A Novel Methodology to Feed Phased Array
Diego Betancourt and Carlos del Río Bocio, Member, IEEE
Abstract—A new methodology to design beam-forming networks
(BFN) to feed antenna arrays is introduced. Using this methodology is feasible to reduce the complexity of the associate control
antenna array could be conof a phased array, since, an
trolled to steer the beam using four phase shifters instead the 2
conventionally used. A prototype was designed, built and measured
as proof of concept. The prototype consists on 3 by 3 Quasi-Yagi
antennas fed by four input-ports. The measurements show that the
main beam of an antenna array fed by this BFN can be steered to
any desired direction.
Index Terms—Beam forming network, electronic scan, phased
HASED array antennas are called to play a fundamental
role in high-performance communications systems, thanks
to its characteristics of integration and versatility.
Usually, beam steering is made by means of phase shifters
and attenuators associated to each one of the radiating elements
that conforms the antenna array [1]. This is an effective but
costly and redundant way to define a Phased Antenna array,
since complexity of systems grows with the number of elements
usually required to ensure the appropriate angular resolution of
the system. Several alternatives are used to dismiss phased antenna array complexity, such are: a) introduce a phase-shift to
a group of radiators instead one per each element [2], reducing
scanning possibilities to certain direction in space; b) use special
beam-forming networks (BFNs), with special behaviors, i.e.,
Rotman lenses, Blass matrices or Butler matrix [3], generally
applied to linear arrays; and c) use a combination of mechanical with electronic components to redirect a beam to the desired position [4], moving physically the antenna array. Others
possibilities, are related to the use of optic components [5] and
mathematical simplifications applied to BFN [6].
In this paper, we introduce a new methodology based on coherently radiating periodic structures (CORPS) concepts [7] applied to BFNs, that we call C-BFNs. Specifically, our interest is
centred on the scan capability of a Phased Array antenna and
how to reduce the complexity of common systems. In general
terms, the beam steering control is usually independent of the
Manuscript received January 6, 2007; revised May 10, 2007. This work has
been supported by the Spanish Government by the project TIC2003-09317C03-01.
The authors are with the Public University of Navarra, 31006 Pamplona,
Spain (e-mail:
[email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.904133
Fig. 1. C-BFN of two layers, with
N input-ports and N + 2 output-ports.
power distribution system or feeding network. In the methodology proposed in this paper, we combine the beam steering
control and the power distribution network, reducing the complexity of the conventional phased antenna array systems. Our
C-BFN, not only distributes the power to each element of antenna array but also contributes to define the appropriate phase
distribution overall the radiating aperture to steer the beam in
the desired direction. With the methodology proposed is feasible to steer a beam of an by antenna array using only four
This paper is organized as follows. First, we state the working
principle that governs C-BFNs ideal behavior, from linear to
2-D array systems. Second, we present a way to implement a
C-BFN in microstrip technology using a power combiner/divider of three ports. Third, the build prototype is shown in order
to corroborate the behavior characteristics of C-BFN applied to
antenna arrays, and finally, the measurements and results obtained by the prototype are introduced.
A C-BFN is defined by the alternative iteration of split (S)
and recombination (R) nodes. The S-node receive power and redistribute it equally among its outputs. S-nodes are also responsible for the interconnection between layers of the network. The
R-nodes make possible to recombine the power entered through
its input-ports. The recombination process is, in fact, a vectorial
sum of the field throughout a R-node. A general structure configuration for a planar C-BFN of two layers, input-ports and
output-ports is shown in Fig. 1.
Considering the conservation of energy and taking into count
that C-BFN consists only on lossless passive components, we
can calculate the behavior of this structure as a result of the
characteristics of general split and recombination nodes.
General-split nodes are such that have one input port and
output-ports. At each output port is delivered a th part of the
power introduced at input port, as can be corroborated using the
following expression [9]:
0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE
is the power delivered by the output ports of split
are the magnitude and
phase of each of the output-ports respectively. For our split
node case, is 2 and (1) will be
the real part of the admittance seen at output ports.
General-recombination nodes are such that have one
output-port and several sets of two input-ports. The power
at output-port can be calculated, using
Fig. 2. C-BFN structure of three layers. The structure has one input and four
outputs. Inset boxes show power values obtained after each layer.
and , with
, are the field magnitudes
and phases of each set of input-ports respectively, and
is the
admittance seen at output. We can do some simplifications on
(3) if we note that our R-node has only 1 set of input-ports , thus
the admittance seen at output. The last term in exBeing
pression (4) represents the correlation between input fields at
R-node that depends on its arrival phase. When fields have different phase, the calculus realized with (4) take into account how
fields interact among them. Considering the energy conservation, that an S-node can act like R-node and input fields with
equal magnitude and phase, we can establish GS as on half of
GR. In other cases the phase of fields should also be taken into
Phases are calculated doing the vectorial summation of field
vectors at input-ports of R-node. In a S-node case, each output
will have the same phase shift as related to the phase of the input.
