks, and the Redemptive Fool.” In Otherness and the Media: The Ethnography of the
Imagined and the Imaged, ed. by H. Naficy and T. H. Gabriel, 23-44. Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic
Publishers (reprint of 1991).
“Notes on the Fantastic Journey of the Hajj, His Anthropologist, and Her American Passport.” [Co-authored with
Hajj A. and Forest Rouse]. American Ethnologist 20(2): 363-384.
“Introduction.” [Co-authored with Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo, above]. In Creativity/Anthropology,1-8.
“The One Who Writes Us: Political Allegory and the Experience of Occupation among the Mzeina Bedouin.” In
Creativity/Anthropology, 153-183.
“Blow-Ups in the Borderzones: Third World Israeli Authors’ Gropings for Home.” New Formations 18: 84-106.
“The Bedouin, the Beatniks, and the Redemptive Fool.” Quarterly Review of Film and Video special issue,
“Discourse of the Other: Postcoloniality, Positionality, and Subjectivity” ed. by H. Naficy and T. H. Gabriel,
Smadar Lavie
13(1-3): 23-43.
“When Leadership Becomes Allegory: Mzeina Sheikhs and the Experience of Occupation.” Cultural
Anthropology 4(2): 99-135.
“The Poetics of Politics: An Allegory of Bedouin Identity.” Political Anthropology special issue, “The Frailty of
Authority,” ed. by M. J. Aronof, 5:131-46.
“The Fool and The Hippies: Ritual/Play and Social Inconsistencies Among the Mzeina Bedouin of the Sinai.” In
The Masks of Play, ed. by B. Sutton-Smith and D. Kelly-Byrne, 63-70. New York: Leisure Press.
“Bedouin in Limbo: Egyptian and Israeli Development Policies in the Southern Sinai.” [Co-authored with William
C. Young]. Antipode 16(2): 33-44.
Review Essays (wider in scope than regular book reviews)
“Presence and Absence in Enemies: A Love Story : An Essay on Familism, Traditionalism and Ultranationalism”
Self-published in (1,173 views) [Hebrew].
“Palestine to Ferguson, Historicized: Decolonizing US-Israeli Settler Dynamics.” Review of A Shadow over
Palestine; The Imperial Life of Race in America, Keith Feldman. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Cultural Studies 31(1): 314.
“Feminist Mediations of Home and Exile: Gendering the Race of Israel/Palestine during the Al-Aqsa Intifada.”
Review essay of Women and the Politics of Military Confrontation: Palestinian and Israeli Gendered Narratives
of Dislocation ed. by Nahla Abdo and Ronit Lentin. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. Journal of Holy
Land Studies 5(2): 217-226.
“When the Noble Savage Invades the Home.” Review essay of the Hebrew translation of Works and Lives: The
Anthropologist as Author, by Clifford Geertz (Resling, Israel, 2005). Haaretz Literary Supplement 681:14. 14
Mar [Heb.].
“The Racialized Dispossessed.” Review essay of Between Reggae and Rap: The Integration Challenge of
Ethiopian Youth in Israel by Malka Shabtai (Cherikover, Israel, 2001). Haaretz Literary Supplement 451:1-18. 17
Oct [Heb.].
“Constructing and Representing Peoplehood in the Nation-State: Israel as Case Study.” Review Essay of People
as Subject, People as Object: Selfhood and Peoplehood in Contemporary Israel by Virginia R. Dominguez.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. The Middle East Journal 46(4): 683-685.
“Voices in the Desert.” Review essay of Bedouin Poetry from Sinai and the Negev: Mirror of a Culture, Clinton
Bailey, Oxford University Press, 1991. The Times Literary Supplement 4612: 22. 23 Aug.
“Sinai for the Coffee Table: Birds, Bedouins and Desert Wanderlust.” Review essay of The Sinai Spirit, Dani
Rabinowitz, Adam Publications, Israel, 1987. MERIP - Middle East Report 150: 40-44, special issue, “Human
Rights and the Palestine Conflict.”
“The Sabra Yearning for the Desert.” ‘Iton 77 Literary Monthly [Heb.] 101: 24-26.
Book Review
Israeli Cinema: East/West and the Politics of Representation, Ella Shohat. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1989.
The Middle East Journal 45(4): 696-698.
Baltic Spotlight on the South: Queers of Color Coming to Power through Image. Curated by Robert Heyer-Gray and
Smadar Lavie
Smadar Lavie. Edited by Beatrice Alder. University of California, Davis: E-Scholarship.
Poetry Translations
“I love in White Ink,” Siham Da’oud.. The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology, ed. by Nathalie
Handel, 91-92. New York: Interlink Books.
“Coyotismo,” Janice Gould. KLAF Hazak 12:46 [Heb.].
“The Education,” Janice Gould. KLAF Hazak 12:47 [Heb.].
Untitled Poem from and A Moon Drips Madness. Amira Hess (Tel Aviv, 1984). [Co-translated with Helene
Knox]. Left Curve 18: 76.
“I Love in White Ink.” Siham Daoud. Left Curve 18: 75.
“I Ain’t the Right Kind of Feminist.” Cheryl L. West. Nogah: A Feminist Magazine 26: 45 [Heb.].
“The Maid.” Bracha Serri. Co-translated with Helene Knox. In The Eastern Aspect: Other News from Israel, ed.
by D. Hurwitz, A. Brauner, and J. Boyarin, 6. Santa Cruz: Resource Center for Nonviolence. REPRINTED IN
Left Curve 18:76.
“Back to the Village,” Na‘im ‘Araidi. The Times Literary Supplement 4623: 5.
“Shopping on Dizengov Street,” Erez Biton. [Co-translated with Helene Knox]. The Times Literary Supplement
4623: 5.
“‘Abd al-Hadi Fights the Big Superpower,” Muhammad ‘Ali Taha. MERIP - Middle East Report 164/165 (vol.
20, no. 3/4):38, special issue, “Intifada -- Year Three.”
Other Translations
“Political Discourse.” Translation of the Lees-Lavie-Lathrop letter exchange in Anthropology Newsletter: 3-4, in
Kedma: The Eastern Gate. May.
“Letters on Racinated Peace: Judith Butler, Lynne Segal, and Ahoti-For Women in Israel.” Translated between
the Hebrew and English and edited by Smadar Lavie. Kedma: The Eastern Gate portal, ed. by Sami Shalom
Chetrit. [Heb.].
An abbreviated version published Ahoti [“Sistah,” Heb.] – Newsletter 4: 8. Mar 2004.
“The Exclusion of Mizrahi and Palestinian Anthropologists from the Faculty Club.” Translation of a Mizrahi
Democratic Rainbow Press Release written by Nurit Hajjaj. 29 May.
“Political Discourse.” Reply to Susan H. Lees’s AN letter to the editor re. Lavie’s “Israeli Anthropology and
American Anthropology” 2005. Anthropology News, May issue.
“The Pros and Cons of Boycotts.” Reply to several articles discussing the British AUT proposal to boycott Israeli
academic institutions. The Guardian. 21 Apr.
“Imprisoned.” Reply to Billy Moscone-Lerman’s “Disconnected until Further Notice.” Ma‘ariv’s Weekly
Magazine, 4. 10 Dec.
Smadar Lavie
“Doesn’t Stand the Entrance Requirements.” Reply to “Real Problem” – a collection of letters to the editor
supporting PAS, 22 Aug, which were written in response to Traubmann’s article on PAS of 15 Aug. Haaretz,
B12. 29 Aug.
“Twice Battered.” Reply to an article on the arrival of PAS to the Israeli courts. Ma‘ariv Daily. 9 Nov.
“Mom Doesn’t Alienate.” Reply to Yael Hen’s article on PAS. Ma‘ariv’s Women’s Supplement. 16 Nov.
“The Mzeini Dialect.” Reply to Pierre Cachia’s review of The Poetics of Military Occupation (The Times
Literary Supplement 4612: 23). The Times Literary Supplement 4618:19.
Reply to Paul Dresch’s review of The Poetics of Military Occupation (The Middle East Journal 45[3]: 525-526).
The Middle East Journal 46(1): 155-157.
Press Releases
“Judith Butler and Lynne Segal in Ahoti’s Latest Newsletter on Peace and Social Justice.” 3 May.
“Dr. Vicki Shiran, Founder of Israel’s Mizrahi Feminism-of-Color, is No Longer with Us.” 17 Mar.
Fulbright US Scholar Program Fellowship. Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies. Vilnius University.
Endowed Simon and Riva Spatz Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.
Endowed Visiting Professor, Center for Oriental Studies, Vilnius University, Lithuania. Apr.
Endowed Visiting Professor, Center for Oriental Studies, Vilnius University, Lithuania. 1-7 Apr.
Distinguished Visiting Professor, Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Mar.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Scholar in Residence, Beatrice Bain Research Group, University of California, Berkeley.
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century (ISS21). University College Cork, Ireland.
Visiting Fellow, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Scholar in Residence, Beatrice Bain Research Group, University of California, Berkeley.
Residency in Centro Incontri Umani, Ascona, Switzerland. Mar-Aug.
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Study and Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota. Jul’10Mar’11.
Cultural and Religious Diversity in Southern Europe Research Group, Center for Social Studies, Coimbra
University, Portugal (declined).
Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Research Associateship (declined).
Macalester College Hubert Humphrey Research and Travel Funds.
Marie Curie three-month Research Cluster Fellowship at the Equity Studies Center, School of Social Justice,
University College Dublin, Ireland (declined).
Smadar Lavie
Scholar at Rescue Grant to cover full time secretary-RA, research, travel, and office at home costs.
University of California at Davis, Faculty Research Grant.
University of California at Davis, Faculty Research Grant.
University of California at Davis, Multicultural Teaching Grant.
Stanford Humanities Center Junior Fellowship.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research Grant.
Rice University Rockefeller Fellowship in Cultural Studies (declined).
Whitney Humanities Center at Yale University Postdoctoral Fellowship (alternate).
University of California at Davis, Junior Faculty Research Grant.
The Rockefeller Foundation’s Study and Conference Center in Bellagio. Collaborative Research Group, “Cultural
Agency/Cultural Authority: Politics and Poetics of Intellectual Property in the Postcolonial Era.” (8-13 Mar).
University of California Humanities Research Institute at Irvine, Residential Group Fellowship for “Dependency
and Autonomy: The Relation of Minority Discourse to Dominant Culture” (fall and spring).
University of California at Davis Junior Faculty Research Grant.
University of California at Davis Summer Junior Faculty Research Grant.
University of California at Davis New Junior Faculty Research Grant.
University of California at Berkeley, Center for Middle Eastern Studies: Postdoctoral Fellowship.
University of California at Berkeley Humanities Research Grant.
Mabel McLeod Lewis Dissertation Award.
University of California Regents’ Fellowship.
Lowie Foundation Grant.
University of California Regents’ Fellowship.
Lowie Foundation Grant.
Fulbright-Hays Travel Grant.
National Sound Archive, Jerusalem: Grant to establish Bedouin repository.
The Ford Foundation Fieldwork Grant [via the Desert Research Institute, Israel].
Helena Rubinstein Foundation Tuition grants.
Anthropology of the Middle East
Anthropology of Religion
Borders and Diasporas: The Middle East, “New” Europe, and the Maquiladoras
Smadar Lavie
Comparative Borders and Diasporas – US/Mexico, Israel/Palestine
Comparative Muslim Cultures
Decolonizing Gender: Transnational Feminisms in the Global South
Equal Opportunities in Education
Ethnographic Writing
Ethnographies of Palestine and Israel
Feminist Discourses on Rights
Gender in Muslim Lives (with a section on Jewish women in the Muslim world and Israel)
Gendering Partitions: Palestine/Israel, Ireland/North Ireland, India/Pakistan
Intersectionality and Jewish Feminism(s) in Israel
Introduction to Cross-Cultural Gender Studies
Introduction to Feminist Theories of Color
Introduction to Social-Cultural Anthropology
Israeli and Palestinian Feminisms
Minorities in Culture and Literature
Multiculturalism in Decolonization
Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
Post/Modernity, Culture, and Religion
Postmodernism(s) and Culture (with emphasis on the Global South)
“Post”/Neocolonialism and Identity Politics (with emphasis on the Global South)
Research Methods for Anthropologists
Survey of Ethnographies across the World
Transnational Feminisms
Transnationalism, Citizenship and Family Dynamics in the Middle East
Women and Leadership
Abastado, Rinat. San Francisco State University. Feminist Theories on Race and Mizrahi Women’s History. 1996-1997.
‘Alon, Ktzi‘a. Hebrew U. Feminist Theory of Color. 2003.
Chaudhry, Lubna. Davis. “Hybridization of Identities: A Critical Feminist Ethnography of the Education of Pakistani Muslim
Immigrant Women in the U.S.” 1991-1994.
Cohen, Ilise. San Francisco Institute of Integral Studies. “Mizrahim and the Nakba.” 2005-2010.
Daloumi, Irit. Lesley College, IL. Mizrahi Women Artists’ Journals. 2003.
Ducker, Claire. Institute of Social Studies, the Netherlands. “Jews, Arabs and Arab Jews: The Politics of Identity and
Reproduction in Israel.” 2005-6.
Dukes, Tamara. Davis. Cuban Immigrants in Miami and Los Angeles; AIDS Advocacy. 1995-1998.
England, Sara. Davis. “The Political Economy of Culture: Ethnicity and the Political Ideology of a Garifuna Grassroots
Movement.” 1994-1996.
Feldman, Rachel. Davis. “Women of the Third Jewish Temple Movement.” 2015-2018.
Freeling Sharon. Bar Ilan U. Parental Alienation Syndrome: Comparative Analysis of Family Courts. 2003.
Furberg-Moe (Thorleifsson), Catharine M. London School of Economics. “Peripheral Nationhood: Being Israeli in Kiryat
Shmona.” 2012.
Ghanem, Hunaida. Hebrew U. Palestinian Intellectuals and the Nakba. 2002-2004.
Gilbert, Hillary. Universityof Manchester. Everything has its price: Conservation, development and Bedu in St. Katherine
Protectorate, South Sinai. 2010.
Hamilton, Karine. Curtain U of Technology, Australia. “The Politics of Silence: Israelis and Representations of the Sabra and
Shatila Massacre.” 2004.
