On Conjugacy of Maximal Subalgebras of Solvable Lie Algebras

2014, Communications in Algebra

The purpose of this paper is to consider when two maximal subalgebras of a finite-dimensional solvable Lie algebra L are conjugate, and to investigate their intersection.

arXiv:1110.3699v1 [math.RA] 17 Oct 2011 ON CONJUGACY OF MAXIMAL SUBALGEBRAS OF SOLVABLE LIE ALGEBRAS DAVID A. TOWERS Department of Mathematics and Statistics Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YF England [email protected] Abstract The purpose of this paper is to consider when two maximal subalgebras of a finite-dimensional solvable Lie algebra L are conjugate, and to investigate their intersection. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 17B05, 17B30, 17B40, 17B50. Key Words and Phrases: Lie algebras, solvable, maximal subalgebra, conjugate, complement, chief factor. Throughout L will denote a finite-dimensional solvable Lie algebra over a field F . Let x ∈ L and let ad x be the corresponding inner derivation of L. If F has characteristic zero suppose that (ad x)n = 0 for some n; if F has characteristic p suppose that x ∈ I where I is a nilpotent ideal of L of class less than p. Put exp(ad x) = ∞ X 1 (ad x)r . r! r=0 Then exp(ad x) is an automorphism of L. We shall call the group I(L) generated by all such automorphisms the group of inner automorphisms of 1 L. More generally, if B is a subalgebra of L we denote by I(L : B) the group of automorphisms of L generated by the exp(ad x) with x ∈ B. Two subsets U, V are conjugate under I(L : B) if U = α(V ) for some α ∈ I(L : B); they are conjugate in L if they are conjugate under I(L) = I(L : L). If U is a subalgebra of L, the centraliser of U in L is the set CL (U ) = {x ∈ L : [x, u] = 0}. In [1] Barnes showed that if A is a minimal ideal of L that is equal to its own centraliser in L, then A is complemented in L and all complements are conjugate under I(L : A). In [4] Stitzinger extended this result by finding necessary and sufficient conditions for two complements of an arbitrary minimal ideal of L to be conjugate. Theorem 0.1 ([4, Theorem 1]) Let A be a minimal ideal of the solvable Lie algebra L. Then there is a bijection between the set M of conjugacy classes of complements to A under I(L : A) and the set N of complements to A in CL (A) that are ideals of L. Corollary 0.2 ([4, Corollary]) Suppose that L is a solvable Lie algebra and let M, K be complements to a minimal ideal A of L. Then M and K are conjugate under I(L : A) if and only if M ∩ CL (A) = K ∩ CL (A). Clearly, such complements are maximal subalgebras of L. The purpose of this paper is to consider further when two maximal subalgebras of L are conjugate, and to investigate their intersection. Lemma 0.3 Let L be a solvable Lie algebra, and let M, K be two core-free maximal subalgebras of L. Then M, K are conjugate under exp(ad a) = 1+ad a for some a ∈ A; in particular, they are conjugate in L. Proof. Let A be a minimal abelian ideal of L. Then L = A ⊕ M = A ⊕ K, CL (A) = A and A is the unique minimal ideal of L, by [5, Lemma 1.3]. The result, therefore, follows from [3, Theorem 1.1].  If U is a subalgebra of L, its core, UL , is the largest ideal of L contained in U . Theorem 0.4 Suppose that L is a solvable Lie algebra over a field F . If F has characteristic p suppose further that L2 has nilpotency class less than p. Let M, K be maximal subalgebras of L. Then M is conjugate to K in L if and only if ML = KL . 2 Proof. Suppose first that M, K are conjugate in L, so that K = α(M ) for some α ∈ I(L). Then it is easy to see that exp(ad x)(ML ) = ML whenever exp(ad x) is an automorphism of L, whence KL = α(ML ) = ML . Conversely, suppose that ML = KL . Then M/ML , K/ML are corefree maximal subalgebras of L/ML , and so are conjugate under I(L/ML : (L/ML )2 ), by Lemma 0.3. But now M and K are conjugate under I(L : L2 ) by [2, Lemma 5], and so are conjugate in L.  