Additionally, for a C-BFN structure, as shown in Fig. 1, is important to note that the power-in at solid-grey port never reaches
the most right-located R-node neither in the layer 1 or 2. This
property of C-BFN is useful to define phase planes for beamsteering arrays, if we note that the phase of the most left-located
output-port is the same as the most left-located input-port, and
vice versa. By simple inspection, we can conclude that after
layers, at output-ports is created a sampled (interpolated) version of the phase shift defined by the input-ports. This property
will be explored more in detail in this paper.
A C-BFN configuration of three layers, 1 input-port and 4
output-ports is shown in Fig. 2. Power values are shown in inset
boxes in this figure, for a C-BFN with one input-port active and
three layers. In general the results obtained for power values
after each layer correspond with the Pascal’s Triangle normalized by the sum of its in-row coefficients. To know, Pascal’s triangle coefficients can be obtained using a binomial expansion,
as follows [8]:
Being the number of layers used. Therefore, in a C-BFN, of
layers, the amplitudes at the
output-ports will have Binomial shape. On the same way, when equal magnitude and
Fig. 3. N by 1 antenna array feed by N
0 2 layer C-BFN.
in-phase field arrives at each input port of a R-node,
at outputs of a R-node can be calculated using either (4) or (5).
A. 2-D Feed Network
Next step in the design is to consider an by array antenna
and let it be feed by our C-BFN. We can use for this purpose
C-BFNs that feed, each one, a particular row of a by
antenna array, thus the extracted array ,
, will
define an 1
From C-BFN point of view, there are outputs (to antennas)
and 2 inputs, having
layers, as it is shown in Fig. 3. Then,
layers to feed the
after using identical C-BFNs with
inputs, two per each th C-BFN.
antenna array, there will be
Let define
, 2 the input-ports that feed the th
arrays of input ports. We
C-BFN and consider
could apply the same process to feed these input-ports as was
used for feed each one of array .
1 arrays, so, we can feed
Note that
layers to obtain four
them each one by an C-BFN of
input-ports, two for each C-BFN respectively. Summarizing,
after applying
C-BFNs of
layers to an by
array, is possible to feed it using only four ports. The complete
configuration for feed an by array is shown in Fig. 4.
Geometrically, is a matter of fact that only three points are
necessary to define a plane in Cartesian space. In our case, using
only four input ports to define a plane phase front, we will be
quite close to the geometrically optimal solution. This is possible thanks to special properties of C-BFN to make a linear
representation of phase shift entered to input-ports and driven
Fig. 5. (a) Gysel cell. (b) Complete C-BFN, S-node and R-node are implemented with Gysel cells.
Fig. 4.
by antenna array feed by only four input-ports. The input-ports
necessaries to feed this antenna array, are reduced to four by using
through the output-ports. [10] shows this issue for a lineal array.
In an by array antenna case, a plane defined with the four
input-ports will propagate throughout the feed network, defining
a sampled version of phased plane (with by points ) at the
aperture plane, this plane can be used to steering the beam.
One of the most important challenges at time to implement
a feed network based on C-BFN is to found a circuit that represents the desired characteristics of S-node and R-node. In our
case we are going to work with micro-strip planar technology,
therefore, both S-node and R-node would be implemented by
mean of a Gysel Power Divider [11]. A Gysel Power Divider is
ring impedance transformer, which consist of five ports,
as it can be seen in Fig. 5(a). The scattering matrix of a Gysel
cell is shown as
As can be inferred from (6), a Gysel cell can acts like an S-node
because it delivers equal in-phase power ratio in ports 2 and
3, while isolates ports 4 and 5. This is, there is no interaction
between input signals since S-nodes and R-nodes have
. In order to effectively isolate port 4 and 5 of Gysel cell, defining a three port device, such
ports are connected to ground via chip resistors of impedance
Zo. Additionally, using the reciprocity properties of S-nodes and
R-nodes, Gysel cell can also be used as R-node only changing
its relative position in the circuit. So, a complete C-BFN can
be implemented using Gysel cells. A C-BFN configuration of 1
layer, based on this circuit is shown in Fig. 5(b).
phase shift to the fields
Note that a Gysel cell adds a
put into it, independently if it is working as R-node or S-node,
as can be extracted from (6). In order to adjust the behavior
of a C-BFN composed by Gysel cells to an Ideal C-BFN, is
necessary to introduce, in each layer, an additional phase shift
to the outer branches of the implemented C-BNF. An additional
is introduced to these branches by adding extra
phase of
length. Thus, all outputs of each layer will be in-phase and the
behavior of a Gysel cell based C-BFN can be predicted as is
made in an ideal C-BFN.