Homa, David. Nebraska U., Lincoln. “Interaction Between Travelers to Dahab, Egypt, and Bedouin Youth.” 1997.
Kravitz-Ober, Holly. Davis. Whiteness and Political Identity among U.S. Gun Nuts. 1995-1997.
LaBergere, Ileana. Davis. Postcolonialism and Chicana Feminism. 1994-1996.
Madmoni, Shoshana. Hebrew U. The Yemeni Children Affair. 1994-1995.
Mahmood, Sabah. Stanford. Agency, Islam, and Postcolonial Gender Theory. 1993-1994.
Makhoul, Sanaa. SJ State. Palestinian Women Artists. 1997.
Masri, Ghada. Davis. “Voices from CyberLebanon: Women’s Voices and National Identity.” 1995-1996.
Smadar Lavie
Meishar, Naama. Hebrew U. “Writing in White Ink: Gardening Practices of Mizrahi Women in South Tel Aviv.” 2002-2004.
Moore, Donald B. Davis. Critical Race Theory and Mixed-Race People. 1994-1996.
Naber, Nadine. Davis. Race and Postcolonialism in the Context of Arab Americans, 1994-1998.
Razieli, Sandra. Stanford. The Mizrahi Struggle and the Racial Formations of Israel. 1994-1995.
Sa‘ada-Ophir, Galit. Hebrew U. Mizrahi Music and the Arab-Jewish Borderland. 2002-2003.
Saunders, Mimi. Davis. Cultural Citizenship and Bilingual Schooling in California; Feminist Theory of Color. 1994-1998.
Stein, Rebecca. Stanford. Post/Neocolonialism and Identity. 1993-1994.
Stephens, Gregory. Davis. Interracial Communities. 1991-1993.
Torstrick, Rebecca, Washington U. “Raising and Rupturing Boundaries: The Politics of Identity in Acre.” 1988-1989.
Yosef, Raz. Tel Aviv U. Mizrahi Masculinities in Israeli Cinema. 1998.
Zarum, Nirit. Tel Aviv U. Masculinities of Subaltern Mizrahi Authors. 2006-7.
Zarini, Iris. Ben-Gurion University. IL. “Mizrahi Women Professors in Israeli Universities.” 2007-.
Zeid, Shoshi. Independent Scholar, IL. The Kidnapped Yemeni Babies Affair. [rejected for PhD studies by Hebrew University
as a non-topic], 2004.
Agrama, Hussein. Davis. Egyptian Masculinities. 1992-1994.
Ben-Zvi, Yael. Tel Aviv U. Israeli Lesbians and Ashkenazi Racinations of Sex and Gender. 1993-1997.
Chianese, Venessa. Davis. Palestine and Cultural Theory. 1991-1992.
Dietz, Lora. Davis. European Identities. 1991-1992.
Hazineh, Alia. Dalhousie. Borderzone Embodiment: Women Crossing into Canada. 2018/9
Jamal, Manal. Davis. Gender and Development in Palestine. 1992-1995.
Jbeili, Theresa. Dalhousie. Borderzone Embodiment: Women Crossing into Canada. 2018/9
Kurzman, Steve. Davis. Tattooing and the New Tribalism. 1991-1993.
Mitchell, Cheryl. Davis. “Fetishization of Southeast Asian Cultures Through Ethnic Goods.” 1997
Neis, Pini. U. of London. Fieldwork in Jerusalem. Spring-Summer 2004.
Pandya, Sameer. Davis. Disjunctures, Borders and the Postcolonial Subject. 1992-1993.
Thomas-Mcneil, Kathleen, Dalhousie. Borderzone Embodiment: Women Crossing into Canada. 2018/9
Williams, Monique. Davis. Culture and Public Health Administration. 1997.
Zarini, Iris. Open U. IL. “Capital and Networking: Socialization Processes of Mizrahi Professors in Israel’s Academe.” 2004.
“Who Can Publish Decolonized Ethnography and Cultural Theory with the Anger it Deserves?” Plenary
presentation in “Old Discipline, New Trajectories: Theories, Methods and Practices in Anthropology.” Institute for
Asian and Transcultural Studies. Vilnius University, 16-18 June.
“Israel’s Turn to the alt-Right: Gender, Race and Religious Perspectives.” Presented at the conference on
Citizenship, Sectarianism and Belonging organized by the Sectarianism, Proxies and De-Sectarianisation group of
the Richardson Institute. Lancaster University. Online. 16-17 Dec.
“Single Motherhood and State Bureaucracy in Israel.” Plenary talk at Motherhood: The Unfinished Business of
Feminism? LOVA International Winter School. Amsterdam. Online. 9-12 Dec.
“Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity.” Conference Discussant. International
Graduate Center for the Study of Culture, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany Online. 24-25 June.
“International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Cultural and Critical Studies. ” Opening Plenary. Faculty of Arts
and Sciences, Doğuş University. Online. 11-12 May.
“The Hebrew-to-English Translation Block: Grassroots Mizrahi Scholarship and the Question of Palestine” in
“Writing, Translating and Staging the History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” University of Paris. 26-27 Sep.
“The Anzalduan Method of Autohistoria-Teoria: Notes on La Llorona’s Permission to Narrate the Academic Text”
in “Gloria Anzaldúa: Translating B/borders.” University of Paris. 16-17 May [paper was accepted; unable to attend
due to scheduling conflict].
Smadar Lavie
"The Zionist Movement and Mizrahi Women: Right Wing Feminism-of-Color in the State of Israel," in “Inaugural
Conference on Right-Wing Studies.” U.C. Berkeley. 25-27 Apr.
“Confronting NGO Bureaucracies: International Development and Sexual Harassment of Workers and Clients in
the Global South” in “The Gendered Realities of Working in Development” workshop. Dalhousie University. 6
“Single Mothers of Color and Bureaucratic Torture.” Keynote lecture at the 7th International Conference on
Language, Literature and Culture, “Mapping Cultural Identities: Translation and Intersections.” Bucharest, Romania.
26 May.
“Right Wing Feminism and Intra-Jewish Racism.” In “Beyond Planetary Apartheid” opening plenary, Institute of
International Studies, University of Lisbon. 9 May.
“Treasure Island: Ecological Infrastructural and Racial Justice.” UCSC Science and Justice Program. 29 Nov.
“Racial Formation in Israel: Gender, Diaspora, and Occupation.” Thursday Forum Series. Center for Race and
Gender. University of California, Berkeley. 29 Sep.
“Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers, Israel’s Ultra-Nationalism and Bureaucratic Torture.”
Keynote Speaker at “Gender, Power and Politics” Conference, University of West England, Bristol. 24 Mar.
“Crossing the Palestine-Israel Border with Gloria Anzaldua.” Al Mundo Zurdo, Closing Plenary Roundtable.
Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldua. University of Texas, Austin. 27-30 May.
“Writing Against Identity Politics.” Conference, “Identity and Conflict in Cultural and Geo-Political Context.”
Hyperion University of Bucharest, Romania. 13-14 Jun [paper was read in my absence].
“When Agency Becomes Impossible: The Gender and Race of Bureaucratic Pain.” Conference, “Gender Matters:
Continuities and Instabilities.” Chicago, IL. 12-13 Apr.
“The Gender and Race of Bureaucratic Torture: Notes on the Agency of Citizenship in an Ethnoreligious State.”
Conference, “The Meaning of Citizenship” by the Center for the Study of Citizenship, Wayne State University,
Detroit. 21-23 Mar.
“Unspeakable Memories and the Denial of Agency: The Intergenerational Transmission of Bureaucratic Pain.”
Conference, “Local Memory, Global Ethics, Justice: The Politics of Historical Dialogue in Contemporary Society,”
by the Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability (AHDA) at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study
of Human Rights. 11-14 Dec.
“Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Mizrahi Single Mothers and the GendeRace of Bureaucratic Torture.” Conference on
Intersectionality and the Spaces of Belonging. Belonging and Ethnicity Research Group (BERG). Bangor
University, UK. 28 Jun.
“The GendeRace of Bureaucratic Torture: Writing Against Identity Politics.” Workshop on Ethnographic
Approaches to Transitional Scenarios: Perspectives from the Global South. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin Institute
for Advanced Study, Legal Cultures Program. 15-17 May.
“The Gender and Race of Bureaucratic Pain: Writing Against Identity Politics.” Workshop on Karama (Dignity) and
Tradition in the Middle East and North Africa: Negotiating Subjectivity and Civic Virtue through Social Revolts.
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki. 9 Dec.
“Marching on Jerusalem with Israel’s Silent Majority.” Conference on Life Writing and Human Rights: Genres of
Testimony. Centre for Life Narratives, Kingston University [UK]. 11-13 Jul.
Smadar Lavie
“The Mizrahi-Palestinian Borderzone.” Conference on What Postcolonial Theory Does Not Say. York University
[UK]. 4 Jul.
“Where is the Mizrahi-Palestinian Borderzone? Interrogating Arab Feminist Transnationalism Through the Bounds
of the Lived.” Plenary Speaker. Gender and Difference Conference, Cardiff University. 21 May.
“Mizrahi Family Dynamics: Living Through the Israel/Palestine Conflict.” 11th Annual White Privilege Conference.
University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse. 9 Apr.
“Gender and Majoritarian Politics: Mizrahi Feminist Models of Statehood for Palestine/Israel.” Presented at
“Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace.” York University, Canada. 23-25 Jun.
“Israeli Feminism and One State for Palestine/Israel.” Presented at “One State Palestine/Israel.” University of
Massachusetts at Boston. 28-29 Mar.
“South-South Feminist Coalitions: Crossing the Palestine/Israel Border with Gloria Anzaldúa.” Presented at
“Interdisciplinarity in Feminist State Theory.” University of Toronto. 6-7 Mar.
“South/South Feminist Coalitions and The Art of Staying Put: Crossing the Palestine/Israel Border with Gloria
Anzaldúa.” Presented at “Counterpoints: The Legacy of Edward Said.” University of Ottawa. 1-2 Nov.
“Mizrahi Women and the Palestine-Israel Peace Process.” European Science Foundation Workshop on “Imaging
War: Intergenerational Perspectives.” Vadstena, Sweden. 2-7 Sep.
“Mizrahim and the One State for Israel/Palestine.” Workshop on “One State Solution for Israel/Palestine.”
Southampton University. 9 Jun.
“Mizrahi Feminist NGOs and the Question of Palestine.” Conference on “Global Gender and Justice Symposium.”
George Mason University. 17 Apr.
“Sexual Politics of the Mizrahi Struggle: Preliminary Thoughts.” Presented at “Out of Place: Interrogating Silences
in Queerness/Raciality.” Lancaster University. 24-25 Mar.
“US-European Peregrinations: Israel’s Peace Camp.” Ege University 10th International Cultural Studies Symposium,
“When ‘Away’ Becomes ‘Home’: Cultural Consequences of Migration.” Izmir. 4-6 May [delivered via DVD
recording due to inability to travel out of Israel].
“Emerson’s Philosophy and Witchcraft Theories: Israeli Gender Studies.” Conference in Memory of Vicki Shiran,
“State-Racism-Women.” Beit Berl College. 16 Mar.
“De/Racinated Transcendental Conversions: Witchcraft, Oracle and Magic Among the Ashkenazi-Israeli Feminist
Peace Camp.” The 2nd Christina Conference on Women’s Studies, “Gender, Religion and Theory in Dialogue.” 3-5
Mar [paper was read in my absence due to inability to travel out of Israel].
“Mizrahim as Commodity/Signs, Mizrahim as Authors: Cultural Property Rights and the Racial Formations of
Israel’s Academe-Regime.” Presented in a conference, ‘The New IP Order,” in a 4-participant panel on “Culture and
Copyright.” Haifa University. 14 Jun.
“The Ashkenazim.” A whole day 18-paper conference in Memory of Vicki Shiran, co-organized with Rafi Shubeli
and Yoaz Eliad. This was the first ever academic conference to discuss Ashkenazi Jews in the context of whiteness.
Panels were on Identity, Governmentality, Culture and Politics. At its peak, the conference attracted an audience of
450. Conference was held at Beit Berl Teachers’ College.
In the Politics panel of this conference, I delivered a paper, “Transcendental Conversions of Racism: The Witchcraft
of Israel’s so-called Left.”
Smadar Lavie
“Vicki Shiran and ‘The Ashkenazim, from the Bunker’.” A panel dedicated to the memory of the founder of Israel’s
feminism of color, “Vicki Shiran: The Never Ending Revolution.” Organized by Erella Shadmi for the Virginia L.
Snitow Public Lecture Series. Tel Aviv University. 30 Apr.
“The Evolution of Joint Custody in California.” Israeli BAR Association Legislation Committee on Women’s Rights
workshop on the Tender Years Doctrine. 12 Jan.
“Edward Said: Mirrors of the West’s Face.” Part of a 3-paper Panel dedicated to the memory of Edward Said. Other
speakers were Ilan Pappe, Haifa U., and Jamal Zahalkah, KM. Tel Aviv’s Cinematheque. 4 Jan.
“The Amicus Curie Brief: Feminist Scholarship in Action.” Conference on “The Unbearable Lightness of Child
Removals.” Beit Berl College. 31 Oct.
“Social Engineering: Diary Fragments, Summer 2003.” Conference of scholars, activists and KMs on “The Right for
Social Defense: Single Mothers and Other Women.” Bar Ilan University and the Israeli Association for Feminist
Studies. 12 Sep.
“Our Story and Others: Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture.” A Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow
conference, “Mizrahi Literature: Our Story.” Conference co-organized by Lavie with Zmira Ron and Shula Keshet.
The Left Bank, Tel Aviv. 12 Jun.
“Mizrahi Feminism, the Question of Palestine, and the Racial Formations of the Israeli Left” A 4-paper panel on
racism in the Mediterranean in “Womanoeuvres, an International Women’s Peace Conference of the CFD: The NGO
for Women’s Empowerment.” Zurich, 22-24 May [delivered via DVD recording due to inability to travel out of
“The Best Interest of the Child: The Crisis of Legitimacy in Israel’s Family Courts.” Beit Berl, SHIN (Equality in
Women’s Representation) and New Manhood Joint Conference, “Child Custody: From Struggle to Dialogue.” 21
“Reflections on the White Mythologies of Israel’s Educational System.” Presented at a 4-paper conference on
Mizrahim and Education, co-organized by the Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow and Tel Aviv University. 3 Mar.