The above result does not hold for all solvable Lie algebras, as the following example shows. Example 0.1 Let F be a field of characteristic p and consider the Lie algebra L = (⊕p−1 i=0 F ei )+̇F x+̇F y with [ei , x] = ei+1 for i = 0, . . . , p − 2, [ep−1 , x] = e0 , [ei , y] = iei for i = 0, . . . , p − 1, [x, y] = x, and all other products zero. Let C be a faithful completely reducible L-module. Since L is monolithic with monolith A = ⊕p−1 i=0 F ei , C has a faithful irreducible submodule B. Let X be the split extension of B by L. Then A + F x + F y and A + F (x + e1 ) + F y are maximal subalgebras of X, both of which have A as their core. However, B is the unique minimal ideal of L and these subalgebras are not conjugate under inner automorphisms of the form 1+ ad b, b ∈ B. Since B is the nilradical of X, defining other inner automorphisms is problematic. Let 0 = L0 < L1 < . . . < Ln = L be a chief series for L and let M be a maximal subalgebra of L. Then there exists k with 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1 such that Lk ⊆ M but Lk+1 6⊆ M . Clearly L = M + Lk+1 and M ∩ Lk+1 = Lk ; we say that the chief factor Lk+1 /Lk is complemented by M . Theorem 0.5 Suppose that L is a solvable Lie algebra over a field F . If F has characteristic p suppose further that L2 has nilpotency class less than p. Let A/B be a chief factor of L that is complemented by a maximal subalgebra M of L. If K is conjugate to M in L then K = exp(ad a)(M ) for some a ∈ A and M ∩ K = {m ∈ M : [m, a] ∈ M }. Proof. We have that L = A + M with A2 ⊆ ML , M 2 ⊆ ML , B ⊆ A ∩ ML , and ML = KL . Clearly then B ⊆ A ∩ ML ⊆ A. Moreover, A 6= A ∩ ML since A 6⊆ M . It follows that B = A ∩ ML because A/B is a chief factor. Thus A A A + ML ∼ = , = ML A ∩ ML B 3 whence (A + ML )/ML is a minimal abelian ideal of L/ML . Lemma 0.3 implies that K/ML = exp(ad (a + ML ))(M/ML ) for some a ∈ A. Now [L, A] ⊆ B or [L, A] = A. The former implies that [L, A] ⊆ ML , contradicting the fact that (A + ML )/ML is self-centralising in L/ML , by [5, Lemma 1.4]. Hence A = [L, A] ⊆ L2 , and so exp(ad a) is defined. If x ∈ exp(ad a)(M ) then x + ML = exp(ad a)(m) = m + [m, a] + ML ∈ K/ML for some m ∈ M , whence x ∈ K. Since exp(ad a) is an automorphism of L we must have K = exp(ad a)(M ). Finally we have (M ∩ K)/ML = (M/ML ) ∩ (K/ML ) = C(M/ML ) (a + ML ) by [5, Lemma 1.5]. We infer that m ∈ M ∩ K ⇔ [m, a] ∈ ML ⇔ [m, a] ∈ M .  Theorem 0.5 gave a characterisation of the intersection of two conjugate maximal subalgebras of L. Finally we consider the intersection of two nonconjugate maximal subalgebras of L. Theorem 0.6 Suppose that L is a solvable Lie algebra over a field F . Let M, K be maximal subalgebras of L, and suppose that KL 6⊆ ML . Then M ∩K is a maximal subalgebra of M . Proof. We have that KL 6⊆ M , so L = M + KL = M + K. If K = KL then L/K ∼ = M/(M ∩ K) and the result is clear. So suppose that K 6= KL . Let A/KL be a minimal ideal of L/KL . Then L/KL = A/KL ⊕ K/KL , from [5, Lemma 1.4], giving A ∩ K = KL . Also, A = A ∩ (M + KL ) = A ∩ M + KL , whence A ∩ M + KL ∼ A ∩ M A , = = KL KL KL ∩ M ∼ L/KL ) showing that (A∩M )/(KL ∩M ) is a minimal ideal of M/(KL ∩M )(= and A ∩ M is a minmal ideal of M . Now       A∩M +M ∩K A∩M M ≥ dim = dim dim M ∩K M ∩K KL ∩ M         L M +K M A = dim = dim = dim . = dim KL K K M ∩K It follows that M = A ∩ M + M ∩ K which yields the result.  Corollary 0.7 Suppose that L is a solvable Lie algebra over a field F . If F has characteristic p suppose further that L2 has nilpotency class less than p. Let M, K be maximal subalgebras of L that are not conjugate in L. Then M ∩ K is a maximal subalgebra of at least one of M, K. 4 Corollary 0.8 Suppose that L is a solvable Lie algebra and let M, K be complements to a minimal ideal A of L that are not conjugate in L. Then M ∩ K is a maximal subalgebra of both M and K. Proof. By Theorem 0.1, both ML and KL are complements to A in CL (A). Since ML 6= KL we have ML 6⊆ KL and KL 6⊆ ML . The result now follows from Theorem 0.6.  References [1] D.W. Barnes, ‘On the cohomology of soluble Lie algebras’, Math. Z. 101 (1967), 343–349. [2] D.W. Barnes, ‘On Cartan subalgebras of Lie algebras’, Math. Z. 101 (1967), 350–355. [3] D.W. Barnes and M.L. Newell, ‘Some Theorems on saturated homnomorphs of soluble Lie algebras’, Math. Z. 115 (1970), 179–187. [4] E.L. Stitzinger, ‘On a theorem of D.W. Barnes’, Canad. Math. Bull. 14 (1971), 583–584. [5] D.A. Towers, ‘On Lie algebras in which modular pairs of subalgebras are permutable’, J. Algebra 68 (1981), 369–377. 5 View publication stats