Our main objective, at time of implementation is to experimentally verify the ideal behavior of a C-BFN and its possible
applications in antenna field. Specifically, we want to explore
the possibility of made beam-steering of an by array only
using four input-ports. Taking in mind this goal and once defined the prototype to use, we propose a reduced system of 3 by
3 antenna array fed by four input ports.
In order to feed a 3 by 3 antenna array using only four inputports is necessary to use C-BFN of three outputs and two inputs,
that is, C-BFN of one layer. In total, there will be used five
C-BFN of one layer interconnected among each other, to finally
have four input-ports to steering the beam. This configuration
can be extracted from Fig. 4. for
A prototype was build, using microstrip technology, designed
to work at 2.9 GHz. The design is modular based, so, each individual C-BFN was printed on glass fiber slab ( 4.5) and assembled one with another one using SMA Jack-to-jack connectors.
The whole prototype is shown in Fig. 6.
As radiator for the antenna array were used nine Quasi-Yagi
in vertical plane
antennas [12]. The radiators are separated
in horizontal plane. To assure best radiation charand
acteristics, antenna characteristics were optimized. Besides, for
implementation procedures, antennas are embedded to C-BFN
slabs, so, three Quasi-Yagi antennas are printed join with fed
circuit in each slab, see Fig. 6.
There are three experimental setups to work with, in order
to verify beam steering properties of C-BFN and antenna array
applications. Thus, the main beam is configured to point to boresight, to be steer in or plane and to an arbitrary direction (45
Fig. 8. Return loss measured for the frequency range of observation. The color
strip shows good matching of C-BFN system in each one of setups proposed.
Fig. 6. Antenna array prototype. The array is conformed by nine Quasi-Yagi
antennas fed by five C-BFN interconnected to each others by SMA connectors.
The prototype is printed on fiber glass slabs of " 4.5.
Fig. 9. Radiation pattern measured and calculated for C-BFN system antenna
array in bore-sight direction (setup 1, ' 0 ). The prototype input-ports are
feeding using (7) and simulated 3 by 3 antenna array are feeding using
complex amplitudes defined in (8). Calculated and measured radiation pattern
demonstrates good approximation between theory and experimental results for
A. Setup 1: Bore-Sight
For bore-sight feed, the
port must be divided in four equal
phase signals. So, phase-shifter tool is set to deliver the same
phase at each branch, then, feed matrix is defined by
Fig. 7. Measurement setup.
deg, plane). Measurement results obtained are then compared to
ideal ones to verify the predicted behavior of system.
Measurements are realized in an anechoic chamber, using a
network analyzer (NA). The measurement setup is as shown in
is used the Antenna array fed by the C-BFN
Fig. 7. As a
system and as
a horn antenna that works in the same frequency band as antenna array.
Note that in measurement setup we have, from NA, only two
purposes respectively. So, if we
available ports for
want to feed four input-ports of our C-BFN System, is necessary
to additionally build a phase-shifter tool. The phase-shifter tool
is a system with one input that is designed to deliver four outputs
with equal power and the necessary phases to carry out each
one of experiments proposed here. In Fig. 8, the matching of
the complete system for each experimental setup proposed, that
is, the C-BFN System plus phase-shifter tools. In the range of
measurements from 2.8 to 3 GHz, see color strip, the Return
validating our measurement
Loss measured is less than
Were amplitude is normalized to 1 at each input-port and, at
each branch, is necessary zero-phase to define the phase-plane
to achieve a bore-sight beam direction. To calculate the complex
amplitude that fed the antenna array is easy using (1) to (4). The
antenna array feed matrix is
So the plane defined by phases at input-ports, as in matrix (7),
is translated to antenna feeds, as is shown in matrix (8), and
bore-sight radiation is assured at this point. The power present at
antenna input is concentrated toward its central element, given
the Binomial shape expected for amplitude distribution at this
layer. Measured and calculated radiation pattern are shown in
Fig. 9, for a plane defined by 0 . The agreements corroborate
the bore-sight working of C-BFN System.
B. Setup 2: Beam Steering to
In order to steer the C-BFN System antenna beam in plane
is necessary to setup the input matrix to define a phase-plane
Fig. 10. Radiation pattern measured and calculated for C-BFN system antenna
array steering to E plane (setup 2, ' 0 ). The prototype input-ports are feeding
using (9) and simulated 3 by 3 antenna array are feeding using complex amplitudes defined in (10). Calculated and measured radiation pattern shows scan
angle obtained for this configuration of about 14 .
Fig. 12. Radiation pattern measured and calculated for C-BFN system antenna
array steering to a 45 phase-plane (setup 3, ' 45 ). The prototype input-ports
and antenna array are feeding using (12) and (13) respectively. The scan angle
obtained for calculated and measured radiation pattern is about 13 for a 45
plane, so, we can define the scan angle of the beam as a function of this phase and the physical distance between elements,
as follows.