“Presence and Representation of Mizrahi and Palestinian Women.” A 4-paper Conference, “Mizrahi Read: Feminism
and the Arts,” organized by Ktzi‘a ‘Alon for Ahoti. Tel Aviv Main Public Library, Beit Ariela. 19 Jun.
“Anthropological Fieldwork Projects for High School Students: Biography and Society.” Social Studies Teachers’
Workshop. Beit Berl. 13 Dec.
“Anthropological Fieldwork for High School Students: Writing the Culture of Events.” Beit Berl Teachers’ College
program for High School Social Studies Teachers. 2 Apr.
“How Do I ‘Finish the Month’ with the Peace Economy? Slum Housemaids, Filipinas, and the Society Ladies of
North Tel Aviv.” First Israeli Mizrahi Conference, “We Are Here and This Is Ours.” Natanya, Israel. 17-18 May.
“Global/Local Relations: Notes on the Art of Staying Put.” Theory Culture and Society Meeting. Berlin. 10-13 Aug.
“Gendering the Oslo ‘Peace’ Agreement.” Israeli Feminist Association Meetings. Ramat Ef‘al. 9-10 Jun.
“Building Bridges: Ethnography, Minority Discourse, Cultural Studies.” Workshop on methodologies for teaching
Minority Discourse and cross-cultural Ethnic Studies. Humanities Research Institute, University of California at
Irvine. 15-16 Apr.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture: Geographies of Identity in the Third Timespace.” Conference on
“Political Geographies of Race. Center for the Critical Analysis of Contemporary Culture. Rutgers University. 17-18
Smadar Lavie
“Conflicts in Israeli Feminism(s).” Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheba, Israel. Conference on “Israel in the
Nineties.” 9-10 Jan.
Decennial Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA) of the British Commonwealth, Oxford
University, England. Plenary session, “Counterwork: Managing Diverse Knowledges,” organized by Richard Fardon
of the London School of Economics. 26-30 Jul (declined due to the relative absence of Minority and Third World
women participants).
“Colonial/Racial Formations of Zionism: A Gendered Analysis.” Center for Asian Studies, Amsterdam School for
Social Research, the Netherlands. Conference on “Colonial Ethnographies.” 14-16 Jun.
“Silenced from All Directions: Third World Israeli Women Writing in the Race/Gender Borderzones of the Nation.”
The Beatrice M. Bain Research Group, U. C. Berkeley. “Between Women and Nation: Feminism and Global Issues”
Conference. 22-23 Apr.
“Notes on the Fantastic Journey of the Hajj, His Anthropologist, and Her American Passport.” Center for
International and Comparative Studies at the University of Iowa. Panel on “The Performing Arts: Nomadic Oral and
Literary Traditions,” in the conference “Representing Nomadic Cultures.” 1-4 Apr.
“Silenced from All Directions: Third World Israeli Women Writing in the Race/Gender Borderzone of the Nation.”
The Rockefeller Center, Bellagio, Italy. Conference on “Cultural Agency/Cultural Authority: Politics and Poetics of
Intellectual Property in the Postcolonial Era.” 8-12 Mar.
“The Culture of Ruins.” Conference Discussant. Center for Cultural Studies and Department of Anthropology,
University of California at Santa Cruz. 24-26 Jan.
“Arab Deserts, American Dollars, and Jewish Diasporas: Notes on the Bedouin as Israeli Colonialist Allegory.”
Conference on “Narrative Focalization.” Nice, France. 12-14 Jun.
“’Hebrew as Step-Mother Tongue’: How the Lives and Works of Arabic-Speaking Jewish and Palestinian Authors
Rupture Israel’s Eurocentrism.” Conference on “The Canon and Marginality.” State University of New York at
Binghamton. 2-5 May.
“Authorship, Repression, and Revolution.” Discussant for a 4 paper panel of a conference sponsored by the Society
for Critical Exchange on the topic, “Intellectual Property and the Construction of Authorship.” Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 18-21 Apr.
“Misguided Euphoria: Soviet Immigration to Israel.” University of California’s Institute of Global Conflict and
Cooperation and U.C. Berkeley’s Institute of International Studies. Conference on “Confrontation in the Gulf.” 12
“Old Age, Gender Relations, and Military Occupation.” Conference on Gender and Colonialism. Group for the
Critical Study of Colonialism and the Beatrice M. Bain Foundation for Study of Gender. University of California at
Berkeley. 6 Oct.
“’Cliffs will Bugle, Sun Will Burn, To Us All Radiance Return’: Desert Poetics and State Politics in Israel and
Egypt.” Anthropology of Landscape Conference. London School of Economics. 23 Jun.
“Allegories of Leadership and the Experience of Occupation among the Mzeina Bedouin.” Group for the Critical
Study of Colonial Discourse Conference. University of California at Santa Cruz. 26 Apr
Symposia Organized
Smadar Lavie
“Equal Opportunities, Cultural Rights, and Ethics of Fieldwork and Publication: NGOs, Communities at Home and
Abroad, and the World of Academic Authorship.” Invited double session [co-organized with Rafi Shubeli]
sponsored by the Middle East Section and the Society for Humanistic Anthropology. Annual Meetings of the
American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, PA. 1-6 Dec.
“Equal Opportunities, Cultural Rights, and Ethics of Fieldwork and Publication: NGOs, Communities at Home and
Abroad, and the World of Academic Authorship.” A 15-paper triple invited session co-organized with Rafi Shubeli
for the 16th Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Kunming, China. 1523 Jul [the Chinese government cancelled the congress].
“Let the Subaltern Speak! Gendering the Race(ism) of the Category ‘Woman’ in Israel/Palestine.” A 7-paper, 2Discussant double session organized for the annual meetings of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Ma‘ale
HaHamisha. 29-30 May.
“Building Bridges: Ethnography, Minority Discourse, Cultural Studies.” Invited session [co-organized with Renato
Rosaldo] sponsored by the American Ethnological Society and the Society for Humanistic Anthropology. Annual
Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, Washington DC. 17-21 Nov.
“Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity.” Invited session [co-organized with Ted Swedenburg]
sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Anthropology and the Society for Cultural Anthropology. Annual Meeting
of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL. 20-24 Nov.
“Eurocentrism and the Tropics of Middle Eastern Identity” [co-organized with Ted Swedenburg]. Annual Meeting of
the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Washington DC. 23-26 Nov.
“Unveiling Agendas: Person and Power in the Creation of Anthropological Knowledge.” Invited session [coorganized with Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo] sponsored by the General Anthropology Division, Society for
Humanistic Anthropology, Society for Cultural Anthropology, and American Ethnological Society. Annual Meeting
of the American Anthropological Association, Phoenix, AZ. 18 Nov.
“Arab Others, Arab Selves and Ourselves: The Experience of Power and the Politics of Representation” [coorganized with Joel Beinin]. Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Los
Angeles, CA. 4 Nov.
“‘Othering’: Representations and Realities.” Session sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Anthropology [coorganized with Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo]. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
Philadelphia, PA. 4 Dec.
“Persuasions and Performances: The Poetics of Self and Society.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association [co- organized with Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo and dedicated to the memory of the late Victor
Turner]. Denver, CO. 15 Nov.
Papers Presented
“Who Can Publish Autohistoria-Teoria with the Anger it Deserves?” Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldua,
“Planetary Citizenship: Anzaldúan Thought across Communities, Histories, and Cultures.” Trinity University. San
Antonio. 31 Oct-2 Nov.
“Whither the Anthropology of the Middle East? Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation in a New Era of Instability.”
Roundtable organized by Kim Shively and Hikmet Kocamaner for the Middle East Section, American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. San Jose, CA. 17 Nov.
“World Anthropologies and the Politics of Translation.” In a working group, “Unsettling International Relations:
Knowing and Unknowing the Settler Colonial Present,” organized by Sharri Plonski and Magid Shihade.
International Studies Association. San Francisco. 3 Apr.
Smadar Lavie
“The US-UK Model of Writing Culture, World Anthropologies, and the Question of Palestine.” Roundtable,
“Diversity Against Divisiveness: Anthropology's Fight for Global Humanism, ” organized by Heather E. O’Leary
and Hsain Ilahiane. American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Washington DC. 29 Nov- 3 Dec.
American Studies Association Roundtable (ASA) on radical political insurgency in Palestine-Israel and Radical
Black Insurgency in the U.S. Los Angeles. 7 Nov.
“Neo-Con Bureaucracy as Torture: Single Mothers of Color, Underemployment, and the Collapse
of the Globalized Welfare State.” Paper presented for panel, “Anthropologies of Unemployment: Disciplinary
Borders and Crossings in the Study of Unemployment,” organized by Jong Bum Kwon and Carrie M. Lane.
American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. 14-18 Nov.
“The GendeRace of Bureaucratic Pain: Writing Against Identity Politics.” Conference on Ethnographies of Gender
and Conflict. LOVA: Netherlands Association for Gender Studies and Feminist Anthropology. 6-8 Jul.
“Gloria Anzaldúa’s Middle East.” The Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa. The University of Texas at San
Antonio. 15-16 May.
“Mizrahi Feminism and the Question of Palestine.” 2nd European Conference on Politics and Gender. European
Consortium for Political Research. Belfast. 23 Jan.
“Tania Forte’s ‘After the Field: Thoughts on Identities’: Reflections on the Dangerously Inadequate Logic of
Categories.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, in the session, “Consumption, Media,
and History: Engaging the Ideas of Tania Forte.” Organized by Rebecca Torstrick. San Jose, CA. 15 Nov.
“Transnational English Tyranny: The Predicament of Transversal Anthropology.” Bi-annual meetings of the
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), in the session “World Anthropologies Network:
Transforming the Terms of the Conversation” organized by Aleksandar Boskovic and Juan Ricardo Aparicio.
Bristol. 18-21 Sep.
“Mizrahi Feminism, the Struggle for Palestine, and the Racial Formations of the Israeli Left.” Second World
Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-2), in a 3-session panel, “Gender Relations in (Post)-Conflict”
organized by Martina Kamp Susanne Dahlgren. Amman. 15-16 Jun.
“Transnational English Tyranny: The Predicament of Transversal Anthropology.” Annual Meeting of the Society for
Cultural Anthropology, themed “Translations of Value,” in the panel, “Critique of Anthropology” 6 May [delivered
via DVD recording due to scheduling conflict with Italy lecture tour].
“Israeli Anthropology and Apartheid: Intellectual Property, Mizrahi Politics, and the Right of Return.” Bi-Annual
Meetings of EASA, in the session “Minority Rights, Culture, and Anthropology” (organized by Reeta Toivanen and
Levent Soysal). Vienna. 10 Sep [delivered via DVD recording due to inability to travel out of Israel].
“De/Racinated Transcendental Conversions: Witchcraft, Oracle and Magic Among the Israeli Peace Camp.” Annual
Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, in the invited plenary, “The Violence of Representation and
Its Discontents: Creating Publics, Borders and Bridges.” (Organized by Charles Briggs). Chicago, IL. 22 Nov
[delivered via DVD recording due to inability to travel out of Israel].
“The PostModern Turn of the Best Interest of the Child.” Annual Meetings of Israel’s Educational Psychologists’
Association. Shfayim Conference Center. 3 Jun.
“Area Studies, Transnationalism, and the Art of Staying Put.” Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological
Association, in the invited Panel, “Intersections: Minority Discourse/Area Studies/Cultural Studies” (organized by
Lisa Yoneyama). Atlanta, GA. 3 Dec.
“Beyond the Boundary of ‘Culture’.” Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, in the invited
Smadar Lavie
Panel, “Building Bridges: Ethnography, Minority Discourse, Cultural Studies” (see above). Washington DC. 18 Nov.
“The Gendered Border: Writings and Silences of Dark Israeli Women.” Annual Meetings of the American
Anthropological Association, in the invited panel, “Cultural Borders/Border Crossing” (organized by Lisa Rofel).
San Francisco. 2 Dec.
“Palestine and the Racial Formations of Zionism.” [Co-authored with Ted Swedenburg]. Annual Meeting of the
Modern Language Association (MLA), in the invited panel, “Jews and Colonial Discourse” (organized by Daniel
Boyarin). New York. 28 Dec.
“Race/Gender and the Writings of Third World Israeli Women.” Annual Meeting of the M/MLA Association, in the
invited panel. “Colonialism, Nationalism, and the Gendered Subject” (co-organized by Mary Layoun and Anuradha
Dingwaney Needham for the Society for Critical Exchange). St. Louis, MO. 6 Nov.
“Silent Intersections: Subjectivities of Race and Gender in the Lives and Words of Third World Israeli Women
Writers.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Israeli Studies. Milwaukee, WI. 24-25 May.
“Blow Ups in the Borderzones: Third World Israeli Authors’ Groupings for Home.” Annual Meeting of the
American Ethnological Society, in the panel, “Culture, Politics, and the Imaging of Contested Terrains in Literature.”
Memphis, TN. 25-29 Mar.
“Hebrew as Step-Mother Tongue’ and the Rupture of Israel’s Eurocentrism.” Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, in the panel, “Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity” (see above).
“‘Birds Between Continents’: The Lives and Works of Third World Israeli Authors.” Annual Meeting of the Middle
East Studies Association of North America, in the panel “Eurocentrism and the Tropics of Middle Eastern Identity”
(see above).
“Ethnographic Creativity and the Discourse of Subalternity.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association in the invited panel, “Scientific and Humanistic Ways of Understanding in Anthropology.” New
Orleans, LA. 28 Nov-2 Dec.
“The Old Woman (‘Ajuz): Allegories of Gender Relations and the Poetics of Military Occupation.” Rethinking
Marxism Conference, in the panel “Israel/Palestine,” organized by Barbara Harlow and Karen Pfeifer. University of
Massachusetts at Amherst. 29 Nov-2 Dec.
“Notes on the Fantastic Journey of the Hajj, His Anthropologist, and Her American Passport.” [Co-authored with
Forest Rouse]. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, in the panel “Unveiling Agendas:
Person and Power in the Creation of Anthropological Knowledge” (see above).
“Yearning for the Pastoral: Israeli Desert Wanderlust and its Bedouin Critique.” Annual Meeting of the Middle East
Studies Association of North America, in the panel “Arab Others, Arab Selves and Ourselves” (see above).
“Mzeina Patrilineal Segmentarity -- A Docu-Drama.” Annual Meeting of the Kroeber Anthropological Society.
Berkeley, CA. 16 Apr.
“Silence, or ‘Why Won’t You Write My Genealogy?’: Inscriptions of Tribal Identity.” Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association, in the panel “‘Othering’: Representations and Realities.” (see above).
“The Sheikh: Experience and Allegory of Bedouin Identity.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, in the panel “Self, Text, and Social Meaning,” Washington, DC. 5 Dec.
“Allegories of Leadership and the Experience of Occupation among the Mzeina Bedouin.” Annual Meeting of the
Middle East Studies Association of North America, in the panel “Tribal Law and Identity,” New Orleans, LA. 24
Smadar Lavie
“The One Who Writes Us: Allegory of Experience and Paradoxes of Occupation among the Mzeina Bedouin of the
Southern Sinai.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, in the panel “Persuasions and
Performances: The Poetics of Self and Society” (see above).
“Allegory of Fieldwork: The Poetics of Self and Occupation of Society among the Mzeina of the Sinai.” Annual
Meeting of the Middle Eastern Studies Association of the United States, in the panel “Tribe and State: Nomadic
Identity and Political History in Discord,” San Francisco, CA. 30 Nov.
“Spontaneous Theater and Social Inconsistencies Among the Mzeina Bedouin of the Sinai.” Annual Meeting of the
American Ethnological Society, in the panel “The Last Word on Play Research,” [chaired by author], Baton Rouge,
LA. 10-14 Feb.
“The Madwoman: Ritual/Play and Social Inconsistencies Among the Mzeina Bedouin.” Annual Meeting of the
Middle East Studies Association of North America, in the panel “Aesthetics and Folk Art in the Middle East,”
Philadelphia, PA. 3-6 Nov.
“The Fool and the Hippies: Ritual/Play and Social Inconsistencies among the Mzeina Bedouin.” Annual Meeting of
the Association for the Anthropological Study of Play, London, Ontario (Canada). 2 Apr.
Symposia Discussant
“El Mundo Zurdo: Nepantla – Theories and Practices Conference 2016.” A panel chair/discussant for the Society for
the Study of Gloria E. Anzaldua at the Women’s Studies Institute, University of Texas, San Antonio. 3-5 Nov.
“Poetic Imagination about Nation and Region in the Postcolony.” A panel chair/discussant in a 4- paper panel
presented at the annual American Anthropological Association meeting, Washington DC. 5 Dec.
“Crisis, Mobility, and New Forms of Migration.” A conference discussant at University College Cork. 2-4 Sep.
“Spanning the Decades: Doing and Describing Long-Term Fieldwork.” A panel discussant for an invited session of
the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA, organized by Thomas Rosin. 1418 Nov.
“National Approaches.” A panel chair/discussant in “Equality and Justice: LGBT Rights in the XXI Century.”
Istituto degli Innocenti, Florence [Italy]. 12-13 May.
“Allegory Now: Politics and Propaganda.” A panel chair/discussant in “Why Allegory Now?” University of
Manchester. 1 Apr.
“Critical Analysis of the Peace Process and the Challenges to Peace.” A panel chair/discussant in “Israel/Palestine:
Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace.” York University, Canada. 23-25 Jun.
“Race: Transnational Perspectives.” A panel chair/discussant in “Race: Future of an Illusion, Future of the Past.”
Monmouth University. 13-15 Nov.
“On the Silenced Creations of Subaltern Women.” A 4-paper panel organized by Na‘ama Meishar for the Israeli
Anthropological Association annual meetings. Neve Ilan. 29 May.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture: A Decade to the Lavie-Swedenburg Article.” A 3-paper panel
chaired by Don Handelman for the annual meetings of the Israeli Anthropological Association. Neve Ilan. 29 May.
“Let the Subaltern Women Speak: Gendering the Race(ism) of the Category ‘Woman’ in Israel/Palestine.” Codiscussant for a 7-paper double session organized for the annual meetings of the Israeli Anthropological Association.
Ma‘ale HaHamisha. 29-30 May.
“Multicultural Education.” A 4-paper panel organized by Esther Herzog for the Social Studies High School
Smadar Lavie
Teachers’ Workshop. Beit Berl. 13 Dec.
“Arab-American Feminism.” A 4-paper panel organized by Nadine Naber for the annual meeting of the Arab
American University Graduate Association. Anaheim, CA. 19 Oct.
“Gendering Violence: Transcending Public/Private Categories through Institutional Space.” A 9-paper panel
organized by Rebecca Torstrick, and Jennifer G. Curtis for the annual meetings of the American Anthropological
Association. Washington DC. 15-18 Nov.
“Breaking Boundaries: New Voices on Israel/Palestine.” An 8 paper panel organized by Becky Torstrick, Davida
Woods, and Virginia Dominguez for the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association. San
Francisco, CA. 2-6 Dec.
“War, Violence, and the Politics of Memory: Narrative, Power, and Representation.” A 6 paper panel organized by
Lisa Yoneyama and Hugh Gusterson for the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association.
Chicago, IL. 21 Nov.
(For Invited Academic Talks related to Wrapped in the Flag of Israel, see PUBLICATIONS section above)
“The Classification of Anger in Women-of-Color Ethnographies: Lloronas, Lamentations, and the (De)Colonial
Logic of Racialization,” for the Creative Ethnographies Seminar. Department of Anthropology, Copenhagen
University. 18 Nov.
“Mizrahi Feminism.” Center for Gender, Power and Diversity, Roskilde University. Nov 10
“Mizrahi Feminists of Color and Israel’s Wars on Gaza.” Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies. Vilnius
University. 25 May
“Feminism of Color and Transnational Feminism: Histories, Trajectories and Debates.” Institute of International
Relations, Feminist Policy and Critical Theory Research Group graduate seminar. Vilnius University, 11 May.
“Unclassified Feminist Lloronas: Noes on the Hierarchies of Anger and Dispassion in the Decolonized Academic
Text.” Department of Anthropology Colloquium Tampere University, Finland. Online. 28 April
“Research and Writing Dilemmas in the Anthropology of the Palestine/Israel.” Joint meeting of the Middle East
Studies Group and Anthropology section, Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies, Vilnius University. 5 April
(De)facing Patriarchies in the Mediterranean Context: the Decolonial at stake for Mizrahi Feminism. CultureBorders-Gender/LAB and Decolonize Hellas Seminar. University of Macedonia, Greece. Online. 13 Dec.
“Israel’s Wars on Gaza and Mizrahi Feminism of Color” Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University
of Notre Dame. 6 Dec.
“The Gaza Wars and Mizrahi Feminism.” Spatz Chair public lecture, Dalhousie University. 6 Mar.
Commencement Speech, posthumous graduation ceremony awarding academic degrees to students expelled from
Vilnius University during the holocaust in honor of my father’s BA in Economics bestowed 77 years after the
graduation date. Vilnius University. 13 Apr.
Three lectures: (1) “Mizrahi Mothers, Wrapped in the Flag: Ultra Nationalism and the Divinity of Bureaucracy in
Israel;” (2) “Israeli Feminism and the Question of Palestine;” (2) “World Anthropology, Feminist of Color AutoEthnography: Decolonizing the US-UK Journal Formula.” Center of Oriental Studies, Vilnius University. 1-7 Apr.
“Gender Inequalities – Global Perspectives.” Macro-Sociology and Social Stratification Weekly Seminar.
Jagiellonian University. 28 Mar.
Smadar Lavie
“The War on Gaza 2014 and Mizrahi Feminism.” The Anzaldua Speaker Series in Philosophy, University of Texas,
Rio Grande Valley. 1 Nov.
“Women, War, and Social Protest in Israel.” “Faces of War” Series. St. Mary’s College, Moraga. 19 Feb.
“The GendeRace of Bureaucratic Torture: Writing Against Identity Politics,” Weekly Seminar for University of
California, Berkeley, Center for Race & Gender. 4 Apr.
“The GendeRace of Bureaucratic Pain: Writing Against Identity Politics.” University of Manchester, School of
Social Anthropology Weekly Seminar. 4 Apr.
“Where is the Mizrahi-Palestinian Borderzone? Interrogating Feminist Transnationalism Through the Bounds of the
Lived.” Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota. 27 Jan.
Three lectures: (1) “Israeli Feminism,” (2) “Teaching Borders, Diasporas, and Transnational Feminism” and (3)
“BABAH or ‘With the Blessings of the Comrades’: Translating the Somatic Impact of Documents from Hebrew to
English.” Institute for Social Sciences in the 21st Century (ISS21), University College Cork, Ireland. 15-23 Nov.
“Translating Hebrew Cultural Theory.” Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. 10 Mar.
“Conflicts in Israeli Feminism and the Question of Palestine.” The Elliott School of International Affairs and the
Department of Anthropology. George Washington University. 24 Feb.
“Israel, Palestine, and Rachel Corrie.” Oregon State University at Corvallis. 23 Oct.
“Fluxes of Theory and Data in Translation: The Hebrew Gatekeepers of Culture.” Colloquium of the Arab Diasporas
Project at the School of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University. 13 Apr.
Mizrahi-Palestinian (Im)Possibilities After Gaza. Colloquium of Middle East Graduate Students, Geography
Department, University of Minnesota. 20 Feb.
“Crossing Borders, Staying Put.” Brown Bag Colloquium. Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota.
11 Feb.
“Area Studies, Transnationalism, and the Art of Staying Put.” Colloquium of the Department of Sociology, Cork
University College, Ireland. 15 Jan.
“Translation and the Predicament of Transversal Anthropology.” Colloquium of the Department of Sociology and
Anthropology, Carleton University, Canada. 31 Oct.
“Transnational English Tyranny and Questions of Hegemony over Anthropological Theory.” The Friday Seminar,
Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics. 30 May.
“A Bi-National State or Two States for Palestine/Israel.” University of East Anglia and “Stop the War Coalition,”
Norwich. 28 May.
“Arab and Israeli Feminist NGOs Two Years into Lebanon2.” Center for the Advanced Study of the Arab World,
University of Edinburgh. 22 May.
“Crossing the Arab-Israeli Border with Gloria Anzaldúa.” Seminar in Gender-PostColonialism-Anthropology, San
Francisco Institute of Integral Studies. 14 Apr.
“Two Years to Lebanon2.” University of Minnesota: Geographies or Race Colloquium. 6 Mar.
“The Predicament of Transversal Anthropology.” University of Minnesota: Anthropology Colloquium. 3 Mar.
Smadar Lavie
“A Year into the Lebanon War: NGO-ing Mizrahi-Arab Paradoxes, and a One State Vision for Palestine/Israel.”
Harvard University: Center for Middle Eastern Studies. 29 Oct.
“The Recent War on Lebanon and Palestine and the Israeli Home Front: Ashkenazi Feminist Anti-War
Performances and the Mizrahi-Palestinian Rift.” Social Science Seminar. London School of Economics. 28 Sep.
“Mizrahim and the Prospects for Middle East Peace.” School of Political, Social and International Relations.
University of East Anglia, Norwich. 27 Sep.
“Mizrahi Feminism, Palestinian-Ashkenazi Dialogues, and the Peace Predicament.” School of Media, Culture and
Cinema. University of East London. 26 Sep.
“Geographies of Identity: Origins, Belongings, and the Journey Beyond Conventional Utopias for Israeli-Palestinian
Coexistence.” Part of an annual lecture series on Postcoloniality. Basso Foundations for the Humanities, Rome. 10
“Arab Jewish Utopias and Ashkenazi Supremacy in Israel: The Race-Religion-Class-Gender Conundrum.” Faculty
of Letters and Philosophy, University of Rome. 9 May.
“Israeli Discrimination(s).” University of Milan and Hawiyya-Palestine Solidarity Committee Lecture series on
Borders/Frontiers [other speakers were Mahmoud Darwish, Eyal Sivan and Michel Khleifi, and Tanya Reinhart]. La
Casermetta, Siena. 6 May.
“De/Racinated Borderzones: E. E. Evans Pritchard and the Magical Oratory of Israel’s Peace Camp.” University of
Siena, Anthropology Department’s Annual Seminar, “Field, Space and Territory.” 5 May.
“Feminism, Ethnicity, and the Middle East Peace Process.” Milan’s Women’s University [together with Marcella
Simoni, University of Venice]. Milan. 3 May.
“Translation, NGO Activism and Anthropology: The Transnational English Tyranny.” Sociology-Anthropology
Departmental Seminar, Bicocca University, Milan. 3 May.
“Mizrahi Feminism at the Crossroad.” Olive Tree Educational Trust Program. City University, London. 22 Mar.
“The Social Struggle: From Margins to Center.” ISEF (International Sephardi Educational Fund.). Forum for ISEF
graduate students from all Israeli Universities. Beer Sheba. 27 May.
“Globalization and the Feminization of Poverty.” Alma College, Tel Aviv. 21 Jan.
“Transnationalism and Feminism of Color.” Alma College, Tel Aviv. 7 Jan.
“Journey from the Combahee River Collective to Ahoti.” Higher Education Council’s Workshop on Gender for High
School Teachers. Kfar HaMakabiyya Conference Center. 13 Oct.
“Borderwork: How to Form Successful Mizrahi-Palestinian Feminist Coalitions that Work.” The Hertzeliyya ArabJewish Center for Economic Development MBA program. Haifa. 5 Sep.
“Civil Rights and Women’s Rights: A Critical Race Theory Analysis.” Mandel Institute Postgraduate Leadership
Program, Jerusalem. 2 Jul.
“Oppression and Resistance.” ISEF (International Sephardi Educational Fund), Bar Ilan University. 6 Dec.
“Fatma, The Mizrahi Question, and Globalization.” Eastern Sun (Me-Mizrah Shemesh) Postgraduate Seminar.
Jerusalem. 26 Jun.
“Theory and Practice of Mizrahi Identity.” Students for Social Justice of the Hebrew University. Jerusalem. 11 May.
Smadar Lavie
“Academic Nomadism, Transnationality, and the Art of Staying Put.” Institute for the History and Philosophy of
Sciences and Ideas, Tel Aviv University. 22 Apr. Same lecture was given at the Humphry Institute of Ben Gurion
Univ. of Beer Sheba on 8 May.