Fig. 11. Radiation pattern measured and calculated for C-BFN system antenna
array steering to H plane (setup 2, ' 90 ). The prototype input-ports are feeding
using the transpose of (9). Calculated scan angle is about 21 and measured scan
angle is approximately 12 .
that points to desire plane. The better way to define this phase
plane is introducing a phase-shift between columns. Therefore,
the phase-shifter tool is configured to deliver 0 phase at row 1
and 90 phase at column 2. Input matrix is defined by
On the other hand, to achieve a phase-plane to beam steering in
Plane, the input matrix must be the transpose of (9), this is,
the phase –shifter tool must be configured to deliver 0 phase at
row 1 and 90 phase at row 2.
After propagate the signal throughout our C-BFN System,
using (1) to (4) we can estimate the resulting amplitude and
phase necessaries to feed the 3 by 3 antenna array, as follows:
Note that resulting phase-shift in (10) is a sampled (interpolated)
version of (9). Figs. 10 and 11 show the radiation patterns of a
calculated and measured configuration of a beam steering in
and plane, respectively.
From radiation point of view, we are introducing a progressive phase-shift of 45 between neighborhood elements in or
With the scan angle obtained, the wave-number at free space
and the physical separation between two radiating elements or
antennas. So, for a progressive phase-shift of 45 and a separain -plane and
in -plane,
tion between antennas of
the scan angle is about 14.5 and 21 , respectively.
Looking in detail the radiation pattern measured for C-BFN
System steering to -plane, shown in Fig. 11, is evident a mismatch between measured and calculated values due to fabrication inaccuracy. This mistakes causes the main beam be deviate about 10 . More refined building process can dismiss both
pointing and shape errors presented in this prototype.
C. Setup 3: Beam Steering to a 45 Phase-Plane
Using the same procedures described before in setup 1 and 2
we can define a 45 phase-plane at input-ports and at antenna
feed, as follows:
Here, as in -plane and -Plane cases, amplitudes are concentrated in central node but there are a small lose of power as a result of interaction among fields on R-nodes of C-BFN System.
In Fig. 12 is shown the calculated and measured radiation patterns for a 45 phase- plane.
Using (11), with
equal to 22.5 , from (13). The scan angle
obtained in and plane will be approximately 7.1 and 10.5
respectively. Composing these angles to a 45 cut plane, the
scan angle obtained is about 13 . This scan angle is obtained by
our C-BFN System antenna, corroborating its good operation.
Fig. 13. Copolar polarized radiation power pattern measured for the C-BFN
system antenna array. Main beam steering to (a) bore-sight; (b) E-plane; (c)
H-plane and (d) 45 plane.
Finally, the fully automatic measurement setup gives us the
complete power radiated by each one of cases proposed for our
experiment. Thus, in Fig. 13 is shown the copolar polarized radiation power measured of the C-BFN system. In this figure is
easy to see the main beam steering to -plane, -plane and to
an arbitrary direction (45 plane). For these figures goes from
to 90 and goes from 0 to 360 .
In this paper was introduced a novel methodology to scan a
beam radiated from phased antenna array. With this methodology, the beam obtained can be steered to any desired direction
using only four input-ports.
This methodology can be used as alternative for feed phased
array antennas in order to reduce complexity of the BFN and
associated electronic devices to control the beam steering of a
Phased Array.
A prototype was designed, fabricated and measured as proof
of concept of C-BFN applied to Antenna Arrays. In general
terms, behavior of C-BFN Systems agrees with proposed theory
The authors thank J. M. G. Arbesu and his team at the Polytechnic University of Cataluña, for measurement facilities.
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Diego Betancourt was born in Bogotá, Colombia,
in 1975. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in
electrical and electronic engineering from the University of los Andes, Colombia, in 1998 and 2002 respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
degree at the Public University of Navarra, Pamplona,
He is currently a Research Student with the Antenna Group at the school of Electric and Electronic
Engineering at the Public University of Navarra.
Carlos del Río Bocio (M’94) was born in Reus,
Spain, in 1970. He received the degree of Ingeniero
Técnico de Telecomunicación and the degree of
Electronic Engineer from the Ramon Lull University,
Barcelona, Spain, in 1991 and 1993, respectively,
and the Ph.D. in telecomunicación (with honors)
from the Public University of Navarra, Pamplona,
Spain in 1996.
Since 1993, he develops his research and docent
activities in the Electric and Electronic Engineering
Department at the Public University of Navarra,
where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interest include horn
antenna design in general, satellite and terrestrial communications, study of
periodic metallo-dielectric structures, also known as “electromagnetic band
gap” structures, development of numerical computation software based on
mode matching and scattering matrix, antenna measurements, far-and near
field measurement chambers, and compact ranges, etc.