“Israeli Womanhood.” Beit Berl Program for Kindergarten Teachers. 28 Apr.
“Mizrahi Feminism in Israel.” Lesley College, Nataniya, 13 Mar.
“The MultiCultural Curriculum.” Beit Berl Multicultural Faculty Team. 23 Jan.
“Feminism/PostColonialism/Queer Theory.” Alma College, Tel Aviv. 1 Jan.
Displacement, Diaspora, and Geographies of Identity and The Poetics of Military Occupation. Author meets Critics.
Tmol Shilshom Bookstore. Jerusalem. 5 Aug.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture.” Author meets Critics. Beit Berl’s School for the Arts. 18 Apr.
“Anthropological Fieldwork Projects for High School Students: Documenting the Performance of the Everyday.”
Social Studies Teachers’ Workshop. Beit Berl. 2 Apr.
“Transnationalism, Position, and Representation.” Department of Women’s Studies. Mills College. 22 Apr.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture.” Department of Sociology/Anthropology, Haifa University. 13 Jun.
“The Art of Staying Put.” Lecture series on Reformulating Area Studies, Department of Communications, University
of California at San Diego. 18 May.
“Ethnography/Minority Discourse/Cultural Studies.” Department of Anthropology Weekly Seminar, University of
California at Santa Barbara. 5 May.
“The Middle East Peace Process: Voices from the Other Israel.” Middle East Institute, Columbia University. 5 Apr.
“Zionist Conceptions of Palestinian and Mizrahi Gender(s) in Israel.” Lecture Series on Gender and Power in the
Middle East. Smith College. 3 Apr.
“Building Bridges: Ethnography, Minority Discourse, Cultural Studies.” Faculty Seminar, Mills College. 27 Apr.
“The Middle East Peace Process: Voices from the Other Israel.” Stanford Middle East Focus. 1 Mar.
The Poetics of Military Occupation. Author Meets Critics. University of California at Santa Cruz. 22 Feb.
“Geographies of Identity.” Sociology Colloquium, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 10 Jan.
“After Postmodernism: Cultural Studies and the Constructions of Race and Gender.” Cinema Studies Colloquium,
Tel Aviv University. 13 Jan.
“Dark Women Writing Culture: Third World Feminism in Israel.” Adva Center for Equality and the Tel Aviv
Cinematheque. 22 Dec.
“Displacement, Diaspora, and the Boundaries of Culture.” Center for Critical and Cultural Theory Seminar.
University of Wales College of Cardiff. 8 Dec.
“Between and Among the Boundaries of Culture: Experience and Text in the third timespace.” Department of
Anthropology and Sociology Seminar, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 7 Dec.
Smadar Lavie
“Silenced from All Directions: Third World Israelis Writing in the Race/Gender Borderzone of the Nation.”
Anthropology Colloquium, Stanford University. 18 Oct.
“Changing Alliances in the Middle East: The Cultural Readings.” The Ethics of Development in a Global
Environment Weekly Seminar. Stanford University. 13 Oct.
The Poetics of Military Occupation. Author meets Critics. Center for Cultural Studies and Department of
Anthropology. U.C. Santa Cruz. 17 May.
“Third World Israelis, National Literature, and the Racial Formations of Israel.” School of American Research at
Santa Fe weekly colloquium. 14 Apr.
The Poetics of Military Occupation. Author meets Critics. Department of Anthropology, San Francisco State
University. 22 Mar.
“Silence and Violence in the Borderzone: Third World Israeli Women Writing the Gender/Race ConterFormations of
Zionism.” Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. 1 Feb.
“Identity -- Essence or Construction?” Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois at
Champaign-Urbana. 2 Feb.
“Blow-Ups in the Borderzones: Third World Israeli Authors’ Groupings for Home.” The Monday Seminar,
Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago. 9 Nov.
“Border Crossings: National Literature and Third World Israelis.” Department of Anthropology Colloquium,
University of California at Irvine. 14 May.
“Zionism and Womanhood in Israel.” Feminist Studies FRA and Women’s Studies, University of California at Santa
Cruz. 29 Apr.
“Locating a Home on the Border: Third World Israelis, Minor Literature, and the Racial Formations of Zionism.”
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California at Los Angeles. 22 Apr.
“When Identity Becomes Allegory: The Poetic Reconstruction of Military Occupation.” Department of
Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson. 15 Feb.
“The Poetics of Tribal Identity and the Politics of Allegory among the Mzeina Bedouin.” Department of
Anthropology, University of Southern California. 7 Feb.
“The Bedouin, the Nudists, and the Redemptive Fool: The Poetics of Military Occupation.” Department of
Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle. 29 Jan.
“East/West and the Construction of Gender Identity in Israel.” A guest lecture at a U.C. Berkeley seminar on
Southeast Asian Women. 7 Mar.
“Sheikhs and Governors: Political Allegory of Bedouin Identity.” Center for Middle East Studies, University of
California at Los Angeles. 11 May.
“Silence - Colonialism - Inscriptions of Bedouin Identity.” The Arab-Jewish Research Center, Haifa University,
Israel. 7 Apr.
“Israeli Social Anthropology and its Bedouin Critique.” Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, The
Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 31 Mar.
“The Palestinian Other in Israeli Cinema.” The Santa Cruz Center for Nonviolence and the U. C. Santa Cruz Group
for the Critical Study of Colonial Discourse. 20 Oct.
Smadar Lavie
“People and Places: Pictorial Representations of Israel and the Occupied Territories.” The Center for Middle Eastern
Studies, University of Washington, Seattle. 27 Sep.
“Allegories of Fieldwork and the Experience of Occupation among the Mzeina Bedouin.” Department of Sociology
and Social Anthropology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 16 Jan.
“Bedouin Tradition and The Poetics of Military Occupation.” Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology,
Tel Aviv University, Israel. 21 Jan.
“Women and Madness in the Sinai Desert.” Women’s Center, Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA. 14 Dec.
“Israeli Humor.” Advanced Hebrew Seminar, Near Eastern Department, U. C. Berkeley. 6 Oct.
“How to get published in American 1st tier Journals and University Presses in the Humanities and Non-Applied
Social Sciences.” Workshop for Early Career Scholars. Vilnius University. March 28-29.
Advisory Board, Decolonial Practices and Feminist Methodologies in the Balkan and the Mediterranean
World Initiative. University of Macedonia.
Editorial Board Member, Collaborative Anthropologies.
Advisory Board, International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Cultural and Critical Studies, Turkey
Advisory Board, Global Centre for Risk and Innovation, Knowledge Mobilization Committee, Toronto
Advisory Board, Palgrave Studies in Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference.
Member, Community Advisory Committee for the critical Middle East-South Asia Studies Certificate
program, City College of San Francisco.
Reviewing manuscripts for the following journals:
American Anthropologist
American Ethnologist
Anthropological Quarterly
Anthropology and Humanism
Collaborative Anthropologies
Critique of Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Current Anthropology
International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Settler Colonial Studies
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale
Candidate for AAA 2009 elections – Middle East Anthropology Section.
2004-08 The Mizrahi-Palestinian Coalition Against Apartheid in Israeli Anthropology (CAAIA). Founding member. Coresearcher and co-author of the coalition’s letter to Israel’s state comptroller; co-author of news updates; project’s
liaison to foreign volunteers.
Motion protesting the persecution of Arab scholars and pro-Arab US scholars in U.S. universities, [co-authored with
Lara Deeb and Jessica Winegar] for the American Anthropological Association annual ballot.
Smadar Lavie
Consulting for CFD: The NGO for Women’s Empowerment, Zurich for their Early Childhood Project of the Negev
Educational Association. Jun-Sep.
Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Competition Judge for the Middle East Studies Association of America.
Co-signatory to the Bellagio Declaration on Cultural and Intellectual Property in the Post-Colonial Era.
Reviewer for a Middle East ethnographic book proposal submitted to Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Reviewer of a film proposal, “Islands in the Sand,” for NEH.
1992-95 Reviewer for proposals submitted to the Wenner-Gren Anthropological Foundation.
1991-95 Reviewer of Middle East related book manuscripts for the University of Chicago and the University of Minnesota
“South/South Feminist Coalitions.” Macalester’s American Studies & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Seminar. 7 Apr.
Macalester Muslim Students’ Association, Teach-In on Israel’s Operation in Gaza (Dec 08-Jan 09) and the
Israeli Elections. 25 Feb.
Consulted for proposal writing for the Beit Berl Multicultural Faculty Team for seed money in order to revise
the college’s curriculum so that it reflects the ethnic and religious shifts in the student body. Jan.
(1) Wrote a 200 page proposal (including syllabi editing) to design and build a Department of Cultural Studies
at Sapir College of the Negev. Proposal was submitted in Mar. 2000 to Israel’s Council for Higher Education.
(2) Organized Media School Weekly Colloquium for job talks of possible FTE candidates for the Cultural
Studies Department in Spring 2000.
Application Review of U.C. Davis Education Abroad Program, interview of three candidates, write up of
Organized a lecture tour of Bay Area Universities for Nira Yuval-Davis to give talks on Gender, Citizenship,
and Trans-Racial Coalitions in early 1995.
Wrote a proposal for the UCD Anthropology Department in order to purchase the film “Joanna D’Arc of
Organized and hosted a talk and poetry reading, “The Poetics of Peace,” by Na‘im ‘Araidi and Mira Meir for
the UCD Critical Theory Program. 4 Oct.
Wrote a proposal for the UCD Critical Theory Annual 1994 conference, “Language, Race, Nation.” Proposal
was approved and was fully funded.
Co-organizer, UCD Critical Theory Annual Conference on Education and the Nation-State (participants include
Concia Delgado, Shlomo Swirski, Salim Tamari, Hayden White, and others). 26-27 Feb.
Put together a UCD proposal to appoint Paul Gilroy and Vron Ware as the Spring 1994 Regents Professors. The
proposal included letters by members of the following departments: Anthropology, History, African-American
Studies, Chicano/a Studies, Philosophy, Critical Theory, and Women Studies. The proposal was approved in
Smadar Lavie
Member, UCD Education Abroad Program Committee, Academic Senate.
Co-organizer, Nationalism Reading/Discussion Group, Center for Comparative Research in History, Culture,
and Society, UCD (with Dan Brower of the History Department). Among the guests hosted were Paul Gilroy,
Dorinne Kondo, and Brakette Williams.
Member, Program Committee for Critical Theory, UCD.
Library Representative, Department of Anthropology, UCD.
8 Dec Jewish Voice for Peace, Indianapolis, IN
19 May Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee and Jewish Voice for Peace, San Diego, CA
27 Dec
23 Dec
17 Dec
6 Aug
Woman to Woman, Haifa
Ahoti for Women in Israel, Tel Aviv
The Educational Bookshop, East Jerusalem
University Press Books, Berkeley, CA
1 Mar
Massolit Bookstore, Krakow, Poland
1 Nov
26 Oct
24 Mar
21 Feb
11 Feb
Yerberia Cultura, McAllen, Texas
Jewish Community High School of the Bay Area
Social Science in the City Speaker Series, University of the West of England, Bristol
Mizrahi Night at the Mezrab, Gate48: Platform for Critical Israelis in the Netherlands, Amsterdam
Boneshaker Books and Jewish Voice for Peace, Minneapolis
27 Oct
25 Oct
24 May
23 May
Big Blue Marble Bookstore and Tikkun Olam Chavura, Philadelphia.
Jewish Voice for Peace and The Wooden Shoe Book Store, Philadelphia.
Resistencia Bookstore and Jewish Voice for Peace, Austin, TX
Congregation Agudas Achim, Austin, TX, Tikkun Leil Shavu’ot
08 Dec
23 Nov
16 Nov
06 Nov
22 Sep
Jewish Voice for Peace, Boston
Busboys and Poets Bookstore and Jewish Voice for Peace, Washington, DC
Workmen’s Circle, Boston
Levantine Cultural Center, Los Angeles
Tel Aviv, Book launch and testimonials by victims of bureaucratic torture, Ahoti for Women in Israel
30 Aug – 11 Oct Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) Book Tour
11 Oct IPSC, Belfast
17 Sep IPSC, Dublin
15 Sep Derry Anti War Coalition
13 Sep IPSC, Lurgan
9 Sep IPSC, Ennis
8 Sep IPSC, Limerick
30 Aug IPSC, Cork
Smadar Lavie
20 Jun
18 Jun
08 Jun
29 May
29 Apr
23 Apr
19 Apr
17 Apr
02 Apr
Sacramento Jewish Voice for Peace
Berkeley University Press Bookstore
San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Voice for Peace
Modern Times Bookstore Collective, San Francisco
Reading, Avid Reader Bookstore, Davis, CA
May Day Bookstore Collective, Minneapolis
Chicago Area Jewish Voice for Peace
Powell’s Bookstore, Chicago
Yale University, Students for Justice in Palestine
Public Media Interviews, Reviews and Discussions of WRAPPED IN THE FLAG OF ISRAEL
24 Oct
4 May
3 May
12 Nov
14 Oct
22 May
6 Apr
24 Feb
23 Feb
24 Nov
19 Nov
17 Nov
26 Sep
9 Sep
5 Sep
7 Jul
9 Apr
Oxford Israel Studies Seminar Podcast Series. Interview with Yaacov Yadgar.
HaOktes, “The Mizrahi Struggle – The Bureaucratic Torture of Mizrahi Single Mothers in Israel.” Chen Misgav.
(in Arabic).
HaOktes, “The Mizrahi Struggle – The Bureaucratic Torture of Mizrahi Single Mothers in Israel.” Chen Misgav.
(in Hebrew).
Daily Gazette, Swarthmore College, “Wrapped in the Flag of Israel: Life of a Mizrahi Single Mother in Israel.”
Laura Phelps.
Radio interview with Students for Justice in Palestine at Amherst College, University of Massachusets.
KOOP Radio, “People United: The Show in Solidarity with the People of the World.” Allan Campbell.
KPFA Women’s Magazine, “Understanding the Role of Race, Class, and Gender in Israeli Jewish Society.” Kate
Bloomberg Businessweek “The Thwarted Desire to Belong” syndication of the Jordan Times review.
Jordan Times, “The Thwarted Desire to Belong.” Sally Bland.
Tasnim News Agency (Farsi), Interview with Reza Saidi.
The Struggle:Media for Justice, Justice for the People, Stanley Heller, “The Surprising Apartheid Against
Mizrahi Jews in Israel."
Wesleyan Feminist Power Hour Radio, interview with Tess Altman.
TLV1 Radio, Gilad Halpern, “Tortured by the State: Race and gender in contemporary Israel.”
The Loop Show. Michael O’Connell. Raidio Corca Baiscinn. “Irish Palestinian Links.”
The Clare Champion print and electronic editions, “Clare IPSC to Host Arab-Jewish Author.”
Mondoweiss, Sylvia Schwarz, “How long can Israel depend on Mizrahi docile loyalty?”
Jewish Gaily Forward, Jul-Aug. issue, 5, by Elliot Vogel.
American Jewish World print and electronic editions, Mordechai Spector, “Israel’s Single Mothers from the
Public Anthropology Articles
“(Un)Thanksgiving, Land Day, and ‘Al HaEsh.” E-published in Times of Israel. 11 Dec [Heb.]
“(Un)Thanksgiving, Land Day, and ‘Al HaEsh.” E-published in Tikkun. 2 Dec.
“Shabbat with the Militias.” E-published in Times of Israel. 20 Nov [Heb.].
“Shabbat with the Militias.” E-published in Times of Israel. 17 Nov.
“Professor Mas`uda and the Salt of the Earth in Academe.” E-published in Times of Israel. 18 Jun [Heb.].
Smadar Lavie
“The Treasure Island Race Chronicles- The Targeting of Smadar Lavie and Tenants of Color.” Anti-Eviction
Mapping Project blog.
“The Mizrahi Cultural Renaissance and the Welfare Lines.” HaOkets. 6 Jul [Heb.].
“Revisiting Israeli Anthropology and American Anthropology: Our ‘Special Relations’” Allegra Lab. 27 Oct.
“The Legend of Mixed Marriages: On the Erotic Economy of the Mizrahi Struggle.” E-published in HaOketz. 15
Aug [Heb.].
“The Academic Comeback of the One State Vision, Israel/Palestine.” E-published in Kedma: The Eastern Gate;
E-Mago; HaOketz. 28 Jun [Heb.].
“Sacrificing Gaza to Revive Israel’s Labor Party.” The Electronic Intifada. 19 Jan. Reprinted electronically in
USA Today, Counter Currents, and over twenty internet news portals; translated into Italian and published online
in Il Dialogo, 23 Jan; translated and published in Arabic in Al Akhbar Daily, Lebanon, 18 Feb.
“Dry Twigs.” The Electronic Intifada. 3 Aug. Reprinted electronically in;; New Profile;
ZioPedia;; and many other internet sites and blogs.
“A History of Dispossession.” Ma‘ariv Daily Op-Ed page. 12 Jul. E-published in Kedma:The Eastern Gate; EMago; Mahsom; NosachTeiman; Teimani-Original [Heb.].
“On the Progress of Affirmative Action and Cultural Rights for Marginalized Communities in Israel.” Coauthored with Rafi Shubeli. Anthropology Newsletter, 6-7. Nov.
“Operations ‘Summer Rains’ and ‘Adequate Pay’ — Yet Other Acts in the Mizrahi-Palestinian Tragedy.” Coauthored with Reuven Abarjel, co-founder of Israel’s Black Panthers. The Jordan Times. 29 Jul. Article was
published on a full double page in the Opinion section.
This article has also been e-published in The Electronic Intifada; from there, it traveled to Crosscurrents;
Dissident Veterans for Peace; Occupation Magazine; Ziopedia; E-Mago (English edition); Coalition of Women
for Peace; NewsZoom; Independent Media Center’s main site; Independent Media Center, Beirut; Tasbir;; Peninsula Peace and Justice Center; ICA News CoOp; the Baghdad-Rafah-Beirut site; Dissident
Veteran for Peace; and copied into many Blogs from the Electronic Intifada site. Article was translated to Arabic,
French, Italian, Russian and Spanish.Hebrew version e-published in Kedma: The Eastern Gate; Haokets;
Mahsom; E-Mago, and the Hebrew site of the Coalition of Women for Peace.
“Transnational English Tyranny.” Anthropology Newsletter. Apr Issue, 9-10. Article was part of a yearlong
comparative series, “Anthropology on a Global Scale.”
“Parenthood, the Feminization of Poverty, and Joint Custody.” Kedma: The Eastern Gate Portal. 7 Nov. Article
also e-published in E-Mago, and Bananot [Heb.].
“Rachel Gamliel of the Ma‘abari Family, My Granny.” Kedma: The Eastern Gate portal. 19 Jan [Heb.]. English
translation published in Beirut Independent Media Center.
“Israeli Anthropology and American Anthropology.” Anthropology Newsletter, 8. Jan. issue.
The article was copied into many internet sites that deal with academic freedom issues within the context of the
Israel/Palestine conflict. An expanded Hebrew version, entitled “Ashkenazi Anthropologists and the MizrahiPalestinian Gold-Mine” has been e-published in Kedma: The Eastern Gate. Updated version published in
HaKeshet, The Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Journal, no.2 (winter 2005), 13 [Heb.]
“Vicki Shiran and the ‘Ashkenazim, from the Bunker’.” Kedma: The Eastern Gate portal. Sami Shalom Chetrit,
Ed. 30 May [Heb.].
Smadar Lavie
“Women and Children’s Rights in Family Courts.” [Co-Authored with Esther Hertzog and Rivka Nardi]. In
Ha‘Oketz [“Sting”, Heb.] Portal, ed. by Yossi Dahan and Itzik Saporta, 15 Mar [Heb.].
“Vicky Shiran, A Farewell Letter.” In Kedma: The Eastern Portal. Re-Issued in HaDerech and many other
feminist portals [Heb.].
“Mizrahi Politics, Intellectual Property, and Luba,” In Ha‘Oketz [“Sting”, Heb.] Portal, ed. by Yossi Dahan and
Itzik Saporta, 23 Feb [Heb.].
“Jamaica Kincaid @ Tel Aviv U.: ‘This place looks exactly like my synagogue.” 20 Jan. In Palestine
Independent Media Center and in The Alternative Information Center.
“Lilly White Feminism and Academic Apartheid in Israel.” Anthropology Newsletter, Oct. Issue, 10-11. This is a
different version than the 2002 oft-quoted piece below, since it focuses on the history of academic apartheid
within Israeli anthropology, and supported by quantitative data charts.
“Return for Your Taxes: Education, Equal Opportunities, and Multi-Culturalism.” In Women’s Parliament: A
Political Stage from Another Angle 2001-2 Proceedings, ed. by Esther Hertzog, 57-58 [Heb.].
“Social Engineering: Diary Fragments, Summer 2003.” Kedma: The Eastern Gate portal. 15 Sep [Heb.].
“Social Engineering.” [Co-authored with Amir Fuchs]. Ma‘ariv Daily Op-Ed page. 17 Jul [Heb.].
“But There Is Discrimination: The State Penetrates the Single Family’s Bedroom.” [Co-authored with Amir
Fuchs]. Globes: Israel’s Business Arena, Editorial Page, 3. 16-17 Jul [Heb.]. A different version of Ma‘ariv’s
“Social Engineering” above.
“Ideology, Welfare, and the Single-Headed Family.” [Co-authored with Amir Fuchs]. Kedma: The Eastern Gate
Portal. 15 Jul [Heb.]. Reissued in HaDerech feminist portal and many other Hebrew portals. Reprinted in AhotiFor Women in Israel Newsletter, No. 2, 5. Oct. 2003.
“Right, Left, and the Everyday Crimes of State in Israel.” Published as part of “Suffering, Oppression, and
Solidarity in the Feminist Movement. “Kedma: The Eastern Gate Portal, ed. by Sami Shalom Chetrit. 4 May
“Sage Gardner Is No Longer Relevant.” Makor Rishon Weekly, Op-Ed Section, 16. 28 Mar.
“Abuse in the Name of the Law: The Legal System Severely Punishes Women Who Report their Husbands’
Violence.” Haaretz Daily Op-Ed, B2. 27 Nov [Heb.]. This is an abbreviated version of the “Notes” piece (2002,
see below).
“Notes on Deleted Dreams, Families, and the Price Tag of Justice.” Kedma: The Eastern Gate. 25 Nov [Heb.]. Re
Issued in HaDerech and many other Israeli portals.
“A Pedophile Father Preferable to Alienating Mother: Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and Israel’s Supreme
Court.” Psak Din [“Judgment”, Heb.], Israel’s most influential legal portal and judgment repository. Oct. issue.
This article was used as an expert opinion in the precedential Supreme Court Judgment 6041/02, and from its
publication to this date it continues to assist mothers, children, and the attorneys who represent them in cases of
alleged PAS. From its publication until 2020 each week about 2-3 mothers on the verge of losing custody of their
children in the PAS-afflicted Israeli courts and their attorneys called and sought advice, which I happily
volunteered until my heart could no longer bear the suffering of these mothers and children. The article was
reissued in Haderech, Women On Line (WOL) and Kedma, It was then reissued in many other portals and after
such a large scale exposure, it generated several major research articles in Israel’s print media and scholarly texts.
Smadar Lavie
“Then and Now: Women of Color in the American Elite Academy.” Kedma: The Eastern Gate Portal, ed. by
Sami Shalom Chetrit. 20 Feb [Heb.]. Re-issued in HaDerech.
“Search the Mizrahi Woman.” Tel Aviv Weekly Magazine, 26-27. 18 Jan 2002 [Heb.]. REPRINTED IN 2002,
Mizrahi Feminism, ed. by Vardit Damari-Madar. 20-25. Jerusalem: Students for Social Justice (TZAH).
Cyber-Reprints in Kedma: The Eastern Gate and HaDerech feminist portal. The article was then lifted from
Kedma and copied into many Hebrew language forums at large-scale portals. These cyber-copies generated
hundreds of readers’ responses.
Its English translation, entitled “Academic Apartheid in Israel and the LillyWhite Feminism of the Upper Middle
Class,” was e-published first in the English edition of HaDerech. It has since been copied into numerous Israeli
and Arab feminist and academicians’ internet forums. The English translation has also been e-published in
Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Sprint 2002 issue, the H-Net Middle East gender list, in the
Women Against Occupation portal, and for several years was sold by The article was translated
into Italian.
“Rainbow Kufiyya.” In The Gift: An Art Project, ed. by Mario Rizzi. The Jerusalem Center for the Visual Arts,
Hebrew printed translation IN 2001, annefranQ 3: 11-3. Aug 2001; 2002, Mizrahi Feminism, ed. by Vardit
Damari-Madar, 70-74. Jerusalem: Students for Social Justice (TZAH). Re-issued in cyberspace in the
Kedma and Pridezine portals [Heb.].
“Purim.” Tehiyah Shelanu. 1(3): 8-9.
“Reflections on the New Racism.” Ha‘aretz Weekly Magazine, 28-32, 86. 21 Jul.
“Naming: The Epistemology of the Closet in Hebrew. Popular Music.” [Co-authored with Ya‘el Ben-Zvi and
Ya‘el Ronen]. KLAF Hazak 13: 4-12 [Heb.].
“Immigration to Israel: A Misguided Policy.” USA Today Magazine 121(566): 32-34.
“Arrival of the New Cultured Tenants: Soviet Immigration to Israel and the Displacing of the Sephardi Jews.”
The Times Literary Supplement 4602: 11. 14 Jun.
Political, Feminist, Anti-Racist Activism
Israel’s Women’s Parliament, Advisory Board Member.
Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow, member.
2002-2004 Culture Committee.
2002-2003 Committee on Education and the Core Curriculum.
2005-2007 Rainbow representative in the Coalition of NGOs Against Racism.
Ahoti (“Sistah,” Heb.)-For Women in Israel, Member. Ahoti is Israel’s feminist of color movement.
Jan 2003-Jan 2005 Board of Directors:
English PR, establishing contact with supporters outside Israel;
Generating and sustaining activism related to understanding and exposing the power of the Ashkenazi
academic and judicial elites;
Mizrahi women’s art and literature.
2002-2003 Liaison to the New Israel Fund.
2002-2003 Member of the Ahoti newsletter’s editorial collective.
2003-2004 Liaison to FFIPP.
2002-2004 Co-coordinator of the Coalition to End Apartheid in Israel’s Anthropology, initiated by Ahoti.
2003 Worked with Rachel Amram on Ahoti’s major grant proposal from the New Israel Fund. The text
serves as the basis for all of Ahoti’s grant applications (Feb-Mar).
Smadar Lavie
Post performance testimonial and discussion, The San Francisco Mime Troupe, Treasure Island. 11 Aug.
Middle East Dialogue and Programming Committee, Congregation Sha’ar Zahav, San Francisco.
International NGO Coalition to Save Kfar Shalem (Salameh) residents from Expulsion-Demolition
International Jewish Solidarity Network (in summer 2008, name changed to IJAN).
Founding Member - The Coalition to Empower Children, Women and Families Facing the Courts, Welfare
Services, and the Psychological-Psychiatric Establishment (This is a coalition of several NGOs).
From Jul 2005 on the coalition’s name changed to The Coalition of Women for Mothers and Children
2005-2006 – co-director of the coalition (Jul-Feb).
Black Lundary [Kvisah Sh’hora, Heb] – A LesBiGayTrans direct action group to resist Israel’s occupation
of Palestine and Israel’s racism against minorities. Member.
SF Bay Area Palestine Human Rights Campaign.
Co-organizer of the SF Bay Area mass demonstrations against the Gulf War.
Co-Founder and member of CAFIOT (the Berkeley Committee for Academic Freedom in the Israeli
Occupied Territories).
Public and university teach in-s; student demonstrations; public lectures; canvassing; research and writing;
Measure E 1982 city of Berkeley campaign of divestment from Israel (co-organized with Avi Chomsky, Jim
Schamus, Mary Layoun, Osama Doumani, Jock Taft, and Raif Hijab); exposure of and media and public
campaigns against the Jewish Anti-Defamation League black lists of pro-Palestinian academics.
Co-organized with Raif Hijab the first UCB student-initiated course on Modern Palestine; Fund solicitation
from the UCB student union and the AAUJ to bring guest speakers such as Edward Said, Ibrahim AbuLughod, Hisham Sharabi and Israel Shahak. The course was one of the first academic-activist venues to
discuss Israel’s anti-Mizrahi racism in the context of the Question of Palestine.
“History of the Palestine/Israel Conflict.” A summer-session student-initiated course team-taught with Raif
Hijab, UCB graduate students and Berkeley community activists.
Government and Court
“Antisemitism and Middle Eastern American Jews.” Expert opinions submitted to the Advisory Committee for the
Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) K-12 Education of the California Department of Education. 12 Nov.
Amir Peretz for Chairman of the Labor Party Campaign; on the difference between ethnic- and class-oriented
analyses. Ramat Gan. 10 Jun.
Israel’s Knesset’s International Women’s Day exhibit, “Women Return to the Front Stage,” consulting for ‘Amit
Tzoref on deceased Palestinian and Mizrahi community activists to be included in the exhibit. Feb. Exhibit was on 8
“Single Mothers and the State Budget.” Knesset Committee on the Status of Women, session convened by KM Gila
Gamliel. 7 Jul.
“How Does Feminism of Color Relate to Israel?” 3 Lectures and discussion sessions with Israel’s government
agencies’ future advisors on women’s status. 3 Apr, 10 Jul.
Smadar Lavie
Consulting for attorney Tamir Kokh, and writing an expert opinion on Parental Alienation Syndrome for Israel’s
Supreme Court file 6041/02. Kokh won his case and set a precedent.
Consulting for the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board regarding the status of non-Jewish Russian immigrants
to Israel.
Interview in Ben Lorber and Shane Burley for Safety Through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism.
New York: Melville House.
Aljazeera-Arabic consult and interview for an hour-long documentary by the Gamal Almoliky team on the Yemenite
Children Affair. 19 Apr until the 6 Oct broadcast. The film generated over one million views.
“The Dilemmas of the Mizrahi Left in the Israeli Protest Movement.” Interview by Shane Burley and Ben Lorber.
+972 Magazine: Independent Journalism from Israel-Palestine. 28 Mar.
Profile interview, “The Consequences of the Ukrainian War for the Middle East and the Impending [Muslim]
Refugee Wave Arriving in Europe” with columnist Liepa Žeromskaitė. IQ Magazine, June, pp. 28-31 (in
Interview on the Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on Middle Eastern Political, Nutritional and Familial Stabilities
with columnist Liepa Zeromskaite. IQ Magazine May pp. 30-31 (in Lithuanian).
Interview with Gabi Kirk, “Authors of California Ethnic Studies Curriculum Decry Cuts to Arab Studies.” Jewish
Currents, 3 Feb.
“Beyond Identity Politics: Lackluster Solidarity in the Mizrahi Struggle.” Sara Solomon Youtube, Tel Aviv, 55
minutes. [in Heb.] 4 Oct.
“Ahoti (=Sistah): Portraits of Mizrahi Feminists.” Noemie Hakim Serfaty short video, San Francisco. 17 Dec
“Berkeley hosts conference on the past and future of the right wing.” J. Hickey, Berkeley News. 26 Apr.
“San Francisco irradiates the poor on Treasure Island.” S. Auden, San Francisco Bay View. 8 Jan.
2017-19 Consulting and interviewed for Aljazeera-English, Reuters, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Bay
view, and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project.
Participant in the Eviction Exhibition at the National Building Museum, Washington DC, on the relationship
between race, gender, poverty, infrastructure and military cleanup on Treasure Island.
“Introducing the 2018-19 Spatz Visiting Chair in Jewish Studies.” Genevieve MacIntyre, Dal News. 29 Oct.
“Interview with Mizrachi Feminist and Litvak Dr. Smadar Lavie.” Ilona Rūkienė. Lithuanian Jewish Community
Monthly. 4 Jun.
Interview for IQ Magazine, Lithuanian’s partner of the Economist. Kotryna Tamkutė. Jun.
“Como é que um pequeno país rodeado de inimigos consegue resistir?” [How can a small country surrounded by
enemies resist? Portuguese]. Helder Gomes. Expresso Lisbon. 14 May.
“The Eviction of Smadar Lavie from Treasure Island.” Noemie Hakim Serfaty short video, winner of the Roxie
Mixtape #4, San Francisco. 4 Dec.
Smadar Lavie
“Repercussions Still Being Felt at UC Berkeley Over ‘Free Speech Week’.” Caron Creighton, Berkeleyside. 6 Oct.
“American Anthropologist Searches for her Roots in Lithuania.” Good Morning Lithuania LRT-TV. 6 Jun.
“The Mizrahi-Palestinian Intersectionality Nobody’s Talking About.” Sigal Samuel. The Forward. 3 Mar.
“Arabic tops Israeli charts as Yemeni sisters take Tel Aviv by storm.” Alex Shams. Middle East Eye. 21 Sep.
“In the Name of Security: This is How One Hurts the Weak and Women and Gains Their Support.” Tsafi Sa`ar,
women and gender equity correspondent for Haaretz. 30 Oct.
“A Meeting Between Three Feminists: Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Palestinian.” Tsafi Sa`ar, women and gender equity
correspondent for Haaretz. 3 May.
“One State for Israel/Palestine.” Al-Jazeera News. Apr.
“Israel from the Inside – a Zionist State and the Crisis of its Eastern Self.” Al-Jazeera Documentary. 30 Dec.
Advising Yotam Feldman, Haaretz, for a series of articles on faculty-students’ sexual relations. Jun.
Advising Rachel Levy, Dutch journalist, for a book on Israeli family courts. Oct-Nov.
Advising Christian Sabatier, independent French film maker, for a documentary on the ruptured dialogue between
Mizrahi and Palestinian human rights activists. Oct.
“The State Budget’s Wars and Social Justice.” Panel discussion participant in Israel’s prime time Channel 1 TV
show, Politika. 12 Sep.
“Mizrahi Professors? A Denied Problem.” Tamara Traubmann, Academic correspondent for Haaretz. 8 Jun.
“Another Way to Fight the Academic Boycott? Israeli Studies Abroad: The faculty, Israeli, the Donors, Jewish.”
Tamara Traubmann, Academic correspondent for Haaretz. Page A15. 24 May.
“PAS, the Welfare Ministry, and Forced Removal of Minors from Protective Mother’s Custody.” Emanuel Rosen’s
prime time TV show, Ze HaZman (It’s Timely, Heb.). Providing scholarly information and appearing on the show.
TV Channel 10. 23 Jan.
“A Yemenite in Tel Aviv.” IN Kaleidoskop: Israel and Palestine from the Inside, ed. by Sandra Petersen and Tonje
Merete Viken, 237-246. Oslo: Humanist Forlag. [in Norwegian].
“Mom Has Always Told Me: Why Aren’t You Like Everybody Else?” Orit Reuveni. End-of-Year Profile Article
about Lavie’s biography, history of scholarship and activism. La’Isha (For Women, Heb.) no. 3063: 28-41. 26
“The Crisis of Israeli Universities.” Panel Discussion participant for Israel’s prime-time Channel 1 TV show,
Politika. 22 Mar.
“Toni Morrison.” Conversation on her body of novels and their historical-cultural context Multi-Interview (with 3
other literary critics) led by Ya‘el Zadok of Israel’s Broadcast Authority for her book review program, “Words that
Try to Touch.” 18 Mar (repeated on 22 Mar).
“Disconnected Until Further Notice.” Interview with Billy Moscone-Lerman on Parental Alienation Syndrome and
Child Support Payments in Ma‘ariv’s Weekly Magazine, 39-44. 3 Dec.
“Nepotism and Israel’s Political Culture.” Panel discussion participant for Israel’s prime-time Channel 1 TV show
Smadar Lavie
Politika. 7 Sep.
Consulting for Arthur Neslen (UK) for Occupied Minds (Polity Press, 2006). Jul.
“Testimony from the Field.” Interview with Lily ‘Aboudi on Ethnic Theater. Cities Weekly, 42-45. 27 May.
“Edward Said.” Interview with Ilana Norman. ‘Akhbar Ha‘Ir Tel Aviv. 2 Jan.
“Trash Science in the Service of Courts.” Interview with Tamara Traubmann on Family Courts and their Social
Welfare Service Units. Haaretz, B6. 15 Aug.
“A Professor for Survival.” Interview with Moshe Ronen on Lavie’s participation in one of the American
Anthropological Association presidential panels. Yedi‘ot Aharonot, B5. 2 Jun.
Advising to proposal-writers to establish The Jewish Religion and Israeli Traditions Radio Station in central Israel.
“Father or Mother.” Interview with Ayelet Kedem on Family Courts and Mysogeny. Makor Rishon Weekly. 14 Mar.
“Israel’s Feminism of Color.” Interview with Prof. Kum-Kum Bhavnani (UCSB) for a film trailer at Jerusalem’s
YMCA. 9 Feb.
“Bedouin Ghetto.” Interview with Swiss DEV.TV on Israel’s colonialist nostalgia and the Negev and Sinai Bedouin.
10 Jan.
“Search the Woman/Search the Mizrahi in Academe.” A 3-article segment of Israel’s Association for Feminist and
Gender Studies Bulletin resulting from Lavie’s article about Academic Apartheid in Israel (see under
Publications) and Moscone-Lerman’s Ma‘ariv’s article (see below in this section). Heker Migdar BaAretz, 1013. Nov- Dec.
“The System’s Violence is Worse than the Battering Man.” Interview with Smadar Shiloni of Y-Net. Went on the
net on 25 Nov around 22:30 and removed around 23:00 due to censorship -- it criticized Israeli court ideologies.
“Gender, Ethnicity and Poverty.” Interview for the Channel 1 Morning News. 5 Nov.
“Maskit, the Next Generation.” Interview with Mor Gordon to Haaretz Daily on Ethiopian women artisans and
cultural and intellectual property rights. 22 Aug.
“Racism in Israel’s Labor Market.” Participation in the Mizrahi TV channel Breeza’s People’s Parliament show. 23
“Parental Alienation Syndrome and Israel’s Family Courts.” Interview with Rivka Mikhaeli for her prime-time
morning show. 18 Jul.
“Haim Hefer and the Mizrahim.” Panel discussion at Israel’s prime time TV show Politika emceed by Dan Margalit.
11 Jun.
“Alternatives to be Found Here.” Op-Ed on solutions to the Intifada by Dana Peleg. Aat Women’s Monthly. Jun.
“Ain’t It Important from What Ethnic Group you Are?” Interview with Karni ‘Am-‘Ad about whether there ought to
be a Mizrahi or Ashkenazi curator for the art exhibit Mothertongue. Hakibbutz, 7. 30 May.
“Mizrahi Women Intellectuals.” Half-Hour interview with Sha’ul Bibi for Breeza Channel (filmed on 22 Apr, don’t
remember the exact broadcast date).
Consulting for the Breeza Mizrahi TV Channel on Mizrahi Women’s Profiles Show (re poet Amira Hess and
Smadar Lavie
community activist Mali Cohen). Apr.
“Inaccurate Science.” Op-Ed by Dan Even on the Academic Boycott of Israel. Ma‘ariv. 18 Apr.
“The Judeo-Arabic Poetry of Rabbi Shalom Shabazi.” Interview with Michal Zu-Aretz for the Taverna, Israeli TV
channel 1. 15 Mar.
Billy Moscone-Lerman’s Women’s View (Mabat Nashi) TV show, Channel 2, Israel. A panel discussion with Dr.
Vicki Shiran and Prof. Daphna Izraeli about the complete absence of Mizrahi women professors from the Israeli
academic scene. 9 Feb.
Radio of the South (Radio Darom) – Interview with ‘Adi Nagar and Inbal Petel. Beer Sheba. Feb.
“For You, A Mizrahi Woman’s Just a Maid.” Interview with Billy Moscone-Lerman, Ma‘ariv Weekly Magazine,
56-62. 1 Feb.
“How a Wheel Turns Around: The Story of Smadar Lavie.” Interview with Sigal Levy, I-Women. 31 Jan.
“Here’s a Professor Wrapped in a Newspaper.” Interview with Dekel Shahrour, Y-Net. 27 Jan.
Yaron London’s Morning Show. Israeli TV, Channel 2. Interview on the total absence of Mizrahi women professors
from Israeli academe. 22 Jan.
“Is There, or Isn’t There Discrimination? Income Gaps between Women, Arabs, and Mizrahim.” Interview with
Gideon ‘Eshet, Cheif Editor of Yedi‘ot Aharonot’s Economics Section, Money Section (Mamon), 6-7. 15 Jan.
“The Industry of Parasites.” Research for Esther Hertzog’s op-ed on single mothers and the welfare authorities.
Ma‘ariv daily. 11 Sep.
Consultant for artist Mario Rizzi on “The Gift,” an exchange of presents between randomly picked Palestinians and
Israelis (Dec 2000-Feb 2001).
“The New Racism: News from America.” Interview with Anat Meidan, Yedi‘ot Aharonot (Israel’s daily newspaper
with highest circulation), 16-17. 15 May.
“Affirmative Action, Family Law, and the California Divorce Process.” Interviews with Yossi Sayyas of Israel’s
Public Broadcasting Service, 2nd Channel, 8. 29 Jan.
“Black and Beautiful.” Interview with Shosh Madmoni on Political Correctness and the Absence of Mizrahi Women
Intellectuals from Israeli Academia. Yedi‘ot Aharonot (Israel’s daily newspaper with highest circulation), 20-22. 10
“Sell-Out Mizrahi and Highbrow Ashkenazi.” Interview with Yizhar Hess for Shishi -- Musaf 7:13-15. 21 Jan [Heb.].
The interview generated another article on racism against Arab-Jews in Israeli academia (Shishi 8:16) and several
letters to the editor.
1993-94 Consultant for playwright Alan Havis for a play, “A Vow of Silence.”
“Dialoguing the Zone In-Between Darkness and Whiteness.” Interview, Ya‘el Ben-Zvi, KLAF Hazak 9:30-40 [Heb.].
Copy editor for the English newsletter of Women’s Organization for Political Prisoners, Tel Aviv (Jul-Sep).
Consulting for Andrea Simon and David Olendorf of the New York Jewish Museum for a film on Sephardi
“Stories Make the World.” Participating in and consulting for A Traveling Jewish Theater audio program aired
Smadar Lavie
nationally on various stations of National Public Radio around Passover. It was broadcasted again around Passover,
The Poetics of Military Occupation. Interview at the Sandra Gare Program, WBEZ Radio (local NPR station),
Chicago.12 Mar.
The Poetics of Military Occupation. Interview with Sedge Thompson on West Coast Weekend. KQED Radio (local
NPR station) and the Life on the Water theater, San Francisco (9 Feb). The program was broadcasted nationally
several times.
1983-88 The San Francisco Jewish Film Festival. Program Advisor.
“Israeli Women.” KPFA Radio, Berkeley, CA [produced by Rayna Cowan for International Women’s Day].
“The ‘Peace Now’ Movement and the Israeli Invasion to Lebanon.” Chris Welsh Morning News, KPFA Radio,
Berkeley, CA. 25 Aug.
“The Israeli Right and the Invasion of Lebanon.” Chris Welsh Morning News, KPFA Radio, Berkeley, CA. 9 Jun.
“Feminism and Womanhood in Contemporary Music.” Galei-Tzahal, Israel [co-produced with Ariel Cohen for
Tziporei Laila]. Sep.
“Noble Nomads: The Mzeina of the South Sinai.” Galei-Tzahal, Israel [co-produced with Ariel Cohen]. Aug.
Introduction to San Francisco, the city and the myth. Sholom Aleikem ORT highschool (Fulbright community
outreach). Vilnius. 30 May.
“The Zionist Movement and Mizrahi Women: Right Wing Feminism of Color in the State of Israel.” Jewish Voice
for Peace Webinar. 26 July
Gett Film screening and discussion of Israeli Family Law. Jewish Community Center. Siauliai, Lithuania. 1 May.
Gett Film screening and discussion of Israeli Family Law. Jewish Public Library, Vilnius, Lithuania. 26 Apr
“Gloria Anzaldúa and Mizrahi Feminism” Launching Left Curve 37. City Lights Books, San Francisco. 28 Apr.
“Women, War, and Social Protest in Israel.” Congretation Sh’ar Zahav, San Francisco. 27 Jan.
“Mizrahi Single Mothers and the GendeRace of Bureaucratic Torture,” Students for Justice in Palestine, Tufts
University. 23 Apr.
“Muslim-Jewish Dialogue during Ramadan” Islamic Center of Blaine, MN. 19 Aug.
“Zionism and Gloria Anzaldúa’s Ghost.” Launching Left Curve 34. City Lights Books, San Francisco. 29 Apr.
“An Evening with Smadar Lavie.” The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Twin Cities. Bedlam Theater,
Minneapolis. 15 Jul.
“Collective Rights of Mizrahi (Eastern) Jews in Israel.” Duluth American Indian Commission, Peace Church,
Duluth MN. 9 Jul.
“Israel – Democracy for Whom?” Northland Anti-War Coalition, Friends’ Meeting House, Duluth, MN. 13 Jun.
Smadar Lavie
“Israeli Feminism and the Middle East Peace Process.” Minnesota Peace Now, Lutheran Church of Christ the
Redeemer. 14 Feb.
“Gaza and the Mizrahi Predicament.” Cork chapter of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign. 15, 17 Jan.
“Mizrahi Jews and the Palestine/Israel Logjam.” Lecture tour and meetings with academic scholars and community
activists in Ireland and North Ireland hosted by the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Derry Playhouse
of North Ireland. Jun.
“Mizrahi Feminism and the Middle East Peace Process.” American Association of University Women, Minneapolis
chapter. 3 Mar.
“The Forgotten Histories of Mizrahi Women in the Yishuv Era.” Mitzpe Ramon Women’s Committee. 1 Aug.
“Islamist Feminism and Mizrahi Women’s Agency.” WIZO course for community women leaders. 27 Jun.
“Ethnicity and Gender in Israel/Palestine: Transforming Discrimination into Peace Discourse.” Discussant, Sami
Hallac, Torino’s Committee for Solidarity with the People of Palestine. Center for the Study of Peace, Turin. 4 May.
“Interweaving Gender and Ethnic Identities into the Peace Future of the Middle East.” The Women’s Library.
Milan. 2 May.
“Mizrahi Feminism, the Ashkenazi Left, and the Question of Palestine.” Mille Babords médiathèque alternative.
Marseille. 20 Jan.
“Post-Colonial Africanism(s) and Mizrahi Identity.” Inaugural Evening for Eastbound (HaKivun Mizrah, Heb.)
Literary Periodical. ‘Inbal Theater, Tel Aviv. 1 Jan.
“Parenthood, the Feminization of Poverty, and Joint Custody.” Women’s Parliament session on the Tender Years
Doctrine. Tel Aviv. 7 Nov.
“Palestinian and Mizrahi Feminism.” WIZO Women Leadership Group. Jerusalem. 28 Jun.
“Black Feminism: 1960-1980.” Mazal Salon, Tel Aviv. 12 Jan.
“On Cultural Identity as Property.” Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Midrash, Tel Aviv. 20 Jul.
“Racism and Multicultural Feminism in Israel.” WIZO course on Women’s Leadership, Jerusalem. 29 Jul.
“Mizrahi and Palestinian Feminism.” NA‘AMAT, Rishon LeZion. 16 Mar.
“Feminism, Mizrahi Feminism, and Me.” Beit Pinhas Yemeni Community Center, Sha‘arayim, Rehovot. 1 Feb.
“Women and Leadership.” Inaugurating lecture for the city of Nataniya Women and Leadership Forum. 6 Jan.
“In Return for Our Taxes: Education, Equal Opportunities, and Multi-Culturalism.” Women’s Parliament on
Education and Social Change from a Feminist Perspective. Hertzeliyya. 4 Jul.
“Mizrahi Feminism as Multiculturalizing Israel.” Shinui Weekend’s Retreat. 2 Mar. REPEATED FOR Kol HaIsha,
Jerusalem (7 Mar) and Isha LeIsha, Haifa (9 Mar) for International Women’s Day.
“Dilemmas in Israeli Womanhood.” Giv‘at Brenner Regional High School, 12th Grade seminar, “Israeli Society:
Processes of Fragmentation and Crystallization.” 3 Dec.
“The History of Haifa.” El Cerrito Tehiyah Dayschool 6th Grade. 6 Feb.
Smadar Lavie
“What can we learn from the Quran about Arab Culture.” El Cerrito Tehiyah Day School 1st Grade. 17 Nov, 1 Dec.
“Ramadan and the History of Islam.” El Cerrito Tehiyah Day School kindergarten class. 1 Mar.
“The Relevance of U.S. Feminist Theory of Color to Third World Israeli Feminist Mobilization.” A Joint Meeting of
the Tel Aviv Mizrahi Feminist Forum, Lesbian-Feminist Forum, and Women for Political Prisoners. 11 Jul.
“The Role of the Bedouin in Israel’s Colonialist Imagery.” Morning Forum of Palo Alto. 21 Jan.
“Of Dresses, Hebrew, Arabic, and Death: Israeli Women, 1988.” World Affairs Council of Northern California, San
Francisco. 24 Aug.
“Judaism, Zionism, and the Land of Israel: A different Voice.” Presbyterian Church of Pleasenton-Livermore, CA.
14 Feb.
“Roadblocks to Communication: Cultural Critique of the Palestinian-Israeli Dialogue.” Mubarak Awad’s Palestinian
Center for the Study of Nonviolence, Jerusalem. 6 Apr.
“Critique of Arab-Jewish and Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue.” Breaking the Silence ‘87: A Conference on
Middle East Peace; Berkeley, CA. 24 Jan.
“The Politics of Sabbath in Israel.” San Francisco Jewish Community Center. 7 Dec.
“Ethnic Realities in Israel.” Berkeley/Richmond Jewish Community Center, CA. 25 Nov.
“Camp David and Subsequent Events -- An Anthropological Perspective.” El Cerrito High School, CA. 21 Mar.
Workshops and Conferences
“Domestic Violence, PTSD and the Alienated Court System: US-Israel Comparative Perspectives,” Concluding
plenary session, 16 Dec. 2020 in conference “Shall we believe you? Who is alienating Whom: The Crisis in
Children’s Rights in Family Courts.” Tel Aviv and Online. 14-16 Dec.
“The Patriarchal Bargain, Masculinist Restoration, and the Economic Violence of Family Courts against Protective
Mothers,” Panel. 15 Dec. 2020 in conference “Shall we believe you? Who is alienating Whom: The Crisis in
Children’s Rights in Family Courts.” Tel Aviv and Online. 14-16 Dec.
International Jewish Solidarity Network (IJSN) workshop on Mizrahi-Palestinian relations. Berkeley. Jul 30-Aug 3.
“Cultural Rights and Israeli Anthropology.” This was a lecture given in a 3-speakers Midrash Keshet (a bi-weekly
Midrash gathering at the offices of the Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow) co-organized with Rafi Shubeli on the
campaign of the Coalition Against Apartheid in Israeli Anthropology. Other speakers included Shubeli and Toine
Van Teefelen from the Institute for Arab Education of Bethlehem. 27 Apr.
“The Race Factor in the Palestinian and Mizrahi Feminist Struggles.” Coalition of NGOs Against Racism workshop.
Neve Shalom-Wahat as-Salam. 3 Aug.
“Franz Fanon: Black Skin White Masks.” Co-presenter at an evening inaugurating the book’s Hebrew translation.
Salon Mazal, Tel Aviv. 26 Jan.
“Women and Children’s Rights in Family Court.” Co-organized with Smadar Ben Natan for the Women Statues
Legislative Committee. Israel’s BAR association. 17 Mar.
“The Feminization of Poverty.” A workshop as part of an Ahoti Council Meeting, Women, Work, and Education.”
Tel Aviv. 19 Jun.
Smadar Lavie
“Gender, Racism and Unemployment.” A lecture in panel on the globalization of Israel’s economy at the Mizrahi
Democratic Rainbow council meeting. 14 Feb.
“Revising Youth Law – Treatment and Protection.” Musrara Community Center, Jerusalem. Organized by LSW
Shim‘on Tajouri. 25 Mar.
“The Color and Race of Money/Power.” Ahoti Council Meeting. Tel Aviv. 10 Dec.
“Frantz Fanon: Between the Black Skin and the White Mask.” Part of a Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow literary
evening on Fanon organized by Yardena Alon at Salon Mazal. 31 Oct.
“Mizrahi Resistance and the Feminist of Color Plea.” Panel as part of a Mizrahi Democratic Rainbow Weekend
Conference on the Future of Mizrahi Struggle in Israel. Beit Berl Levinson Center. 14-15 Jun.
“Lesbian Literature in Hebrew and Hebrew-Translation.” Reading workshop co-organized with Erella Shadmi.
KLAF House Tel Aviv, and Kol HaIsha, Jerusalem. Spring Semester.
“The Middle East after the Gulf War.” Instructors’ Enrichment Day, Santa Rosa Community College. 17 Apr.
“Israeli Perspectives.” World Affairs Council of Northern California and the University of California at Berkeley. 19
“Teaching the Middle East.” Berryessa United School District, San Jose, CA. 16 Mar.
“Middle East Cultures, Religions and Languages.” Unified School District, San Mateo, CA. 29 Feb.
“Demystifying the Middle East.” World Affairs Council of Northern California, San Francisco. 17 May.
Arabic-English translator for asylum seekers in Rukla and Madininkai refugee camps on the Lithuanian-Belarus
border. Intermittent Saturday visits with the volunteer nuns of Vilnius’s Catholic Church of the Discovery of the
Holy Cross. Feb-Jun.
Consult with Hamid Reza, producer of Inside Israel Program, Press TV, Iran. Nov-Dec
Consult with Susanna Sinigaglia, editor of Ebrei Arabi: Terzo Incomodo (2012, published by Zambon Verlag
Publishing), an Italian translation of English-language essays on Mizrahim. Mar-Jun.
Consult with Marco Tognola, Chair of Palestine Solidarity Campaign of Ticino, Switzerland. Apr 21.
Minnesota Peace Project Consult. 3 Apr.
Nomination Committee for the Unknown Peace Worker Re Erella Shadmi. Die Schwelle, Germany.
Families of Infants in Captivity Marching on Jerusalem – co-organized an 11 family march to protest the Welfare
Ministry policies of removal of children from Mizrahi and Russian immigrant families to forced boarding. 20-22 Jul.
Co-Organized with Shlomit Bitan (CNP) a support process group for divorcing mothers to help deal with family
court PAS afflictions. The group has developed into a country-wide network of women helping other women to try
fend off the PAS atrocities of family courts, custody evaluators, LSWs, therapists etc.
Co-Organized with Lizzy Eliazarov of the Sderot branch of Yedid NGO a Catering Co-Op for Central Asian
Women. Inaugurated on 23 Feb.
Smadar Lavie
Co-authored with Gali Gold of the Jerusalem Cinematheque a proposal and program for a Queer of Color Film
Festival (May-Jun). Proposal was not funded.
Classical Music
Out to the Symphony: Bay Area Lesbian Classical Music Lovers Meetup Group. Duties include researching,
planning and hosting bi-monthly events. Due to the pandemic the Meetup has moved to Zoom and has become
The Israeli Cello Society: Master Class and Social Gathering with Maestro Steven Isserlis at the Tel Aviv
Conservatory of Music (29 Jun). Duties included artist solicitation, event organization, and public outreach.
Israel’s Women Composers’ Forum (IWCF).
Organizational and conceptual consultant;
Producing the IWCF International Women’s Day Concert at the Lewinsky Teachers’ College (4 Mar 2001)
and consulting for their International Women’s Day Concert at the Jaffa Music Center (9 Mar 2002);
Media and public outreach;
Concerts’ sponsorships and advising on grant and donation solicitations;
Lobbying among feminist Knesset members;
Letters to Israel’s Broadcast Authority’s Board of Directors and the Classical Music station heads for
broadcasting works by women composers;
Networking with Israeli feminist organizations.
The Israeli Cello Society: Consulting the founding board on public outreach.
The San Francisco Conservatory of Music: Member of the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). Duties
included family outreach and organizing the annual SFCM Family Day Open House.
“Music in the Woods—How a Cello is Being Made.” El Cerrito Tehiyah Day School, 1st Grade. 24 Jan.
2 April 2024
Smadar Lavie